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Activity 14

Jessica P. Méndez Chavero

Group 207

Paola Barquín Gamboa

Part 1. Questionnaire
1. What is consumerism? Consumerism is a term used to describe the effects of equating personal
happiness to the purchase of goods and services or consumption in general, an excess of
consumption that seriously impacts natural resources and ecological balance

2. What is the impact of consumerism in modern society on the relationship between human
beings and nature? Consumerism causes accelerated pollution, rushed by irrationality, lack of
sensitivity, or ignorance in the consequences of actions, and by the irresponsible lifestyle that
contributes to the abuse of natural resources

3. How is consumerism related to population growth? Are directly proportional, as the population
increases, that is, population growth increases, population consumption will increase, since now
more people consume more goods and services, consecutively there will be greater production of
those goods and services, that is, the Gross Domestic Product should in a stable economy grow

4. What is an impact evaluation? Impact evaluations make it possible to measure, through the use
of rigorous methodologies, the effects that a program may have on its beneficiary population and
to know if these effects are actually attributable to its intervention

5. Why is it important to conduct impact evaluations? Impact evaluations allow us to measure the
magnitude of an effect of a program and statistically know the uncertainty about said estimate

Part 2. Research Mayan Training and answer the following question in a one-page essay.
It is a railway project for passenger (including tourist) and freight traffic. The new line is to be over
1.5 thousand kilometres long and have 19 stations distributed among 44 municipalities in 5 states
of the south of Mexico: Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo. Most of the
route runs along the edges of the Yucatan Peninsula. The name of the investment comes from the
Maya, i.e. the indigenous peoples living in these areas. The project envisages the construction of
new tracks, partly overlapping the course of the old and now ineffective railway. The steel rails will
be laid on concrete sleepers and basalt ballast aggregate. It will be equipped with 75 diesel-electric
(hybrid) passenger trains traveling at an average speed of 130 km/h and maximum speed – 160
km/h and freight trains (80 and 120 km/h respectively). By European standards it is not a high-
speed railway but by Mexican – it is. Passenger trains will consist of 5-7 carriages, adapted to the
needs of disabled people, with air conditioning, video screens, panoramic windows, and a
cafeteria. Fares will be calculated on the basis of the kilometres travelled and the type of travellers
(the lowest for locals, the highest – for foreign tourists)


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