Lesson - Plan (MILQ1)

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Subject: MIl11/12LESI-IIIg17

Grade Level: Grade 12

Objective: Explain intellectual properties; recognize the different types

of intellectual property; discuss current issues related to intellectual

Learning across curriculum:

1) English Language Arts - Discussing copyright infringement in literature and

analyzing the impact of intellectual property rights on authors and publishers.

2) Social Studies - Investigating the role of intellectual property in the economy and
how it affects trade and innovation.

3) Science - Examining patents and the protection of scientific inventions to

understand the importance of intellectual property in scientific research and

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

[Instructional Materials: News articles, props]

1) Divide the class into groups and assign each group a current issue related to
intellectual property.

2) Each group will research and prepare a short skit or role-play that presents their
assigned issue.

3) After the role-plays, engage the class in a discussion about the different issues
and their implications on intellectual property rights.

Rubric - Creativity: 10 pts, Content: 10 pts, Presentation: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the importance of understanding current issues related to intellectual


2) How did the role-playing activity help you understand the complexities of
intellectual property rights?

3) Can you think of any real-life examples where intellectual property rights were

Activity 1: Exploring Different Types of Intellectual Property

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Materials: Internet access, printed examples of patents, trademarks, and


Significance: This activity will help students recognize and differentiate the
various types of intellectual property.


1) Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with examples of
patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

2) In their groups, students will research and discuss the characteristics and purpose
of each type of intellectual property.

3) Each group will create a presentation or infographic summarizing their findings.

Rubric - Research: 10 pts, Presentation: 10 pts, Content: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the main difference between a patent, trademark, and copyright?

2) Give an example of a famous trademark and explain why it is valuable.

3) How can intellectual property rights benefit both creators and society as a whole?
Activity 2: Current Issues Debate

[Teaching Strategy: Debate]

Materials: Articles on current intellectual property issues, debate rules

Significance: This activity will allow students to critically analyze and discuss
different perspectives on current intellectual property issues.


1) Divide the class into two teams: and con.

2) Provide each team with articles presenting different viewpoints on a current

intellectual property issue.

3) Each team will research and prepare arguments to support their assigned

4) Conduct a debate, allowing each team to present their arguments and


Rubric - Research: 10 pts, Presentation: 10 pts, Critical Thinking: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How did participating in the debate help you understand the complexities of
intellectual property issues?

2) What are the ethical considerations when it comes to intellectual property rights?

3) Can you propose a compromise or solution to a current intellectual property


Activity 3: Intellectual Property Case Study

[Teaching Strategy: Case Studies]

Materials: Intellectual property case studies, analysis worksheets

Significance: This activity will allow students to apply their knowledge of
intellectual property to real-life scenarios and analyze the outcomes.


1) Provide each student with a case study involving intellectual property


2) Students will individually analyze the case study, identifying the type of intellectual
property involved and the legal implications.

3) In small groups, students will discuss their analyses and come up with possible
solutions or recommendations.

Rubric - Analysis: 15 pts, Critical Thinking: 10 pts, Collaboration: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does analyzing real-life case studies help you understand the importance of
intellectual property rights?

2) What are the potential consequences of intellectual property infringement?

3) How can individuals and society as a whole contribute to the protection of

intellectual property rights?


Understanding intellectual property is crucial in protecting the rights of creators and

promoting innovation. By recognizing the different types of intellectual property and
discussing current issues, students can gain a deeper understanding of the
importance of intellectual property rights and the impact they have on various fields.

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Task 1 - In small groups, students will create a campaign promoting the respect and
protection of intellectual property rights. They can use various forms of media and
creative strategies to raise awareness among their peers and the wider community.

Task 2 - Individually, students will research and analyze a recent case of intellectual
property infringement and write a persuasive essay arguing for the importance of
upholding intellectual property rights in that specific case.


[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

[Instructional Materials: Assessment rubrics, discussion prompts]

Question 1 - How does the understanding of intellectual property rights contribute to

the growth and development of society?

Question 2 - Can you think of any potential challenges in enforcing intellectual

property rights in the digital age?

Question 3 - Choose a current issue related to intellectual property and explain its
significance in today's world.


1) Research and write a reflection paper discussing the impact of intellectual

property rights on a specific industry or field of your choice. Include examples and
analyze both the positive and negative aspects of intellectual property protection.

2) Create an infographic or visual presentation showcasing the different types of

intellectual property and their importance in today's globalized world. Include real-life
examples and explain how each type of intellectual property contributes to innovation
and creativity.

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