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1. What´s your name?

2. Where do you live?
3. Who do you live with?
4. Write something about your city/town
5. What do you do?
6. What are you doing now?
7. What do you do in your free time?
8. do you have a pet?
9. Write something about your family
10. What did you do last weekend?
11. What did you do this morning?
12. What are your plans for the summer?
13. Who is your favourite person? Why?
14. Write about something funny that has happened to you
15. do you think English will be important for you?
16. what do you do to keep fit?
17. What do you do to help the environment?
18. What would you like to be in the future?
19. you had arranged to meet a friend but you were late. Apologise to him.

20. Advise a friend to buy the new album of your favourite band

21. Invite your friend to go to your parents´aniversary party next Saturday.

22. Suggest a friend to go to the amusement park on Wednesday.

23. 17. You have received an invitation to go to a concert. Thanks your friend for the
invitation but tell him/ her you can´t go.

24. Refuse to attend German lessons and explain why.

25. Congratulate your cousin because she has passed the driving license test.

26. You have heard your friend´s pet has died.

27. You are planning to have a party in your house. Ask a friend to help you.

28. You need some help for your science exam. Ask your friend for help and offer him/ her
something in return

29. you need the history book to study for an exam. Borrow it from your friend

30. You want a classmate to help you to do something. Write a note to him or her. In the
note you should:
• Explain what help you want
• Suggest a time when your classmate can help
• Offer to do something for your classmate in return

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