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Course 3: Operating Systems and You:

Becoming a Power User

Week 6 - Using Logs to Help You Track Down an Issue in Windows

Search for EVENT VIEWER – Windows Logs – Applications

Cautati aici cele 5 logs/events pe care trebuie sa le rezolvati. – Event 1,2,3,4,5 - WARNING – sunt
problemele pe care trebuie sa le rezolvati.

Ce e dat? Event 5 este dat si explicat.

EVENT5/LOG 5 – Error: Disk Space is super low, fix it! – rezolvarea pentru primul LOG o gasiti la
descrierea exercitiului. Gasiti fisierul ultra_mega_large + Delete
Toate celelalte 4 LOGs/EVENTS trebuie rezolvate de fiecare cursant in mod individual.

LOG 1/ Event 1 – remove corrupted_file

Fisierul se gaseste in C: - Users – corrupted_file

Click dreapta pe corrupted_file + Delete

LOG 2/EVENT 2 – Update VLC

Deschideti Google Chrome

Search VLC download for Windows

EVENT 3/LOG 3 – END Malicious process

Deschideti TASK Manager

Click More details

EVENT 4/LOG 4 – Fix Permissions

File Explorer – Local Disk (C:) – Users – Temp – super_secret_file

Click dreapta pe super_secret_file – Properties – Security – Edit


Click APPLY, apoi OK.

Check my progress. Verificati sa aveti 50/50. End lab.

Week 6 - Using Logs to Help You Track Down an Issue in Linux

Viewing LOGS on Linux

ls /var/log

Gasiti errorile- the LOGS/EVENTS folosind comanda sudo cat /var/log/syslog

Error/LOG/Event – Disk space is super low, fix it! – este rezolvat in exercitiu.

Comanda: sudo du -a /home | sort -n -r | head -n 5

Del ultra_mega_large.txt file prin comanda sudo rm /home/lab/storage/ultra_mega_large.txt

Error/LOG/EVENT – remove corrupted_file

Comanda: sudo rm /home/lab/corrupted_file

Error/LOG/EVENT – VLC – Package out of date

Pentru a updata VLC folosim comanda: sudo apt-get install –f

Si astepti sa se updateze programul.

Poate sa intrebe Do you want to continue? Y/n – scrieti Y

Optional: Verificati daca s-a updatat VLC: dpkg -s vlc


Folosim comanda: ps ax

Pentru a elimina procesul totally_not_malicious folosim comanda:

sudo kill PROCESS ID

PID = Process ID
Aici PID este 319. Atentie!!! La fiecare dintre cursanti poate exista un alt/nou Process ID pentru


In acest caz comanda este sudo kill 319 + Enter

Error/LOG/EVENT: Change permission of secret file to public (777).

Folosim comanda:

sudo chmod 777 /home/lab/super_secret_file.txt + Enter

Check my progress. Verificati sa aveti 50/50. End lab.

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