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Essentials of
Anaesthetic Equipment
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Essentials of

Baha Al-Shaikh FCARCSI, FRCA

Consultant Anaesthetist, William Harvey Hospital, Ashford, Kent, UK
Honorary Senior Lecturer, King’s College London, University of London, UK
Visiting Professor, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK

Simon Stacey FRCA

Consultant Anaesthetist, Barts and The London NHS Trust, London, UK

Edinburgh London New York Oxford Philadelphia St Louis Sydney Toronto 2013
© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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First edition 1995

Second edition 2002
Third edition 2007

ISBN: 978-0-7020-4954-5

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress

Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and
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Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in
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Over 20 years ago, we conspired to write our colour equipment textbook ‘Essentials of Anaesthetic Equipment’. It is
now in its fourth edition and hopefully as relevant to anaesthetic practice as ever.
We have tried to keep the book concise, however due to the sheer number of new anaesthetic equipment products
used in the clinical practice today, the size of the book has increased slightly. We have tried to freshen up the
photography/diagrams wherever possible. The text has been updated too and single best answer questions have
been included.
We hope this book will continue to be the equipment book of choice for both the trainees sitting FRCA exams and
their trainers and a useful reference tool for our Nursing and Operating Department Practitioner colleagues.

BA-S Ashford, Kent

SGS London

We are extremely grateful to the many manufacturers and others who have supplied the necessary information and
images for this edition. Without their help, this fourth edition could not have gone ahead in its current format.
Special mention goes to Andy Coughlan of Smiths Medical for his unflagging help with all things photographic.
Below is a list of the people and their companies who helped us by providing images during the preparation of
the book.
We are also grateful to the association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland for granting permission to
reproduce their equipment checklist and monitoring recommendations.

Molly Bruton (Vygon) John van Kessel (B Braun) Ciska Proos (B Braun)

Tony Calvo (Olympus) Vanessa Light (Philips Health Care) Malcolm Pyke (Philips Heath Care)

Emma Christmas (Gambro) Sharon Maris (Teleflex) Siama Rafiq (BD Medical)

Andy Coughlan (Smith’s Medical) Lucy Martin-Davis (Verathon Emma Richardson (Argon Medical)
Inga Dolezar (Chart BioMedical) Rachel Stein (I-Flow)
Anne Pattinson (Draeger)
Bjrake Frank-Duab (Radiometer) Frank Toal (B Braun)
Mark Pedley (Blue Box Medical)
Andrew Garnham (Penlon) Jill Garratt (Zoll Medical)
Lee Pettitt (Rimer Alco)
John Jones (MAQUET)
Chapter 1

Medical gas
2 1 Medical gas supply

Gas supply
Medical gas supply takes the form
of either cylinders or a piped gas
system, depending on the
requirements of the hospital.

1. Cylinders are made of thin-
walled seamless molybdenum
steel in which gases and vapours Fig. 1.1 Nitrous oxide cylinder with its Fig. 1.2 Oxygen cylinder valve and pin
wrapping and labels. index.
are stored under pressure. They
are designed to withstand
considerable internal pressure.
2. The top end of the cylinder is
called the neck, and this ends
in a tapered screw thread into
which the valve is fitted. The
thread is sealed with a material
that melts if the cylinder is
exposed to intense heat. This
allows the gas to escape so
reducing the risk of an
3. There is a plastic disc around
the neck of the cylinder. The
year when the cylinder was last
examined can be identified from
the shape and colour of the disc.
4. Cylinders are manufactured in Fig. 1.3 Nitrous oxide cylinder valve and Fig. 1.4 Carbon dioxide cylinder valve
different sizes (A to J). Sizes A pin index. and pin index.
and H are not used for medical
gases. Cylinders attached to the a fibreglass covering in epoxy resonance scanners. They have a
anaesthetic machine are usually resin matrix. These can be used flat base to help in storage and
size E (Figs 1.1–1.4), while size J to provide oxygen at home, handling.
cylinders are commonly used during transport or in magnetic
for cylinder manifolds. Size E
oxygen cylinders contain 680 L,
whereas size E nitrous oxide ● Gas exits in the gaseous state at room temperature. Its liquefaction at
cylinders can release 1800 L. room temperature is impossible, since the room temperature is above its
The smallest sized cylinder, size critical temperature.
C, can hold 1.2 L of water, and ● Vapour is the gaseous state of a substance below its critical temperature. At
size E can hold 4.7 L while the room temperature and atmospheric pressure, the substance is liquid.
larger size J can hold 47.2 L of ● Critical temperature is the temperature above which a substance cannot be
water. liquefied no matter how much pressure is applied. The critical temperatures
5. Lightweight cylinders can be for nitrous oxide and oxygen are 36.5 and −118°C respectively.
made from aluminium alloy with
Cylinders 3

Oxygen is stored as a gas at a

pressure of 13 700 kPa whereas Cylinders in use are checked and tested by manufacturers at regular intervals,
nitrous oxide is stored in a liquid usually 5 years. Test details are recorded on the plastic disc between the valve
phase with its vapour on top at a and the neck of the cylinder. They are also engraved on the cylinder:
pressure of 4400 kPa. As the liquid 1. Internal endoscopic examination.
is less compressible than the gas, 2. Flattening, bend and impact tests are carried out on at least one cylinder in
this means that the cylinder every 100.
should only be partially filled. The 3. Pressure test: the cylinder is subjected to high pressures of about 22 000 kPa,
amount of filling is called the filling which is more than 50% above their normal working pressure.
ratio. Partially filling the cylinders 4. Tensile test where strips of the cylinder are cut and stretched. This test is
with liquid minimizes the risk of carried out on at least one cylinder in every 100.
dangerous increases in pressure
with any increase in the ambient
temperature that can lead to an
explosion. In the UK, the filling
ratio for nitrous oxide and The marks engraved on the cylinders are:
carbon dioxide is 0.75. In hotter
climates, the filling ratio is 1. Test pressure.
reduced to 0.67. 2. Dates of test performed.
3. Chemical formula of the cylinder’s content.
4. Tare weight (weight of nitrous oxide cylinder when empty).
The filling ratio is the weight of
the fluid in the cylinder divided
by the weight of water required to
fill the cylinder.

A full oxygen cylinder at The cylinder label includes the following details:
atmospheric pressure can deliver ● Name, chemical symbol, pharmaceutical form, specification of the product,
130 times its capacity of oxygen. A its licence number and the proportion of the constituent gases in a
typical size E full oxygen cylinder gas mixture.
delivering 4 L per minute will last ● Substance identification number and batch number.
for 2 hours and 50 minutes but ● Hazard warnings and safety instructions.
will last only 45 minutes when ● Cylinder size code.
delivering 15 L/min. ● Nominal cylinder contents (litres).
A full oxygen cylinder at ● Maximum cylinder pressure (bars).
atmospheric pressure can ● Filling date, shelf life and expiry date.
deliver 130 times its capacity of ● Directions for use.
oxygen. ● Storage and handling precautions.
At constant temperature, a
gas-containing cylinder shows a
linear and proportional reduction
in cylinder pressure as it empties.
Problems in practice and
For a cylinder that contains liquid a cylinder to the wrong yoke
safety features
and vapour, initially the pressure (Fig. 1.5).
remains constant as more vapour is 1. The gases and vapours should 3. Cylinders are colour-coded to
produced to replace that used. Once be free of water vapour when reduce accidental use of the
all the liquid has been evaporated, stored in cylinders. Water wrong gas or vapour. In the
the pressure in the cylinder vapour freezes and blocks the UK, the colour-coding is a
decreases. The temperature in such exit port when the temperature two-part colour, shoulder and
a cylinder can decrease because of of the cylinder decreases on body (Table 1.1). To improve
the loss of the latent heat of opening. safety, there are plans to
vaporization leading to the 2. The outlet valve uses the change the colours of the
formation of ice on the outside of pin-index system to make it bodies of cylinders using
the cylinder. almost impossible to connect medical gas to white while
4 1 Medical gas supply

5. Cylinders should be stored in

a purpose built, dry, well-
ventilated and fireproof room,
preferably inside and not
subjected to extremes of heat.
They should not be stored near
flammable materials such as oil
or grease or near any source of
heat. They should not be
exposed to continuous
dampness, corrosive chemicals
or fumes. This can lead to
corrosion of cylinders and their
6. To avoid accidents, full cylinders
should be stored separately from
empty ones. F, G and J size
cylinders are stored upright to
avoid damage to the valves. C,
D and E size cylinders can be
Fig. 1.5 Anaesthetic machine cylinder yokes. For the sake of comparison, the Bodok stored horizontally on shelves
seal is absent from the nitrous oxide yoke (left). made of a material that does not
damage the surface of the
keeping the colours of the 4. Cylinders should be checked cylinders.
shoulders according to the regularly while in use to ensure 7. Overpressurized cylinders are
European Standard EN that they have sufficient content hazardous and should be
1089-3. and that leaks do not occur. reported to the manufacturer.

Table 1.1 Colour coding of medical gas cylinders, their pressure when full and their physical state in the cylinder

Pressure, kPa Physical state

Body colour Shoulder colour (at room temperature) in cylinder

Oxygen Black (green in USA) White 13 700 Gas

Nitrous oxide Blue Blue 4400 Liquid/vapour
Carbon dioxide Grey Grey 5000 Liquid/vapour
Air Grey (yellow in USA) White/black quarters 13 700 Gas
Entonox Blue White/blue quarters 13 700 Gas
Oxygen/helium (Heliox) Black White/brown quarters 13 700 Gas


Nitrous oxide

(50% N2O/50%O2)


Carbon dioxide

Helium/oxygen mixture
(79% He/21% O2)
Cylinder valves 5

● Cylinders are made of thin-
walled molybdenum steel to
withstand high pressures, e.g.
13 700 kPa and 4400 kPa for
Pin-index Side spindle Bullnose
oxygen and nitrous oxide valve pin-index valve
respectively. Lightweight valve
aluminium is also available.
● They are made in different sizes:
size E cylinders are used on the
anaesthetic machine; size J
cylinders are used in cylinder
● Oxygen cylinders contain gas
whereas nitrous oxide cylinders To Pin-index valve Star valve
contain a mixture of liquid and Valve types
vapour. In the UK, nitrous oxide Fig. 1.6 Chemical formula (N2O) Fig. 1.7 Cylinder valves.
cylinders are 75% filled with engraved on a nitrous oxide cylinder valve.
liquid nitrous oxide (filling ratio);
this is 67% in hotter climates.
● At a constant temperature, the
pressure in a gas cylinder
decreases linearly and
proportionally as it empties.
This is not true in cylinders
containing liquid/vapour.
● They are colour-coded (shoulder
and body).

Oxygen Nitrous Air Entonox

Cylinder valves oxide
Fig. 1.8 Pin-index system. Note the different configuration for each gas.
These valves seal the cylinder
contents. The chemical formula
of the particular gas is engraved 3. The exit port for supplying gas fitted in the yoke (Figs 1.8 and
on the valve (Fig. 1.6). Other types to the apparatus (e.g. anaesthetic 1.9). The gas exit port will not
of valves, the bull nose, the hand machine). seal against the washer of the
wheel and the star, are used 4. A safety relief device allows the yoke unless the pins and holes
under special circumstances discharge of cylinder contents to are aligned.
(Fig. 1.7). the atmosphere if the cylinder is 6. A more recent modification is
overpressurized. where the external part of the
5. The non-interchangeable safety valve is designed to allow
system (pin-index system) is used manual turning on and off of
1. The valve is mounted on the top on cylinders of size E or smaller the cylinder without the need for
of the cylinder, screwed into the as well as on F- and G-size a key (Fig. 1.10).
neck via a threaded connection. Entonox cylinders. A specific pin
It is made of brass and configuration exists for each
sometimes chromium plated. medical gas on the yoke of the
Mechanism of action
2. An on/off spindle is used to anaesthetic machine. The
open and close the valve by matching configuration of holes 1. The cylinder valve acts as a
opposing a plastic facing against on the valve block allows only mechanism for opening and
the valve seating. the correct gas cylinder to be closing the gas pathway.
6 1 Medical gas supply

cylinder to the anaesthetic

machine. This clears particles of
dust, oil and grease from the
exit port, which would
otherwise enter the anaesthetic
2. The valve should be opened
slowly when attached to the
anaesthetic machine or
regulator. This prevents the
rapid rise in pressure and the
associated rise in temperature of
the gas in the machine’s
pipelines. The cylinder valve
should be fully open when in
use (the valve must be turned
two full revolutions).
3. During closure, overtightening
Fig. 1.9 A cylinder yoke and pin-index system. Note that a Bodok seal is in position.
of the valve should be avoided.
This might lead to damage to
the seal between the valve and
the cylinder neck.
4. The Bodok seal should be
inspected for damage prior to
use. Having a spare seal readily
available is advisable.

Cylinder valves
● They are mounted on the neck
of the cylinder.
● Act as an on/off device for the
discharge of cylinder contents.
● Pin-index system prevents
cylinder identification errors.
● Bodok sealing washer must be
placed between the valve and
the yoke of the anaesthetic
Fig. 1.10 New cylinder valve which allows manual opening and closing.
● A newly designed valve allows
2. A compressible yoke-sealing
keyless manual turning on and
washer (Bodok seal) must be
placed between valve outlet and
the apparatus to make a
gas-tight joint (Fig. 1.11).

Problems in practice and

Piped gas supply
safety features (piped medical gas
1. The plastic wrapping of the and vacuum – PMGV)
valve should be removed just
before use. The valve should be PMGV is a system where gases are
slightly opened and closed delivered from central supply points
(cracked) before connecting the Fig. 1.11 A Bodok seal. to different sites in the hospital at a
Piped gas supply (piped medical gas and vacuum – PMGV) 7

pressure of about 400 kPa. Special

outlet valves supply the various
needs throughout the hospital.
Oxygen, nitrous oxide, Entonox,
compressed air and medical vacuum
are commonly supplied through the
pipeline system.

1. Central supply points such as
cylinder banks or liquid oxygen
storage tank.
2. Pipework made of special
high-quality copper alloy, which Fig. 1.12 Inserting a remote probe into its matching wall-mounted
outlet socket.
both prevents degradation of
the gases it contains and has
bacteriostatic properties. The
fittings used are made from
brass and are brazed rather than
3. The size of the pipes differs
according to the demand that
they carry. Pipes with a 42 mm
diameter are usually used for
leaving the manifold. Smaller
diameter tubes, such as 15 mm,
are used after repeated branching.
4. Outlets are identified by gas Fig. 1.13 Gas probes for oxygen (top),
colour coding, gas name and by nitrous oxide (middle) and air (bottom).
shape (Fig. 1.12). They accept Note the locking groove on the probe to
matching quick connect/ ensure connectivity.
disconnect probes, Schrader pipeline network. They are also
sockets (Fig. 1.13), with an known as area valve service
indexing collar specific for each units (AVSUs) (Fig. 1.16). They
gas (or gas mixture). can be accessed to isolate the Fig. 1.14 Outlet sockets mounted in a
5. Outlets can be installed as supply to an area in cases of fire retractable ceiling unit. (Courtesy of
flush-fitting units, surface-fitting or other emergency Penlon Ltd, Abingdon, UK (www.penlon.
units, on booms or pendants, or com).)
suspended on a hose and gang
Problems in practice and
mounted (Fig. 1.14). 5. Anaesthetists are responsible for
safety features
6. Flexible colour-coded hoses the gases supplied from the
connect the outlets to the 1. A reserve bank of cylinders is terminal outlet through to the
anaesthetic machine (Fig. 1.15). available should the primary anaesthetic machine. Pharmacy,
The anaesthetic machine end supply fail. Low-pressure alarms supplies and engineering
should be permanently fixed detect gas supply failure departments share the
using a nut and liner union where (Fig. 1.17). responsibility for the gas
the thread is gas specific and 2. Single hose test is performed to pipelines ‘behind the wall’.
non-interchangeable (non- detect cross-connection. 6. There is a risk of fire from worn
interchangeable screw thread, 3. Tug test is performed to detect or damaged hoses that are
NIST, is the British Standard). misconnection. designed to carry gases under
7. Isolating valves behind break 4. Regulations for PMGV pressure from a primary source
glass covers are positioned at installation, repair and such as a cylinder or wall-
strategic points throughout the modification are enforced. mounted terminal to medical
8 1 Medical gas supply

devices such as ventilators and

anaesthetic machines. Because of
heavy wear and tear, the risk of
rupture is greatest in oxygen
hoses used with transport
devices. Regular inspection and
replacement, every 2–5 years, of
all medical gas hoses is

Piped gas supply

● There is a network of copper alloy
pipelines throughout the hospital
from central supply points.
● The outlets are colour- and
shape-coded to accept matching
‘Schrader’ probes.
● Flexible and colour-coded

Fig. 1.15 Colour-coded hoses with NIST fittings attached to

pipelines run from the
an anaesthetic machine. anaesthetic machine to the
● Single hose and tug tests are
performed to test for cross-
connection and misconnection
● There is risk of fire from worn
and damaged hoses.

Sources of gas supply

The source of supply can be
cylinder manifold(s) and, in the case
of oxygen, a liquid oxygen storage
Fig. 1.16 An area valve service unit (AVSU). tank or oxygen concentrator
(Fig. 1.18).


Manifolds are used to supply

nitrous oxide, Entonox and oxygen.

1. Large cylinders (e.g. size J each
with 6800 L capacity) are usually
divided into two equal groups,
primary and secondary. The two
groups alternate in supplying the
pipelines (Fig. 1.19). The number
Fig. 1.17 Medical gas alarm panel. (Courtesy of Penlon Ltd, of cylinders depends on the
Abingdon, UK ( expected demand.
Sources of gas supply 9

Liquid oxygen

Fig. 1.18 Sources of oxygen supply in a hospital. A vacuum-insulated evaporator (left)

and a cylinder manifold (right).


A vacuum-insulated evaporator
(VIE) (Fig. 1.20) is the most
economical way to store and supply

1. A thermally insulated double-
walled steel tank with a layer of
perlite in a vacuum is used as
the insulation (Fig. 1.21). It
can be described as a giant
thermos flask, employing the
same principles.
Fig. 1.19 An oxygen cylinder manifold. 2. A pressure regulator allows
gas to enter the pipelines
and maintains the pressure
2. All cylinders in each group are nearly empty. The changeover is through the pipelines at about
connected through non-return achieved through a pressure- 400 kPa.
valves to a common pipe. This sensitive device that detects when 3. A safety valve opens at
in turn is connected to the the cylinders are nearly empty. 1700 kPa allowing the gas to
pipeline through pressure 3. The changeover activates an escape when there is a build-up
regulators. electrical signalling system to of pressure within the vessel.
3. As nitrous oxide is only available alert staff to the need to change This can be caused by
in cylinders (in contrast to liquid the cylinders. underdemand for oxygen.
oxygen), its manifold is larger 4. A control valve opens when there
than that of oxygen. The latter Problems in practice and is an excessive demand on the
usually acts as a back up to liquid safety features system. This allows liquid oxygen
oxygen supply (see later). to evaporate by passing through
1. The manifold should be housed
in a well-ventilated room built of superheaters made of uninsulated
Mechanism of action coils of copper tubing.
fireproof material away from the
1. In either group, all the cylinders’ main buildings of the hospital.
valves are opened. This allows 2. The manifold room should not be
Mechanism of action
them to empty simultaneously. used as a general cylinder store.
2. The supply is automatically 3. All empty cylinders should be 1. Liquid oxygen is stored (up to
changed to the secondary group removed immediately from the 1500 L) at a temperature of
when the primary group is manifold room. −150° to −170°C (lower than
10 1 Medical gas supply

pressure at the bottom. By

measuring the difference in
pressure, the contents of the
VIE can be calculated. When
required, fresh supplies of
liquid oxygen are pumped
from a tanker into the vessel.
4. The cold oxygen gas is warmed
once outside the vessel in a coil
of copper tubing. The increase
in temperature causes an
increase in pressure.
5. At a temperature of 15°C and
atmospheric pressure, liquid
oxygen can give 842 times its
volume as gas.

Problems in practice and

safety features
Fig. 1.20 A vacuum-insulated evaporator (VIE). 1. Reserve banks of cylinders are
kept in case of supply failure.
2. A liquid oxygen storage vessel
7 bar Pressure regulator should be housed away from
main buildings due to the fire
Safety valve 4.1 bar
hazard. The risk of fire is
approx. −160ºC
increased in cases of liquid
3. Spillage of cryogenic liquid can
To pipeline cause cold burns, frostbite and
Pressure-raising vaporizer
Oxygen concentrators, also known
as pressure swing adsorption
systems, extract oxygen from air
by differential adsorption. These
Fig. 1.21 Schematic diagram of a liquid oxygen supply system. devices may be small, designed to
supply oxygen to a single patient
(Fig. 1.22), supply oxygen to an
the critical temperature) and at a the mass of the liquid. More anaesthetic machine (Fig. 1.23) or
pressure of 10.5 bars. recently, a differential they can be large enough to supply
2. The temperature of the vessel is pressure gauge which oxygen for a medical gas pipeline
maintained by the high-vacuum measures the pressure system (Fig. 1.24).
shell. Evaporation of the liquid difference between the
oxygen requires heat (latent heat bottom and top of the liquid
of vaporization). This heat is oxygen can be used instead.
taken from the liquid oxygen, The information obtained is A zeolite molecular sieve is used.
helping to maintain its low sent to the hospital alarm Zeolites are hydrated aluminium
temperature. system. As liquid oxygen silicates of the alkaline earth metals
3. The storage vessel rests on a evaporates, its mass in a powder or granular form.
weighing balance to measure decreases, reducing the Many zeolite columns are used.
Entonox (BOC Medical) 11

3. The sieve selectively retains

nitrogen and other unwanted
components of air. These are
released into the atmosphere
after heating the column and
applying a vacuum.
4. The changeover between
columns is made by a time
switch, typically cycles of
around 20 seconds, allowing for
a continuous supply of oxygen.
5. The maximum oxygen
concentration achieved is 95%
by volume. Argon is the main
remaining constituent.
6. The life of the zeolite crystal can
be expected to be at least 20 000
hours (which is about 10 years
of use). Routine maintenance
consists of changing filters at
regular intervals.

Problems in practice and

safety features
Although the oxygen concentration
achieved is sufficient for the vast
Fig. 1.22 The portable Eclipse 3 home
oxygen concentaror. (Courtesy of Chart majority of clinical applications, its
BioMedical Ltd.) Fig. 1.23 The universal anaesthetic use with the circle system leads to
machine (UAM) which has a built-in argon accumulation. To avoid this,
oxygen concentrator (see Ch. 2 for higher fresh gas flows are required.
Mechanism of action more details). (Courtesy of UAM Global.)
(Fig. 1.25)
2. Air is exposed to a zeolite Source of supply
1. Ambient air is filtered and molecular sieve column, ● Cylinder manifold: banks of large
pressurized to about 137 kPa by forming a very large surface cylinders, usually size J, are used.
a compressor. area, at a certain pressure. ● Liquid oxygen: a thermally
insulated vessel at a temperature
of −150° to −170°C and at a
pressure of 5–10 atmospheres is
● Oxygen concentrator: a zeolite
molecular sieve is used.

Entonox (BOC
This is a compressed gas mixture
containing 50% oxygen and 50%
nitrous oxide by volume. It is
Fig. 1.24 The RA40/D/M hospital oxygen concentrator. It produces 80 L/min of oxygen. commonly used in the casualty and
(Courtesy of Rimer Alco Ltd.) labour ward settings to provide
12 1 Medical gas supply

93% Oxygen To anaesthetic machine

and patient


Zeolite towers

Nitrogen vent

Fig. 1.26 An Entonox cylinder and

delivery system.

Switch valve ● above the liquid, a gas mixture

of high oxygen concentration.
Compressor This means that when used at a
constant flow rate, a gas with a high
concentration of oxygen is supplied
Room air first. This is followed by a gas of
21% oxygen decreasing oxygen concentration as
Fig. 1.25 Mechanism of action of a concentrator. the liquid evaporates. This may lead

analgesia. A two-stage pressure

demand regulator is attached to the Diaphragm
Entonox cylinder when in use (Figs Corrugated hose Safety 1st stage
1.26 and 1.27). As the patient valve reduction
inspires through the mask or mouth
piece, gas flow is allowed to occur. 2nd stage pressure
Gas flow ceases at the end of an Non-interchangeable
reduction (atmospheric) cylinder valve and yoke
inspiratory effort. Entonox is
compressed into cylinders to a Filter
pressure of 13 700 kPa. Entonox
cylinders should be stored at 10°C
for 24 hours before use.
If the temperature of the Entonox
cylinder is decreased to below
−5.5°C, liquefaction and separation Sensing diaphragm 1st stage valve
of the two components occur
2nd stage
(Poynting effect). This results in:
(tilting type) valve Gas cylinder
● a liquid mixture containing Fig. 1.27 The Entonox two-stage pressure demand regulator. (From Aitkenhead
mostly nitrous oxide with about AR, Smith G, Rowbotham DJ (2007) Textbook of Anaesthesia, 5th edn. Churchill
20% oxygen dissolved in it Livingstone, with permission.)
Centralized vacuum or suction system 13

Centralized vacuum
or suction system
(Fig. 1.29)
Suction devices play a crucial
part in the care of patients in the
operating theatre, intensive care unit
and other parts of the hospital.

1. A pump or a power source that
is capable of continuously
generating a negative pressure of
−500 mmHg.
2. A suction controller with a filter.
3. A receiver or a collection vessel.
4. A suction tubing and suction
Fig. 1.28 Compressed medical air plant. (Courtesy of Penlon Ltd, Abingdon, UK
nozzle (e.g. a Yankaeur sucker)
or catheter.

to the supply of hypoxic mixtures, should be avoided because of the To determine the efficiency of
with less than 20% oxygen, as the effect of nitrous oxide on the central-piped vacuum systems
cylinder is nearly empty. bone marrow especially in the ● A negative pressure of at least
Rewarming and mixing of both critically ill patient. Adequate −53 kPa (−400 mmHg) should
the cylinder and its contents reverses facilities for scavenging should be maintained at the outlet.
the separation and liquefaction. be provided to protect hospital ● Each central-piped vacuum
staff. outlet should be able to
Problems in practice and withstand a flow of free air of at
safety features least 40 L/min.
● A unit should take no longer
Liquefaction and separation of the
components can be prevented by:
Compressed air than 10 seconds to generate a
vacuum (500 mmHg) with a
1. Cylinders being stored Medical air is supplied in a hospital displacement of air of 25 L/min.
horizontally for about 24 hours for clinical uses or to drive power
at temperatures of or above 5°C tools. The former is supplied at
before use. The horizontal a pressure of 400 kPa and the
Mechanism of action
position increases the area for latter at 700 kPa. The anaesthetic
diffusion. If the contents are machines and most intensive care 1. Negative pressure is generated
well mixed by repeated ventilator blenders accept a 400 kPa by an electric motor and
inversion, cylinders can be used supply. The terminal outlets for the pneumatic-driven pumps using
earlier than 24 hours. two pressures are different to the Venturi principle.
2. Large cylinders are equipped prevent misconnection. 2. The amount of vacuum
with a dip tube with its tip Air may be supplied from cylinder generated can be manually
ending in the liquid phase. manifolds, or more economically adjusted by the suction
This results in the liquid being from a compressor plant with duty controller. This device has a
used first, preventing the and back-up compressors (Fig. 1.28). variable orifice with a float
delivery of an oxygen Oil-free medical air is cleaned by assembly, a back-up filter to
concentration of less than 20%. filters and separators and then dried prevent liquid entering the
Prolonged use of Entonox before use. system and ports to connect to a
14 1 Medical gas supply

Centralized vacuum
or suction system
● Consists of a power source, a
suction controller, a receiver, a
suction tubing and suction
● Efficiency of the system should
be tested before use.
● The amount of negative pressure
should be adjusted according to
its use.
● Trauma to tissues can be caused
by the suction.

Health Technical Memorandum 2022,
1997. Medical gas pipeline systems.
The Stationery Office, London
Fig. 1.29 Medical vacuum plant. (Courtesy of Penlon Ltd, Abingdon, UK (www.penlon. Health Technical Memorandum 02-01,
com).) 2006. Medical gas pipeline systems,
part A; design, installation, validation
and verification.
The Stationery Office, London.
Health Technical Memorandum 02-01,
2006. Medical gas pipeline systems,
collection vessel or reservoir 6. Bacterial filters are used to part B; operational management.
through flexible tubing. prevent spread of infectious The Stationery Office, London.
3. The reservoir must have bacteria, with a removal of Highly, D., 2009. Medical gases, their
sufficient capacity to receive the 99.999% of bacteria. Filters are storage and delivery. Anaesthesia
aspirated material. Too large a also used to prevent fluids, and Intensive Care Medicine 10 (11),
capacity will make the system condensate and smoke from 523–527.
cumbersome and will take a contaminating the system. MHRA, 2011. Medical device alert:
long time to generate adequate 7. It is recommended that there anaesthetic machine: auxillary
negative pressure. are at least two vacuum outlets common gas outlet (ACGO)
4. The suction tubing should be per each operating theatre, manufactured by GE Healthcare
flexible and firm to prevent one per anaesthetic room (MDA/2011/118). Online. Available
collapse. Also it should be and one per recovery or at:
transparent so that the contents intensive care unit bed. Publications/Safetywarnings/
aspirated can be visualized, and MedicalDeviceAlerts/CON137664
of sufficient internal diameter National Health Service, 2009. Oxygen
Problems in practice and
and length for optimal suction. safety in hospitals. Online. Available
safety features
5. The negative pressure (or degree at:
of suctioning) can be adjusted to To prevent trauma to the tissues rces/?entryid45=62811&p=7
suit its use; e.g. a lesser degree during suction, the nozzles should Poolacherla, R., Nickells, J., 2006.
of suctioning is required to clear taper, be smooth and have multiple Suction devices. Anaesthesia and
oral secretions in a child than in holes, so that if one is blocked the Intensive Care Medicine 7 (10),
an adult. others will continue suction. 354–355.
MCQs 15

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Concerning cylinders: 4. Oxygen concentrators: 7. Concerning piped gas supply in

a) Oxygen is stored in cylinders a) Oxygen concentrators the operating theatre:
as a gas. concentrate O2 that has been a) Compressed air is supplied
b) The pressure in a half-filled delivered from an oxygen only under one pressure.
oxygen cylinder is 13 700 kPa. cylinder manifold. b) The NIST system is the British
c) The pressure in a half-full b) Argon accumulation can Standard.
nitrous oxide cylinder is occur when oxygen c) Only oxygen and air are
4400 kPa. concentrators are used with supplied.
d) Nitrous oxide is stored in the the circle system. d) E-size cylinders are normally
cylinder in the gas phase. c) They are made of columns of used in cylinder manifolds.
e) Pressure in a full Entonox a zeolite molecular sieve. e) Liquid oxygen is stored at
cylinder is 13 700 kPa. d) They can achieve O2 temperatures above −100°C.
concentrations of up to
2. Entonox: 8. True or false:
e) They can only be used in
a) Entonox is 50 : 50 mixture by a) There is no need for cylinders
home oxygen therapy.
weight of O2 and N2O. to undergo regular checks.
b) Entonox has a critical b) The only agent identification
temperature of 5.5°C. 5. Oxygen: on the cylinder is its colour.
c) Entonox cylinders should be a) Oxygen is stored in cylinders c) When attached to the
stored upright. at approximately 140 bars. anaesthetic machine, the
d) At room temperature, b) It has a critical temperature of cylinder valve should be
Entonox cylinders contain 36.5°C. opened slowly.
only gas. c) It is a liquid in its cylinder. d) When warmed, liquid oxygen
e) Entonox cylinders have blue d) It may form an inflammable can give 842 times its volume
bodies and white and blue mixture with oil. as gas.
quarters on the shoulders. e) It obeys Boyle’s law. e) Cylinders are made of
thick-walled steel to withstand
the high internal pressure.
3. Oxygen: 6. Concerning cylinders:
a) For medical use, oxygen is a) The filling ratio = weight of
usually formed from fractional liquid in the cylinder divided
distillation of air. by the weight of water
b) Long-term use can cause bone required to fill the cylinder.
9. Concerning piped medical gas
marrow depression. b) The tare weight is the weight
and vacuum (PMGV):
c) In hyperbaric concentrations, of the cylinder plus its
a) Outlets are only colour-coded.
oxygen may cause contents.
b) Outlets are shape- and
convulsions. c) Nitrous oxide cylinders have a
d) At constant volume, the blue body and blue and white
c) All the supplies can be
absolute pressure of oxygen is top.
interrupted using a single
directly proportional to its d) A full oxygen cylinder has a
absolute temperature. pressure of approximately
d) Copper sulphate pipes are
e) The critical temperature of 137 bars.
used to carry oxygen
oxygen is −118°C. e) At 40°C, a nitrous oxide
throughout the hospital.
cylinder contains both liquid
e) Back-up cylinders for the
and vapour.
oxygen supply are
16 1 Medical gas supply


1. Concerning cylinders: oxide and about 20% oxygen. 4. Oxygen concentrators:

a) True. Oxygen is stored in the Above the liquid is a gaseous a) False. Oxygen concentrators
cylinder as a gas. mixture with a high extract oxygen from air using
b) False. Oxygen is stored as a concentration of oxygen. a zeolite molecular sieve.
gas in the cylinder where gas c) False. This increases the risk Many columns of zeolite are
laws apply. The pressure of liquefaction and separation used. Zeolites are hydrated
gauge accurately reflects the of the components. To prevent aluminium silicates of the
contents of the cylinder. A full this, Entonox cylinders should alkaline earth metals.
oxygen cylinder has a pressure be stored horizontally for b) True. The maximum oxygen
of 13 700 kPa. Pressure in a about 24 hours at concentration achieved by
half-full oxygen cylinder is temperatures at or above 5°C. oxygen concentrators is 95%.
therefore 6850 kPa. This position increases the The rest is mainly argon.
c) True. Nitrous oxide is stored area for diffusion. With Using low flows with the
in the cylinder in the liquid repeated inversion, Entonox circle breathing system can
form. The pressure of a full cylinders can be used earlier lead to the accumulation of
nitrous oxide cylinder is about than 24 hours. argon. Higher fresh gas flows
4400 kPa. As the cylinder is d) True. Liquefaction and are required to avoid this.
used, the vapour above the separation of nitrous oxide c) True. The zeolite molecular
liquid is used first. This and oxygen occurs at or sieve selectively retains
vapour is replaced by new below −5.5°C. nitrogen and other unwanted
vapour from the liquid. e) True. gases in air. These are released
Therefore the pressure is into the atmosphere. The
maintained. So the cylinder is 3. Oxygen: changeover between columns
nearly empty before the a) True. Except for oxygen is made by a time switch.
pressure starts to decrease. concentrators which use d) False. Oxygen concentrators
For this reason, the pressure zeolites. can deliver a maximum
gauge does not accurately b) False. Long-term use of oxygen concentration of 95%.
reflect the contents of the oxygen has no effect on the e) False. Oxygen concentrators
cylinder. bone marrow. Long-term use can be small, delivering
d) False. Nitrous oxide is stored of N2O can cause bone oxygen to a single patient, or
in the cylinder as a liquid. marrow depression especially they can be large enough to
The vapour above the liquid with high concentrations in supply oxygen to hospitals.
is delivered to the patient. critically ill patients.
e) True. Entonox is a c) True. 5. Oxygen:
compressed gas mixture d) True. This is Gay–Lussac’s a) True. Molybdenum steel or
containing 50% oxygen and law where pressure = constant aluminium alloy cylinders are
50% nitrous oxide by volume. × temperature. Oxygen also used to store oxygen at
obeys the other gas laws pressures of approximately
2. Entonox: (Dalton’s law of partial 14 000 kVa (140 bars).
a) False. Entonox is a 50 : 50 pressures, Boyle’s and b) False. The critical temperature
mixture of O2 and N2O by Charles’s laws). of O2 is −118°C. Above that
volume and not by weight. e) True. At or below −118°C, temperature, oxygen cannot
b) False. The critical temperature oxygen changes to the liquid be liquefied however much
of Entonox is −5.5°C. At or phase. This is used in the pressure is applied.
below this temperature, design of the vacuum c) False. Oxygen is a gas in the
liquefaction and separation of insulated evaporator where cylinder as its critical
the two components occurs. oxygen is stored in the liquid temperature is −118°C.
This results in a liquid phase at temperatures of −150 d) True. Oil is flammable while
mixture of mainly nitrous to −170°C. oxygen aids combustion.
Answers 17

Oxygen cylinders should be

7. Concerning piped gas supply in 8. True or false:
stored away from oil.
the operating theatre: a) False. Cylinders should be
e) True. At a constant
a) False. Air is supplied at two checked regularly by the
temperature, the volume of a
different pressures; at 400 kVa manufacturers. Internal
given mass of oxygen varies
when it is delivered to the endoscopic examination,
inversely with the absolute
patient and at 700 kPa when pressure testing, flattening,
pressure (volume = constant ×
used to operate power tools in bending and impact testing
1/pressure). Oxygen obeys
the operating theatre. and tensile testing are done on
other gas laws.
b) True. This stands for non- a regular basis.
interchangeable screw thread. b) False. To identify the agent,
6. Concerning cylinders:
This is one of the safety the name, chemical symbol,
a) True. The filling ratio is used
features present in the piped pharmaceutical form and
when filling cylinders with
gas supply system. Flexible specification of the agent, in
liquid, e.g. nitrous oxide. As
colour-coded hoses connect addition to the colour of the
the liquid is less compressible
the outlets to the anaesthetic cylinder are used.
than the gas, the cylinder
machine. The connections to c) True. When attached to an
should be only partially filled.
the anaesthetic machine anaesthetic machine, the
Depending on the ambient
should be permanently fixed cylinder valve should be
temperature, the filling ratio
using a nut and liner union opened slowly to prevent the
can be from 0.67 to 0.75.
where the thread is gas- rapid rise in pressure within
b) False. The tare weight is the
specific and the machine’s pipelines.
weight of the empty cylinder.
non-interchangeable. d) True. It is more economical to
This is used to estimate the
c) False. Oxygen, nitrous oxide, store oxygen as liquid before
amount of the contents of the
air and vacuum can be supplying it. At a temperature
cylinder. It is one of the
supplied by the piped gas of 15°C and atmospheric
marks engraved on the
system. pressure, liquid oxygen can
d) False. Larger cylinders, e.g. J give 842 times its volume as
c) False. Nitrous oxide cylinders
size, are normally used in a gas.
have a blue body and top.
cylinder manifold. E-size e) False. For ease of transport,
Entonox cylinders have a blue
cylinders are usually mounted cylinders are made of thin-
body and blue and white top.
on the anaesthetic machine. walled seamless molybdenum
d) True.
e) False. Liquid oxygen has to steel. They are designed to
e) False. At 40°C, nitrous oxide
be stored at temperatures withstand considerable
exists as a gas only. This is
below its critical temperature, internal pressures and tested
above its critical temperature,
−118°C. So oxygen stored at up to pressures of about
36.5°C, so it cannot be
temperatures above −100°C 22 000 kPa.
liquefied above that.
(above its critical temperature)
exists as a gas. 9. b)

Chapter 2

20 2 The anaesthetic machine

The anaesthetic machine receives 1. gas supplies (see Chapter 1)

medical gases (oxygen, nitrous 2. pressure gauges Safety features of a modern
oxide, air) under pressure and 3. pressure regulators (reducing anaesthetic machine to ensure the
accurately controls the flow of each valves) delivery of a safe gas mixture
gas individually. A gas mixture of 4. flowmeters should include the following:
the desired composition at a defined 5. vaporizers ● Colour-coded pressure gauges.
flow rate is created before a known 6. common gas outlet ● Colour-coded flowmeters.
concentration of an inhalational 7. a variety of other features, e.g. ● An oxygen flowmeter controlled
agent vapour is added. Gas and high-flow oxygen flush, pressure by a single touch-coded knob.
vapour mixtures are continuously relief valve and oxygen supply ● Oxygen is the last gas to be
delivered to the common gas outlet failure alarm and suction added to the mixture.
of the machine, as fresh gas flow apparatus ● Oxygen concentration monitor
(FGF), and to the breathing sytem 8. most modern anaesthetic or analyser.
and patient (Figs 2.1 and 2.2). It machines or stations incorporate ● Nitrous oxide is cut off when the
consists of: a circle breathing system (see oxygen pressure is low.
Chapter 4) and a bag-in-bottle ● Oxygen : nitrous oxide ratio
type ventilator (see Chapter 8). monitor and controller.
● Pin index safety system for
cylinders and non-
interchangeable screw thread
(NIST) for pipelines.
● Alarm for failure of oxygen
● Ventilator disconnection alarm.
● At least one reserve oxygen
cylinder should be available on
machines that use pipeline

Pressure gauge
This measures the pressure in the
cylinder or pipeline. The pressure
gauges for oxygen, nitrous oxide
and medical air are mounted in a
front-facing panel on the anaesthetic
machine (Fig. 2.3).
Some modern anaesthetic
machine designs have a digital
display of the gas supply pressures
(Fig. 2.4).

1. A robust, flexible and coiled
tube which is oval in cross-
section (Fig. 2.5). It should be
able to withstand the sudden
high pressure when the cylinder
Fig. 2.1 The Datex-Ohmeda Aestiva S/5 anaesthetic machine. is switched on.
Pressure gauge 21

2. The tube is sealed at its inner 2. The movement of the tube particular gas or vapour.
end and connected to a needle causes the needle pointer to The pressure measured indicates
pointer which moves over a dial. move on the calibrated dial the contents available in an
3. The other end of the tube is indicating the pressure. oxygen cylinder. Oxygen is
exposed to the gas supply.
Problems in practice and
Mechanism of action safety features
1. The high-pressure gas causes the 1. Each pressure gauge is colour-
tube to uncoil (Bourdon gauge). coded and calibrated for a

O2 supply
Reserve failure alarm Fig. 2.4 Digital display of pressure
cylinders gauges for oxygen (cylinder and pipeline),
Gas supply O2 nitrous oxide (pipeline) and air (pipeline).
1 5
at standard
Piped gases operating N2O O2 flush
2 pressure Coiled
4 Pointer tube

Needle valves 100

& flowmeters

0 200
Cylinder pressure regulator
Non-return pressure relief valve Common
activated at about 35 kPa gas outlet
Fig. 2.2 Diagrammatic representation of a continuous flow anaesthetic Mechanism
machine. Pressures throughout the system: 1. O2: 13 700 kPa, N2O: 4400 kPa;
2. pipeline: about 400 kPa; 3. O2 supply failure alarm activated at <250 kPa; 4.
Gas under
regulated gas supply at about 400 kPa; 5. O2: flush 45 L/min at a pressure of
about 400 kPa; 6. back-bar pressure 1–10 kPa (depending on flow rate and
type of vaporizer). Fig. 2.5 The Bourdon pressure gauge.

Fig. 2.3 Pipeline pressure gauges for oxygen, nitrous oxide and air.
22 2 The anaesthetic machine

stored as a gas and obeys

Boyle’s gas law (pressure × Spring force F
volume = constant). This is not
the case in a nitrous oxide Diaphragm area A
cylinder since it is stored as a
liquid and vapour.
2. A pressure gauge designed
for pipelines should not be
used to measure cylinder
pressure and vice versa. This
leads to inaccuracies and/or
damage to the pressure
3. Should the coiled tube rupture, Low pressure
High pressure outlet P
the gas vents from the back of
inlet P
the pressure gauge casing. The
face of the pressure gauge is Fig. 2.6 The principles of a pressure regulator (reducing valve).
made of heavy glass as an
additional safety feature.

● The use of pressure regulators Components

Pressure gauge allows low-pressure piping and
● Measures pressure in cylinder or connectors to be used in the 1. An inlet, with a filter, leading to
pipeline. machine. This makes the a high-pressure chamber with a
● Pressure acts to straighten a consequences of any gas leak valve.
coiled tube. much less serious. 2. This valve leads to a low-
● Colour-coded and calibrated for pressure chamber and
a particular gas or vapour. They are positioned between outlet.
the cylinders and the rest of the 3. A diaphragm attached to a
anaesthetic machine (Figs 2.7 and spring is situated in the low-
2.8). pressure chamber.

Pressure regulator
(reducing valve)
Pressure regulators are used
● Gas and vapour are stored under
high pressure in cylinders. A
regulator reduces the variable
cylinder pressure to a constant
safer operating pressure of about
400 kPa (just below the pipeline
pressure) (Fig. 2.6).
● The temperature and pressure of
the cylinder contents decrease
with use. In order to maintain
flow, constant adjustment is
required in the absence of
● Regulators protect the
components of the anaesthetic Fig. 2.7 Cylinder pressure regulators (black domes) positioned above the cylinder
machine against pressure surges. yokes in the Datex-Ohmeda Flexima anaesthetic machine.
Flow control (needle) valves 23

regulators and flow
The control of pipeline pressure
surges can be achieved either by
using a second-stage pressure
regulator or a flow restrictor (Fig.
2.9) – a constriction, between the
pipeline supply and the rest of
the anaesthetic machine. A lower
pressure (100–200 kPa) is achieved.
If there are only flow restrictors and
no regulators in the pipeline supply,
adjustment of the flowmeter
controls is usually necessary
whenever there is change in pipeline
Flow restrictors may also be used
Fig. 2.8 Cylinder pressure regulator (the machine’s tray has been removed). downstream of vaporizers to prevent
back pressure effect (see later).

Mechanism of action of the regulators and allow the

escape of gas should the
1. Gas enters the high-pressure regulators fail.
One-way valve or
chamber and passes into the
low-pressure chamber via the
4. A one-way valve is positioned backflow check valves
within the cylinder supply line.
valve. This prevents backflow and loss These valves are usually placed next
2. The force exerted by the of gas from the pipeline to the inlet yoke. Their function is
high-pressure gas tries to close supplies should a cylinder not to prevent loss or leakage of gas
the valve. The opposing force of be connected. This one-way from an empty yoke. They also
the diaphragm and spring tries valve may be incorporated into prevent accidental transfilling
to open the valve. A balance the design of the pressure between paired cylinders.
is reached between the two regulator.
opposing forces. This maintains
a gas flow under a constant
pressure of about 400 kPa. Flow control
Pressure regulator
(needle) valves
Problems in practice and ● Reduces pressure of gases
safety features from cylinders to about
These valves control the flow
400 kPa (similar to pipeline
through the flowmeters by manual
1. Formation of ice inside the
regulator can occur. If the pressure).
cylinder contains water vapour, ● Allows fine control of gas

this may condense and freeze as flow and protects the

a result of the heat lost when anaesthetic machine from
gas expands on entry into the high pressures.
low-pressure chamber. ● A balance between two

2. The diaphragm can rupture. opposing forces maintains a Fig. 2.9 A flow restrictor. The
3. Relief valves (usually set at constant operating pressure. constriction causes a significant pressure
700 kPa) are fitted downstream drop when there is a high gas flow rate.
24 2 The anaesthetic machine

adjustment. They are positioned at Gas out to back-bar

the base of the associated flowmeter Bobbin stop
tube (Fig. 2.10). Increasing the flow
of a gas is achieved by turning the
valve in an anticlockwise direction.

1. The body, made of brass, screws
into the base of the flowmeter.
2. The stem screws into the body
and ends in a needle. It has
Tapered tube
screw threads allowing fine
3. The flow control knobs are
labelled and colour-coded.
4. A flow control knob guard is
fitted in some designs to protect
against accidental adjustment in
the flowmeters.

Bobbin stop
Flowmeters knob Gas in

Flowmeters measure the flow rate of Needle

a gas passing through them. They
Fig. 2.10 A flow control (needle) valve and flowmeter.
are individually calibrated for each
gas. Calibration occurs at room
temperature and atmospheric
pressure (sea level). They have an 2. The bobbin is held floating as an orifice. Here, the flow is
accuracy of about ±2.5%. For flows within the tube by the gas turbulent and a function of
above 1 L/min, the units are L/min, flow passing around it. gas density.
and for flows below that, the units The higher the flow rate, 7. The top of the bobbin has slits
are 100 mL/min (Fig. 2.11). the higher the bobbin rises (flutes) cut into its side. As gas
within the tube. flows past it, the slits cause the
3. The effect of gravity on the bobbin to rotate. A dot on the
bobbin is counteracted by the bobbin indicates to the operator
1. A flow control (needle) valve. gas flow. A constant pressure that the bobbin is rotating and
2. A tapered (wider at the difference across the bobbin not stuck.
top), transparent plastic exists as it floats. 8. The reading of the flowmeter
or glass tube. 4. The clearance between the is taken from the top of the
3. A lightweight rotating bobbin or bobbin and the tube wall bobbin (Fig. 2.13). When a
ball. Bobbin-stops at either end widens as the gas flow increases ball is used, the reading is
of the tube ensure that it is (Fig. 2.12). generally taken from the
always visible to the operator at 5. At low flow rates, the clearance midpoint of the ball.
extremes of flow. is longer and narrower, thus 9. When very low flows are
acting as a tube. Under these required, e.g. in the circle
circumstances, the flow is breathing system, an
Mechanism of action
laminar and a function of gas arrangement of two flowmeters
1. When the needle valve is viscosity (Poiseuille’s law). in series is used. One flowmeter
opened, gas is free to enter the 6. At high flow rates, the clearance reads a maximum of 1 L/min
tapered tube. is shorter and wider, thus acting allowing fine adjustment of the
Flowmeters 25

Problems in practice and

safety features
1. The flow control knobs are
colour-coded for their respective
gases. The oxygen control knob
is situated to the left (in the UK)
and, in some designs, is larger
with larger ridges and has a
longer stem than the other
control knobs, making it easily
recognizable (Fig. 2.15). In the
USA and Canada, the oxygen
control knob is situated to the
2. The European Standard for
anaesthetic machines (EN 740)
requires them to have the
means to prevent the delivery
of a gas mixture with an
oxygen concentration below
25%. Current designs make it
impossible for nitrous oxide to
be delivered without the
addition of a fixed percentage
of oxygen. This is achieved by
using interactive oxygen and
Fig. 2.11 A flowmeter panel.
nitrous oxide controls. This
helps to prevent the possibility
of delivering a hypoxic mixture
to the patient. In the
y y y mechanical system, two gears
are connected together by a
precision stainless steel link
chain. One gear with 14 teeth
is fixed on the nitrous oxide
B flow control valve spindle. The
other gear has 29 teeth and
can rotate the oxygen flow
control valve spindle, rather
x like a nut rotating on a bolt.
For every 2.07 revolutions of
Gas flow the nitrous oxide flow control
knob, the oxygen knob and
spindle set to the lowest
oxygen flow will rotate once.
Fig. 2.12 Mechanism of action of the flowmeter. As the bobbin rises from A to B, the Because the gear on the oxygen
clearance increases (from x to y).
flow control is mounted like a
nut on a bolt, oxygen flow can
flow. One flow control per gas a minimum oxygen flow be adjusted independently of
is needed for both flowmeters of 200–300 mL/min past the nitrous oxide flow.
(Fig. 2.14). needle valve. This ensures that 3. A crack in a flowmeter may
10. There is a stop on the oxygen the oxygen flow cannot be result in a hypoxic mixture
flow control valve to ensure discontinued completely. (Fig. 2.16). To avoid this, oxygen
26 2 The anaesthetic machine

is narrow. The source of the

Read here dirt is usually a contaminated
gas supply. Filters, acting
before gas enters the
1 2 3 4 flowmeters, will remove
the dirt
b) static electricity: the charge
usually builds up over a
Fig. 2.13 Reading a flowmeter (top). Different types of bobbin: 1. ball; 2. non-rotating period of time, leading to
H float; 3. skirted; 4. non-skirted.
inaccuracies of up to 35%.
Using antistatic materials in
flowmeter construction helps
to eliminate any build-up of
charge. Application of
antistatic spray removes any
charge present.
5. Flowmeters are designed to be
read in a vertical position, so
any change in the position of
the machine can affect the
6. Pressure rises at the common
gas outlet are transmitted
back to the gas above the
bobbin. This results in a drop
in the level of the bobbin
with an inaccurate reading.
This can happen with minute
volume divider ventilators as
back pressure is exerted as
they cycle with inaccuracies
of up to 10%. A flow restrictor
is fitted downstream of the
flowmeters to prevent this
7. Accidents have resulted from
failure to see the bobbin
clearly at the extreme ends of
the tube. This can be
prevented by illuminating the
flowmeter bank and installing
a wire stop at the top to
prevent the bobbin reaching
the top of the tube.
8. If facilities for the use of
carbon dioxide are fitted to the
machine, the flowmeter is
designed to allow a maximum
Fig. 2.14 Two flowmeters in series. of 500 mL/min to be added to
the FGF. This ensures that
is the last gas to be added to to the inside wall of the dangerous levels of hypercarbia
the mixture delivered to the flowmeter. The commonest are avoided.
back bar. causes are: 9. Highly accurate computer
4. Flow measurements can become a) dirt: this is a problem at low controlled gas mixers are
inaccurate if the bobbin sticks flow rates when the clearance available.
Vaporizers 27

due to the patient’s respiratory

efforts (e.g. Goldman, Oxford
Miniature Vaporizer; OMV).
Such vaporizers are simple in
design, light in weight, agent
non-specific, i.e. allowing the use
of any volatile agent, small and
inexpensive. For these reasons,
they are used in the ‘field’ or in
otherwise difficult environments.
Fig. 2.15 Flow control knobs. Note the colour-coding and the distinctive-shape oxygen However, they are not as
control knob. efficient as the plenum
vaporizers as their performance
To patient To patient is affected as the temperature of
the anaesthetic agent decreases
due to loss of latent heat during
2. Outside the breathing system.
Gases are driven through a
plenum (high resistance,
unidirectional and agent specific)
vaporizer due to gas supply
O2 AIR N2O O2 AIR N2O pressure.
Fig. 2.16 (A) A broken air flowmeter allows oxygen to PLENUM VAPORIZER
escape and a hypoxic mixture to be delivered from the (FIG. 2.17)
back bar. (B) A possible design measure to prevent this.
1. The case with the filling level
Characteristics of the ideal
indicator and a port for the
filling device.
● Both laminar and turbulent flows
2. Percentage control dial on top of
are encountered, making both
1. Its performance is not affected the case.
the viscosity and density of the
by changes in FGF, volume of 3. The bypass channel and the
gas relevant.
the liquid agent, ambient vaporization chamber. The latter
● The bobbin should not stick to
temperature and pressure, has wicks or baffles to increase
the tapered tube.
decrease in temperature due to the surface area available for
● Oxygen is the last gas to be
vaporization and pressure vaporization (Fig. 2.18).
added to the mixture.
fluctuation due to the mode of 4. The splitting ratio is controlled
● It is very accurate with an error
respiration. by a temperature-sensitive valve
margin of ±2.5%.
2. Low resistance to flow. utilizing a bimetallic strip (Fig.
3. Light weight with small liquid 2.19). The latter is made of two
requirement. strips of metal with different
4. Economy and safety in use with coefficients of thermal
minimal servicing requirements. expansion bonded together. It is
Vaporizers 5. Corrosion- and solvent-resistant positioned inside the
construction. vaporization chamber in the Tec
A vaporizer is designed to add Mk 2 whereas in Tec Mk 3, 4
a controlled amount of an and 5, it is outside the
Vaporizers can be classified
inhalational agent, after changing it vaporization chamber. An
according to location:
from liquid to vapour, to the FGF. ether-filled bellows is the
This is normally expressed as a 1. Inside the breathing system. temperature compensating
percentage of saturated vapour Gases pass through a very low device in the M&IE Vapamasta
added to the gas flow. resistance, draw-over vaporizer Vaporizer 5 and 6. The bellows
28 2 The anaesthetic machine

vaporizer when it is switched on

(Fig. 2.22).

Mechanism of action
1. The calibration of each
vaporizer is agent-specific.
2. Fresh gas flow is split into
two streams on entering the
vaporizer. One stream flows
through the bypass channel
and the other, smaller stream,
flows through the vaporizing
chamber. The two gas streams
reunite as the gas leaves
Fig. 2.17 Tec Mk 5 vaporizers mounted on the back bar of an anaesthetic machine. the vaporizer.
3. The vaporization chamber is
Percentage designed so that the gas leaving
control valve Dial it is always fully saturated with
vapour before it rejoins the
Fresh bypass gas stream. This should
and be achieved despite changes in
Fresh vapour the FGF.
gas in out
4. Full saturation with vapour is
achieved by increasing the
Outlet port
Flow split surface area of contact between
the carrier gas and the
Vaporizing anaesthetic agent. This is
chamber achieved by having wicks
saturated by the inhalational
agent, a series of baffles or by
bubbling the gas through the
5. The desired concentration is
obtained by adjusting the
percentage control dial. This
alters the amount of gas flowing
through the bypass channel to
that flowing through the
Bypass Bypass vaporization chamber.
6. In the modern designs, the
Bimetallic Temperature
strip compensating
vapour concentration supplied
valve by the vaporizer is virtually
independent of the FGFs
Fig. 2.18 A schematic diagram of the Tec Mk 5, an example of a plenum
between 0.5 and 15 L/min.
7. During vaporization, cooling
contracts as the temperature of lever of the system is engaged (in occurs due to the loss of latent
the vaporizer decreases. Mk 4 and 5). The interlocking heat of vaporization. Lowering
5. The vaporizers are mounted extension rods prevent more the temperature of the agent
on the back bar (Fig. 2.20) using than one vaporizer being used makes it less volatile. In order to
the interlocking Selectatec at any one time, preventing compensate for temperature
system (Fig. 2.21). The contamination of the one changes:
percentage control dial cannot downstream (in Mk 4 and 5). a) the vaporizer is made of a
be moved unless the locking The FGF only enters the material with high density and
Vaporizers 29

the saturated vapour pressure

(SVP) of the agent and the
atmospheric pressure. At high
altitudes, the atmospheric
pressure is reduced whereas the
SVP remains the same. This
leads to an increased amount of
vapour whereas the saturation
of the agent remains the same.
The opposite occurs in
hyperbaric chambers. This is of
no clinical relevance as it is the
partial pressure of the agent in
the alveoli that determines the
clinical effect of the agent.

Fig. 2.19 Mechanism of action of a bimetallic strip. Problems in practice and

safety features
1. In modern vaporizers (Tec Mk
5), the liquid anaesthetic agent
does not enter the bypass channel
even if the vaporizer is tipped
upside down due to an antispill
mechanism. In earlier designs,
dangerously high concentrations
of anaesthetic agent could be
delivered to the patient in cases
of agent spillage into the bypass
channel. Despite that, it is
recommended that the vaporizer
is purged with a FGF of 5 L/min
for 30 min with the percentage
control dial set at 5%.
2. The Selectatec system increases
the potential for leaks. This is
due to the risk of accidental
removal of the O-rings with
changes of vaporizers.
3. Minute volume divider
ventilators exert back pressure as
they cycle. This pressure forces
some of the gas exiting the outlet
Fig. 2.20 An empty Selectatec back bar of an anaesthetic machine. port back into the vaporizing
chamber, where more vapour is
high specific heat capacity bellows) within the body of added. Retrograde flow may also
with a very high thermal the vaporizer automatically contaminate the bypass channel.
conductivity, e.g. copper. adjusts the splitting ratio These effects cause an increase in
Copper acts as a heat sink, according to the temperature. the inspired concentration of the
readily giving heat to the It allows more flow into the agent which may be toxic. These
anaesthetic agent and vaporizing chamber as the pressure fluctuations can be
maintaining its temperature temperature decreases. compensated for by:
b) a temperature sensitive valve 8. The amount of vapour carried a) long inlet port into the
(e.g. bimetallic strip or by the FGF is a function of both vaporizing chamber as in
30 2 The anaesthetic machine

Control dial release

wicks of vaporizers with time.
Vaporizing control dial Large quantities may interfere
locking lever with the function of the vaporizer.
Thymol can also cause the
bimetallic strip in the Tec Mk 2 to
stick. Enflurane and isoflurane do
Port valve not contain preservative.
actuating spindle 5. A pressure relief valve
downstream of the vaporizer
opens at about 35 kPa. This
prevents damage to flowmeters
or vaporizers if the common gas
Extension rod outlet is blocked.
6. The bimetallic strip has been
situated in the bypass channel
since the Tec Mk 3. It is possible
for the chemically active strip to
Port valves corrode in a mixture of oxygen
Selectatec series
and the inhalational agent
mounted manifold
within the vaporizing chamber
(Tec Mk 2).
Fig. 2.21 The Selectatec vaporizer interlock mechanism. See text for details.
(Reproduced with permission from Datex-Ohmeda.)
● The case is made of copper
Vaporizer B which is a good heat sink.
Vaporizer A (isolated)
● Consists of a bypass channel and
vaporization chamber. The latter
has wicks to increase the surface
area available for vaporization.
● A temperature-sensitive valve
controls the splitting ratio. It is
positioned outside the vaporizing
chamber in Tec Mk 3, 4 and 5.
● The gas leaving the vaporizing
chamber is fully saturated.
● The effect of back pressure is
Manifold bypass
compensated for.
To common
gas outlet

Fig. 2.22 The Selectatec series mounted manifold bypass circuit. Only when a vaporizer
is locked in position and turned on can fresh gas enter. Vaporizer B is turned off and is Vaporizer filling
isolated from the fresh gas which only enters vaporizer A which is turned on. If no
vaporizer is fitted, the port valves are closed. (Reproduced with permission from
These are agent-specific being
Tec Mk 3. This ensures that pressure required to operate geometrically coded (keyed) to fit
the bypass channel is not commonly used ventilators the safety filling port of the correct
contaminated by retrograde c) both the bypass channel and vaporizer and anaesthetic agent
flow from the vaporizing the vaporizing chamber are of supply bottle (Fig. 2.23). They
chamber equal volumes so gas expansion prevent the risk of adding the
b) downstream flow restrictors: and compression are equal. wrong agent to the wrong vaporizer
used to maintain the vaporizer 4. Preservatives, such as thymol in and decrease the extent of spillage.
at a pressure greater than any halothane, accumulate on the The safety filling system, in
Emergency oxygen flush 31

Fig. 2.23 Agent-specific, colour-coded filling devices; (left to right) desflurane,

sevoflourane, isoflurane and enflurane.
Fig. 2.24 A non-return pressure relief
valve situated at the end of the back bar.
addition, ensures that the vaporizer commonly encountered using
cannot overflow. Fillers used for minute volume divider
desflurane and sevoflurane have ventilators.
valves that are only opened when 2. It opens when the pressure in
Emergency oxygen
fully inserted into their ports. This the back bar exceeds about flush
prevents spillage. 35 kPa. Flowmeter and
vaporizer components can be This is usually activated by a
The fillers are colour-coded: damaged at higher pressures. non-locking button (Fig. 2.25).

Red Halothane
Orange Enflurane
Purple Isoflurane
Yellow Sevoflurane
Blue Desflurane

A more recent design feature is

the antipollution cap allowing the
filler to be left fitted to the bottle
between uses to prevent the agent
from vaporizing. It also eliminates
air locks, speeding up vaporizer
filling, and ensures that the bottle is
completely emptied, reducing

Spring Self-closing valve Button

Non-return pressure
relief safety valve
This is situated downstream of the Oxygen flow
vaporizers either on the back bar
itself or near the common gas outlet
(Fig. 2.24).
1. Its non-return design helps to
prevent back pressure effects Fig. 2.25 The emergency oxygen flush button (above); its mechanism of action (below).
32 2 The anaesthetic machine

When pressed, pure oxygen is

supplied from the outlet of the
anaesthetic machine. The flow
bypasses the flowmeters and the
vaporizers. A flow of about
35–75 L/min at a pressure of
about 400 kPa is expected. The
emergency oxygen flush is usually
activated by a non-locking button
and using a self-closing valve. It
is designed to minimize
unintended and accidental
operation by staff or other
equipment. The button is recessed
in a housing to prevent accidental
Fig. 2.26 Compressed oxygen outlet.
Problems in practice and
safety features
1. The high operating pressure and
flow of the oxygen flush puts the
patient at a higher risk of 5. It should have pressure-linked
barotrauma. controls which interrupt
2. When the emergency oxygen the flow of all other gases
flush is used inappropriately, it when it comes into operation.
leads to dilution of the Atmospheric air is allowed to
anaesthetic gases and possible be delivered to the patient,
awareness. without carbon dioxide
3. It should not be activated while accumulation. It should be
ventilating a patient using a impossible to resume
minute volume divider ventilator. anaesthesia until the oxygen
supply has been restored.
6. The alarm should be
positioned on the reduced
Compressed oxygen pressure side of the oxygen
supply line.
outlet(s) 7. It should be tamper proof.
Fig. 2.27 The oxygen supply failure
8. It is not affected by
One or more compressed backpressure from the
alarm in the Datex-Ohmeda Flexima
oxygen outlets used to provide anaesthetic machine. anaesthetic ventilator.
oxygen at about 400 kPa (Fig.
2.26). It can be used to drive In modern machines, if
ventilators or a manually controlled the oxygen supply pressure
jet injector. 1. Activation depends on the falls below 200 kPa, the low-
pressure of oxygen itself. pressure supply alarm sounds.
2. It requires no batteries or mains With supply pressures below
power. 137 kPa, the ‘fail safe’ valve will
3. It gives an audible signal of a interrupt the flow of other gases
Oxygen supply special character and of to their flowmeters so that only
failure alarm sufficient duration and volume oxygen can be delivered (Fig. 2.28).
to attract attention. The oxygen flow set on the oxygen
There are many designs available 4. It should give a warning of flowmeter will not decrease until
(Fig. 2.27) but the characteristics impending failure and a further the oxygen supply pressure falls
of the ideal warning device are: alarm that failure has occurred. below 100 kPa.
Other modifications and designs 33

Anti-hypoxic safety features

These features are designed
to prevent the delivery of
gaseous mixtures with
oxygen concentrations of less
than 25%. This can be
achieved by:
● Mechanical means: a chain
links the oxygen and nitrous
oxide flow control valves.
Increasing the flow rate of
nitrous oxide leads to a Oxygen Oxygen
proportional increase in A B
oxygen flow rate.
Fig. 2.28 Oxygen supply failure alarm mechanism of action. (A) O2 pressure is higher
● Pneumatic means: a pressure- than 200 kPa so allowing N2O flow (blue). (B) O2 pressure is lower than 200 kPa so
sensitive diaphragm cutting off N2O flow.
measuring the changes in
oxygen and nitrous oxide
● A paramagnetic oxygen analyser
continuously measuring
the oxygen concentration.
Nitrous oxide flow is
switched off automatically when
oxygen concentration falls under

Common gas outlet

(Fig. 2.29)
This is where the anaesthetic
machine ‘ends’. At the common gas
outlet, the gas mixture made at the
flowmeters, plus any inhaled
Fig. 2.29 Common gas outlet.
anaesthetic agent added by the
vaporizer, exits the machine and
enters the fresh gas tubing that boiling point of 23.5°C at
conducts it to the breathing system. atmospheric pressure which is
The common gas outlet is a
Other modifications only slightly above normal room
conically tapered pipe with a and designs temperature, precludes the use of
22 mm male/15 mm female. It can a normal variable-bypass type
be fixed or on a swivelling 1. Desflurane vaporizer (Figs 2.30 vaporizer. In order to overcome
connector. The connector of the and 2.31). Desflurane is an these physical properties,
common gas outlet should be strong inhalational agent with unique vaporizers with a completely
enough to withstand a torque of up physical properties making it different design from the
to 10 Nm because of the heavy extremely volatile. Its SVP is previous Tec series are used
equipment that may be attached. 664 mmHg at 20°C and, with a despite the similar appearance.
34 2 The anaesthetic machine

capacity of 450 mL. The desflurane out of the

chamber requires a warm-up vaporizing chamber is
period of 5–10 minutes to proportional to the FGF,
reach its operating temperature so enabling the output
of 39°C (i.e. above its boiling concentration to be
point) and a SVP of more than made independent of FGF
1550 mmHg (about two rate.
atmospheric pressures). The f) The vaporizer incorporates
vaporizer will not function malfunction alarms (auditory
below this temperature and and visual). There is a
pressure. back-up 9-volt battery
b) A fixed restriction/orifice should there be a mains
is positioned in the FGF failure.
path. The FGF does not enter 2. Since most of the anaesthetic
the vaporization chamber. machine is made from metal,
Instead, the FGF enters the it should not be used close to
path of the regulated magnetic resonance imaging
concentration of desflurane (MRI) scanner. Distorted
vapour before the resulting readings and physical damage
gas mixture is delivered to the to the scanner are possible
patient. because of the attraction of the
c) A differential pressure strong magnetic fields. Newly
Fig. 2.30 Dräger D Vapor desflurane transducer adjusts a pressure- designed anaesthetic machines
vaporizer. (Courtesy of Dräger.) regulating valve at the outlet made of totally non-ferrous
of the vaporization chamber. material solve this problem
The transducer senses pressure (Fig. 2.32).
Fresh gas
at the fixed restriction on 3. Newly designed anaesthetic
inlet Fixed
one side and the pressure of machines are more sophisticated
desflurane vapour upstream to than that described above. Many
Outlet the pressure-regulating valve important components have
Regulator on the other side. This become electrically or
transducer ensures that the electronically controlled as an
Control pressure of desflurane vapour integrated system (Fig. 2.33).
valve upstream of the control valve Thermistors can be used to
equals the pressure of fresh measure the flow of gases.
Shut-off gas flow at the fixed Gas flow causes changes in
valve restriction. temperature which are measured
d) A percentage control dial with by the thermistors. Changes in
a rotary valve adjusts a second temperature are calibrated to
resistor which controls the measure flows of gases. Other
Sump flow of desflurane vapour designs measure flows using
into the FGF and thus the electronic flow sensors based
output concentration. on the principle of the
The dial calibration is from pneumotachograph. Pressure
Heat 0% to 18%. difference is measured across a
e) The fixed restriction/orifice laminar flow resistor through
Fig. 2.31 A schematic diagram of the
ensures that the pressure of which the gas flows. Using a
Tec Mk 6 vaporizer. (Reproduced with
permission from Datex-Ohmeda.) the carrier gas within the differential pressure transducer,
vaporizer is proportional to flow is measured and displayed
gas flow. The transducer on a screen in the form of a
They are mounted on the ensures that the pressure of virtual graduated flowmeter,
Selectatec system. desflurane vapour upstream together with a digital
a) An electrically heated of the resistor equals the display.
desflurane vaporization pressure of FGF at the orifice. In the Dräger Zeus IE
chamber (sump) with a This means that the flow of workstation, the anaesthetist
Other modifications and designs 35

sets the FiO2 and end-tidal

anaesthetic agent concentration.
The system then works to achieve
these targets in the quickest and
safest way. Direct injectors are
used instead of the traditional
vaporizers. This allows direct
injection of the inhalational agent
into the breathing system. This in
turn allows for rapid changes in
the inhalational agent
concentration independent of the
FGF. The workstation also has a
number of pumps allowing
intravenous infusion when
4. Quantiflex Anaesthetic Machine
(Fig. 2.34). This machine has the
following features:
Fig. 2.32 A non-ferrous MRI compatible anaesthetic machine. a) Two flowmeters, one
for oxygen and one for
nitrous oxide, with one
control knob for both
b) The oxygen flowmeter is
situated to the right, whereas
the nitrous oxide flowmeter is
situated to the left.
c) The relative concentrations of
oxygen and nitrous oxide are
adjusted by a mixture control
wheel. The oxygen
concentration can be adjusted

Fig. 2.34 Quantiflex Anaesthetic

Fig. 2.33 Dräger Zeus IE anaesthetic workstation. (Courtesy of Dräger.) Machine.
36 2 The anaesthetic machine

in 10% steps from 30% The UAM differs from standard less than the patient’s minute
to 100%. anaesthetic machines by the use ventilation) and a positive
d) This design prevents the of an electrically powered pressure relief valve prevents
delivery of hypoxic mixtures. oxygen concentrator (producing overpressure of the bag.
e) It is mainly used in dental 10 L/min of 95% oxygen), A low-resistance vaporizer is
anaesthesia. drawover vaporizer, bellows and fitted downstream of the positive
Some newly designed balloon valve. The UAM can pressure valve. Vaporizers
anaesthetic machines have an function in both continuous flow calibrated for the use of
extra outlet with its own and drawover modes, entraining isoflurane or halothane are
flowmeter to deliver oxygen to air as necessary (e.g. if electricity available. Distally, the set of
conscious or lightly sedated supply to the concentrator fails), silicone bellows (up to 1600 mL)
patients via a face mask. This with the vaporizer functioning allows manual ventilation
can be used in patients as normal. Alternatively, oxygen through a standard dual limb
undergoing surgery under can be provided via cylinder, breathing system. The expiratory
regional anaesthesia with pipeline or the side emergency valve is sited on the side of the
sedation. inlet. The UAM has two machine, and comprises a
5. Universal Anaesthesia Machine flowmeters, one for oxygen and long-life silicone balloon housed
(UAM) (Figs 1.23 and 2.35). the other for either nitrous oxide in a clear plastic tube.
This was developed to enable or air. A 2-L reservoir bag is A fuel cell oxygen
the provision of anaesthesia in positioned distal to the concentration monitor with a
poorly resourced countries flowmeters on the back bar. A touch-screen display, as well as a
where compressed gases and negative pressure valve allows safety anti-hypoxic feature, are
electricity supplies are unreliable. entrainment of air (if the FGF is included in the design.

Oxygen analyser
Oxygen and apnoea alarm DOV for
concentrator PPRV HAL/ISO

O2 inlet
air inlet

O2/N2O/air Emergency oxygen

flow control inlet on the back 2 Litre reservoir
of the UAM bag on back bar
pin index yoke
Oxygen analyser
+ N20 option
sampling port

Y-piece outlet
To patient INSP
EXP FGF inlet
block +
Scavenger 2 valves

Balloon Balloon actuator

occluder pipe
Fig. 2.35 Diagramatic representation of UAM. (Courtesy of UAM Global.)
Anaesthesia in remote areas 37

3. A second length of tubing b) The self-inflating bag can be

leading from the self-inflating used for controlled or assisted
Anaesthesia in bag to two Oxford Miniature ventilation.
remote areas Vaporizers (OMV). 2. The OMV is a draw-over
4. An oxygen cylinder can be vaporizer with a capacity for
The apparatus used must be connected upstream of the 50 mL of anaesthetic agent. The
compact, portable and robust. The vaporizers. A third length of wick is made of metal with no
Triservice apparatus is suitable for tubing acts as an oxygen temperature compensation
use in remote areas where supply of reservoir during expiration. features. There is an ethylene
compressed gases and vapours is glycol jacket acting as a heat sink
difficult (Figs 2.36 and 2.37). The to help to stabilize the vaporizer
Triservice anaesthetic apparatus Mechanism of action temperature. The calibration
name derives from the three military scale on the vaporizer can be
1. The Triservice apparatus can be
services: Army, Navy and Air Force. detached allowing the use of
used for both spontaneous and
different inhalational agents. A
controlled ventilation.
Components different inhalational agent can
a) The patient can draw air
be used after blowing air for 10
1. A face mask with a non- through the vaporizers.
minutes and rinsing the wicks
rebreathing valve fitted. The exhaled gases are
with the new agent. The vaporizer
2. A short length of tubing leading vented out via the non-
casing has extendable feet fitted.
to a self-inflating bag. rebreathing valve.
3. The downstream vaporizer
is traditionally filled with
trichloroethylene to compensate
for the absence of the analgesic
effect of nitrous oxide.

Problems in practice and

safety features
1. The vaporizers’ heat sink
(ethylene glycol jacket) is not
suitable for prolonged use at
Fig. 2.36 The Triservice apparatus.
high gas flows. The vapour
concentration decreases as the
temperature decreases.
2. During use, accidental tipping of
the vaporizer can spill liquid
agent into the breathing system.
Reservoir The vaporizer is spillproof when
Oxygen Inflating bag
turned off.
Triservice apparatus
● Consists of two OMVs, self-
inflating bag and non-
rebreathing valve.
● The apparatus is suitable for
both spontaneous and controlled
0.1 ● OMV is a draw-over vaporizer
reducing with no temperature
valve 1 Lit min. 4 Lit min. compensation. It has a heat sink.
It can be used with different
Inflating valve Inlet valve inhalational agents.
Fig. 2.37 Mechanism of action of the Triservice apparatus.
38 2 The anaesthetic machine

FURTHER READING Safetywarnings/MedicalDeviceAlerts/ at:

CON085024. ConferencesLearningCentre/
Eisenkraft, J.B., 2005. Anaesthesia MHRA, 2010. Medical device alert: LearningCentre/
machine basics. Seminars in various models of anaesthetic Deviceslearningmodules/
Anaesthesia. Perioperative Medicine carestations manufactured by GE Anaestheticmachines/index.htm.
and Pain 24, 138–146. Healthcare (MDA/2010/058). Online. NHS, 2011. Airway suction equipment.
MHRA, 2010. Medical device alert: Available at: Online. Available at: http://www.nrls.
anaesthetic vaporizers – all uk/Publications/Safetywarnings/
manufacturers (MDA/2010/052). MedicalDeviceAlerts/CON087755. yid45=94845.
Online. Available at: http://www. MHRA, 2010. Anaesthetic machine e-learning module. Online. Available
MCQs 39

In the following lists, which of the following statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Flowmeters in an anaesthetic 3. Pressure gauges on an 6. Concerning the Triservice

machine: anaesthetic machine: apparatus:
a) N2O may be used in an O2 a) Use the Bourdon pressure a) Two plenum vaporizers are
flowmeter without a change in gauge principle. used.
calibration. b) The pressure reflects b) It can be used for both
b) Flowmeters use a tube and accurately the cylinders’ spontaneous and controlled
bobbin. contents for both oxygen and ventilation.
c) They are an example of a nitrous oxide. c) An inflating bag and a
variable orifice device. c) Can be interchangeable one-way valve are used.
d) They have a linear scale. between oxygen and nitrous d) The Oxford Miniature
e) Both laminar and turbulent oxide. Vaporizer has a metal wick
flows are encountered. d) The same pressure gauge can and a heat sink.
be used for both cylinder and e) Supplementary oxygen can be
pipeline gas supply. added to the system.
2. Vaporizers:
e) They are colour-coded for a
a) Manual ventilation using a
particular gas or vapour.
vaporizer in circle (VIC) 7. Pressure regulators:
causes a reduction in the a) They are only used to reduce
inspired concentration of the 4. Laminar flow: the pressure of gases.
inhalational agent. a) It is directly proportional to b) They maintain a gas flow at a
b) A Tec Mark 3 vaporizer can the square root of pressure. constant pressure of about
be used as a VIC. b) Halving the radius results in a 400 kPa.
c) Gas flow emerging from the flow equivalent to a 16th of c) Their main purpose is to
vaporizing chamber should the original laminar flow. protect the patient.
be fully saturated with the c) It is related to the density of d) Relief valves open at 700 kPa
inhalational agent. the fluid. in case of failure.
d) The bimetallic strip valve d) The flow is greatest in the e) Flow restrictors can
in Tec Mark 5 is in the centre. additionally be used in
vaporizing chamber. e) Laminar flow changes to pipeline supply.
e) The inhalational agent turbulent when Reynold’s
concentration delivered to the number exceeds 2000.
8. The safety features found in an
patient gradually decreases the
anaesthetic machine include:
longer the vaporizer is used
5. Flowmeters on an anaesthetic a) Oxygen supply failure alarm.
due to cooling of the agent.
machine: b) Colour-coded flowmeters.
a) They have an accuracy of c) Vaporizer level alarm.
±2.5%. d) Ventilator disconnection
b) They have a tapered tube with alarm.
a narrow top. e) Two vaporizers can be safely
c) Oxygen is the first gas to be used at the same time.
added to the mixture at the
back bar.
d) At high flows, the density of
the gas is important in
measuring the flow.
e) The reading of the flow is
from the top of the bobbin.
40 2 The anaesthetic machine

9. The non-return valve on the 10. The oxygen emergency flush on SINGLE BEST ANSWER (SBA)
back bar of an anaesthetic an anaesthetic machine
machine between the vaporizer a) Operates at 20 L/min. 11. Concerning a desflurane
and common gas outlet: b) Is always safe to use during vaporizer:
a) Decreases the pumping effect. anaesthesia. a) Is ready for use immediately.
b) Often is incorporated with a c) Operates at 40 L/min. b) Can be used with other
pressure relief valve on d) Increases risk of awareness inhalational agents.
modern machines. during anaesthesia. c) Needs an electrical supply to
c) Is designed to protect the e) Can be safely used with a function.
patient. minute volume divider d) Fresh gas flow enters the
d) Is designed to protect the ventilator. vaporization chamber.
machine. e) Is colour-coded red.
e) Opens at a pressure of
70 kPa.
Answers 41


1. Flowmeters in an anaesthetic 2. Vaporizers: e) False. The concentration

machine: a) False. During manual (or delivered to the patient stays
a) False. The flowmeters in an controlled) ventilation using a constant because of
anaesthetic machine are VIC vaporizer, the inspired temperature compensating
calibrated for the particular concentration of the mechanisms. This can be
gas(es) used taking into inhalational agent is increased. achieved by:
consideration the viscosity It can increase to dangerous ● using a material with high
and density of the gas(es). concentrations. Unless the density and high specific
N2O and O2 have different concentration of the thermal conductivity (e.g.
viscosities and densities so inhalational agent(s) is copper) which acts as a heat
unless the flowmeters are measured continuously, this sink readily giving heat to
recalibrated, false readings technique is not the agent and maintaining
will result. recommended. its temperature
b) True. They are constant b) False. As the patient is ● a temperature-sensitive
pressure, variable orifice breathing through a VIC valve within the vaporizer
flowmeters. A tapered vaporizer, it should have very which automatically adjusts
transparent tube with a low internal resistance. The the splitting ratio according
lightweight rotating bobbin. Tec Mark 3 has a high to the temperature, so if the
The bobbin is held floating in internal resistance because of temperature decreases due
the tube by the gas flow. The the wicks in the vaporizing to loss of latent heat of
clearance between the bobbin chamber. vaporization, it allows more
and the tube wall widens as c) True. This can be achieved by flow into the vaporizing
the flow increases. The increasing the surface area of chamber.
pressure across the bobbin contact between the carrier
remains constant as the effect gas and the anaesthetic agent. 3. Pressure gauges on an
of gravity on the bobbin is Full saturation should be anaesthetic machine:
countered by the gas flow. achieved despite changes in a) True. A pressure gauge
c) True. See above. fresh gas flow. The final consists of a coiled tube that
d) False. The flowmeters do not concentration is delivered to is subjected to pressure from
have a linear scale. There are the patient after mixing with the inside. The high-pressure
different scales for low and the fresh gas flow from the gas causes the tube to
high flow rates. bypass channel. uncoil. The movement of
e) True. At low flows, the d) False. The bimetallic strip the tube causes a needle
flowmeter acts as a tube, as valve in the Tec Mk 5 is in pointer to move on a
the clearance between the the bypass chamber. The calibrated dial indicating the
bobbin and the wall of the bimetallic strip has been pressure.
tube is longer and narrower. positioned in the bypass b) False. Oxygen is stored as a
This leads to laminar flow chamber since the Tec Mk 3. gas in the cylinder hence it
which is dependent on the This was done to avoid obeys the gas laws. The
viscosity (Poiseuille’s law). At corrosion of the strip in a pressure changes in an oxygen
high flows, the flowmeter acts mixture of oxygen and cylinder accurately reflect the
as an orifice. The clearance is inhalational agent when contents. Nitrous oxide is
shorter and wider. This leads positioned in the vaporizing stored as a liquid and vapour
to turbulent flow which is chamber. so it does not obey Boyle’s
dependent on density. gas law. This means that the
pressure changes in a nitrous
oxide cylinder do not
accurately reflect the contents
of the cylinder.
42 2 The anaesthetic machine

c) False. The pressure gauges are heat sink consists of an

5. Flowmeters on an anaesthetic
calibrated for a particular gas ethylene glycol jacket to
or vapour. Oxygen and stabilize the vaporizer
a) True. The flowmeters on the
nitrous oxide pressure gauges temperature.
anaesthetic machine are very
are not interchangeable. e) True. Supplementary oxygen
accurate with an accuracy
d) False. Cylinders are kept can be added to the system
of ±2.5%.
under much higher pressures from an oxygen cylinder.
b) False. The flowmeters on an
(13 700 kPa for oxygen and The oxygen is added to the
anaesthetic machine are
5400 kPa for nitrous oxide) reservoir proximal to the
tapered tubes. The top is
than the pipeline gas supply vaporizer(s).
wider than the bottom.
(about 400 kPa). Using the
c) False. Oxygen is the last gas
same pressure gauges for 7. Pressure regulators:
to be added to the mixture at
both cylinders and pipeline a) False. Pressure regulators are
the back bar. This is a safety
gas supply can lead to used to reduce pressure of
feature in the design of the
inaccuracies and/or damage to gases and also to maintain a
anaesthetic machine. If there
pressure gauges. constant flow. In the absence
is a crack in a flowmeter, a
e) True. Colour-coding is one of of pressure regulators, the
hypoxic mixture may result if
the safety features used in the flowmeters need to be
oxygen is added first to the
use and delivery of gases in adjusted regularly to maintain
medical practice. In the UK, constant flows as the contents
d) True. At high flows, the flow
white is for oxygen, blue for of the cylinders are used up.
is turbulent which is
nitrous oxide and black for The temperature and pressure
dependent on density. At low
medical air. of the cylinder contents
flows, the flow is laminar
decrease with use.
which is dependent on
4. Laminar flow: b) True. Pressure regulators are
a) False. Laminar flow is directly designed to maintain a gas
e) True. When a ball is used, the
proportional to pressure. flow at a constant pressure of
reading is taken from the
Hagen–Poiseuille equation: about 400 kPa irrespective of
Flow ∝ pressure × radius4/ the pressure and temperature
viscosity × length. of the contents of the cylinder.
6. Concerning the Triservice
b) True. From the above c) False. Pressure regulators
equation, the flow ∝ radius4. offer no protection to the
a) False. In the Triservice
c) False. Laminar flow is related patient. Their main function is
apparatus, two Oxford
to viscosity. Turbulent flow is to protect the anaesthetic
Miniature, draw-over,
related to density. machine from the high
Vaporizers (OMV) are used.
d) True. Laminar flow is greatest pressure of the cylinder and
Plenum vaporizers are not
in the centre at about twice to maintain a constant flow
used due to their high internal
the mean flow rate. The flow of gas.
resistance. The OMV is light
is slower nearer to the wall of d) True. In situations where the
weight and, by changing its
the tube. At the wall the flow pressure regulator fails, a
calibration scale, different
is almost zero. relief valve that opens at
inhalational agents can be
e) True. Reynold’s number is the 700 kPa prevents the build up
used easily.
index used to predict the type of excessive pressure.
b) True. The system allows both
of flow, laminar or turbulent. e) True. Flow restrictors can be
spontaneous and controlled
Reynold’s number = velocity used in a pipeline supply.
ventilation. The resistance to
of fluid × density × radius of They are designed to protect
breathing is low allowing
tube/viscosity. In laminar flow, the anaesthetic machine from
spontaneous ventilation. The
Reynold’s number is <2000. pressure surges in the system.
self-inflating bag provides the
In turbulent flow, Reynold’s They consist of a constriction
means to control ventilation.
number is >2000. between the pipeline supply
c) True. As above.
and the anaesthetic machine.
d) True. The OMV has a metal
wick to increase area of
vaporization within the
vaporization chamber. The
Answers 43

8. The safety features found in an 9. The non-return valve on the 10. The oxygen emergency flush on
anaesthetic machine include: back bar of an anaesthetic an anaesthetic machine:
a) True. This is an essential machine between the vaporizer a) False. 35–75 L/min can be
safety feature in the and common gas outlet: delivered by activating the
anaesthetic machine. The ideal a) True. Minute volume divider oxygen emergency flush on
design should operate under ventilators exert back pressure the anaesthetic machine.
the pressure of oxygen itself, as they cycle. This causes b) False. The inappropriate use
give a characteristic audible reversal of the fresh gas flow of the oxygen flush during
signal, be capable of warning through the vaporizer. This anaesthesia increases risk of
of impending failure and give leads to an uncontrolled awareness (a 100% oxygen
a further alarm when failure increase in the concentration can be delivered) and
has occurred, be capable of of the inhalational agent. Also barotrauma to the patient
interrupting the flow of other the back pressure causes the (because of the high flows
gases and not require batteries fluctuation of the bobbins delivered).
or mains power to operate. in the flowmeters as the c) True. See a).
b) True. The flowmeters are ventilator cycles. The non- d) True. This can happen by
colour-coded and also the return valve on the back bar diluting the anaesthetic
shape and size of the oxygen prevents these events from mixture; see b).
flowmeter knob is different happening. e) False. Because of the high
from the nitrous oxide knob. b) True. The non-return valve on FGF (35–70 L/min), the
This allows the identification the back bar opens when the minute volume divider
of the oxygen knob even in a pressure in the back bar ventilator does not function
dark environment. exceeds 35 kPa. Flowmeters appropriately.
c) False. The vaporizer level and vaporizer components
can be monitored by the can be damaged at higher 11. c)
anaesthetist. This is part of pressures.
the anaesthetic machine c) True. By preventing the effects
checklist. There is no alarm of back pressure on the
system. flowmeters and vaporizer as
d) True. A ventilator the minute volume divider
disconnection alarm is ventilator cycles, the non-
essential when a ventilator is return valve on the back bar
used. They are also used to provides some protection to
monitor leaks, obstruction the patient. The flows on the
and malfunction. They can flowmeters and the desired
be pressure and/or volume concentration of the
monitoring alarms. In inhalational agent can be
addition, clinical observation, accurately delivered to the
end-tidal carbon dioxide patient.
concentration and airway d) True. See b).
pressure are also e) False. The non-return valve
‘disconnection alarms’. on the back bar of the
e) False. Only one vaporizer can anaesthetic machine opens at
be used at any one time. This a pressure of 35 kPa.
is due to the interlocking
Selectatec system where
interlocking extension rods
prevent more than one
vaporizer being used at any
one time. These rods prevent
the percentage control dial
from moving, preventing
contamination of the
downstream vaporizer.

Chapter 3

Pollution in
theatre and
46 3 Pollution in theatre and scavenging

Since the late 1960s, there has been

speculation that trace anaesthetic Table 3.1 Causes of operating theatre pollution
gases/vapours may have a harmful
effect on operating theatre Anaesthetic techniques Incomplete scavenging of the gases from
personnel. It has been concluded ventilator and/or adjustable pressure limiting
from currently available studies that (APL) valve
Poorly fitting face mask
there is no association between
Paediatric breathing systems, e.g. T-piece
occupational exposure to trace Failure to turn off fresh gas and/or vaporizer at
levels of waste anaesthetic vapours the end of an anaesthetic
in scavenged operating theatres and Uncuffed tracheal tubes
adverse health effects. However, it is Filling of the vaporizers
desirable to vent out the exhaled Exhalation of the gases/vapours during recovery
Anaesthetic machine Leaks from the various connections used, e.g. ‘O’
anaesthetic vapours and maintain
rings, soda lime canister
a vapour-free theatre environment. Others Cryosurgery units and cardiopulmonary bypass
A prudent plan for minimizing circuit if a vapour is used
exposure includes maintenance of
equipment, training of personnel
and routine exposure monitoring.
Although not universally agreed
at 8-hour time-weighted average absorbing CO2. It requires a
upon, the recommended maximum
concentrations should be less than very low fresh gas flow, so
accepted concentrations in the UK
25 ppm during the administration reducing the amount of
(issued in 1996), over an 8-hour,
of an anaesthetic. inhalational agents used. This
time-weighted average (see Table 3.1
Holland has a limit of 25 ppm decreases the level of theatre
for main causes), are as follows:
for nitrous oxide, whereas Italy, environment contamination.
Sweden, Norway and Denmark set 3. Total intravenous anaesthesia.
● 100 particles per million (ppm) 100 ppm as their limit for exposure 4. Regional anaesthesia.
for nitrous oxide to nitrous oxide. The differences 5. Avoiding spillage and using fume
● 50 ppm for enflurane illustrate the difficulty in setting cupboards during vaporizer
● 50 ppm for isoflurane standards without adequate data. filling. This used to be a
● 10 ppm for halothane Methods used to decrease theatre significant contributor to the
● 20 ppm for sevoflurane pollution are listed below: hazard of pollution in the
(recommended by Abbot operating theatre. Modern
1. Adequate theatre ventilation and
vaporizers use special agent-
no limit set for desflurane
air conditioning, with frequent
● specific filling devices as a safety
although a 50 ppm target is
and rapid changing of the
feature and to reduce spillage
advisable due to its similarity to
circulating air (15–20 times per
and pollution.
hour). This is one of the most
6. Scavenging.
important factors in reducing
pollution. Theatres that are Sampling procedures for
These levels were chosen because unventilated are four times as evaluating waste anaesthetic vapour
they are well below the levels at contaminated with anaesthetic concentrations in air should be
which any significant adverse effects gases and vapours compared to conducted for nitrous oxide and
occurred in animals and represent those with proper ventilation. A halogenated agents on a yearly basis
levels at which there is no evidence non-recirculating ventilation in the UK and on a quarterly basis
to suggest human health would be system is usually used. A in the USA in each location where
affected. recirculating ventilation system anaesthesia is administered.
In the United States, the is not recommended. In labour Monitoring should include:
maximum accepted concentrations wards, where anaesthetic agents
a) leak testing of equipment
of any halogenated agent should be including Entonox are used,
b) sampling air in the theatre
less than 2 ppm. When such agents rooms should be well ventilated
personnel breathing zone.
are used in combination with with a minimum of five air
nitrous oxide, levels of less than changes per hour. Anaesthetic equipment, gas
0.5 ppm should be achieved. 2. Use of the circle breathing scavenging, gas supply, flowmeters
Nitrous oxide, when used as system. This system recycles the and ventilation systems must be
the sole anaesthetic agent, exhaled anaesthetic vapours, subject to a planned preventative
Scavenging 47

maintenance (PPM) programme. At negative pressure variations in the demand in the scavenging
least once annually, the general breathing system. system. Without these valves,
ventilation system and the The performance of the excessive positive pressure
scavenging equipment should be scavenging system should be part of increases the risk of barotrauma
examined and tested by a the anaesthetic machine check. should there be an obstruction
responsible person. Scavenging systems can be divided beyond the receiving system.
into passive and active systems. Excessive negative pressure
could lead to the collapse of the
Pollution in the operating reservoir bag of the breathing
system and the risk of
● In scavenged areas, there is
no association between The passive system is simple to
3. The disposal system is a
occupational exposure to construct with zero running cost.
wide-bore copper pipe leading to
anaesthetic agents trace levels the atmosphere directly or via
and adverse health effects. Components
the theatre ventilation system.
● There are no agreed
1. The collecting and transfer
international standards of system which consists of a
the maximum accepted Mechanism of action
shroud connected to the
concentrations of agents in the adjustable pressure limiting 1. The exhaled gases are driven by
theatre environment. (APL) valve (or expiratory valve either the patient’s respiratory
● Routine monitoring and testing
of the ventilator). A 30-mm efforts or the ventilator.
(PPM) are mandatory. connector attached to transfer 2. The receiving system should be
tubing leads to a receiving mounted on the anaesthetic
system (Fig. 3.1). The 30-mm machine to minimize the length
wide-bore connector is designed of transfer tubing and resistance
Scavenging as a safety measure in order to to flow.
prevent accidental misconnection
In any location in which inhalation to other ports of the breathing
Problems in practice and
anaesthetics are administered, there system (Fig. 3.2).
safety features
should be an adequate and reliable 2. A receiving system (reservoir
system for scavenging waste bag) can be used. Two spring- 1. Connecting the scavenging
anaesthetic gases. A scavenging loaded valves guard against system to the exit grille of the
system is capable of collecting the excessive positive pressures theatre ventilation is possible.
waste anaesthetic gases from the (1000 Pa) in case of a distal Recirculation or reversing of the
breathing system and discarding obstruction or negative pressures flow is a problem in this
them safely. Unscavenged operating (−50 Pa) in case of increased situation.
theatres can show N2O levels of
400–3000 ppm.

The ideal scavenging system

● Should not affect the ventilation External terminal
and oxygenation of the patient.
● Should not affect the dynamics Positive pressure Negative pressure
of the breathing system. relief valve set to relief valve set to
1000 Pa minus 50 Pa Fixed copper pipe

A well-designed scavenging expiratory
system should consist of a collecting valve The safety block provides
device for gases from the breathing Reservoir bag positive and negative pressure relief.
system/ventilator at the site of (optional) If it is near to the collecting system,
overflow, a ventilation system to additional positive relief at the
carry waste anaesthetic gases from 30 mm conical collecting system is not required.
the operating theatre and a method connectors
for limiting both positive and Fig. 3.1 Diagram of a passive scavenging system.
48 3 Pollution in theatre and scavenging

Mechanism of action
1. The vacuum drives the gases
through the system. Active
scavenging systems are able
to deal with a wide range
of expiratory flow rates
(30–130 L/min).
2. A motorized fan, a pump or
a Venturi system is used to
generate the vacuum or negative
pressure that is transmitted
through the pipes.
3. The receiving system is capable
of coping with changes in gas
flow rates. Increased demands
(or excessive negative pressure)
allow ambient air to be
entrained so maintaining
Fig. 3.2 Attaching a 30-mm connecter to the APL valve of the breathing system. The the pressure. The opposite
30-mm wide bore is designed as safety measure. occurs during excessive
positive pressure. As a result,
a uniform gas flow is passed
2. Excess positive or negative between the receiving and to the disposal system.
pressures caused by the wind disposal systems can be used. A
at the outlet might affect the reservoir bag with two spring-
Problems in practice and
performance and even reverse loaded safety valves can also be
safety features
the flow. used as a receiving system.
3. The outlet should be fitted with 3. The active disposal system 1. The reservoir is designed to
a wire mesh to protect against consists of a fan or a pump used prevent excessive negative or
insects. to generate a vacuum (Fig. 3.5). positive pressures being applied
4. Compressing or occluding the
passive hose may lead to the
escape of gases/vapours into the
operating theatre so polluting it.
The disposal hose should be Flow Outlet plate
made of non-compressible controller/ assembly Copper pipe
materials and not placed on the indicator

ACTIVE SYSTEM Flexible atmosphere
1. The collecting and transfer
system which is similar to that
Ducted Reservoir assembly
of the passive system (Fig. 3.3). expiratory
2. The receiving system (Fig 3.4) is valve
usually a valveless, open-ended
Air vents Vacuum pump
reservoir positioned between
the receiving and disposal
components. A bacterial filter 30 mm conical
situated downstream and a connectors
visual flow indicator positioned Fig. 3.3 Diagram of an active scavenging system.
Charcoal canisters (Cardiff Aldasorber) 49

Air gas



Fig. 3.4 Anaesthetic gases receiving system. Its mechanism of action (right).

to the patient. Excessive negative ● Both excessive positive and Components

pressure leads to the collapse negative pressure variations in
of the reservoir bag of the the system are limited. 1. A canister.
breathing system and the risk of ● Other methods used to reduce 2. Charcoal particles.
rebreathing. Excessive positive theatre pollution: theatre 3. Transfer tubing connecting the
pressure increases the risk of ventilation, circle system, total canister to the APL valve of
barotrauma should there be an intravenous and regional the breathing system or the
obstruction beyond the receiving anaesthesia. expiratory valve of the
system. ventilator.
2. An independent vacuum pump
should be used for scavenging Mechanism of action
1. The charcoal particles absorb
the halogenated inhalational
Charcoal canisters agents (halothane, enflurane and
● Active or passive systems. (Cardiff Aldasorber) isoflurane).
● Consists of a collecting and 2. The increasing weight of the
transfer system, a receiving The canister is a compact passive canister is the only indication
system and a disposal system. scavenging system (Fig. 3.6). that it is exhausted.
50 3 Pollution in theatre and scavenging

Fig. 3.5 Anaesthetic gases scavenging system (AGSS)

vacuum pumps used in an active scavenging system.
(Courtesy of Penlon Ltd, Abingdon, UK (
415 volts

3. It is usually replaced after every FURTHER READING MHRA, 2010. Medical device alert:
12 hours of use. anaesthetic gas scavenging systems
American Institute of Architects, 1992. (AGSS) – all manufacturers
Guidelines for construction and (MDA/2010/021). Online. Available
Problems in practice and equipment of hospitals and medical at:
safety features facilities. AIA, Washington DC. Publications/Safetywarnings/
1. It cannot absorb nitrous oxide. Department of Health, 1996. Advice on MedicalDeviceAlerts/CON076104.
2. Heating the canister causes the the implementation of the Health United States Department of Labor,
release of the inhalational agents. and Safety Commission’s 1999. Anaesthetic gases: guidelines
occupational exposure standards for for workplace exposures. Online.
anaesthetic agents. DoH, London. Available at:
Charcoal canisters Health Service Advisory Committee, dts/osta/anestheticgases/index.html.
● A canister with charcoal granules 1996. Anaesthetic agents: controlling
used to absorb halogenated exposure under the Control of
agents. Substances Hazardous to Health
● Does not absorb nitrous oxide. Regulations (COSHH). HSAC,
● Its weight indicates the degree London.
of exhaustion. Usually replaced Henderson, K.A., Raj, A., Hall, J.E.,
after every 12 hours of use. 2002. The use of nitrous oxide in
● When heated, the agents escape anaesthetic practice: a questionnaire
back into the atmosphere. survey. Anaesthesia 57 (12),
Further reading 51

Fig. 3.6 Charcoal canister connected to

the APL valve of the breathing system.
52 3 Pollution in theatre and scavenging

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Pollution in theatre: 3. Passive scavenging system: SINGLE BEST ANSWER (SBA)

a) The Cardiff Aldasorber can a) Is easy to build and maintain.
absorb N2O and the b) Is efficient. 5. Operating theatre pollution:
inhalational agents. c) There is no need to have a) Does not exist.
b) The circulating air in theatre positive or negative relief b) Only occurs in anaesthetic
should be changed 15–20 valves in the collecting system. rooms.
times per hour. d) The exhaled gases are driven c) Can be detected by analysing
c) In the scavenging system, by the patient’s respiratory a sample from the theatre’s
excessive positive and negative effort or the ventilator. atmosphere.
pressures should be prevented e) Commonly uses 15-mm d) Can be eliminated by regular
from being applied to the connectors in the United monitoring alone.
patient. Kingdom. e) Can be eliminated by using
d) In the active scavenging the laryngeal mask more
system, an ordinary vacuum often.
4. Concerning anaesthetic agents
pump can be utilized.
e) The maximum accepted
a) There is an international
concentration of nitrous oxide
standard for the
is 100 ppm.
concentrations of trace
inhalational agents in the
2. Important factors in reducing operating theatre
pollution in the operating environment.
theatre: b) In the UK, monitoring of
a) Scavenging. inhalational agent
b) Low-flow anaesthesia using concentration in the operating
the circle system. theatre is done annually.
c) Adequate theatre ventilation. c) PPM stands for particles per
d) The use of fume cupboards million.
when filling vaporizers. d) An unscavenged operating
e) Cardiff Aldasorber. theatre would have less than
100 particles per million of
nitrous oxide.
e) A T-piece paediatric breathing
system can cause theatre
Answers 53


d) False. Because of the nature

1. Pollution in theatre: 2. Important factors in reducing
of the flow of the exhaled
a) False. Cardiff Aldasorber can pollution in the operating
gases, the scavenging system
only absorb the inhalational theatre:
should be capable of
agents but not nitrous oxide. a) True. In any location in which
tolerating high and variable
This limits its use in reducing inhalation anaesthetics are
gas flows. The flow of exhaled
pollution in the operating administered, there should be
gases is very variable during
theatre. an adequate and reliable
both spontaneous and
b) True. Changing the circulating system for scavenging waste
controlled ventilation. An
air in the operating theatre anaesthetic gases.
ordinary vacuum pump might
15–20 times per hour is one Unscavenged operating
not be capable of coping with
of the most effective methods theatres can show 400–
such variable flows, from 30
of reducing pollution. An 3000 ppm of N2O, which is
to 120 L/min. The active
unventilated theatre is about much higher than the
scavenging system is a
four times more polluted maximum acceptable
high-flow, low-pressure
compared to a properly concentration.
system. A pressure of
ventilated one. b) True.
−0.5 cm H2O to the patient
c) True. The patient should be c) True. One of the most
breathing system is needed.
protected against excessive important factors in reducing
This cannot be achieved with
positive and negative pressures pollution is adequate theatre
an ordinary vacuum pump
being applied by the ventilation. The circulating air
(low-flow, high-pressure
scavenging system. Excessive is changed 15–20 times per
positive pressure puts the hour. Unventilated theatres
e) True. In the UK, the
patient under the risk of are four times more
maximum accepted
barotrauma. Excessive contaminated than properly
concentration of nitrous oxide
negative pressure causes the ventilated theatres.
is 100 ppm over an 8-hour
reservoir in the breathing d) False. Modern vaporizers use
time-weighted average.
system to collapse thus agent-specific filling keys
leading to incorrect which limit spillage.
performance of the breathing e) False. Cardiff Aldasorber
system. absorbs the inhalational
agents but not nitrous oxide.
54 3 Pollution in theatre and scavenging

3. Passive scavenging system: 4. Concerning anaesthetic agents 5. c)

a) True. A passive scavenging pollution:
system is easy and cheap to a) False. There is not an
build and costs nothing to international standard for the
maintain. There is no need for concentrations of trace
a purpose-built vacuum pump inhalational agents in the
system with the necessary operating theatre
maintenance required. environment. This is mainly
b) False. The passive system is because of unavailability of
not an efficient system. Its adequate data. Different
efficiency depends on the countries set their own
direction of the wind blowing standards but there is an
at the outlet. Negative or agreement on the importance
positive pressure might affect of maintaining a vapour-free
the performance and even environment in the operating
reverse the flow. theatre.
c) False. The positive pressure b) True. Monitoring of
relief valve protects the inhalational agent
patient against excessive concentration in the operating
pressure build up in the theatre is done annually in the
breathing system and UK and on a quarterly basis
barotrauma. The negative in the USA in each location
pressure relief valve prevents where anaesthesia is
the breathing system reservoir administered.
from being exhausted, c) False. PPM (capitals) stands
ensuring correct performance for planned preventative
of the breathing system. maintenance, whereas ppm
d) True. The driving forces for (small letters) stands for
gases in the passive system are particles per million.
the patient’s respiratory effort d) False. An unscavenged
or the ventilator. For this operating theatre would have
reason, the transfer tubing 400–3000 ppm of nitrous
should be made as short as oxide. In the UK, the
possible to reduce resistance recommended maximum
to flow. accepted concentration over
e) False. 30-mm connectors are an 8-hour time-weighted
used in the UK as a safety average is 100 ppm of nitrous
feature to prevent oxide.
misconnection. e) True. A T-piece paediatric
breathing system can cause
theatre pollution because of
the open-ended reservoir. A
modified version has an APL
valve allowing scavenging of
the anaesthetic vapours (see
Chapter 4).

Chapter 4

56 4 Breathing systems

Breathing systems must fulfil three and C systems are used more 4. Efficient, requiring low FGF
objectives: frequently during the recovery rates.
period and in emergency situations. 5. Protects the patient from
1. Delivery of oxygen.
2. Removal of carbon dioxide from
The fresh gas flow (FGF) rate 6. Sturdy, compact and lightweight
the patient.
required to prevent rebreathing of in design.
3. Delivery of inhaled anaesthetic
alveolar gas is a measure of the 7. Permits the easy removal of
agents. These agents are
efficiency of a breathing system. waste exhaled gases.
predominantly eliminated by the
8. Easy to maintain with minimal
lungs also, so the breathing
running costs.
system must be able to expel
them as necessary.
Properties of the
There are several breathing
systems used in anaesthesia.
ideal breathing
Mapleson classified them into system Components of the
A, B, C, D and E. After further
revision of the classification, a 1. Simple and safe to use. breathing systems
Mapleson F breathing system was 2. Delivers the intended inspired
added (Fig. 4.1). Currently, only gas mixture. ADJUSTABLE PRESSURE
systems A, D, E and F and their 3. Permits spontaneous, manual LIMITING (APL) VALVE
modifications are commonly used and controlled ventilation in all
during anaesthesia. Mapleson B age groups. This is a valve which allows the
exhaled gases and excess FGF to
leave the breathing system (Fig.
4.2). It does not allow room air
to enter the breathing system.
Synonymous terms for the APL
A valve are expiratory valve, spill
valve and relief valve.

1. Three ports: the inlet, the patient
and the exhaust ports. The latter
can be open to the atmosphere
or connected to the scavenging
system using a shroud.
2. A lightweight disc rests on a
knife-edge seating. The disc is
held onto its seating by a spring.
The tension in the spring, and
therefore the valve’s opening
pressure, are controlled by the
valve dial.

E (no bag) Mechanism of action

1. This is a one-way, adjustable,
spring-loaded valve. The spring
is used to adjust the pressure
required to open the valve. The
disc rests on a knife-edge seating
Fig. 4.1 Mapleson classification of anaesthetic breathing systems. The arrow in order to minimize its area of
indicates entry of fresh gas to the system. contact.
Components of the breathing systems 57

expiration, causing the valve to material, which prevents water

open. A pressure of less than condensing on the disc.
1 cm H2O (0.1 kPa) is needed to
actuate the valve when it is in
Adjustable pressure limiting
the open position.
(APL) valve
4. During positive pressure
● One-way spring-loaded valve
ventilation, a controlled leak is
with three ports.
produced by adjusting the valve
● The spring adjusts the pressure
dial during inspiration. This
required to open the valve.
Closed allows control of the patient’s
airway pressure.
Problems in practice and The reservoir bag is an important
safety features component of most breathing
1. Malfunction of the scavenging systems.
system may cause excessive
negative pressure. This can lead Components
to the APL valve remaining open
throughout respiration. This 1. It is made of anti-static rubber
leads to an unwanted enormous or plastic. Latex-free versions
increase in the breathing also exist. Designs tend to be
system’s dead space. ellipsoidal in shape.
Open 2. The patient may be exposed 2. The standard adult size is 2 L.
to excessive positive pressure The smallest size for paediatric
if the valve is closed during use is 0.5 L. Volumes from 0.5
assisted ventilation. A pressure to 6 L exist. Bigger size reservoir
Fig. 4.2 Diagram of an adjustable
relief safety mechanism actuated bags are useful during
pressure limiting (APL) valve.
at a pressure of about 60 cm inhalational induction, e.g. adult
H2O is present in some designs induction with sevoflurane.
2. The valve allows gases to escape (Fig. 4.3).
when the pressure in the 3. Water vapour in exhaled gas
Mechanism of action
breathing system exceeds the may condense on the valve. The
valve’s opening pressure. surface tension of the condensed 1. Accommodates the FGF during
3. During spontaneous ventilation, water may cause the valve to expiration acting as a reservoir
the patient generates a positive stick. The disc is usually made of available for the following
pressure in the system during a hydrophobic (water repelling) inspiration. Otherwise, the FGF

High pressure Light pressure

spring spring

valve Scavenged gas Scavenged gas

Gas flow Gas flow Gas flow

Fig. 4.3 Intersurgical APL valve. In the open position (left), the valve is actuated by pressures of less than 0.1 kPa (1 cm
H2O) with minimal resistance to flow. A 3/4 clockwise turn of the dial takes the valve through a range of pressure limiting
positions to the closed position (centre). In the closed position, the breathing system pressure, and therefore the
intrapulmonary pressure, is protected by a pressure relief mechanism (right) actuated at 6 kPa (60 cm H2O). This safety relief
mechanism cannot be overridden.
58 4 Breathing systems

must be at least the patient’s the pressure in the breathing

peak inspiratory flow to prevent system to about 40 cm H2O.
rebreathing. As this peak This is due to the law of Laplace
Magill system
inspiratory flow may exceed dictating that the pressure (P) (Mapleson A)
30 L/min in adults, breathing will fall as the bag’s radius (r)
directly from the FGF will be increases: P = 2(tension)/r. This breathing system is popular
insufficient. 2. The size of the bag depends on and widely used in the UK.
2. It acts as a monitor of the the breathing system and the
patient’s ventilatory pattern patient. A small bag may not Components
during spontaneous breathing. It be large enough to provide a
1. Corrugated rubber or plastic
serves as a very inaccurate guide sufficient reservoir for a large
tubing (usually 110–180 cm in
to the patient’s tidal volume. tidal volume.
length) and an internal volume
3. It can be used to assist or 3. Too large a reservoir bag makes
of at least 550 mL.
control ventilation. it difficult for it to act as a
2. A reservoir bag, mounted at the
4. When employed in conjunction respiratory monitor.
machine end.
with the T-piece (Mapleson F), a
3. APL valve situated at the patient
0.5 L double-ended bag is used.
Reservoir bag
The distal hole acts as an
expiratory port (Fig. 4.4). ● Made of rubber or plastic.
● 2-L size commonly used for
Mechanism of action
adults. Bigger sizes can be used 1. During the first inspiration, all
Problems in practice and for inhalational induction in the gases are fresh and consist of
safety features adults. oxygen and anaesthetic gases
1. Because of its compliance, the ● Accommodates FGF. from the anaesthetic machine.
reservoir bag can accommodate ● Can assist or control ventilation. 2. As the patient exhales (Fig.
rises in pressure in the breathing ● Limits pressure build-up in the 4.5C), the gases coming from
system better than other parts. breathing system. the anatomical dead space (i.e.
When grossly overinflated, the they have not undergone gas
rubber reservoir bag can limit exchange so contain no CO2)
TUBINGS are exhaled first and enter the
tubing and are channelled back
These connect one part of a towards the reservoir bag which
breathing system to another. They is being filled continuously
also act as a reservoir for gases in with FGF.
certain systems. They tend to be 3. During the expiratory pause,
made of plastic, but other materials pressure built up within the
such as silicone rubber and silver- system allows the FGF to expell
impregnated bactericidal plastics are the alveolar gases first out
available. through the APL valve
The length of the breathing (Fig. 4.5D).
tubing is variable depending on the 4. By that time the patient inspires
configuration of the breathing again (Fig. 4.5B), getting a
system used. They must promote mixture of FGF and the
laminar flow wherever possible and rebreathed anatomical dead
this is achieved by their being of a space gases.
uniform and large diameter. The size 5. It is a very efficient system for
for adults is 22 mm wide. However, spontaneous breathing. Because
paediatric tubing is 15 mm wide, to there is no gas exchange in the
reduce bulk. The corrugations resist anatomical dead space, the
kinking and increase flexibility, but FGF requirements to prevent
they produce greater turbulence rebreathing of alveolar gases
than smooth-bore tubes. are theoretically equal to the
Specific configurations are patient’s alveolar minute volume
Fig. 4.4 A 0.5-L double-ended reservoir. described below. (about 70 mL/kg/min).
Lack system (Mapleson A) 59

Lack system
(Mapleson A)
This is a coaxial modification of the
Magill Mapleson A system.

1. 1.8 m length coaxial tubing
(tube inside a tube). The FGF
is through the outside tube,
and the exhaled gases flow
FGF through the inside tube
(Fig. 4.6A).
2. The inside tube is wide in
C diameter (14 mm) to reduce
resistance to expiration.
The outer tube’s diameter
is 30 mm.
FGF 3. The reservoir bag is mounted
at the machine end.
4. The APL valve is mounted at
D the machine end eliminating the
drag on the connections at the
patient end, which is a problem
with the Magill system.
Alveolar gas containing CO2 Deadspace gas

Fig. 4.5 Mechanism of action of the Magill breathing system during spontaneous
ventilation; see text for details (FGF: fresh gas flow). Mechanism of action
1. A similar mechanism to the
Magill system except the Lack
system is a coaxial version. The
6. The Magill system is not an patient’s end, especially if connected
fresh gas flows through the
efficient system for controlled to a scavenging system. This places
outside tube whereas the exhaled
ventilation. A FGF rate of three a lot of drag on the connections at
gases flow through the inside
times the alveolar minute the patient end.
volume is required to prevent
2. A FGF rate of about 70 mL/kg/
min is required in order to
prevent rebreathing. This makes
Magill (Mapleson A) breathing
Problems in practice and system
it an efficient breathing system
safety features ● Efficient for spontaneous
for spontaneous ventilation.
3. Since it is based on the Magill
It is not suitable for use with ventilation. FGF required is equal
system, it is not suitable for
children of less than 25–30 kg to alveolar minute volume
controlled ventilation.
body weight. This is because of (about 70 mL/kg/min).
the increased dead space caused ● Inefficient for controlled Instead of the coaxial design, a
by the system’s geometry at the ventilation. FGF three times parallel tubing version of the system
patient end. Dead space is further alveolar minute volume. exists (Fig. 4.6B). This has separate
increased by the angle piece and ● APL valve is at the patient’s end. inspiratory and expiratory tubing,
face mask. ● Not suitable for paediatric and retains the same flow
One of its disadvantages is the practice. characteristics as the coaxial
heaviness of the APL valve at the version.
60 4 Breathing systems

Bain system
FGF (Mapleson D)
The Bain system is a coaxial version
of the Mapleson D system (Fig.
4.7). It is lightweight and compact
at the patient end. It is useful where
access to the patient is limited, such
valve as during head and neck surgery.
A Manley ventilator which has
been switched to spontaneous
ventilation mode is an example of a
non-coaxial Mapleson D system.
Fresh gas flow (FGF)
Exhaled gas
1. A length of coaxial tubing (tube
Fig. 4.6 (A) The coaxial Lack breathing system. (B) The parallel Lack breathing
inside a tube). The usual length
is 180 cm, but it can be supplied
at 270 cm (for dental or
1.5–2 times the minute volume is
Lack breathing system ophthalmic surgery) and 540 cm
required to prevent rebreathing.
● Coaxial version of Mapleson A,
(for magnetic resonance imaging
During controlled ventilation, the
making it efficient for (MRI) scans where the
B system is more efficient due to
spontaneous ventilation. FGF anaesthetic machine needs to
the corrugated tubing acting as a
rate of about 70 mL/kg/min is be kept outside the scanner’s
reservoir. A FGF of more than 50%
required. magnetic field). Increasing the
of the minute ventilation is still
● FGF is delivered along the
length of the tubing does not
required to prevent rebreathing.
outside tube and the exhaled affect the physical properties of
gases flow along the inner tube. the breathing system.
Mapleson B and C breathing 2. The fresh gas flows through the
● APL valve is at the machine end.
systems inner tube while the exhaled
● Not suitable for controlled
● B system has a tubing and bag gases flow through the outside
reservoir. tube (Fig. 4.8). The internal
● Both B and C systems are not lumen has a swivel mount at the
efficient for spontaneous and patient end. This ensures that
controlled ventilation. the internal tube cannot kink, so
Mapleson B and C ● B system is more efficient than A ensuring delivery of fresh gas to
systems (see Fig. 4.1) system during controlled the patient.
ventilation. 3. The reservoir bag is mounted at
Components the machine end.
1. A reservoir bag. In the B system,
corrugated tubing is attached to
the bag and both act as a
2. An APL valve at the patient’s end.
3. FGF is added just proximal to
the APL.

Mechanism of action
Both systems are not efficient during
spontaneous ventilation. A FGF of Fig. 4.7 The Bain breathing system.
Bain system (Mapleson D) 61



Expired gas
Fig. 4.8 The proximal (machine’s) end of
coaxial Bain’s breathing system. The FGF Fig. 4.9 Mechanism of action of the Mapleson D breathing system during
flows through the narrow inner tube. spontaneous ventilation.

4. The APL valve is mounted at the removing the reservoir bag, 5. A parallel version of the D
machine end. a ventilator such as the system is available.
Penlon Nuffield 200 can
be connected to the bag
Mechanism of action Problems in practice and
mount using a 1-m length of
safety features
1. During spontaneous ventilation, corrugated tubing (the volume
the patient’s exhaled gases are of tubing must exceed 500 mL 1. The internal tube can kink,
channelled back to the reservoir if the driving gas from the preventing fresh gas being
bag and become mixed with ventilator is not to enter delivered to the patient.
fresh gas (Fig. 4.9B). Pressure the breathing system). The 2. The internal tube can become
build-up within the system will APL valve must be fully disconnected at the machine end
open the APL valve allowing closed. causing a large increase in the
the venting of the mixture of
the exhaled gases and fresh gas
(Fig. 4.9C).
2. The FGF required to prevent
rebreathing (as seen in Fig.
4.9D) during spontaneous
ventilation is about 1.5–2 times FGF
the alveolar minute volume. A
flow rate of 150–200 mL/kg/min
is required. This makes it an
inefficient and uneconomical
system for use during
Corrugated tube
spontaneous ventilation.
3. It is a more efficient system for
controlled ventilation. A flow of
70–100 mL/kg/min will maintain
normocapnia. A flow of From control
100 mL/kg/min will cause module of Exhaust
moderate hypocapnia during ventilator
controlled ventilation. Patient valve
4. Connection to a ventilator Fig. 4.10 The Bain breathing system connected to a ventilator (e.g. Penlon Nuffield
is possible (Fig. 4.10). By 200) via tubing connected to the bag mount.
62 4 Breathing systems

dead space, resulting in spontaneous and controlled 3. The bag can provide a degree of
hypoxaemia and hypercapnia. ventilation. continuous positive airway
Movement of the reservoir bag pressure (CPAP) during
during spontaneous ventilation spontaneous ventilation.
is not therefore an indication Components 4. Controlled ventilation is
that the fresh gas is being 1. A T-shaped tubing with three performed either by manual
delivered to the patient. open ports (Fig. 4.12). squeezing of the double-ended
2. Fresh gas from the anaesthetic bag (intermittent occlusion of
machine is delivered via a tube the reservoir tubing in the
Bain breathing system to one port. Mapleson E) or by removing the
● Coaxial version of Mapleson D. 3. The second port leads to the bag and connecting the reservoir
A parallel version exits. patient’s mask or tracheal tube. tubing to a ventilator such as the
● Fresh gas flows along the inner The connection should be as Penlon Nuffield 200.
tube and the exhaled gases flow short as possible to reduce dead 5. The volume of the reservoir
along the outer tube. space. tubing determines the degree of
● Not efficient for spontaneous 4. The third port leads to reservoir rebreathing (too large a tube) or
ventilation. FGF rate required is tubing. Jackson-Rees added a entrainment of ambient air (too
150–200 mL/kg/min. double-ended bag to the end of small a tube). The volume of the
● Efficient during controlled the reservoir tubing (making it reservoir tubing should
ventilation. FGF rate required is Mapleson F). approximate to the patient’s
70–100 mL/kg/min. 5. A recent modification tidal volume.
exists where an APL valve
is included before a closed-
ended 500 mL reservoir bag.
A pressure relief safety
T-piece system mechanism in the APL valve
is actuated at a pressure of
(Mapleson E and F) 30 cm H2O (Fig. 4.13). This
design allows effective
This is a valveless breathing system scavenging.
used in anaesthesia for children up
to 25–30 kg body weight (Fig.
4.11). It is suitable for both Mechanism of action
1. The system requires an FGF
of 2.5–3 times the minute
volume to prevent rebreathing
with a minimal flow of
4 L/min.
2. The double-ended bag acts
as a visual monitor during
spontaneous ventilation. In Fig. 4.13 Intersurgical T-piece
addition, the bag can be used incorporating an APL valve and closed
for assisted or controlled reservoir bag to enable effective
Fig. 4.11 A T-piece breathing system. ventilation. scavenging.


Reservoir Reservoir Reservoir

Patient Patient Patient
tubing tubing tubing

Inspiration Expiration Expiratory pause

Fig. 4.12 Mechanism of action of the T-piece breathing system.
The Humphrey ADE breathing system 63

Problems in practice and Mechanism of action

safety features
1. With the lever up (Fig. 4.15A) in
1. Since there is no APL valve used the spontaneous mode, the
in this breathing system, reservoir bag and APL valve are
scavenging is a problem. connected to the breathing
2. Patients under 6 years of age system as in the Magill system.
have a low functional residual 2. With the lever down (Fig. 4.15B)
capacity (FRC). Mapleson E was in the ventilator mode, the
designed before the advantages reservoir bag and the APL valve
of CPAP were recognized for are isolated from the breathing
increasing the FRC. This system as in the Mapleson E
problem can be partially system. The expiratory tubing
overcome in the Mapleson channels the exhaled gas via the
F with the addition of the ventilator port. Scavenging
double-ended bag. occurs at the ventilator’s
expiratory valve.
3. The system is suitable for
paediatric and adult use. The
tubing is rather narrow, with a
T-piece E and F breathing system Fig. 4.14 The parallel Humphrey ADE low internal volume. Because of
● Used in paediatric practice up to breathing system. its smooth bore, there is no
25–30 kg body weight. significant increase in resistance
● Requires a high FGF during to flow compared to the 22-mm
spontaneous ventilation. corrugated tubing used in other
● Offers minimal resistance to systems. Small tidal volumes are
expiration. Components
possible during controlled
● Valveless breathing system. 1. Two lengths of 15 mm smooth- ventilation and less energy is
● Scavenging is difficult. bore tubing (corrugated tubing needed to overcome the inertia
● A recent design with an APL valve is not recommended). One of gases during spontaneous
and a closed-ended reservoir delivers the fresh gas and the ventilation.
allows effective scavenging. other carries away the exhaled 4. The presence of an APL valve in
gas. Distally they are connected the breathing system offers a
to a Y-connection leading to the physiological advantage during
patient. Proximally they are paediatric anaesthesia, since it is
connected to the Humphrey designed to offer a small amount
block. of PEEP (1 cm H2O).
2. The Humphrey block is at the 5. During spontaneous ventilation:
The Humphrey ADE machine end and consists of: a) an FGF of about 50–60 mL/
breathing system a) an APL valve featuring a kg/min is needed in adults
visible indicator of valve b) the recommended initial FGF
This is a very versatile breathing performance for children weighing less than
system which combines the b) a 2-L reservoir bag 25 kg body weight is 3 L/min.
advantages of Mapleson A, D and E c) a lever to select either This offers a considerable
systems. It can therefore be used spontaneous or controlled margin for safety.
efficiently for spontaneous and ventilation 6. During controlled ventilation:
controlled ventilation in both adults d) a port to which a ventilator a) an FGF of 70 mL/kg is needed
and children. The mode of use is can be connected, e.g. Penlon in adults
determined by the position of one Nuffield 200 b) the recommended initial FGF
lever which is mounted on the e) a safety pressure relief valve for children weighing less than
Humphrey block (Fig. 4.14). Both which opens at pressure in 25 kg body weight is 3 L/min.
parallel and coaxial versions exist excess of 60 cm H2O However, adjustment may be
with similar efficiency. The parallel f) a new design incorporating a necessary to maintain
version will be considered here. soda lime canister. normocarbia.
64 4 Breathing systems

A Expired B



Patient Patient
end end

Fig. 4.15 Mechanism of action of the parallel Humphrey ADE breathing system. With the lever up (A), the system functions in
its Mapleson A mode for spontaneous ventilation. For mechanical ventilation, the lever is down (B) and the system functions in
its Mapleson E mode. (Reproduced with permission from Dr D Humphrey.)

FGF requirements are low, making

Humphrey ADE breathing system the circle system very efficient and
● Can be used efficiently for causing minimal pollution. As a
spontaneous and controlled result, there has been renewed
ventilation. interest in low-flow anaesthesia
● Can be used in both adult and due to the cost of new, expensive
paediatric anaesthetic practice. inhalational agents, together with
● Both parallel and coaxial versions the increased awareness of the
exist. pollution caused by the inhalational
● A ventilator can be connected. agents themselves (see Table 3.1).
Depending on the FGF, the
system can either be:
● Closed circle anaesthesia. The
FGF is just sufficient to replace
Soda lime and Fig. 4.16 The circle breathing system. the volume of gas and vapour
taken up by the patient. No gas
the circle breathing to 1.0 L/min results in a saving leaves via the APL valve and the
system of about 50% of the total exhaled gases are rebreathed
consumption of any volatile after carbon dioxide is absorbed.
Over 80% of the anaesthetic anaesthetic agent. Significant leaks from the
gases are wasted when FGF of In this breathing system, soda breathing system are eliminated.
5.0 L/min is used. Typically, the lime is used to absorb the patient’s In practice, this is possible only
reduction of FGF from 3.0 L/min exhaled carbon dioxide (Fig. 4.16). if the gases sampled by the gas
Soda lime and the circle breathing system 65

analyser are returned back to the reduce powder formation. widely used in the USA.
system. A dye or colour indicator is Another absorber is Amsorb®
● Minimal flow anaesthesia. The added to change the granules’ that consists of CaCl2 and
FGF is reduced to 0.5 L/min. colour when the soda lime is Ca(OH)2.
● Low-flow anaesthesia. The FGF exhausted. Colour changes can
used is less than the patient’s be from white to violet/purple
Mechanism of action
alveolar ventilation (usually below (ethyl violet dye), from pink
1.5 L/min). Excess gases leave the to white (titan yellow dye) or 1. High FGF of several L/min is
system via the APL valve. from green to violet. Colour needed in the initial period to
changes occur when the pH is denitrogenate the circle system
less than 10. Newer types of and the functional residual
soda lime have a low capacity (FRC). This is
concentration of a zeolite added. important to avoid the build
1. A vertically positioned canister This helps to maintain the pH at up of unacceptable levels of
containing soda lime. The a high level for longer and nitrogen in the system. In
canister has two ports, one to retains moisture so improving closed circle anaesthesia, a
deliver inspired gases to the carbon dioxide absorption and high FGF is needed for up
patient and the other to receive reducing the formation of to 15 minutes. In low-flow
exhaled gases from the patient. carbon monoxide and anaesthesia, a high FGF of
2. Inspiratory and expiratory compound A. up to 6 minutes is required. The
tubings connected to the 7. The size of soda lime granules is FGF can be later reduced to
canister. Each port incorporates 4–8 mesh. Strainers with 4–8 0.5–1 L/min. If no N2O is used
a unidirectional valve. mesh have four and eight during anaesthesia (i.e. an
3. FGF from the anaesthetic openings per inch respectively. oxygen/air mix is used), it is not
machine is positioned distal to Therefore, the higher the mesh necessary to eliminate nitrogen
the soda lime canister, but number, the smaller the particles because air contains nitrogen. A
proximal to the inspiratory are. Recently produced soda short period of high flow is
valve. lime made to a uniform shape of needed to prime the system and
4. An APL valve is positioned 3–4-mm spheres allows more the patient with the inhalational
between the expiratory valve even flow of gases and a agent.
and canister and connected to a reduction in channelling. This 2. Exhaled gases are circled back
2-L reservoir bag. results in a longer life with to the canister, where carbon
5. A vaporizer mounted on the lower dust content and lower dioxide absorption takes place
anaesthetic machine back bar resistance to flow: 1 kg can and water and heat (exothermic
(vaporizer outside circle – VOC) absorb more than 120 L of CO2. reaction) are produced. The
or a vaporizer positioned on the 8. Barylime, which consists of warmed and humidified gas joins
expiratory limb within the barium hydroxide (80%) and the FGF to be delivered to the
system (vaporizer inside circle calcium hydroxide (20%), is patient (Fig. 4.17).
– VIC). 3. Chemical sequences for the then
6. Soda lime consists of 94% absorption of carbon dioxide by
calcium hydroxide and 5% soda lime: K2CO3 + Ca(OH)2
sodium hydroxide with a small → CaCO3 + 2KOH
a) Note how both NaOH and
amount of potassium hydroxide KOH are regenerated at the or
(less than 0.1%). It has a pH of expense of Ca(OH)2. This
13.5 and a moisture content of explains soda lime’s mix CO2 + 2NaOH
14–19%. Some modern types of – only a little Na(OH) and → Na2CO3 + H 2O + heat
soda lime have no potassium K(OH) and a lot of Ca(OH)2:
hydroxide. Soda lime granules then
are prone to powder formation, H 2O + CO2 → H 2CO3 Na2CO3 + Ca(OH)2
especially during transport. → 2NaOH + CaCO3
Disintegrated granules increase then
resistance to breathing. Because
of this, silica (0.2%) is added H 2CO3 + 2KOH
to harden the absorbents and → K2CO3 + 2H 2O
66 4 Breathing systems

Unidirectional thus preventing rebreathing.

valve These are mounted in see-
To patient
through plastic domes so that
Sampled gas from monitor they can be seen to be
returned to circle working satisfactorily.
Soda lime
4. The canister is positioned
From patient canister
Unidirectional vertically to prevent exhaled gas
valve channelling through unfilled
APL portions. Larger canisters are
Vent/bag more efficient than smaller ones
switch because of the higher litres of
CO2/kg weight capacity. Double
absorbers with two cartridges
Reservoir bag
used simultaneously are more
Connection to bag efficient than single absorbers.
in bottle ventilator 5. The lower the FGF used, the
Fig. 4.17 Mechanism of action of the circle breathing system.
more rapidly soda lime
granules are consumed. This is
because most of the exhaled
gases pass through the
absorber with very little being
discarded through the APL
valve. For a 70–80 kg patient
Disc with a tidal volume of
500 mL, respiratory rate of
12/min and CO2 production of
Gas flow
250 mL/min, using an FGF of
1 L/min, the soda lime will be
Fig. 4.18 Circle system unidirectional valve. exhausted after 5–7 hours of
use. For the same patient but
using an FGF of 3 L/min, the
A One-way value B
soda lime will be exhausted
absorber Spill absorber Spill after 6–8 hours of use.
valve valve 6. The circle system can be used
APL APL for both spontaneous and
Bag Bag
valve valve controlled ventilation.
7. Disposable circle breathing
systems exist. They feature
Vaporizer coaxial inspiratory tubing.
The inner tubing delivers the
FGF FGF from the anaesthetic
FGF Unidirectional valve machine and the outer tubing
Fig. 4.19 Diagrammatic representation of the circle system with (A) vaporizer delivers the recircled gas flow.
outside the circle (VOC) and (B) vaporizer inside the circle (VIC). Both gas flows mix distally.
This allows a more rapid change
in the inhalational gas and
b) As can be seen above, this is c) The direction of gas flow vapour concentration at the
an exothermic reaction, is controlled via the patient end.
which alters the pH of the unidirectional valves made of
whole system. The reaction discs that rest on a ‘knife- USE OF VAPORIZERS IN THE
also produces water. One edge’ (Fig. 4.18). They allow CIRCLE BREATHING SYSTEM
mole of water is produced gas to flow in one direction
for each mole of CO2 only and prevent the mixing VOC vaporizers (Fig. 4.19) are
absorbed. of inspired and expired gases, positioned on the back bar of the
Soda lime and the circle breathing system 67

anaesthetic machine. They are dioxide and inhalational moiety (enflurane, isoflurane
high-efficiency vaporizers that can agent concentrations is and desflurane) are used with
deliver high-output concentrations essential. very dry grannules when the
at low flows. They have high 2. The unidirectional valves may water content is less than
internal resistance. stick and fail to close because of 1.5% in soda lime or less than
water vapour condensation. This 5% in barylime. This can occur
1. The vaporizer should be able leads to an enormous increase in when the system is left unused
to deliver accurate dead space. for a long length of time,
concentrations of inhalational 3. The resistance to breathing is e.g. overnight or at weekends,
agent with both high and low increased especially during or when a small basal flow
FGFs. This is easily achieved by spontaneous ventilation. The from the anaesthetic machine
most modern vaporizers, e.g. the main cause of resistance to occurs. Carbon monoxide
Tec series. breathing is due to the accumulation and subsequent
2. The volume of the circle system unidirectional valves. Dust carboxyhaemoglobin formation
is large in relation to the low formation can increase resistance is said to occur at less than
FGF used. Rapid changes in the to breathing further. It can also 0.1% per hour, so may become
concentration of the inspired lead to clogging and channelling, significant in smokers when
vapour can be achieved by so reducing efficiency. Newer ultra-low flows are used;
increasing the FGF to the circle soda lime designs claim less dust oxygen flushes of the system
system. Delivering the FGF formation. (e.g. once an hour) will
distally, using a coaxial 4. Compound A (a penta- prevent this.
inspiratory tubing design, allows fluoroisoproprenyl fluoro- More recent designs of soda
faster changes in inspired vapour methyl ether, which is lime claim less or no production
concentration compared to nephrotoxic in rats) is of carbon monoxide. The
conventional circle systems at produced when sevoflurane association of strong alkalis
low flows. is used in conjunction with such as KOH and NaOH to
VIC vaporizers (see Fig. 4.19) are soda lime. This is due to the the production of carbon
designed to offer minimal resistance degradation of sevoflurane monoxide has led to the
to gas flow and have no wicks on (dehydrohalogenation) as a subsequent removal of KOH
which water vapour might condense result of the alkali metal and reduction in amounts of
(e.g. Goldman vaporizer). The VIC hydroxide present in NaOH used. Some absorbers
is a low-efficiency vaporizer adding soda lime. (e.g. Amsorb®) do not use strong
only small amounts of vapour to the Factors that increase alkalis at all.
gas recirculating through it. the production of compound 6. Other substances can accumulate
A are: such as methane, acetone,
1. FGF will be vapour free and a) increasing temperature ethanol and hydrogen.
thus dilutes the inspired vapour b) high sevoflurane However, they do not
concentration. concentrations generally become clinically
2. During spontaneous ventilation, c) use of barylime rather than significant.
respiration is depressed soda lime 7. Uneven filling of the
with deepening of anaesthesia. d) low fresh gas flow canister with soda lime
Uptake of the anaesthetic e) newer designs of soda leads to channelling
agent is therefore reduced. lime, being non-caustic of gases and decreased
This is an example of a (no KOH and only very efficiency.
feedback safety mechanism. low levels of NaOH), 8. The circle system is bulkier, less
The safety mechanism is claim less or no production portable and more difficult to
lost during controlled of compound A. For clean.
ventilation. substance A production, 9. Soda lime is corrosive. Protective
barylime is worse than soda clothing, gloves and eye/face
lime and Amsorb® is the protection can be used.
Problems in practice and
safest. 10. Because of the many
safety features
5. Carbon monoxide production connections, there is an
1. Adequate monitoring of inspired can occur when volatile increased potential for leaks and
oxygen, end-tidal carbon agents containing the CHF2 disconnection.
68 4 Breathing systems

positioned horizontally and packed

The circle breathing system tightly with the soda lime granules
● Soda lime canister with two
Waters canister to prevent channelling of the gases
unidirectional valves attached to (‘to-and-fro’) (Fig. 4.20).
inspiratory and expiratory
tubings. An APL valve and a
bidirectional flow
reservoir bag are connected to breathing system
the system.
● Soda lime consists of 94% Currently, this system is not widely
calcium hydroxide, 5% sodium used in anaesthetic practice. It
hydroxide and a small amount of consists of a Mapleson C system
potassium hydroxide. with a soda lime canister positioned Fig. 4.20 The Waters canister breathing
● Soda lime absorbs the exhaled between the APL valve and the system.
carbon dioxide and produces reservoir. A filter is positioned in the
water and heat (so humidifies canister to prevent the soda lime
and warms inspired gases).
granules ‘entering’ the breathing
● Very efficient breathing system system and the risk of inhaling Department of Health, 2004. Protecting
using low FGF and reducing them. It is not an efficient system as the breathing circuit in anaesthesia.
pollution. the granules nearest to the patient DoH, London.
● A high initial flow is required. are exhausted first, so increasing the Miller, R.D., Eriksson, L.I., Lee, A., et al,
● Vaporizers can be VIC or VOC. dead space. It is also a cumbersome 2009. Miller’s anaesthesia, seventh ed.
system as the canister has to be Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
MCQs 69

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. APL valve in a breathing system: 3. Dead space: 6. T-piece breathing system:

a) In the open position, a a) The face mask in the a) Can be used in paediatric
pressure of less than 1 cm Mapleson A breathing system practice only.
H2O (0.1 kPa) is needed to has no effect on the dead b) Mapleson F system is the E
actuate the valve. space. system plus an open-ended
b) A pressure relief mechanism is b) Disconnection of the inner reservoir bag.
activated at a pressure of tube at the patient’s end in the c) Is an efficient system.
60 cm H2O. Bain system results in an d) With a constant FGF, a too
c) Is incorporated in the T-piece increase in dead space. small reservoir has no effect
breathing system. c) Failure of the unidirectional on the performance of the
d) The dead space of the valves to close in the circle system.
breathing system is reduced system has no effect on the e) The reservoir bag in Mapleson
during spontaneous system’s dead space. F provides a degree of CPAP
ventilation when excessive d) The anatomic dead space is during spontaneous
negative pressure from the about 150 mL. ventilation.
scavenging system is applied e) Bohr’s equation is used to
through the APL valve. measure the physiological
7. Which of the following are true
e) Should be closed during dead space.
and which are false?
controlled ventilation using a
a) The Magill classification is
Bain breathing system and an
4. Concerning soda lime: used to describe anaesthetic
intermittent blower ventilator.
a) 20% volume for volume of breathing systems.
soda lime is sodium b) Modern anaesthetic breathing
2. Breathing systems: hydroxide. systems are constructed using
a) The FGF rate required to b) 90% is calcium carbonate. anti-static materials.
prevent rebreathing of c) 1 kg of soda lime can absorb c) Efficiency of a breathing
alveolar gas in the breathing about 120 mL of CO2. system is determined by the
system is a measure of the d) The reaction with carbon mode of ventilation of the
efficiency of a breathing dioxide is exothermic. patient.
system. e) Soda lime fills half of the d) As long as the valve is present
b) The reservoir bag limits the canister. in a breathing system, its
pressure build-up in a position is not important.
breathing system to about e) Circle systems must only be
5. The Bain breathing system:
40 cm H2O. used with very low FGFs.
a) Is an example of a Mapleson
c) A FGF of 150 mL/kg/min is
A system.
needed in the Mapleson A
b) Requires a FGF of 70 mL/kg
system during spontaneous
during spontaneous
d) The inner tube in the Bain
c) Is made of standard
system delivers the FGF.
corrugated tubing.
e) The Humphrey ADE system
d) Can be used in a T-piece
can be used for spontaneous
ventilation only.
e) Can be used for both
spontaneous and controlled
70 4 Breathing systems

8. The circle breathing system: 9. Regarding the circle system: SINGLE BEST ANSWER (SBA)
a) With low flow rates, a) A high FGF is needed in the
substance A can be produced first 15 minutes to wash out 10. The APL valve:
when sevoflurane is used. any CO2 remaining in the a) Is present in all breathing
b) The Goldman vaporizer is an breathing system. systems.
example of a VOC. b) The pH of soda lime is highly b) Is actuated at only very high
c) Failure of the unidirectional acidic. pressures when in the open
valves to close leads to an c) The lower the FGF, the slower position.
enormous increase in the dead the exhaustion of soda lime c) Can act as a scavenging
space. granules. system.
d) Patients should not be allowed d) The Waters to-and-fro system d) Scavenging systems can
to breathe spontaneously, is very efficient. usually be attached to it.
because of the high resistance e) Partially harmful substances e) Is coloured bright yellow for
caused by the soda lime. can be produced when using safety reasons.
e) Exhaustion of the soda lime soda lime.
can be detected by an
end-tidal CO2 rebreathing
Answers 71


through the APL valve leading Mapleson A breathing system.

1. APL valve in a breathing system
to inadequate ventilation. The dead space can increase
a) True. The valve is designed to
up to 200 mL in adults.
offer minimal resistance to
2. Breathing systems: b) True. Disconnection of the
exhalation and to prevent
a) True. The FGF rate required inner tube, which delivers the
build-up of positive pressure
to prevent rebreathing is a FGF, at the patient’s end in
in the breathing system in
measure of the efficiency of a the Bain system leads to an
cases of malfunction or
breathing system; e.g. in increase in dead space and
obstruction. A very low
spontaneous breathing, the rebreathing.
pressure of less than 1 cm
circle system is the most c) False. The unidirectional
H2O is needed to actuate it.
efficient system whereas the valves are essential for the
This is designed for the safety
Bain system is the least performance of the circle
of the patient.
efficient. system. Failure to close leads
b) True. This is a safety feature
b) True. This is a safety feature to a significant increase in the
in the design of the APL
to protect the patient from dead space.
valve. If the APL valve is
overpressure. Because of its d) True. The anatomic dead
closed, a build-up of pressure
high compliance, the reservoir space is that part of the
within the breathing system
bag can accommodate rises in respiratory system which
puts the patient at the risk of
pressure within the system takes no part in the gas
barotrauma. A pressure relief
better than other parts. Due exchange.
mechanism is activated at a
to the law of Laplace e) True. VD/VT = PACO2 −
pressure of 60 cm H2O,
(pressure = 2(tension)/radius), PECO2/PACO2 where VD is
allowing the reduction of
when the reservoir is dead space; VT is tidal
pressure within the system.
overinflated, it can limit the volume; PACO2 is alveolar
c) False. There are no valves in
pressure in the breathing CO2 tension; PECO2 is mixed
the standard T-piece system.
system to about 40 cm H2O. expired CO2 tension.
This is to keep resistance to a
c) False. Mapleson A system is Normally VD/VT = 0.25–0.35.
minimum. A recent
modification exists where an an efficient system during
spontaneous breathing 4. Concerning soda lime:
APL valve is included before a
needing a FGF of about a) False. Sodium hydroxide
closed-ended 500-mL reservoir
70 mL/kg/min. Mapleson D constitutes about 5% of the
bag. A pressure relief safety
needs an FGF of 150– soda lime.
mechanism in the APL valve is
200 mL/kg/min. b) False. Calcium carbonate is a
actuated at a pressure of 30 cm
d) True. The inner tube delivers product of the reaction
H2O. This design allows for
the FGF as close as possible between soda lime and carbon
effective scavenging.
to the patient. The outer tube, dioxide.
d) False. There is a huge increase
in the dead space resulting in which is connected to the CO2 + 2NaOH
rebreathing. This is because reservoir bag, takes the → Na2CO3 + H 2O + heat
excessive negative pressure exhaled gases. Na2CO3 + Ca(OH )2
can lead the APL valve to e) False. The Humphrey ADE → 2NaOH + CaCO3
remain open throughout system is a very versatile c) False. 1 kg of soda lime can
breathing. system and can be used for absorb 120 L of CO2.
e) True. When ventilation is both spontaneous and d) True. Heat is produced as a
controlled using a Bain controlled ventilation both for byproduct of the reaction
breathing system and an adults and in paediatrics. between CO2 and sodium
intermittent blower ventilator, hydroxide.
the APL valve must be closed 3. Dead space: e) False. In order to achieve
completely. This is to prevent a) False. The face mask increases adequate CO2 absorption, the
the escape of inhaled gases the dead space in the canister should be well packed
72 4 Breathing systems

to avoid channelling and b) True. Jackson-Rees added a e) False. The circle system can
incomplete CO2 absorption. double-ended bag to the be used with low flows (e.g.
reservoir tubing of the 2–3 L/min) as well as very
5. The Bain breathing system: Mapleson E thus converting it low flows (e.g. 0.5–1.5 L/
a) False. The Bain breathing to a Mapleson F. The bag acts min). This can be achieved
system is an example of a as a visual monitor during safely with adequate
Mapleson D system. spontaneous ventilation and monitoring of the inspired
b) False. A FGF of about can be used for assisted or and exhaled concentration of
150–200 mL/kg/min is controlled ventilation. the gases and vapours used.
required to prevent c) False. The T-piece system is
rebreathing in the Bain system not an efficient system as it 8. The circle breathing system:
during spontaneous requires an FGF of 2.5–3 a) True. Substance A can be
ventilation. This makes it an times the minute volume to produced when sevoflurane is
inefficient breathing system. prevent rebreathing. used with soda lime under
c) False. The Bain system is d) False. If the reservoir is too low flow rates. Newer designs
usually made of a coaxial small, entrainment of ambient of soda lime claim lesser
tubing. A more recent design, air will occur resulting in production of substance A.
a pair of parallel corrugated dilution of the FGF. b) False. The Goldman vaporizer
tubings, is also available. e) True. Patients under the age is a VIC. It is positioned on
d) False. The Bain breathing of 6 years have a small FRC. the expiratory limb with
system is a Mapleson D General anaesthesia causes a minimal resistance to flow
whereas the T-piece system further decrease in the FRC. and no wicks.
is an E system. The Bain The reservoir bag in the c) True. The function of the
system has an APL valve Mapleson F provides a degree unidirectional valves in the
whereas the T-piece is a of CPAP during spontaneous circle system is crucial for its
valveless system. ventilation, helping to function. Failure of the valve
e) True. The Bain system can be improve the FRC. to close causes rebreathing
used for spontaneous resulting from the huge
ventilation requiring an FGF 7. Which of the following are true increase in the dead space of
of 150–200 mL/kg. It can or false? the system. This usually
also be used for controlled a) False. Mapleson classification happens because of water
ventilation requiring an FGF is used. The Mapleson A vapour condensing on the
of 70–100 mL/kg. During breathing system was valve.
controlled ventilation, the described by Magill. d) False. The circle system can
APL valve is fully closed, the b) False. As modern anaesthetic be used for both spontaneous
reservoir bag is removed and agents are not flammable, and controlled ventilation.
a ventilator like the Penlon modern breathing systems are Soda lime increases the
Nuffield 200 with a 1 m not constructed using anti- resistance to flow but is
length of tubing is connected static materials. They are clinically insignificant.
instead. normally made of plastic. e) True. As the soda lime gets
c) True. Efficiency of a breathing exhausted, a rebreathing
6. T-piece breathing system: system differs during end-tidal CO2 waveform can
a) False. Although the T-piece spontaneous and controlled be detected. A dye is added
breathing system is mainly ventilation; e.g. the Mapleson that changes the granules’
used in paediatrics, it can be A system is more efficient colour as they become
used in adults with a suitable during spontaneous than exhausted.
FGF and reservoir volume. An controlled ventilation whereas
FGF of 2.5–3 times the the opposite is true of the D 9. Regarding circle system:
minute volume and a reservoir system. a) False. High FGF (several
approximating the tidal d) False. The position of the L/min) is needed initially to
volume are needed. Such a valve in the breathing system denitrogenate the system and
system is usually used in is crucial in the function and the functional residual
recovery and for intensive efficiency of a breathing capacity (FRC) to avoid the
care patients. system. build-up of unacceptable
Answers 73

levels of nitrogen in the c) False. The lower the FGF, the d) False. It is not an efficient
system. In closed circle more rapidly soda lime system as the granules nearest
anaesthesia, a high FGF for granules are exhausted to the patient are exhausted
up to 15 minutes, and in because most of the exhaled first so increasing the dead
low-flow anaesthesia, a high gases pass through the space.
FGF of up to 6 minutes are absorber with very little being e) True. Substance A,
required and these can later discarded through the APL nephrotoxic in rats, can be
be reduced to 0.5–1 L/min. If valve. For a 70–80-kg patient produced when sevoflurane is
no N2O is used during with a tidal volume of used with soda lime although
anaesthesia, it is not necessary 500 mL, respiratory rate of newer designs claim less or no
to eliminate nitrogen. A short 12/min and CO2 production substance A production.
period of high flow is needed of 250 mL/min, using an FGF Carbon monoxide can occur
to prime the system and the of 1 L/min, the soda lime will when dry soda lime is used.
patient with the inhalational be exhausted in 5–7 h of use. Newer designs claim less or
agent. For the same patient but using no carbon monoxide
b) False. The pH of soda lime is an FGF of 3 L/min, the soda production.
highly alkaline, 13.5, because lime will be exhausted in
of the presence of calcium 6–8 h of use. 10. d)
hydroxide, sodium hydroxide
and small amounts, if any, of
potassium hydroxide. This
makes the soda lime a
corrosive substance. Colour
changes occur when the pH is
less than 10.

Chapter 5

Tracheal and
tubes and
76 5 Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

15 mm connector
Tracheal tubes
Tracheal tubes provide a means of Self-sealing valve
securing the patient’s airway. These
disposable plastic tubes are made of Pilot balloon
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) which
could be clear, ivory or siliconized.
As plastic is not radio-opaque,
tracheal tubes have a radio-opaque
line running along their length,
which enables their position to be
determined on chest X-rays. The
siliconized PVC aids the passage of
suction catheters through the tube. Radio-opaque line
In the past, tracheal tubes used to
be made of rubber allowing them to
be reused after cleaning and
Cuff OD Outside diameter mm

FEATURES OF TRACHEAL ID internal diameter mm

TUBES (FIG. 5.1)
Level of vocal cords
Size Fig. 5.1 Features of a cuffed tracheal tube. Some designs have the markings of IT
1. The ‘size’ of a tracheal tube (implantation tested) and Z–79 stands (the Z–79 Committee of the American National
Standards Institute). (Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)
refers to its internal diameter
which is marked on the outside
of the tube in millimetres.
Table 5.1 A guide to the size and length of oral tracheal tubes used in
Narrower tubes increase the
paediatric practice
resistance to gas flow, therefore
the largest possible internal
diameter should be used. This is Age Weight (kg) Size (ID mm) Length (cm)
especially important during
Neonate 2–4 2.5–3.5 10–12
spontaneous ventilation where
1–6 months 4–6 4.0–4.5 12–14
the patient’s own respiratory 6–12 months 6–10 4.5–5.0 14–16
effort must overcome the tube’s 1–3 years 10–15 5.0–5.5 16–18
resistance. A size 4-mm tracheal 4–6 years 15–20 5.5–6.5 18–20
tube has 16 times more 7–10 years 25–35 6.5–7.0 20–22
resistance to gas flow than a size 10–14 years 40–50 7.0–7.5 22–24
8-mm tube. Usually, a size
8.5–9-mm internal diameter tube
is selected for an average size determine the size of paediatric tube. The tube can be cut down
adult male and a size 7.5–8-mm tracheal tubes. A commonly to size to suit the individual
internal diameter tube for an used formula is: patient. If the tube is cut too
average size adult female. long, there is a significant risk of
Paediatric sizes are determined Internal diameter in mm it advancing into one of the main
on the basis of age and weight age in years bronchi (usually the right one,
= +4
(Table 5.1). Tracheal tubes have 4 see Fig. 5.2). Black intubation
both internal diameter (ID) depth markers located 3 cm
and outside diameter (OD) 2. The length (taken from the tip proximal to the cuff can be seen
markings. There are various of the tube) is marked in in some designs (Fig. 5.1). These
methods or formulae used to centimetres on the outside of the assist the accurate placement of
Tracheal tubes 77

Fig. 5.4 Different types of tracheal tube

cuffs. High volume (left), intermediate
volume (centre), low volume (right).

2. The narrowest point in the
Fig. 5.2 (A) Correctly positioned tracheal tube. (B) The tracheal tube has been advanced adult’s airway is the glottis
too far, into the right main bronchus. (which is hexagonal). In order to
achieve an air-tight seal, cuffed
the tracheal tube tip within the tubes are used in adults.
trachea. The vocal cords should 3. The narrowest point in a child’s
be at the black mark in tubes airway is the cricoid cartilage.
with one mark, or should be Since this is essentially circular,
between marks if there are two a correctly sized uncuffed tube
such marks. However, these are will fit well. Because of the
only rough estimates and correct narrow upper airway in children,
tracheal tube position depth post-extubation subglottic
should always be confirmed by oedema can be a problem. In
auscultation. order to minimize the risk, the
presence of a small leak around
Murphy the tube at an airway pressure of
The bevel 15 cm H2O is desirable.
1. The bevel is left-facing and oval 4. Cuffs can either be:
in shape in most tube designs. a) high pressure/low volume
A left-facing bevel improves the b) low pressure/high volume.
view of the vocal cords during
High-pressure/low-volume cuffs
2. Some designs have a side hole
just above and opposite the 1. These can prevent the passing of
bevel, called a Murphy eye. vomitus, secretions or blood into
This enables ventilation to the lungs.
occur should the bevel become Fig. 5.3 Diagram showing a tracheal 2. At the same time, they exert a
occluded by secretions, blood or tube with an obstructed bevel against high pressure on the tracheal
the wall of the trachea (Fig. 5.3). the trachea wall but a patent Murphey’s wall. If left in position for long
eye so allowing ventilation.
periods, they may cause necrosis
1. The cuff is connected to its of the tracheal mucosa (Fig. 5.5).
The cuff
pilot balloon which has a
Tracheal (oral or nasal) tubes can be self-sealing valve for injecting
Low-pressure/high-volume cuffs
either cuffed or uncuffed. The cuff, air. The pilot balloon also
when inflated, provides an air-tight indicates whether the cuff is 1. These exert minimal pressure on
seal between the tube and the inflated or not. After intubation, the tracheal wall as the pressure
tracheal wall (Fig. 5.4). This the cuff is inflated until no gas equilibrates over a wider area
air-tight seal protects the patient’s leak can be heard during (Fig. 5.6). This allows the cuff
airway from aspiration and allows intermittent positive pressure to remain inflated for longer
efficient ventilation during IPPV. ventilation (IPPV). periods.
78 5 Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

Low volume cuff

contact area

Tracheal wall
High volume cuff

contact area

Fig. 5.5 A postmortem tracheal

specimen. Note the black necrotic area Fig. 5.6 Diagram illustrating how a Fig. 5.7 Cuff pressure gauge. (Courtesy
which was caused by long-term low-volume cuff (top) maintains a seal of Smiths Medical.)
intubation with a high-pressure against a relatively small area of tracheal
cuffed tube. wall compared to a high-volume cuff

2. They are less capable of Route of insertion

preventing the aspiration of
1. Tubes can be inserted orally or
vomitus or secretions. This is
nasally (Fig. 5.9).
due to the possibility of wrinkles
2. The indications for nasal
forming in the cuff.
intubation include:
The pressure in the cuff should a) surgery where access via the
be checked at frequent and regular mouth is necessary, e.g. ENT
intervals (Fig. 5.7 and 5.8). The or dental operations
pressure may increase mainly b) long-term ventilated patients
because of diffusion of nitrous oxide on intensive care units.
into the cuff. Expansion of the air Patients tolerate a nasal tube
inside the cuff due to the increase in Fig. 5.9 A non-cuffed oral/nasal tracheal
tube. (Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)
its temperature from room to body
LVHP cuff
temperature and the diffusion of
oxygen from the anaesthetic mixture better, and cannot bite on the
Cuff pressure

(about 33%) into the air (21%) in tube. However, long-term

the cuff can also lead to increase in nasal intubation may cause
HVLP cuff
the intracuff pressure. An increase sinus infection.
in pressure of about 10–12 mmHg 3. Nasal intubation is usually
is expected after 30 minutes of avoided, if possible, in children
anaesthesia with 66% nitrous oxide. Cuff volume up to the age of 8–11 years.
A more recent design cuff material Fig. 5.8 Graph showing pressure Hypertrophy of the adenoids in
(Soft Seal, Portex) allows minimum changes in low-volume/high-pressure this age group increases the risk
diffusion of nitrous oxide into the (LVHP) cuff and high-volume/low-pressure of profuse bleeding if nasal
(HVLP) cuff. Note the steep rise in cuff
cuff with a pressure increase of intubation is performed.
pressure in the LVHP cuff when the cuff
1–2 mmHg only. The pressure may volume reaches a critical volume. A more 4. Ivory PVC nasotracheal tubes
decrease because of a leak in the gradual increase in pressure is seen in the cause less trauma to the nasal
cuff or pilot balloon’s valve. HVLP cuff. mucosa.
Specially designed tracheal tubes 79


Tracheal tubes
These connect the tracheal tubes to ● Usually made of plastic. Armoured tracheal tubes are made
the breathing system (or catheter ● Oral or nasal (avoid nasal of plastic or silicone rubber (Fig.
mount). There are various designs intubation in children). 5.12). The walls of the armoured
and modifications (Fig. 5.10). They ● Cuffed or uncuffed. tube are thicker than ordinary
are made of plastic or metal and ● The cuff can be low pressure/ tracheal tubes because they contain
should have an adequate internal high volume, high pressure/low an embedded spiral of metal wire
diameter to reduce the resistance to volume. or tough nylon. They are used in
gas flow.
anaesthesia for head and neck
On the breathing system end, the
surgery. The spiral helps to prevent
British Standard connector has a
the kinking and occlusion of the
15-mm diameter at the proximal
tracheal tube when the head and/or
end. An 8.5-mm diameter version Specially designed neck is rotated or flexed so giving it
exists for neonatal use. On the
tracheal tube end, the connector has
tracheal tubes strength and flexibility at the same
time. An introducer stylet is used to
a diameter that depends on the size
of the tracheal tube. Connectors
OXFORD TRACHEAL TUBE aid intubation.
Because of the spiral, it is not
designed for use with nasal tracheal
This anatomically L-shaped tracheal possible to cut the tube to the
tubes have a more acute angle than
tube is used in anaesthesia for head desired length. This increases the
the oral ones (e.g. Magill’s
and neck surgery because it is risk of bronchial intubation. Two
connector). Some designs have an
non-kinking (Fig. 5.11). The tube markers, situated just above the
extra port for suction.
can be made of rubber or plastic cuff, are present on some designs.
and can be cuffed or uncuffed. The These indicate the correct position
Problems in practice and
bevel is oval in shape and faces for the vocal cords.
safety features
posteriorly and an introducing stylet
1. Obstruction of the tracheal tube is supplied to aid the insertion of POLAR AND RAE TRACHEAL
by kinking, herniation of the the tube. Its thick wall adds to the TUBES
cuff, occlusion by secretions, tube’s external diameter making it
foreign body or the bevel lying wider for a given internal diameter. The polar tube is a north- or
against the wall of the trachea. This is undesirable especially in south-facing preformed nasal
2. Oesophageal or bronchial paediatric anaesthesia. cuffed or uncuffed tracheal tube
intubation. The distance from the bevel to
3. Trauma and injury to the the curve of the tube is fixed. If the
various tissues and structures tube is too long, the problem cannot
during and after intubation. be corrected by withdrawing the
tube and shortening it because this
means losing its anatomical fit.

Fig. 5.10 A range of tracheal tube

connectors. Top row from left to right:
Magill oral, Magill nasal, Nosworthy,
Cobb suction. (Note the Magill nasal
connector has been supplied with a piece
of wire threaded through it to
demonstrate its patency.) Bottom row:
Paediatric 8.5-mm connectors (left), Fig. 5.11 The Oxford tracheal tube, red Fig. 5.12 Armoured cuffed tracheal tube.
standard 15-mm connectors (right). rubber (left) and plastic (right). (Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)
80 5 Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

(Fig. 5.13). It is used mainly during be either north- or south-facing, LASER RESISTANT
anaesthesia for maxillofacial surgery cuffed or uncuffed. TRACHEAL TUBES
as it does not impede surgical Because of its preformed shape,
access. Because of its design and there is a higher risk of bronchial These tubes are used in anaesthesia
shape, it lies over the nose and the intubation than with ordinary for laser surgery on the larynx or
forehead. It can be converted to an tracheal tubes. The cuffed RAE trachea (Fig. 5.14). They are
ordinary tracheal tube by cutting it tracheal tube has one Murphy eye designed to withstand the effect of
at the scissors mark just proximal to whereas the uncuffed version has carbon dioxide and potassium-
the pilot tube and reconnecting the two eyes. Since the uncuffed version titanyl-phosphate (KTP) laser
15-mm connector. An oral version is mainly used in paediatric practice, beams, avoiding the risk of fire or
of the polar tube exists. two Murphy eyes ensure adequate damage to the tracheal tube. One
The RAE (Ring, Adair and ventilation should the tube prove design has a flexible stainless steel
Elwyn) tube has a preformed shape too long. body. Reflected beams from the
to fit the mouth or nose without The tube can be temporarily tube are defocused to reduce the
kinking. It has a bend located straightened to insert a suction accidental laser strikes to healthy
just as the tube emerges, so the catheter. tissues (Fig. 5.15). Other designs
connections to the breathing system
are at the level of the chin or
forehead and not interfering with
the surgical access. RAE tubes can

Fig. 5.14 Laser resistant tracheal tubes. Note the stainless steel tube (left) with two
cuffs. The tube on the right is covered with laser protective wrapping.
Laser beam

Fig. 5.13 Polar and RAE tracheal tubes:

(A) cuffed nasal north facing; (B)
non-cuffed nasal north facing; (C) cuffed
oral south-facing; (D) non-cuffed oral
north-facing. (Coutresy of Smiths
Medical.) Fig. 5.15 The reflected laser beam is defocused.
Tracheostomy tracheal tubes 81

have a laser resistant metal foil electrode is attached to the skin of

wrapped around the tube for the patient.
protection. The cuff is filled with The use of such tubes allows
methylene blue coloured saline. If continuous nerve monitoring
the laser manages to damage the throughout surgery providing visual
cuff, the colouring will help identify and audible warnings.
rupture and the saline will help
prevent an airway fire.
Some designs have two cuffs.
This ensures a tracheal seal should MICROLARYNGEAL TUBE
the upper cuff be damaged by
laser. An air-filled cuff, hit by This tube allows better exposure
the laser beam, may ignite and and surgical access to the larynx.
so it is recommended that the It has a small diameter (usually
cuffs are filled with saline instead 5-mm ID) with an adult sized cuff
of air. (Fig. 5.17). Its length is sufficient
to allow nasal intubation if
Fig. 5.17 Microlaryngeal tracheal tube.
required. The tube is made of ivory
(Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)
EVOKED POTENTIALS PVC to reduce trauma to the nasal
(FIG. 5.16)

These tubes are used in a number of

surgical procedures that have the
risks of damage to nerves, e.g
thyroid surgery. Bipolar stainless tracheal tubes
steel contact electrical electrodes are
embebded in the tracheal tubes These are curved plastic tubes
above the cuff where they are in usually inserted through the
contact with the vocal cords. These second, third and fourth
electrodes are connected to a nerve tracheal cartilage rings
stimulator. An additional earth (Fig. 5.18).

Fig. 5.18 Cuffed tracheostomy tube.

(Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)

1. An introducer used for insertion.
2. Wings attached to the proximal
part of the tube to fix it in place
with a ribbon or suture. Some
designs have an adjustable flange
to fit the variable thickness of
the subcutaneous tissues
(Fig. 5.19).
3. They can be cuffed or uncuffed.
The former have a pilot balloon.
Fig. 5.16 Evoked potential tracheal tube. Note the electrodes (just above the cuff) with 4. The proximal end can have a
their cables. The other cable is earth. standard 15-mm connector.
82 5 Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

window at the angle of the tube

to allow the patient to speak.

Tracheostomy tubes are used

for the following
1. Long-term intermittent positive
pressure ventilation.
2. Upper airway obstruction that
cannot be bypassed with an oral/
nasal tracheal tube.
3. Maintenance of an airway and
to protect the lungs in patients
with impaired pharyngeal or
laryngeal reflexes and after
major head and neck surgery
(e.g. laryngectomy).
4. Long-term control of excessive
bronchial secretions especially in
patients with a reduced level of
5. To facilitate weaning from a
Fig. 5.19 Adjustable flange tracheostomy tube. (Courtesy of Smiths Medical.) ventilator. This is due to a
reduction in the sedation
required, as the patients tolerate
5. The tip is usually cut square, non-irritant and bactericidal tracheostomy tubes better than
rather than bevelled. This is to silver are rarely used in current tracheal tubes. Also, there is a
decrease the risk of obstruction practice. Some designs have a reduction in the anatomical dead
by lying against the tracheal one-way flap valve and a space.
6. A more recent design with an
additional suctioning lumen
which opens just above the cuff
exists. The cuff shape is designed
to allow the secretions above
it to be suctioned effectively
through the suctioning lumen
(Fig. 5.20).
7. Some tubes have an inner
cannula. Secretions can collect
and dry out on the inner
lumen of the tube leading to
obstruction. The internal
cannula can be replaced instead
of changing the complete tube in
such cases. The cannula leads to
a slight reduction of the internal
diameter of the tube.
8. There are different sizes of
tracheostomy tubes to fit
neonates to adults.
9. Older uncuffed metal
tracheostomy tubes made of a Fig. 5.20 Smith’s Portex tracheostomy tube with an above-cuff suction facility.
Tracheostomy tracheal tubes 83

c) tracheal dilatation tracheostomy in spontaneously

Benefits of tracheostomy d) tracheal stenosis at the cuff site breathing patients.
● Increased patient comfort. e) scar formation. 3. Some tubes have a fenestrated
● Less need for sedation. inner cannula.
● Improved access for oral THE FENESTRATED
● Possibility of oral nutrition. (FIG. 5.21) LARYNGECTOMY
● Bronchial suctioning aided. (MONTANDON) TUBE
● Reduced dead space. 1. The fenestration (window) in the
● Reduced airway resistance. greater curvature channels air to This is a cuffed tube inserted
● Reduced risk of glottic trauma. the vocal cords allowing the through a tracheostomy to facilitate
patient to speak. intermittent positive pressure
2. After deflation of the cuff, the ventilation during neck surgery
patient can breathe around the (Fig. 5.22). It has the advantage of
Problems in practice and cuff and through the fenestration offering better surgical access by
safety features as well as through the stoma. allowing the breathing system to
This reduces airway resistance be connected well away from the
Surgical tracheostomy has a
and assists in weaning from surgical field. Usually, it is replaced
mortality rate of <1% but has a
with a tracheostomy tube at the end
total complications rate as high as
of operation.
40%. The complications rate is
higher in the intensive care unit and
emergency patients.
The complications can be divided Tracheostomy tubes
● Can be plastic or metal, cuffed
or uncuffed.
1. Immediate: ● The tip is cut horizontally.
a) haemorrhage ● Used for long-term intubation.
b) tube misplacement (e.g. into a ● Percutaneous tracheostomy
main bronchus) tubes are becoming more
c) occlusion of tube by cuff popular and have fewer
herniation Fig. 5.21 A Portex unfenestrated inner complications than the surgical
d) occlusion of the tube tip cannula (left), fenestrated inner cannula
(middle) and Blue Line Ultra fenestrated
against carina or tracheal wall ● Speaking versions exist.
tracheostomy tube with Soft-Seal cuff
e) pneumothorax. (right).
2. Delayed:
a) blockage of the tube by
secretions which can be
sudden or gradual; this is rare
with adequate humidification
and suction
b) infection of the stoma
c) overinflation of the cuff leads
to ulceration and distension of
the trachea
d) mucosal ulceration because of
excessive cuff pressures,
asymmetrical inflation of the
cuff or tube migration.
3. Late:
a) granulomata of the trachea
may cause respiratory
difficulty after extubation
b) persistent sinus at the
tracheostomy site Fig. 5.22 Montandon laryngectomy tube. (Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)
84 5 Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

TRACHEOSTOMY SPEAKING PERCUTANEOUS 3. A pair of specially designed

VALVE (FIG. 5.23) TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES Griggs forceps are inserted over
the guidewire. These forceps are
This is a one-way speaking valve. It These tubes are inserted between the used to dilate the trachea. A
is fitted to the uncuffed tracheostomy first and second or second and third tracheostomy tube is threaded
tube or to the cuffed tracheostomy tracheal rings, usually at the bedside over the guidewire and advanced
tube with its cuff deflated. in the intensive care unit. into the trachea. The guidewire
is then removed (Fig. 5.25).
1. If the patient is intubated, the 4. A series of curved dilators can
Tracheostomy button tracheal tube is withdrawn until be used instead of the dilating
(Fig. 5.24) the tip is just below the vocal forceps. The diameter of the
cords. Then the cuff is inflated stoma is serially increased until
Once a tracheostomy is removed
and rested on the vocal cords. the desired diameter is achieved.
after long-term use, this device
A laryngeal mask can be used A single curved dilator of a
is inserted into the stoma to
instead. graduated diameter can be
maintain patency of the tract and
2. Through an introducing needle, used instead (Fig. 5.26). A
also act as a route for tracheal
a Seldinger guidewire is inserted tracheostomy tube can then be
into the trachea. A fibreoptic inserted.
bronchoscope should be used 5. An adjustable flange
throughout the procedure. It percutaneous tracheostomy is
helps to ensure the initial available. The flange can be
puncture of the trachea is in adjusted to suit the patient’s
the midline and free of the anatomy, e.g. in the obese
tracheal tube. It can also ensure patient. The flange can be
that the posterior tracheal wall moved away from the stoma
is not damaged during the site to aid in cleaning around the
procedure. Finally, it can stoma.
assess the position of the 6. The procedure can be performed
tracheostomy tube relative to in the intensive care unit with a
the carina. lower incidence of complications

Fig. 5.23 A tracheostomy speaking valve

mounted on an uncuffed tracheostomy

Fig. 5.24 Tracheostomy button and its

skin dressing. Fig. 5.25 Smith’s Portex Griggs percutaneous tracheostomy set.
Minitracheostomy tube 85

Fig. 5.27 The Portex minitracheostomy

set inserted using the Seldinger

of 4 mm. Some designs have

lengths ranging from 3.5 to
Fig. 5.26 Smith’s Portex Ultraperc single dilator percutaneous tracheostomy set.
7.5 cm with internal diameters
from 2 to 6 mm.
2. The proximal end of the tube
has a standard 15-mm connector
than the conventional open in applying a high PEEP during that allows attachment to
surgical method (infection rate, the process of insertion. breathing systems. The proximal
subglottic stenosis and bleeding 10. Reinsertion of a percutaneously end also has wings used to
problems). The operative time is fashioned tube can be more secure the tube with the ribbon
about half that of a formal difficult than the surgical one as supplied.
surgical procedure. the stoma may close immediately. 3. A 2-cm, 16-G needle is used
7. Percutaneous tracheostomy can A track is formed after long-term to puncture the cricothyroid
be performed faster using the intubation and the tracheostomy cartilage. A 50-cm guidewire is
dilating forceps technique tube can be removed. In order to used to help in the tracheal
compared to the dilator protect the patency of the tract, cannulation. A 10-mL syringe is
technique. a tracheostomy button is inserted used to aspirate air to confirm the
8. There is an increased risk of into the stoma. It also acts as correct placement of the needle.
surgical emphysema due to air a route for tracheal suction. 4. A 7-cm curved dilator and a
leaks from the trachea to the Tracheostomy buttons are made curved introducer are used to
surrounding tissues. Loss of the of straight rigid plastic. facilitate the insertion of the
airway, bleeding and incorrect cricothyrotomy tube in some
placement of the needle are designs.
potential difficulties during the
procedure. The risk of aspiration
Mechanism of action
is increased when the tracheal tube
tube has to be withdrawn at the 1. The Seldinger technique is used
start of the procedure. This tube is inserted percutaneously to insert the tube.
9. Relative contraindications into the trachea through the 2. It is an effective method to clear
include enlarged thyroid gland, avascular cricothyroid membrane tracheobronchial secretions in
non-palpable cricoid cartilage, (Fig. 5.27). patients with an inefficient
paediatric application, previous cough.
neck surgery and positive end 3. In an emergency, it can be used
expiratory pressure (PEEP) of in patients with upper airway
more than 15 cm H2O. The 1. A siliconized PVC tube 10 cm in obstruction that cannot be
latter is because of the difficulty length with an internal diameter bypassed with a tracheal tube.
86 5 Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

Problems in practice and Components this, double lumen tubes are used
safety features which allow the anaesthetist to
1. A scalpel and syringe selectively deflate one lung while
Percutaneous insertion of 2. A needle with a veress design maintaining standard ventilation
minitracheostomy has the risk of: and a dilator. The needle has a of the other.
‘red flag’ indicator. This helps in
1. pneumothorax
locating the tissues.
2. perforation of the oesophagus Components
3. 6-mm cuffed tube.
3. severe haemorrhage
4. ossification of the cricothyroid 1. The Mallinckrodt Bronchocath
membrane Mechanism of action double lumen tube has two
5. incorrect placement. separate colour-coded lumens,
1. After a 2-cm horizontal skin each with its own bevel (Fig.
incision has been made, the 5.29). One lumen ends in the
needle is inserted perpendicular trachea and the other lumen
to the skin. ends in either the left or right
Minitracheostomy 2. As the needle enters the trachea,
● Tube inserted into the trachea
main bronchus.
the red indicator disappears. The 2. Each lumen has its own cuff
through the cricothyroid needle is advanced carefully until
membrane using the Seldinger
(tracheal and bronchial cuffs)
the red reappears, indicating and colour-coded pilot balloons.
technique. contact with the posterior wall
● Used for clearing secretions and
Both lumens and pilot balloons
of the trachea. are labelled.
maintaining an airway in an 3. As the cricothyrotomy tube is
3. There are two curves to the
advanced into the trachea, the tube: the standard anterior curve
needle and the dilator are to fit into the oropharyngeal
removed. laryngeal tracheal airway and
the second curve, either to the
Problems in practice and right or left, to fit into the right
Cricothyrotomy tube safety features or left bronchus respectively.
4. The proximal end of these tubes
(Fig. 5.28) The cricothyrotomy tube has is connected to a Y-shaped
complications similar to the catheter mount attached to the
This tube is used to maintain the minitracheostomy tube. breathing system.
airway in emergency situations such
as on the battlefield. It is inserted
into the trachea through the Cricothyrotomy Mechanism of action
cricothyroid cartilage. ● A cuffed 6-mm tube is inserted 1. Because of the differing anatomy
into the trachea through the of the main bronchi and their
cricothyroid cartilage. branches, both right and left
● A veress needle is designed to versions of any particular double
locate the trachea. lumen tube must exist.
● Used in emergencies to establish 2. Once the tubes are correctly
an airway. positioned, the anaesthetist can
selectively ventilate one lung. So,
for operations requiring that the
right lung is deflated, a left-sided
double lumen tube would be
Double lumen used that enabled selective
endobronchial tubes ventilation of the left lung alone
and vice versa.
During thoracic surgery, there is a 3. It is desirable, when possible, to
need for one lung to be deflated. insert a left double lumen tube
This offers the surgeon easier and instead of a right one. This
Fig. 5.28 Smith’s Portex cricothyrotomy better access within the designated reduces the risk of upper lobe
set. hemithorax. In order to achieve bronchus obstruction by the
Double lumen endobronchial tubes 87

Fig. 5.29 Double lumen endobronchial tube (left sided).

bronchial cuff in the right-sided point, both lungs can be

version. ventilated. Next, the tracheal
4. The right-sided version has an limb of the Y-catheter mount is
eye in the bronchial cuff to clamped and disconnected from
facilitate ventilation of the right the tracheal lumen tube. Then,
upper lobe. The distance the bronchial cuff is inflated
between the right upper lobe with only a few millilitres of air
bronchus and the carina in an until no leak is heard from the
adult is only 2.5 cm, so there is tracheal tube. At this stage, only
a real risk of occluding it with the lung ventilated via the
the bronchial cuff. There is no bronchial lumen should be
eye in the left-sided version ventilated. The ability to Fig. 5.30 White double lumen tube with
because the distance between the selectively ventilate the other carinal hook (left). Left and right versions
carina and the left upper lobe lung should also be checked by of the Robertshaw double lumen tube
bronchus is about 5 cm, which clamping the bronchial limb of (centre and right).
is adequate to place the cuff. the Y-catheter mount and
5. The tubes come in different sizes disconnecting it from the
to fit adult patients, but not in bronchial lumen having already
paediatric sizes. reconnected the tracheal lumen.
At this stage, only the lung
ventilated via the tracheal lumen deflated lung to improve arterial
Tube positioning oxygenation (Fig. 5.31).
should be ventilated.
1. The position of the tube should 3. Carlens (left-sided version) and
The commonly used double
be checked by auscultation White (right-sided version) tubes
lumen bronchial tubes are:
immediately after intubation that use a carinal hook to aid
and after positioning the patient 1. Robertshaw (rubber) tubes final positioning of the tube
for the operation. It is also (Fig. 5.30). (Fig. 5.30). The hook can cause
recommended to use a fibreoptic 2. Single-use plastic tubes. These trauma to the larynx or carina.
bronchoscope to confirm correct tubes require an introducer for Because of the relatively small
positioning of the double insertion. A more recent version lumens (6 and 8 mm), the
lumen tube. of the single use has the facility Carlens tube causes an increase
2. The tracheal cuff is inflated first of applying continuous positive in airway resistance and difficulty
until no leak is heard. At this airway pressure (CPAP) to the in suctioning thick secretions.
88 5 Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

desired main bronchus while

maintaining ventilation.
When the blocker’s position is
satisfactory, the balloon can be
inflated, sealing off the desired
main bronchus. Ventilation of the
contralateral lung is maintained via
the tracheal tube.

This anatomically shaped airway is
inserted through the mouth into the
oropharynx above the tongue to
maintain the patency of the upper
Fig. 5.31 Bronchocath double lumen tube with the bronchial lumen connected to a CPAP
valve assembly. The disconnected limb of the Y-shaped catheter mount has been clamped.
airway (Fig. 5.34) in cases of upper
airway obstruction caused by a
decreased level of consciousness in a
patient. Decreased consciousness
Double lumen endobronchial can lead to loss of pharyngeal tone
tubes that can result in airway obstruction
● Two separate lumens each with by the tongue, epiglottis, soft palate
its own cuff and pilot tube. or pharyngeal tissues. There are
● There are two curves, anterior various regularly used types of
and lateral. oropharyngeal airway. The most
● The right-sided version has an common type is the Guedel airway,
eye in the bronchial cuff to named after its developer Arthur
facilitate ventilation of the right Guedel, an American anaesthetist
upper lobe. who served in France during the
● Commonly used ones are First World War. It is available in
Robertshaw, Bronchocath and up to nine sizes, which have a
Fig. 5.32 The Arndt endobronchial
Carlens (and White). The latter blocker set. standardized number coding (the
has a carinal hook. smallest ‘000’ to the largest ‘6’).

blocker Fig. 5.33 Detail of the blocker emerging
from a standard endotracheal tube. The
The endobronchial blocker is an guide loop is used to advance the blocker
over a paediatric fibreoptic bronchoscope
alternative means to the double
into the desired main bronchus.
lumen tube for providing one-lung
ventilation (Fig. 5.32).
Mechanism of action
The patient is intubated with a
1. The blocker catheter. This is a standard endotracheal tube. A
9-FG, 78-cm catheter that has a specially designed multiport adapter
distal cuff inflated via a pilot is connected to the tube’s standard
balloon. A guide loop emerges 15-mm connector. The blocker can
from its tip (Fig. 5.33). be advanced over a paediatric Fig. 5.34 An oropharyngeal (Guedel)
2. Multiport adapter. fibreoptic bronchoscope into the airway. (Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)
Nasopharyngeal airway 89

Components the risk of trauma to the remembered that a badly

oropharyngeal mucosa. The inserted Guedel airway can
1. The curved body of the same technique can also be used make airway patency worse
oropharyngeal airway contains in adults. rather than better.
the air channel. It is flattened 7. Bermann airway is another
anteroposteriorly and curved type of oropharyngeal airway,
laterally. designed to assist with oral
2. There is a flange at the oral end Oropharyngeal airway
fibreoptic intubation (Fig. 5.35). ● Anatomically shaped.
to prevent the oropharyngeal It acts to guide the fibreoscope
airway from falling back into ● Inserted through the mouth
around the back of the tongue above the tongue into the
the mouth so avoiding further to the larynx, with the purpose
posterior displacement into the oropharynx.
of both maintaining the patient’s ● Maintains the patency of the
pharynx. airway and acting as a bite
3. The bite portion is straight and upper airway.
block, thus preventing damage ● Can cause trauma and injury to
fits between the teeth. It is made to the fibrescope. Unlike a
of hard plastic to prevent different structures.
Guedel airway, it has a side ● Risk of gag reflex stimulation
occlusion of the air channel opening which allows it to be
should the patient bite the and vomiting.
removed from the fibrescope, ● Bermann airway is designed to
oropharyngeal airway. prior to the railroading of the assist with oral fibreoptic
tracheal tube into the trachea. intubation.
Mechanism of action
Problems in practice and
1. The patient’s airway is kept
safety features
patent by preventing the tongue
and epiglottis from falling 1. Trauma to the different tissues
backwards. during insertion.
2. Oropharyngeal airways are 2. Trauma to the teeth, crowns/ airway
designed in different sizes to fit caps if the patient bites on it.
the majority of patients from 3. If inserted in a patient whose This airway is inserted through
neonates to adults. pharyngeal reflexes are not the nose into the nasopharynx,
3. The air channel should be as depressed enough, the gag reflex bypassing the mouth and the
large as possible in order to pass can be induced that might lead oropharynx. The distal end is just
suction catheters. to vomiting and laryngospasm. above the epiglottis and below the
4. As a good indication, a suitable 4. They confer no protection base of the tongue (Fig. 5.36).
Guedel airway size can be against aspiration.
equivalent to either distance from 5. The degree to which airway
the patient’s incisors to the angle patency has been increased after
of the mandible, or corner of the insertion of a Guedel airway 1. The rounded curved body of the
patient’s mouth to the tragus. should be assessed, not assumed. nasopharyngeal airway.
5. In adults, the Guedel airway is It should also always be 2. The bevel is left-facing.
initially inserted upside down,
with the curvature facing caudad.
Once partially inserted, it is then
rotated through 180° and
advanced until the bite block
rests between the incisors. This
method prevents the tongue being
pushed back into the pharynx,
causing further obstruction.
6. In children, it is often
recommended that the Guedel
airway is inserted the right way
round, using a tongue depressor
or laryngoscope to depress the
tongue. This is done to minimize Fig. 5.35 A range of Bermann airway. (Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)
90 5 Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

designed to ease insertion into under normal conditions, have been

the right nostril. On insertion, used. These devices are collectively
it should be passed backwards known as supraglottic or
through the nasopharynx, such extraglottic airways devices.
that its distal end lies beyond These devices provide the
the pharyngeal border of the following:
soft palate but not beyond
the epiglottis. 1. The ability to be placed without
direct visualization of the larynx.
2. Increased speed and ease of
Problems in practice and placement when compared with
safety features tracheal intubation, both by
1. Its use is not recommended experienced and less experienced
when the patient has a bleeding operators.
disorder, is on anticoagulants, 3. Increased cardiovascular stability
has nasal deformities or sepsis. on insertion and emergence.
2. Excess force should not be used 4. During emergence, improved
during insertion as a false oxygen saturation and lower
passage may be created. frequency of coughing.
3. An airway that is too large can 5. Minimal rise in intraocular
result in pressure necrosis of the pressure on insertion.
Fig. 5.36 Nasopharyngeal airway. The
nasal mucosa, while an airway 6. When the device is properly
safety pin is to prevent the airway from
migrating into the nose. (Courtesy of that is too small may be placed, it can act as a conduit
Smiths Medical.) ineffective at relieving airway for oral tracheal intubation due
obstruction. to the anatomical alignment of
its aperture with the glottic
3. The proximal end has a flange. opening.
A ‘safety pin’ is provided to 7. In the ‘can’t intubate, can’t
Nasopharyngeal airway
prevent the airway from ventilate’ scenario, the decision
● Inserted through the nose into
migrating into the nose. to use such devices should be
the nasopharynx.
made early to gain time while
● A useful alternative to the
attempts are made to secure a
Mechanism of action oropharyngeal airway.
definite airway.
● Not recommended in
1. It is an alternative to the 8. Such devices normally provide
coagulopathy, nasal sepsis and
oropharyngeal airway when the little or no protection against
mouth cannot be opened or an aspiration of refluxed gastric
oral airway does not relieve the contents, and are therefore
obstruction. contraindicated in patients with
2. Nasotracheal suction can be full stomachs or prone to reflux.
performed using a catheter Supraglottic (or However, second-generation
passed through the nasal devices (e.g. LMA-ProSeal™,
extraglottic) airway LMA-Supreme™, and i-gel (see
3. It is better tolerated by semi- devices later)) offer many improvements
awake patients than the oral such as high cuff seal, second
airway. The introduction of the laryngeal seal, gastric access and drain
4. A lubricant is used to help in its mask airway heralded an era of tube. These allow for rapid
insertion. hands-free airway maintenance drainage of gastric fluids or
5. The size inserted can be without the need for tracheal secretions and reduce the risk of
estimated as size 6 for an intubation. Many other airway gastric gas insufflation during
average height female and size devices that lie outside the trachea ventilation. Future indications
7 for an average height male. and attempt to provide a leak-free might even be in emergency
6. Once lubricated, it can be seal for spontaneous ventilation, medicine, where gastric vacuity
inserted through either nares, while some provide an adequate seal is unknown, and in cases of
although the left-facing bevel is for positive pressure ventilation increased risk of regurgitation.
Laryngeal mask 91

9. Extraglottic airways would tube and the cuff to prevent design improves the seal
normally elicit airway reflexes the epiglottis from obstructing pressure. A single-use version,
such as the gag reflex, and the lumen of the laryngeal mask. LMA Supreme™, is available
therefore require depression of Newer designs, such as Portex which combines the best features
pharyngeal reflexes by general SoftSeal™ and Intersurgical of previous LMA versions, and
or topical anaesthesia. Solus™, omit the bars with no contains an elliptical and
10. These devices are increasingly adverse clinical effects. anatomically shaped curve,
used in a variety of settings, 4. A modified design (LMA- which facilitates insertion
including routine anaesthesia, ProSeal™) has an additional success and provides a double
emergency airway management lumen (drain tube) lateral to the seal. A first seal is important for
and as an aid to intubation. airway tube and traverses the adequacy of gas exchange, better
floor of the mask to open in the known as the oropharyngeal seal
mask tip opposite the upper (Fig. 5.38). It also incorporates
oesophageal sphincter allowing a second seal, designed to
blind passage of an orogastric reduce the risk of stomach
Laryngeal mask tube and helps in the drainage insufflation during ventilation,
of gastric air or secretions. Both to provide a passive conduit for
This very useful device is frequently
tubes are contained within an (unexpected) regurgitation or
used as an alternative to either the
integrated bite block. The cuff active suctioning of gastric
face mask or tracheal tube during
inflates in a three-dimensional content and enhances the
anaesthesia (Fig. 5.37).
manner with the elliptical cuff effectiveness of the first seal.
augmented by a second cuff 5. Low-cost disposable laryngeal
Components behind the bowl, known as the masks have been introduced and
rear boot or dorsal cuff. This are widely used (Fig. 5.39).
1. A transparent tube of wide
internal diameter. The proximal
end is a standard 15-mm
2. An elliptical cuff at the distal
end. The cuff resembles a small
face mask to form an air-tight
seal around the posterior
perimeter of the larynx and is
inflated via a pilot balloon with
a self-sealing valve. A non-
metallic self-sealing valve is
available for use during magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) scans.
3. The original design (Intavent
Classic LMA™) had two slits or
bars at the junction between the
Fig. 5.38 LMA-Supreme™. Note the drainage lumen.

Fig. 5.37 A range of different sized

laryngeal masks (non-reinforced). Fig. 5.39 Smith’s Portex single-use Soft-Seal laryngeal mask.
92 5 Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

breathing system can easily be

Table 5.2 The recommended sizes and cuff inflation volumes connected at any angle from the
Size of patient Cuff inflation volume 2. A throat pack can be used with
the reinforced version.
Size 1 Neonates, infants up to 5 kg Up to 4 mL 3. The reinforced laryngeal masks
Size 1.5 Infants 5–10 kg Up to 7 mL
Size 2 Infants/children 10–20 kg Up to 10 mL have smaller internal diameters
Size 2.5 Children 20–30 kg Up to 14 mL and longer lengths than the
Size 3 Paediatric 30–50 kg Up to 20 mL standard versions, causing an
Size 4 Adult 50–70 kg Up to 30 mL increase in flow resistance. This
Size 5 Adult 70–100 kg Up to 40 mL makes their use with
Size 6 Large adult over 100 kg Up to 60 mL spontaneous ventilation for
prolonged periods less suitable.
Currently there is a trend to use
Mechanism of action thus allowing intubation of the disposable single-use laryngeal
trachea. masks. Some have similar designs
1. A variety of techniques have
to the original Classic LMA™ such
been described for the insertion The reinforced version of the
as Portex Soft Seal™ and Silicone
of the laryngeal mask. It should laryngeal mask is used for head and
LM™, Intavent Unique™ and
provide an adequate seal for neck surgery (Fig. 5.40).
Intersurgical Solus™ laryngeal
spontaneous and mechanical
1. The tubes, although flexible, masks. Some have different designs
ventilation with a minimal leak,
are kink and crush resistant, such as the Ambu laryngeal mask
at a pressure of 20–25-cm H2O.
because of a stainless steel wire and the Cobra-PLA™ airway device.
A seal pressure of up to 35 cm
spiral in their wall. The tube Their clinical performance is similar
H2O can be achieved with the
can be moved during surgery to the original Classic LMA™ with
without loss of the cuff’s seal some achieving even better results
2. The cuff is deflated and
against the larynx. The and with fewer traumas. They are
lubricated before use. It is
inserted through the mouth. The
cuff lies over the larynx.
3. Once the cuff is in position, it is
inflated (Table 5.2).
4. Partial inflation of the cuff
before insertion is used by some
5. The laryngeal masks have wide
internal diameters in order to
reduce the flow resistance to a
minimum (e.g. the internal
diameters of sizes 2, 3, 4 and 5
are 7, 10, 10 and 11.5 mm
respectively). This makes them
suitable for long procedures
using a spontaneous ventilation
6. It also has a role as an aid in
difficult intubation. Once in
position, it can be used to
introduce a bougie or a narrow
lumen tracheal tube into the
trachea. Alternatively, the
laryngeal mask may be used to
guide passage of a fibreoptic
bronchoscope into the trachea, Fig. 5.40 Reinforced laryngeal mask, single use (left) and reusable (right).
The intubating laryngeal mask airway (ILMA™) 93

made of PVC apart from the Portex

Silicone LM™, which is made of
silicone rubber.

The recommended safety checks

before the use of laryngeal
● Inflate the cuff and look for Fig. 5.41 The intubating LMA.
signs of herniation.
● Check that the lumen of the
tube is patent.
Fig. 5.42 The intubating LMA.
● The tube can be bent to 180°
without kinking or occlusion.
● Inspect the device for signs of
dehiscence of the tube or mask
aperture bars, and cuff
separations. In the reusable
devices, look for signs of
damage or weakness where the
teeth were in contact with the
● The device should also be
inspected after removal from the
patient for signs of bleeding.

The intubating
laryngeal mask
airway (ILMA™)
This is a modification of the Fig. 5.43 Single-use ILMA™. (Courtesy of Intavent Direct.)
laryngeal mask designed to facilitate
tracheal intubation with a tracheal
tube either blindly or in conjunction 2. Despite the presence of the 4. Unlike the tracheal tube,
with a fibrescope while minimizing slits or bars, about 10% of rotation of the laryngeal mask
the requirements for head and patients develop airway may result in complete airway
neck manipulation. The specially obstruction because of obstruction. In order to assess
designed laryngeal mask is inserted down-folding of the epiglottis. the laryngeal mask’s orientation
first (Fig. 5.41). A specially designed Although clinically often when inserted, a black line is
tracheal tube is then passed through insignificant, a higher present on the tube. This should
the laryngeal mask through the proportion of obstructions by face the upper lip of the patient
vocal cords into the trachea (Fig. the epiglottis can be observed when the laryngeal mask is in
5.42). Single-use ILMA™ is endoscopically. position.
available (Fig. 5.43). 3. The manufacturers recommend 5. Cricoid pressure may prevent
using the laryngeal masks for correct placement of the
a maximum of 40 times. The laryngeal mask.
Problems in practice and
cuff is likely to perish after 6. A common cause of airway
safety features
autoclaving. A record card that obstruction during laryngeal
1. The laryngeal mask does not accompanies the laryngeal mask anaesthesia is down-
protect against the aspiration of mask registers the number of folding of the epiglottis, which
gastric contents. autoclaving episodes. occurs in 20–56% of patients.
94 5 Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

2. Two separate ventilation and distal tip lies proximal to the

Laryngeal masks gastric channels or lumens. The oesophageal inlet.
● Used instead of face masks or distal end of the integrated The distal end consists of
tracheal tubes during gastric lumen is positioned in the softened plastic slotted openings
spontaneous and controlled upper oesophagus. designed to hold the soft tissues and
ventilation allowing hands-free 3. The body is a wide oval in cross epiglottis out of the way of the
anaesthesia. section. laryngeal inlet, while the slotted
● Can be used as an aid in difficult openings direct inspiratory gas into
intubation. Mechanism of action the trachea. The openings are
● The reinforced version can be flexible enough to allow the passage
used for head and neck surgery. 1. The soft, gel-like plastic from
of a tracheal tube.
● Some designs offer more
which the i-gel is manufactured
The COBRA-PLA™ allows
protection against aspiration. is intended to mould into place
both spontaneous and controlled
● The intubating laryngeal mask
without the use of an inflatable
ventilation but provides no effective
airway allows blind tracheal cuff.
protection against aspiration. The
intubation. 2. The gastric channel allows direct
tube has a wider diameter than
● Single-use devices are available.
suctioning or passage of a
usual making the device suitable to
gastric tube.
be used as a rescue airway through
3. The wide oval-in-cross-section
which tracheal intubation can then
body is designed to prevent
be attempted. An internal ramp in
rotation and to act as an integral
the COBRA head is designed to
bite block.
help guide a tracheal tube into the
4. The epiglottic blocking ridge is
larynx when the device is used as
I-gel airway intended to reduce the possibility
an intubation conduit. The cuff is
of epiglottic down-folding.
inflated using an integrated pilot
The i-gel airway is a single-use 5. It is available in adult, paediatric
extraglottic airway that uses an and neonatal sizes (1, 1.5, 2,
It is available in eight sizes.
anatomically designed mask to fit the 2.5, 3, 4, and 5).
Paediatric models have a distal gas
perilaryngeal and hypopharyngeal 6. It is intended for use with fasted
sampling port in the COBRA head,
structures without the use of an patients, with both spontaneous
which minimizes sampling dead
inflatable cuff (Fig. 5.44). It also and controlled ventilation, and
space increasing the accuracy of
incorporates a second drain tube. can be used as a conduit for
capnometry. COBRA Plus models
tracheal intubation.
include a temperature probe on the
Components lateral posterior part of the cuff
Problems in practice and
for core temperature monitoring
1. The large lumen is for safety features
(Fig. 5.45).
ventilation with a proximal
Despite its gastric channel, the i-gel
15-mm connector. Distally, it
does not offer absolute protection
ends in a non-inflatable gel-like
from aspiration of gastric contents.
cuff with a ridge at the superior
anterior edge.

COBRA perilaryngeal
airway (PLA™)
The COBRA-PLA™ consists of a
large ventilation tube with a distal
circumferential inflatable cuff,
designed to reside in the
hypopharynx at the base of the
tongue, sealing off the upper Fig. 5.45 COBRA PLA Plus™ device.
Fig. 5.44 The i-gel airway. (Courtesy of oropharynx. It differs from other Note the temperature probe used for
Intersurgical.) extraglottic airway devices as the core temperature monitoring.
Further reading 95

FURTHER READING Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (MDA/2011/025). Online. Available

Medicine 6 (12), 425–427. at:
Brimacombe, J., 2004. Laryngeal mask MHRA, 2011. Medical device alert: Publications/Safetywarnings/
anesthesia: principles and practice, endotracheal (ET) tubes, adult and MedicalDeviceAlerts/
second ed. WB Saunders, paediatric sizes manufactured by CON111625?tabName=Device
Philadelphia. Unomedical (a ConvaTec company)
Gothard, J.W.W., 2005. Anaesthetic
equipment for thoracic surgery.
96 5 Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Concerning tracheal tubes: 3. Double lumen endobronchial 5. Concerning tracheal tubes:

a) The RAE tracheal tube is tubes: a) The ID diameter is measured
ideal for microlaryngeal a) Robertshaw double lumen in centimetres.
surgery. tubes have carinal hooks. b) Red rubber tubes never have
b) Preformed tracheal tubes have b) The left-sided tubes have an cuffs.
a higher risk of bronchial eye in the bronchial cuff to c) Armoured tubes need to be
intubation. facilitate ventilation of the left cut to length.
c) Laryngeal masks can be used upper lobe. d) Tubes should have a Murphy
in nasal surgery. c) Carlens double lumen tubes eye to allow suction.
d) RAE tubes stand for have relatively small lumens. e) The tip is cut square.
reinforced anaesthetic d) CPAP can be applied to the
endotracheal tubes. deflated lung to improve
e) The Oxford tracheal tube has oxygenation. SINGLE BEST ANSWER (SBA)
a left-facing bevel. e) Fibreoptic bronchoscopy can
be used to ensure correct 6. Bronchial blockers
positioning of the tube. a) Can be used only with a nasal
2. Laryngeal masks:
tracheal tube.
a) They can prevent aspiration
b) Should be used without a
of gastric contents. 4. Concerning the tracheal tube
fibreoptic scope for guidance.
b) The bars at the junction of cuff during anaesthesia:
c) Can be used for blocking only
the cuff and the tube prevent a) Low-pressure/high-volume
the right main bronchus.
foreign bodies from entering cuffs prevent aspiration of
d) Can be used to easily suck out
the trachea. gastric contents.
blood and secretions.
c) Because of its large internal b) The intracuff pressure can rise
e) Can have a ‘hockey stick’
diameter, it can be used in significantly because of the
design to aid directing
spontaneously breathing diffusion of the anaesthetic
patients for long periods of inhalational vapour.
time. c) High-pressure/low-volume
d) It can be autoclaved and used cuffs may cause necrosis of
repeatedly for an unlimited the tracheal mucosa if left in
number of times. position for long periods.
e) The standard design can be d) Low-volume cuffs have a
used in MRI. smaller contact area with the
tracheal wall than high-
volume cuffs.
e) The pressure in the cuff may
decrease because of the
diffusion of nitrous oxide.
Answers 97

makes the laryngeal mask e) True. It is sometimes difficult
1. Concerning tracheal tubes:
more suitable for use in to ensure correct positioning
a) False. An RAE tube is a
spontaneously breathing of the double lumen
normal size preformed
patients for long periods endobronchial tube. By using
tracheal tube. It does not
of time. a fibreoptic bronchoscope, the
allow good visibility of the
d) False. The laryngeal mask can position of the tube can be
larynx because of its large
be autoclaved up to 40 times. adjusted to ensure correct
diameter. A microlaryngeal
The cuff is likely to perish positioning.
tracheal tube of 5–6 mm ID
after repeated autoclaving. A
is more suitable for
record should be kept of the 4. Concerning the tracheal tube
microlaryngeal surgery,
number of autoclaves. cuff during anaesthesia:
allowing good visibility and
e) False. The standard laryngeal a) False. The design of the
access to the larynx.
mask has a metal component low-pressure/high-volume cuff
b) True. Because the shape of
in the one-way inflating valve. allows wrinkles to be formed
these tubes is fixed, they
This makes it unsuitable for around the tracheal wall. The
might not fit all patients of
use in MRI. A specially presence of the wrinkles
different sizes and shapes; e.g.
designed laryngeal mask with allows aspiration of gastric
a small, short-necked patient
no metal parts is available for contents to occur.
having an RAE tube inserted
MRI use. b) False. The rise in the intracuff
is at risk of an endobronchial
pressure is mainly due to the
tube position.
3. Double lumen endobronchial diffusion of N2O. Minimal
c) True. Some anaesthetists use
tubes: changes are due to diffusion of
the laryngeal mask in nasal
a) False. The Robertshaw double oxygen (from 21% to say
surgery with a throat pack.
lumen tube does not have a 33%) and because of increase
This technique has a higher
carinal hook. The Carlens in the temperature of the air
risk of aspiration.
double lumen tube has a in the cuff (from 21° to 37°C).
d) False. RAE stands for the
carinal hook. The diffusion of inhalational
initials of the designers (Ring,
b) False. Left-sided tubes do not agents causes minimal changes
Adair and Elwyn).
have an eye in the bronchial in pressure due to the low
e) False. The Oxford tube is one
cuff to facilitate ventilation of concentrations used (1–2%).
of the few tracheal tubes with
the left upper lobe. This is New design material cuffs
a front-facing bevel. This
because the distance between prevent the diffusion of gases
might make intubation more
the carina and the upper lobe thus preventing significant
difficult as it obscures the
bronchus is about 5 cm, which changes in pressure.
is enough for the bronchial c) True. The high pressures
cuff. Right-sided tubes have achieved by the high-pressure/
2. Laryngeal masks:
an eye to facilitate ventilation low-volume cuffs, especially
a) False. Laryngeal masks do not
of the right upper lobe during nitrous oxide
protect the airway from the
because the distance between anaesthesia, can cause necrosis
risks of aspiration.
the carina and the upper lobe to the mucosa of the trachea
b) False. The bars in the cuff are
bronchus is only 2.5 cm. if left in position for a long
designed to prevent the
c) True. Carlens double lumen period.
epiglottis from blocking the
tubes have relatively small d) True. Because of the design of
lumen of the tube.
lumens in comparison to the low-volume cuffs, a seal
c) True. The laryngeal mask has
the Robertshaw double can be maintained against a
a large internal diameter, in
lumen tube. relatively small area of the
comparison with a tracheal
d) True. CPAP can be applied to tracheal wall. In the case of
tube. This reduces the
the deflated lung to improve the high-volume/low-pressure
resistance to breathing which
oxygenation during one lung cuffs, a large contact area on
is of more importance during
anaesthesia. the tracheal wall is achieved.
spontaneous breathing. This
98 5 Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

e) False. The pressure in the cuff b) False. situation where the bevel of
may decrease because of a c) False. An armoured tube the tube is occluded.
leak in the cuff or pilot should not be cut, as that will e) False. The bevel of the tube is
balloon’s valve. cut the spiral present in its usually left-facing to allow
wall. This increases the risk of easier visualization of the
5. Concerning tracheal tubes: tube kinking. vocal cords. The tracheostomy
a) False. The ID is measured in d) False. A Murphy eye allows tube has a square-cut tip.
millimetres. pulmonary ventilation in the
6. e)

Chapter 6

Masks and
100 6 Masks and oxygen delivery devices

Mechanism of action Problems in practice and

Face masks and safety features
1. They are made of transparent
angle pieces plastic. Previously, masks made
of silicon rubber were used.
1. Excessive pressure by the mask
may cause injury to the branches
The face mask is designed to fit the The transparent plastic allows of the trigeminal or facial
face anatomically. It comes in the detection of vomitus or nerves.
different sizes to fit patients of secretions. It is also more 2. Sometimes it is difficult to
different age groups (from neonates acceptable to the patient during achieve an air-tight seal over the
to adults). It is connected to the inhalational induction. Some face. Edentulous patients and
breathing system via the angle piece. masks are ‘flavoured’, e.g. those with nasogastric tubes
strawberry flavour. pose particular problems.
2. The cuff helps to ensure a snug 3. Imprecise application of the
fit over the face covering the mask on the face can cause
1. The body of the mask which mouth and nose. It also helps to trauma to the eyes.
rests on an air-filled cuff minimize the mask’s pressure on
(Fig. 6.1). Some paediatric the face. Cuffs can be either
designs do not have a cuff, e.g. air-filled or made from a soft Face masks
Rendell–Baker (Fig. 6.2). material. ● Made of silicone rubber or
2. The proximal end of the mask 3. The design of the interior of plastic.
has a 22-mm inlet connection to the mask determines the size of ● Their design ensures a snug fit
the angle piece. its contribution to apparatus over the face of the patient.
3. Some designs have clamps for a dead space. The dead space ● Cause an increase in dead space
harness to be attached. may increase by up to 200 mL (up to 200 mL in adults).
4. The angle piece has a 90° bend in adults. Paediatric masks ● Can cause trauma to the eyes
with a 22-mm end to fit into a are designed to reduce the and facial nerves.
catheter mount or a breathing dead space as much as
system. possible.

Nasal masks
1. These masks are used during
dental chair anaesthesia.
2. An example is the Goldman
inhaler (Fig. 6.3) which has an
inflatable cuff to fit the face and
an adjustable pressure limiting
(APL) valve at the proximal end.
The mask is connected to tubing
which delivers the fresh gas flow.

Fig. 6.2 Paediatric face masks. Ambu

design (left) and Rendell–Baker design
Fig. 6.1 A range of sizes of transparent face masks with air-filled cuffs. (right).
Variable performance masks (medium concentration; MC) 101

tracheal tube connector, usually this risk, the catheter mount

in the shape of an angle piece, should remain wrapped in its
or a 22-mm mask fitting. sterile packaging until needed.
3. The proximal end has a 22-mm
connector for attachment to the
breathing system. Catheter mount
4. Some designs have a condenser ● Acts as an adapter between the
humidifier built into them. tracheal tube and breathing
5. A gas sampling port is found in system in addition to stabilizing
some designs. the tracheal tube.
Fig. 6.3 The Goldman nasal inhaler. ● Can be made of rubber or
plastic with different lengths.
Mechanism of action
● Some have a condenser
3. Other designs have an inlet for
1. The mount minimizes the humidifier built in.
delivering the inspired fresh gas
transmission of accidental ● Its length contributes to the
flow and an outlet connected to
movements of the breathing apparatus dead space.
tubing with a unidirectional
system to the tracheal tube. ● Can be blocked by a foreign
valve for expired gases.
Repeated movements of the body.
tracheal tube can cause injury
to the tracheal mucosa.
2. Some designs allow for suction
Catheter mount or the introduction of a
fibreoptic bronchoscope. This Oxygen delivery
This is the flexible link between the is done via a special port.
breathing system tubing and the devices
tracheal tube, face mask, supraglottic
Problems in practice and Currently, a variety of delivery
airway device or tracheostomy tube
safety features devices are used. These devices
(Fig. 6.4). The length of the catheter
mount varies from 45 to 170 mm. 1. The catheter mount contributes differ in their ability to deliver
to the apparatus dead space. a set fractional inspired oxygen
This is of particular importance concentration (FiO2). The delivery
Components devices can be divided into variable
in paediatric anaesthesia. The
1. A corrugated disposable plastic concertina design allows and fixed performance devices. The
tubing. Some catheter mounts adjustment of the dead space former devices deliver a fluctuating
have a concertina design from 25 to 60 mL. FiO2 whereas the latter devices
allowing their length to be 2. Foreign bodies can lodge inside deliver a more constant and
adjusted. the catheter mount causing an predictable FiO2 (Table 6.1). The
2. The distal end is connected to unnoticed blockage of the FiO2 delivered to the patient is
either a 15-mm standard breathing system. To minimize dependent on device- and patient-
related factors. The FiO2 delivered
can be calculated by measuring the
end-tidal oxygen fraction in the
nasopharynx using oxygraphy.

Variable performance
masks (medium
concentration; MC)
These masks are used to deliver
oxygen-enriched air to the patient
Fig. 6.4 Catheter mount. (Fig. 6.5). They are also called
102 6 Masks and oxygen delivery devices

low-flow delivery devices. They are

widely used in the hospital because Table 6.1 Classification of the oxygen delivery systems
of greater patient comfort, low
cost, simplicity and the ability to Variable performance devices Fixed performance devices
manipulate the FiO2 without
changing the appliance. Their Hudson face masks and partial Venturi-operated devices
rebreathing masks Anaesthetic breathing systems
performance varies between patients
Nasal cannulae (prongs or spectacles) with a suitably large reservoir
and from breath to breath within Nasal catheters
the same patient. These systems
have a limited reservoir capacity, so
in order to function appropriately,
the patient must inhale some
ambient air to meet the inspiratory
demands. The FiO2 is determined by
the oxygen flow rate, the size of the
oxygen reservoir and the respiratory
pattern (Table 6.2).

1. The plastic body of the mask
with side holes on both sides.
2. A port connected to an oxygen
3. Elastic band(s) to fix the mask
to the patient’s face.

Mechanism of action
1. Ambient air is entrained through
the holes on both sides of the
mask. The holes also allow
exhaled gases to be vented out.
2. During the expiratory pause,
the fresh oxygen supplied helps
in venting the exhaled gases
through the side holes. The body
of the mask (acting as a reservoir)
is filled with fresh oxygen supply
and is available for the start of
the next inspiration.
3. The final concentration of Fig. 6.5 (A) Adult variable performance face mask. (B) Paediatric variable performance
inspired oxygen depends on: face mask.
a) the oxygen supply flow rate
b) the pattern of ventilation. Table 6.2 Factors that affect the delivered FiO2 in the variable
If there is a pause between performance masks
expiration and inspiration, the
mask fills with oxygen and a
High FiO2 delivered Low FiO2 delivered
high concentration is available
at the start of inspiration Low peak inspiratory flow rate High peak inspiratory flow rate
c) the patient’s inspiratory flow Slow respiratory rate Fast respiratory rate
rate. During inspiration, High fresh oxygen flow rate Low fresh oxygen flow rate
oxygen is diluted by the air Tightly fitting face mask Less tightly fitting face mask
drawn in through the holes
Nasal cannulae 103

when the inspiratory flow rate

exceeds the flow of oxygen
supply. During normal
tidal ventilation, the peak
inspiratory flow rate is
20–30 L/min, which is higher
than the oxygen supplied to
the patient and the oxygen
that is contained in the body
of the mask, so some ambient Fig. 6.8 Variable performance
air is inhaled to meet the tracheostomy mask.
demands thus diluting the
fresh oxygen supply. The peak monitoring the patient’s
inspiratory flow rate increases respiration during sedation.
further during deep 9. Similar masks can be used in
inspiration and during patients with tracheostomy
hyperventilation. (Fig. 6.8). As with the face
d) how tight the mask’s fit is on Fig. 6.6 A variable performance mask mask, similar factors will affect
the face. with a reservoir bag.
its performance. Care must be
4. If there is no expiratory pause, taken to humidify the inspired
alveolar gases may be rebreathed dry oxygen as the gases
from the mask at the start of delivered bypass the nose and
inspiration. its humidification.
5. The rebreathing of carbon
dioxide from the body of the
mask (apparatus dead space of Problems in practice and
about 100 mL) is usually of little safety features
clinical significance in adults but These devices are used only when
may be a problem in some delivering a fixed oxygen
patients who are not able to concentration is not critical. Patients
compensate by increasing their whose ventilation is dependent on a
alveolar ventilation. Carbon hypoxic drive must not receive
dioxide elimination can be oxygen from a variable performance
improved by increasing the fresh mask.
oxygen flow and is inversely
related to the minute ventilation.
The rebreathing is also increased Fig. 6.7 A variable performance mask Variable performance mask,
when the mask body is large and with an end-tidal CO2 monitoring port. MC mask
when the resistance to flow from ● Entrains ambient air.

the side holes is high (when the continuous fresh oxygen supply, ● The inspired oxygen

mask is a good fit). The patients oxygen present in the reservoir concentration depends on the
may experience a sense of (a mixture of the fresh oxygen oxygen flow rate, pattern and
warmth and humidity, indicating and exhaled oxygen) and rate of ventilation, maximum
significant rebreathing. ambient air. Higher variable inspiratory flow rate and how
6. A typical example of 4 L/min of FiO2 can be achieved with such well the mask fits the patient’s
oxygen flow delivers an FiO2 of masks. A one-way valve is fitted face.
about 0.35–0.4 providing there between mask and reservoir to
is a normal respiratory pattern. prevent rebreathing.
7. Adding a 600–800 mL bag to 8. Some designs have an extra port
the mask will act as an extra attached to the body of the Nasal cannulae
reservoir (Fig. 6.6). Such mask allowing it to be connected
masks are known as ‘partial to a side-stream CO2 monitor Nasal cannulae are ideal for patients
rebreathing masks’. The inspired (Fig. 6.7). This allows it to on long-term oxygen therapy (Fig.
oxygen is derived from the sample the exhaled CO2 so 6.9). A flow rate of 2–4 L/min
104 6 Masks and oxygen delivery devices

mucosal tear is suspected because of

the risk of surgical emphysema.

Open oxygen
delivery systems
These are designed to offer the
Fig. 6.10 Oxygen nasal catheter.
Fig. 6.9 Oxygen nasal cannula. maximum comfort to patients
while delivering variable FiO2
concentrations. They fit around the
delivers an FiO2 of 0.28–0.36 patient’s head like head phones, so
respectively. Higher flow rates are Nasal cannulae making minimal physical contact
uncomfortable. ● Entrainment of ambient air (Fig. 6.11). Such systems are
through the nostrils and during suitable for both nasal and mouth
mouth breathing. breathing patients. They may be
Components ● The FiO2 depends on the oxygen more suitable for patients on
1. Two prongs which protrude flow rate, tidal volume, long-term oxygen therapy.
about 1 cm into the nose. inspiratory flow rate, respiratory A wide range of fresh oxygen
2. These are held in place by an rate and the volume of the flows can be used, so delivering a
adjustable head strap. nasopharynx. variable performance. As with the
● Better compliance compared other devices of this kind, similar
with facial masks. factors will affect its performance.
Mechanism of action
1. There is entrainment of ambient
air through the nostrils. The
nasopharynx acts as a reservoir. Nasal catheters Fixed performance
2. The FiO2 achieved is
proportional to: Nasal catheters comprise a single devices
a) the flow rate of oxygen lumen catheter, which is lodged into
b) the patient’s tidal volume, the anterior naris (nostril) by a VENTURI MASK
inspiratory flow and foam collar (Fig. 6.10). Oxygen
respiratory rate flows of 2–3 L/min can be used. These masks are fixed performance
c) the volume of the nasopharynx. The catheter can be secured to the devices (sometimes called high-air-
3. Mouth breathing causes patient’s face by using tape. It flow oxygen enrichment, or
inspiratory air flow. This should not be used when a nasal HAFOE).
produces a Venturi effect in the
posterior pharynx entraining
oxygen from the nose.
4. There is increased patient
compliance with nasal cannulae
compared to facial oxygen
masks. The patient is able to
speak, eat and drink.

Problems in practice and

safety features
The cannulae and the dry gas flow
cause trauma and irritation to
the nasal mucosa. They are not
appropriate in patients with blocked
nasal passages. Fig. 6.11 Open oxygen supply system.
Fixed performance devices 105




Fig. 6.14 Mechanism of action of the

Fig. 6.12 Fixed performance mask with a range of Venturi devices. fixed performance Venturi mask.

Mechanism of action
1. The Venturi mask uses the
Bernoulli principle, described
in 1778, in delivering a
Orifice predetermined and fixed
concentration of oxygen to
the patient. The size of the
constriction determines the final
concentration of oxygen for a
given gas flow. This is achieved
in spite of the patient’s
respiratory pattern by providing
a higher gas flow than the peak
inspiratory flow rate.
2. As the flow of oxygen passes
through the constriction, a
negative pressure is created. This
causes the ambient air to be
entrained and mixed with the
oxygen flow (Fig. 6.14). The
Fig. 6.13 Detail of the Venturi device. Design for administering 60% oxygen (left) and FiO2 is dependent on the degree
24% (right). Note the difference in the recommended oxygen flow rates and the size of of air entrainment. Less
orifice and air entrainment apertures. entrainment ensures a higher
FiO2 is delivered. This can be
recommended oxygen flow rate achieved by using smaller
to provide the desired oxygen entrainment apertures or bigger
1. The plastic body of the mask concentration (Figs 6.12 and ‘windows’ to entrain ambient
with holes on both sides. 6.13). air. The smaller the orifice is, the
2. The proximal end of the mask 3. Alternatively, a calibrated greater the negative pressure
consists of a Venturi device. variable Venturi device can generated, so the more ambient
The Venturi devices are colour- be used to deliver the desired air entrained, the lower the
coded and marked with the FiO2. FiO2. The oxygen concentration
106 6 Masks and oxygen delivery devices

can be 0.24, 0.28, 0.31, 0.35, 50 L/min, well above the peak obstructive pulmonary disease.
0.4 or 0.6. inspiratory flow rate. However, caution should be
3. The Bernoulli effect can be 7. The mask’s side holes are used exercised as it has been shown
written as: to vent the exhaled gases only that the average FiO2 delivered
(as above) in comparison to in such masks is up to 5%
P + 1 2 ρυ 2 = κ
the side holes in the variable above the expected value.
where κ is the density, v is the performance mask where the 2. The Venturi mask with its
velocity, P is the pressure. side holes are used to entrain Venturi device and the oxygen
4. The total energy during a fluid inspired air in addition to expel delivery tubing is often not well
(gas or liquid) flow consists of exhaled gases. tolerated by patients because it
the sum of kinetic and potential 8. The Venturi face masks are is noisy and bulky.
energy. The kinetic energy is designed for both adult and
Anaesthetic breathing systems
related to the velocity of the paediatric use (Fig. 6.14).
are other examples of the fixed
flow whereas the potential 9. The Venturi attachments, with
performance devices. The reservoir
energy is related to the pressure. a reservoir tubing, can be
bag acts to deliver a fresh gas flow
As the flow of fresh oxygen attached to a tracheal tube or
that is greater than the patient’s
passes through the constricted a supraglottic airway device as
peak inspiratory flow rate.
orifice into the larger chamber, part of a T-piece breathing
the velocity of the gas increases system (Fig. 6.15). This
distal to the orifice causing the arrangement is usually used in
kinetic energy to increase. As the recovery wards to deliver Venturi mask
total energy is constant, there is oxygen-enriched air to patents. ● Fixed performance device
a decrease in the potential (HAFOE).
energy so a negative pressure is ● Uses the Venturi principle to
Problems in practice and
created. This causes the ambient entrain ambient air.
safety features
air to be entrained and mixed ● No rebreathing or increase in
with the oxygen flow. The FiO2 1. These masks are recommended dead space.
is dependent on the degree of air when a fixed oxygen ● Changes in kinetic and potential
entrainment. Less entrainment concentration is desired in energy during gas flow lead to
ensures higher FiO2 is delivered patients whose ventilation is negative pressure and air
and smaller entrainment dependent on their hypoxic entrainment.
apertures are one method of drive, such as those with chronic
achieving this (Fig. 6.8). The
devices must be driven by the
correct oxygen flow rate,
calibrated for the aperture size
if a predictable FiO2 is to be
4. Because of the high fresh gas
flow rate, the exhaled gases are
rapidly flushed from the mask,
via its holes. Therefore there is
no rebreathing and no increase
in dead space.
5. These masks are recommended
when a fixed oxygen
concentration is desired in
patients whose ventilation is
dependent on the hypoxic drive. A
6. For example, a 24% oxygen
Venturi mask has an air : oxygen
entrainment ratio of 25 : 1. This B
means an oxygen flow of 2 L/ Fig. 6.15 (A) Adult and paediatric Venturi masks. (B) Venturi device as part of a
min delivers a total flow of breathing system.
Further reading 107

FURTHER READING the spontaneously breathing patient. of three devices for oxygen
CPD Anaesthesia 4 (1), 27–30. administration in the late
Agusti, A.G., Carrera, M., Barbe, F., MHRA, 2011. Medical device alert: postoperative period. British Journal
et al., 1999. Oxygen therapy during oxygen masks manufactured by of Anaesthesia 74 (5), 607–609.
exacerbations of chronic obstructive Lifecare Hospital Supplies Ltd Waldau, T., Larsen, V.H., Bonde, J.,
pulmonary disease. European (MDA/2011/015). Online. Available 1998. Evaluation of five oxygen
Respiratory Journal 14, 934–939. at: delivery devices in spontaneously
British Thoracic Society. Online. Available Publications/Safetywarnings/ breathing subjects by oxygraphy.
at: MedicalDeviceAlerts/CON108738 Anaesthesia 53, 256–263.
Khakhar, M., Heah, T., Al-Shaikh, B., Stausholm, K., Rosenberg-Adamsen, S.,
2002. Oxygen delivery systems for Skriver, M., et al., 1995. Comparison
108 6 Masks and oxygen delivery devices

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Concerning the Venturi mask: 4. Concerning the oxygen nasal 7. Concerning fixed performance
a) Gas flow produced should be cannula: devices:
more than 20 L/min. a) Is a fixed performance device. a) Anaesthetic breathing systems
b) Reducing the flow of oxygen b) Is a variable performance with reservoirs are fixed
from 12 to 8 L/min results in device. performance devices.
a reduction in oxygen c) There is a Venturi effect in the b) Distal to the constriction of a
concentration. posterior pharynx. Venturi, there an increase in
c) With a constant oxygen supply d) An oxygen flow of 8 L/min is potential energy.
flow, widening the orifice in usually used in an adult. c) In a Venturi mask, the higher
the Venturi device increases e) Has increased patient the entrainment ratio, the
the oxygen concentration compliance. higher the FiO2.
delivered to the patient. d) A nasal oxygen catheter is a
d) There is rebreathing in the fixed performance device.
5. Variable performance masks:
mask. e) Venturi masks are very well
a) During slow and deep
e) The mask is a fixed tolerated by patients.
breathing, a higher FiO2 can
performance device.
be achieved.
b) Ambient air is not entrained
2. High-air-flow oxygen enrichment into the mask.
face masks: c) Alveolar gas rebreathing is
8. Catheter mounts:
a) Use the Venturi principle to not possible.
a) Should have a 22-mm
deliver a fixed O2 d) Normal inspiratory peak flow
connector at the distal
concentration to the patient. rate is 20–30 L/min for an
(patient) end.
b) The size of the constriction of adult.
b) Should have a 15-mm
the Venturi has no effect on e) Can be used safely on all
connector at the proximal
the final O2 concentration patients.
(machine) end.
delivered to the patient.
c) Gas sampling ports should
c) The holes on the side of the
6. Regarding variable performance always be built into the
mask are used to entrain
devices: structure.
ambient air.
a) They can offer greater patient d) Should never incorporate an
d) The gas flow delivered to the
compliance. angle piece.
patient is more than the peak
b) They can deliver an FiO2 that e) Should have a 15-mm
inspiratory flow rate.
can vary from breath to connector at the distal
e) There is significant rebreathing.
breath in the same patient. (patient) end.
c) The size of the medium
3. Face masks used during concentration oxygen face
anaesthesia: mask has no effect on
a) The rubber mask is covered rebreathing and CO2
by carbon particles which act elimination.
as an anti-static measure. d) Capnography can be used to
b) Masks have no effect on the measure the FiO2 delivered to
apparatus dead space. the patient.
c) The mask’s cuff has to e) With a variable performance
be checked and inflated mask, the FiO2 is higher when
before use. the face mask is a tight fit.
d) The dental nasal masks are
also known as nasal inhalers.
e) Masks have a 15-mm end to
fit the catheter mount.
Answers 109

in pressure at the constriction. apparatus dead space if the
1. Concerning the Venturi mask:
This leads to entrainment of wrong size is chosen. In an
a) True. The Venturi mask is a
ambient air leading to mixture adult, the dead space can
fixed performance device. In
of fixed oxygen concentration. increase by about 200 mL. It
order to achieve this, the flow
b) False. It is the size of the is of more importance in
delivered to the patient should
orifice that determines the paediatric practice.
be more than the peak
degree of decrease in pressure c) True. The cuff of the face
inspiratory flow rate. A flow
at the constriction. This mask is designed to ensure a
of more than 20 L/min is
determines the amount of snug fit over the patient’s face
ambient air being entrained, and also to minimize the
b) True. It is the flow rate of
hence the final concentration mask’s pressure on the face.
oxygen through the orifice
of oxygen. Ensuring that the cuff is
that determines the final FiO2
c) False. In such a mask, the inflated before use is therefore
the patient receives. With a
holes are used to expel the important.
constant orifice, the amount
exhaled gases. There is no d) True. Nasal inhalers are nasal
of air entrained remains
entrainment of ambient air in masks used during dental
constant. So by reducing the
such a mask because of the anaesthesia allowing good
oxygen flow rate from 12 to
high gas flows. The holes in a surgical access to the mouth.
8 L/min, there will be less
variable performance mask The Goldman nasal inhaler is
oxygen in the final mixture.
are used to entrain ambient an example.
c) True. The wider the orifice,
air. e) False. The face masks have a
the less the drop in pressure
d) True. The gas flow generated 22-mm end to fit the angle
across the orifice and the less
is higher than the peak piece or catheter mount.
the entrainment of the
inspiratory flow rate. This
ambient air, hence the less the
allows the delivery of a fixed 4. Concerning the oxygen nasal
dilution of the O2, resulting in
oxygen concentration to the cannula:
an increase in oxygen
patient regardless of the a) False. It is not a fixed
concentration delivered to the
inspiratory flow rate. It also performance device. The final
patient. The opposite is also
prevents rebreathing. FiO2 depends on the flow rate
e) False. There is no rebreathing of oxygen, tidal volume,
d) False. There is no rebreathing
because of the high flows inspiratory flow, respiratory
in the mask because of the
delivered to the patient. The rate and the volume of the
high fresh gas flow rates
exhaled gases are expelled nasopharynx.
causing the exhaled gases to
through the holes in the mask. b) True. See above.
be flushed from the mask
c) True. During mouth breathing,
through the side holes.
3. Face masks used during the inspiratory air flow
e) True. The Venturi mask is a
anaesthesia: produces a Venturi effect in the
fixed performance device that
a) True. Carbon particles prevent posterior pharynx entraining
delivers a constant
the build up of static oxygen from the nose.
concentration of oxygen in
electricity. The rubber face d) False. It is uncomfortable for
spite of the patient’s
masks and the rubber tubings the patient to have higher
respiratory pattern, by
used in anaesthesia are flows than 1–4 L/min.
providing a higher gas flow
covered with carbon. With e) True. Patients tolerate the
than the peak inspiratory
modern anaesthetic practice nasal cannula for much longer
flow rate.
where no flammable drugs are periods than a face mask.
used, its significance has all Patients are capable of eating,
2. High-air-flow oxygen enrichment
but disappeared. drinking and speaking despite
face masks:
b) False. Face masks can have a the cannula.
a) True. Laminar flow through a
significant effect on the
constriction causes a decrease
110 6 Masks and oxygen delivery devices

b) True. The FiO2 delivered can b) False. The potential energy is

5. Variable performance masks:
vary from one breath to related to the pressure,
a) True. This allows fresh gas
another in the same patient. whereas the kinetic energy is
flow (FGF) during the
This is because of changes in related to the velocity of the
expiratory pause to fill the
the inspiratory flow rate and flow. As the flow of fresh
mask ready for the following
respiratory pattern. These lead oxygen supply passes through
inspiration. In tachypnoea
to changes in the amount of the constricted orifice into the
(fast and shallow breathing),
air entrained so altering the larger chamber, the velocity of
the opposite occurs where
FiO2. the gas increases distal to the
there is not enough time for
c) False. Rebreathing is orifice causing the kinetic
the FGF to fill the mask.
increased when the mask energy to increase. As the
b) False. The maximum
body is large. In addition, the total energy is constant, there
inspiratory flow rate is much
high inspiratory resistance of is a decrease in the potential
higher than the FGF, so
the side holes increases the energy so a negative pressure
ambient air is entrained into
rebreathing. CO2 elimination is created. This causes the
the mask through the side
can be improved by increasing ambient air to be entrained
the fresh oxygen flow and is and mixed with the
c) False. During tachypnoea,
inversely related to the minute oxygen flow.
there is not enough time for
ventilation. c) False. The higher the
the FGF to fill the mask and
d) False. Oxygraphy can be used entrainment ratio, the lower
expel the exhaled gases. This
to measure the FiO2 by the FiO2 delivered. This is
leads to rebreathing of the
measuring the end-tidal because of the ‘dilution’ of the
exhaled gases.
oxygen fraction in the 100% oxygen fresh flow by
d) True.
nasopharynx. ambient air.
e) False. As their performance is
e) True. The tighter the fit of the d) False. Nasal catheters are
variable, the FiO2 the patient
face mask, the higher the variable performance devices.
is getting is uncertain. Patients
FiO2. Low peak inspiratory e) False. Venturi masks are not
who are dependent on their
flow rate, slow respiratory rate very well tolerated by patients
hypoxic drive require a fixed
and a higher oxygen flow rate because of the noise and
performance mask.
can also increase the FiO2. bulkiness of the masks and
the attachments.
6. Regarding variable performance
7. Concerning fixed performance
devices: 8. e)
a) True. These devices are better
a) True. Anaesthetic breathing
tolerated by patients because
systems are fixed performance
they are more comfortable.
devices. The reservoir bag acts
They also offer simplicity, low
to deliver an FGF that is
cost and the ability to
greater than the patient’s peak
manipulate the FiO2 without
inspiratory flow rate.
changing the appliance.

Chapter 7

and tracheal
112 7 Laryngoscopes and tracheal intubation equipment

oral and oropharyngeal cavity. It and allowing the vocal cords to

is inserted through the right be seen. The Macintosh blade is
Laryngoscopes angle of the mouth and made in four sizes.
advanced gradually, pushing the 3. In the standard designs, the light
These devices are used to perform
tongue to the left and away source is a bulb screwed on to
direct laryngoscopy and to aid in
from the view until the tip of the the blade and an electrical
tracheal intubation (Fig. 7.1).
blade reaches the vallecula. The connection is made when the
blade has a small bulbous tip to blade is opened ready for use. In
Components help lift the larynx (Fig. 7.3A). more recent designs, the bulb is
The laryngoscope is lifted placed in the handle and the
1. The handle houses the power
upwards elevating the larynx light is transmitted to the tip of
source (batteries) and is designed
in different sizes.
2. The blade is fitted to the handle
and can be either curved or
straight. There is a wide range
of designs for both curved and
straight blades (Fig. 7.2).

Mechanism of action
1. Usually the straight blade is used
for intubating neonates and
infants. The blade is advanced
over the posterior border of the
relatively large, floppy V-shaped
epiglottis which is then lifted
directly in order to view the
larynx (Fig. 7.3B). There are
larger size straight blades that
can be used in adults.
2. The curved blade (Macintosh
blade) is designed to fit into the Fig. 7.2 A wide range of laryngoscope blades. (A) Miller blades (large, adult, infant,
premature); (B) Macintosh blades (large, adult, child, baby); (C) Macintosh polio blade;
(D) Soper blades (adult, child, baby); (E) left-handed Macintosh blade;
(F) Wisconsin blades (large, adult, child, baby, neonate); (G) Robertshaw’s blades (infant,
neonatal); (H) Seward blades (child, baby); (I) Oxford infant blade.

Epiglottis Epiglottis

Trachea Trachea

Fig. 7.1 Performing direct laryngoscopy.

The vocal cords are visualized by lifting
the laryngoscope in an upwards and
forwards direction (see arrow). Fig. 7.3 Use of the laryngoscope.
Laryngoscopes 113

Fig. 7.6 Demonstrating the McCoy

laryngoscope’s hinged blade tip.

just the tip, as in the McCoy.

This can be achieved using a
lever on the front of the handle.
7. The blades are designed to be
interchangeable between
different manufacturers and
laryngoscope handles. Two
international standards are used:
Fig. 7.4 Standard disposable laryngoscope blade (top) with the light bulb mounted on ISO 7376/2009 (green system)
the blade; fibreoptic disposable laryngoscope blade (bottom). (Courtesy of Smiths and ISO 7376/1 (red system)
Medical.) with a coloured marking placed
on the blade and handle. The
two systems have different
the blade by means of fibreoptics dimension hinges and with
(Fig. 7.4). Opening the blade different light source positions.
turns the light on by forcing the The ‘green system’ is the most
bulb down to contact the battery commonly used fitting standard.
4. A left-sided Macintosh blade is
Problems in practice and
available. It is used in patients
safety features
with right-sided facial
deformities making the use of 1. The risk of trauma and bruising
the right-sided blade difficult. to the different structures (e.g.
5. The McCoy laryngoscope epiglottis) is higher with the
is based on the standard straight blade.
Macintosh blade. It has a hinged 2. It is of vital importance to check
tip which is operated by the Fig. 7.5 The McCoy laryngoscope, based
the function of the laryngoscope
lever mechanism present on the on a standard Macintosh blade. before anaesthesia has
back of the handle. It is suited commenced. Reduction in power
for both routine use and in cases or total failure due to the
of difficult intubation (Figs 7.5 lamp mounted in the handle corrosion at the electrical
and 7.6). A more recent McCoy which fibreoptically transmits contact point is possible.
design has a straight blade with the light to the blade. 3. Patients with large amounts of
a hinged tip. Both the curved 6. A more recent design called the breast tissue present difficulty
and the straight McCoy Flexiblade exists, where the during intubation. Insertion of
laryngoscopes use either a whole distal half of the blade the blade into the mouth is
traditional bulb in the blade or a can be manoeuvred rather than restricted by the breast tissue
114 7 Laryngoscopes and tracheal intubation equipment

impinging on the handle. To

overcome this problem, specially
designed blades are used such as
the polio blade. The polio blade
is at about 120° to the handle
allowing laryngoscopy without
restriction. The polio blade was
first designed to intubate
patients ventilated in the iron
lung during the poliomyelitis
epidemic in the 1950s. A
Macintosh laryngoscope blade
attached to a short handle can
also be useful in this situation. Fig. 7.7 Intubating fibreoptic scope. (Courtesy of Olympus.)
4. To prevent cross-infection
between patients, a disposable 2. The flexible insertion cord
blade (Fig. 7.4) is used. A PVC consists of bundles of glass
sheath can also be put on the fibres. Each bundle consists of
blade of the laryngoscope. The 10 000–15 000 fibres nearly
sheath has low light impedance identical in diameter and optical
allowing good visibility. characteristics.
5. Laryngoscope handles must be 3. Light-transmitting cable to
decontaminated between patients transmit light from an external
to prevent cross-infection. source.
4. Other equipment may be
needed, e.g. endoscopic face
Laryngoscopes mask, oral airway, bite block,
● Consist of a handle and a blade. defogging agent.
The latter can be straight or
curved. Mechanism of action
● The bulb is either in the blade or
in the handle. 1. The fibreoptic laryngoscope uses
● Different designs and shapes light transmitted through glass
exist. fibres. The fibres used have
diameters of 5–20 μm, making
them capable of transmitting
light and being flexible at the
same time.
Fig. 7.8 Performing fibreoptic nasal 2. The fibres are coated with a thin
Fibreoptic intubating intubation.
external layer of glass (of lower
laryngoscope Components
refractive index) thus providing
optical insulation of each fibre
These devices have revolutionized 1. Control unit which consists of in the bundle. A typical
airway management in anaesthesia the following: fibreoptic bundle is composed of
and intensive care (Fig. 7.7). They a) tip deflection control knob up to 10 000 individual glass
are used to perform oral or nasal (the bending angle range is fibres.
tracheal intubation (Figs 7.8 and 60–180° in the vertical plane) 3. Light enters the fibre at a
7.9), to evaluate the airway in b) eye piece specific angle of incidence.
trauma, tumour, infection and c) diopter adjustment ring It travels down the fibre,
inhalational injury, to confirm tube (focusing) repeatedly striking and being
placement (tracheal, endobronchial, d) suction channel which can reflected from the external layer
double lumen or tracheostomy also be used to insufflate of glass at a similar angle of
tubes) and to perform oxygen and administer local incidence until it emerges from
tracheobronchial toilet. anaesthetic solutions. the opposite end.
Introducer, bougie, bite guard, local anaesthetic spray, Endotrol tube and Nosworthy airway 115

fibreoptics or lenses and prisms with

the light pathways encased in a rigid
device. The cameras used offer wide
views so allowing the user to see
around corners, similar to the
fibreoptic scopes. Certain designs
have a channel that guides the
tracheal tube into the trachea.
Videolaryngoscopes improve the
view of the glottis, as the camera
eye is only centimetres away from
the glottis. Some designs use direct
viewing through an eyepiece or an
attached or remote screen. Their use
requires minimal neck movement
and can make laryngoscopy and
hopefully successful tracheal
intubation easier. Such devices may
well supersede the classic
Fig. 7.9 Views of the vocal cords as seen through a fibreoptic laryngoscope.

4. The fibres are ‘coherently’ 2. The laryngoscope should be

Magill forceps
arranged throughout the bundle. cleaned and dried thoroughly as
These forceps are designed for ease
As each fibre carries a very small soon as possible after use.
of use within the mouth and
part of the overall picture, it is
oropharynx. Magill forceps come in
essential for the clear
Fibreoptic intubating small or large sizes (Fig. 7.11).
transmission of an image that
laryngoscope During tracheal intubation, they can
the arrangement of fibres is the
● The insertion cord consists of be used to direct the tracheal tube
same at both ends of the
glass fibres arranged in bundles. towards the larynx and vocal cords.
fibreoptic cable.
● Light is transmitted through the Care should be taken to protect
5. The insertion cords vary in
glass fibres. the tracheal tube cuff from being
length and diameter. The latter
● Used for tracheal intubation, damaged by the forceps.
determines the size of the
airway evaluation and Other uses include the insertion
tracheal tube that can be used.
tracheobronchial toilet. and removal of throat packs and
Smaller scopes are available for
● Damage to the fibres causes loss removal of foreign bodies in the
intubating children. The outer
of image. oropharynx and larynx.
diameter ranges from 1.8 to
6.4 mm allowing the use of
tracheal tubes of 3.0–7.0-mm
internal diameter. Introducer, bougie,
Videolaryngoscopes bite guard, local
Problems in practice and
safety features
Recent advances in miniaturized, anaesthetic spray,
high-resolution, digital camera and
1. The intubating fibreoptic fibreoptic technology have led to a
Endotrol tube and
laryngoscope is a delicate new generation of ‘crossover’ Nosworthy airway
instrument that can easily be devices. These videolaryngoscopes,
damaged by careless handling. offering indirect laryngoscopy, 1. A local anaesthetic spray is
Damage to the fibre bundles combine features of both the flexible used to coat the laryngeal and
results in loss of the image and fibreoptic scopes and the standard tracheal mucosa, usually with
light in individual fibres which rigid laryngoscopes (Fig. 7.10). The lidocaine. This decreases the
cannot be repaired. images are transmitted using stimulus of intubation.
116 7 Laryngoscopes and tracheal intubation equipment

Fig. 7.10 The Glidescope

videolaryngoscope. (Courtesy of Verathon
Medical UK Ltd.)

Fig. 7.12 Introducers or stylets. (Courtesy

of Smiths Medical.)

2. A bite guard protects the front

upper teeth during direct
3. The Endotrol tube has a
ring-pull on its inner curvature
connected to the distal end of
the tube. During intubation, the
ring-pull can be used to adjust
the curvature of the tube.
4. The Nosworthy airway is an
example of the many
modifications that exist in
oropharyngeal airway design.
This airway allows the
Fig. 7.11 Intubation aids. (A) Magill forceps; (B) local anaesthetic spray; (C) bite guard;
(D) Nosworthy airway; (E) Endotrol tube. connection of a catheter mount
and a breathing system.
5. An introducer or stylet (Fig. 7.12)
is used to adjust the curvature of
Retrograde intubation set 117

Fig. 7.13 Intubating bougie. Above is a single use bougie. Below is a reusable bougie
with its curved tip. (Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)

Fig. 7.14 The airway exchange catheter. Fig. 7.15 The Aintree intubation Fig. 7.16 The Cook retrograde
catheter. intubation set.

a tracheal tube to help direct it supraglottic airway device. It The proximal end has a 15-mm
through the vocal cords. allows any appropriate size of connector.
6. A gum elastic bougie is tracheal tube to be inserted
used when it is difficult to into the trachea which would
Mechanism of action
visualize the vocal cords. otherwise be limited by the
First, the bougie is inserted size of tube that could be 1. The introducer needle is inserted
through the vocal cords, passed through the supraglottic through the cricothyroid
then the tracheal tube is airway. membrane.
railroaded over it. Single use 2. The guidewire is advanced in a
intubating bougies are retrograde (cephalic) direction to
available (Fig. 7.13). exit orally or nasally.
7. The airway exchange catheter 3. The hollow guiding catheter is
(AEC) (Fig. 7.14) allows the Retrograde then introduced in an antegrade
exchange of tracheal tubes. It is direction into the trachea. The
a long hollow tube that can be
intubation set proximal end of the catheter can
inserted through a tracheal tube. (Fig. 7.16) be connected to an oxygen
This can then be withdrawn and supply.
another tracheal tube is inserted This set is used to assist in 4. A tracheal tube (5 mm or
over it. Specially designed placement of a tracheal tube when a larger) can be introduced over
detachable 15-mm male taper fit difficult intubation is encountered. the guiding catheter into the
and Luer-Lok connectors can be trachea.
used to provide temporary
Problems in practice and
8. The Aintree intubation catheter 1. An introducer needle (18 G and
safety features
(Fig. 7.15). This catheter is 5 cm in length).
designed to be used with a 2. A guidewire with a J-shaped end. 1. Pneumothorax.
fibrescope being passed through 3. A 14-G 70-cm hollow guiding 2. Haemorrhage.
a laryngeal mask or other catheter with distal sideports. 3. Failure.
118 7 Laryngoscopes and tracheal intubation equipment

Anaesthesia 51, R1–R5. Online. Thong, S.Y., Lim, Y., 2009. Video and
Retrograde intubation kit Available at: http://www.springerlink. optic laryngoscopy assisted tracheal
● The introducer needle is inserted com/content/y8k03q8966rj8878/ intubation – the new era.
through the cricothyroid. MHRA, 2011. Medical device alert: Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 37,
● The guidewire is advanced in a reusable laryngoscope handles – 219–233. Online. Available at:
cephalic direction. all models and manufacturers
● Pneumothorax and haemorrhage (MDA/2011/0096). Online. Available 14982767/1890596062/name/Video
are potential complications. at: +and+optic+laryngoscopy+assisted+
Publications/Safetywarnings/ tracheal+intubation+%C2%96+the+
MedicalDeviceAlerts/CON129213 new+era.pdf
Cooper, R.J., 2004. Laryngoscopy – its
past and future. Canadian Journal of
MCQs 119

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Laryngoscopes: 3. Concerning retrograde SINGLE BEST ANSWER (SBA)

a) Straight blade laryngoscopes intubation:
are only used in neonates and a) The introducer needle is 4. Videolaryngoscopes:
infants. inserted at the level of second a) Are designed for retrograde
b) The left-sided Macintosh and third tracheal cartilages. intubation.
blade is designed for a b) It is a very safe procedure b) Utilise a screen to display the
left-handed anaesthetist. with no complications. larynx.
c) The Macintosh blade is c) A guidewire is inserted in a c) Ensure safe intubation.
designed to elevate the larynx. cephalic direction. d) Cannot be used in paediatric
d) The Macintosh polio blade d) Supplemental oxygen can be patients.
can be used in patients with administered. e) Need no power supply.
large breasts. e) A tracheal tube (5 mm or
e) The McCoy laryngoscope can larger) can be introduced over
improve the view of the the guiding catheter into the
larynx. trachea.

2. Light failure during

laryngoscopy can be caused by:
a) Battery failure.
b) A loose bulb.
c) The wrong-sized blade having
been used.
d) A blown bulb.
e) Inadequate connection due to
120 7 Laryngoscopes and tracheal intubation equipment


overcome the problem of the batteries to the bulb in the

1. Laryngoscopes:
intubating patients who were blade. Corrosion at that
a) False. Straight blade
in an ‘iron lung’. In current junction can cause light
laryngoscopes can be used for
practice, it can be used in failure. Laryngoscopes using
adults, neonates and infants.
patients with large breasts fibreoptics do not suffer from
Because of the shape and
where the breasts do not get this problem as the bulb is
size of the larynx in small
in the way of the handle. situated in the handle.
children, it is usually easier to
e) True. By using the hinged
intubate with a straight blade
blade tip, the larynx is further 3. Concerning retrograde
laryngoscope. The latter can
elevated. This improves the intubation:
be used in adults, but the
view of the larynx. a) False. The needle is inserted
curved blade laryngoscope is
through the cricothyroid
usually used.
2. Light failure during membrane.
b) False. The left-sided
laryngoscopy can be caused by: b) False. Retrograde intubation
Macintosh blade is designed
a) True. can cause haemorrhage or
to be used in cases of difficult
b) True. pneumothorax.
access to the right side of the
c) False. This should not cause c) True. The guidewire is
mouth or tongue, e.g. trauma
light failure. It may, however, inserted in a retrograde
or tumour.
cause a worse view of the cephalic direction to exit
c) True. The Macintosh curved
larynx. through the mouth or nose.
blade is designed to elevate
d) True. d) True. Oxygen can be given
the larynx thus allowing
e) True. This usually happens in through the proximal end of
better visualization of the
the traditional laryngoscope the guiding catheter.
vocal cords.
design where the handle needs e) True.
d) True. The polio blade was
good contact with the blade
designed during the polio
for the current to flow from 4. b)
epidemic in the 1950s to

Chapter 8

122 8 Ventilators

Ventilators are used to provide duration is reached, the a) volume: a preset volume is
controlled ventilation (intermittent ventilator changes to delivered
positive pressure ventilation; IPPV). exhalation. The cycling is not b) pressure: a preset pressure is
Some have the facilities to provide affected by the compliance of not exceeded.
other ventilatory modes. They can the patient’s lungs. Time 3. Source of power – can be
be used in the operating theatre, cycling is the most commonly electric or pneumatic.
intensive care unit, during transport used method 4. Suitability for use in theatre and/
of critically ill patients and also at c) pressure cycling: when the or intensive care.
home (e.g. for patients requiring predetermined pressure is 5. Suitability for paediatric
nocturnal respiratory assistance). reached during inspiration, the practice.
ventilator changes over to 6. Method of operation (pattern of
exhalation. The duration gas flow during inspiration):
needed to achieve the critical a) pressure generator: the
pressure depends on the ventilator produces inspiration
Classification of compliance of the lungs. by generating a constant and
ventilators The stiffer the lungs are, the predetermined pressure.
quicker the pressure is Bellows or a moderate weight
There are many ways of classifying achieved and vice versa. The produce the pressure. The
ventilators (Table 8.1). ventilator delivers a different inspiratory flow changes with
1. The method of cycling is used to tidal volume if compliance or changes in lung compliance
change over from inspiration to resistance changes (Table 8.2)
exhalation and vice versa: d) flow cycling: when the b) flow generator: the ventilator
a) volume cycling: when the predetermined flow is reached produces inspiration by
predetermined tidal volume is during inspiration, the delivering a predetermined
reached during inspiration, the ventilator changes over to flow of gas. A piston, heavy
ventilator changes to exhalation. This method is weight or compressed gas
exhalation used in older design produce the flow. The flow
b) time cycling: when the ventilators. remains unchanged by changes
predetermined inspiratory 2. Inspiratory phase gas control: in lung compliance, although
pressures will change (see
Table 8.2). These ventilators
Table 8.1 Summary of the methods used in classifying ventilators have a high internal resistance
to protect the patient from
Method of cycling Volume cycling high working pressures.
Time cycling 7. Sophistication: new ventilators
Pressure cycling can function in many of the
Flow cycling above modes. They have other
Inspiratory phase gas control Volume modes, e.g. SIMV, PS and CPAP
Pressure (see pp 224–225).
Source of power Electric 8. Function:
Pneumatic a) minute volume dividers: fresh
Suitability for use Operating theatre gas flow (FGF) powers the
Intensive care unit ventilator. The minute volume
equals the FGF divided into
Paediatrics use Yes/no preset tidal volumes thus
Method of operation Pressure generator determining the frequency
Flow generator b) bag squeezers replace the hand
Sophistication SIMV, PS, CPAP ventilation of a Mapleson D
Function Minute volume divider or circle system. They need an
Bag squeezer external source of power
Lightweight portable c) lightweight portable: powered
by compressed gas and
CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; PS, pressure support; SIMV, synchronized consists of the control unit
intermittent mandatory ventilation
and patient valve.
Manley MP3 ventilator 123

Table 8.2 Differences between the pressure generator and flow
generator ventilators 1. Rubber tubing delivers the FGF
from the anaesthetic machine to
the ventilator.
Changes in lung
compliance Leak in the system 2. Two sets of bellows. A smaller
time-cycling bellows receives the
Pressure generator Can not compensate Can compensate (to a degree) FGF directly from the gas source
Flow generator Can compensate (to Can not compensate and then empties into the main
a degree) bellows.
3. Three unidirectional valves.
4. An adjustable pressure
limiting (APL) valve with
tubing and a reservoir bag
used during spontaneous
7. It should be easy to clean and
or manually controlled
Characteristics of the ventilation.
Some of the commonly used 5. The ventilator has a pressure
ideal ventilator ventilators are described below. gauge (up to 100 cm H2O),
inspiratory time dial, tidal
1. The ventilator should be simple,
volume adjuster (up to
portable, robust and economical
1000 mL), two knobs to change
to purchase and use. If
the mode of ventilation from
compressed gas is used to drive Manley MP3 and to controlled and
the ventilator, a significant
wastage of the compressed gas is
ventilator spontaneous (or manually
controlled) ventilation. The
expected. Some ventilators use a
This is a minute volume divider inflation pressure is adjusted
Venturi to drive the bellows, to
(time cycled, pressure generator). by sliding the weight to an
reduce the use of compressed
All the FGF (the minute volume) is appropriate position along its
delivered to the patient divided into rail. The expiratory block is
2. It should be versatile and supply
readily set tidal volumes (Fig. 8.1). easily removed for autoclaving.
tidal volumes up to 1500 mL
with a respiratory rate of up to
60/min and variable I : E ratio.
It can be used with different
breathing systems. It can deliver
any gas or vapour mixture. The
addition of positive end
expiratory pressure (PEEP)
should be possible.
3. It should monitor the airway
pressure, inspired and exhaled
minute and tidal volume,
respiratory rate and inspired
oxygen concentration.
4. There should be facilities to
provide humidification. Drugs
can be nebulized through it.
5. Disconnection, high airway
pressure and power failure
alarms should be present.
6. There should be the facility to
provide other ventilatory modes,
e.g. SIMV, CPAP and pressure
support. Fig. 8.1 The Blease Manley MP3 with ventilator alarm (right).
124 8 Ventilators

Mechanism of action b) an exhaust port which can be

connected to the scavenging
1. The FGF drives the ventilator. system
2. During inspiration, the c) a pressure relief valve which
smaller bellows receives the opens at 60 cm H2O.
FGF, while the main bellows 3. The valve block can be changed
delivers its contents to the to a paediatric (Newton) valve.
patient. The inspiratory time
dial controls the extent of
filling of the smaller bellows Mechanism of action
before it empties into the 1. The ventilator is powered by a
main bellows. driving gas independent from
3. During expiration, the smaller the FGF. The commonly used
bellows delivers its contents to driving gas is oxygen (at about
the main bellows until the 400 kPa) supplied from the
predetermined tidal volume is compressed oxygen outlets on
reached to start inspiration Fig. 8.2 The Penlon Nuffield 200
ventilator. (Courtesy of Penlon Ltd, the anaesthetic machine. The
again. driving gas should not reach the
Abingdon, UK (
4. Using the ventilator in the patient as it dilutes the FGF,
spontaneous (manual) lightening the depth of
ventilation mode changes it to
a Mapleson D breathing Penlon Anaesthesia anaesthesia.
2. It can be used with different
system. Nuffield Ventilator breathing systems such as Bain,
Series 200 Humphrey ADE, T-piece and the
Problems in practice and circle. In the Bain and circle
safety features This is an intermittent blower systems, the reservoir bag is
ventilator. It is small, compact, replaced by the tubing delivering
1. The ventilator ceases to the driving gas from the
versatile and easy to use with
cycle and function when the ventilator. The APL valve of the
patients of different sizes, ages and
FGF is disconnected. This breathing system must be fully
lung compliances. It can be used
allows rapid detection of closed during ventilation.
with different breathing systems
gas supply failure. 3. The inspiratory and expiratory
(Fig. 8.2). It is a volume-preset,
2. Ventilating patients with poor times can be adjusted to the
time-cycled, flow generator in adult
pulmonary compliance is not desired I/E ratio. Adjusting
use. In paediatric use, it is a
easily achieved. the inspiratory time and
pressure-preset, time-cycled, flow
3. It generates back pressure in the inspiratory flow rate controls
back bar as it cycles. determines the tidal volume.
4. The emergency oxygen flush The inflation pressure is
in the anaesthetic machine Components
adjusted by the inspiratory
should not be activated while 1. The control module, consisting of flow rate control.
ventilating a patient with the an airway pressure gauge (cm 4. With its standard valve, the
Manley. H2O), inspiratory and expiratory ventilator acts as a time-cycled
time dials (seconds), inspiratory flow generator to deliver a
flow rate dial (L/s) and an on/off minimal tidal volume of 50 mL.
switch. Underneath the control When the valve is changed to a
Manely MP3 ventilator module there are connections for paediatric (Newton) valve, the
● It is a minute volume divider. the driving gas supply and the ventilator changes to a time-
● Consists of two sets of bellows, valve block. Tubing connects the cycled pressure generator
three unidirectional valves, an valve block to the airway capable of delivering tidal
APL valve and a reservoir bag. pressure gauge. volumes between 10 and
● Acts as a Mapleson D breathing 2. The valve block has three ports: 300 mL. This makes it capable
system during spontaneous a) a port for tubing to connect to of ventilating premature babies
ventilation. the breathing system reservoir and neonates. It is recommended
bag mount that the Newton valve is used
Bag in bottle ventilator 125

for children of less than 20 kg

body weight.
5. A PEEP valve may be fitted to
the exhaust port.

Problems in practice and

safety features
1. The ventilator continues to
Fig. 8.4 Control panel of the Datex-
cycle despite breathing system
Ohmeda 7900 ventilator.
2. Requires high flows of driving
200 Driving
Penlon Nuffield Anaesthesia 300
Ventilator Series 200
● An intermittent blower with a
pressure gauge, inspiratory and 500
expiratory time and flow 600
● Powered by a driving gas.
● Can be used for both adults and
Fig. 8.3 Bag in bottle AV800 ventilator. 800
(Courtesy of Penlon Ltd, Abingdon, UK
paediatric patients. 900
● Can be used with different
breathing systems.
1100 Fresh gas
Mechanism of action
1. It is a time-cycled ventilator.
2. Compressed air is used as the 1300
driving gas (Fig. 8.5). On 1400
entering the chamber, the
Bag in bottle compressed air forces the bellows

ventilator down, delivering the fresh gas to

the patient (the fresh gas is Fig. 8.5 Mechanism of action of the bag
Modern anaesthetic machines often accommodated in the bellows). in bottle ventilator.
incorporate a bag in bottle ventilator. 3. The driving gas and the fresh
gas remain separate.
4. The volume of the driving gas 3. The descending bellows hangs
reaching the chamber is equal to down to a fully expanded
1. A driving unit consisting of: the tidal volume. position in a case of
a) a chamber (Fig. 8.3) with a 5. Some designs feature a disconnection and may continue
tidal volume range of descending bellows instead. to move almost normally in a
0–1500 mL (a paediatric case of leakage.
version with a range of
Problems in practice and
0–400 mL exists)
safety features Bag in bottle ventilator
b) an ascending bellows
accommodating the FGF. 1. Positive pressure in the standing ● It is a time-cycled ventilator.

2. A control unit with a variety of bellows causes a PEEP of ● Consists of driving and control

controls, displays and alarms: 2–4 cm H2O. units.

the tidal volume, respiratory rate 2. The ascending bellows collapses ● Fresh gas is within the bellows

(6–40/min), I/E ratio, airway to an empty position and whereas the driving gas is within
pressure and power supply remains stationary in cases of the chamber.
(Figs 8.3 and 8.4). disconnection or leak.
126 8 Ventilators

barotrauma if the upper

pressure limit is appropriately
Servo-i ventilator set. The flow during
inspiration is decelerating. The
The Servo-i is a versatile intensive
patient can trigger extra
care ventilator, capable of being
used for paediatric and adult
b) volume control: a preset tidal
patients. It is fully transportable,
volume and respiratory rate
utilizing 12 V battery power when
are selected. The breath is
mains electricity is not available.
delivered with constant flow
It is not intended for use with
during a preset inspiratory
inhalational anaesthetics, however
time. The set tidal volume will
it can be used with intravenous
always be delivered despite
anaesthetics in the theatre setting if
high airway pressures if the
required. It can be used to ‘non-
patient’s lungs are not
invasively’ ventilate patients with a
compliant. To prevent
tight fitting nasal mask or face mask
excessive pressures being
instead of an endotracheal tube or
generated in this situation, the
tracheostomy. Facilities to deliver
upper pressure limit must be
Heliox also exist.
set to a suitable level to
The most modern versions have
prevent barotrauma
advanced tools to safely perform
c) pressure control: a pressure
lung recruitment utilizing software
control level above PEEP is
that regulates PEEP and aims to
selected. The delivered tidal
maintain lung compliance.
volume is dependent upon the
Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory
patient’s lung compliance and
Assist (NAVA) uses a specially
airway resistance together
adapted nasogastric tube that
with the tubing and
detects the phrenic nerve impulses Fig. 8.6 Servo-i ventilator.
endotracheal tube’s resistance.
to the diaphragm. This enhances the
Pressure control ventilation is
ability of the ventilator to match the
measured by the expiratory preferred when there is a leak
respiratory efforts of the patient by
pressure transducer. in the breathing system (e.g.
timing its assisted breaths.
5. PEEP in the patient system is uncuffed endotracheal tube)
regulated by the expiratory valve. or where barotrauma is to
Components (Fig. 8.6) be avoided (e.g. acute lung
1. ‘Patient unit’ where gases are There are various modes of injury). If the resistance or
mixed and administered. ventilation available: compliance improves quickly,
2. ‘Graphical user interface’ where there is a risk of excessive
settings are made and ventilation 1. Synchronized intermittent tidal volumes being delivered
monitored. mandatory ventilation (SIMV). (volutrauma) unless the
The ventilator provides pressure control setting
mandatory breaths, which are is reduced.
Mechanism of action
synchronized with the patient’s 2. Supported ventilation modes:
1. Gas flow from the oxygen and respiratory effort (if present). once the patient has enough
air inlets is regulated by their The type of mandatory breath respiratory drive to trigger the
respective gas modules. supplied depends on the setting ventilator, usually one of the
2. Oxygen concentration is selected. Usually one of the following modes is selected in
measured by an oxygen cell. following is selected: addition to the PEEP setting:
3. The pressure of the delivered gas a) pressure-regulated volume a) volume support: assures a set
mixture is measured by the control (PRVC): a preset tidal volume by supplying the
inspiratory pressure transducer. tidal volume is delivered but required pressure support
4. The patient’s expiratory gas limited to 5 cm H2O below needed to achieve that tidal
flow is measured by ultrasonic the set upper pressure limit. volume. It allows patients to
transducers and the pressure This automatically limits wean from ventilatory support
High-frequency jet ventilator 127

themselves as their lungs’ at least two battery modules are tube (Fig. 8.8B), a cannula
compliance and inspiratory loaded for even the shortest positioned in the trachea via the
muscle strength improves. transport. cricothyroid membrane or a
This is shown by a gradual 4. The ventilator is heavier (20 kg) modified tracheal tube with two
reduction in the peak airway than a dedicated transport additional small lumens opening
pressure measured by the ventilator. distally (Figs 8.8A and 8.9).
ventilator. Once the support is 2. Solenoid valves are used to
minimal, extubation can be deliver the jet gas.
considered Servo-i ventilator 3. Dials and display for driving
b) pressure support (PS): the ● Versatile intensive care ventilator pressure, frequency and
patient’s breath is supported suitable for both paediatric and inspiratory time.
with a set constant pressure adult use. 4. Built-in peristaltic pump for
above PEEP. This will give a ● Wide range of controls, displays nebulizing drugs or distilled
tidal volume that is dependent and alarms. water for humidifying the jet gas.
on the lung compliance and ● Portable with battery power. 5. High-flow air/oxygen or nitrous
patient’s inspiratory muscle oxide/oxygen blender determines
strength. The pressure support the mix of the jet gas.
setting needs reviewing
regularly to allow the patient High-frequency Mechanism of action
to wean from respiratory
support jet ventilator 1. Frequencies of 20–500 cycles/
c) continuous positive airway min can be selected, with minute
pressure (CPAP): a continuous This ventilator reduces the extent volumes ranging from 5 to
positive pressure is maintained of the side-effects of conventional 60 L/min.
in the airways similar to that IPPV. There are lower peak airway 2. It is a time-cycled ventilator
developed with a conventional pressures with better maintenance of delivering gas in small jet
CPAP flow generator (see the cardiac output and less anti- pulsations. The inspiratory time
Chapter 13). This differs diuretic hormone production and is adjustable from 20% to 50%
from the conventional CPAP fluid retention. It is better tolerated of the cycle.
flow generator by allowing by alert patients than conventional 3. The fresh gas leaving the narrow
measurement of tidal volume, IPPV (Fig. 8.7). injector at a very high velocity
minute volume and respiratory causes entrainment of gas. The
rate, and trends can be amount of entrained gas is
observed also. uncertain making measurement
1. A Venturi injector is used: a of tidal volume and FiO2
cannula positioned in a tracheal difficult.

Problems in practice and

safety features
1. A comprehensive alarm system is
2. A mainstream carbon
dioxide analyser is available
which allows continuous
inspiratory and expiratory
monitoring of CO2 to be
displayed if required.
3. A single battery module offers
30 minutes of ventilator use.
Multiple battery modules (up
to 6) can be loaded on the
ventilator if a long transport
journey is anticipated, allowing
extended use. It is recommended Fig. 8.7 High-frequency jet ventilator with a jet catheter attached.
128 8 Ventilators

Entrained gas

Airway pressure monitoring Humidified jet driving gas

14 gauge cannula

Entrained gas

Fig. 8.9 The Mallinckrodt Hi-Lo Jet

cuffed tracheal tube. An uncuffed version
also exists.
Tracheostomy tube

synchronization of ventilation with

Fig. 8.8 (A) A jet tracheal tube with two additional lumens for the jet driving gas and
airway pressure monitoring. (B) A 14-gauge cannula positioned within a tracheostomy
external cardiac massage during
tube, through which the jet driving gas can be administered. cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A
neonatal/paediatric version exists.
4. The jet and entrained
gases impact into the High-frequency jet ventilator
● Time-cycled ventilator.
much larger volume of
relatively immobile gases in ● A Venturi injector is used. 1. A variety of controls including:
the airway, causing them to ● Built-in peristaltic pump for a) inspiratory flow (6–60 L/min)
move forward. humidification. b) inspiratory time (0.5–3.0 s)
5. Expiration is passive. PEEP ● Frequencies of 20–500 cycles/ c) expiratory time (0.5–6.0 s)
occurs automatically at a min. Minute volumes of 5–60 L/ d) adjustable inspiratory relief
respiratory rate of over 100/min. min. pressure with an audible
Additional PEEP can be added alarm (20–80 cm H2O)
by means of a PEEP valve. e) air mix/no air mix control
f) a ‘demand’ and ‘CMV/
demand’ control (CMV =
Problems in practice and
safety features
VentiPAC controlled mandatory
1. Barotrauma can still occur as This is a portable ventilator used 2. Inflation pressure monitor to
expiration is dependent on during the transport of critically ill measure the airway pressure.
passive lung and chest wall patients (Fig. 8.10). It is a flow 3. 120-cm polyester or silicone
recoil driving the gas out generator, time cycled, volume 15-mm tubing with a one-way
through the tracheal tube. preset and pressure limited. It also valve to deliver gases to the
2. High-pressure (35–40 cm H2O) acts as a pressure generator at flows patient.
and system malfunction alarms below 0.25 L/s in air mix setting. 4. Tubing to deliver the oxygen to
are featured. ParaPAC ventilator allows the ventilator.
Pneupac VR1 Emergency Ventilator 129

● Portable ventilator powered by
pressurized gas.
● Controls include flow rate,
inspiratory time and expiratory
● An FiO2 of 0.45 or 1.0 can be
● It has a demand valve.
● MRI compatible.

Pneupac VR1
Fig. 8.10 The VentiPAC ventilator. Emergency Ventilator
Mechanism of action Problems in practice and
(Fig. 8.11)
safety features
1. The source of power is dry, This is a lightweight hand-held,
oil-free pressurized gas (270– 1. There is an adjustable time-cycled, gas-powered flow
600 kPa) at 60 L/min. Using inspiratory pressure relief generator ventilator. It is designed
air mix mode reduces gas mechanism with a range of for use in emergency and during
consumption by the ventilator 20–80 cm H2O to reduce the transport. It is MRI compatible up
by almost 70%. risk of overpressure and to 3 Tesla.
2. The frequency is set by adjusting barotruma.
the inspiratory and expiratory 2. There are audible and visual
times. low-pressure (disconnection)
3. The tidal volume is set by the and high-pressure (obstruction) 1. Tidal volume/frequency control.
adjustment of the flow and alarms. 2. Auto/manual control with a
inspiratory time. 3. A supply gas failure alarm. manual trigger and push button.
4. A choice of an FiO2 of 1.0 (no 4. The ventilator is magnetic 3. Air mix switch allowing the
air mix) or 0.45 (air mix). resonance imaging (MRI) delivery of oxygen at 100% or
5. The demand mode provides compatible. 50% concentrations.
100% oxygen to a
spontaneously breathing
patient. A visual indicator
flashes when a spontaneous
breath is detected.
6. CMV/demand mode provides
continuous mandatory
ventilation. If the patient makes
a spontaneous breath, this
causes the ventilator to operate
in a synchronized minimum
mandatory ventilation (SMMV)
mode. Any superimposed
mandatory ventilatory attempts
are synchronized with the
breathing pattern.
7. A PEEP valve can be added
generating a PEEP of up to
20 cm H2O. Fig. 8.11 Pneupac VR1 Emergency Ventilator.
130 8 Ventilators

4. Patient valve connecting to inflating the lungs with oxygen-

catheter mount/filter or face enriched air.
mask. 3. Oxygenation and carbon
5. Gas supply input. dioxide elimination are
achieved with airway
pressures of 25–30 cm H2O.
Mechanism of action
1. The source of power is
Problems in practice and
pressurized oxygen (280–
safety features
1034 kPa). Using air mix
prolongs the duration of use 1. Barotrauma is possible. Airway
from an oxygen cylinder. pressure monitoring is not
2. A constant I : E ratio of 1 : 2 with available.
flow rates of 11–32 L/min. 2. Gastric distension can occur
3. An optional patient demand should ventilation commence
facility is incorporated allowing before the distal end of the
synchronization between patient Fig. 8.12 The manually controlled bronchoscope is beyond the
and ventilator. injector. In practice this is connected to a larynx.
4. The linked manual controls rigid bronchoscope.
allow the manual triggering of a
single controlled ventilation. Venturi injector device
This allows the ventilator to ● Manually controlled Venturi used
be used in a variety of chest
compression/ventilation options
Venturi injector during rigid bronchoscopy.
● High-pressure oxygen injected
in cardiac life support. device through a needle entraining air.
5. Suitable for children (above
10 kg body weight) and adults. A manually controlled Venturi
ventilation device used during rigid
bronchoscopy (Fig. 8.12). The
Problems in practice and
anaesthetist and the operator share
safety features
the airway. General anaesthesia is
Self-inflating bag
1. Pressure relief valve designed to maintained intravenously. and mask
operate at 40 cm H2O.
2. The manual control triggers a This is a means of providing manual
single ventilation equivalent to IPPV. It is portable and is used
the volume of ventilation 1. A high-pressure oxygen during resuscitation, transport and
delivered in automatic source at about 400 kPa short-term ventilation (Fig. 8.13).
ventilation. It is not a purge (from the anaesthetic machine
action so it cannot stack breaths or direct from a pipeline).
and is therefore inherently much 2. An on/off trigger.
safer for the patient. 3. Connection tubing that can 1. Self-inflating bag with a
withstand high pressures. connection for added oxygen.
4. A needle of suitable gauge, 2. A one-way valve with three
Pneupac VR1 Emergency which allows good air ports:
Ventilator entrainment without creating a) inspiratory inlet allowing the
● Hand-held, time-cycled, excessive airway pressures. entry of fresh gas during
gas-powered flow generator inspiration
ventilator. b) expiratory outlet allowing the
● Used in emergency and
Mechanism of action
exit of exhaled gas
transport. 1. The high-pressure oxygen is c) connection to the face mask
● MRI compatible up to 3 Tesla. injected intermittently through or tracheal tube, and marked
● Various controls. the needle placed at the proximal ‘patient’.
● Can be used in children and end of the bronchoscope. 3. A reservoir for oxygen to
adults. 2. This creates a Venturi effect, increase the FiO2 delivered to
entraining atmospheric air and the patient.
PEEP valve 131

5. A paediatric version exists with

a smaller inflating bag and a
pressure relief valve.
6. Disposable designs for both the
adult and paediatric versions

Self-inflating bag
● Compact, portable, self-inflating
bag with a one-way valve.
● Oxygen reservoir can be added
to increase FiO2.
● Paediatric version exists.

PEEP valve
This valve is used during IPPV to
increase the functional residual
capacity (FRC) to improve the
patient’s oxygenation.
Fig. 8.13 A range of self-inflating resuscitation bags with oxygen reservoirs. It is a spring-loaded
unidirectional valve positioned on
Mechanism of action the expiratory side of the ventilator
2. The valve acts as a spillover
1. The non-rebreathing valve valve allowing excess inspiratory breathing system with a standard
(Ambu valve) incorporates a gas to be channelled directly to 22-mm connector. By adjusting the
silicone rubber membrane the expiratory outlet, bypassing valve knob, a PEEP of between zero
(Fig. 8.14). It has a small dead the patient port. and 20 cm H2O can be achieved
space and low resistance to flow. 3. The valve is suitable for (Fig. 8.15).
At a flow of 25 L/min, an both IPPV and spontaneous
inspiratory resistance of ventilation.
0.4 cm H2O and an expiratory 4. The shape of the self-inflating
resistance of 0.6 cm H2O are bag is automatically restored
achieved. The valve can easily be after compression. This allows
dismantled for cleaning and fresh gas to be drawn from the
sterilization. reservoir.

Valve housing

Expiratory Valve
connector membrane
Patient connector
Fig. 8.14 An Ambu valve disassembled. (Reproduced with permission from
AMBU International (UK) Ltd.) Fig. 8.15 The Ambu PEEP valve.
132 8 Ventilators

The valve provides almost manual, fifth ed. Butterworth- MHRA, 2010. Medical device alert: all
constant expiratory resistance over a Heinemann, Edinburgh. Oxylog 3000 emergency/transport
very wide range of flow rates. Merck, 2007. Overview of mechanical ventilators manufactured by Draeger
ventilation. Online. Available at: (MDA/2010/092). Online. Available at:
professional/critical_care_medicine/ Publications/Safetywarnings/
Bersten, A.D., 2003. Mechanical respiratory_failure_and_mechanical_ MedicalDeviceAlerts/CON100176.
ventilation. In: Bersten, A., Soni, N., ventilation/overview_of_mechanical_
Oh, T.E. (Eds), Oh’s intensive care ventilation.html.
MCQs 133

In the following lists, which of the following statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Bag in bottle ventilator: 4. Regarding classification of SINGLE BEST ANSWER (SBA)

a) The FGF is the driving gas at ventilators:
the same time. a) A pressure generator 6. Concerning pressure-control
b) Is a minute volume divider. ventilator can compensate for versus volume-control
c) The bellows can be either changes in lung compliance. ventilation:
ascending or descending. b) A flow generator ventilator a) Volume control will provide a
d) With a leak, the ascending cannot compensate for leaks set tidal volume.
bellows may continue to move in the system. b) Pressure control will provide a
almost normally. c) A time-cycling ventilator is set tidal volume.
e) Can be used only for adult affected by the lung c) Lung compliance is irrelevant
patients. compliance. with pressure control.
d) The duration of inspiration in d) Paediatric ventilation never
a pressure-cycling ventilator is uses pressure control
2. Manley ventilator: ventilation.
not affected by the compliance
a) Is a minute volume divider. e) Barotrauma is prevented by
of the lungs.
b) Has one set of bellows. volume control ventilation.
e) A pressure generator
c) During controlled ventilation,
ventilator can compensate, to
it is safe to activate the
a degree, for leaks in the
emergency oxygen flush device
of the anaesthetic machine.
d) A pressure-monitoring
ventilator alarm is attached to 5. High-frequency jet ventilation:
the expiratory limb. a) The FiO2 can easily be
e) It acts as a Mapleson D measured.
system during spontaneous b) Frequencies of up to 500 Hz
ventilation mode. can be achieved.
c) The cardiac output is better
maintained than conventional
3. Bag in bottle ventilator:
a) It is a time-cycled ventilator.
d) Can be used both in
b) There is some mixing of the
anaesthesia and intensive care.
fresh gas and driving gas.
e) Because of the lower peak
c) For safety reasons, the
airway pressures, there is no
descending bellows design is
risk of barotrauma.
d) A small PEEP is expected.
e) The driving gas volume in the
chamber equals the tidal
134 8 Ventilators


1. Bag in bottle ventilator: attached to the inspiratory c) False. The ventilator will cycle
a) False. The driving gas is limb and not the expiratory with time regardless of the
separate from the FGF. The limb. A Wright spirometer can compliance.
driving gas is usually either be attached to the expiratory d) False. In a lung with low
oxygen or, more economically, limb to measure the tidal compliance, the inspiration
air. There is no mixing volume. will be shorter because the
between the driving gas and e) True. During the spontaneous pressure will be reached more
the FGF. The volume of the (manual) breathing mode, the quickly leading the ventilator
driving gas reaching the Manley ventilator acts as a to cycle and vice versa.
chamber is equal to the tidal Mapleson D system. e) True. The ventilator will
volume. continue to deliver gases,
b) False. The tidal volume and 3. Bag in bottle ventilator: despite the leak, until a preset
respiratory rate can be a) True. The inspiratory and pressure has been reached.
adjusted separately in a bag in expiratory periods can be
bottle ventilator. determined by adjusting the 5. High-frequency jet ventilation:
c) True. Most of the bag in I : E ratio and the respiratory a) False. The ventilator uses the
bottle ventilators use rate. So, for example, with a Venturi principle to entrain
ascending bellows. This adds rate of 10 breaths/min and an ambient air. The amount of
to the safety of the system as I : E ratio of 1 : 2, each breath entrainment is uncertain,
the bellows will collapse if lasts for 6 seconds with an making the measurement of
there is a leak. inspiration of 2 seconds and the FiO2 difficult.
d) False. See c). expiration of 4 seconds. b) False. Frequencies of up to
e) False. The ventilator can be b) False. There is no mixing 500/min (not Hz; i.e. per
used for both adults and between the fresh gas and the second) can be achieved with
children. A different size driving gas as they are a high-frequency jet ventilator.
bellows can be used for completely separate. c) True. Because of the lower
different age groups. c) False. In case of a leak in the intrathoracic pressures
system, the descending generated during high-
2. Manley ventilator: bellows will not collapse. The frequency jet ventilation,
a) True. The tidal volume can be opposite occurs with the causing a lesser effect on the
set in a Manley ventilator. The ascending bellows. venous return, the cardiac
whole FGF (minute volume) is d) True. A PEEP of 2–4 cm H2O output is better maintained.
delivered to the patient is expected due to the d) True. It can be used both in
according to the set tidal compliance of the bellows. anaesthesia and intensive care,
volume, thus dividing the e) True. e.g. in the management of
minute volume. bronchopleural fistula.
b) False. There are two sets of 4. Regarding classification of e) False. Although the risk is
bellows in a Manley ventilators: reduced, there is still a risk of
ventilator, the time-cycling a) False. A pressure generator barotrauma.
bellows and the main bellows. ventilator cannot compensate
c) False. As it is a minute for changes in lung 6. a)
volume divider and the FGF is compliance. It cycles when the
the driving gas (see a) above), set pressure has been reached.
activating the emergency This can be a larger or smaller
oxygen flush will lead to tidal volume depending on the
considerable increase in the lung compliance.
minute volume. b) True. It will deliver the set
d) False. The pressure- flow whether there is a leak
monitoring alarm should be or not.

Chapter 9

and filtration
136 9 Humidification and filtration

Inhaling dry gases can cause damage

to the cells lining the respiratory
tract, impairing ciliary function.
Within a short period of just 10 min
of ventilation with dry gases, cilia
function will be disrupted. This
increases the patient’s susceptibility
to respiratory tract infection. A
decrease in body temperature (due
to the loss of the latent heat of
vaporization) occurs as the
respiratory tract humidifies the dry
Air fully saturated with water
vapour has an absolute humidity
of about 44 mg/L at 37°C. During
nasal breathing at rest, inspired
gases become heated to 36°C with Fig. 9.1 The Thermovent heat and
a relative humidity of about moisture exchanger with hydrophobic
80–90% by the time they reach filtration properties. (Courtesy of Smiths
the carina, largely because of heat Fig. 9.2 The Thermovent T tracheostomy
transfer in the nose. Mouth heat and moisture exchanger. (Courtesy
breathing reduces this to 60–70% of Smiths Medical.)
relative humidity. The humidifying Heat and moisture
property of soda lime can achieve
an absolute humidity of 29 mg/L
exchanger (HME) Hygrophobic medium
when used with the circle breathing humidifiers
The isothermic boundary point is These are compact, inexpensive,
where 37°C and 100% humidity passive and effective humidifiers for
have been achieved. Normally it is a most clinical situations (Figs 9.1 and
few centimetres distal to the carina. 9.2). The British Standard describes
Insertion of a tracheal or them as ‘devices intended to retain a
tracheostomy tube bypasses the portion of the patient’s expired
upper airway and moves the moisture and heat, and return it to the
isothermic boundary distally. respiratory tract during inspiration’.
The efficiency of an HME is
gauged by the proportion of heat Fig. 9.3 Heat and moisture exchanger.
and moisture it returns to the
patient. Adequate humidification is
Characteristics of the ideal
achieved with a relative humidity of connections. Some designs have
60–70%. Inspired gases are warmed provision for connection of a
to temperatures of between 29° and sampling tube for gas and
● Capable of providing adequate 34°C. HMEs should be able to vapour concentration
levels of humidification. deliver an absolute humidity of a monitoring.
● Has low resistance to flow and minimum of 30 g/m3 water vapour 2. The head which contains a
low dead space. at 30°C. HMEs are easy and medium with hygrophobic
● Provides microbiological convenient to use with no need for properties in the form of a mesh
protection to the patient. an external power source. with a large surface area (Fig.
● Maintenance of body 9.3). It can be made of ceramic
temperature. fibre, corrugated aluminium or
Safe and convenient to use.
● paper, cellulose, metalized
● Economical. 1. Two ports, designed to accept polyurethane foam or stainless-
15- and 22-mm size tubings and steel fibres.
Hot water bath humidifier 137

increasing the potential

Mechanism of action
1. Warm humidified exhaled gases
Hot water bath
pass through the humidifier,
Problems in practice and
causing water vapour to
safety features
condense on the cooler HME This humidifier is used to deliver
medium. The condensed water is 1. The estimated increase in relative humidities higher than the
evaporated and returned to the resistance to flow due to these heat moisture exchange humidifier.
patient with the next inspiration humidifiers ranges from 0.1 to It is usually used in intensive care
of dry and cold gases, 2.0 cm H2O depending on the units (Fig. 9.4).
humidifying them. There is no flow rate and the device used.
addition of water over and Obstruction of the HME with
above that previously exhaled. mucus or because of the
2. The greater the temperature expansion of saturated heat 1. A disposable reservoir of water
difference between each side of exchanging material may occur with an inlet and outlet for
the HME, the greater the and can result in dangerous inspired gases. Heated sterile
potential for heat and moisture increases in resistance. water partly fills the container.
to be transferred during 2. It is recommended that they are 2. A thermostatically controlled
exhalation and inspiration. used for a maximum of 24 h heating element with
3. The HME humidifier requires and for single patient use only. temperature sensors, both in the
about 5–20 min before it reaches There is a risk of increased
its optimal ability to humidify airway resistance because of the
dry gases. accumulation of water in the
4. Some designs with a pore size filter housing if used for longer
of about 0.2 μm can filter out periods.
bacteria, viruses and particles 3. The humidifying efficiency
from the gas flow in either decreases when large tidal
direction, as discussed later. volumes are used.
They are called heat and 4. For the HME to function
moisture exchanging filters adequately, a two-way gas flow
(HMEF). is required.
5. Their volumes range from 5. For optimal function, HME
7.8 mL (paediatric practice) to must be placed in the breathing
100 mL. This increases the system close to the patient.
apparatus dead space.
6. The performance of the HME is
affected by: Heat and moisture exchanger
a) water vapour content and (HME) humidifiers
temperature of the inspired ● Water vapour present in the
and exhaled gases exhaled gases is condensed on
b) inspiratory and expiratory the medium. It is evaporated
flow rates affecting the time and returned to the patient with
the gas is in contact with the the following inspiration.
HME medium hence ● A relative humidity of 60–70%
the heat and moisture can be achieved.
exchange ● Some designs incorporate a filter.
c) the volume and efficiency ● There is an increase in apparatus
of the HME medium – the dead space and airway resistance.
larger the medium, the greater ● The water vapour content and
the performance. Low thermal temperature of gases, flow rate
conductivity, i.e. poor heat of gases and the volume of the
conduction, helps to maintain medium affect performance of
a greater temperature HME. Fig. 9.4 The Aquinox hot water bath
difference across the HME humidifier. (Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)
138 9 Humidification and filtration

reservoir and in the breathing 4. The tubing has poor thermal Problems in practice and
system close to the patient. insulation properties causing a safety features
3. Tubing is used to deliver the decrease in the temperature of
humidified and warm gases to 1. The humidifier, which is
inspired gases. This is partly
the patient. It should be as short electrically powered, should be
compensated for by the release
as possible. A water trap is safe to use with no risk of
of the heat of condensation.
positioned between the patient scalding, overhydration and
5. By raising the temperature in
and the humidifier along the electric shock. A second backup
the humidifier above body
tubing. The trap is positioned thermostat cuts in should there
temperature, it is possible to
lower than the level of the be malfunction of the first
deliver gases at 37°C and fully
patient. thermostat.
saturated. The temperature of
2. The humidifier and water trap(s)
gases at the patient’s end is
should be positioned below the
measured by a thermistor.
Mechanism of action level of the tracheal tube to
Via a feedback mechanism,
1. Powered by electricity, the water prevent flooding of the airway
the thermistor controls the
is heated to between 45°C and by condensed water.
temperature of water in the
60°C (Fig. 9.5). 3. Colonization of the water by
2. Dry cold gas enters the bacteria can be prevented by
6. The temperature of gases at the
container where some passes increasing the temperature to
patient’s end depends on the
close to the water surface, 60°C. This poses greater risk of
surface area available for
gaining maximum saturation. scalding.
vaporization, the flow rate and
Some gas passes far from the 4. The humidifier is large, expensive
the amount of cooling and
water surface, gaining minimal and can be awkward to use.
condensation taking place in the
saturation and heat. 5. There are more connections in a
inspiratory tubing.
3. The container has a large surface ventilator set up and so the risk
7. Some designs have heated
area for vaporization. This is to of disconnections or leaks
elements placed in the
ensure that the gas is fully increases.
inspiratory and expiratory limb
saturated at the temperature of of the breathing system to
the water bath. The amount of maintain the temperature and
gas effectively bypassing the prevent rain out (condensation)
Hot water bath humidifier
water surface should be minimal. within the tube.
● Consists of a container with a
thermostatically controlled
Dry gas in heating element and tubing
with water traps.
● The temperature of water in the
container, via a feedback
mechanism, is controlled by a
thermistor at the patient’s end.
● Full saturation at 37°C can be
● Colonization by bacteria is a
Humidified Overflow problem.
gas out

Heat Heat Nebulizers (Fig. 9.6)

These produce a mist of
microdroplets of water suspended in
a gaseous medium. The quantity of
Water in water droplets delivered is not
Fig. 9.5 Mechanism of action of the hot water bath humidifier. limited by gas temperature (as is the
Nebulizers 139

Driving gas

Water column

Fig. 9.7 Mechanism of action of a gas-driven nebulizer humidifier.

GAS-DRIVEN (JET) container leaving droplets of

NEBULIZER 4 μm or less to float out with
the fresh gas flow.
Components 4. The device is compact, making
it easy to place close to the
1. A capillary tube with the bottom patient.
end immersed in a water
2. The top end of the capillary tube SPINNING DISC NEBULIZER
is close to a Venturi constriction
(Fig. 9.7). This is a motor-driven spinning disc
throwing out microdroplets of water
Mechanism of action by centrifugal force. The water
impinges onto the disc after being
1. A high-pressure gas flows drawn from a reservoir via a tube
Fig. 9.6 Smith’s medical gas-driven through the Venturi, creating a over which the disc is mounted.
nebulizer. negative pressure.
2. Water is drawn up through the
capillary tube and broken into a ULTRASONIC NEBULIZER
fine spray. Even smaller droplets
case with vapour). The smaller the can be achieved as the spray hits A transducer head vibrates at an
droplets, the more stable they are. an anvil or a baffle. ultrasonic frequency (e.g. 3 MHz).
Droplets of 2–5 μm deposit in the 3. The majority of the droplets are The transducer can be immersed
tracheobronchial tree, whereas in the range of 2–4 μm. These into water or water can be dropped
0.5–1 μm droplets deposit in the droplets tend to deposit on the on to it, producing droplets less
alveoli. In addition to delivering pharynx and upper airway with than 1–2 μm in size. Droplets of
water, nebulizers are used to deliver a small amount reaching the 1 μm or less are deposited in alveoli
medications to peripheral airways bronchial level. This nebulizer is and lower airways. This is a highly
and radioactive isotopes in also capable of producing larger efficient method of humidifying and
diagnostic lung ventilation imaging. droplets of up to 20 μm in size. also delivering drugs to the airway.
There are three types: gas driven, Droplets with diameters of 5 μm There is a risk of overhydration
spinning disc and ultrasonic. or more fall back into the especially in children.
140 9 Humidification and filtration

Mechanism of action
Nebulizers 2. Minimal dead space,
● Produce microdroplets of water particularly for paediatric There are five main mechanisms by
of different sizes, 1–20 μm. practice. which filtration can be achieved on
● The quantity of water droplets is 3. Minimum resistance, especially a fibre:
not limited by the temperature when wet. 1. Direct interception: large
of the carrier gas. 4. Not affected by anaesthetic particles (=1 μm), such as dust
● They can be gas driven, spinning agents and does not affect the and large bacteria, are physically
disc or ultrasonic. anaesthetic agents. prevented from passing through
5. Effective when either wet or the pores of the filter because of
dry. It should completely their large size.
prevent the passage of 2. Inertial impaction: smaller
contaminated body liquids particles (0.5–1 μm) collide with
Bacterial and (blood, saliva and other the filter medium because of
viral filters liquids) which may be present their inertia. They tend to
or generated in the breathing continue in straight lines, carried
These minimize the risk of cross- system. along by their own momentum
transmission of bacteria and/or 6. User friendly, lightweight, not rather than following the path
viruses between patients using the bulky and non-traumatic to of least resistance taken by the
same anaesthetic breathing systems. the patient. gas. The particles are held by
The British Standard defines them 7. Disposable. Van der Waal’s electrostatic
as ‘devices intended to reduce 8. Provides some humidification if forces.
transmission of particulates, no other methods being used. 3. Diffusional interception: very
including micro-organisms, in Adequate humidification can small particles (<0.5 μm), such
breathing systems’. It is thought that usually be achieved by the as viruses, are captured because
the incidence of bleeding after addition of a hygroscopic they undergo considerable
orotracheal intubation is 86%. The element to the device. Brownian motion (i.e. random
filter should be positioned as close 9. Transparent. movement) because of their very
to the patient as possible, e.g. on 10. Cost effective. small mass. This movement
the disposable catheter mount, to increases their apparent diameter
protect the rest of the breathing so that they are more likely
system, ventilator and anaesthetic to be captured by the filter
Size of micro-organisms
machine. It is recommended that a element.
Hepatitis virus 0.02 μm
new filter should be used for each 4. Electrostatic attraction: this can
Adenovirus 0.07 μm
patient. A humidification element be very important but it is
HIV 0.08 μm
can be added producing a heat and difficult to measure as it requires
Mycobacterium 0.3 μm
moisture exchanging filter (HMEF) knowing the charge on the
(see Fig. 9.1). particles and on the fibres.
Staphylococcus aureus 1.0 μm
Increasing the charge on either
Cytomegalovirus 0.1 μm
the particles or the fibres
Characteristics of the ideal filter
increases the filtration efficiency.
Charged particles are attracted
1. Efficient: the filter should be
to oppositely charged fibres by
effective against both air- and 1. Two ports designed to accept coulombic attraction.
liquid-borne micro-organisms. 15- and 22-mm size tubings and 5. Gravitational settling: this
A filtration action of 99.99– connections. affects large particles (>5 μm).
99.999% should be achieved. 2. A sampling port to measure the The rate of settling depends on
This allows between 100 and gases’/agents’ concentrations the balance between the effect of
10 micro-organisms to pass positioned on the anaesthetic gravity on the particle and the
through the filter, respectively, breathing system side. buoyancy of the particle. In
after a 106 micro-organism 3. The filtration element can either filters used in anaesthesia, it has
challenge. The filter should be be a felt-like electrostatic minimal effect as most of the
effective bidirectionally. material or a pleated settling occurs before the
hydrophobic material. particles reach the filter.
Bacterial and viral filters 141

(FIG. 9.8)

1. The element used is subjected to

an electric field producing a
felt-like material with high
polarity. One type of fibre
becomes positively charged and
the other type negatively
charged. Usually two polymer
fibres (modacrylic and
polyprolyne) are used.
2. A flat layer of filter material can
be used as the resistance to gas
flow is lower per unit area.
3. These filters rely on the electrical 100 µm
charge to attract oppositely
Fig. 9.8 Microscopic view of an electrostatic filter.
charged particles from the gas
flow. They have a filtration
efficiency of 99.99%.
4. The electrical charge increases
the efficiency of the filter
when the element is dry but can
deteriorate rapidly when it is
wet. The resistance to flow
increases when the element
is wet.
5. The electrical charge on the filter
fibres decays with time so it has
a limited life.
6. A hygroscopic layer can be
added to the filter in order to
provide humidification. In such
an HMEF, the pressure drop
across the element and thus the
resistance to breathing will also 100 µm
increase with gradual absorption
of water. Fig. 9.9 Microscopic view of a hydrophobic filter.

high gas flows while retaining with no absorption. Such a filter
1. The very small pore size filter low resistance, a large surface can successfully prevent the
membrane provides adequate area is required. Pleated paper passage of water under pressures
filtration over longer periods of filters made of inorganic fibres as high as 60 cm H2O.
time. These filters rely on the are used to achieve this. 4. Although hydrophobic filters
naturally occurring electrostatic 3. The forces between individual provide some humidification,
interactions to remove the liquid water molecules are a hygroscopic element can be
particles. A filtration efficiency stronger than those between added to improve
of 99.999% can be achieved. the water molecules and the humidification.
2. To achieve minimal pressure hydrophobic membrane. This 5. Currently there is no evidence
drop across the device with such leads to the collection of water showing any type of filter is
a small pore size, so allowing on the surface of the membrane clinically superior to another.
142 9 Humidification and filtration

Further reading at:

Bacterial and viral filters groups/dts-bs/documents/
● Can achieve a filtration efficiency Medical Devices Agency, 1998. Heat medicaldevicealert/con008522.pdf.
of 99.99–99.999%. and moisture exchangers (HMEs) Turnbull, D., Fisher, P.C., Mills, G.H.,
● Electrostatic filters rely on an including those intended for use as et al., 2005. Performance of breathing
electrical charge to attract breathing system filters. UK filters under wet conditions: a
oppositely charged particles. Market-Product review. Medical laboratory evaluation. British Journal
Their efficiency is reduced when Devices Agency, London, No. 347. of Anaesthesia 94, 675–682.
wet and they have a limited MHRA, 2004. Medical advice alert Wilkes, A.R., 2002. Breathing system
lifespan. (MDA/2004/013). Online. filters. British Journal of Anaesthesia
● Hydrophobic pleated filters can Available at: http://www.mhra. CEPD Reviews 2, 151–154.
repel water even under high Wilkes, A.R., Malan, C.A., Hall, J.E.,
pressures. They have a longer documents/medicaldevicealert/ 2008. The effect of flow on the
life span. con008574.pdf. filtration performance of paediatric
MHRA, 2004. Medical device alert breathing system filters. Anaesthesia
(MDA/2004/037). Online. Available 63, 71–76.
MCQs 143

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Nebulizers: 3. Bacterial and viral filters: 5. Heat exchange humidifiers:

a) The gas-driven nebulizer can a) Particles of less than 0.5 μm a) Inspired gases are warmed to
deliver much smaller droplets can be captured by direct 29–34°C.
than the ultrasonic nebulizer. interception. b) Performance is improved by
b) There is a risk of drowning. b) They can achieve a filtration increasing the volume of the
c) The temperature of the gas action of 99.999%. medium.
determines the amount of c) They should be effective when c) An absolute humidity of
water delivered. either wet or dry. 60–70% can be achieved.
d) The smaller the droplets are, d) The filtration element used d) At high flows, the
the more stable they are. can be either an electrostatic performance is reduced.
e) Droplets of 1 μm or less are or a pleated hydrophobic e) Performance is affected by the
deposited in the alveoli and material. temperature of the inspired
lower airways. e) The hydrophobic filter has a and exhaled gases.
more limited lifespan than the
electrostatic filter.
2. Humidity: 6. Which of the following
a) Humidity is measured using a statements are true:
hair hygrometer. 4. Hot water bath humidifiers: a) Mucus can cause obstruction
b) Air fully saturated with water a) Heating the water improves of the heat and moisture
vapour has a relative humidity the performance. exchanger (HME).
of about 44 mg/L at 37°C. b) Because of its efficiency, the b) 2–5-μm-sized nebulized
c) Using the circle breathing surface area for vaporization droplets are deposited in the
system, some humidification does not have to be large. alveoli.
can be achieved despite using c) There is a risk of scalding to c) HMEs should deliver a
dry fresh gas flow. the patient. minimum of 300 g water
d) Relative humidity is the ratio d) Temperature in the humidifier vapour at 30°C.
of the mass of water vapour is usually kept below body d) A relative humidity of 80% at
in a given volume of air to the temperature. the carina can be achieved
mass of water vapour required e) The temperature of water in during normal breathing.
to saturate the same volume the container is controlled by e) HME requires some time
at the same temperature. a feedback mechanism using a before it reaches its optimal
e) The ideal relative humidity in thermistor which measures the ability to humidify dry gases.
the operating theatre is about temperature of the gases at
45–55%. the patient’s end.
144 9 Humidification and filtration


1. Nebulizers: e) True. A high relative humidity d) False. The temperature of the

a) False. The ultrasonic nebulizer is uncomfortable for the staff humidifier is usually kept
can deliver very much smaller in the operating theatre. Too above body temperature. A
droplets. 2–4-µm droplets can low a relative humidity can large amount of heat is lost as
be delivered by the gas-driven lead to the build up of static the vapour and gases pass
nebulizer. Droplets of less electricity increasing the risk through the plastic tubings.
than 1–2 µm in size can be of ignition. e) True.
delivered by the ultrasonic
nebulizer. 3. Bacterial and viral filters: 5. Heat exchange humidifiers:
b) True. This is especially so in a) False. Such small particles are a) True.
children using the ultrasonic captured by diffusional b) True. The larger the volume
nebulizer. interception. Direct of the medium, the better the
c) False. The temperature of the interception can capture performance of the HME.
gas has no effect on the particles with sizes equal to This is because of the larger
quantity of water droplets or more than 1 µm. surface area of contact
delivered. The temperature of b) True. Hydrophobic filters can between the gas and the
the gas is of more importance achieve a filtration action of medium.
in the humidifier. 99.999%. Electrostatic filters c) False. A relative, not absolute,
d) True. Very small droplets can achieve 99.99% which is humidity of 60–70% can be
generated by the ultrasonic thought to be adequate for achieved.
nebulizer are very stable and routine use during d) True. At high flows, the time
can be deposited in the alveoli anaesthesia. the gas is in contact with the
and lower airways. c) True. Hydrophobic filters are medium is reduced so
e) True. See d). effective both when dry and decreasing the performance of
wet. Electrostatic filters the HME. The opposite is
2. Humidity: become less effective also correct.
a) True. The hair hygrometer is when wet. e) True. The higher the
used to measure relative d) True. temperature of the gases, the
humidity between 15% and e) False. The electrostatic filter better the performance of
85%. It is commonly used in has a more limited lifespan the HME.
the operating theatre. The than the hydrophobic filter.
length of the hair increases The efficacy of the 6. Which of the following
with the increase in ambient electrostatic filter decreases as statements are true:
humidity. This causes a the electrical charge on the a) True. Mucus can cause
pointer to move over a chart filter fibres decays. obstruction of the HME
measuring the relative resulting in dangerous
humidity. 4. Hot water bath humidifiers: increases in resistance.
b) False. It should be absolute a) True. This is due to the loss b) False. 2–5-µm nebulized
humidity and not relative of latent heat of vaporization droplets are deposited in the
humidity. Relative humidity is as more water changes into tracheobronchial tree. Smaller
measured as a percentage. vapour. The lower the water droplets of 0.5–1 µm are
c) True. Water is produced as a temperature, the less vapour is deposited in the alveoli.
product of the reaction produced. c) False. HME should deliver a
between CO2 and NaOH. An b) False. A large surface area is minimum of 30 g water
absolute humidity of 29 mg/L needed to improve efficiency. vapour at 30°C.
at 37°C can be achieved. c) True. A faulty thermostat can d) True.
d) True. cause overheating of the water. e) True. HME requires 5–20 min
There is usually a second before it reaches its optimal
thermostat to prevent this. ability to humidify dry gases.

Chapter 10

146 10 Non-invasive monitoring

Clinical observation provides vital

information regarding the patient.
Observations gained from the use
of the various monitors should
augment that information; skin
perfusion, capillary refill, cyanosis,
pallor, skin temperature and turgor,
chest movement and heart
ausculation are just a few examples.
The equipment used to monitor
the patient is becoming more
sophisticated. It is vital that the
clinician using these monitors is
Fig. 10.1 Datex-Ohmeda plug-in monitoring modules mounted on the S/5 Advance
aware of their limitations and the anaesthetic machine.
potential causes of error. Errors can
be due to patient, equipment and/or (Fig. 10.5). Silver and silver
sampling factors. chloride form a stable electrode
Monitoring equipment can combination. Both are held in
be invasive or non-invasive. The a cup and separated from the
latter is discussed in this chapter, skin by a foam pad soaked in
whereas the former is discussed in conducting gel.
Chapter 11. 2. Colour-coded cables to transmit
the signal from electrodes to the
monitor. Cables are available in
3- and 5-lead versions as snap
or grabber design and with a
Integrated variety of lengths. All the cables
monitoring Fig. 10.2 Datex-Ohmeda compact
of a particular set should have
the same length to minimize
Until recently, it was common to see the effect of electromagnetic
the anaesthetic machine adorned interference.
with discrete, bulky monitoring 3. The ECG signal is then boosted
devices. Significant advances in
Electrocardiogram using an amplifier. The amplifier
information technology have (ECG) covers a frequency range of
allowed an integrated monitoring 0.05–150 Hz. It also filters
approach to occur. Plug-in This monitors the electrical activity out some of the frequencies
monitoring modules feed a single of the heart with electrical potentials considered to be noise. The
visual display on which selected of 0.5–2 mV at the skin surface. It amplifier has ECG filters that
values and waveforms can be is useful in determining the heart are used to remove the noise/
arranged and colour-coded rate, ischaemia, the presence of artifacts from ECG and produce
(Figs 10.1–10.3). arrhythmias and conduction defects. a ‘clean’ signal.
Although some would argue It should be emphasized that it gives 4. An oscilloscope that displays
that such monitoring systems no assessment of cardiac output. the amplified ECG signal. A
are complex and potentially The bipolar leads (I, II, III, AVR, high-resolution monochrome or
confusing, their benefits in term AVL and AVF) measure voltage colour monitor is used.
of flexibility and ergonomics are difference between two electrodes.
undisputed. The unipolar leads (V1–6) measure
Mechanism of action
More recently, wireless voltage at different electrodes
monitoring systems are becoming relative to a zero point. 1. Proper attachment of ECG
available. An example is wireless electrodes involves cleaning the
invasive pressure monitoring skin, gently abrading the stratum
systems (Fig. 10.4). This reduces the corneum and ensuring adequate
clutter of cables surrounding the 1. Skin electrodes detect the contact using conductive gel.
patients. electrical activity of the heart Skin impedance varies at
Electrocardiogram (ECG) 147

different sites and it is thought

to be higher in females. The
electrodes are best positioned on
bony prominences to reduce
artifacts from respiration.
2. Modern ECG monitors use
multiple filters for signal
processing. The filters used
should be capable of removing
the unwanted frequencies,
leaving the signal intact (Fig.
10.6). Two types of filters are
used for this purpose:
a) high-pass filters attenuate
the frequency components
of a signal below a certain
frequency. They help to
remove lower frequency noise
from the signal. For example,
the respiratory component
from ECG can be removed
by turning on a 1-Hz high
pass filter on the amplifier.
Fig. 10.3 Colour-coded values and waveforms displayed on the Zeus Dräger monitor.
The filter will centre the
(Courtesy of Dräger.) signal around the zero
b) low-pass filters attenuate the
frequency components of
a signal above a certain
frequency. They are useful for
removing noise from lower
frequency signals. So an
amplifier with a 35-Hz
low-pass filter will remove/
attenuate signals above 35 Hz
and help to ‘clean’ the ECG
3. The ECG monitor can have two
a) the monitoring mode has a
limited frequency response of
0.5–50 Hz. Filters are used
to narrow the bandwidth
to reduce environmental
artifacts. The high-frequency
filters reduce distortions from
muscle movement, mains
current and electromagnetic
interference from other
equipment. The low-frequency
filters help provide a stable
baseline by reducing
respiratory and body
Fig. 10.4 Smiths Medical wireless invasive pressure monitoring system. movement artifacts
148 10 Non-invasive monitoring

Ag: AgCl electrode over the centre of the right

scapula and the left arm
Adhesive mount
electrode is over V5.
6. A display speed of 25 mm/s and
a sensitivity of 1 mV/cm are
standard in the UK.
Conductive gel
Fig. 10.5 An ECG electrode. Problems in practice and
safety features
1 1
1. Incorrect placement of the ECG
electrodes in relation to the
Amplitude mV

Amplitude mV
0.5 0.5 heart is a common error, leading
to false information.
2. Electrical interference can be a
0 0 50-Hz (in UK) mains line
interference because of
capacitance or inductive coupling
–0.5 –0.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 effect. Any electrical device
t.s t.s powered by AC can act as one
plate of a capacitor and the
patient acts as the other plate.
Fig.10.6 ECG filters. (A) Unfiltered signal with noise. (B) Filtered ‘clean’ signal. Interference can also be because
of high-frequency current
interference from diathermy.
b) the diagnostic mode has a Right arm lead Most modern monitors have the
wider frequency response of over manubrium facilities to avoid interference.
0.05–150 Hz. The high- sterni Shielding of cables and leads,
frequency limit allows the Indifferent lead differential amplifiers and
assessment of the ST segment, Left arm lead electronic filters all help to
QRS morphology and V5 position over produce an interference-free
tachyarrhythmias. The left ventricle monitoring system. Differential
low-frequency limit allows amplifiers measure the difference
representation of P- and between the potential from two
T-wave morphology and different sources. If there is
ST-segment analysis. interference common to the two
4. There are many ECG electrode input terminals (e.g. mains
configurations. Usually during frequency), it can be eliminated as
anaesthesia, three skin electrodes only the differences between the
are used (right arm, left arm and two terminals is amplified. This is
indifferent leads). The three limb called common mode rejection
leads used include two that are ratio (CMRR). Amplifiers used in
‘active’ and one that is ‘inactive’ ECG monitoring should have a
(earth). Sometimes five electrodes Fig. 10.7 The CM5 ECG lead high CMRR of 100 000 : 1
are used. Lead II is ideal for configuration. to 1 000 000 : 1, which is a
detecting arryhthmias. CM5 measurement of capability to
configuration is able to detect reject the noise. They should also
89% of ST-segment changes due left anterior axillary line) and have a high input impedance
to left ventricular ischaemia. In the indifferent lead is on the left (about 10 MΩ) to minimize the
CM5, the right arm electrode is shoulder or any convenient current taken from the electrodes.
positioned on the manubrium position (Fig. 10.7). Table 10.1 shows the various
(chest lead from manubrium), 5. The CB5 configuration is useful types and sources of interference
the left arm electrode is on V5 during thoracic anaesthesia. The and how to reduce the
position (fifth interspace in the right arm electrode is positioned interference.
Arterial blood pressure 149

Table 10.1 ECG signal interference

Arterial blood
Type of pressure
interference Sources of interference How to reduce interference
Oscillometry is the commonest
Electromagnetic Any electrical cable or Use long ECG and twisted leads
method used to measure blood
induction light (rejecting the induced signal
as common mode) pressure non-invasively during
Use selective filters in amplifiers anaesthesia. The systolic, diastolic
Electrostatic Stray capacitances ECG leads are surrounded by and mean arterial pressures and
induction and between table, lights, copper screens pulse rate are measured, calculated
capacitance monitors, patients and and displayed. These devices give
coupling electrical cables reliable trend information about the
Radiofrequency Diathermy enters the High-frequency filters clean up
interference system by: signal before entering input blood pressure. They are less
(>150 Hz) • mains supply Filtering power supply of reliable in circumstances where a
• direct application by amplifiers sudden change in blood pressure is
probe Double screen electronic anticipated, or where a minimal
• radio transmission via components of amplifiers and change in blood pressure is clinically
probe and wire earth outer screen relevant. The term ‘device for
Newer machines operate at
indirect non-invasive automatic
higher frequencies
mean arterial pressure’ (DINAMAP)
is used for such devices.
5. Absence of or improperly
positioned patient diathermy Components
plate can cause burns at the site
of ECG skin electrodes. This is 1. A cuff with a tube used for
because of the passage of the inflation and deflation. Some
diathermy current via the designs have an extra tube for
electrodes causing a relatively transmitting pressure fluctuations
high current density. to the pressure transducer.
2. The case where the
microprocessor, pressure
ECG transducer and a solenoid valve
Fig. 10.8 12-lead ECG and ST-segment
● Silver and silver chloride skin which controls the deflation of
electrodes detect the electrical the arm cuff are housed. It
activity of the heart, 0.5–2 mV contains the display and a
at the skin surface. timing mechanism which adjusts
3. Muscular activity, such as ● The signal is boosted by an the frequency of measurements.
shivering, can produce artifacts. amplifier and displayed by an Alarm limits can be set for both
Positioning the electrodes over oscilloscope. high and low values.
bony prominences and the use ● The ECG monitor can have two
of low-pass filters can reduce modes, the monitoring mode
(frequency range 0.5–40 Hz) and
Mechanism of action
these artifacts.
4. High and low ventricular rate the diagnostic mode (frequency 1. The microprocessor is set to
alarms and an audible indicator range 0.05–150 Hz). control the sequence of inflation
of ventricular rate are standard ● CM5 configuration is used to and deflation.
on most designs. More monitor left ventricular ischaemia. 2. The cuff is inflated to a pressure
advanced monitors have the ● Electrical interference can be due above the previous systolic
facility to monitor the ST either to diathermy or mains pressure, then it is deflated
segment (Fig. 10.8). Continuous frequency. incrementally. The return of
monitoring and measurement of ● Differential amplifiers are used to blood flow causes oscillation in
the height of the ST segment reduce interference (common cuff pressure (Fig. 10.9).
allows early diagnosis of mode rejection). 3. The transducer senses the
ischaemic changes. pressure changes which
150 10 Non-invasive monitoring

the blood volume of the finger

Mean Table 10.2 A guide to the correct constant. An infrared photo-
Systolic Diastolic blood pressure cuff size plethysmograph detects changes in
the volume of blood within the
Signal from cuff

3 cm Infant finger with each cardiac cycle.

5 cm Infant A controller system alters the
6 cm Child pressure in the cuff accordingly, to
9 cm Small adult
keep the volume of blood in the
12 cm Standard adult
15 cm Large adult finger constant. The applied
pressure waveform correlates with
the arterial blood volume and,
Decreasing cuff pressure
therefore, with the arterial blood
8. Some designs have the ability to
pressure. This applied pressure is
Fig. 10.9 Diagram showing how apply venous stasis to facilitate
then displayed continuously, in real
oscillations in cuff pressure correspond to intravenous cannulation.
mean, systolic and diastolic pressures.
time, as the arterial blood pressure
Problems in practice and
are interpreted by the safety features
microprocessor. This transducer THE VON RECKLINGHAUSEN
1. For the device to measure
has an accuracy of ±2%. OSCILLOTONOMETER
the arterial blood pressure
4. The output signal from the
accurately, it should have a fast
transducer passes through a filter During the premicroprocessor
cuff inflation and a slow cuff
to an amplifier that amplifies the era, the Von Recklinghausen
deflation (at a rate of
oscillations. The output from Oscillotonometer was widely used
3 mmHg/s or 2 mmHg/beat).
the amplifier passes to the (Fig. 10.10).
The former is to avoid venous
microprocessor through the
congestion and the latter
analogue digital converter (ADC).
provides enough time to detect Components
The microprocessor controls the
the arterial pulsation.
pneumatic pump for inflation of 1. Two cuffs: the upper, occluding
2. If the cuff is too small, the blood
the cuff and the solenoid valve for cuff (5 cm wide) overlaps a
pressure is over-read, while it is
deflation of the cuff. lower, sensing cuff (10 cm
under-read if the cuff is too
5. The mean arterial blood pressure wide). An inflation bulb is
large. The error is greater
corresponds to the maximum attached.
with too small than too large
oscillation at the lowest cuff 2. The case which contains:
a cuff.
pressure. The systolic pressure a) two bellows, one connected to
3. The systolic pressure is over-read
corresponds to the onset of the atmosphere, the other
at low pressures (systolic pressure
rapidly increasing oscillations. connected to the lower sensing
less than 60 mmHg) and under-
6. The diastolic pressure cuff
read at high systolic pressures.
corresponds to the onset of b) a mechanical amplification
4. Atrial fibrillation and other
rapidly decreasing oscillations. system
arrhythmias affect performance.
In addition, it is mathematically c) the oscillating needle and
5. External pressure on the cuff or
computed from the systolic and dial
its tubing can cause inaccuracies.
mean pressure values (mean d) the control lever
6. Frequently repeated cuff
blood pressure = diastolic blood e) the release valve.
inflations can cause ulnar nerve
pressure + 1/3 pulse pressure).
palsy and petechial haemorrhage
7. The cuff must be of the correct
of the skin under the cuff. Mechanism of action
size (Table 10.2). It should cover
at least two-thirds of the upper The Finapres (finger 1. With the control lever at rest,
arm. The width of the cuff’s arterial pressure) device uses a air is pumped into both cuffs
bladder should be 40% of the combination of oscillometry and a and the air-tight case of the
mid-circumference of the limb. servo control unit. The volume of instrument using the inflation
The middle of the cuff’s bladder blood in the finger varies with the bulb to a pressure exceeding
should be positioned over the cardiac cycle. A small cuff placed systolic arterial pressure. By
brachial artery. around the finger is used to keep operating the control lever, the
Pulse oximetry 151

Fig. 10.10 The Von Recklinghausen oscillotonometer.

lower sensing cuff is isolated and

the pressure in the upper cuff Arterial blood pressure
and instrument case is allowed ● Oscillometry is the method used.

to decrease slowly through an ● Mean arterial pressure

adjustable leak controlled by the corresponds to maximum

release valve. As systolic oscillation. Fig. 10.11 Smiths Medical FingerPrint
pressure is reached, pulsation of ● A cuff with a tube(s) is oximeter.
the artery under the lower cuff connected to a transducer and a
results in pressure oscillations microprocessor. enables the detection of incipient
within the cuff and its bellows. ● Accurate within the normal and unsuspected arterial
The pressure oscillations are range of blood pressure. hypoxaemia, allowing treatment
transmitted via a mechanical ● Arrhythmias and external before tissue damage.
amplification system to the pressure affect the performance.
needle. As the pressure in the
upper cuff decreases below
diastolic pressure, the pulsation 1. A probe is positioned on the
ceases. finger, toe, ear lobe or nose (Fig.
2. The mean pressure is at the Pulse oximetry 10.12). Two light-emitting diodes
point of maximum oscillation. (LEDs) produce beams at red and
3. This method is reliable at low This is a non-invasive measurement infrared frequencies (660 nm
pressures. It is useful to measure of the arterial blood oxygen and 940 nm respectively) on one
trends in blood pressure. saturation at the level of the side and there is a sensitive
arterioles. A continuous display of photodetector on the other side.
the oxygenation is achieved by a The LEDs operate in sequence at
Problems in practice and
simple, accurate and rapid method a rate of about 30 times per
safety features
(Fig. 10.11). second (Fig. 10.13).
1. In order for the device to Pulse oximetry has proved to be 2. The case houses the
operate accurately, the cuffs a powerful monitoring tool in the microprocessor. There is a display
must be correctly positioned operating theatre, recovery wards, of the oxygen saturation, pulse
and attached to their respective intensive care units, general wards rate and a plethysmographic
tubes. and during the transport of critically waveform of the pulse. Alarm
2. The diastolic pressure is not ill patients. It is considered to be limits can be set for a low
measured accurately with this the greatest technical advance in saturation value and for both
device. monitoring of the last decade. It high and low pulse rates.
152 10 Non-invasive monitoring






Fig. 10.12 Pulse oximeter probes. Finger probe (top) and ear probe (bottom).
Fig. 10.14 Schematic representation
of the contribution of various body
components to the absorbance of light.
Photodetector Display

4. The microprocessor is
programmed to mathematically
analyse both the DC and AC
components at 660 and 940 nm
calculating the ratio of
absorption at these two
660 940 frequencies (R/IR ratio). The
nm nm result is related to the arterial
LED sequence saturation. The absorption
of oxyhaemoglobin and
On Off
Sequence repeated many times per second
deoxyhaemoglobin at these two
Off On
wavelengths is very different.
Off Off
This allows these two
Fig. 10.13 Working principles of the pulse oximeter. The LEDs operate in sequence and wavelengths to provide good
when both are off the photodetector measures the background level of ambient light. sensitivity. 805 nm is one of
the isobestic points of
oxyhaemoglobin and
constant (DC). The non-constant deoxyhaemoglobin. The OFF
Mechanism of action
absorption (AC) is the result part allows a baseline
1. The oxygen saturation is of arterial blood pulsations measurement for any changes in
estimated by measuring the (Fig. 10.14). The sensitive ambient light.
transmission of light, through a photodetector generates a 5. A more recent design uses
pulsatile vascular tissue bed (e.g. voltage proportional to the multiple wavelengths to
finger). This is based on Beer’s transmitted light. The AC eradicate false readings from
law (the relation between component of the wave is carboxy haemoglobin and
the light absorbed and the about 1–5% of the total methaemoglobinaemia.
concentration of solute in the signal. Advanced oximeters use more
solution) and Lambert’s law 3. The high frequency of the LEDs than seven light wavelengths.
(relation between absorption of allows the absorption to be This has enabled the
light and the thickness of the sampled many times during each measurement of haemoglobin
absorbing layer). pulse beat. This is used to enable value, oxygen content,
2. The amount of light transmitted running averages of saturation carboxyhaemoglobin and
depends on many factors. The to be calculated many times per methaemoglobin concentrations.
light absorbed by non-pulsatile second. This decreases the 6. A variable pitch beep provides
tissues (e.g. skin, soft tissues, ‘noise’ (e.g. movement) effect on an audible signal of changes in
bone and venous blood) is the signal. saturation.
End-tidal carbon dioxide analysers (capnographs) 153

Problems in practice and 1–5% of the DC signal when

safety features the pulse volume is normal. Pulse oximetry
This makes it less accurate ● Consists of a probe with two
1. It is accurate (±2%) in the during vasoconstriction LEDs and a photodetector.
70–100% range. Below the when the AC component is ● A microprocessor analyses the
saturation of 70%, readings are reduced. signal.
extrapolated. 5. The device monitors the oxygen ● Accurate within the clinical
2. The absolute measurement of saturation with no direct range.
oxygen saturation may vary information regarding oxygen ● Inaccurate readings in carbon
from one probe to another but delivery to the tissues. monoxide poisoning, the
with accurate trends. This is 6. Pulse oximeters average their presence of dyes and
due to the variability of the readings every 10–20 s. methaemoglobinaemia.
centre wavelength of the LEDs. They cannot detect acute ● Hypoperfusion and severe
3. Carbon monoxide poisoning desaturation. The response vasoconstriction affect the
(including smoking), coloured time to desaturation is longer reading.
nail varnish, intravenous with the finger probe (more
injections of certain dyes (e.g. than 60 s) whereas the ear
methylene blue, indocyanine probe has a response time of
green) and drugs responsible 10–15 s.
for the production of 7. Excessive movement or
methaemoglobinaemia are all malposition of the probe is a End-tidal carbon
sources of error (Table 10.3).
4. Hypoperfusion and severe
source of error. Newer designs dioxide analysers
such as the Masimo oximeter
peripheral vasoconstriction claim more stability despite (capnographs)
affect the performance of the motion. External fluorescent
pulse oximeter. This is because light can be a source of Gases with molecules that contain
the AC signal sensed is about interference. at least two dissimilar atoms absorb
8. Inaccurate measurement can be radiation in the infrared region of
caused by venous pulsation. the spectrum. Using this property,
This can be because of high both inspired and exhaled carbon
Table 10.3 Sources of error in airway pressures, the Valsalva dioxide concentration can be
pulse oximetry manoeuvre or other measured directly and continuously
consequences of impaired throughout the respiratory cycle
venous return. Pulse oximeters (Fig. 10.15).
HbF No significant
clinical change assume that any pulsatile
(absorption absorption is caused by arterial
spectrum is similar blood pulsation only.
to the adult Hb 9. The site of the application Technical terms used in
over the range of should be checked at regular measuring end-tidal CO2
wavelengths used) 1. Capnograph is the device that
intervals as the probe can
MetHb False low reading cause pressure sores with records and shows the graphical
CoHb False high reading continuous use. Some display of waveform of CO2
SulphHb Not a clinical manufacturers recommend (measured in kPa or mmHg). It
problem changing the site of application displays the value of CO2 at the
Bilirubin Not a clinical every 2 h especially in patients end of expiration, which is known
problem with impaired microcirculation. as end-tidal CO2.
Dark skin No effect Burns in infants have been 2. Capnogram is the graphical plot
Methylene False low reading reported. of CO2 partial pressure (or
blue 10. Pulse oximetry only gives percentage) versus time.
Indocyanine False low reading information about a patient’s 3. Capnometer is the device
green oxygenation. It does not give which only shows numerical
Nail varnish May cause false low any indication of a patient’s concentration of CO2 without
reading ability to eliminate carbon a waveform.
154 10 Non-invasive monitoring

CO2 (kPa)



Time (sec)
Fig. 10.15 Diagram of an end-tidal
carbon dioxide waveform. I = inspiration;
E = expiration; A–B represents the
emptying of the upper dead space of the
airways. As this has not undergone gas
exchange, the CO2 concentration is zero.
B–C represents the gas mixture from the
upper airways and the CO2-rich alveolar
gas. The CO2 concentration rises
continuously. C–D represents the alveolar
gas and is described as the ‘alveolar
plateau’. The curve rises very slowly. D is
the end-tidal CO2 partial pressure where
the highest possible concentration of Fig. 10.16 A main-stream end-tidal carbon dioxide analyser.
exhaled CO2 is achieved at the end of
expiration. It represents the final portion concentrations during each which in turn produces heat.
of gas which was involved in the gas respiratory cycle. The heat is measured by a
exchange in the alveoli. Under certain temperature sensor and is
conditions (see text) it represents a
Components proportional to the partial
reliable index of the arterial CO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide gas
pressure. D–A represents inspiration 1. The sampling chamber can present in the mixture in the
where the fresh gas contains no CO2. either be positioned within the sample chamber. This produces
patient’s gas stream (main- an electrical output. This means
The end-tidal CO2 is less than stream version, Fig. 10.16) or that the amount of gas present is
alveolar CO2 because the end-tidal connected to the distal end of inversely proportional to the
CO2 is always diluted with alveolar the breathing system via a amount of infrared light present
dead space gas from unperfused sampling tube (side-stream at the detector in the sample
alveoli. These alveoli do not take version, Fig. 10.17). chamber (Fig 10.19).
part in gas exchange and so contain 2. A photodetector measures light 4. In the same way, a beam of light
no CO2. Alveolar CO2 is less than reaching it from a light source at passes through the reference
arterial CO2 as the blood from the correct infrared wavelength chamber which contains room
unventilated alveoli and lung (using optical filters) after air. The absorption detected from
parenchyma (both have higher CO2 passing through two chambers. the sample chamber is compared
contents) mixes with the blood from One acts as a reference whereas to that in the reference chamber.
ventilated alveoli. In healthy adults the other one is the sampling This allows the calculation of
with normal lungs, end-tidal CO2 is chamber (Fig. 10.18). carbon dioxide values.
0.3–0.6 kPa less than arterial CO2. 5. The inspired and exhaled
This difference is reduced if the carbon dioxide forms a square
Mechanism of action
lungs are ventilated with large tidal wave, with a zero baseline
volumes. The Greek root kapnos, 1. Carbon dioxide absorbs the unless there is rebreathing
meaning ‘smoke’, give us the term infrared radiation particularly at (Fig. 10.20A).
capnography (CO2 can be thought as a wavelength of 4.3 μm. 6. A microprocessor-controlled
the ‘smoke’ of cellular metabolism). 2. The amount of infrared infrared lamp is used. This
radiation absorbed is produces a stable infrared
End-tidal CO2 < alveolar CO2 source with a constant output.
proportional to the number of
< PaCO2
carbon dioxide molecules The current is measured
In reality, the devices used cannot (partial pressure of carbon with a current-sensing resistor,
determine the different phases of dioxide) present in the chamber. the voltage across which
respiration but simply report the 3. The remaining infrared radiation is proportional to the
minimum and maximum CO2 falls on the thermopile detector, current flowing through it. The
End-tidal carbon dioxide analysers (capnographs) 155

known concentrations of CO2 to

ensure accurate measurement.
Photo-acoustic spectroscopy: in
these infrared absorption devices,
the sample gas is irradiated with
pulsatile infrared radiation of a
suitable wavelength. The periodic
expansion and contraction produces
a pressure fluctuation of audible
frequency that can be detected by a
The advantages of photo-acoustic
spectrometry over conventional
infrared absorption spectrometry
1. The photo-acoustic technique is
extremely stable and its
calibration remains constant over
much longer periods of time.
2. The very fast rise and fall times
give a much more accurate
representation of any change in
CO2 concentration.
Carbon dioxide analysers can be
either side-stream or main-stream

Fig. 10.17 The Penlon PM9000 Express which measures end-tidal CO2, oximetry and SIDE-STREAM ANALYSERS
inhalational agent concentration using a side-stream method. (Courtesy of Penlon Ltd,
Abingdon, UK ( 1. This consists of a 1.2-mm
internal diameter tube that
samples the gases (both inspired
Sample gas and exhaled) at a constant
rate (e.g. 150–200 mL/min).
The tube is connected to a
lightweight adapter near
the patient’s end of the
breathing system (with a
Light source Sample chamber Multigas filter pneumotachograph for
Fig. 10.18 Components of a gas analyser using an infrared light source suitable for spirometry) with a small increase
end-tidal carbon dioxide measurement. The reference chamber has been omitted for the in the dead space. It delivers the
sake of clarity. gases to the sample chamber.
It is made of Teflon so it is
impermeable to carbon dioxide
supply to the light source respiratory cycle, monitors are and does not react with
is controlled by the feedback designed to measure the anaesthetic agents.
from the sensing resistor respiratory rate. 2. As the gases are humid, there is
maintaining a constant 8. Alarm limits can be set for both a moisture trap with an exhaust
current of 150 mA. high and low values. port, allowing gas to be vented
7. Using the rise and fall of the 9. To avoid drift, the monitor should to the atmosphere or returned to
carbon dioxide during the be calibrated regularly with the breathing system.
156 10 Non-invasive monitoring

Sample chamber

Infrared lamp Detector


Fig. 10.19 Principles of infrared detector: due to the large amount of infrared
absorption in the sample chamber by the carbon dioxide, little infrared finally reaches
the detector.

Fig. 10.21 Smith’s Medical hand-held

side-stream end-tidal carbon dioxide
A short as possible, e.g. 2 m) and analyser.
diameter of the sampling tube
and the sampling rate. A delay
CO2 (kPa)

of less than 3.8 s is acceptable.

Uses (Table 10.5)
The rise time delay is the time
for the analyser to respond to In addition to its use as an indicator
the signal and depends upon the for the level of ventilation (hypo-,
Time (sec) size of the sample chamber and normo- or hyperventilation),
the gas flow. end-tidal carbon dioxide
5. Other gases and vapours can measurement is useful:
be analysed from the same
1. To diagnose oesophageal
CO2 (kPa)

intubation (no or very little
6. Portable hand-held side-stream
carbon dioxide is detected).
analysers are available (Fig.
Following manual ventilation or
10.21). They can be used during
the ingestion of carbonated
patient transport and out-of-
Time (sec) drinks, some carbon dioxide
hospital situations.
Fig. 10.20 (A) An end-tidal carbon
might be present in the
dioxide waveform which does not return stomach. Characteristically, this
to the baseline during inspiration may result in up to 5–6
indicating that rebreathing is occurring. waveforms with an abnormal
(B) An end-tidal carbon dioxide waveform shape and decreasing in
which illustrates the sloping plateau seen 1. The sample chamber is positioned
in patients with chronic obstructive within the patient’s gas stream,
2. As a disconnection alarm for
airways disease. The normal waveform is increasing the dead space. In
superimposed (dotted line). a ventilator or breathing
order to prevent water vapour
system. There is sudden
condensation on its windows,
absence of the end-tidal carbon
it is heated to about 41°C.
3. In order to accurately measure dioxide.
2. Since there is no need for a
end-tidal carbon dioxide, the 3. To diagnose lung embolism as a
sampling tube, there is no
sampling tube should be sudden decrease in end-tidal
transport time delay in gas
positioned as close as possible to carbon dioxide assuming that
delivery to the sample chamber.
the patient’s trachea. the arterial blood pressure
3. Other gases and vapours are not
4. A variable time delay before remains stable.
measured simultaneously.
the sample is presented to the 4. To diagnose malignant
sample chamber is expected. The See Table 10.4 for a comparison hyperpyrexia as a gradual
transit time delay depends on of side-stream and main-stream increase in end-tidal carbon
the length (which should be as analysers. dioxide.
End-tidal carbon dioxide analysers (capnographs) 157

mechanical agitation of deep

Table 10.4 Comparison of various qualities between side-stream and lung regions that expel
main-stream analysers CO2-rich gas. Such fluctuations
can be smoothed over by
Side stream Main stream increasing lung volume using
positive end expiratory pressure
Disconnection possible Yes Yes (PEEP).
Sampling catheter leak common Yes No
4. Dilution of the end-tidal carbon
Calibration gas required Yes No
Sensor damage common No Some dioxide can occur whenever
Multiple gas analysis possible Yes No there are loose connections and
Use on non-intubated patients Yes No system leaks.
5. Nitrous oxide (may be present
in the sample for analysis)
absorbs infrared light with an
absorption spectrum partly
Table 10.5 Summary of the uses of end-tidal CO2
overlapping that of carbon
dioxide (Fig. 10.22). This causes
Increased end-tidal carbon dioxide Decreased end-tidal carbon dioxide inaccuracy of the detector,
nitrous oxide being interpreted
Hypoventilation Hyperventilation
Rebreathing Pulmonary embolism as carbon dioxide. By careful
Sepsis Hypoperfusion choice of the wavelength using
Malignant hyperpyrexia Hypometabolism special filters, this can be
Hyperthermia Hypothermia avoided. This is not a problem
Skeletal muscle activity Hypovolaemia in most modern analysers.
Hypermetabolism Hypotension
6. Collision broadening or
pressure broadening is a cause
of error. The absorption of
carbon dioxide is increased
Problems in practice and trachea and the inspiratory
because of the presence of
safety features limb, causing ripples on the
expired CO2 trace (cardiogenic nitrous oxide or nitrogen.
1. In patients with chronic oscillations). They appear Calibration with a gas mixture
obstructive airways disease, the during the alveolar plateau in that contains the same
waveform shows a sloping trace synchrony with the heart beat. background gases as the sample
and does not accurately reflect It is thought to be due to solves this problem.
the end-tidal carbon dioxide (see
Fig. 10.20B). An ascending
plateau usually indicates
impairment of ventilation :
perfusion ratio because of
uneven emptying of the
alveoli. N2O
2. During paediatric anaesthesia,
it can be difficult to produce

and interpret end-tidal carbon

dioxide because of the high
respiratory rates and small tidal
volumes. The patient’s tidal
breath can be diluted with fresh
gas. Filter
3. During a prolonged expiration Filter
or end-expiratory pause, the 0
gas flow exiting the trachea 4.0 Wavelength (µm) 4.5
approaches zero. The sampling
line may aspirate gas from the Fig. 10.22 Carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide infrared absorption spectrum.
158 10 Non-invasive monitoring

method (Fig. 10.23). The galvanic two electrons in unpaired orbits.

End-tidal carbon dioxide and polarographic analysers have Most of the gases used in
measurement a slow response time (20–30 s) anaesthesia are repelled by the
● Uses the principle of infrared because they are dependent magnetic field (diamagnetism).
absorption by carbon dioxide. on membrane diffusion. The 2. The magnetic field causes
● The infrared radiation falls on a paramagnetic analyser has a rapid the oxygen molecules to be
temperature sensor producing response time. The paramagnetic attracted and agitated. This
an electrical output. analyser is currently more widely leads to changes in pressure on
● Photo-acoustic spectroscopy with used. These analysers measure the both sides of the transducer.
a microphone can also be used. oxygen partial pressure, displayed as The pressure difference (about
● Sampling can be either side a percentage. 20–50 μbar) across the
stream or main stream. transducer is proportional to
● It reflects accurately the arterial the oxygen partial pressure
carbon dioxide partial pressure in PARAMAGNETIC (PAULING)
difference between the sample
healthy individuals. End-tidal CO2 OXYGEN ANALYSERS
and reference gases. The
< alveolar CO2 < arterial CO2. transducer converts this
● It is used to monitor the level of
pressure force to an electrical
ventilation, affirm tracheal 1. Two chambers separated by a signal that is displayed as
intubation, as a disconnection sensitive pressure transducer. The oxygen partial pressure or
alarm and to diagnose lung gas sample containing oxygen converted to a reading in
embolisation and malignant is delivered to the measuring volume percentage.
hyperpyrexia. chamber. The reference (room air) 3. They are very accurate and
● Nitrous oxide can distort the is delivered to the other chamber. highly sensitive. The analyser
analysis in some designs. This is accomplished via a should function continuously
sampling tube. without any service breaks.
2. An electromagnet is rapidly 4. The recently designed
switched on and off (a frequency paramagnetic oxygen analysers
of about 100–110 Hz) creating a have a rapid response making
Oxygen changing magnetic field to which it possible to analyse the
concentration the gases are subjected. The inspired and expired oxygen
electromagnet is designed to concentration on a breath-to-
analysers have its poles in close proximity, breath basis. The older designs
forming a narrow gap. of oxygen analysers had a slow
It is fundamental to monitor oxygen
response time (nearly 1 min).
concentration in the gas mixture
Mechanism of action 5. The audible alarms can be set for
delivered to the patient during
(Fig. 10.24) low and high concentration limits
general anaesthesia. The inspired
(e.g. 28% low and 40% high).
oxygen concentration (FiO2) is 1. Oxygen is attracted to the
measured using a galvanic, magnetic field (paramagnetism) The old version of the
polarographic or paramagnetic because of the fact that it has paramagnetic analyser consists of a

Polarographic Galvanic (fuel cell) Paramagnetic

Sensing O2
Amplifier Out Thin electrolyte layer Electromagnet
Cathode Mixture
Ag-electrode Electrolyte
Pt-electrode Anode
Electrolyte Reference in
Teflon membrane Circular Sample in field
Out contact plate
Fig. 10.23 Different types of oxygen analysers.
Oxygen concentration analysers 159

Measurement gas Reference gas (room air) a silver anode in an electrolyte

solution are used. The electrodes
Differential pressure
(sensor microphone) are polarized by a 600–800 mV
power source. An oxygen-
permeable Teflon membrane
separates the cell from the
e.g. 100% O2 21% O2
2. The number of oxygen molecules
that traverse the membrane is
proportional to its partial
pressure in the sample. An
electric current is produced when
the cathode donates electrons
Switched magnetic field that are accepted by the anode.
For every molecule of oxygen,
four electrons are supplied
making the current produced
proportional to the oxygen
Fig. 10.24 Paramagnetic oxygen analyser. partial pressure in the sample.
3. They give only one reading,
which is the average of
container with two spheres filled 3. The oxygen molecules diffuse inspiratory and expiratory
with nitrogen (a weak diamagnetic through the membrane and concentrations.
gas). The spheres are suspended by electrolyte solution to the gold 4. Their life expectancy is limited
a wire allowing them to rotate in a cathode (see Fig. 10.23), (about 3 years) because of the
non-uniform magnetic field. generating an electrical current deterioration of the membrane.
When the sample enters the proportional to the partial 5. The positioning of the oxygen
container, it is attracted by the pressure of oxygen: analyser is debatable. It has
magnetic field, causing the spheres been recommended that slow
O2 + 4e − + 2H 2O → 4(OH)− Pb
to rotate. The degree of rotation responding analysers are
+ 2(OH)− → PbO + H 2O + 2e −
depends on the number of oxygen positioned on the inspiratory
molecules present in the sample. 4. Calibration is achieved using limb of the breathing system and
The rotation of the spheres displaces 100% oxygen and room air fast responding analysers are
a mirror attached to the wire and a (21% oxygen). positioned as close as possible to
light deflected from the mirror falls 5. It reads either the inspiratory or the patient.
on a calibrated screen for measuring expiratory oxygen concentration.
oxygen concentration. 6. Water vapour does not affect its
Problems in practice and
safety features
7. It is depleted by continuous
THE GALVANIC OXYGEN exposure to oxygen because of 1. Regular calibration of the
ANALYSER (HERSCH exhaustion of the cell, so limiting analysers is vital.
FUEL CELL) its lifespan to about 1 year. 2. Paramagnetic analysers are
8. The fuel cell has a slow response affected by water vapour
1. It generates a current time of about 20 s with an therefore a water trap is
proportional to the partial accuracy of ±3%. incorporated in their design.
pressure of oxygen (so acting as 3. The galvanic and the
a battery requiring oxygen for polarographic cells have limited
the current to flow). POLAROGRAPHIC (CLARK lifespans and need regular
2. It consists of a noble metal ELECTRODE) OXYGEN service.
cathode and a lead anode in a ANALYSERS 4. The fuel cell and the
potassium chloride electrolyte polarographic electrode have
solution. An oxygen-permeable 1. They have similar principles to slow response times of about
membrane separates the cell from the galvanic analysers (see Fig. 20–30 s with an accuracy of
the gases in the breathing system. 10.23). A platinum cathode and ±3%.
160 10 Non-invasive monitoring

system which delivers gas to the Different analyser designs

Oxygen analysers analyser. use different wavelengths for
● Paramagnetic, galvanic and 2. A sample chamber to which gas anaesthetic agent analysis. An
polarographic cells are used. The for analysis is delivered. infrared light of a wavelength
former is more widely used. 3. An infrared light source. of 4.6 μm is used for N2O. For
● The galvanic and polarographic 4. Optical filters. the inhalational agents, higher
analysers have a slow response 5. A photodetector. wavelengths are used, between
time because of membrane 8 and 9 μm. This is to avoid
diffusion. The paramagnetic interference from methane and
analyser has a rapid response Mechanism of action
alcohol that happen at the lower
time. 1. Infrared absorption analysers are 3.3-μm band.
● Oxygen is attracted by the used (Fig. 10.26). The sampled 3. Modern sensors can
magnetic field whereas the gas enters a chamber where it is automatically identify and
gases or vapours are repelled. exposed to infrared light. A measure concentrations of up to
● The paramagnetic cell measures photodetector measures the light three agents present in a mixture
the inspired and expired oxygen reaching it across the correct and produce a warning message
concentration simultaneously on infrared wavelength band. to the user. Five sensors are used
a breath-by-breath basis. Absorption of the infrared light to produce a spectral shape
is proportional to the vapour where the five outputs are
concentration. The electrical compared and the shape
signal is then analysed and produced represents the spectral
processed to give a measurement signal of the agent present in the
of the agent concentration. sample. This is compared with
Nitrous oxide and 2. Optical filters are used to select the spectral shapes stored in the
inhalational agent the desired wavelengths. memory of the sensor and used
to identify the agent. Currently,
concentration it is possible to detect and
analysers measure the concentrations of
halothane, enflurane, isoflurane,
Modern vaporizers are capable of sevoflurane and desflurane
delivering accurate concentrations (Figs 10.27 and 10.28).
of the anaesthetic agent(s) with 4. The amplitude of the spectral
different flows. It is important to shape represents the amount of
monitor the inspired and end-tidal vapour present in the mixture.
concentrations of the agents. This The amplitude is inversely
is of vital importance in the circle proportional to the amount of
Fig. 10.25 Anaesthetic agent display of
system as the exhaled inhalational agent present. The output of the
the Datex-Ohmeda Capnomac Ultima.
agent is recirculated and added to Inspired (Fi) and end-tidal (ET) values are infrared lamp is kept constant
the fresh gas flow. In addition, displayed for carbon dioxide, oxygen and with a constant supply of
because of the low flow, the isoflurane (ISO). current. Optical filters are
inhalational agent concentration the
patient is receiving is different from Gas sample Scanning
the setting of the vaporizer. filter
Modern analysers can measure IR-light
the concentration of all the agents Multi-channel Correlation
analyser analysis
available, halothane, enflurane,
isoflurane, sevoflurane and
desflurane, on a breath-by-breath
basis (Fig. 10.25) using infrared.
3.2 3.4 λ (µm) Halothane Enflurane Isoflurane
Components Fig. 10.26 Mechanism of action of an infrared anaesthetic agent monitor with
automatic agent identification properties. Agents absorb infrared light differently over a
1. A sampling tube from an wavelength band of 3.2–3.4 mm. The monitor can therefore identify the agent in use
adapter within the breathing automatically by analysing its unique absorbance pattern.
Nitrous oxide and inhalational agent concentration analysers 161

the concentration of inhalational

agents. A lipophilic-coated
piezoelectric quartz crystal
undergoes changes in natural

resonant frequency when exposed to

the lipid-soluble inhalational agents.
This change in frequency is directly
proportional to the partial pressure
Desflurane (low end)
of agent. Such a technique lacks
agent specificity and sensitivity to
water vapour.
3.3 5.0 10.0 Other methods less commonly
used for measuring inhalational
Wavelength (µm)
agent concentration are:
Desflurane Enflurane Halothane
1. Raman spectroscopy: the
Fig. 10.27 Inhalational agents infrared absorption spectrum. anaesthetic gas sample is
illuminated by an intense argon
laser. Some light energy is simply
reflected but some energy
stimulates the sample molecules,
causing them to scatter light of a
different wavelength from that

of the incident light energy

(Raman scattering). This
scattered light is detected at
right angles to the laser beam
and the difference in energy
level between the incident and
reflected light is measured. All
0 molecules in the gas/volatile
8.0 8.5 9.0 Wavelength (µm)
phase can be identified by their
TPX filters A B C D E characteristic spectrum of
(Raman) scattering.
Sevoflurance Desflurane Isoflurane Enflurane Halothane
2. Ultraviolet absorption: in the
Fig. 10.28 Agent identification and measurement: to measure and identify the agents, case of halothane, with
all five sensors are used to produce a spectral shape. When the detectors at all five
similar principles to infrared
outputs are compared, A, B, C, D and E, a spectral shape is produced, representing the
spectral signal of the agent present in the sample. absorption but using ultraviolet
used to filter the desirable the analysers suitable for use
wavelengths. Because of the with the circle breathing
Problems in practice and
autodetection, individual system.
safety features
calibration for each agent is not 7. No individual calibration for
necessary. each agent is necessary. 1. Some designs of infrared light
5. A reference beam is 8. Water vapour has no effect on absorption analysers are not
incorporated. This allows the the performance and accuracy of agent specific. These must be
detector software to calculate the analyser. programmed by the user for
how much energy has been the specific agent being
absorbed by the sample at each administered. Incorrect
wavelength and therefore the PIEZOELECTRIC QUARTZ programming results in
concentration of agent in the CRYSTAL OSCILLATION erroneous measurements.
sample. 2. Alarms can be set for inspired
6. The sample gas can be returned Piezoelectric quartz crystal and exhaled inhalational agent
to the breathing system, making oscillation can be used to measure concentration.
162 10 Non-invasive monitoring

Table 10.6 summarizes the on and off and reset the pointer
Inhalational agent methods used in gas and vapour to the zero position.
concentration analysers analysis.
● A sample of gas is used to Mechanism of action
measure the concentration of
inhalational agent using infrared 1. The Wright respirometer is a
light absorption. one-way system. It allows the
● By selecting light of the correct
Wright respirometer measurement of the tidal volume
wavelengths, the inspired and if the flow of the gases is in one
expired concentrations of the This compact and light (weighs less direction only. The correct
agent(s) can be measured. than 150 g) respirometer is used to direction for gas flow is
● An infrared light of a
measure the tidal volume and indicated by an arrow.
wavelength of 4.6 μm is used minute volume (Fig. 10.29). 2. The slits surrounding the vane
for N2O. For other inhalational are to create a circular flow in
order to rotate the vane. The
agents, higher wavelengths are Components
used, between 8 and 9 μm. vane does 150 revolutions for
● Ultraviolet absorption, mass
1. The respirometer consists of an each litre of gas passing through.
spectrometry and quartz crystal inlet and outlet. This causes the pointer to rotate
oscillation are other methods of 2. A rotating vane surrounded by round the respirometer display.
measuring the inhalational slits (Fig. 10.30). The vane is 3. The outer display is calibrated at
agents’ concentration. attached to a pointer. 100 mL per division. The small
3. Buttons on the side of the inner display is calibrated at 1 L
respirometer to turn the device per division.

This can be used to identify and

Table 10.6 The various methods used in gas and vapour analysis
measure, on a breath-to-breath
basis, the concentrations of the
gases and vapours used during Technology O2 CO2 N2O Inhalational agent
anaesthesia. The principle of action
Infrared ✓ ✓ ✓
is to charge the particles of the Paramagnetic ✓
sample (bombard them with an Polarography ✓
electron beam) and then separate Fuel cell ✓
the components into a spectrum Mass spectrometry ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to their specific Raman spectroscopy ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mass : charge ratios – so each has its Piezoelectric resonance ✓
own ‘fingerprint’.
The creation and manipulation of
the ions are done in a high vacuum
(10−5 mmHg) to avoid interference by
outside air and to minimize random
collisions among the ions and the
residual gas. The relative abundance
of ions at certain specific mass : charge
ratios is determined and is related to
the fractional composition of the
original gas mixture.
A permanent magnet is used
to separate the ion beam into its
component ion spectra. Because of
the high expense, multiplexed mass
spectrometer systems are used with
several patient sampling locations Fig. 10.29 A Wright respirometer. An arrow on the side of the casing indicates the
on a time-shared basis. direction of gas flow.
Combined pneumotachograph and Pitot tube 163

To differential pressure transducer

Gas flow

Heating coil
Fig. 10.31 A pneumotachograph.
Mica vane
See text for details.

Gas flow
Fig. 10.30 Mechanism of action of the Wright respirometer. Mechanism of action
1. The principle of its function is
4. It is usually positioned on the Problems in practice and sensing the change in pressure
expiratory side of the breathing safety features across a fixed resistance through
system, which is at a lower
1. The Wright respirometer tends which gas flow is laminar.
pressure than the inspiratory
to over-read at high flow rates 2. The pressure change is only a
side. This minimizes the loss of
and under-read at low flows. few millimetres of water and is
gas volume due to leaks and
2. Water condensation from the linearly proportional, over a
expansion of the tubing.
expired gases causes the pointer certain range, to the flow rate of
5. For clinical use, the respirometer
to stick, thus preventing it from gas passing through the
reads accurately the tidal volume
rotating freely. resistance.
and minute volume (±5–10%)
3. The tidal volumes can be
within the range of 4–24 L/min.
summated over a period of a
A minimum flow of 2 L/min is
Wright respirometer minute to give the minute
required for the respirometer to
● Rotating vane attached to a volume.
function accurately.
pointer. 4. It can measure flows in both
6. To improve accuracy, the
● Fitted on the expiratory limb to inspiration and expiration (i.e.
respirometer should be
measure the tidal and minute bidirectional).
positioned as close to the
volume with an accuracy of
patient’s trachea as possible.
±5–10%. Problems in practice and
7. The resistance to breathing is
● The flow is unidirectional.
very low at about 2 cm H2O at safety features
● It over-reads at high flows and
100 L/min.
under-reads at low flows. Water vapour condensation at the
8. A paediatric version exists with
resistance will encourage the
a capability of accurate tidal
formation of turbulent flow
volume measurements between
affecting the accuracy of the
15 and 200 mL.
measurement. This can be avoided
9. A more accurate version of the Pneumotachograph by heating the parallel tubes.
Wright respirometer uses light
reflection to measure the tidal This measures gas flow. From this,
volume. The mechanical causes gas volume can be calculated.
of inaccuracies (friction and Combined
inertia) and the accumulation of
water vapour are avoided. Other
Components pneumotachograph
designs use a semiconductive 1. A tube with a fixed resistance. and Pitot tube
device that is sensitive to The resistance can be a
changes in magnetic field. Tidal bundle of parallel tubes (Fig. This combination (Fig. 10.32) is
volume and minute volume can 10.31). designed to improve accuracy
be measured by converting these 2. Two sensitive pressure and calculate and measure the
changes electronically. An alarm transducers on either side of the compliance, airway pressures, gas
system can also be added. resistance. flow, volume/pressure (Fig. 10.33)
164 10 Non-invasive monitoring

Sample gas
flow to be known with sensors
calibrated accordingly.
3. Gas temperature: A knowledge
gas temperatures is required.
Usually, the sensors’ software
provides default values for a
Gas flow typical patient.
4. Humidity: moisture can affect
measurement and generation of
pressure drop. Have the pressure
ports directed upwards to
To pressure prevent fluid from draining into
transducers them.
Fig. 10.32 Combined pneumotachograph and Pitot tube. (Courtesy of GE Datex 5. Apparatus dead space:
Ohmeda.) Sensors need to have a
minimum dead space; <10 ml
for the adult flow sensors and
600 Vol Gas flow <1 ml for the neonatal sensors.
6. Operating range of flow
A B sensor: Sensors are designed to
function accurately with a very
wide range of tidal volumes, I : E
ratios, frequencies and flow
cmH20 ranges.
To pressure transducer 7. Inter-sensor variability:
0 20
Fig. 10.34 Cross-section of a Pitot tube Individual sensors can have
Fig. 10.33 Volume pressure loops in a flowmeter. The two ports are facing in different performances. There
patient (A) before and (B) during CO2 opposite directions within the gas flow. should be no need for individual
insufflation in a laparoscopic operation.
Note the decrease in compliance and device calibration of the flow/
increase in airway pressure (Paw). pressure characteristics

Mechanism of action
The effects of the density and
The pressure difference between the
viscosity of the gas(es) can alter the
and flow/volume loops. Modern ports is proportional to the square
accuracy. This can be compensated
devices can be used accurately even of the flow rate.
for by continuous gas composition
in neonates and infants. analysis via a sampling tube.
Problems in practice and
THE PITOT TUBE safety features Pneumotachograph
The effects of the density and ● A bidirectional device to measure
Components the flow rate, tidal and minute
viscosity of the gas(es) can alter the
1. Two pressure ports – one facing accuracy. This can be compensated volume.
the direction of gas flow, the for by continuous gas composition ● A laminar flow across a fixed

other perpendicular to the gas analysis via a sampling tube. resistance causes changes in
flow. This is used to measure gas pressure which are measured by
flow in one direction only. transducers.
Factors affecting the readings in
2. In order to measure bidirectional ● Condensation at the resistance
flows (inspiration and can cause turbulent flow and
expiration), two pressure ports 1. Location: should be placed inaccuracies.
face in opposite directions between the breathing system ● Improved accuracy is achieved

within the gas flow (Fig. 10.34). Y-piece and the tracheal tube. by adding a Pitot tube(s) and
3. These pressure ports are 2. Gas composition: nominal continuous gas composition
connected to pressure values of gas composition need analysis.
Peripheral nerve stimulators 165

Mechanism of action activated despite inadequate

Ventilator alarms 1. In this alarm, the peak
inspiratory pressure is usually VOLUME MONITORING
It is mandatory to use a ventilator measured and monitored during
alarm during intermittent positive
controlled ventilation.
pressure ventilation (IPPV) to guard 2. A decrease in peak inspiratory The expired gas volume can be
against patient disconnection, leaks, pressure activates the alarm. measured and monitored. Gas
obstruction or malfunction. These This indicates that the volume can be measured either
can be pressure and/or volume ventilator is unable to achieve directly using a respirometer or
monitoring alarms. Clinical the preset threshold pressure indirectly by integration of the gas
observation, end-tidal carbon in the breathing system. flow (pneumotachograph).
dioxide concentration, airway Causes can be disconnection, These alarms are usually inserted
pressure and pulse oximetry are also gas leak or inadequate fresh in the expiratory limb with a
ventilator monitors. gas flow. continuous display of tidal and
3. An increase in the peak minute volume. The alarm limits are
inspiratory pressure usually set for a minimum and maximum
PRESSURE MONITORING indicates an obstruction. tidal and/or minute volume.
ALARM 4. The low-pressure alarm can be
set to 7 cm H2O, 7 cm H2O plus
Components time delay or 13 cm H2O. The
high-pressure alarm is set at
1. The case where the pressure Ventilator alarms
60 cm H2O.
alarm limits are set, an ● They can be pressure and/or
automatic on/off switch. A light volume monitoring alarms.
Problems in practice and
flashes with each ventilator cycle ● They detect disconnection (low
safety features
(Fig. 10.35). pressure) or obstruction (high
2. The alarm is pressurized by a Disconnection of the breathing pressure) in the ventilator
sensing tube connecting it to the system with partial obstruction of breathing system.
inspiratory limb of the ventilator the alarm sensing tube may lead to ● The pressure alarms are fitted on
system. a condition where the alarm is not the inspiratory limb whereas the
volume alarms are fitted on the
expiratory limb of the breathing
● Regular servicing is required.

Peripheral nerve
These devices are used to
monitor transmission across the
neuromuscular junction. The depth,
adequate reversal and type of
neuromuscular blockade can be
established (Fig. 10.36).

1. Two surface electrodes (small
ECG electrodes) are positioned
over the nerve and connected via
Fig. 10.35 The Penlon pressure monitoring ventilator alarm. the leads to the nerve stimulator.
166 10 Non-invasive monitoring

tibial nerve at the ankle and the

facial nerve.
6. The negative electrode is
positioned directly over the most
superficial part of the nerve. The
positive electrode is positioned
along the proximal course of
nerve to avoid direct muscle
7. Consider the ulnar nerve at
the wrist. Two electrodes are
positioned over the nerve, with
the negative electrode placed
distally and the positive
electrode positioned about 2 cm
proximally. Successful ulnar
nerve stimulation causes the
contraction of the adductor
pollicis brevis muscle.
More advanced devices offer
continuous monitoring of
the transmission across the
neuromuscular junction. A graphical
and numerical display of the
train-of-four (see below) and the
trend provide optimal monitoring.
Fig. 10.36 The RS7 peipheral nerve stimulator. (Courtesy of G Rutter Ltd.)
Skin electrodes are used. A reference
measurement should be made
where the device calculates the
2. Alternatively skin contact can be It is the current magnitude that
supramaximal current needed before
made via ball electrodes which determines whether the nerve
the muscle relaxant is given. The
are mounted on the nerve depolarizes or not, so delivering
device can be used to locate nerves
stimulator casing. a constant current is more
and plexuses with a much lower
3. The case consists of an on/off important than delivering a
current (e.g. a maximum of 5.0 mA)
switch, facility to deliver a constant voltage as the skin
during regional anaesthesia. In this
twitch, train-of-four (at 2 Hz) resistance is variable (Ohm’s
mode, a short stimulus can be used,
and tetanus (50 Hz). The Law).
e.g. 40 ms, to reduce the patient’s
stimulator is battery operated. 3. The muscle contraction can be
observed visually, palpated,
measured using a force
Mechanism of action
transducer, or the electrical
1. A supramaximal stimulus is activity can be measured
used to stimulate a peripheral (EMG).
nerve. This ensures that all the 4. The duration of the stimulus is
There are various methods for
motor fibres of the nerve are less than 0.2–0.3 ms. The
monitoring the neuromuscular
depolarized. The response of the stimulus should have a
transmission using a nerve
muscle(s) supplied by the nerve is monophasic square wave shape
stimulator (Fig. 10.37).
observed. A current of 15–40 mA to avoid repetitive nerve firing.
is used for the ulnar nerve (a 5. Superficial, accessible peripheral 1. Twitch: a short duration
current of 50–60 mA may have nerves are most commonly used (0.1–0.2 ms) square wave
to be used in obese patients). for monitoring purposes, e.g. stimulus of a frequency of
2. This device should be battery ulnar nerve at the wrist, 0.1–1 Hz (one stimulus every
powered and capable of common peroneal nerve at the 10 seconds to one stimulus
delivering a constant current. neck of the fibula, posterior every 1 second) is applied to a
Peripheral nerve stimulators 167

A Normal

20 ms

750 ms
Fig. 10.38 The pattern of double-burst
B Total paralysis stimulation. Three impulses of 50 Hz
tetanus, at 20-ms intervals, every 750 ms
is shown.

C Depolarization block neuromuscular block is

easier if the second twitch is
d) for upper abdominal surgery,
at least three twitches must be
absent to achieve adequate
surgical conditions
D Non depolarizing block e) the TOF ratio can be
estimated using visible or
tactile means. Electrical
recording of the response is
more accurate.
4. Post-tetanic facilitation or
potentiation: this is used to
Twitch Tetanus Twitch TOF assess more profound degrees of
Fig. 10.37 Effects of a single twitch, tetanus and train-of-four (TOF) assessed by a force neuromuscular block.
transducer recording contraction of the adductor pollicis muscle. 5. Double burst stimulation (Fig.
10.38): this allows a more
accurate visual assessment than
TOF for residual neuromuscular
blockade. Two short bursts of
50 Hz tetanus are applied with a
peripheral nerve. When used on first twitch is called the TOF 750-ms interval. Each burst
its own, it is of limited use. It is ratio: comprises of two or three square
the least precise method of a) four twitches of 2 Hz each wave impulses lasting for
assessing partial neuromuscular applied over 2 s. A gap of 0.2 ms.
block. 10 s between each TOF
2. Tetanic stimulation: a tetanus of b) as the muscle relaxant is
Problems in practice and
50–100 Hz is used to detect any administered, fade is noticed
safety features
residual neuromuscular block. first, followed by the
Fade will be apparent even with disappearance of the fourth As the muscles of the hand are small
normal response to a twitch. twitch. This is followed by the in comparison with the diaphragm
Tetanus is usually applied to disappearance of the third (the main respiratory muscle),
anaesthetized patients because of then the second and last by monitoring the neuromuscular block
the discomfort caused. the first twitch peripherally does not reflect the true
3. Train-of-four (TOF): used to c) on recovery, the first twitch picture of the depth of the
monitor the degree of the appears first then the second diaphragmatic block. The smaller
neuromuscular block clinically. followed by the third and the muscle is, the more sensitive it is
The ratio of the fourth to the fourth; reversal of the to a muscle relaxant.
168 10 Non-invasive monitoring

requirements to reduce under- and description of complex EEG

Peripheral nerve stimulators overdosing. BIS has been shown to patterns.
● Used to ensure adequate correlate with measures of sedation/ 3. BIS is an empirical, statistically
reversal, and to monitor the hypnosis, awareness and recall end derived measurement. It uses a
depth and the type of the block. points likely to be reflected in the linear, dimensionless scale from
● Supramaximal stimulus is used to cortical EEG. It can provide a 0 to 100. The lower the value,
stimulate the nerve. continuous and consistent measure the greater the hypnotic effect.
● The contraction of the muscle is of sedation/hypnosis induced by A value of 100 represents an
observed visually, palpated or most of the widely used sedative- awake EEG while zero
measured by a pressure hypnotic agents. Although BIS can represents complete electrical
transducer. measure the hypnotic components, silence (cortical suppression).
● The ulnar, facial, posterior tibial it is less sensitive to the analgesic/ BIS values of 65–85 are
and the common peroneal opiate components of an recommended for sedation,
nerves are often used. anaesthetic. whereas values of 40–60 are
recommended for general
anaesthesia. At BIS values of less
Various methods are used to than 40, cortical suppression
monitor the neuromuscular 1. Display: becomes discernible in raw EEG
transmission: twitch, tetanic a) BIS (as a single value or trend) as a burst suppression pattern
stimulation, train-of-four, post- b) facial electromyogram, EMG (Fig. 10.40).
tetanic facilitation and double burst (in decibels) 4. BIS measures the state of the
stimulation. c) EEG suppression measured brain, not the concentration of a
d) signal quality index (SQI) particular drug. So a low value
which indicates the amount of for BIS indicates hypnosis
interference from EMG. irrespective of how it was
2. A forehead sensor with four produced.
Bispectral index (BIS) numbered electrodes (elements) 5. It has been shown that return of
analysis (Fig. 10.39) and a smart chip. The sensor consciousness occurs consistently
uses small tines, which part the when the BIS is above 60 and,
The BIS monitor is a device to outer layers of the skin, and a interestingly, at the same time,
monitor the electrical activity and hydrogel to make electrical changes in blood pressure and
the level of sedation in the brain contact. It is designed to lower heart rate are poor predictors
and to assess the risk of awareness the impedance and to optimize for response.
while under sedation/anaesthesia. the quality of the signal. 6. The facial electromyogram (in
In addition, it allows titration of 3. A smaller paediatric sensor with decibels) is displayed to inform
hypnotics based on individual three electrodes is available. It the user of possible interference
has a flexible design to adjust to affecting the BIS value.
various head sizes and contours. 7. The sensor is applied on the
forehead at an angle. It can be
placed on either the right or
Mechanism of action
left side of the head. Element
1. Bispectral analysis is a statistical number 1 is placed at the centre
method that quantifies the level of the forehead, 5 cm above the
of synchronization of the nose. Element number 4 is
underlying frequencies in the positioned just above and
signal. adjacent to the eyebrow. Element
2. BIS is a value derived number 2 is positioned between
mathematically using number 1 and number 4.
information from EEG power Element number 3 is positioned
and frequency as well as on either temple between the
bispectral information. Along corner of the eye and the
with the traditional amplitude hairline. The sensor will not
and frequency variables, it function beyond the hairline.
Fig. 10.39 BIS monitor. provides a more complete Each element should be
Entropy of the EEG 169

BIS 100 3. BIS cannot be used to monitor

Awake, memory intact hypnosis during ketamine
anaesthesia. This is due to
ketamine being a dissociative
anaesthetic with excitatory
80 Sedation effects on the EEG.
4. Sedative concentrations of
General anaesthesia nitrous oxide (up to 70%) do
not appear to affect BIS.
60 5. There are conflicting data
“Deep” hypnosis, memory function lost regarding opioid dose–response
and interaction of opioids with
Near suppression hypnotics on BIS.
6. Currently there are insufficient
40 Increasing burst suppression data to evaluate the use of BIS
in patients with neurological
7. When the SQI value goes below
20 50%, the BIS is not stored in the
trend memory. The BIS value on
the monitor appears in ‘reverse
video’ to indicate this.
8. Interference from surgical
0 Flat line EEG diathermy. A recent version, BIS
Fig. 10.40 BIS values scale. XP, is better protected from the
pressed for 5 seconds with the synergistic effects of 9. As with any other monitor, the
the fingertip. hypothermia and hypnotic use of BIS does not obviate
8. Cerebral ischaemia from any drugs. A rapid rise in BIS the need for critical clinical
cause can result in a decrease in usually occurs during judgement.
the BIS value if severe enough to rewarming.
cause a global EEG slowing or 2. Interference from non-EEG
outright suppression. electrical signals such as BIS
9. BIS is being ‘incorporated’ as an electromyogram. High-frequency ● Monitors the electrical activity in
additional monitoring module facial electromyogram activity the brain.
that can be added to the existing may be present in sedated, ● Uses a linear dimensionless scale
modular patient monitors such spontaneously breathing patients from 0 to 100. The lower the
as Datex-Ohmeda S/5, Philips and during awakening, causing value, the greater the hypnotic
Viridia or GE Marquette Solar BIS to increase in conjunction effect. General anaesthesia is at
8000M. In addition to its use in with higher electromyogram. 40–60.
the operating theatre, BIS has Significant electromyogram ● Interference can be from
also been used in the intensive interference can lead to a faulty diathermy or EMG.
care setting to assess the level high BIS despite the patient ● Changes in body temperature
of sedation in mechanically being still unresponsive. EEG and cerebral ischaemia can
ventilated patients. signals are considered to exist in affect the value.
the 0.5–30-Hz band whereas
electromyogram signals exist
Problems and safety features
in the 30–300-Hz band.
1. Hypothermia of less than 33°C Separation is not absolute and
results in a decrease in BIS low-frequency electromyogram Entropy of the EEG
levels as the brain processes signals can occur in the
slow. In such situations, conventional EEG band range. This is a more recent technique used
e.g. during cardiac bypass The more recent BIS XP is less to measure the depth of sedation/
procedures, BIS reflects affected by electromyogram. anaesthesia by measuring the
170 10 Non-invasive monitoring

‘regularity’ or the amount of Entropy As the patient awakens, an

disorder of the EEG signal. High 5 min increase in the difference between
levels of entropy during anaesthesia the SE and RE values is seen due to
RE 98 100
show that the patient is awake, and a diminishing effect of drugs on the
low levels correlate with deep CNS and an increasing contribution
unconsciousness. SE 91 0 from frontalis EMG.
The EEG signal is recorded using
electrodes applied to the forehead
Entropy Entropy of EEG
and side of the head, as with the
5 min 1. The ‘regularity’ or the amount
BIS. The device uses Fourier
transformation to calculate the RE 26 100 of disorder of the EEG signal is
used to measure the depth of
frequencies of voltages for each
given time sample (epoch). This is SE 24 0 2. During anaesthesia, low
then converted into a normalized
B levels correlate with deep
frequency spectrum (by squaring the
transformed components) for the Entropy
3. State entropy (SE) index
selected frequency range. 5 min
corresponds predominantly to
State entropy (SE) index is RE 48 100
EEG activity.
calculated from a low-frequency
4. Response entropy (RE) index
range (under 32 Hz) corresponding
predominantly to EEG activity.
SE 41 0
includes EMG activity from
frontalis muscle.
Response entropy (RE) index C
uses a higher frequency range
(up to 47 Hz) and includes
5 min Further reading
electromyographic (EMG) activity
from frontalis muscle. RE 99 100
McGrath, C.D., Hunter, J.M., 2006.
The concept of Shannon entropy Monitoring of neuromuscular block.
is then applied to normalize the SE 87 0
Continuing Education in Anaesthesia.
entropy values to between zero Critical Care and Pain 6(1), 7–12.
(total regularity) and 1 (total D MHRA, 2010. Medical device alert:
irregularity). Fig. 10.41 Entropy of EEG. (A) Awake Unilect (TM) ECG monitoring
The commercially available state. Note the difference between the electrodes manufactured by
two entropies indicating muscle activity
M-entropy module (GE Datex- Unomedical (MDA/2010/046).
on the face. (B) Immediately after
Ohmeda) converts the entropy scale induction of anaesthesia. (C) Online. Available at: http://www.
of zero to 1 into a scale of zero to Maintenance of anaesthesia. (D) Recovery
100 (similar to the BIS scale). The from anaesthesia. Safetywarnings/MedicalDeviceAlerts/
conversion is not exactly linear to CON084595.
give greater resolution at the most MHRA, 2012. Pulse oximeter top tips.
important area to monitor ‘depth of to a very ‘deep’ level of anaesthesia Online. Available at: http://
anaesthesia’ which is between 0.5 and values close to 100 correspond
and 1.0. to the awake patient. Like BIS, Postersandleaflets/CON100224.
Both RE and SE are displayed values between 40 and 60 represent Patel, S., Souter, M., 2008. Equipment-
with the RE ranges from 100 to clinically desirable depths of related electrocardiographic artifacts:
zero and the SE ranges from a anaesthesia. At this level, the SE and causes, characteristics, consequences,
maximum of 91 to zero (Fig. RE indexes should be similar if not and correction. Anesthesiology 108,
10.41). In practice, zero corresponds identical. 138–148.
MCQs 171

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1.Concerning capnography: 3.Pulse oximetry: 5.Pneumotachograph:

a) Capnography is a more a) The probe consists of two a) It is a fixed orifice variable
useful indicator of ventilator emitting diodes producing pressure flowmeter.
disconnection and beams at red and infrared b) It consists of two sensitive
oesophageal intubation than frequencies. pressure transducers
pulse oximetry. b) Accurately reflects the ability positioned on either side of a
b) Capnography typically works of the patient to eliminate resistance.
on the absorption of CO2 in CO2. c) It is capable of flowing in
the ultraviolet region of the c) The measurements are one direction only.
spectrum. accurate within the clinical d) A Pitot tube can be added to
c) In side-stream analysers, a range of 70–100%. improve accuracy.
delay in measurement of less d) Carbon monoxide in the e) Humidity and water vapour
than 38 s is acceptable. blood causes a false condensation have no effect
d) The main-stream analyser under-reading. on its accuracy.
type can measure other gases e) The site of the probe has to
simultaneously. be checked frequently.
6.Polarographic oxygen electrode:
e) In patients with chronic
a) It can measure oxygen
obstructive airways disease,
4.Arterial blood pressure: partial pressure in a blood or
the waveform can show a
a) Mean blood pressure is the gas sample.
sloping trace instead of the
systolic pressure plus b) The electrode acts as a
square shape wave.
one-third of the pulse battery requiring no power
pressure. source.
2.Concerning oxygen b) Too small a cuff causes a c) Oxygen molecules pass from
concentration measurement: false high pressure. the sample to the potassium
a) An infrared absorption c) Oscillotonometry is widely chloride solution across a
technique is used. used to measure blood semipermeable membrane.
b) Paramagnetic analysers are pressure. d) It uses a silver cathode and a
commonly used because d) The Finapres technique uses platinum anode.
oxygen is repelled by the ultraviolet light absorption e) The amount of electrical
magnetic field. to measure the blood current generated is
c) The galvanic (fuel cell) pressure. proportional to the oxygen
analyser has a slow response e) A slow cuff inflation partial pressure.
time of about 20 s and a followed by a fast deflation
lifespan of about 1 year. are needed to improve the
7.Wright respirometer:
d) The fast responding analysers accuracy of a non-invasive
a) It is best positioned on the
should be positioned as near blood pressure technique.
inspiratory limb of the
the patient as possible.
ventilator breathing system.
e) Paramagnetic analysers can
b) It is a bidirectional device.
provide breath-to-breath
c) It is accurate for clinical use.
d) It over-reads at high flow
rates and under-reads at low
flow rates.
e) It can measure both tidal
volume and minute volume.
172 10 Non-invasive monitoring

8.Paramagnetic gases include: 12.BIS monitor: 14.Infrared spectrometry:

a) Oxygen. a) It uses a linear dimensionless a) CO2 absorbs infrared
b) Sevofluorane. scale from 0 to 100 Hz. radiation mainly at a
c) Nitrous oxide. b) Hypothermia can increase wavelength of 4.3 mm.
d) Carbon dioxide. the BIS value. b) Photo-acoustic spectrometry
e) Halothane. c) The BIS value is not accurate is more stable than the
during ketamine anaesthesia. conventional infrared
d) Interference can occur due to spectrometry.
9.Oxygen in a gas mixture can
EMG or diathermy. c) Sampling catheter leak is a
be measured by:
e) BIS can measure the drug potential problem with the
a) Fuel cell.
concentration of a particular side-stream analysers.
b) Ultraviolet absorption.
drug. d) A wavelength of 4.6 μm is
c) Mass spectrometer.
used for nitrous oxide
d) Clark oxygen (polarographic)
electrode. 13.Concerning ECG:
e) A wavelength of 3.3 μm is
e) Infrared absorption. a) The monitoring mode of
used to measure the
ECG has a wider frequency
concentration of inhalational
response range than the
10.The concentrations of volatile agents.
diagnostic mode.
agents can be measured using:
b) The electrical potentials have
a) Fuel cell.
a range of 0.5–2 V.
b) Piezoelectric crystal. SINGLE BEST ANSWER (SBA)
c) Interference due to
c) Ultraviolet spectroscopy.
electrostatic induction can be
d) Infrared spectroscopy. 15.Regarding the minimum
reduced by surrounding ECG
e) Clark electrode. monitoring required for
leads with copper screens.
d) Silver and silver chloride
a) Renders bed-side clinical
11.A patient with healthy lungs electrodes are used.
signs obsolete.
and a PaCO2 of 40 mmHg will e) It is standard in the UK to
b) ECG monitoring is essential.
have which of the following use a display speed of
c) Modern ECG monitoring is
percentages of CO2 in the end 25 cm/s and a sensitivity of
immune from artefacts.
expiratory mixture? 1 mV/cm.
d) Non-invasive blood pressure
a) 4%.
requires two cuffs and a
b) 5%.
minimum cycle time of 1
c) 2%.
d) 1%.
e) National Institute for Health
e) 7%.
and Clinical Excellence
(NICE) guidelines forbid
temperature monitoring.
Answers 173


b) False. Oxygen is attracted by d) False. Using a pulse

1.Concerning capnography:
the magnetic field because it oximeter, carbon monoxide
a) True. Capnography gives a
has two electrons in unpaired causes a false high reading of
fast warning in cases of
orbits. the arterial oxygen
disconnection or oesophageal
c) True. The fuel cell is depleted saturation.
intubation. The end-tidal
by continuous exposure to e) True. The probe can cause
CO2 will decrease sharply
oxygen due to the exhaustion pressure sores with
and suddenly. The pulse
of the cell giving it a lifespan continuous use so its site
oximeter will be very slow in
of about 1 year. should be checked at regular
detecting disconnection or
d) True. Although the intervals. Some recommend
oesophageal intubation as
positioning of the oxygen changing the site every
the arterial oxygen saturation
analyser is still debatable, it 2 hours.
will remain normal for
has been recommended that
longer periods especially if
the fast responding ones are 4.Arterial blood pressure:
the patient was
positioned as close to the a) False. The mean blood
patient as possible. The slow pressure is the diastolic
b) False. CO2 is absorbed in the
responding analysers are pressure plus one-third of
infrared region.
positioned on the inspiratory the pulse pressure (systolic
c) False. In side-stream
limb of the breathing system. pressure − diastolic pressure).
analysers, a delay of less
e) True. Modern paramagnetic b) True. The opposite is also
than 3.8 s is acceptable. The
analysers have a rapid correct.
length of the sampling tubing
response allowing them to c) True. Most of the non-
should be as short as
provide breath-to-breath invasive blood pressure
possible, e.g. 2 m, with an
measurement. Older versions measuring devices use
internal diameter of 1.2 mm
have a 1-min response time. oscillometry as the basis for
and a sampling rate of about
measuring blood pressure.
150 mL/min.
3.Pulse oximetry: Return of the blood flow
d) False. Only CO2 can be
a) True. The probe uses during deflation causes
measured by the main-stream
light-emitting diodes (LEDs) pressure changes in the cuff.
analyser. CO2, N2O and
that emit light at red The transducer senses the
inhalational agents can be
(660 nm) and infrared pressure changes which are
measured simultaneously
(940 nm) frequencies. The interpreted by the
with a side-stream analyser.
LEDs operate in sequence microprocessor.
e) True. In patients with
with an ‘off’ period when the d) False. The Finapres uses
chronic obstructive airways
photodetector measures the oscillometry and a servo
disease, the alveoli empty at
background level of ambient control unit is used.
different rates because of the
light. This sequence happens e) False. Slow cuff inflation
differing time constants in
at a rate of about 30 times leads to venous congestion
different regions of the lung
per second. and inaccuracy. A fast cuff
with various degrees of
b) False. Pulse oximetry is a deflation might miss the
altered compliance and
measurement of the arterial oscillations caused by the
airway resistance.
oxygen saturation. return of blood flow (i.e.
c) True. Readings below 70% systolic pressure). A fast
2.Concerning oxygen
are extrapolated by the inflation and slow deflation
concentration measurement:
manufacturers. of the cuff is needed. A
a) False. Oxygen does not
deflation rate of 3 mmHg/s
absorb infrared radiation.
or 2 mmHg/beat is adequate.
Only molecules with two
differing atoms can absorb
infrared radiation.
174 10 Non-invasive monitoring

b) False. A power source of d) True. Over-reading at high

about 700 mV is needed in a flows and under-reading at
a) True. The
polarographic analyser. The low flows is due to the effect
pneumotachograph consists
galvanic analyser (fuel cell) of inertia on the rotating
of a tube with a fixed
acts as a battery requiring no vane. Using a Wright
resistance, usually as a
power source. respirometer based on light
bundle of parallel tubes, and
c) True. The oxygen molecules reflection or the use of a
is therefore a ‘fixed orifice’
pass across a Teflon semiconductive device,
device. As the fluid (gas or
semipermeable membrane at sensitive to changes in
liquid) passes across the
a rate proportional to their magnetic field, instead of the
resistance, the pressure
partial pressure in the sample mechanical components,
across the resistance changes,
into the sodium chloride improves the accuracy.
therefore it is a ‘variable
solution. The performance of e) True. The Wright
pressure’ flowmeter.
the electrode is affected as respirometer can measure the
b) True. The two pressure
the membrane deteriorates or volume per breath, and if the
transducers measure the
perforates. measurement is continued
pressures on either side of
d) False. The opposite is for 1 minute, the minute
the resistance. The pressure
correct: the anode is made of volume can be measured as
changes are proportional to
silver and the cathode is well.
the flow rate across the
made of platinum.
e) True. When the oxygen 8.Paramagnetic gases include:
c) False. It can measure flows
molecules pass across the a) True. Oxygen is attracted by
in both directions; i.e. it is
membrane, very small the magnetic field because it
electrical currents are has two electrons in unpaired
d) True. The combined design
generated as electrons move orbits causing it to possess
improves accuracy and
from the cathode to the paramagnetic properties.
allows the measurement
anode. b) False.
and calculation of other
c) False.
parameters: compliance,
7.Wright respirometer: d) False.
airway pressure, gas flow,
a) False. The Wright e) False.
volume/pressure and flow/
respirometer is best
volume loops.
positioned on the expiratory 9.Oxygen in a gas mixture can
e) False. A laminar flow
limb of the ventilator be measured by:
is required for the
breathing system. This a) True. The oxygen molecules
pneumotachograph to
minimizes the loss of gas diffuse through a membrane
measure accurately. Water
volume due to leaks and and electrolyte solution to
vapour condensation at the
expansion of the tubing on reach the cathode. This
site of the resistance leads to
the inspiratory limb. generates a current
the formation of turbulent
b) False. It is a unidirectional proportional to the partial
flow thus reducing the
device allowing the pressure of oxygen in the
accuracy of the
measurement of the tidal mixture.
volume if the flow of gases is b) False. Oxygen does not
in one direction only. An absorb ultraviolet radiation.
6.Polarographic oxygen electrode:
arrow on the device indicates Halothane absorbs
a) True. The polarographic
the correct direction of the ultraviolet radiation.
(Clark) electrode analysers
gas flow.
can be used to measure
c) True. It is suitable for
oxygen partial pressure in a
routine clinical use with an
gas sample (e.g. on an
accuracy of ±5–10% within
anaesthetic machine giving
a range of flows of 4–24 L/
an average inspiratory and
expiratory concentration) or
in blood in a blood gas
Answers 175

c) True. Mass spectrometry can e) False. The Clark

13.Concerning ECG:
be used for the measurement polarographic electrode is
a) False. The monitoring mode
of any gas. It separates the used to measure oxygen
has a limited frequency
gases according to their concentration.
response of 0.5–40 Hz
molecular weight. The
whereas the diagnostic mode
sample is ionized and then 11.A patient with healthy lungs
has a much wider range of
the ions are separated. Mass and a PaCO2 of 40 mmHg will
0.05–100 Hz.
spectrometry allows rapid have which of the following
b) False. The electrical activity
simultaneous breath-to- percentages of CO2 in the end
of the heart has an electrical
breath measurement of expiratory mixture?
potentials range of 0.5–2 mV.
oxygen concentration. a) False.
c) True. Surrounding the ECG
d) True. Although b) True. In a patient with
leads with copper screens
polarographic analysers are healthy lungs, the end-tidal
reduces interference due to
used mainly to measure CO2 concentration is a true
electrostatic induction and
oxygen partial pressure in a reflection of the arterial CO2.
capacitance coupling.
blood sample in blood gas A PaCO2 of 40 mmHg
d) True. Silver and silver
analysers, they can also be (5.3 kPa) is therefore
chloride form a stable
used to measure the partial equivalent to an end-tidal
electrode combination. They
pressure in a gas sample. See CO2 of about 5 kPa. One
are held in a cup and
Question 6 above. atmospheric pressure is
separated from the skin by a
e) False. Gases that absorb 760 mmHg or 101.33 kPa.
foam pad soaked in
infrared radiation have That makes the end-tidal
conducting gel.
molecules with two different CO2 percentage about 5%.
e) False. The standard in the
atoms (e.g. carbon and c) False.
UK is to use a display speed
oxygen in CO2). An oxygen d) False.
of 25 mm/s and a sensitivity
molecule has two similar e) False.
of 1 mV/cm.
12.BIS monitor:
14.Infrared spectrometry:
10.The concentrations of volatile a) False. BIS uses a linear
a) False. CO2 absorbs infrared
agents can be measured using: dimensionless scale of 0–100
radiation mainly at a
a) False. The fuel cell is used to without any units. The lower
wavelength of 4.3 µm.
measure the oxygen the BIS value, the greater the
b) True. Photo-acoustic
concentration. hypnotic effect. General
spectrometry is more stable
b) True. A piezoelectric quartz anaesthesia is between 40
than the conventional infrared
crystal with a lipophilic coat and 60.
spectrometry. Its calibration
undergoes changes in natural b) False. Hypothermia below
remains constant over much
frequency when exposed to a 33°C decreases the BIS value
longer periods of time.
lipid-soluble inhalational as the electrical activity in
c) True. This is not the case
agent. It lacks agent brain is decreased by the low
with the main-stream
specificity. It is not widely temperature.
used in current anaesthetic c) True. The BIS value is not
d) True. Optical filters are used
practice. accurate during ketamine
to select the desired
c) True. Halothane can absorb anaesthesia. Ketamine is a
wavelengths to avoid
ultraviolet radiation. It is not dissociative anaesthetic with
interference from other
used in current anaesthetic excitatory effects on the
vapours or gases.
practice. EEG.
e) False. For the inhalational
d) True. Infrared radiation is d) True. Newer versions have
agents, higher wavelengths
absorbed by all the gases better protection from
are used, such as 8–9 µm, to
with dissimilar atoms in the diathermy and EMG.
avoid interference from
molecule. Infrared analysers e) False. BIS monitors the
methane and alcohol (at
can be either side stream or electrical activity in the brain
3.3 µm).
main stream. and not the concentration of
a particular drug.

Chapter 11

178 11 Invasive monitoring

Invasive arterial
pressure monitoring
Invasive arterial pressure monitoring
provides beat-to-beat real-time
information with sustained accuracy.

1. An indwelling Teflon arterial
cannula (20 or 22 G) is used
(Fig. 11.1). The cannula has
parallel walls to minimize the
effect on blood flow to the distal
parts of the limb. Cannulation
can be achieved by directly
threading the cannula (either by
direct insertion method or a
transfixation technique) or by
using a modified Seldinger
technique with a guidewire to
assist in the insertion as in some
designs (Fig. 11.2).
2. A column of bubble-free
heparinized or plain 0.9%
normal saline at a pressure of
300 mmHg, incorporating a
flushing device.
3. Via the fluid column, the
cannula is connected to a
transducer (Figs 11.3–11.5). Fig. 11.2 Argon Careflow arterial cannula with its guidewire. (Courtesy of Argon Medical.)
This in turn is connected to an
amplifier and oscilloscope. A Dome and diaphragm Flush
strain gauge variable resistor Connected to
transducer is used. arterial cannula Heparinized
4. The diaphragm (a very thin saline pressurized to
membrane) acts as an interface 300 mmHg
Three-way tap
Electrical signal
Fig. 11.3 Components of a pressure measuring system.

Mechanism of action
between the transducer and the
fluid column. 1. The saline column moves back
5. The pressure transducer is a and forth with the arterial
device that changes either pulsation causing the diaphragm
electrical resistance or to move. This causes changes in
capacitance in response to the resistance and current flow
changes in pressure on a through the wires of the
Fig. 11.1 BD Flowswitch arterial cannula. solid-state device. The moving transducer.
Note the on–off switch valve. (Courtesy part of the transducer is very 2. The transducer is connected to a
of BD.) small and has little mass. Wheatstone bridge circuit
Invasive arterial pressure monitoring 179

2. The fundamental frequency (or

first harmonic) is equal to the
heart rate, so a heart rate of 60
beats per min = 1 beat/s or 1
cycle/s or 1 Hz. The first 10
harmonics of the fundamental
R1 R2 frequency contribute to the
Fig. 11.4 Smith’s Medex single-use 3. The system used to measure
disposable integrated pressure transducer. arterial blood pressure should
be capable of responding to a
frequency range of 0.5–40 Hz in
order to display the arterial
waveform correctly.
R3 R4 4. The dicrotic notch in the arterial
Variable Unknown pressure waveform represents
resistance resistance changes in pressure because of
Fig. 11.6 The Wheatstone bridge vibrations caused by the closure
circuit where null deflection of the of the aortic valve.
galvanometer implies R1/R2 = R3/R4. 5. The rate of rise of the
form the four resistors of the upstroke part of the wave
Wheatstone bridge. (dP/dt) reflects the myocardial
3. The flushing device allows contractility. A slow rise
3–4 mL per hour of saline (or upstroke might indicate a
heparinized saline) to flush the need for inotropic support.
cannula. This is to prevent A positive response to the
clotting and backflow through inotropic support will show
the catheter. Manual flushing of a steeper upstroke. The
the system is also possible when maximum upward slope of
indicated. the arterial waveform during
4. The radial artery is the most systole is related to the speed
commonly used artery because of ventricular ejection.
the ulnar artery is the dominant 6. The position of the dicrotic
artery in the hand. The ulnar notch on the downstroke of the
Fig. 11.5 Smith’s Medex reusable artery is connected to the radial wave reflects the peripheral
pressure transducer. artery through the palmar arch vascular resistance. In
(Fig. 11.6). This is an electrical in 95% of patients. The brachial, vasodilated patients, e.g.
circuit for the precise comparison femoral, ulnar or dorsalis pedis following an epidural block or
of resistors. It uses a null- arteries are used occasionally. in septic patients, the dicrotic
deflection system consisting of a 5. The information gained from notch is positioned lower on the
very sensitive galvanometer and invasive arterial pressure curve. The notch is higher in
four resistors in two parallel monitoring includes heart rate, vasoconstricted patients.
branches: two constant resistors, pulse pressure, the presence 7. The downstroke slope indicates
a variable resistor and the of a respiratory swing, left resistance to outflow. A slow fall
unknown resistor. Changes in ventricular contractility, vascular is seen in vasoconstriction.
resistance and current are tone (SVR) and stroke volume. 8. The stroke volume can be
measured, electronically estimated by measuring the area
converted and displayed as from the beginning of the upstroke
The arterial pressure
systolic, diastolic and mean to the dicrotic notch. Multiply
arterial pressures. The that by the heart rate and the
Wheatstone bridge circuit is ideal 1. This can be characterized as a cardiac output can be estimated.
for measuring the small changes complex sine wave that is the 9. Systolic time indicates the
in resistance found in strain summation of a series of simple myocardial oxygen demand.
gauges. Most pressure transducers sine waves of different Diastolic time indicates
contain four strain gauges that amplitudes and frequencies. myocardial oxygen supply.
180 11 Invasive monitoring

10. Mean blood pressure is the in order to detect damping or pressure wave. Increased
average pressure throughout the resonance. The monitoring resonance elevates the systolic
cardiac cycle. As systole is system should be able to apply and lowers the diastolic
shorter than diastole, the mean an optimal damping value of pressures. The mean pressure
arterial pressure (MAP) is 0.64. should stay unchanged.
slightly less than the value half a) Damping is caused by Resonance can be due to
way between systolic and dissipation of stored energy. a stiff, non-compliant
diastolic pressures. An estimate Anything that takes energy diaphragm and tube. It is
of MAP can be obtained by out of the system results in a worse with tachycardia.
adding a third of the pulse progressive diminution of 2. To determine the optimum
pressure (systolic − diastolic amplitude of oscillations. damping of the system, a square
pressure) to the diastolic Increased damping lowers wave test (fast flush test) is used
pressure. MAP can also be the systolic and elevates the (Fig. 11.8). The system is flushed
determined by integrating a diastolic pressures with loss by applying a pressure of
pressure signal over the duration of detail in the waveform. 300 mmHg (compress and
of one cycle, divided by time. Damping can be caused by release the flush button or pull
an air bubble (air is more the lever located near the
The natural frequency compressible in comparison to transducer). This results in a
This is the frequency at which the the saline column), clot or square waveform, followed by
monitoring system itself resonates a highly compliant, soft oscillations:
and amplifies the signal by up to transducer diaphragm and a. in an optimally damped
20–40%. This determines the tube. system, there will be two or
frequency response of the monitoring b) Resonance occurs when the three oscillations before
system. The natural frequency frequency of the driving force settling to zero
should be at least 10 times the coincides with the resonant b. an overdamped system settles
fundamental frequency. The natural frequency of the system. If the to zero without any
frequency of the measuring system natural frequency is less than oscillations.
is much higher than the primary 40 Hz, it falls within the c. an underdamped system
frequency of the arterial waveform range of the blood pressure oscillates for more than three
which is 1–2 Hz, corresponding to a and a sine wave will be to four cycles before settling
heart rate of 60–120 beats/min. superimposed on the blood to zero.
Stiffer (low compliance) tubing or a
shorter length of tubing (less mass)
produce higher natural frequencies. 150
This results in the system requiring a
much higher pulse rate before

amplification. 100
The natural frequency of the
monitoring system is:
50 A B C
1. directly related to the catheter
diameter Fig. 11.7 Arterial pressure waveform. (A) Correct, optimally damped waveform. (B)
Underdamped waveform. (C) Overdamped waveform.
2. inversely related to the square
root of the system compliance
3. inversely related to the square 300 mmHg
root of the length of the tubing 300 mmHg
1 Oscillation
4. inversely related to the square
2nd Oscillation
root of the density of the fluid in
the system.

Problems in practice and

safety features A B C
1. The arterial pressure waveform Fig. 11.8 The square wave test (fast flush test). (A) Optimally damped system.
should be displayed (Fig. 11.7) (B) Overdamped system. (C) Underdamped system.
Central venous catheterization and pressure (CVP) 181

3. The transducer should be arterial cannula for more

positioned at the level of the than 4 days with a traumatic

Displayed blood pressure

right atrium as a reference point insertion. 150
that is at the level of the 10. Arterial cannulae should

midaxillary line. Raising or not be inserted in sites with 100
lowering the transducer above evidence of infection and
or below the level of the right trauma or through a
atrium gives error readings vascular prosthesis. 50
equivalent to 7.5 mmHg for 11. Periodic checks, calibrations and
each 10 cm. re-zeroing are carried out to 50 100 150
4. Ischaemia distal to the cannula prevent baseline drift of the True blood pressure (mmHg)
is rare but should be monitored transducer electrical circuits.
for. Multiple attempts at Zero calibration eliminates the Gradient Offset Ideal
insertion and haematoma effect of atmospheric pressure on drift drift responce
formation increase the risk of the measured pressure. This Fig. 11.9 Calibration of invasive pressure
ischaemia. ensures that the monitor monitor.
5. Arterial thrombosis occurs in indicates zero pressure in the
20–25% of cases with very rare absence of applied pressure, so
adverse effects such as ischaemia eliminating the offset drift (zero
or necrosis of the hand. drift). To eliminate the gradient Central venous
Cannulae in place for less than drift, calibration at a higher
24 h very rarely cause pressure is necessary. The
catheterization and
thrombosis. transducer is connected to an pressure (CVP)
6. The arterial pressure wave aneroid manometer using a
narrows and increases in sterile tubing, through a The CVP is the filling pressure of
amplitude in peripheral three-way stopcock and the the right atrium. It can be measured
vessels. This makes the systolic manometer pressure is raised directly using a central venous
pressure higher in the dorsalis to 100 and 200 mmHg. The catheter. The catheter can also be
pedis than in the radial artery. monitor display should read the used to administer fluids, blood,
When compared to the aorta, same pressure as is applied to drugs, parenteral nutrition and
peripheral arteries contain the transducer (Fig. 11.9). sample blood. Specialized catheters
less elastic fibres so they are can be used for haemofiltration,
stiffer and less compliant. The haemodialysis (see Chapter 13,
arterial distensibility determines Haemofiltration) and transvenous
the amplitude and contour of Invasive arterial blood pressure pacemaker placement.
the pressure waveform. ● Consists of an arterial cannula, The tip of the catheter is usually
In addition, the narrowing a heparinized saline column, a positioned in the superior vena cava
and bifurcation of arteries flushing device, a transducer, an at the entrance to the right atrium.
leads to impedance of forward amplifier and an oscilloscope. The internal jugular, subclavian and
blood flow, which results in ● In addition to blood pressure, basilic veins are possible routes for
backward reflection of the other parameters can be central venous catheterization. The
pressure wave. measured and estimated such as subclavian route is associated with
7. There is risk of bleeding due to myocardial contractility, vascular the highest rate of complications but
disconnection. tone and stroke volume. is convenient for the patient and for
8. Inadvertent drug injection ● The waveform should be the nursing care.
causes distal vascular occlusion displayed to detect any The Seldinger technique is the
and gangrene. An arterial resonance or damping. common and standard method used
cannula should be clearly ● The measuring system should be for central venous catheterization
labelled. able to cover a frequency range (Fig. 11.10) regardless of catheter
9. Local infection is thought to of 0.5–40 Hz. type. The procedure should be done
be less than 20%. Systemic ● The monitoring system should under sterile conditions:
infection is thought to be be able to apply an optimal
less than 5%. This is more damping value of 0.64. 1. Introduce the needle into the
common in patients with an vein using the appropriate
182 11 Invasive monitoring

catheter-placement failures and

the time required for insertion.
introduced J wire in – The CVP is read using either a
A into vein B needle out pressure transducer or a water

1. A similar measuring system to
that used for invasive arterial
pressure monitoring (catheter,
Catheter heparinized saline column,
Dilator in advanced
C D transducer, diaphragm, flushing
& out over J wire
device and oscilloscope system).
The transducer is positioned at
the level of the right atrium.
2. A measuring system of limited
frequency range is adequate
because of the shape of the
waveform and the values of the
central venous pressure.
J wire out

(FIG. 11.12)

1. A giving set with either normal

saline or 5% dextrose is
connected to the vertical
Fig. 11.10 The Seldinger technique. See text for details. manometer via a three-way tap.
The latter is also connected to
the central venous catheter.
landmarks or an ultrasound- solution. All the port sites that 2. The manometer has a spirit
locating device. are not intended for immediate level side arm positioned at the
2. A J-shaped soft tip guidewire is use are sealed. A port should level of the right atrium (zero
introduced through the needle never be left open to air during reference point). The upper end
(and syringe in some designs) insertion because of the risk of of the column is open to air via
into the vein. The needle can then air embolism. a filter. This filter must stay dry
be removed. The J-shaped tip is 6. The catheter is secured onto the to maintain direct connection
designed to minimize trauma to skin and covered with a sterile with the atmosphere.
the vessels’ endothelium. dressing. 3. The vertical manometer is filled
3. After a small incision in the 7. A chest X-ray is performed to to about the 20-cm mark. By
skin has been made, a dilator is ensure correct positioning of the opening the three-way tap to the
introduced over the guidewire to catheter and to detect pneumo- patient, a swing of the column
make a track through the skin and/or haemothorax. should be seen with respiration.
and subcutaneous tissues and is 8. The use of ultrasound guidance The CVP is read in cm H2O
then withdrawn. should be routinely considered when the fluid level stabilizes.
4. The catheter is then railroaded for the insertion of central 4. The manometer uses a balance
over the guidewire into its final venous catheters (Fig. 11.11). of forces: downward pressure of
position before the guidewire is There is evidence to show that the fluid (determined by density
withdrawn. its use during internal jugular and height) against pressure of
5. Blood should be aspirated easily venous catheterization reduces the central venous system
from all ports which should then the number of mechanical (caused by hydrostatic and recoil
be flushed with saline or heparin complications, the number of forces).
Central venous catheterization and pressure (CVP) 183

lumens, the presence or absence of a

subcutaneous cuff and the material
they are made of. The vast majority
of catheters are designed to be
inserted using the Seldinger technique
although some are designed as ‘long’
intravenous cannulae (cannula over a
needle) (Fig. 11.13).
Antimicrobial-coated catheters
have been designed to reduce the
incidence of catheter-related
bloodstream infection. These can
be either antiseptic coated (e.g.
chlorhexidine/silver sulfadiazine,
benzalkonium chloride, platinum/
silver) or antibiotic coated (e.g.
minocycline/rifampin) on either the
internal or external surface or both.
The antibiotic-coated central lines
are thought to be more effective in
reducing the incidence of infection
Fig. 11.11 Ultrsound image showing a needle in the internal jugular vein. The carotid (Fig. 11.14).
artery at the left lower corner.
Multilumen catheter
500 ml 1. The catheter has two or more
0.9% saline lumens of different sizes, e.g.
Filter 16 G and 18 G (Fig. 11.15).
Paediatric sizes also exist (Fig.
Manometer 2. The different lumens should be
flushed with heparinized saline
Scale before insertion.
3. Single and double lumen
versions exist.
4. Simultaneous administration of
drugs and CVP monitoring is
possible. It does not allow the
Giving set
Zero reference line insertion of a pulmonary artery
5. These catheters are made of
polyurethane. This provides
good tensile strength, allowing
Central venous larger lumens for smaller
pressure catheter internal diameter.
Three-way tap
Fig. 11.12 Measurement of CVP using a manometer. The manometer’s fluid level
falls until the height of the fluid column above the zero reference point is equal to LONG CENTRAL CATHETERS/
In both techniques, the CATHETERS
monitoring system has to be zeroed 1. These catheters, 60 cm in length,
at the level of the right atrium There are different types of catheters are designed to be inserted through
(usually at the midaxillary line). This used for central venous cannulation an introducing cannula via an
eliminates the effect of hydrostatic and CVP measurement. They differ antecubital fossa vein, usually the
pressure on the CVP value. in their lumen size, length, number of basilic vein (Fig. 11.17).
184 11 Invasive monitoring

Fig. 11.14 Smith’s Medex silver

impregnated triple lumen central venous
catheter. Both the inside and outside
surfaces are impregnated with silver.
Fig. 11.13 Argon cannula over a needle central line. (Courtesy of Argon Medical Devices.)
4. They are used for long-term
chemotherapy, parenteral
nutrition, blood sampling or as
a readily available venous access
especially in children requiring
frequent anaesthetics during
cancer treatment.
5. These lines are designed to
remain in situ for several months
unless they become infected but
require some degree of daily

Fig. 11.15 An adult triple lumen catheter. (Courtesy of Vygon (UK) Ltd. © Vygon (UK)
Dialysis catheters
Ltd.) These are large-calibre catheters
designed to allow high flow rates of
2. They are used when a central can have one, two or three
at least 300 mL/min. They are made
catheter is required in situations lumens (Fig. 11.18).
of silicone or polyurethane. Most of
when it is undesirable to gain 2. The proximal end is tunnelled
them are dual lumen with staggered
access via the internal jugular under the skin for a distance of
end and side holes to prevent
or the subclavian veins, for about 10 cm.
admixture of blood at the inflow
example during head and 3. A Dacron cuff is positioned
and outflow portions reducing
neck surgery or prolonged 3–4 cm from the site of entry
antibiotic therapy. They are into the vein under the skin. It
made of soft flexible induces a fibroblastic reaction
Problems in practice and
polyurethane or silicone. to anchor the catheter in place
safety features
(Fig. 11.19). The cuff also
reduces the risk of infection as it 1. Inaccurate readings can be due
Hickman catheters
stops the spread of infection to catheter blockage, catheter
1. These central catheters are made from the site of entry to the inserted too far or using the
of polyurethane or silicone and skin. Some catheters also have wrong zero level.
are usually inserted into the a silver impregnated cuff that 2. Pneumohaemothorax (with an
subclavian vein. The catheter acts as an anti-microbial barrier. incidence of 2–10% with
Central venous catheterization and pressure (CVP) 185

● Use of >0.5% chlorhexidine

preparation with alcohol
preparations for skin antisepsis.
If there is a contraindication to
chlorhexidine, tincture of iodine,
an iodophor or 70% alcohol can
be used as alternative.
Antiseptics should be allowed to
dry according to the
manufacturer’s recommendation
prior to placing the catheter.
● Use a subclavian site, rather than
a jugular or a femoral site, in
adult patients to minimize
infection risk for non-tunneled
CVC placement.
● Use ultrasound guidance to
place central venous catheters (if
Fig. 11.16 A paediatric triple lumen catheter. (Courtesy of Vygon (UK) Ltd. © Vygon
this technology is available) to
(UK) Ltd.)
reduce the number of
cannulation attempts and
mechanical complications.
Ultrasound guidance should only
be used by those fully trained in
its technique.
● Use a CVC with the minimum
number of ports or lumens
essential for the management of
the patient.
● Promptly remove any
intravascular catheter that is no
longer essential.
● When adherence to aseptic
technique cannot be ensured
(i.e. catheters inserted during a
medical emergency), replace the
catheter as soon as possible, i.e.
within 48 h.
● Use either sterile gauze or
sterile, transparent,
Fig. 11.17 Double lumen PICC line. (Courtesy of Teleflex Medical.) semipermeable dressing to cover
subclavian vein catheterization the catheter site.
and 1–2% with internal jugular Guidelines for reduction in sepsis ● Use a chlorhexidine/silver
catheterization), trauma to the and infection rates with the use of sulfadiazine or minocycline/
arteries (carotid, subclavian and central venous catheters rifampin-impregnated CVC in
brachial), air embolism, patients whose catheter is
● Education and training of staff
haematoma and tracheal puncture expected to remain in place >5
who insert and maintain the
are complications of insertion. days.
3. Sepsis and infection are common ● Use the maximum sterile barrier
complications with an incidence precautions during central (Centers for Disease Control. 2011.
of 2.8–20%. Staphylococcus venous catheter insertion.
Guidelines for the prevention of
intravascular catheter-related infections)
aureus and Enterococcus are the
most common organisms.
186 11 Invasive monitoring

4. A false passage may be created

if the guidewire or dilator are
advanced against resistance. The
insertion should be smooth.
5. There may be cardiace
complications such as self-
limiting arrhythmias due to the
irritation caused by the guidewire
or catheter. Gradual withdrawal
of the device is usually adequate
to restore normal rhythm. More
serious but unusual complication
such as venous or cardiac
perforation can be lethal.
6. Catheter-related venous
thrombosis is thought to be up
to 40% depending on the site,
the duration of placement, the
technique and the condition of
the patient.
7. Microshock. A central venous Fig. 11.18 A double lumen long-term Hickman catheter. Note the Dacron cuff.
catheter presents a direct pathway (Courtesy of Vygon (UK) Ltd. © Vygon (UK) Ltd.)
to the heart muscle. Faulty
electrical equipment can produce
minute electrical currents (less
than 1 ampere) which can travel
via this route to the myocardium.
This can produce ventricular
fibrillation (VF) if the tip of the
catheter is in direct contact with
the myocardium (see Chapter
14). This very small current does
not cause any adverse effects if
applied to the body surface, but if
passed directly to the heart, the
current density will be high
enough to cause VF, hence the
name microshock.

Central venous catheterization

and pressure
● There are different routes of
insertion, e.g. the internal jugular,
subclavian and basilic veins.
● The Seldinger technique is the
most commonly used.
● The catheters differ in size, length,
number of lumens and material.
● A pressure transducer or water
manometer is used to measure CVP. Fig. 11.19 Final position of a tunnelled Hickman catheter. (Reproduced with permission
● Sepsis and infection are common. from Viggo-Spectramed, a division of BOC Health Care.)
● Antibiotic- and/or antiseptic-
coated catheters can reduce the
incidence of infections.
Balloon-tipped flow-guided pulmonary artery catheter 187

scope of this book and the reader

is referred to the further reading
Invasive A section.
1. Arterial waveform analysis either
(ECG) via direct arterial cannulation
B or ‘simulated’ via a
In addition to using skin electrodes
plethysmographic trace (such as
to record ECG, other more
that obtained with the pulse
invasive methods can be used
(Fig. 11.20). The following
a) pulse contour analysis
methods can be used:
b) conservation of mass
1. Oesophageal ECG can c) PRAM Vytech Mostcare
be recorded by using Fig. 11.20 Invasive ECG. (A) Skin (pressure recording analytical
oesophageal electrodes that electrodes. (B) Oesophageal. (C) method)
are incorporated into an d) pleth variability index
oesophageal stethoscope (Masimo PVI).
and temperature probe. It has 2. Aortic velocimetry using:
been found to be useful in a) Doppler frequency shift
detecting atrial arrhythmias. As (oesophageal and suprasternal
it is positioned near the of a lot of technical development Doppler)
posterior aspect of the left over the last decade. It is helpful b) electrical velocimetry
ventricle, it can be helpful in to consider the history of (Aesculon and Icon).
detecting posterior wall this development briefly. 3. Formal echocardiography:
ischaemia. The pulmonary artery (PA) a) transoesophageal
2. Intracardiac ECG with catheter was developed in the b) transthoracic.
electrodes inserted using 1970s and was the only bed- 4. Transthoracic impedence.
a multipurpose pulmonary side piece of equipment available 5. Pulmonary gas clearance.
artery flotation catheter. to measure cardiac output. It 6. Indicator dilution:
There are three atrial and gained widespread acceptance a) Thermal dilution
two ventricular electrodes. in the intensive care and anaesthetic b) Lithium dilution
In addition to ECG recording, community. However, it lost c) Dye dilution.
these electrodes can be used favour due to its technically 7. Electrical velocimetry (EV)
in atrial or AV pacing. Such demanding insertion. Also is the technique which non-
ECG recording has great some papers appeared in journals invasively measures rate-
diagnostic capabilities and can during the late 1980s and mid of-change of electrical
be part of an implantable 1990s associating its use with conductivity of blood in the
defibrillator. It is used for loci an increased mortality in aorta using four standard ECG
that cannot be assessed by body patients. This has now been now surface electrodes.
surface electrodes, such as the refuted, however it remains
bundle of His or ventricular challenging to insert in some
septal activity, circumstances.
3. Tracheal ECG using two As a result, there was a
electrodes embedded into a strong move to adopt less
tracheal tube. It is useful in invasive technologies and Balloon-tipped flow-
diagnosing atrial arrhythmias develop them to replace the PA
especially in children catheter.
guided pulmonary
The following techniques exist artery catheter
to provide measurement of cardiac
output. Some use a combination of Pulmonary artery (PA) catheters are
Cardiac output these, for example LiDCO, which usually inserted via the internal
uses lithium indicator dilution to jugular or subclavian veins via an
Cardiac output monitoring (the calibrate its arterial waveform introducer. They are floated through
measurement of flow, rather than analysis software. Detailed the right atrium and ventricle into
pressure) has been the subject discussion of each is beyond the the pulmonary artery.
188 11 Invasive monitoring

Indications for using a

PA catheter
● Ischaemic heart disease,
cardiogenic shock and right
ventricle failure.
● Sepsis and septic shock.
● Adult respiratory distress
● Oliguria and unexplained
● Perioperative monitoring, e.g.
coronary artery bypass graft
(CABG), vascular surgery.

PA catheters are available in sizes
5–8 G and are usually 110 cm in
length (Fig. 11.21). They have up to
five lumens and are marked at
10-cm intervals:
1. The distal lumen ends in the Fig. 11.21 Argon balloon-tipped flow-guided pulmonary artery catheter with five
lumens. (Courtesy of Argon Medical Devices.)
pulmonary artery. It is used to
measure PA and pulmonary
capillary wedge (PCW) pressures
and to sample mixed venous
2. The proximal lumen should
ideally open in the right atrium, Up to 1.5 mL of air is needed. distance from the internal
being positioned about 30 cm When the balloon is inflated, the jugular or the subclavian vein
from the tip of the catheter. It catheter floats with the blood flow to the right atrium is about
can be used to continuously into a pulmonary artery branch 15–20 cm.
monitor the CVP, to administer (Fig. 11.22). 3. The balloon is partly inflated,
the injectate to measure enabling the blood flow to carry
the cardiac output (by the catheter tip through the
Mechanism of action
thermodilution) or to infuse tricuspid valve into the right
fluids. Depending on the design, 1. Before insertion, flush all the ventricle. Tall pressure waves
a second proximal lumen may lines and test the balloon with (15–25 mmHg systolic and
be present which is usually 1–1.5 mL of air. 0–10 mmHg diastolic) are
dedicated to infusions of drugs. 2. The distal lumen of the catheter displayed.
3. Another lumen contains two is connected to a transducer 4. As the balloon tip floats through
insulated wires leading to a pressure measuring system for the pulmonary valve into the PA,
thermistor that is about 3.7 cm continuous monitoring as the the pressure waveform changes
from the catheter tip. Proximally catheter is advanced. As the with higher diastolic pressure
it is connected to a cardiac catheter passes via the superior (10–20 mmHg), but similar
output computer. vena cava to the right atrium, systolic pressures. The dicrotic
4. The balloon inflation lumen is low pressure waves (mean of notch, caused by the closure of
used to inflate the balloon which 3–8 mmHg normally) are the pulmonary valve, can be
is situated at the catheter tip. displayed (Fig. 11.23). The noted. The distance from the
Balloon-tipped flow-guided pulmonary artery catheter 189

Fig. 11.24 The Abbott cardiac output

computer. Cardiac output is measured
using a thermodilution technique which
produces a temperature–time curve.
Cardiac output is computed from this
information. When connected to the
appropriate catheter, mixed venous
oxygen saturation (SvO2) can also be
Proximal monitored.

back into the PA. The balloon

should be kept deflated until
another PCWP reading is
Fig. 11.22 Position of the pulmonary artery catheter tip in a pulmonary artery required.
branch. The desired position of the proximal lumen in the right atrium is indicated 6. The cardiac output can be
by an arrow. measured using thermodilution.
Ten mL of cold injectate is
administered upstream via
25 the proximal lumen. The
20 thermistor (in the pulmonary
15 artery) measures the change
10 in temperature of the
5 blood downstream. A
temperature–time curve is
Right atrium Right ventricle Pulmonary artery Pulmonary displayed from which the
artery wedge computer can calculate the
Normal 3–8 25/0 25/10 4–12 cardiac output (Fig. 11.24).
values The volume of injectate should
(mmHg) be known accurately and the
Fig. 11.23 Diagrammatic representation of the pressure waveforms seen as a whole volume injected quickly.
pulmonary artery flotation catheter is advanced until it wedges in a branch of the Usually the mean of three
pulmonary artery. readings is taken. Because of
the relatively high incidence of
complications, less invasive
right ventricle to the pulmonary it wedges. This is shown as a techniques are being developed
artery should be less than damped pressure waveform to measure the cardiac output.
10 cm, unless there is (pulmonary capillary wedge Thermodilution remains the
cardiomegaly. pressure (PCWP), mean pressure standard method for measuring
5. The balloon is fully inflated of 4–12 mmHg). This reflects the cardiac output.
enabling the blood flow to carry the left atrial filling pressure. 7. Some designs have the facility to
the tip of the catheter into a The balloon should then be continuously monitor the mixed
pulmonary artery branch, where deflated so the catheter floats venous oxygen saturation using
190 11 Invasive monitoring

To oximeter ventricular filling pressure. Such

Optical Fibreoptic catheter conditions include mitral
module stenosis and regurgitation, left
Cardiac output Receiving Transmitter
computer connector fibreoptic fibreoptic atrial myxoma, ball valve
lightguide lightguide thrombus, pulmonary veno-
occlusive disease, total
injection anomalous pulmonary venous
port drainage, cardiac tamponade
and acute right ventricular
(CVP) lumen dilatation resulting from right
Open end hole lumen for ventricular infarction, massive
blood sampling, pulmonary embolism and acute
Distal (PA) lumen
Thermistor solid blood pressure monitoring
severe tricuspid regurgitation.
state temperature
measurement 5. Catheter whip can occur because
of the coursing of the pulmonary
Fig. 11.25 Mechanism of action of the Abbott Oximetrix pulmonary artery
catheter through the right heart.
catheter. This uses fibreoptic technology to measure mixed venous oxygen
saturation (SvO2). Cardiac contractions can
produce ‘shock transients’ or
‘whip’ artifacts. Negative
mixed venous oximetry (SvO2),
deflections due to a whip artifact
blood temperature and degree of
may lead to an underestimation
of pulmonary artery pressures.

Problems in practice and

safety features Balloon-tipped flow-guided
pulmonary artery catheter
The overall morbidity of such ● Inserted via a large central vein
catheters is 0.4%. into the right atrium, right
1. Complications due to central ventricle, pulmonary artery and
venous cannulation (as above). branch with contiguous pressure
2. Complications due to catheter monitoring.
● Used to measure left ventricular
passage and advancement. These
include arrhythmias (ventricular filling pressure in addition to
Fig. 11.26 The Abbott Oximetrix
pulmonary artery catheter tip. ectopics, ventricular tachycardia other parameters.
● Complications are due to central
and others), heart block,
fibreoptic technology (Figs 11.25 knotting/kinking (common in venous cannulation, the passage
and 11.26). Cardiac pacing low-flow states and patients with of the catheter through different
capability is present in some large hearts; a ‘rule of thumb’ is structures and the presence of
designs. that the catheter should not be the catheter in the circulation.
● PCWP does not accurately reflect
advanced more than 10–15 cm
without a change in the pressure left ventricular (LV) filling
Information gained pressure in certain conditions.
waveform), valvular damage and
from PA catheter
perforation of PA vessel.
The responses to fluid challenges 3. Complications due to the
and therapeutic regimens are presence in the PA. These
monitored in preference to isolated include thrombosis (can be Oesophageal Doppler
individual readings. The following reduced by the use of heparin-
can be measured: CVP, right bonded catheters), PA rupture
ventricular (RV) pressure, PA (more common in the elderly, measurement
pressure, PCWP, cardiac output, may present as haemoptysis and
cardiac index, stroke volume, stroke is often fatal), infection, balloon An estimate of cardiac output can
volume index, left and right rupture, pulmonary infarction, be quickly obtained using the
ventricular stroke work index, valve damage and arrhythmias. minimally invasive oesophageal
systemic vascular resistance, 4. In certain conditions, the PCWP Doppler. Patient response to
pulmonary vascular resistance, does not accurately reflect left therapeutic manoeuvres (e.g. fluid
Oesophageal Doppler haemodynamic measurement 191

challenge) can also be rapidly thoracic vertebrae because, at

assessed. The technique has the that level, the descending aorta
advantage of the smooth muscle is adjacent and parallel to the
tone of the oesophagus acting as a distal oesophagus. This location
natural means of maintaining the is achieved by superficially
probe in position for repeated landmarking the distance to the
measurements. In addition, the third sternocostal junction
oesophagus is in close anatomical anteriorly. A correctly positioned
proximity to the aorta so that signal probe can measure the blood
interference from bone, soft tissue Fig. 11.27 The CardioQ oesophageal flow in this major vessel using a
and lung is minimized. Over the Doppler machine and attached probe high ultrasound frequency of
past three decades, the oesophageal (foreground). 4 MHz.
Doppler has evolved from an 5. The Doppler signal waveform
experimental technique to a is analysed and the stroke
Mechanism of action
relatively simple bed-side procedure volume and total cardiac
with the latest models incorporating 1. The device relies on the Doppler output are computed using the
both Doppler and echo-ultrasound principle. There is an increase Doppler equation and a
in a single probe. in observed frequency of a normogram which corrects for
The measurement of cardiac signal when the signal source variations found with differing
output using the oesophageal approaches the observer and a patient age, sex and body
Doppler method correlates well with decrease when the source moves surface area.
that obtained from a pulmonary away.
artery catheter. Oesophageal 2. The changes in the frequency of
Doppler ultrasonography has been the transmitted ultrasound result The Doppler equation
used for intravascular volume from the encounter of the cfd
optimization in both the wavefront with moving red v=
2fT cosθ
perioperative period and in the blood cells. If the transmitted
critical care setting. Its use in sound waves encounter a group where:
cardiac, general and orthopaedic of red cells moving towards the v is flow velocity
surgery has been associated with a source, they are reflected back at c is speed of sound in body tissue
reduction in morbidity and hospital a frequency higher than that at (1540 m/s)
stay. Because of the mild discomfort which they were sent, producing fd is Doppler frequency shift
associated with placing the probe a positive Doppler shift. The cos θ is cosine of angle between
and maintaining it in a fixed opposite effect occurs when a sound beam and blood flow (45°)
position, patients require adequate given frequency sent into tissues fT is frequency of transmitted
sedation. encounters red cells moving ultrasound (Hz).
away. The result is the return of
a frequency lower than that
Components 6. The parameters obtained from
transmitted, resulting in a
analysis of the Doppler signal
1. A monitor housing: negative Doppler shift. Analysis
waveform allow the operator to
a) a screen for visual verification of the reflected frequencies
gain an assessment of cardiac
of correct signal measurement allows determination of velocity
output, stroke volume, volaemic
(Fig. 11.27) of flow.
status, systemic vascular
b) technology that enables 3. The lubricated probe is
resistance and myocardial
beat-to-beat calculation of the inserted via the mouth with the
function (Fig. 11.28).
stroke volume and cardiac bevel of the tip facing up at the
output. back of the patient’s throat
Problems in practice and
2. An insulated, thin, latex-free into the distal oesophagus to a
safety features
silicone oesophageal probe depth of about 35–40 cm from
containing a Doppler transducer the teeth. 1. The probe is fully insulated and
angled at 45° (Fig. 11.27). 4. The probe is rotated and slowly safe when diathermy is being
The probe has a diameter of pulled back while listening to used.
6 mm with an internal spring the audible signal. The ideal 2. The probe cannot easily be held
coil to ensure flexibility probe tip location is at the level in the correct position for long
and rigidity. between the fifth and sixth periods. Frequent repositioning
192 11 Invasive monitoring

1. Monitor housing containing:
Preload reduction
a) screen displaying real-time
cardiac output parameters
Positive inotropy Afterload reduction
b) software technology for
computing the cardiac output
Velocity and other parameters
c) electrical connection feeding
the arterial waveform from
the patient’s bed-side invasive
pressure monitor.
Myocardial depression Afterload increase

Preload increase Mechanism of action

Fig. 11.28 Changes in oesophageal Doppler waveform associated with a variety of 1. The patient’s existing invasive
clinical situations. (Reproduced with permission from Dr M Singer.) blood pressure trace is fed by a
may be necessary if continuous analysis software to generate a cable into the LiDCOrapid.
monitoring is required. ‘nominal’ cardiac output value. From this, the software algorithm
3. Oesophageal Doppler Because it does not require generates a nominal stroke
measurement can only be used calibration, it can be quickly set up volume and cardiac output.
in an adequately sedated, and the effects of fluids or inotropes 2. The LiDCOrapid displays the
intubated patient. Its use in assessed (Fig. 11.29). following parameters: heart rate,
awake patients has been pressures (MAP, systolic and
described using local diastolic), stroke volume and
anaesthesia. A suprasternal cardiac output.
probe is also available and can
be used in awake patients.
4. Insertion of the probe is not
recommended in patients with
pharyngo-oesophageal pathology
(e.g. oesophageal varices).
5. The role of the oesophageal
Doppler in children is still being

Oesophageal Doppler
● Minimally invasive and rapid
estimate of cardiac output using
the Doppler principle.
● Insulated Doppler probe lies in the
distal oesophagus emitting a high
ultrasound frequency of 4 MHz.
● Continuous monitoring is
possible, although frequent
probe repositioning is a problem.

This is a cardiac output monitor
that uses arterial pressure waveform Fig. 11.29 The LiDCOrapid cardiac output monitor.
Temperature probes 193

3. Dynamic preload parameters can The response is made linear measure accurately the core
also be generated by the software electronically. This property temperature within 3 s.
to assess the stroke volume allows them to accurately 3. The rate of radiation by an
response to a fluid challenge. measure temperature to an order object is proportional to
of 0.1°C. temperature to the fourth power.
2. It can be made in very small
Problems in practice and
sizes and is relatively cheap to
safety features Problems in practice and
safety features
The performance of the software 3. It is mounted in a plastic or
may be compromised in the stainless steel probe making it 1. Non-continuous intermittent
following patient groups: mechanically robust, and it can readings.
be chemically sterilized. 2. The probe has to be accurately
1. Patients with aortic valve
4. It is used in PA catheters to aimed at the tympanic
measure cardiac output. membrane. False low readings
2. Patients being treated with
5. In the negative thermal from the sides of the ear canal
an intra-aortic balloon pump
conductivity thermistors, such can be a problem.
or cardiac arrythmias that
as cobalt oxide, copper oxide 3. Wax in the ear can affect the
will disrupt the usual
and manganese oxide, the accuracy.
arterial waveform pattern.
electrical resistance decreases
3. Patients with highly damped
as the temperature increases.
peripheral arterial lines or with
In the positive thermal THERMOCOUPLES
pronounced peripheral arterial
conductivity thermistors, such
as barium titanate, the electrical These are devices that make use of
4. The Lidco Plus can be
resistance increases with the principle that two different
calibrated using a single-point
the temperature. metals in contact generate a voltage,
lithium indicator dilution
which is temperature dependent
process. This offers more
(Fig. 11.30).
accurate cardiac output Problems in practice and
measurement. safety features
Thermistors need to be stabilized as
they age. 1. Two strips of dissimilar metals
(0.4–2-mm diameter) of
Temperature different specific heats and
probes INFRARED TYMPANIC in contact from both ends.
THERMOMETER Usually copper-constantan
Monitoring a patient’s temperature (copper with 40% nickel)
during surgery is a common and Components junctions are used.
routine procedure. Different types of 1. A small probe with a disposable 2. A galvanometer.
thermometers are available. and transparent cover is inserted
into the external auditory
meatus. Voltage measured
THERMISTOR 2. The detector (which consists of
a series of thermocouples called Hot junction
Components a thermopile).
1. A small bead of a temperature-
Metal A
dependent semiconductor.
Mechanism of action
2. Wheatstone bridge circuit. Metal B
1. The detector receives infrared
radiation from the tympanic
Mechanism of action membrane.
Cold junction

1. The thermistor has electrical 2. The infrared signal detected is

resistance which changes converted into an electrical
non-linearly with temperature. signal that is processed to Fig. 11.30 Thermocouple.
194 11 Invasive monitoring

Mechanism of action
1. One junction is used as the
measuring junction whereas the
other one is the reference. The
latter is kept at a constant
2. The metals expand and
contract to different degrees
with change in temperature
producing an electrical
potential that is compared to a
reference junction. The current
produced is directly
proportional to the temperature Fig. 11.31 Oesophageal/rectal Fig. 11.33 Tympanic membrane
difference between the two temperature probe. thermometer.
junctions, i.e. there is a linear
relationship between voltage
and temperature. accurately reflects core 5. Skin temperature, when
3. The voltage produced is temperature, compared with measured with the core
called the Seebeck effect or lower oesophageal temperature. temperature, can be useful
thermoelectric effect. Thermocouple and thermistor in determining the volaemic
4. The measuring junction probes as well as the infrared status of the patient
produces a potential of 40 μV probe can be used (Figs 11.32 (Fig. 11.35).
per °C. This potential is and 11.33).
measured by an amplifier. 4. Bladder temperature correlates The axilla is the best location for
5. They are stable and accurate to well with the core temperature monitoring muscle temperature,
0.1°C. when there is a normal urine making it most suitable for
6. If multiple thermocouples are output (Fig. 11.34). detecting malignant hyperthermia.
linked in series, they constitute a
thermopile. This is done to
improve their sensitivity

Body core temperature can be

measured using different sites:

1. Rectal temperature does not

accurately reflect the core
temperature in anaesthetized
patients. During an operation,
changes in temperature are
relatively rapid and the rectal
temperature lags behind.
2. Oesophageal temperature
accurately reflects the core
temperature with the probe
positioned in the lower
oesophagus (at the level of the
left atrium). Here the probe is
not affected by the cooler
tracheal temperature
(Fig. 11.31).
3. Tympanic membrane
temperature is closely associated
with brain temperature. It Fig. 11.32 Tympanic membrane temperature probe. (Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)
Further reading 195

Temperature probes
● They can be thermistors, Centers for Disease Control and
thermocouples or infrared Prevention, 2011. Guidelines for the
thermometers. prevention of intravascular catheter-
● Core and skin temperatures can related infections. Online. Available
be measured. at:
● Core temperature can be guidelines/bsi-guidelines-2011.pdf.
measured from the rectum, National Institute for Health and Clinical
oesophagus, tympanic Excellence, 2008. Inadvertent
membrane or the bladder. perioperative hypothermia. The
management of inadvertent
perioperative hypothermia in adults.
Online. Available at: http://www.nice.
NHS, 2008. Infusions and sampling
Fig. 11.35 Skin temperature probe. from arterial lines. Online. Available
Shoemaker, W.C., Velmahos, G.C.,
Demetriades, D., 2002. Procedures
and monitoring for the critically ill.
WB Saunders, Philadelphia.

Fig. 11.34 Smith’s Medical bladder

catheter with a temperature probe.
196 11 Invasive monitoring

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Thermometers: 3. Balloon-tipped flow-guided 5. Concerning central venous

a) The electrical resistance of a pulmonary artery catheter: pressure and cannulation:
thermistor changes non- a) They can have up to five a) 10 mmHg is equivalent to
linearly with temperature. separate lumens. 7.5 cm H2O.
b) Thermocouples are used in b) They measure the cardiac b) During cannulation, the left
measuring cardiac output output using the Doppler internal jugular vein is the
using the thermodilution technique. approach of choice since the
method. c) The balloon should be left heart lies mainly in the left
c) The Seebeck effect is used to wedged and inflated in order side of the chest.
measure the temperature with to get a continuous reading of c) Subclavian vein cannulation
thermocouples. the left ventricular filling has a higher incidence of
d) Thermometers can be used to pressure. pneumothorax than the
measure core and peripheral d) Mixed venous blood oxygen internal jugular vein.
temperatures at the same saturation can be measured. d) The ‘J’-shaped end of the
time. e) They use a thermocouple at guidewire is inserted first.
e) A galvanometer is used to the tip to measure the e) The Dacron cuff used in a
measure the potential in a temperature of the blood. Hickman’s line is to anchor
thermocouple. the catheter only.
4. If the mean arterial blood
2. Concerning direct arterial blood pressure is 100 mmHg, 6. In an invasive pressure
pressure measurement: pulmonary capillary wedge measurement system, which of
a) A 16-G radial artery cannula pressure is 10 mmHg, mean the following is/are correct:
is suitable. pulmonary artery pressure is a) A clot causes high systolic and
b) The position of the dicrotic 15 mmHg, cardiac output is 5 L/ low diastolic pressures.
notch in the waveform can min and CVP is 5 mmHg, which b) A transducer diaphragm with
reflect the vascular tone. of the following statements are very low compliance causes
c) The monitoring system should correct? low systolic and high diastolic
be capable of responding to a a) The unit for vascular pressures.
frequency range of up to resistance is dyne s−1 cm5. c) A soft wide lumen catheter
40 Hz. b) The pulmonary vascular causes low systolic and high
d) Increased damping of the resistance is about 800. diastolic pressures.
waveform causes an increase c) The peripheral vascular d) An air bubble causes low
in systolic pressure and a resistance is about 1500. systolic and diastolic
decrease in diastolic pressure. d) The patient has pulmonary pressures.
e) Air bubbles produce an hypertension. e) A short and narrow lumen
overdamped waveform. e) The patient has normal catheter is ideal.
peripheral vascular resistance.
MCQs 197

7. Concerning the oesophageal SINGLE BEST ANSWER (SBA)

a) The ideal probe location is at 8. Direct arterial pressure
the level between the fifth and monitoring:
sixth thoracic vertebrae. a) A minimum of a 16-G
b) It emits a pulsed ultrasound cannula should be used.
wave of 4 Hz. b) Bubbles of air in the
c) Red cells moving towards the transducer aid accuracy.
ultrasound source reflect the c) The first 10 harmonics of the
sound back at a frequency fundamental frequency can be
lower than that at which it ignored.
was sent, producing a positive d) The system needs to respond
Doppler shift. to a frequency range of
d) The oesophageal probe tip is 0.5–40 Hz.
located at a depth of about e) Vasoconstriction lowers the
40 cm. position of the dicrotic notch.
e) The angle between the
ultrasound beam and blood
flow is 75°.
198 11 Invasive monitoring


1. Thermometers: adequate blood flow to pass of the catheter and another

a) True. The response is non- by the cannula distally. lumen is used to inflate the
linear but can be made linear b) True. The position of the balloon at the tip of the
electronically. dicrotic notch (which catheter.
b) False. Thermistors are used represents the closure of b) False. The cardiac output is
in measuring the cardiac the aortic valve) is on the measured by thermodilution.
output by thermodilution. downstroke curve. A high A ‘cold’ injectate (e.g. saline)
Thermocouples are not dicrotic notch can be seen in is injected via the proximal
used in measuring the vasoconstricted patients with lumen. The changes in blood
cardiac output by high peripheral vascular temperature are measured by
thermodilution. resistance. A low dicrotic the thermistor in the
c) True. The Seebeck effect is notch can be seen in pulmonary artery. A
when the electrical potential vasodilated patients (e.g. temperature–time curve is
produced at the junction of patients with epidurals or displayed from which the
two dissimilar metals is sepsis). cardiac output can be
dependent on the temperature c) True. The addition of the calculated.
of the junction. This is shape of the dicrotic notch to c) False. Leaving the balloon
the principle used in an already simple waveform wedged and inflated is
thermocouples. makes a maximum frequency dangerous and should not be
d) True. The gradient between of 40 Hz adequate for such a done. This is due to the risk
the core and peripheral monitoring system. Because of of ischaemia to the distal
temperatures is useful in the complicated waveform of parts of the lungs supplied by
assessing the degree of skin the ECG, the monitoring the pulmonary artery or its
perfusion and the circulatory system requires a much wider branches.
volume. For example, range of frequencies d) True. Using fibreoptics, the
hypovolaemia causes a (maximum of 100 Hz). mixed venous oxygen
decrease in skin perfusion d) False. Increased damping saturation can be measured
which reduces the peripheral leads to a decrease in systolic on some designs. This allows
temperature and thus pressure and an increase in the calculation of oxygen
increases the gradient. The diastolic pressure. Decreased extraction by the tissues.
normal gradient is about damping causes the opposite. e) False. A thermistor is used to
2–4°C. The mean pressure remains measure the temperature of
e) True. The galvanometer is the same. the blood. Thermistors are
placed between the junctions e) True. This is due to made to very small sizes.
of the thermocouple, the the difference in the
reference and the measuring compressibility of the two 4. If the mean arterial blood
junctions. This allows the media, air and saline. Air is pressure is 100 mmHg,
current to be measured. more compressible in contrast pulmonary capillary wedge
Changes in current are to the saline column. pressure is 10 mmHg, mean
calibrated to measure the pulmonary artery pressure is
temperature difference 3. Balloon-tipped flow-guided 15 mmHg, cardiac output is 5 L/
between the two junctions. pulmonary artery catheter: min and CVP is 5 mmHg, which
a) True. The most distal lumen is of the following statements are
2. Concerning direct arterial blood in the pulmonary artery. correct?
pressure measurement: There are one or two a) False. The unit for vascular
a) False. A 16-G cannula is far proximal lumens in the right resistance is dyne s cm−5.
too big to be inserted into an atrium: one lumen carries the b) False. The pulmonary
artery. 20-G or 22-G cannulae insulated wires leading to the vascular resistance = mean
are usually used allowing thermistor proximal to the tip pulmonary artery pressure
Answers 199

− left atrial pressure × 80/ because it is atraumatic and

clinical use, a maximum
cardiac output (15 − 10 × soft.
length of 2 m is acceptable.
80/5 = 80 dyne s cm−5). e) False. In addition to
c) True. The peripheral vascular anchoring the catheter, the
7. Concerning the oesophageal
resistance = mean arterial cuff also reduces the risk of
pressure − right atrial pressure infection by stopping the
a) True. The ideal probe tip
× 80/cardiac output (100 − 5 spread of infection from the
location is at the level
× 80/5 = 1520 dyne s cm−5. site of skin entry. Some
between the fifth and sixth
d) False. The normal mean catheters have a silver
thoracic vertebrae. At that
pulmonary artery pressure is impregnated cuff that acts as
level, the descending aorta is
about 15 mmHg (systolic an anti-microbial barrier.
adjacent and parallel to the
pressure of about 25 and a
distal oesophagus. This
diastolic pressure of about 6. In an invasive pressure
location is achieved by
10 mmHg) and pulmonary measurement system, which of
superficially landmarking the
vascular resistance is 80– the following is/are correct:
distance to the third
120 dyne s cm−5. a) False. A clot will cause
sternocostal junction
e) True. The normal peripheral damping of the system as
vascular resistance is 1000– pressure changes are not
b) False. The frequency used is
1500 dyne s cm−5. accurately transmitted. The
4 MHz.
systolic pressure is decreased
c) False. Red cells moving
5. Concerning central venous and the diastolic pressure is
towards the ultrasound source
pressure and cannulation: increased.
reflect the sound back at a
a) False. 10 cm H2O is b) False. A too rigid diaphragm
frequency higher than that
equivalent to 7.5 mmHg or will cause the system to
at which they were sent,
1 kPa. resonate. This leads to high
producing a positive Doppler
b) False. The right internal systolic and low diastolic
shift. The opposite produces a
jugular is usually preferred pressures.
negative Doppler shift.
first as the internal jugular, c) True. A soft wide lumen
d) True. The tip of the probe is
the brachiocephalic veins and catheter will increase the
positioned in the distal
the superior vena cava are damping of the system (see a)
oesophagus at about 40 cm
nearly in a straight line. above).
c) True. The higher incidence d) False. An air bubble will
e) False. The angle between the
of pneumothorax with the increase the damping of the
ultrasound beam and blood
subclavian approach makes system (see a) above).
flow is 45°.
the internal jugular the e) True. A catheter that is
preferred vein. short and narrow allows
8. d)
d) True. The ‘J’-shaped end of transmission of pressure
the guidewire is inserted first changes accurately. For

Chapter 12

and regional
202 12 Pain management and regional anaesthesia

Mechanism of action 4. The history of the drug

administration including the
Patient controlled 1. Different modes of analgesic
total dose of the analgesic, the
analgesia (PCA) administration can be
number of boluses and the
number of successful and failed
PCA represents one of the most a) patient controlled on-demand
attempts can be displayed.
significant advances in the treatment bolus administration (PCA)
5. The devices have memory
of postoperative pain. Improved b) continuous background
capabilities so they retain their
technology enables pumps to infusion and patient
programming during syringe
accurately deliver boluses of opioid controlled bolus
when a demand button is activated administration.
6. Tamper-resistant features are
by the patient. 2. The initial programming of the
It is the patient who determines pump must be tailored for the
7. Some designs have a safety
the plasma concentration of the individual patient. The mode
measure where an accidental
opioid, this being a balance between of administration, the amount
triggering of the device is usually
the dose required to control the pain of analgesic administered per
prevented by the need for the
and that which causes side-effects. bolus, the ‘lock-out’ time (i.e.
patient to make two successive
The plasma concentration of the the time period during which
presses on the hand control
opioid is maintained at a relatively the patient is prevented
within 1 second.
constant level with the dose from receiving another bolus
8. PCA devices operate on mains
requirements being generally despite activating the demand
or battery.
smaller. button), the duration of the
9. Different routes of
administration of the bolus
administration can be used for
and the maximum amount of
PCA, e.g. intravenous,
Components analgesic permitted per unit time
intramuscular, subcutaneous or
1. A pump with an accuracy of at are all variable settings on a
epidural routes.
least ±5% of the programmed PCA device.
10. Alarms are included for
dose (Fig. 12.1). 3. Some designs have the capability
malfunction, occlusion and
2. The remote demand button to be used as a PCA pump for
connected to the pump and a particular variable duration
11. Ambulatory PCA pumps are
activated by the patient. then switching automatically to
available allowing patient’s
3. An anti-siphon and backflow a continuous infusion as
mobilization during use
valve. programmed.
(Fig. 12.2).

Fig. 12.1 The Graseby Omnifuse PCA pump. Fig. 12.2 The CADD Legacy portable PCA.
Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) 203

Fig. 12.3 The Graseby 2000 syringe pump.

Fig. 12.4 The Graseby volumetric pump.

Problems in practice and SYRINGE PUMPS Some pumps have a ‘back-off’

safety features function that prevents the pump
These are programmable pumps from administering a bolus
1. The ability of the patient to following an obstruction due to
that can be adjusted to give variable
co-operate and understand is increased pressure in the system. An
rates of infusion and also bolus
essential. anti-reflux valve should be inserted
administration (Fig. 12.3). They
2. Availability of trained staff to in any other line that is connected
are used to maintain continuous
programme the device and to the infusion line. Anti-reflux
infusions of analgesics (or other
monitor the patient is vital. valves prevent backflow up the
drugs). The type of flow is pulsatile
3. In the PCA mode, the patient secondary and often lower pressure
continuous delivery and their
may awaken in severe pain line should a distal occlusion occur
accuracy is within ±2–5%. Some
because no boluses were and they avoid a subsequent
designs can accept a variety of
administered during sleep. inadvertent bolus.
different size syringes. The power
4. Some PCA devices require
source can be battery and/or mains.
special giving sets and syringes.
It is important to prevent free
5. Technical errors can be fatal.
flow from the syringe pump. VOLUMETRIC PUMPS
Anti-siphon valves are usually used
Patient controlled to achieve this. Inadvertent free flow These are programmable pumps
analgesia (PCA) can occur if the syringe barrel or designed to be used with specific
● The patient has the ability to plunger is not engaged firmly in giving set tubing (Fig. 12.4). They
administer the opioid as the pump mechanism. The syringe are more suitable for infusions
required. should be securely clamped to the where accuracy of total volume is
● The device is programmed by pump. Syringe drivers should not be more important than precise flow
the anaesthetist. positioned above the level of the rate. Their accuracy is generally
● Different modes of patient. If the pump is more than within ±5–10%. Volumetric pump
administration. 100 cm above the patient, a accuracy is sensitive to the internal
● Tamper-resistant designs are gravitational pressure can be diameter of the giving set tubing.
featured. generated that overcomes the Various mechanisms of action exist.
● Ambulatory designs are friction between a non-secured Peristaltic, cassette and reservoir
available. plunger and barrel. Siphoning can systems are commonly used.
● Technical errors can be fatal. also occur if there is a crack in the The power source can be battery
syringe allowing air to enter. and/or mains.
204 12 Pain management and regional anaesthesia


These pumps have advanced

software technology where the age
and the weight of the patient are
entered in addition to the drug’s
desired plasma concentration. They
are mainly used with a propofol and
remifentanil infusion technique. The
software is capable of estimating
the plasma and effect (brain)
concentrations allowing the
anaesthetist to adjust the infusion
rate accordingly.

Elastomeric pumps
These recently designed light,
portable and disposable pumps
allow continous infusions of local
anaesthetic solutions. Continuous
incisional infiltration or nerve
blocks can be used so allowing the
delivery of continuous analgesia
(Fig. 12.5).

1. A small balloon-like pump that
is filled with local anaesthetic.
Variable volumes of 100–
600 mL are available.
2. Specially designed catheters with
lengths of 7–30 cm and of
different gauges.
3. A bacterial filter and a flow
Fig. 12.5 The On-Q elastomeric pump. Note the flow restricter, bacterial filter,
anti-syphon valve and the attached catheter. (Courtesy of I-Flow Corporation.)

Mechanism of action
3. An extra on-demand bolus
Problems in practice and
1. The balloon deflates slowly facility is available in some
safety features
and spontaneously delivering designs. This allows boluses of
a set amount of local 5 mL solution with a lock-out 1. Some of the local anaesthetic
anaesthetic solution per hour. time of 60 min. may get absorbed into the
Rates of 2–14 mL/h can be 4. Some designs allow the balloon.
programmed. simultaneous infusion of two 2. The infusion rate profile can
2. Catheters are designed with surgical sites. vary throughout the infusion. It
multiple orifices allowing the 5. Silver-coated dressing for is thought that the initial rate is
infusion of local anaesthetic anti-microbial effect is higher than expected initially
solution over a large area. provided. especially if the pump is under
Epidural needles 205

filled. The infusion rates tend to 2. The needle wall is thin in order 6. A combined spinal–epidural
decrease over the infusion to allow a catheter to be inserted technique is possible using a
period. through it. 26-G spinal needle of about
3. It is important to follow the 3. The needle is provided with a 12 cm length with a standard
manufacturer’s instructions stylet introducer to prevent 16-G Tuohy needle. The Tuohy
regarding positioning of the occlusion of the lumen by a needle is first positioned in the
device in relation to the body core of tissue as the needle is epidural space then the spinal
and ambient temperature. inserted. needle is introduced through it
Changes in temperature can 4. The bevel (called a Huber point) into the subarachnoid space
affect the flow rate. A change is designed to be slightly oblique (Fig. 12.7). A relatively high
of 10°C in the temperature of at 20° to the shaft, with a rather pressure is required to inject
water-based fluids results in blunt leading edge. through the spinal needle
altered viscosity, which causes a 5. Some designs allow the wings because of its small bore. This
20–30% change in flow rate. at the hub to be added or might lead to accidental
removed. displacement of the tip of the
6. The commonly used gauges are needle from the subarachnoid
either 16 G or 18 G. space leading to a failed or
partial block. To prevent this
Epidural needles happening, in some designs, the
Mechanism of action
spinal needle is ‘anchored’ to
Epidural needles are used to identify
1. The markings on the needle the epidural needle to prevent
and cannulate the epidural space.
enable the anaesthetist to displacement (Fig. 12.8).
The Tuohy needle is widely used in
determine the distance between
the UK (Fig. 12.6).
the skin and the epidural space.
Problems in practice and
Hence the length of the catheter
safety features
Components left inside the epidural space can
be estimated. 1. During insertion of the catheter
1. The needle is 10 cm in length
2. The shape and design of the through the needle, if it is
with a shaft of 8 cm (with 1-cm
bevel (Fig 12.7) enable the necessary to withdraw the
markings). A 15-cm version
anaesthetist to direct the catheter catheter, the needle must be
exists for obese patients.
within the epidural space (either withdrawn simultaneously. This
in a cephalic or caudal is because of the risk of the
direction). catheter being transected by the
3. The bluntness of the bevel also oblique bevel.
minimizes the risk of accidental 2. In accidental dural puncture,
dural puncture. there is a high incidence of
4. Some anaesthetists prefer winged postdural headache due to the
epidural needles for better epidural needle’s large bore (e.g.
control and handling of the 16 G or 18 G).
needle during insertion. 3. Wrong route errors: in order to
5. A paediatric 19-G, 5-cm long avoid administering drugs that
Tuohy needle (with 0.5-cm were intended for intravenous
markings), allowing the passage administration, all epidural
of a 21-G nylon catheter, is bolus doses are performed using
available. syringes, needles and other

Fig. 12.6 18-G Tuohy needle. Note the Fig. 12.7 Detail of a spinal needle introduced through a Tuohy needle (top); an epidural
1 cm markings along its shaft. catheter passing through a Tuohy needle (bottom).
206 12 Pain management and regional anaesthesia

Mechanism of action
1. The catheters are designed
to pass easily through their
matched gauge epidural needles.
2. The markings enable the
anaesthetist to place the desired
length of catheter within the
epidural space (usually 3–5 cm).
3. There are catheters with a single
port at the distal tip. These offer
a rather sharp point and increase
the incidence of catheter-induced
vascular or dural puncture.
4. An epidural fixing device can
be used to prevent the catheter
falling out. The device clips on
the catheter. It has an adhesive
Fig. 12.8 The Portex CSEcure combined spinal-epidural device. The spinal needle (top);
flange that secures it to the skin.
the epidural needle (middle); the spinal needle inserted and ‘anchored’ to the epidural
needle (bottom). The device does not occlude the
catheter and does not increase
the resistance to injection
devices with safer connectors Teflon and biologically inert. (Fig. 12.11).
that cannot connect with The 16-G version has an
intravenous Luer connectors. external diameter of about
Problems in practice and
1 mm and an internal diameter
safety features
of 0.55 mm.
Epidural needle
2. The distal end has two or three 1. The patency of the catheter
● 10-cm Tuohy needle with the
side ports with a closed and should be tested prior to
oblique bevel (Huber point) is
rounded tip in order to reduce insertion.
most popular. Five- and 15-cm
the risk of vascular or dural 2. The catheter can puncture an
lengths exist.
puncture (see Fig. 12.7). epidural vessel or the dura at the
● It has 1-cm markings to measure
Paediatric designs, 18 G or time of insertion or even days
the depth of the epidural space.
19 G, have closer distal side later.
● A stylet introducer is provided
ports. 3. The catheter should not be
with the needle.
3. Some designs have an open end. withdrawn through the Tuohy
● A combined epidural–spinal
4. The distal end of the catheter needle once it has been threaded
technique is becoming more
is marked clearly at 5-cm beyond the bevel as that can
intervals, with additional 1-cm transect the catheter. Both needle
markings between 5 and 15 cm and catheter should be removed
(Fig. 12.10). in unison.
5. The proximal end of the catheter 4. It is almost impossible to predict
Epidural catheter, is connected to a Luer lock and in which direction the epidural
a filter (Fig. 12.10). catheter is heading when it is
filter and loss of 6. In order to prevent kinking, advanced.
resistance device some designs incorporate a 5. Once the catheter has been
coil-reinforced catheter. removed from the patient, it
(Fig. 12.9) 7. Some designs are radio-opaque. should be inspected for any signs
These catheters tend to be more of breakage. The side ports are
rigid than the normal design. points of catheter weakness
They can be used in patients where it is possible for the
with chronic pain to ensure catheter to break. Usually, if a
1. 90-cm transparent, malleable correct placement of the portion of the catheter were to
tube made of either nylon or catheter. remain in the patient after
Epidural catheter, filter and loss of resistance device 207

Fig. 12.10 Portex epidural catheter and

filter. Note the markings up to 20 cm.

Fig. 12.11 Smith’s Portex LockIt Plus

epidural catheter fixing device.

Plastic and glass versions are

Fig. 12.9 The Portex epidural set containing Tuohy needle, loss of resistance syringe
and a range of other syringes and needles, epidural catheter and filter, drape, swabs
Epidural catheter, filter
and epidural catheter label.
and syringe
removal, conservative about 0.7 mL. It is recommended ● Marked 90-cm catheter with
management would be that the filter should be changed distal side or end ports.
recommended. every 24 h if the catheter is going to ● It should not be advanced for
6. Advancing the catheter too much stay in situ for long periods. more than 5 cm inside the
can cause knotting (Fig. 12.12). epidural space.
● The proximal end is connected
LOSS OF RESISTANCE to a 0.22-micron mesh
THE FILTER (SEE FIG. 12.10) DEVICE OR SYRINGE bacterial, viral and foreign
body filter.
The hydrophilic filter is a 0.22- The syringe has a special low- ● A low-resistance plunger syringe
micron mesh which acts as a resistance plunger used to identify is used to identify the epidural
bacterial, viral and foreign body (e.g. the epidural space by loss of space.
glass) filter with a priming volume of resistance to either air or saline.
208 12 Pain management and regional anaesthesia

6. A 28-G nylon, open-ended

microcatheter can be inserted
through a Crawford spinal
needle (23 G). A stylet inside the
catheter is removed during the
insertion. This allows top-ups to
be administered. The priming
volume is 0.03 mL with a length
of 910 mm. A 0.2-micron filter
is attached to the catheter (Fig.

Mechanism of action
1. The large 22-G needle is more
rigid and easier to direct. It gives
a better feedback feel as it passes
through the different tissue
2. The CSF is slower to emerge
from the smaller sized needles.
Aspirating gently with a syringe
can speed up the tracking back
of CSF.
3. Continuous spinal anaesthesia
can be achieved by inserting
3–4 cm of the 28-G spinal
microcatheter into the
Fig. 12.12 An epidural catheter with a knot near its tip. (Courtesy of Dr MS Rao.) subarachnoid space.

Problems in practice and

safety features
The stylet is withdrawn once
Spinal needles the tip of the needle is (or is 1. Wrong route errors: in order to
suspected to be) in the avoid administering drugs that
These needles are used to inject subarachnoid space. were intended for intravenous
local anaesthetic(s) and/or opiates 3. Spinal needles are made in administration, all spinal
into the subarachnoid space. In different sizes, from 18 G to (intrathecal) bolus doses and
addition, they are used to sample 29 G in diameter. 32-G spinal lumbar puncture samples are
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or for needles have been described but performed using syringes,
intrathecal injections of antibiotics are not widely used. needles and other devices with
and cytotoxics (Fig. 12.13). 4. The 25-G and smaller needles safer connectors that cannot
are used with an introducer connect with intravenous Luer
which is usually an 18-G or connectors (Figs 12.17 and
19-G needle. 12.18).
1. The needle’s length varies from 5 5. There are two designs for the
to 15 cm; the 10-cm version is bevel. The cutting, traumatic
Dural headache
most commonly used. They have bevel is seen in the Yale and
a transparent hub in order to Quincke needles. The non- 1. The incidence of dural headache
identify quickly the flow of CSF. cutting, atraumatic pencil point, is directly proportional to the
2. A stylet is used to prevent a core with a side hole just proximal to gauge of the needle and the
of tissue occluding the lumen of the tip, is seen in the Whitacre number of punctures made
the needle during insertion. It and Sprotte needles (Figs 12.14 through the dura and indirectly
also acts to strengthen the shaft. and 12.15). proportional to the age of
Spinal needles 209

Fig. 12.13 Different size spinal needles with their introducer. From left; 27 G (grey), Fig. 12.15 Pencil-shaped Whitacre bevel
26 G (brown), 25 G (orange), 24 G (purple) and 22 G (black). (Courtesy of Smiths (left) and cutting Quincke bevel (right).

the patient. There is a 30%

incidence of dural headache
using a 20-G spinal needle,
whereas the incidence is reduced
to about 1% when a 26-G
needle is used. For this reason,
smaller gauge spinal needles are
2. The Whitacre and Sprotte
atraumatic needles separate
rather than cut the longitudinal
fibres of the dura. The defect in
the dura has a higher chance
of sealing after the removal of
Fig. 12.14 Bevel design of (A) 18-G
the needles. This reduces the Quincke; (B) 16-G Tuohy; (C) 22-G Yale;
incidence of dural headache. (D) 24-G Sprotte; (E) 25-G Whitacre;
3. Traumatic bevel needles cut (F) 25-G Yale.
the dural fibres, producing a Fig. 12.16 The Portex spinal
ragged tear which allows leakage microcatheter set.
of CSF. Dural headache is
thought to be caused by the
leakage of CSF.
210 12 Pain management and regional anaesthesia

4. The risk of dural headache is

higher during pregnancy and
labour, day-surgery patients and
those who have experienced a
dural headache in the past.

Spinal microcatheters
1. They are difficult to advance.
Fig. 12.17 The standard Luer connection spinal needle (left) and the Portex Correct
Inject spinal needle designed to avoid wrong route error injections.
2. There is a risk of trauma to
3. Cauda equina syndrome is
thought to be due to the
potential neurotoxicity from the
anaesthetic solutions rather than
the microcatheter.

Spinal needles
● They have a stylet and a
transparent hub.
● Different gauges from 18 G to
32 G.
● The bevel can be cutting (Yale
and Quincke) or pencil-like
(Whitacre and Sprotte).
● Can cause dural headache.
● Continuous spinal block using a
28-G microcatheter is possible.
Fig. 12.18 Portex Correct Inject range of spinal needles and syringe designed to avoid
wrong route error injections.

Nerve block needles

These needles are used in regional
anaesthesia to identify a nerve plexus
or peripheral nerve (Fig. 12.19).

1. They are made of steel with a
Luer-lock attachment.
2. They have short, rather blunt
bevels in order to cause minimal
trauma to the nervous tissue.
The bluntness makes skin
insertion more difficult. This can
be overcome by a small incision.
3. The needles have transparent
hubs which allow earlier
recognition of intravascular
Fig. 12.19 A range of Smiths Medical insulated peripheral nerve block needles of placement while performing
different lengths. blocks.
Nerve block needles 211

4. A side port for injecting the needle is touching or very close

local anaesthetic solution is to the nerve. Higher currents
found in some designs. suggest that the needle is
5. The needles are connected to unlikely to be near the nerve.
a nerve stimulator to aid in Contractions at a current less
localizing the nerve using an than 0.2 mA may indicate
insulated cable to prevent possible intraneural needle
leakage of current (see placement.
Chapter 14). 3. The blunt nerve block needle
6. 22-G size needles are optimal for pushes the nerve ahead of itself
the vast majority of blocks. as it is advanced, whereas a sharp
There are different lengths needle is more likely to pierce the
depending on the depth of the nerve. Blunt needles give a better
nerve or plexus. Some suggested feedback feel as resistance
length needles for common changes as they pass through the Fig. 12.20 A catheter set for continuous
blocks are: different layers of tissues. plexus anaesthesia.
a) interscalene block: 25–50 mm 4. As the local anaesthetic solution
b) axillary block: 35–50 mm is injected, the stimulation is
block. The catheter body is
c) psoas compartment block: markedly reduced after only
made from insulating plastic
80–120 mm a small volume (about 2 mL)
material and usually contains a
d) femoral nerve block: 50 mm is injected. This is due to
metallic wire, inside which
e) sciatic nerve block (depending displacement of the nerve by
conducts the current to its
on the approach): the needle tip. Failure of the
exposed tip electrode. Usually,
80–150 mm. twitching to disappear (or pain
such stimulating catheters are
7. A pencil-shaped needle tip with experienced by the awake
placed using a continuous nerve
a distal side hole for injecting patient) after injection may
block needle which is placed first
local anaesthetic drugs is indicate intraneural needle
using nerve stimulation. It acts
available. placement.
as an introducer needle for the
5. The immobile needle technique
catheter. Once this needle is
is used for major nerve and
Mechanism of action placed close to the nerve or
plexus blocks when a large
plexus to be blocked, the
1. The needle should first be volume of local anaesthetic
stimulating catheter is
introduced through the skin and solution is used. One operator
introduced through it and the
subcutaneous tissues and then maintains the needle in position,
nerve stimulator is connected to
attached to the lead of the nerve while the second operator, after
the catheter. Stimulation through
stimulator. aspiration, injects the local
the catheter should reconfirm the
2. An initial high output (e.g. anaesthetic solution through the
catheter tip position in close
1–3 mA) from the nerve side port. This technique reduces
proximity to the target nerve(s).
stimulator is selected. For the possibility of accidental
However, it must be noted that
superficial nerves, a starting misplacement and intravascular
the threshold currents with
current of 1–2 mA should be injection.
stimulating catheters may be
sufficient in most cases. For 6. Catheters can be inserted and
considerably higher. Injection of
deeper nerves, it may be left in situ after localizing the
local anaesthetic or saline (which
necessary to increase the initial nerve or plexus (Fig. 12.20).
is frequently used to widen the
current to 3 mA or even more. Repeat bolus or continuous
space for threading the catheter
The needle is advanced slowly infusion of local anaesthetic
more easily) should be avoided,
towards the nerve until nerve solution can then be
as this may increase the
stimulation is noticed. The administered. Catheter
threshold current considerably
output is then reduced until a techniques can be used to
and may even prevent a motor
maximal stimulation is obtained enhance the spread (such as in
with the minimal output. This the axillary block) or to prolong
current should be 0.2–0.4 mA. the duration of the block. Nerve block needles can either be
Contractions with such a low 7. Stimulating catheters can also be insulated with an exposed tip or
current mean that the tip of the inserted to provide a continuous non-insulated.
212 12 Pain management and regional anaesthesia

Fig. 12.21 Current density and flow

from an insulated needle (left) and
non-insulated needle (right). Note the
current leakage from the shaft in
addition to the bevel of the latter.


These needles are Teflon coated with

exposed tips. The current passes
through the tip only (Fig. 12.21).
The insulated needles have a slightly Fig. 12.22 The Stimuplex pen used for the percutaneous localization of nerves.
greater diameter than similar (Courtesy of B Braun.)
non-insulated needles, which may
result in a higher risk of nerve
injury. The plexus or nerve can be
identified with a smaller current The ideal peripheral nerve
than that required using the Percutaneous stimulator
non-insulated needles. localization of nerves ● Constant current output despite
changes in resistance of the
This recent new technique allows external circuit (tissues, needles,
NON-INSULATED NEEDLES rapid, relatively painless and connectors, etc.).
non-invasive localization of ● Clear meter reading (digital) to
These needles allow current to pass superficial nerves using a pen-like 0.1 mA.
through the tip as well the shaft device (Fig. 12.22). This technique ● Variable output control.
(Fig. 12.21). They are effective in allows the identification of the ● Linear output.
regional anaesthesia because the optimal angle and needle entry ● Clearly marked polarity.
maximum density of the current is point before introducing the needle ● Short pulse width.
being localized to the tip because of into the patient. Such a device can ● Pulse of 1–2 Hz.
its lower resistance. However, a be used to identify nerves up to ● Battery indicator.
nerve may be stimulated via the 3 cm in depth. ● High-quality clips of low
shaft. In this situation, the local
anaesthetic solution injected will be
placed away from the nerve
resulting in an unsuccessful block.
Nerve stimulator for
Nerve block needles nerve blocks
● Made of steel with short blunt 1. The nerve stimulator case with
bevel to reduce trauma to nerves This device is designed to produce an on/off switch and a dial
and improve feedback feel. visible muscular contractions at a selecting the amplitude of the
● 22 G is optimal with lengths of predetermined current and voltage current.
50–150 mm available. once a nerve plexus or peripheral 2. Two leads to complete the
● Can be insulated or nerve(s) has been located, without circuit. One is connected to an
non-insulated. actually touching it, thereby ECG skin electrode and the
● Immobile needle technique is providing a greater accuracy other to the locating needle. The
commonly used. for local anaesthetic deposition polarity of the leads should be
(Fig. 12.23). clearly indicated and
Nerve stimulator for nerve blocks 213

5. Nerve location can be very

accurately defined, especially
when low currents are used.
The success rate of technically
difficult nerve blocks can be
increased by using a nerve
stimulator. A sciatic nerve
block with a success rate of
over 90% can be achieved in
experienced hands, compared to
about 50% without using a
nerve stimulator.
6. Remote control of the nerve
stimulator allows sterile one-
hand operation (Figs 12.23 and

Problems in practice and

safety features
1. Higher currents will stimulate
nerve fibres even if the tip of
the needle is not adjacent to
Fig. 12.23 The Portex Tracer III peripheral nerve stimulatort. Note its facility for remote the nerve. The muscle
control. fibres themselves can also be
directly stimulated when a high
colour-coded with the negative caused. Using 2-Hz frequency current is used. In both
lead being attached to the allows more frequent feedback. situations, the outcome will be
needle. 3. The duration of the stimulus an unsuccessful block once the
should be short (50–100 ms) local anaesthetic solution has
to generate painless motor been injected.
Mechanism of action contraction. 2. The positive ground electrode
4. The nerve stimulator is battery should have good contact with
1. A small constant current (0.25– operated to improve patient clear dry skin. As the current
0.5 mA) is used to stimulate the safety. flows between the two electrodes
nerve fibres causing the motor
fibres to contract. Less current is
needed if the needle is connected
to the negative lead than to the
positive lead. When the negative
(cathode) lead is used to locate the
nerve, the current causes changes
in the resting membrane potential
of the cells, producing an area of
depolarization and so causing an
action potential. If the stimulating
electrode is positive (anode), the
current causes an area of
hyperpolarization near the needle
tip and a ring of depolarization
distal to the tip. This requires a
much higher current.
2. The frequency is set at 1–2 Hz.
Tetanic stimuli are not used
because of the discomfort Fig. 12.24 Stimuplex remote control. (Courtesy of B Braun.)
214 12 Pain management and regional anaesthesia

(needle and ground), it is the echotexture of the nerves will

preferable not to position the only be displayed in the centre of
ground over a superficial nerve. the image.
The passage of the current The linear probes are most often
through the myocardium should used for the majority of peripheral
also be avoided. blocks. The curved arrays are used
3. Most stimulators have a for deep nerve structures (lower
connection/disconnection frequency is required). Smaller
indicator to ensure that the footprint probes are useful for
operator is aware of the delivery smaller infants and children and for
or not of stimulus current. certain uses such as very superficial
4. It is not recommended to use blocks (e.g. ankle blocks).
nerve stimulators designed Portable ultrasound units are
to monitor the extent of available.
neuromuscular blockade for Ultrasound is described in more
regional nerve blocks. These are detail in Chapter 13.
high-output devices which can
damage the nervous tissue.
5. It should be remembered that
using the nerve stimulator is no Dalrymple, P., Chelliah, S., 2006.
excuse for not having the sound Electrical nerve locators. Continuing
knowledge of surface and Education in Anaesthesia. Critical
neuroanatomy required to Care and Pain 6 (1), 32–36
perform regional anaesthesia. Keay, S., Callander, C., 2004. The safe
use of infusion devices. Continuing
Education in Anaesthesia. Critical
Peripheral nerve stimulator
Care and Pain 4 (3), 81–85
● It has two leads, the positive one
Fig. 12.25 B Braun Contiplex S Ultra Marhofer, P., Greher, M., Kapral, S.,
to the skin and the negative to designed for improved echogenicity. 2005. Ultrasound guidance in
the needle. (Courtesy of B Braun.) regional anaesthesia. British Journal
● A small current of 0.5 mA or
of Anaesthesia 94 (1), 7–17
less is used with a frequency of
MHRA, 2007. Intravascular and epidural
1–2 Hz.
laser markings to facilitate better devices – top tips. Online. Available
● The stimulus is of short duration
needle visualization with minimal at:
(1–2 ms).
acoustic shadowing. Publications/Postersandleaflets/
Most nerve blocks need CON2025731
ultrasound frequencies in the range MHRA, 2010. Infusion systems, DB
of 10–14 MHz. Many broadband 2003(02) v2.0. Online. Available at:
Ultrasound guidance ultrasound transducers with a
bandwidth of 5–12 or 8–14 MHz Safetyguidance/DeviceBulletins/
in regional can offer excellent resolution of CON007321
anaesthesia superficial structures in the upper NHS, 2007. Epidural injections and
frequency range and good infusions. Online. Available at: http://
This more recent technique uses penetration depth in the lower
ultrasound control to locate the frequency range. ryid45=59807&p=11
nerves/plexuses. It is thought that a The true echogenicity of a nerve NHS, 2010. Safer ambulatory syringe
higher success rate can be achieved is only captured if the sound beam drivers. Online. Available at: http://
when it is used, with lower is oriented perpendicularly to the
complication rates. nerve axis. This can be achieved ryid45=92908&p=2
More specially designed needles best with linear array transducers NHS, 2010. Design for patient safety: a
for the use of ultrasound are with parallel sound beam emission guide to the design of electronic
available allowing a better reflection rather than with sector transducers. infusion devices. Online. Available at:
of the ultrasound waves (Fig. The latter are characterized by
12.25). The needles have echogenic diverging sound waves, such that s/?entryid45=68534&p=4
Further reading 215

NHS, 2011. Safer spinal (intrathecal), Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association, The Royal College of Anaesthetists,
epidural and regional devices. 2012. Spinal/epidural needle 2004. Good practice in the
Online. Available at: http://www.nrls. design. Online. Available at: management of continuous epidural analgesia in the hospital setting.
529&p=2 asp?contentid=367 Online. Available at: www.rcoa.
216 12 Pain management and regional anaesthesia

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Epidural catheters and filters: 3. Nerve stimulators in regional 5. Which of the following is/are
a) A minimum of 10 cm of the anaesthesia: true:
catheter should be inserted a) They enable the block to be a) Using ultrasound guidance in
into the epidural space. performed even without full regional anaesthesia, a
b) The catheter should not be knowledge of the anatomy. frequency range of 10–14 kHz
withdrawn through the Tuohy b) In the insulated nerve block is adequate.
needle once it has been needle, the current passes b) It is important to prevent free
threaded beyond the bevel. through the tip only. flow from the syringe pump.
c) Catheters with a single port at c) In the non-insulated nerve c) There is no need to use
the distal tip reduce the block needle, the current anti-reflux valves in other
incidence of vascular or dural passes through the tip and the infusion lines.
puncture. shaft. d) Sector transducers can achieve
d) The filter should be changed d) A catheter can be used for better images when in regional
every 8 hours. continuous nerve/plexus anaesthesia.
e) Catheters can be blockade. e) Syringe pumps should be
radio-opaque. e) The immobile needle positioned at the same level as
technique improves the the patient.
success rate of the block.
2. Regional anaesthesia using a
nerve stimulator:
a) The needles used have sharp 4. Incidence of spinal headache:
tips to aid in localizing the a) Yale and Quincke needle
6. Spinal needles:
nerves/plexuses. design have lower incidence of
a) Can be used to perform
b) AC current is used to locate spinal headache.
epidural block.
the nerve. b) It is inversely proportional to
b) Have an opaque hub to allow
c) A current of 1 A is usually the size of the needle used.
identification of CSF fluid.
used to locate a nerve. c) It is similar in young and
c) Dural puncture headache is
d) Paraesthesia is not required elderly patients.
eliminated with the cutting
for successful blocks. d) It is proportional to the
e) 50-Hz frequency stimuli are number of dural punctures.
d) New guidelines make it
used. e) It is reduced using a pencil-
impossible to administer
shaped needle tip.
e) Can be used as part of a
combined spinal/epidural
Answers 217

needle will pass the different current, the tip of the needle
1. Epidural catheters and filters:
layers of tissues easily with has to be very close to the
a) False. 3–5 cm of the catheter
minimal feedback. A blunt nerve before stimulation is
is left in the epidural space.
needle will provide much visible.
This reduces the incidence of
better feedback. c) True. In a non-insulated
vascular or dural puncture,
b) False. DC current from a needle, the current passes
segmental or unilateral block
battery is used to operate through both the tip and
(as the catheter can pass
nerve stimulators. By avoiding shaft. This might lead to
through an intervertebral
AC current, patient safety is nerve stimulation by current
foramina) and knotting.
improved. from the shaft even when the
b) True. The withdrawal of the
c) False. This is a very high tip is far away from the nerve.
catheter through the Tuohy
current. A current range of up This obviously leads to a
needle after it has been
to 5 mA is needed in locating failed block.
threaded beyond the bevel can
the nerve. A current of d) True. After successful nerve
lead to the transection of the
0.25–0.5 mA is used to stimulation, a catheter can be
catheter. This usually happens
stimulate the nerve fibres. inserted. This allows a
when the catheter punctures a
Using a very high current, the prolonged and continuous
vessel during insertion. The
tip of the needle might be far block using an infusion or
needle and the catheter should
away from the nerve but boluses.
be removed together and
might still lead to stimulation e) True. The immobile needle
another attempt should be
of the nerve fibres or the technique allows one operator
made to reinsert the needle
muscle fibres directly leading to maintain the needle in the
and catheter.
to the failure of the block. correct position while the
c) False. Catheters with a single
d) True. There is no need for second operator injects the
port at the distal tip increase
paraesthesia in order to local anaesthetic. This also
the incidence of vascular or
achieve a successful block reduces the risk of accidental
dural puncture. This is due to
using a nerve stimulator. intravascular injection.
the ‘sharp’ point at the end of
Paraesthesia implies that the
the catheter. In contrast,
needle is touching the nerve. 4. Incidence of spinal headache:
catheters with side ports have
With a nerve stimulator, the a) False. Yale and Quincke have
a closed and rounded end
nerve can be stimulated a higher incidence of spinal
thus reducing the incidence of
electrically without being headache. This is due to the
vascular or dural puncture.
touched. traumatic bevel cutting the
d) False. The filter can be used
e) False. Stimuli with a dural fibres producing a
for up to 24 h.
frequency of 1–2 Hz are used. ragged tear which allows CSF
e) True. Some catheters are
Tetanic stimuli (e.g. 50-Hz leakage.
designed to be radio-opaque.
frequency) are not used b) False. The incidence is directly
They are more rigid than the
because of the discomfort proportional to the size of the
standard design. They are
caused. needle used. Using a 20-G
mainly used in patients with
spinal needle causes a 30%
chronic pain to ensure the
3. Nerve stimulators in regional incidence of spinal headache
correct placement of the
anaesthesia: whereas a 26-G needle has a
a) False. Full knowledge of the 1% incidence of headache.
anatomical structure is c) False. The incidence of spinal
2. Regional anaesthesia using a
essential for a successful headache is much higher in
nerve stimulator:
block. the young than in elderly
a) False. There is a need for
b) True. As the tip is the only patients.
feedback from the needle as it
non-insulated part of the d) True. The incidence of spinal
goes through the different
needle, the current passes only headache is increased with
layers of tissue. A sharp
through it. Using a small multiple dural punctures.
218 12 Pain management and regional anaesthesia

e) True. The pencil-shaped the syringe should be securely The true echogenicity of a
needle tip separates rather clamped to the pump. nerve is only captured if the
than cuts the longitudinal Siphoning can also occur if sound beam is oriented
dural fibres. After removal of there is a crack in the syringe perpendicularly to the nerve
the needle, the dura has a allowing air entry. axis. This can best be
higher chance of sealing, c) False. An anti-reflux valve achieved with linear array
reducing the incidence of should be inserted in any transducers with parallel
spinal headache. other line that is connected to sound beam emission.
the infusion line. Anti-reflux e) True. Gravitational pressure
5. Which of the following is/are valves prevent backflow up can be generated to overcome
true: the secondary (usually with the friction between a
a) False. The frequencies needed lower pressure) should a distal non-secured plunger and
for nerve blocks are in the occlusion occur and avoid a barrel especially if the pump
range of 10–14 MHz. Most subsequent inadvertent bolus. is positioned more than
modern ultrasound devices d) False. Sector transducers emit 100 cm above the patient.
can generate these frequencies. diverging sound waves, such
b) True. Anti-siphon valves are that the echotexture of the 6. e)
used to prevent free flow from nerves will only be displayed
the syringe pump. In addition, in the centre of the image.

Chapter 13

used in
and intensive
220 13 Additional equipment used in anaesthesia and intensive care

3. A tight-fitting mask or a hood. where CO2 elemination is not a

The mask or hood has both problem.
Continuous positive inspiratory and expiratory ports. 5. Two levels of airway pressure
airway pressure A CPAP valve is fitted to the support can be provided using
expiratory port. inspiratory positive airway
(CPAP) 4. If the patient is intubated and pressure (IPAP) and expiratory
spontaneously breathing, a positive airway pressure (EPAP).
CPAP is a spontaneous breathing
T-piece with a CPAP valve fitted IPAP is the pressure set to
mode used in the intensive care unit,
to the expiratory limb can be support the patient during
during anaesthesia and for patients
used. inspiration. EPAP is the pressure
requiring respiratory support at
set for the period of expiration
home. It increases the functional
This is commonly used in
residual capacity (FRC) and
Mechanism of action reference to bilevel positive
improves oxygenation. CPAP
airway pressure (BiPAP©).
prevents alveolar collapse and 1. Positive pressure within the
Using this mode, the airway
possibly recruits already collapsed lungs (and breathing system) is
pressure during inspiration is
alveoli. maintained throughout the
independent from expiratory
whole of the breathing cycle.
airway pressure. This mode is
2. The patient’s peak inspiratory
Components useful in managing patients
flow rate can be met.
with type 2 respiratory failure
1. A flow generator producing high 3. The level of CPAP varies
as the work of breathing is
flows of gas (Fig. 13.1), or a depending on the patient’s
reduced with improvements
large reservoir bag may be requirements. It is usually
in tidal volume and CO2
needed. 5–15 cm H2O.
2. Connecting tubing from the flow 4. CPAP is useful in weaning
generator to the inspiratory port patients off ventilators especially
of the mask. An oxygen analyser when positive end expiratory Problems in practice and
is fitted along the tubing to pressure (PEEP) is used. It is also safety features
determine the inspired oxygen useful in improving oxygentaion
1. CPAP has cardiovascular effects
concentration. in type 1 respiratory failure,
similar to PEEP but to a lesser
extent. Although the arterial
oxygenation may be improved,
the cardiac output can be
reduced. This may reduce
the oxygen delivery to the
O2 supply outlet Flow tissues.
2. Barotrauma can occur.
Cushioned mask
Entrained air 3. A loose-fitting mask allows
and head harness FiO2 control
leakage of gas and loss of
CPAP 4. A nasogastric tube is inserted
valve Pressure in patients with depressed
relief valve consciousness level to prevent
gastric distension.
Exhaled gas 5. Skin erosion caused by the
tight-fitting mask. This is
minimized by the use of soft
silicone masks or protective
dressings or by using a CPAP
hood. Rhinorrhoea and nasal
dryness can also occur.
O2 analyser 6. Nasal masks are better tolerated
but mouth breathing reduces the
Fig. 13.1 A CPAP breathing system set-up. effects of CPAP.
Haemofiltration 221

(such as femoral artery and vein

Continuous positive airway or brachial artery and femoral
pressure (CPAP) vein) or venovenous lines (such
● A tight-fitting mask or hood, as the femoral vein or the
CPAP valve and flow generator subclavian vein using a single
are used. double-lumen catheter). The
● CPAP can be used in type 1 extracorporeal circuit is
respiratory failure. connected to the intravascular
● Two levels of airway pressure lines. The lines should be as
support (BiPAP©) can also be short as possible to minimize
used in type 2 respiratory failure. resistance.
● Barotruma, decrease in cardiac 2. Filter or membrane (Fig. 13.3).
output and gastric distension are Synthetic membranes are ideal
some of the complications. for this process. They are made
of polyacrylonitrile (PAN),
polysulphone or polymethyl
methacrylate. They have a large
pore size to allow efficient
diffusion (in contrast to the
Haemofiltration smaller size of dialysis filters).
3. Two roller pumps, one on
Haemofiltration is a process of
each side of the circuit. Each
acute renal support used for
pump peristaltically propels
critically ill patients. It is the
about 10 mL of blood per
ultrafiltration of blood.
revolution and is positioned
Ultrafiltration is the passage
slightly below the level of the
of fluid under pressure across a
patient’s heart.
semipermeable membrane where
4. The collection vessel for the
low molecular weight solutes (up
ultrafiltrate is positioned below
to 20 000 Da) are carried along
the level of the pump.
with the fluid by solvent drag
(convection) rather than diffusion.
This allows the larger molecules Fig. 13.2 The Prismaflex 1 Mechanism of action
such as plasma proteins, albumin haemofiltration system. (Courtesy of
Gambro Lundia AB.) 1. At its most basic form, the
(62 000 Da) and cellular elements to
haemofiltration system consists
be preserved.
of a circuit linking an artery to
The widespread use of
to offer better cardiovascular a vein with a filter positioned
haemofiltration has revolutionized
stability and more efficient between the two.
the management of critically ill
solute removal because of the 2. The patient’s blood pressure
patients with acute renal failure
steady biochemical correction provides the hydrostatic
within the intensive therapy
and gradual fluid removal. pressure necessary for
environment (Fig. 13.2).
Continuous therapy is also ultrafiltration of the plasma.
Haemofiltration is popular because
better suited to the frequently This technique is suitable for
of its relative ease of use and higher
changing fluid balance situation fluid-overloaded patients who
tolerability in the cardiovascularly
in patients with multiorgan have a stable, normal blood
unstable patient.
dysfunction in critical care. pressure.
In the critical care setting,
2. Intermittent high flow systems, 3. Blood pressure of less than
haemofiltration can be delivered by:
often 4-hour sessions with a new a mean of 60 or 70 mmHg
1. Continuous low flow therapy, filter and circuit for each session. reduces the flow and the volume
which is typically run 24 h per of filtrate and leads to clotting
day for more than 1 day, but despite heparin.
may be stopped for procedures 4. In the venovenous system, a
and filter or circuit changes. 1. Intravascular access lines. These pump is added making the
Continuous treatments are said can either be arteriovenous lines cannulation of a large artery
222 13 Additional equipment used in anaesthesia and intensive care

low post-pump pressures can

happen in line occlusion or
disconnection respectively.
7. Some designs have the facility
to weigh the filtrate and
automatically supply the
appropriate amount of
reinfusion fluid.
8. Heparin is added as the
anticoagulant with a typical
loading dose of 3000 IU
followed by an infusion of 10 IU
per kg body weight. Heparin
activity is monitored by
activated partial thromboplastin
time or activated clotting time.
Prostacyclin or low molecular
weight heparin can be used as
alternatives to heparin.
9. The filters are supplied either in
a cylinder or flat box casing.
The packing of the filter material
ensures a high surface area to
volume ratio. The filter is
usually manufactured as a
parallel collection of hollow
fibres packed within a plastic
canister. Blood is passed, or
pumped, from one end to the
other through these tubules. One
or more ports provided in the
outer casing are used to collect
the filtrate and/or pass dialysate
fluid across the effluent side of
the membrane tubules.
Fig. 13.3 The M100 Haemofilter set showing the filter, tubes and collecting bag. a) They are highly biocompatible
(Courtesy of Gambro Lundia AB.) causing minimal complement
or leucocyte activation.
b) They are also highly wettable
unnecessary (Fig. 13.4). The fluid contains most of the achieving high ultrafiltration
speed of the blood pump plasma electrolytes present in rates.
controls the maintenance of the their normal values (sodium, c) They have large pore size
transmembrane pressure. The potassium, calcium, magnesium, allowing efficient diffusion.
risk of clotting is also reduced. chloride, lactate and glucose) d) The optimal surface area of
This is the most common with an osmolality of 285– the membrane is 0.3–1.9 m2.
method used. Blood flows of 335 mosmol/kg. Large amounts e) Both small molecules (e.g.
30–750 mL/min can be achieved, of fluid are needed such as urea, creatinine and
although flow rates of 150– 2–3 L/h. potassium) and large
300 mL/min are generally used. 6. Pressure transducers monitor the molecules (e.g. myoglobin and
This gives an ultrafiltration rate blood pressure in access and some antibiotics) are cleared
of 25–40 mL/min. return lines. Air bubble detection efficiently. Proteins do not
5. The fluid balance is maintained facilities are also incorporated. pass through the membrane
by the simultaneous reinfusion Low inflow pressures can happen because of their larger
of a sterile crystalloid fluid. The during line occlusion. High and molecular size.
Arterial blood gas analyser 223

Double lumen
venous line
Arterial blood gas
analyser (Fig. 13.5)
pump Heparin In order to measure arterial blood
gases, a sample of heparinized,
Replacement anaerobic and fresh arterial blood is
Blood flow in fluid needed.
1. Heparin should be added to the
sample to prevent clotting
during the analysis. The heparin
Filtrate should only fill the dead space
of the syringe and form a thin

Filter film on its interior. Excess

heparin, which is acidic, lowers
the pH of the sample.
2. The presence of air bubbles in
the sample increases the oxygen
Semipermeable membrane partial pressure and decreases
carbon dioxide partial pressure.
Blood flow out
3. An old blood sample has a lower
Fig. 13.4 Diagrammatic representation of venovenous haemofiltration. pH and oxygen partial pressure
and a higher carbon dioxide
Problems in practice and partial pressure. If there is a
safety features need to delay the analysis (e.g.
machine self-calibration), the
1. The extracorporeal circuit must sample should be kept on ice.
be primed with 2 L of normal
saline prior to use. This removes
all the toxic ethylene oxide gas
still present in the filter. (Ethylene
oxide is used to sterilize the
equipment after manufacture.)
2. Haemolysis of blood components
by the roller pump.
3. The risk of cracks to the tubing
after long-term use.
4. The risk of bleeding must be
controlled by optimizing the
dose of anticoagulant.

● An effective method of renal
support in critically ill patients
using ultrafiltration of the blood.
● Arteriovenous or venovenous
lines are connected to the
extracorporeal circuit (filter and
a pump).
● Synthetic filters with a surface
area of 0.5–1.5 m2 are used.
Fig. 13.5 The ABL800FLEX blood gas analyser. (Courtesy of Radiometer Medical ApS.)
224 13 Additional equipment used in anaesthesia and intensive care

The measured parameters are:

1. arterial blood oxygen partial Amplifier PO2 display
2. arterial carbon dioxide partial
Polarization potential (–0.7 V)
3. the pH of the arterial blood.
From these measurements, other
parameters can be calculated, e.g.
actual bicarbonate, standard Special glass body
bicarbonate, base excess and oxygen

Polarographic (Clark) Anode (silver)

oxygen electrode
Electrolyte (H2O + NaCl)
This measures the oxygen partial
pressure in a blood (or gas) sample Cathode(s) (platinum)
(Fig. 13.6).
- -
- -
PO2 Oxygen permeable membrane
O2 O2 O2 O2 Blood sample (or calibration gas)
1. A platinum cathode sealed in a O2 O2
glass body.
2. A silver/silver chloride anode.
Fig. 13.6 Mechanism of action of the oxygen electrode. (Reproduced with permission
3. A sodium chloride electrolyte from AVL Medical Instruments UK Ltd.)
4. An oxygen-permeable Teflon
Cathode reaction: 2. Protein particles can precipitate
membrane separating the
on the membrane affecting the
solution from the sample. O2 + 2H 2O + 4e − = 4OH −
5. Power source of 700 mV.
Electrolyte reaction:
NaCl + OH − = NaOH + Cl− Polarographic oxygen electrode
Mechanism of action ● Consists of a platinum cathode,
Anode reaction: silver/silver chloride anode,
1. Oxygen molecules cross the
membrane into the electrolyte Ag + Cl− = AgCl + e − electrolyte solution, membrane
solution at a rate proportional and polarization potential of
3. The oxygen partial pressure in 700 mV.
to their partial pressure in the
the sample can be measured since ● The flow of the electrical current
the amount of current is linearly is proportional to the oxygen
2. A very small electric current
proportional to the oxygen partial pressure in the sample.
flows when the polarization
partial pressure in the sample. ● Requires regular maintenance.
potential is applied across the
4. The electrode is kept at a
electrode in the presence of
constant temperature of 37°C.
oxygen molecules in the
electrolyte solution. Electrons
are donated by the anode and
Problems in practice and pH electrode
safety features
accepted by the cathode,
This measures the activity of the
producing an electric current 1. The membrane can deteriorate
hydrogen ions in a sample.
within the solution. The circuit and perforate, affecting the
Described mathematically, it is:
is completed by the input performance of the electrode.
terminal of the amplifier. Regular maintenance is essential. pH = − log[H + ]
Carbon dioxide electrode (Severinghaus electrode) 225

Amplifier pH display

Calomel reference
Saturated solution of Glass electrode
potassium chloride

Metallic mercury Measuring electrode (silver/silver chloride)

Saturated solution of
mercurous chloride
pH Inner buffer solution
Bulb of pH-sensitive special glass

H+ H+
H+ H+
Membrane Blood sample
(or calibration buffer solution)

Fig. 13.7 Mechanism of action of the pH electrode.

It is a versatile electrode which sample and the buffer solution.

can measure samples of blood, urine This gradient results in an
or CSF (Fig. 13.7). electrical potential.
Carbon dioxide
3. Using the two electrodes to electrode
create an electrical circuit, the
potential can be measured. One
1. A glass electrode (silver/silver electrode is in contact with the electrode)
chloride) incorporating a bulb buffer and the other is in contact
made of pH-sensitive glass with the blood sample. A modified pH electrode is used to
holding a buffer solution. 4. A linear electrical output of measure carbon dioxide partial
2. A calomel reference electrode about 60 mV per unit pH is pressure, as a result of change in
(mercury/mercury chloride) produced. the pH of an electrolyte solution
which is in contact with a 5. The two electrodes are kept at a (Fig. 13.8).
potassium chloride solution via constant temperature of 37°C.
a cotton plug. The arterial blood
sample is in contact with the
potassium chloride solution via Problems in practice and 1. A pH-sensitive glass electrode
a membrane. safety features with a silver/silver chloride
3. A meter to display the potential 1. It should be calibrated before reference electrode forming its
difference across the two use with two buffer solutions. outer part.
electrodes. 2. The electrodes must be kept clean. 2. The electrodes are surrounded
by a thin film of an electrolyte
Mechanism of action solution (sodium bicarbonate).
pH electrode 3. A carbon dioxide permeable
1. The reference electrode ● Two half cells linked via the
rubber or Teflon membrane.
maintains a constant potential. sample.
2. The pH within the glass remains ● The electrical potential produced
is proportional to the pH of the
Mechanism of action
constant due to the action of the
buffer solution. However, a pH sample. 1. Carbon dioxide (not hydrogen
gradient exists between the ions) diffuses in both directions
226 13 Additional equipment used in anaesthesia and intensive care

Amplifier PCO2 display

Special glass body

Reference electrode Ag/AgCI

Fig. 13.9 The intra-aortic balloon pump

in situ.
Electrolyte H2O + KCl + NaHCO3

pH-sensitive glass electrode

is synchronized counterpulsation.
PCO2 CO2 permeable membrane
It is usually inserted using a
Blood sample (or calibration gas) percutaneous femoral approach,
over a guidewire, under fluoroscopic
or transoesophageal echo guidance.
The correct position of the pump is
Fig. 13.8 Mechanism of action of the carbon dioxide electrode.
in the descending aorta, just distal to
the left subclavian artery (Fig 13.9).

until equilibrium exists across 2. Slow response time because

the membrane between the diffusion of carbon dioxide takes
sample and the electrolyte up to 2–3 min. 1. A 7- up to 8-FG catheter with a
solution. balloon.
2. Carbon dioxide reacts with 2. The catheter has two lumens, an
the water present in the Carbon dioxide electrode outer lumen for helium gas
electrolyte solution producing ● A modified pH electrode exchange to and from the
hydrogen ions resulting in a measures changes in pH due to balloon and a fluid-filled central
change in pH: carbon dioxide diffusion across a lumen for continuous aortic
membrane. pressure monitoring via a
CO2 + H 2O → H + + HCO3− ● Maintained at 37°C. transducer. The most modern
3. The change in pH is measured ● Slow response time. versions use fibre-optics instead
by the glass electrode. to monitor aortic pressure,
4. The electrode should be which is faster and more
maintained at a temperature of sensitive, generating faster
37°C. Regular calibration is response times.
Intra-aortic balloon 3. The usual volume of the balloon
pump (IABP) is 40 mL. A 34-mL balloon is
available for small individuals.
Problems in practice and
This is a catheter incorporating a The size of the balloon should
safety features
balloon which is inserted into the be 80–90% of the diameter of
1. The integrity of the membrane is aorta to support patients with severe the aorta. The pump is attached
vital for accuracy. cardiac failure. Its core principle to a console (Fig. 13.10) which
Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) 227

Diastolic augmentation
↑ Coronary perfusion
Unassisted Assisted
120 systole systole

Unassisted aortic
end diastolic pressure
60 Assisted aortic
end diastolic pressure
↓ MVO, Demand
Fig. 13.11 The changes that intra-aortic balloon pump therapy causes to the arterial
waveform and their consequences.

valve opens and remains deflated

during systole. This leads to a Indications for use of IABP
decrease in aortic end-diastolic ● Refractory ventricular failure.
pressure causing a decrease in ● Acute myocardial infarction
left ventricular afterload and complicated with cardiogenic
decreased myocardial oxygen shock, mitral regurgitation,
Fig. 13.10 Intra-aortic ballon pump
demand. This will lead to an ventricular septal defect.
console. (Courtesy of MAQUET Ltd.)
increase in left ventricular ● Impending myocardial infarction.
performance, stroke work and ● Unstable angina refractory to
ejection fraction. Deflation medical treatment.
should be at the lowest point of ● High risk angioplasty.
controls the flow of helium in the arterial diastolic pressure. ● Ischaemia-related ventricular
and out of the balloon and 3. During myocardial ischaemia, arrythmias.
monitors the patient’s blood the main benefits of the IABP ● Pre- and post-coronary bypass
pressure and ECG. The console are the reduction of myocardial surgery, including weaning from
allows the adjustment of the oxygen demand (by lowering cardiopulmonary bypass.
various parameters in order to of the left ventricular pressure)
optimize counterpulsation. and the increase in myocardial
oxygen supply (by increasing the
coronary artery perfusion). Contraindications for use
Mechanism of action of IABP
4. The effectiveness of the balloon
1. The balloon is inflated in early depends on the ratio of the ● Severe aortic regurgitation.

diastole, immediately after the balloon to aorta size, heart rate ● Aortic dissection.

closure of the aortic valve. This and rhythm, compliance of the ● Major coagulopathy.

leads to an increase in peak aorta and peripheral vessels and ● Severe bilateral peripheral arterial

diastolic blood pressure the precise timing of the disease.

(diastolic augmentation) and an counterpulsation. Correctly ● Bilateral femoral–popliteal bypass

increase in coronary artery timed IABP should be able to graft.

perfusion pressure. This increase the augmented diastolic ● Sepsis.

increases myocardial oxygen pressure to higher then the

supply. Inflation should be at the systolic pressure. IABP is
Problems in practice and
dicrotic notch on the arterial expected to increase diastolic
safety features
pressure waveform (Fig. 13.11). pressure by 30%, decrease the
2. The balloon is deflated at the end systolic pressure by 20% and 1. If the balloon is too large, it
of diastole just before the aortic improve cardiac output by 20%. may damage the aorta. If it is
228 13 Additional equipment used in anaesthesia and intensive care

Fig. 13.12 Intravenous giving sets: (A) Intrafix Safe Set adult fluid set; (B) SangofixB blood adult giving set with a 200-μm filter;
(C) Sangopur adult blood set with a 40-μm filter; (D) Dosifix paediatric fluid set with burrette. (Courtesy of B Braun Medical.)

too small, counterpulsation will c) Some designs have a one-way

be ineffective. valve and a three-way tap
2. Limb ischaemia.
Intravenous attachment or a rubber
3. Thrombosis and embolism. giving sets injection site at the patient’s
Low-dose heparinization is often end. The maximum size
used to counteract this. These are designed to administer needle used for injection
4. Arterial dissection or perforation. intravenous fluids, blood and blood should be 23 G.
5. Bleeding. products (Fig. 13.12). d) A flow controller determines
6. Infection. the drip rate (20 drops of
clear fluid is 1 mL and 15
drops of blood is 1 mL).
Intra-aortic balloon pump 1. Adult giving set: 2. Paediatric set (Fig. 13.12D):
● 7- up to 8-FG catheter with a a) A clear plastic tube of about a) In order to attain accuracy, a
balloon positioned in the 175 cm in length and 4 mm burette (30–200 mL) in 1 mL
descending aorta. in internal diameter. One end divisions is used to measure
● Two lumens: a central one to is designed for insertion into the volume of fluid to be
monitor blood pressure and an the fluid bag whereas the infused. The burette has a
outer one for inflation and other end is attached to an filter, air inlet and an injection
deflation of the balloon with intravascular cannula with a site on its top. At the bottom,
helium. Luer-lock connection. there is a flap/ball valve to
● Balloon inflation occurs at the b) Blood giving sets have a prevent air entry when the
dicrotic notch of the arterial filter with a mesh of about burette is empty.
pressure waveform. 150–200 μm and a fluid b) There are two flow
● Balloon deflation occurs at the chamber (Fig. 13.12B). Giving controllers: one is between the
lowest point of the arterial sets with finer mesh filter of fluid bag and the burette and
diastolic pressure. about 40 μm are available is used to fill the burette; the
(Fig. 13.12C). second is between the burette
Blood warmers 229

Fig. 13.13 A range of intravenous cannulae. Fig. 13.14 Smith’s Medical Protective
Acuvance cannula designed to reduce
the risk of needle stick injury.

and the patient and controls More recent designs are the internal diameter of 4 mm is as
the drip rate. An injection site ‘closed and integrated’ cannulae follows:
should be close to the patient (Fig. 13.15). A ‘closed’ system may
20 G: 40–80 mL/min.
to reduce the dead space. offer better protection against
18 G: 75–120 mL/min.
c) Drop size is 60 drops per bacterial exposure than conventional
16 G: 130–220 mL/min.
1 mL of clear fluid. A burette ‘open’ ports. As the blood does not
14 G: 250–360 mL/min.
with a drop size similar to naturally escape from the catheter
the adult’s version (15 drops hub, these devices further minimize
per mL) is used for blood the risk of exposing the clinician
transfusion. to blood during the insertion
d) 0.2-micron filters can be procedure. Blood warmers
added in line to filter out air Using distilled water at a
and foreign bodies, e.g. glass temperature of 22°C and under These are used to warm blood (and
or plastic particles. Infusion- a pressure of 10 kPa, the flow other fluids) before administering
related thrombophlebitis can through a 110-cm tubing with an them to the patient. The aim is to
be reduced by the use of these

Intravenous cannulae are made of
plastic. They are made by different
manufacturers with different
characteristics (Fig. 13.13).
Intravenous cannulae can be
either with or without a port. Some
designs offer protection against
the risk of needle stick injuries
(Fig. 13.14), covering the sharp
needle tip with a blunt end. Fig. 13.15 The BD Nexiva IV closed and integrated cannula. (Courtesy of BD Medical.)
230 13 Additional equipment used in anaesthesia and intensive care

Fig. 13.16 The Hotline 2 Fluid Warmer. (Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)

deliver blood/fluids to the patient devices are used to deliver warm

at 37°C. At this temperature, there fluids (Fig. 13.17). Fluids are Fig. 13.17 Smiths Medical Level 1 H
is no significant haemolysis or pressurized to 300 mmHg and 1200 fast fluid warmer with an
increase in osmotic fragility of the warmed with a countercurrent integrated air detector.
red blood cells. There are various recirculation fluid at a temperature
designs with the coaxial fluid/blood of 42°C.
There are different bags available
warmer devices are most popular
depending on which part of the
(Fig. 13.16). A coaxial tubing is
body is covered (e.g. upper or lower
used to heat and deliver the fluids
body). A thermostat to prevent
to the patient. The outside tubing
carries heated sterile water. The
Forced-air warmers overheating controls the temperature
of the warm air. Cooling versions
inside tubing carries the intravenous (Fig. 13.18) also exist for surgery where body
fluid. The sterile water is heated to
temperature >37°C is desirable, e.g.
40°C and stored by the heating These devices are used to maintain
case. The water is circulated the temperature of patients during
through the outside tubing. The surgery. They have been found to be
intravenous fluid does not come in effective even when applied to a
contact with the circulating water. limited surface body area. They
The coaxial tubing extends to the consist of a case where warm Defibrillator
intravenous cannula reducing the ambient air is pumped at variable
loss of heat as fluid is exposed to temperatures between 32 and 37°C. This is a device that delivers
room temperature. The warm air is delivered via a hose electrical energy to the heart causing
For patients requiring large and to a thin-walled channelled bag simultaneous depolarization of an
rapid intravenous therapy, special positioned on the patient’s body. adequate number of myocardial
Defibrillator 231

Fig. 13.18 Level 1 forced-air warmer.

Fig. 13.20 The Zoll R manual defibrillator. (Courtesy of Zoll Medical.)

2. Paddles can be either external step-up transformer and rectifier

(applied to the chest wall) or (Fig. 13.21).
internal (applied directly to the 3. The DC shock is of brief
heart). The external paddles/pads duration and produced by
are usually 8–8.5 cm in size. discharge from a capacitor. The
capacitor stores energy in the
form of an electrical charge, and
Mechanism of action
then releases it over a short
1. DC energy rather than AC period of time. The current
energy is used. DC energy is delivered is maintained for
more effective causing less several milliseconds in order to
myocardial damage and being achieve successful defibrillation.
less arrhythmogenic than AC As the current and charge
Fig. 13.19 The Zoll Pro AED. (Courtesy
of Zoll Medical.) energy. The lower the energy delivered by a discharging
used, the less the damage to the capacitor decay rapidly and
heart. exponentially, inductors are used
cells to allow a stable rhythm to be 2. Transformers are used to step up to prolong the duration of
established. Defibrillators can be mains voltage from 240 V AC current flow.
divided into the automated external to 5000–9000 V AC. A rectifier 4. The external paddles/pads are
defibrillators (AEDs) (Fig. 13.19) converts it to 5000 V DC. A positioned on the sternum and
and manual defibrillators (Fig. variable voltage step-up on the left midaxillary line
13.20). AEDs offer interaction with transformer is used so that (fifth–sixth rib). An alternative
the rescuer through voice and visual different amounts of charge may placement is one paddle
prompts. be selected. Most defibrillators positioned anteriorly over the
have internal rechargeable left precordium and the other
batteries that supply DC in the positioned posteriorly behind the
absence of mains supply. This heart. Firm pressure on the
1. The device has an on/off switch, is then converted to AC by paddles is required in order
Joules setting control, charge means of an inverter, and then to reduce the transthoracic
and discharge buttons. amplified to 5000 V DC by a impedance and achieve a higher
232 13 Additional equipment used in anaesthesia and intensive care

Charging circuit reverses and flows in the

Paddles and opposite direction for the
Switch remaining milliseconds of the
electrical discharge. Biphasic
defibrillators can either be
biphasic truncated exponential
Capacitor (BTE) (Fig. 13.22B) or
rectilinear biphasic (RLB)
Step-up (Fig. 13.22C). Biphasic
transformer defibrillators compensate
Rectifier Inductor for the wide variations in
transthoracic impedance by
Patient circuit
Fig. 13.21 Defibrillator electric circuit.

peak current flow. Using 40

conductive gel pads helps in
reducing the transthoracic 30
impedance. Disposable adhesive
Current (amps)

defibrillator electrode pads are
currently used instead of 10
paddles, offering hands-free
defibrillation. 0
5. Most of the current is dissipated
through the resistance of the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
skin and the rest of the tissues –20 Time (msec)
and only a small part of the A
total current (about 35 A)
flows through the heart. The 25
impedance to the flow of current 20
Current (amps)

is about 50–150 Ohms; however, 15

repeated administration of 10
shocks in quick succession 0
reduces impedance. –5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617
6. Waveform: –10 Time (msec)
a) Monophasic defibrillators –15
deliver current that is –20
unipolar (i.e. one direction
of current flow) (Fig. 13.22A). 40
They are not used in modern
practice as they were likely to 30
have waveform modification
Current (amps)

depending on transthoracic
impedance (e.g. larger 10
patients with high
transthoracic impedance
received considerably less –10
transmyocardial current than
smaller patients).
b) Biphasic defibrillators deliver C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a two-phased current flow Time (msec)
in which electrical current Fig. 13.22 Defibrillator waveforms. (A) Monophasic defibrillator waveform. (B) Biphasic
flows in one direction for truncated exponential defibrillator waveform. (C) Biphasic rectilinear defibrillator
a specified duration, then waveform.
Defibrillator 233

40 sealed together and implanted

Monophasic peak current under the skin, usually near the
30 shoulder. The wires are threaded
Biphasic peak currrent through blood vessels from the
20 implantable cardiac defibrillator
Current (amps)

(ICD) to the heart muscle. It

10 continuously monitors the
rhythm, and when malignant
tachyarrhythmias are detected,
a defibrillation shock is
automatically delivered. ICDs
are subject to malfunction due
0 5 10 15 20 to internal short circuit when
Time (msec) attempting to deliver an
electrical shock to the heart or
Monophasic waveform Biphasic waveform due to a memory error. Newer
Fig. 13.23 Performance of monophasic versus biphasic defibrillator current. devices also provide overdrive
pacing to electrically convert
a sustained ventricular
tachycardia, and ‘back-up’
pacing if bradycardia occurs.
electronically adjusting the be synchronized with the top of They also offer a host of other
waveform magnitude and the R-wave in the treatment of sophisticated functions (such as
duration to ensure optimal certain arrhythmias such as storage of detected arrhythmic
current delivery to the atrial fibrillation. events and the ability to do
myocardium, irrespective of 9. The implantable automatic ‘non-invasive’ electrophysiologic
the patient’s size. internal defibrillator (Fig. 13.24) testing).
c) Monophasic vs biphasic is a self-contained diagnostic and
performance: as can be seen therapeutic device placed next to
in Figure 13.23 the highest the heart. It consists of a battery
Problems in practice and
part of the current waveform and electrical circuitry (pulse
safety features
is known as the ‘peak current’ generator) connected to one or
when the most current is more insulated wires. The pulse 1. Skin burns.
flowing. Note the difference in generator and batteries are 2. Further arrythmias.
height (amps) between the
monophasic peak current and
the biphasic peak current. Too
much peak current during the
shock can injure the heart. It’s
the peak current, not energy,
that can injure the heart. The
goal of defibrillation is to
deliver enough current to the
heart to stop the lethal
rhythm but with a low peak
current to decrease risk of
injury to the heart muscle.
7. For internal defibrillation, the
shock delivered to the heart
depends on the size of the heart
and the paddles.
8. Some designs have an ECG
oscilloscope and paper recording
facilities. DC defibrillation can Fig. 13.24 Implantable cardiac defibrillator. (Courtesy of Medtronic Ltd.)
234 13 Additional equipment used in anaesthesia and intensive care

● AED and manual versions are
● A step-up transformer increases
mains voltage then a rectifier
converts it to direct current. DC
energy is discharged from a
● Modern defibrillators use a
biphasic current flow.
● Implanted automatic internal
defibrillators are becoming more
popular with pacemaker

Chest drain Fig. 13.25 Seldinger chest drainage kit. (Courtesy of Smiths Medical.)

Used for the drainage of air, blood

and fluids from the pleural space.
midaxillary line. The chest wall To patient To air or suction
is incised and blunt dissection
using artery forceps through to
1. A drainage tubing with distal the pleural cavity is performed.
ports (Fig. 13.25). Using the tip of the finger,
2. An underwater seal and a adherent lung is swept away
collection chamber of from the insertion site.
approximately 20-cm diameter. 3. The drain is inserted into the
pleural cavity and slid into
position (usually towards the
Mechanism of action
apex). The drain is then
1. An air-tight system is required connected to an underwater seal
to maintain a subatmospheric device.
Fig. 13.26 Chest drain underwater seal.
intrapleural pressure. The 4. Some designs have a flexible
underwater seal acts as a trocar to reduce the risk of
one-way valve through which air trauma. 7. A Heimlich flutter one-way valve
is expelled from the pleural 5. The drainage tube is submerged can be used instead of an
space and prevented from to a depth of 1–2 cm in the underwater seal, allowing better
re-entering during the next collection chamber (Fig. 13.26). patient mobility.
inspiration. This allows This ensures minimum resistance 8. Drainage can be allowed to
re-expansion of the lung after a to drainage of air and maintains occur under gravity or suction
pneumothorax and restores the underwater seal even in the of about −15–20 mmHg may be
haemodynamic stability by face of a large inspiratory effort. applied.
minimizing mediastinal shift. 6. The collection chamber should
2. Under asepsis, skin and be about 100 cm below the
Problems in practice and
subcutaneous tissues are chest as subatmospheric
safety features
infiltrated with local anaesthetic pressures up to −80 cm H2O
at the level of the fourth–fifth may be produced during 1. Retrograde flow of fluid may
intercostal space in the obstructed inspiration. occur if the collection chamber
The ultrasound machine 235

is raised above the level of the the piezoelectric (PE) effect. The
patient. The collection chamber PE materials vibrate when a
should be kept below the level varying voltage is applied. The
of the patient at all times to frequency of the voltage applied
prevent fluid being siphoned into determines the frequency of the
the pleural space. sound waves produced. The
2. Absence of oscillations may thickness of the PE element
indicate obstruction of the determines the frequency at
drainage system by clots or which the element will vibrate
kinks, loss of subatmospheric most efficiently, i.e. its resonant
pressure or complete frequency (RF). RF occurs when
re-expansion of the lung. the thickness of element is half
3. Persistent bubbling indicates the wavelength of the sound
a continuing bronchopleural wave generated.
air leak. 3. An image is generated when the
4. Clamping a pleural drain in the pulse wave emitted from the
presence of a continuing air leak transducer is transmitted into
may result in a tension the body, reflected off the tissue
pneumothorax. interface and returned to the
transducer. Returning US waves
cause PE crystals (elements)
within the transducer to vibrate.
Fig. 13.27 The XD11XE Philips This causes the generation of a
Chest drain ultrasound machine. (Courtesy of Philips voltage. Therefore, the same
● An air-tight system to drain the Health Care.) crystals can be used to send and
pleural cavity usually inserted at
receive sound waves.
the fourth–fifth intercostal space
4. Two-dimensional images of
in the midaxillary line.
structures are displayed.
● The underwater seal chamber
Procedures requiring precise
should be about 100 cm below
connected to a control unit that needle placement such as venous
the level of the patient.
displays the ultrasound image. cannulation or nerve blocks can
● Absence of oscillation is seen
be performed under direct
with complete lung expansion,
ultrasound control. This helps to
obstruction of the system or loss Components minimize the possible risks of
of negative pressure.
1. Beamformer: applies high- the procedure.
● Persistent bubbling is seen with
amplitude voltage to energize the 5. The image can be displayed in a
a continuing bronchopleural
crystals. number of modes:
air leak.
2. Transducer: converts electrical a) A-mode (amplitude); not used
energy to mechanical (US) any more
energy and vice versa. b) B-mode (brightness); most
3. Receiver: detects and amplifies commonly used for regional
weak signals. anaesthesia
c) M-mode (motion); most
The ultrasound 4. Memory: stores video display.
commonly for cardiac and
machine (Fig. 13.27) foetal imaging
d) 2D-real time.
Mechanism of action
Ultrasound is a longitudinal 6. Structures can then be
high-frequency wave. It travels 1. The probe transmits and receives identified via their ultrasound
through a medium by causing local the ultrasound beam once placed characteristics and anatomical
displacement of particles. This in contact with the skin via relationships.
particle movement causes changes in ‘acoustic coupling’ jelly. 7. Increasing the depth allows
pressures with no overall movement 2. Ultrasound is created by visualization of deeper
of the medium. An ultrasound converting electrical energy into structures. The depth of the
machine consists of a probe mechanical vibration utilizing image should be optimized so
236 13 Additional equipment used in anaesthesia and intensive care

that the target is centred in the

display image.
8. Transducer probes come in
many shapes and sizes (Fig.
13.28). The shape of the probe
determines its field of view, and
the frequency of emitted sound
waves determines how deep the
sound waves penetrate and the
resolution of the image.

Problems in practice and

safety features
1. One of the commonest mistakes
in ultrasound imaging is the
use of incorrect gain settings.
Insufficient gain can result in
missed structures of low
reflectivity, such as thrombus.
Excessive gain can result in Fig. 13.28 Different ultrasound probes. The probe on the left can be used for
artifacts. superficial nerve blocks whereas the curved probe on the right can be used for deeper
nerve blocks. (Courtesy of Philips Health Care.)
2. The characteristics
differentiating vein from artery
are listed below.
Vein Artery
Appearance Black Black
Movement None Pulsatile
Society. Online. Available at: http:// MHRA, 2010. Medical device alert:
Compressible Yes No
Colour flow Constant flow Pulsatile IV extension sets with multiple
Documents/220%20Intra-aortic%20 ports and vented caps. Various
Balloon%20Pump%20 manufacturers (MDA/2010/068).
Counterpulsation.pdf. Online. Available at: http://www.
Ultrasound machine MHRA, 2010. Infusion systems DB
● Ultrasound is longitudinal
2003(02) v2.0. Online. Available at: Safetywarnings/MedicalDeviceAlerts/
high-frequency waves. CON093757.
● Created by converting electrical
Safetyguidance/DeviceBulletins/ MHRA, 2010. Medical device
energy into mechanical vibration CON007321. alert: SleepStyle CPAP devices
using piezoelectric effect. MHRA, 2010. Medical device alert: manufactured by Fisher & Paykel
● Same crystals can be used to
all chest drains when used with Healthcare (MDA/2010/076).
send and receive sound wave. high-flow, low-vacuum suction Online. Available at: http://www.
● Shape of probe determines its
systems (wall mounted)
field of view whereas frequency (MDA/2010/040). Online. Available Safetywarnings/MedicalDeviceAlerts/
of emitted sounds determines at: CON094175.
the depth of penetration and Publications/Safetywarnings/ NHS, 2009. Chest drains: risks
resolution of image. MedicalDeviceAlerts/CON081890. associated with the insertion of chest
MHRA, 2010. Medical device alert: drains. Online. Available at: http://
intravenous (IV) extension sets
with multiple ports: all brands ryid45=59887&p=10.
(MDA/2010/073). Online. Available NHS, 2010. Non-invasive ventilation.
Alaour, B., English, W., 2011. at: Online. Available at: http://www.nrls.
Intra-aortic balloon pump Publications/Safetywarnings/
counterpulsation. World Anaesthesia MedicalDeviceAlerts/CON093966. 759&p=2.
MCQs 237

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Concerning defibrillators: 4. CPAP: 7. Chest drains:

a) Alternating current is a) CPAP is a controlled a) The underwater seal chamber
commonly used instead of ventilation mode. can be positioned at any level
direct current. b) It can improve oxygenation convenient to the patient.
b) The electric current released is by increasing the FRC. b) Persistent air bubbling may be
measured in watts. c) Pressures of up to 15 kPa are a sign of a continuing
c) Consists of an inductor which commonly used. bronchopleural air leak.
releases the electric current. d) It has no effect on the c) They function by expelling
d) Can cause skin burns. cardiovascular system. intrapleural fluids during deep
e) The same amount of electrical e) A nasogastric tube can be inspiration.
energy is used for external used during CPAP. d) Negative pressure of about
and internal defibrillation. −15–20 mmHg may be
applied to help in the
5. Haemofiltration:
2. Concerning arterial blood gases a) Solutes of molecular weight
e) Clamping a pleural drain in
analysis: up to 20 000 Da can pass
the presence of a continuing
a) Excess heparin in the sample through the filter.
air leak may result in a
increases the hydrogen ion b) It should not be used in the
tension pneumothorax.
concentration. cardiovascularly unstable
b) Blood samples with air patient.
bubbles have a lower oxygen c) Blood flows of 150–300 mL/
partial pressure. min are generally used.
c) If there is delay in the d) Warfarin is routinely used to
analysis, the blood sample can prevent the filter clotting.
8. CPAP repiratory support:
be kept at room temperature. e) The optimal membrane
a) Should be administered by a
d) Normal H+ ion concentration surface area is 0.5–1.5 cm2.
loose-fitting mask.
is 40 mmol/L.
b) Can only be used in type 2
e) CO2 partial pressure can be
6. Intra-aortic balloons: respiratory failure.
measured by measuring the
a) The usual volume of the c) Can be used with high
balloon is 40 mL. inspired oxygen
b) The inflation of the balloon concentrations.
3. Concerning the CO2 electrode: occurs at the upstroke of the d) Typically uses an expiratory
a) KCl and NaHCO3 are used as arterial waveform. valve between 20–30 cm H2O
electrolyte solutions. c) The deflation of the balloon e) Has no effects on the
b) A carbon dioxide-sensitive occurs at the end of diastole cardiovascular system.
glass electrode is used. just before the aortic valve
c) The electrical signal generated opens.
9. The blood gas analyser:
is directly proportional to the d) It is safe to use in aortic
a) Can use either heparinized or
log of CO2 tension in the dissection.
unheparinized samples.
sample. e) Helium is used to inflate the
b) All the results are individually
d) It has a response time of 10 s. balloon.
measured by the machine.
e) It should be kept at room
c) The pH is related to the [H+].
d) Its results are unaffected by
e) Only blood samples can be
238 13 Additional equipment used in anaesthesia and intensive care


dead space of the syringe the formation of H+ ions

1. Concerning defibrillators:
and form a thin layer on its resulting from the reaction
a) False. DC current is used as
interior. Heparin is acidic and between water and CO2.
the energy generated is more
in excess will increase the c) True. The electrical signal
effective and causes less
hydrogen ion concentration generated at the electrode is
myocardial damage. Also DC
(lowering the pH) of the directly proportional to the
energy is less arrhythmogenic
sample. pH of the sample or the −log
than AC energy.
b) False. As air consists of about of H+ concentration. The
b) False. Joules, not watts, are
21% oxygen in nitrogen, the latter is related to the CO2
used to measure the electric
addition of an air bubble(s) to tension in the sample.
energy released.
the blood sample will increase d) False. The CO2 electrode has
c) False. The defibrillator
the oxygen partial pressure in a slow response time as the
consists of a capacitor that
the sample. CO2 takes 2–3 min to diffuse
stores then discharges the
c) False. At room temperature, across the membrane.
electric energy in a controlled
the metabolism of the cells e) False. The CO2 electrode, like
manner. Step-up transformers
in the blood sample will the pH electrode, should be
are used to change mains
continue. This leads to a low kept at 37°C. Dissociation of
voltage to a much higher AC
oxygen partial pressure and a acids or bases changes when
voltage. A rectifier converts
high H+ concentration and temperature changes.
that to a DC voltage.
CO2 partial pressure. If there
Inductors are used to prolong
is a delay in the analysis, the 4. CPAP:
the duration of current flow
sample should be kept on ice. a) False. CPAP is continuous
as the current and charge
d) False. The normal H+ positive airway pressure used
delivered by a discharging
concentration is in spontaneously breathing
capacitor decay rapidly and
40 nanomol/L, which is patients via a face mask or a
equivalent to a pH of 7.4. tracheal tube.
d) True. Because of the high
e) True. CO2 partial pressure in b) True. Oxygenation can be
energy release, skin burns can
a sample can be measured by improved by CPAP as the
be caused by defibrillators
measuring the changes in pH alveoli are held open
especially if gel pads are not
of an electrolyte solution throughout the ventilatory
using a modified pH electrode. cycle preventing airway
e) False. The amount of
The CO2 diffuses across a closure thus increasing the
electrical energy used in
membrane separating the FRC.
internal defibrillation is a very
sample and the electrolyte c) False. Pressures of up to
small fraction of that used in
solution. The CO2 reacts with 15 cm H2O are commonly
external defibrillation. In
the water present producing used during CPAP.
internal defibrillation, the
H+ ions resulting in changes d) False. CPAP reduces the
energy is delivered directly
in pH. cardiac output (similar to
to the heart. In external
PEEP, although to a lesser
defibrillation, a large
3. Concerning the carbon dioxide extent). The arterial
proportion of the energy is
electrode: oxygenation might improve
lost in the tissues before
a) True. KCl, NaHCO3 and with the application of CPAP,
reaching the heart.
water are the electrolyte but oxygen delivery might be
solutions used. The CO2 reduced because of the
2. Concerning arterial blood gases
reacts with the water reduced cardiac output.
producing hydrogen ions. e) True. A nasogastric tube is
a) True. Heparin is added to the
b) False. A pH-sensitive glass inserted in patients with
blood sample to prevent
electrode is used to measure depressed consciousness level
clotting during the analysis.
the changes in pH caused by to prevent gastric distension.
Heparin should only fill the
Answers 239

surface area to volume ratio. density) it allows rapid and

5. Haemofiltration:
The optimal surface area is complete balloon inflation and
a) True. Solutes of up to
0.5–1.5 m2. deflation.
20 000 Da molecular weight
are carried along the
6. Intra-aortic balloons: 7. Chest drains:
semipermeable membrane
a) True. The usual volume of the a) False. The collection chamber
with the fluid by solvent drag
balloon is 40 mL. A smaller should be about 100 cm
version, 34 mL, can be used below the chest as
b) False. One of the reasons
in small patients. The size of subatmospheric pressures up
for the popularity of
the balloon should be to −80 cm H2O may be
haemofiltration in the
80–90% of the diameter of produced during obstructed
intensive care unit setup is
the aorta. inspiration. Retrograde flow
that it has a higher tolerability
b) False. The balloon should be of fluid may occur if the
in cardiovascularly unstable
inflated in early diastole collection chamber is raised
immediately after the closure above the level of the patient.
c) True. Although blood flows
of the aortic valve at the b) True
of 30–750 mL/min can
dicrotic notch of the arterial c) False. Deep inspiration helps
be achieved during
waveform. This leads to an in expanding the lung whereas
haemofiltration, blood flows
increase in coronary artery deep expiration helps in the
of 150–300 mL/min are
perfusion pressure. drainage of fluids from the
commonly used. This gives a
c) True. This leads to a decrease pleural space.
filtration rate of 25–40 mL/
in aortic end-diastolic pressure d) True. Drainage can be
so reducing the left ventricular allowed to occur under
d) False. Heparin is the
afterload and myocardial gravity, or suction of about
anticoagulant of choice during
oxygen demand. −15–20 mmHg may be
haemofiltration. If there is a
d) False. Aortic dissection is applied.
contraindication for its use,
one of the absolute e) True.
prostacyclin can be used
contraindications to intra-
aortic balloon pump. 8. c)
e) False. The filters have a large
e) True. Helium is used to inflate
surface area with large pore
the balloon. Because of its 9. c)
size and are packed in such
physical properties (low
a way as to ensure a high

Chapter 14

242 14 Electrical safety

The electrical equipment used in the such that 1 watt (W) of power is
operating theatre and intensive care dissipated between two points, the
unit is designed to improve patient
Principles of potential difference between those
care and safety. At the same time, electricity (Fig. 14.1) points is 1 volt (V).
however, there is the potential of
exposing both the patient and staff Electric current (I)
Electrical resistance (R)
to an increased risk of electric
An electric current is the flow of
shock. It is essential for the Electrical resistance is the resistance
electrons through a conductor past
anaesthetist to have a thorough along a conductor to the flow
a given point per unit of time,
understanding of the basic principles of electrical current. It is not
propelled by the driving force, i.e.
of electricity, even though these dependent on the frequency of the
the voltage (potential difference).
devices include specific safety current. Electrical resistance is
The current is measured in amperes
features. measured in ohms (Ω).
(A). One ampere represents a flow
In the UK, mains electricity is
of 6.24 × 1018 electrons (one
supplied as an alternating current
coulomb of charge) past a specific Impedance (Z)
with a frequency of 50 Hz. The
point in 1 second.
current travels from the power Impedance is the sum of the forces
station to the substation where it is 1. Direct current (DC): the current that oppose the movement of
converted to mains voltage by a flows in one direction (e.g. flow electrons in an AC circuit. The unit
transformer. From the substation, from a battery). for impedance is the ohm (Ω). The
the current travels in two 2. Alternating current (AC): the term impedance covers resistors,
conductors, the live and neutral flow of electrons reverses capacitors and inductors and is
wires. The live wire is at a potential direction at regular intervals dependent on the frequency of the
of 240 V (or more accurately (e.g. mains supply); in the UK, current. Substances with high
240 RMS (root mean square)). The the frequency of AC is 50 cycles impedance are known as insulators.
neutral is connected to the earth at per second (Hz). Substances with low impedance
the substation so keeping its are known as conductors. The
potential approximately the same as impedance through capacitors
Potential difference or
earth. The live wire carries the and inductors is related to the
voltage (V)
potential to the equipment whereas frequency (Hz) at which AC
the neutral wire returns the current It is the electrical force that drives reverses direction. Such an
back to the source, so completing the electric current. When a current impedance, i.e. frequency related,
the circuit. of 1 A is carried along a conductor, is known as reactance (X).

Alternating current Direct current Switch Cell Battery

Earth Inductor Lamp Voltmeter Ammeter

Capacitor Transformer Resistor Variable resistor Motor

Fig. 14.1 Symbols of the common electric components.
Identification of medical electrical equipment 243

1. Capacitor: impedance ∝ 1/ With AC, the plates change

frequency polarity at the same current
2. Inductor: impedance ∝ frequency. frequency (e.g. 50/s). This will
Identification of
cause the electrons to move back medical electrical
and forth between the plates so
Ohm’s law
allowing the current to flow.
Electric potential (volts) = current The impedance of a capacitor =
A single-fault condition is a
(amperes) × resistance (ohms) distance between the plates/current
condition when a single means
[E = I × R] frequency × plate area.
for protection against hazard
in equipment is defective or a
single external abnormal condition
Capacitance Inductance
is present, e.g. short circuit
Capacitance is a measure of the Inductance occurs when electrons between the live parts and the
ability of a conductor or system flow in a wire resulting in a applied part.
to store an electrical charge. A magnetic field being induced around The following classes of
capacitor consists of two parallel the wire. If the wire is coiled equipment describe the method used
conducting plates separated by an repeatedly around an iron core, as to protect against electrocution
insulator (dielectric). The unit for in a transformer, the magnetic field according to an International
capacitance is the farad. can be very powerful. Standard (IEC 60601).

Class I Equipment This type of equipment offers basic protection whereby the live, neutral and
earth wires do not come into contact with each other. There is a secondary
protection whereby parts that can be touched by the user, such as the metal
case, are insulated from the live electricity and connected to an earth wire via
the plug to the mains supply. There are fuses positioned on the live and
neutral supply in the equipment. In addition, in the UK, a third fuse is
positioned on the live wire in the mains plug. This fuse melts and disconnects
the electrical circuit in the event of a fault, protecting the user from electrical
shock. The fault can be due to deteriorating insulation, or a short circuit,
making the metal case ‘live’. Current will pass to earth causing the fuse to
blow (this current is called ‘leakage current’). Some tiny non-fault leakage
currents are always present as insulation is never 100% perfect. A faultless
earth connection is required for this protection to function.

Class II Equipment This type of equipment, also called double-insulated equipment, has double
or reinforced insulation protecting the accessible parts. There is no need to
earth this type of equipment. The power cable has only ‘live’ and ‘neutral’
conductors with only one fuse.
244 14 Electrical safety

Class III Equipment This type of equipment does not need electrical supply exceeding 24 V AC
or 50 V DC. The voltage used is called safety extra low voltage (SELV).
Although this does not cause an electrical shock, there is still a risk of a
microshock. This equipment may contain an internal power source or be
connected to the mains supply by an adaptor or a SELV transformer. The
power input port is designed to prevent accidental connection with another

The following types of equipment define the degree of protection according

to the maximum permissible leakage current.

Type B Equipment This may be class I, II or III mains-powered equipment or equipment with an
internal power source. This equipment is designed to have low leakage
currents, even in fault conditions, such as 0.5 mA for class I and 0.1 mA for
class II. It may be connected to the patient externally or internally but is not
considered safe for direct connection to the heart.

The equipment may be provided with defibrillator protection.

Type BF Equipment This is similar to type B equipment, but the part applied to the patient is
isolated from all other parts of the equipment using an isolated (or floating)
circuit. This isolation means that allowable leakage current under single fault
conditions is not exceeded even when 1.1 times the rated mains voltage is
applied between the attachment to the patient and the earth. The maximum
AC leakage current is 0.1 mA under normal conditions and under a single
fault condition is 0.5 mA. It is safer than type B but still not safe enough for
direct connection to the heart.

The equipment may be provided with defibrillator protection.

Type CF Equipment This can be class I or II equipment powered by mains with an internal
electrical power source, but considered safe for direct connection to the
heart. Isolated circuits are used. There is no risk of electrocution by leakage
currents (allows 0.05 mA per electrode for class I and 0.01 mA per electrode
for class II). This provides a high degree of protection against electrical
shock. This is used in ECG leads, pressure transducers and thermodilution

The equipment may be provided with defibrillator protection.

Identification of medical electrical equipment 245

Attention! The user must consult the accompanying documents for any equipment. A
black triangle on a yellow background with an exclamation mark means that
there is no standardized symbol for the hazard:

High voltage and risk of electrocution!

Protective Earth The equipment itself has its own earth connection via the green-and-yellow
lead in the conventional three-pin plug. The earth lead is connected to the
external case of the equipment so reducing it to zero potential. Although this
provides some protection, it does not guarantee it.

Functional Earth This is part of the main circuit. The current is returned via the neutral wire
back to the substation and so to earth. In effect, all conventional electrical
circuits have functional earth. It is necessary for proper functioning of
electrical equipment and is not a safety feature. On older equipment, the
same symbol may have been used to denote protective earth.

Additional Protective Earth This equipment carries an additional protective earth. This protects against
electric shock in cases of a single fault condition.

Equipotentiality This is used to ensure that all metalwork is normally at or near zero voltage.
Therefore, under fault conditions, all the metalwork will increase to the same
potential. Simultaneous contact between two such metal appliances would
not cause a flow of current because they are both at the same potential,
therefore no shock results. This provides some protection against electric
shock by joining together all the metal appliances and connecting to earth.

Drip Proof, Splash Proof, Depending on the nature and use of the equipment, some are drip proof,
Water Tight splash proof or water proof.
246 14 Electrical safety

Anaesthetic-proof equipment AP equipment standards are based on the ignition energy required to ignite
the most flammable mixture of ether and air. They can be used within
5–25 cm of gas escaping from a breathing system. The temperature should
not exceed 200°C. It is a less stringent requirement.

Anaesthetic-proof equipment APG standards are based on the ignition energy required to ignite the
category G most flammable mixture of ether and oxygen. Can be used within 5 cm of
gas escaping from a breathing system. The temperature should not exceed
90°C. This is a more stringent requirement as the energy level should be less
than 1 mJ.

CE This is one of the most important symbols. It means conformity according to

the Council of Europe Directive 93/42/EEC concerning medical devices.

Isolated or Floating Circuit This is a safety feature whereby current is not allowed to flow between the
electrical source and earth. These circuits are used to isolate individual
equipment. An isolating transformer is used with two coils insulated from
each other. The mains circuit is earthed whereas the patient’s circuit is not
earthed, so floating. As current flows through the mains coil (producing an
electromagnetic field), a current is induced in the patient’s coil. To complete
the patient’s circuit, the wires A and B should be connected. Contact with
wire A or B alone will not complete a circuit, even if the subject is earthed.

Current-Operated Earth These safety features are also known as an earth trip or residual circuit
Leakage Circuit Breakers breakers. They consist of a transformer with a core that has an equal number
(COELCB) of windings of a live and neutral wire around it. These are connected via a
third winding to the coil of a relay that operates the circuit breaker. Under
normal conditions, the magnetic fluxes cancel themselves out, as the current in
the live and neutral wires is the same. In the case of a fault (e.g. excessive
leakage current), the current in the live and neutral wires will be different so
resulting in a magnetic field. This induces a current in the third winding
causing the relay to break circuit. The COELCB are designed to be very
sensitive. A very small current is needed to trip the COELCB (e.g. 30 mA) for a
very short period of time reducing the risk of electrocution.

equipment (details of the tests are patient’s heart should have a

Maintenance of beyond the scope of this book): leakage current of less than
10 mA.
equipment 1. Earth leakage: the maximum
2. Earth continuity: the maximum
current allowed is less than
resistance allowed is less than
Two factors should be checked 0.5 mA. Devices that are
0.1 Ω.
during the maintenance of connected directly to the
Hazards of electrical shock 247

of the body. However, only 0.05– resulting in ventricular

0.1 mA (50–100 μA) is required to fibrillation.
Hazards of electrical cause ventricular fibrillation when 2. Dissipation of electrical energy
shock the current is applied directly to the throughout all the tissues of the
myocardium. This is known as body. This leads to a rise in
An electric shock can occur microshock. temperature due to the flow of
whenever an individual becomes electrons, and can result in
part of the electric circuit. The burns.
person has to be in contact with Methods to reduce the risk of
the circuit at two points with a electrocution The severity of the shock
potential difference between them depends on:
● General measures: adequate
for the electrons to flow. This can maintenance and testing of 1. The size of current (number of
happen either with a faulty high- electrical equipment at regular amperes) per unit of area.
leakage current or by a direct intervals, wearing anti-static 2. Current pathway (where it
connection to the mains. Mains shoes and having anti-static flows). A current passing through
frequency is very dangerous as it flooring in theatres. the chest may cause ventricular
can cause muscle spasm or tetany. ● Ensuring that the patient is not fibrillation or tetany of the
As the frequency increases, the in contact with earthed objects. respiratory muscles leading to
stimulation effect decreases but with ● Equipment design: all medical asphyxia. A current passing
an increase in heating effect. With a equipment used in theatres must vertically through the body may
frequency of over 100 kHz, heating comply with British Standard cause loss of consciousness and
is the only effect. Electric shock can 5724 and International Electro- spinal cord damage.
happen with both AC and DC. The technical Committee (IEC) 3. The duration of contact. The
DC required to cause ventricular 60601–1 describing the various shorter the contact, the less
fibrillation is very much higher than methods used for protection and damage caused.
the AC. the degree of protection (see 4. The type of current (AC or DC)
If a connection is made between above). and its frequency. The higher the
the live wire and earth, electricity ● Equipotentiality (see above). frequency, the less risk to the
will flow through that connection to ● Isolated circuits (see above). patient. A 50-Hz current is
earth. This connection can be a ● Circuit breakers (COELCB) (see almost the most lethal frequency.
patient or member of staff. Mains above). The myocardium is most
supplies are maintained at a susceptible to the arrthymogenic
constant voltage (240 V in the UK). effects of electric currents at this
According to Ohm’s law, current Electricity can cause electrocution, frequency and muscle spasm
flow is ∝1/impedance. A high burns or ignition of a flammable prevents the victim letting go of
impedance will reduce the current material so causing fire or explosion. the source. As the frequencies
flow and vice versa. The main Burns can be caused as heat is increase to >1 kHz, the risks
impedance is the skin resistance generated due to the flow of the decrease dramatically.
which can vary from a few hundred current. This is typically seen in the
thousand ohms to one million skin. Fires and explosions can occur
ohms. Skin impedance can be through sparks caused by switches or THE EFFECTS OF
reduced in inflamed areas or when plugs being removed from wall ELECTROCUTION
skin is covered with sweat. sockets and igniting inflammable
Current density is the amount of vapours. As a general guide to the effects of
current per unit area of tissues. In Damage caused by electrical electrocution, the following might
the body, the current diffusion tends shock can occur in two ways: occur:
to be in all directions. The larger
the current or the smaller the area 1. Disruption of the normal 1. 1 mA: tingling pain.
over which it is applied, the higher electrical function of cells. This 2. 5 mA: pain.
the current density. can cause contraction of 3. 15 mA: tonic muscle contraction
Regarding the heart, a current of muscles, alteration of the and pain.
100 mA (100 000 μA) is required to cerebral function, paralysis of 4. 50 mA: tonic contraction of
cause ventricular fibrillation when respiration and disruption of respiratory muscles and
the current is applied to the surface normal cardiac function respiratory arrest.
248 14 Electrical safety

5. 75–100 mA: ventricular depending on the current density Coagulation can be achieved by
fibrillation. (current per unit area). The fulguration or desiccation.
6. 1000 mA: extensive burns and amount of heat generated (H) is Blended modes (cutting and
charring. proportional to the square of coagulation) can be used with a
current (I2) divided by the area variable mixture of both cutting
The body can form part of an
(A) (H = I2/A). So the smaller and coagulation.
electrical circuit either by acting as
the area, the greater the heat 7. Bipolar diathermy does not
the plate of a capacitor (capacitance
generated. The current density require a patient plate. The
coupling) without being in direct
around the active electrode can current flows through one side
contact with a conductor or as an
be as much as 10 A/cm2 of the forceps, through the
electrical resistance (resistive
generating a heating power of patient and then back through
about 200 W. the other side of the forceps.
2. A large amount of heat is The current density and heating
Resistive coupling produced at the tip of the effect are the same at both
This can be caused by: diathermy forceps because of its electrodes. Usually low power
small size (high current density). can be achieved from a
1. faulty equipment allowing a Whereas at the site of the bipolar diathermy with good
contact with a live wire if it patient’s plate, because of its coagulation effect but less
touches the casing of the large surface area, no heat or cutting ability. Bipolar diathermy
equipment burning is produced (low current is frequently used during
2. leakage current. As there is no density). neurosurgery or ophthalmic
perfect insulation or infinite 3. A high-frequency current (in surgery.
resistance, some small currents the radiofrequency range)
will flow to earth because the of 500 000 to more than
equipment is at a higher Problems in practice and
1 000 000 Hz is used. This
potential than earth. safety features
high-frequency current behaves
differently from the standard 1. If the area of contact between
50-Hz current. It passes directly the plate and patient is reduced,
across the precordium without the patient is at risk of being
Diathermy causing ventricular fibrillation. burned at the site of the plate.
This is because high-frequency If the plate is completely
Diathermy is frequently used to currents have a low tissue detached, current might flow
coagulate a bleeding vessel or to cut penetration without exciting the through any point of contact
tissues. Unipolar diathermy is contractile cells. between patient and earth,
commonly used. As the current 4. The isolating capacitor has low for example earthed ECG
frequency increases above 100 kHz impedance to a high-frequency electrodes or temperature
(i.e. radiofrequency), the entire current, i.e. diathermy current. probes. Modern diathermy
effect is heat generating. The capacitor has a high machines do not function with
impedance to 50-Hz current thus any of the above.
Components protecting the patient against 2. Electrical interference with other
1. Diathermy active or live electrical shock. electrical monitoring devices.
electrode. 5. Earth-free circuit diathermy can The use of electrical filters can
2. Patient’s neutral or passive plate. be used. The patient, the tip of solve this problem.
3. Diathermy case where the the diathermy forceps and the 3. Interference with the function of
frequency and voltage of the patient plate are not connected cardiac pacemakers. Damage to
current used can be adjusted. An to earth. This reduces the risk of the electrical circuits or changes
isolating capacitor is situated burns to the patient. This type in the programming can occur.
between the patient’s plate and of circuit is known as a floating This is more of a hazard with
earth. patient circuit. cutting diathermy than with
6. Cutting diathermy uses a coagulation diathermy. Modern
continuous sine waveform at pacemakers are protected against
Mechanism of action
a voltage of 250–3000 V. diathermy.
1. Heat is generated when a Coagulation diathermy uses 4. Fires and explosions may be
current passes through a resistor a modulated waveform. caused by sparks igniting
Lasers 249

flammable material such as 1. Permanent damage to the eye

skin cleansing solutions or retina or the head of the optic
bowel gas.
Lasers nerve can be caused by laser
beams in the visible portion.
Lasers are being used more
Infrared light can cause damage
frequently, both in and outside the
to cornea, lens and aqueous and
Diathermy operating theatre. Lasers have the
vitreous humours. All staff
● High-frequency current is used. ability to cut tissue with precision
should wear eye protection
● An isolating capacitor is used to with almost perfect haemostasis.
appropriate for the type of
protect the patient against mains They are used in thoracic surgery
laser and within the laser-
frequency current. (excision of central airway tumours
controlled area. This should
● Floating patient circuit (earth- such as bronchial carcinoma),
offer adequate protection against
free circuit) is used. ENT (e.g. excision of vocal cord
accidental exposure to the main
● There is a high current density at tumours), gynaecology (excision of
beam. Spectacles do not give
the tip of the diathermy forceps endometriosis), urology (benign
reliable peripheral visual field
generating heat. prostatic hyperplasia), skin lesion
and myopia. Basic knowledge of
2. Burning can be caused if the
laser principles is essential for both
laser hits the skin.
patient and staff safety.
3. A non-water-based fire
Laser stands for light
extinguisher should be used
amplification by the stimulated
Static electricity emission of radiation. Laser
4. All doors should be locked and
produces a non-divergent light beam
Measures to stop the build-up of all windows covered in order
of a single colour or frequency
static electricity in the operating to protect those outside the
(monochromatic) with a high-energy
theatre are necessary to prevent the operating theatre.
intensity and has a very small
risk of sparks, fire and explosions.
cross-sectional area. The energy Table 14.1 shows the different
The electrical impedance of
of the beam depends on the classes of laser products.
equipment should allow the
leakage of charge to earth, but
should not be so low that there is a
risk of electrocution and electrical AIRWAY LASER SURGERY
burns. Types of laser
Some of the measures used to ● Solid-state laser such as the There is a high risk of fire due to
prevent the build-up of static Nd–YAG laser that emits light at the combination of an oxygen-
electricity are: 1064 nm (infrared). enriched environment and the very
● Semiconductor laser such as the high thermal energy generated by
1. Tubings, reservoir bags and face
gallium arsenide (GaAs) laser. the laser. The risk can be reduced by
masks are made of carbon-
The power output tends to avoiding the use of nitrous oxide,
containing rubber; they are
be low. the use of lower oxygen
black in colour with yellow
● Liquid laser. concentrations (25% or less), the
● Gas laser such as the helium– use of the laser-resistant tracheal
2. Staff wear anti-static footwear.
neon laser (emits red light), tubes, protecting other tissues with
3. Trolleys have conducting
carbon dioxide laser (emits wet swabs and using non-reflective
infrared light) and argon lasers matt-black surgical instruments so
4. The relative humidity in the
(emits green light). reducing reflection of the main laser
operating theatre is kept at
more than 50% with a room
If fire occurs, the laser should be
temperature of more than 20°C.
switched off and the site of surgery
Problems in practice and
With modern anaesthesia, the flooded with saline. The breathing
safety features
significance of these measures is system should be disconnected and
questionable as the flammable Increasing the distance from the the tracheal tube removed. The
inhalational agents (e.g. ether and laser offers little increase in safety patient can then be ventilated
cyclopropane) are not used any as the laser is a high-energy with air using a bag–valve–mask
more. non-divergent beam. system.
250 14 Electrical safety

Table 14.1 Classification of laser products

Class 1 Power not to exceed maximum permissible exposure for the eye, or safe because of engineering design
Class 2 Visible laser beam only (400–700 nm), powers up to 1 mW, eye protected by blink-reflex time of 0.25 s
Class 2m As class 2, but not safe when viewed with visual aids such as eye loupes
Class 3a Relaxation of class 2 to 5 mW for radiation in the visible spectrum (400–700 nm) provided the beam is
expanded so that the eye is still protected by the blink reflex
Maximum irradiance must not exceed 25 W/m for intrabeam viewing
For other wavelengths, hazard is no greater than class 1
Class 3b Powers up to 0.5 W
Direct viewing hazardous
Can be of any wavelength from 180 nm to 1 mm
Class 4 Powers over 0.5 W
Any wavelength from 180 nm to 1 mm
Capable of igniting inflammable materials. Extremely hazardous

Online. Available at: http://www.

FURTHER READING Safetyguidance/DeviceBulletins/
Boumphrey, S., Langton, J.A., 2003. Kitching, A.J., Edge, C.E., 2003. Laser CON014775.
Electrical safety in the operating and surgery. BJA CPED Reviews 8, MHRA, 2012. Electrosurgery. Online.
theatre. BJA CPED Reviews 3, 143–146. Available at: http://mhra.
10–14. MHRA, 2008. DB 2008(03): guidance, no date. Safety testing of on the safe use of lasers, IPL systems ESUGenericModuleCertificate/player.
medical and electrical equipment. and LEDs. Online. Available at: http:// html.
MCQs 251

In the following lists, which of the statements (a) to (e) are true?

1. Concerning electric current: 3. Which of the following 5. Diathermy:

a) Inductance is a measure of the statements are correct? a) The current density at the
ability to store a charge. a) With equipotentiality, all patient’s plate should be high
b) Mains current in the UK is at metal work is normally at or to protect the patient.
a frequency of 50 Hz. near zero voltage. b) An isolating capacitor is
c) The leakage current of a b) Functional earth found on incorporated to protect the
central venous pressure medical devices acts as a patient against low-frequency
monitoring device should be safety feature. electrical shock.
less than 10 mA. c) Ohm’s law states that electric c) A floating patient circuit can
d) Current density is the current resistance = current × be used.
flow per unit of area. potential difference. d) Filters can reduce interference
e) In alternating current, the flow d) Type CF equipment can be with ECG.
of electrons is in one direction. safely used with direct e) A current of 50 Hz is used to
connection to the heart. cut tissues.
e) Defibrillators can not be used
2. Electrical impedance:
with type B equipment.
a) When current flow depends
on the frequency, impedance
is used in preference to 4. Electrical shock:
resistance. a) It does not happen with direct
b) The impedance of an inductor current.
to low-frequency current is b) The main impedance is in the
high. muscles.
c) Isolating capacitors in surgical c) A current of 50 Hz is lethal.
diathermy are used because of d) A current of 100 mA applied
their low impedance to to the surface of the body can
high-frequency current. cause ventricular fibrillation.
d) With ECG, skin electrodes e) It can result in burns.
need a good contact to reduce
e) Ohms are the units used to
measure impedance.
252 14 Electrical safety

metal appliances as they are
1. Concerning electric current: 2. Electrical impedance:
both at the same potential
a) False. Inductance occurs when a) True. Impedance is the sum
and no shock results.
a magnetic field is induced as of the forces that oppose the
b) False. Functional earth is not
electrons flow in a wire. The movement of electrons in an
a safety feature. It is necessary
ability to store a charge is AC circuit. In capacitors, the
for the proper functioning of
known as capacitance. In an impedance is low to high-
the device. It is part of the
inductor, the impedance is frequency current and vice
main circuit where the
proportional to the frequency versa. The opposite is correct
current, via the neutral wire,
of the current. In a capacitor, in inductors.
is returned to the substation
impedance is inversely b) False. Inductors have low
and so to earth.
proportional to the current impedance to low-frequency
c) False. Ohm’s law states that
frequency. current and vice versa.
the potential difference (volts)
b) True. The frequency of the c) True. Capacitors have low
= current (ampere) ×
mains supply in the UK is impedance to high-frequency
resistance (ohms).
50 Hz. At this relatively low current and high impedance
d) True. Type CF equipment can
frequency, the danger of to low-frequency current. The
be used safely in direct
electric shock is high. latter is of most importance in
contact with the heart. The
c) True. A central venous protecting the patient from
leakage current is less than
pressure monitoring device low-frequency current.
50 µA in class I and less than
can be in direct contact with High-frequency currents have
10 µA in class II, providing a
the heart. Ventricular low tissue penetration without
high degree of protection
fibrillation can occur with exciting the contractile cells,
against electrical shock.
very small current, between allowing the current to pass
e) False. Type B equipment can
50 and 100 mA, as the directly across the heart
be provided with defibrillator
current is applied directly to without causing ventricular
protection. The same applies
the myocardium (microshock). fibrillation.
to type BF and type CF
Such devices should have a d) True. The skin forms the
leakage current of less than main impedance against the
10 mA to prevent microshock. conduction of the ECG signal.
4. Electrical shock:
d) True. The amount of current In order to reduce the skin
a) False. Electric shock can
flow per unit of area is known impedance, there should be
happen with direct current
as the current density. This is good contact between the skin
although the amount of
important in the function of and the electrodes.
current required to cause
diathermy. At the tip of the e) True. Ohms are used to
ventricular fibrillation is much
diathermy forceps, the current measure both impedance and
higher than that of alternating
density is high so heat is electrical resistance. Ohm =
generated. At the patient volt/ampere.
b) False. The main impedance
plate, the current density is
is in the skin and not the
low and no heat is generated. 3. Which of the following
muscles. Skin impedance is
e) False. In alternating current, statements are correct?
variable and can be from
the flow of electrons reverses a) True. Equipotentiality is a
100 000 to 1 000 000 Ω
direction at regular intervals. safety feature when, under
depending on the area of
In the UK, the AC is 50 fault conditions, all
contact and whether or not
cycles per second (Hz). In metalwork increases to the
the skin is wet.
direct current, the flow of same potential. Current will
c) True. The severity of the
electrons is in one direction not flow during simultaneous
electric shock depends on the
only. contact between two such
Answers 253

frequency of the current. current density at the plate patient’s plate are not
The lower the frequency, the should be low. The same connected to earth.
higher the risk. A current of current is passed through the d) True. Diathermy can cause
50 Hz is almost the most tip of the diathermy forceps electrical interference with
lethal frequency. where the current density is ECG and other monitoring
d) True. A current of 100 mA, high, thus producing heat. devices. The use of electrical
when applied to the surface The current density at the filters can solve this.
of the body, can cause plate is low because of its e) False. Very-high-frequency
ventricular fibrillation. Most large surface area. current (in the radiofrequency
of the current is lost as the b) True. The isolating capacitor range) of 500 000 to
current travels through the protects the patient from 1 000 000 Hz is used. This
body and only 50–100 µA are low-frequency current (50 Hz) high-frequency current
required to cause ventricular shock because of its high behaves differently from the
fibrillation. impedance to low-frequency standard 50-Hz current;
e) True. The electrical energy is currents. It has low because of its low tissue
dissipated throughout the impedance to high-frequency penetration, it passes directly
tissues of the body leading to (diathermy) currents. through the heart without
a rise in temperature and c) True. A floating patient circuit causing ventricular fibrillation.
resulting in burns. can be used to reduce the
risk of burns. The diathermy
5. Diathermy: circuit is earth free. The
a) False. In order to protect patient, the tip of the
the patient from burns, the diathermy forceps and the
256 Appendices

to do so. A self-inflating bag must

be immediately available in any
Appendix A Summary location where anaesthesia may be
given. A two-bag test should be
A pre-use check to ensure the
performed after the breathing
correct functioning of anaesthetic
system, vaporizers and ventilator
equipment is essential to patient
have been checked individually. A
safety. The anaesthetist has a
Checking anaesthetic primary responsibility to understand
record should be kept with the
anaesthetic machine that these
equipment the function of the anaesthetic
checks have been done. The ‘first
equipment and to check it before
user’ check after servicing is
(Reproduced with the permission of use. Anaesthetists must not use
especially important and must be
The Association of Anaesthetists of equipment unless they have been
Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI).) trained to use it and are competent

Checklist for anaesthetic equipment

(AAGBI safety guideline 2012)

Checks at the start of every operating session

Do not use this equipment unless you have been trained
Check self-inflating bag available
Perform manufacturer’s (automatic) machine check
Power supply Plugged in
Switched on
Back-up battery charged
Gas supplies and suction Gas and vacuum pipelines – ‘tug test’
Cylinders filled and turned off
Flowmeters working (if applicable)
Hypoxic guard working
Oxygen flush working
Suction clean and working
Breathing system Whole system patent and leak-free using ‘two-bag’ test
Vapourizers – fitted correctly, filled, leak free, plugged in (if necessary)
Soda lime – colour checked
Alternative systems (Bain, T-piece) – checked
Correct gas outlet selected
Ventilator Working and configured correctly
Scavenging Working and configured correctly
Monitors Working and configured correctly
Alarms limits and volumes set
Airway equipment Full range required, working, with spares
Record this check in the patient record
Don’t forget! Self-inflating bag
Common gas outlet
Difficult airway equipment
Resuscitation equipment
TIVA and/or other infusion equipment

This guideline is not a standard of medical care. The ultimate judgement with regard to a particular clinical procedure or treatment plan must be
made by the clinician in the light of the clinical data presented and the diagnostic treatment options available
©The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 2012
Checking anaesthetic equipment 257

Checks before each case

Breathing system Whole system patent and leak free using ‘two-bag’ test
Vapourizers – fitted correctly, filled, leak free, plugged in (if necessary)
Alternative systems (Bain, T-piece) – checked
Correct gas outlet selected
Ventilator Working and configured correctly
Airway equipment Full range required, working, with spares
Suction Clean and working
The two-bag test
A two-bag test should be performed after the breathing system, vapourizers and ventilator have been checked
a) Attach the patient end of the breathing system (including angle piece and filter) to a test lung or bag.
b) Set the fresh gas flow to 5 L/min and ventilate manually. Check the whole breathing system is patent and unidirectional
valves are moving. Check the function of the APL valve by squeezing both bags.
c) Turn on the ventilator to ventilate the test lung. Turn off the fresh gas flow, or reduce to a minimum. Open and close
each vapourizer in turn. There should be no loss of volume in the system.

This checklist is an abbreviated version of the publication by the Association of Anaesthesia of Great Britain and Ireland ‘Checking Anaesthesia
Equipment 2012’ (endorsed by the Chief Medical Officers)
258 Appendices

anaesthetic record. In hospitals

employing anaesthetic
Appendix B Summary practitioners (APs), this
responsibility may be delegated
The Association of Anaesthetists
to an AP supervised by a
of Great Britain and Ireland
consultant anaesthetist in
(AAGBI) regards it as essential
accordance with guidelines
that certain core standards of
Recommendations monitoring must be used whenever
published by the Royal College
of Anaesthetists.
for standards of a patient is anaesthetized.
7. Additional monitoring may be
These minimum standards should
monitoring during be uniform irrespective of
necessary as deemed appropriate
by the anaesthetist.
anaesthesia and duration, location or mode of
8. A brief interruption of
recovery monitoring is only acceptable if
1. The anaesthetist must be present the recovery area is immediately
and care for the patient adjacent to the operating
throughout the conduct of an theatre. Otherwise, monitoring
anaesthetic. should be continued during
2. Monitoring devices must be transfer to the same degree as
attached before induction of any other intra- or interhospital
anaesthesia and their use transfer.
continued until the patient has 9. Provision, maintenance,
recovered from the effects of calibration and renewal of
anaesthesia. equipment are institutional
3. The same standards of responsibilities.
monitoring apply when
the anaesthetist is responsible
for a local/regional anaesthetic
or sedative technique for
an operative procedure. Introduction
4. A summary of information
provided by monitoring The presence of an appropriately
devices should be recorded trained and experienced anaesthetist
on the anaesthetic record. is the main determinant of
Electronic record patient safety during anaesthesia.
keeping systems are now However, human error is
recommended. inevitable, and many studies of
5. The anaesthetist must ensure critical incidents and mortality
that all equipment has been associated with anaesthesia
checked before use. Alarm limits have shown that adverse incidents
for all equipment must be set and accidents are frequently
appropriately before use. attributable, at least in part, to
Audible alarms must be enabled error by anaesthetists. Monitoring
during anaesthesia. will not prevent all adverse
6. These recommendations state incidents or accidents in the
the monitoring devices which perioperative period. However,
are essential and those which there is substantial evidence that
must be immediately available it reduces the risks of incidents
during anaesthesia. If it is and accidents both by detecting
necessary to continue the consequences of errors and
anaesthesia without a device by giving early warning that
categorized as ‘essential’, the the condition of a patient is
anaesthetist must clearly note deteriorating for some other
the reasons for this in the reason.
Recommendations for standards of monitoring during anaesthesia and recovery 259

The introduction of routine The same standards must

monitoring in anaesthesia coincided apply when an anaesthetist is
with numerous improvements responsible for a local/regional
Monitoring the
in clinical facilities, training and anaesthetic or sedative technique anaesthetic
other factors likely to affect for an operative procedure. When
patient outcomes. The progressive there is a known potential hazard
reduction in anaesthesia-related to the anaesthetist, for example
It is the responsibility of the
morbidity and mortality is therefore during imaging procedures,
anaesthetist to check all equipment
linked to instrumental monitoring facilities for remotely observing
before use as recommended in
by association rather than proof and monitoring the patient must
‘Checking Anaesthetic Equipment’
from prospective randomized trials. be available.
(see Appendix A).
The overwhelming view is that Accurate records of the
Anaesthetists must ensure that
such studies would today be measurements provided by monitors
they are familiar with all equipment
unethical and the circumstantial must be kept. It has become
that they intend to use and that they
evidence that is already available accepted that core data (heart rate,
have followed any specific checking
indicates clearly that the use of blood pressure and peripheral
procedure recommended by
such monitoring improves the oxygen saturation) should be
individual manufacturers. More
safety of patients. Consequently, recorded at intervals no longer than
complex equipment will require
it is appropriate that the AAGBI every 5 min, and more frequently if
more formal induction and training
should make clear recommendations the patient is clinically unstable. It is
in its use.
about the standards of monitoring recognized that contemporaneous
which anaesthetists in the United records may be difficult to keep in
Kingdom and Ireland must use. emergency circumstances. Electronic
Oxygen supply
New monitoring modalities such record keeping systems are now
as those describing depth of available, and the Association The use of an oxygen analyser with
anaesthesia have not yet become recommends that departments an audible alarm is essential during
established as ‘routine’ and the consider their procurement. It is anaesthesia. It must be placed in
opportunity exists to critically likely that their use will become such a position that the composition
evaluate their utility before routine. of the gas mixture delivered to the
general introduction. A clear Local circumstances may dictate patient is monitored continuously.
distinction may reasonably be that handing over of responsibility The positioning of the sampling
made between consensus-based for patient care under anaesthetic port will depend on the breathing
recommendations for ‘core’ may be necessary. If so, hand-over system in use.
monitoring and requiring that new time must be sufficient to apprise
monitoring techniques be shown by the incoming anaesthetist of all
clinical trials to improve patient information concerning the patient’s Breathing systems
outcomes. anaesthesia and the time and details
During spontaneous ventilation,
must be noted in the anaesthetic
observation of the reservoir bag
may reveal a leak, disconnection,
Very occasionally, an anaesthetist
high pressure or abnormalities
working single-handedly may be
of ventilation. Carbon dioxide
The anaesthetist’s called upon to perform a brief
concentration monitoring will
life-saving procedure nearby.
presence during Leaving an anaesthetized patient
detect most of these problems.
Capnography is therefore an
anaesthesia in these circumstances is a matter
essential part of routine monitoring
for individual judgement. If this
during anaesthesia.
An anaesthetist of appropriate should prove necessary, the surgeon
experience must be present must stop operating until the
throughout general anaesthesia, anaesthetist returns. Observation of
Vapour analyser
including any period of the patient and monitoring devices
cardiopulmonary bypass. Using must be continued by a trained The use of a vapour analyser is
clinical skills and monitoring anaesthetic assistant. Any problems essential during anaesthesia
equipment, the anaesthetist must should be reported to available whenever a volatile anaesthetic
care for the patient continuously. medical staff. agent is in use.
260 Appendices

Infusion devices order to achieve this. Appropriate attach all monitoring before
clinical observations may include induction. In these circumstances,
When any component of anaesthesia
mucosal colour, pupil size, response monitoring must be attached as
(hypnotic, analgesic, muscle
to surgical stimuli and movements soon as possible and the reasons for
relaxant) is administered by
of the chest wall and/or the delay recorded in the patient’s notes.
infusion, the infusion device unit
reservoir bag. The anaesthetist
must be checked before use. Alarm
should undertake palpation of
settings and infusion limits must be B: Recovery from
the pulse, auscultation of breath
verified and set to appropriate levels anaesthesia
sounds and, where appropriate,
before commencing anaesthesia. It is
measurement of urine output and A high standard of monitoring
essential to verify that these drugs
blood loss. A stethoscope must should be maintained until the
are delivered to the patient. The
always be available. patient is fully recovered from
infusion site should be secure and
anaesthesia. Clinical observations
preferably visible.
must be supplemented by the
following monitoring devices:
1. Pulse oximeter.
Anaesthetists must ensure that The following monitoring devices 2. Non-invasive blood pressure
all alarms are set at appropriate are essential to the safe conduct of monitor.
values. The default alarm settings anaesthesia. If it is necessary to
The following must also be
incorporated by the manufacturer continue anaesthesia without a
immediately available:
are often inappropriate and during particular device, the anaesthetist
the checking procedure the must clearly record the reasons for 1. Electrocardiograph.
anaesthetist must review and reset this in the anaesthetic record. 2. Nerve stimulator.
the upper and lower limits as The AAGBI recommends that 3. Means of measuring
necessary. Audible alarms must be any monitor providing continuous temperature.
enabled when anaesthesia values, such as SpO2 and ECG, 4. Capnograph.
commences. should only display a static non-
If the recovery area is not
When intermittent positive invasive blood pressure value for a
immediately adjacent to the
pressure ventilation is used during maximum of 5 min, after which the
operating theatre, or if the patient’s
anaesthesia, airway pressure alarms value should blink or disappear
general condition is poor, adequate
must also be used to detect altogether. The value should remain
mobile monitoring of the above
excessive pressure within the airway stored.
parameters will be needed during
and also to give warning of
transfer. The anaesthetist is
disconnection or leaks. The upper
A: Induction and responsible for ensuring that this
and lower alarm limits must be
maintenance of anaesthesia transfer is accomplished safely.
reviewed and set appropriately
Facilities and staff needed for the
before anaesthesia commences. 1. Pulse oximeter.
recovery area are detailed in the
Provision, maintenance, 2. Non-invasive blood pressure
Association booklets, ‘The
calibration and renewal of monitor.
Anaesthesia Team’ and ‘Immediate
equipment are institutional 3. Electrocardiograph.
Post Anaesthetic Recovery’.
responsibilities. 4. Airway gases: oxygen, carbon
dioxide and vapour.
5. Airway pressure. C: Additional monitoring
The following must also be Some patients will require
available: additional, mainly invasive,
Monitoring the monitoring, e.g. vascular or
1. A nerve stimulator whenever a
patient muscle relaxant is used.
intracranial pressures, cardiac
output or biochemical variables.
2. A means of measuring the
During anaesthesia, the patient’s Specific devices designed to monitor
patient’s temperature.
physiological state and depth of loss of consciousness using
anaesthesia need continual During induction of anaesthesia adaptations of either surface EEG
assessment. Monitoring devices in children and in unco-operative monitoring or auditory evoked
supplement clinical observation in adults it may not be possible to potentials have become available.
Recommendations for standards of monitoring during anaesthesia and recovery 261

However, their routine use has yet controlled operating theatre document ‘Recommendations
to be fully considered as part of our environment and that personnel for standards of monitoring
recommended minimum monitoring with adequate knowledge and during anaesthesia and recovery’.
standards. The American Society of experience accompany the patient. This document noted that
Anaesthesiologists (ASA) recently The patient should be continuous capnography must
published a report from a task force physiologically as stable as possible be used during induction and
set up to assess the use of brain on departure. Prior to transfer, maintenance of general anaesthesia.
function monitoring to prevent appropriate monitoring must be It also recommended that
intraoperative awareness. This commenced. Oxygen saturation continuous expired carbon
report summarized the state of the and arterial pressure should be dioxide monitoring be used for
literature and reported the opinions monitored in all patients and patients whose tracheas are
derived from task force members, an ECG must be attached. intubated and who are undergoing
expert consultants, open forums and Intravascular or intracranial transfer from one clinical area
public commentary. It concluded pressure monitoring may be to another.
that ‘brain function monitoring is necessary in special cases. A Because of the recognized
not routinely indicated for patients monitored oxygen supply of known safety advantages of using
undergoing general anaesthesia, content sufficient to last the capnography in these situations, it
either to reduce the frequency of maximum duration of the transfer is difficult to justify not using it
intraoperative awareness or to is essential for all patients. If the when caring for patients in similar
monitor depth of anaesthesia’. It patient’s lungs are ventilated, circumstances throughout the
was the consensus of the task force expired carbon dioxide should be hospital. Following serious
that the decision to use a brain monitored continuously. Airway untoward incidents arising from
function monitor should be made pressure, tidal volume and patients being treated outside the
on a case-by-case basis by the respiratory rate must also be operating theatre in intensive care
individual practitioner for selected monitored when the lungs are units, high-dependency units and
patients. The task force reported mechanically ventilated. recovery rooms, the AAGBI has
that patients have experienced decided to update its guidance on
intraoperative awareness in spite of the use of capnography. The AAGBI
monitored values which would now makes the following
imply an adequate depth of Anaesthesia outside recommendation.
anaesthesia. The AAGBI endorses Continuous capnography should
the views of the ASA taskforce. hospital be used in the following patients,
regardless of location within the
The Association’s view is that the hospital:
D: Regional techniques and standards of monitoring used during
sedation for operative general and regional analgesia and 1. Those whose tracheas are
procedures sedation should be exactly the same intubated.
in all locations. 2. Those whose airways are
Patients must have appropriate
being maintained with
monitoring, including a minimum of
supraglottic or other similar
the following devices:
airway devices.
1. Pulse oximeter.
2. Non-invasive blood pressure
AAGBI safety Capnographs should be available
for use wherever it is possible that a
monitor. statement patient’s trachea will be intubated,
3. Electrocardiograph.
such as anaesthetic rooms, operating
theatres, recovery rooms, other
treatment rooms in which general
MONITORING DURING anaesthesia is given, intensive care
A statement from the
TRANSFER WITHIN units, high-dependency units and
Association of Anaesthetists
THE HOSPITAL accident and emergency
of Great Britain and Ireland
departments. It is also recommended
(AAGBI), January 2009
It is essential that the standard of that a capnograph be immediately
care and monitoring during transfer In 2007, the AAGBI published available during the treatment of
is as high as that applied in the the fourth edition of its guidance cardiac arrests in hospital.
262 Appendices

To enhance patient safety, the 2. Adequate circulation to deliver stimulation. No interventions

AAGBI recommends that gas carbon dioxide to the lungs. are required to maintain
monitoring is normally set up 3. Ventilation of the lungs through a patent airway, and
directly from the breathing circuit a patent airway to expel carbon spontaneous ventilation is
just proximal to the patient dioxide. adequate.
breathing filter so that safer 4. A functioning carbon dioxide Deep sedation: a drug-induced
breathing filters without monitoring analyser to quantify the gas. depression of consciousness
ports can be used routinely. This during which patients cannot
Failure at any of the steps of
will decrease the number of easily be aroused but respond
this pathway can lead to a failure
breathing circuit connections and purposefully following repeated
to detect expired carbon dioxide.
reconnections, and will minimize the or painful stimulation. The
Because the first three processes
potential for disconnections, leaks ability to independently maintain
are indicators of patient wellbeing,
and the need for extra plastic caps, ventilatory function may be
detection of expired carbon
the use of which has been associated impaired.
dioxide has become a standard of
with the obstruction of airway
safety monitoring. Also expired
carbon dioxide monitoring has
It is also recommended that
become a standard for assessing Addendum to ‘Standards of
continuous capnography should be
correct endotracheal tube Monitoring During
considered during sedation:
placement. Anaesthesia and Recovery
(4) 2007’ regarding the
1. For all patients receiving deep Minimal sedation: a minimally
non-invasive blood pressure
sedation. depressed level of consciousness,
monitors, 18 April 2011
2. For all patients receiving produced by a pharmacological
moderate sedation whose method, that retains the patient’s The AAGBI Council has approved
ventilation cannot be directly ability to independently and the following as an addendum to
observed. continuously maintain an airway this guideline.
and respond normally to tactile The AAGBI recommends that
stimulation and verbal any monitor providing continuous
Notes command. values, such as SpO2 and ECG,
Moderate sedation: a drug-induced should only display a static non-
Detection of expired carbon dioxide
depression of consciousness invasive blood pressure value for a
requires the following four processes
during which patients respond maximum of 5 minutes, after which
to be intact:
purposefully to verbal the value should blink or disappear
1. Metabolism to generate carbon commands, either alone or altogether. The value should remain
dioxide. accompanied by light tactile stored.
Graphical symbols for use in labelling medical devices 263

Appendix C
Serial number
Batch code

Graphical symbols
for use in labelling Can be autoclaved

medical devices
Do not reuse (single use only)

Cannot be autoclaved

Catalogue number
Method of sterilization using
ethylene oxide

Certified to British Standards Method of sterilization using


Method of sterilization using

dry heat or steam
Date of manufacture

Expiry date
264 Appendices

Do not use if package is opened MR unsafe. This means an item is known
or damaged. Do not use if the to pose hazards in all MRI environments
product sterilization barrier or its
packaging is compromised

Manufacturer. This symbol is

accompanied by the name and
address of the manufacturer
Contains phthalate – DEHP –
The potential effects of
phthalates on pregnant/nursing
women or children have not
been fully characterized and
there may be concern for Order Number = Reference
reproductive and developmental Number = Catalogue Number

Consult instructions for use

MR safe. This means the item poses

no known hazards in all magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) environments

MR conditional. This means an item has

been demonstrated to pose no known
hazards in a specified MRI environment
with specified conditions of use
Decontamination of medical equipment 265

associated with breach of the

host barriers but the additional
Appendix D risk of person-to-person
Clean, disinfect or
transmission (e.g. hepatitis B sterilize instruments?
virus) and transmission of
environmental pathogens. As there is no need to sterilize all
Decontamination is a term clinical items and some items can’t
encompassing all the processes be sterilized, healthcare policies
Decontamination of necessary to enable a reusable must identify whether cleaning,
medical equipment device to be reused. This disinfection or sterilization is
includes cleaning, disinfection, indicated based primarily on the
Healthcare-associated infections are inspection, packaging, sterilization, items’ intended use.
the leading cause of preventable transport, storage and use Earle H Spaulding devised a
disease. In the UK, they are (Table AppD.1). The classification system where
responsible for more than 5000 decontamination process is instruments and items used for
deaths per year and cost the NHS required to make medical devices: patient care are divided into three
over £1 billion every year. Failure categories based on the degree of
to adequately decontaminate 1. safe for users to handle risk of infection involved in the use
equipment carries not only the risk 2. safe for use on the patient. of the items (Table AppD.2).

Table AppD.1 Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization

Cleaning Disinfection Sterilization

Cleaning is the removal of visible Disinfection describes a process that Sterilization is the
soil (e.g. organic and inorganic eliminates many or all pathogenic complete elimination or
material) from objects and micro-organisms on inanimate objects destruction of all forms
surfaces with the exception of bacterial spores of microbial life
It is normally accomplished by It is usually accomplished by the use of This is accomplished in
manual or mechanical means liquid chemical and heat (washer healthcare facilities by
using water with detergents or disinfector) either physical or
enzymatic products chemical processes
Cleaning does much to reduce risk
of vCJD

Table AppD.2 Spaulding classification

Critical Semi-critical Non-critical

Items which enter normally sterile Items that touch the mucous Items that touch only intact skin
tissue or the vascular system or membranes or skin that is not intact require low-level disinfection
through which blood flows They require a high-level disinfection As skin is an effective barrier to
They have a high risk of infection process; i.e. mycobactericidal micro-organisms, such items
These items should be sterile As intact mucous membranes are pose a low risk of infection
Examples: surgical instruments and generally resistant to infection, such Examples: bedpans and blood
needles items pose an intermediate risk pressure cuffs.
Such devices should ideally be
sterilized but chemical disinfection is
usually reserved for those that are
intolerant of heat sterilization
Example: laryngoscopes
266 Appendices

This classification has been 2. Chemicals: detergents used are 4. Time: cleaning cycle requires a
successfully used by infection a complex formulation of suitable time period to achieve
control professionals and others chemicals designed to remove its desired effect.
when planning methods for soil (proteins, carbohydrates,
Cleaning can be achieved either
disinfection or sterilization. lipids, etc.) from instruments.
The ease of inactivation differs Detergents have an optimal
according to the micro-organisms concentration and pH to work
Manual cleaning
involved (see Fig. AppD.1). effectively.
3. Energy: may take the form 1. Immersion in a diluted detergent
of manual washing, ultrasonic at 35°C:
energy or water jets/sprays Non-immersion techniques
Involves physical removal of the in automated washer involve a cloth soaked in
infectious material or organic matter disinfectors. cleaning solution and used
on which micro-organisms thrive.
The critical parameters for cleaning
are the following:
1. Temperature: initial
wash temperatures must
be below 45°C to prevent
coagulation of tissue/blood

???? Prions ????

• Bacterial Spores
• Mycobacteria
• Non-lipid or Small Viruses
• Fungi
• Vegetative Bacteria
• Lipid or Medium-Size Viruses

Fig. AppD.1 Descending order of Fig. AppD.3 Bowie Dick test. This is a daily test to ensure that the steam sterilizer is
resistance of micro-organisms against functioning appropriately. Paper patches with heat-sensitive inks are used. The blue
inactivation. patch (left) is a PASS, the yellow patch (right) is FAILED.

Fig. AppD.2 Heat- or chemical-sensitive inks that change colour. Right: presterilization. Left: poststerilization with the sterilization
trace label. Note the date of sterilization that is valid for 1 year and details to track any object.
Decontamination of medical equipment 267

to wipe the items. This can glutaraldehyde 2% for 20 min, to sterilization. Usually a
be used for electrical equipment. hydrogen peroxide 6–7.5% for temperature of 134°C
2. Mechanical cleaning: uses 20–30 min, peracetic acid maintained for a period of 3 min
thermal disinfection, chemical 0.2–0.35% for 5 min and under a pressure of 2.25 bars is
disinfection (see later) or orthophthalaldehyde (OPA) for used.
ultrasonic cleaners. 5–12 min. 2. Ionizing radiation using γ rays
Ultrasonic cleaning is used in 3. Pasteurization (heat to produce sterility. It is ideal for
areas that are difficult to access. disinfection): heating to 60– prepacked heat-labile single-use
The ultrasonic waves create 100°C for approximately 30 min items such as IV cannulae and
small bubbles on the surfaces of to reduce the number of syringes. This technique of
the instruments. These bubbles pathogens by killing a significant sterilization is widely used in
expand until they cavitate and number of them. The higher the industry.
collapse, producing areas of temperature, the shorter the time 3. Dry heat sterilization (hot air
vacuum that dislodge the needed. oven): a constant supply of
contaminants. electricity is needed. Used
for reusable glass, metal
instruments, oil, ointments and
The complete destruction of all 4. Ethylene oxide can effectively
Involves reduction of micro- micro-organisms. Sterility is the sterilize most equipment that
organisms on devices. probability of complete sterilization. can withstand temperatures
This probability is known as the of 50–60°C. However, it is
1. Thermal washer disinfectors
sterility assurance level (SAL). A used under carefully controlled
combine cleaning and
sterile device has a SAL of 10−6, conditions because it is
disinfection. Powerful water
which means that the probability of extremely toxic, carcinogenic,
and detergent jets heated to
an organism surviving on that flammable and an explosion
about 80°C are used. Most
device is one in a million using a risk. Although it is very
organisms are inactivated
validated process. versatile and can be used
except for bacterial spores,
The methods used to achieve for heat-sensitive equipment,
some heat-resistant viruses
sterility include the following: fluids and rubber, a long
and cryptosporidia.
period of aeration is necessary
2. Chemical disinfection is the 1. Steam sterilization is currently
to remove all traces of gas
destruction of micro-organisms the gold standard method (Table
before the equipment can be
by chemical or physiochemical AppD.3). It is reliable, easy to
distributed. The processing
means. This process is difficult monitor, non-toxic, inexpensive,
time ranges from 2 to 24 h
to control and validate. It is sporicidal and has high lethality,
and is a very costly
frequently used for devices that rapid heating and good
are heat sensitive in the penetration of fabrics. The
semicritical category such as temperature and pressure
endoscopes. Examples are reached determine the time

Sterilization monitoring
The sterilization process
should demonstrate a spore kill
Table AppD.3 Steam sterilization
to achieve a SAL of 1 × 10−6. To
ensure that sterilization has been
Advantages Disadvantages successful, indicators are used
(Table AppD.4). For steam
Highly effective Items must be heat and moisture resistant
sterilization, for example, this
Rapid heating and penetration Does not sterilize powders, ointments or oils
of instruments Needs good maintenance requires the direct contact of
Non-toxic saturated steam with the device in
Inexpensive question in the absence of air at
Can be used to sterilize liquids the required pressure/temperature
and time.
268 Appendices

Table AppD.4 Indicators used to monitor sterilization

Physical indicators Chemical indicators Biological indicators

These indicators are part of There are different chemical indicators These are rarely used in UK hospitals
the steam sterilizer itself There are tapes with heat- or Bacillus spores that are heat sensitive
They record and allow the chemical-sensitive inks that change can directly measure sterilization
observation of time, colour when the intended They are inherently unreliable but can
temperature and pressure temperature, time and pressure are be used as an additional method
readings during the reached (Fig. AppD.2) of validation for some forms of
sterilization cycle Such a tape does not assure sterility sterilization such as ethylene oxide
It merely states that the pack has
been through a heating process
Bowie Dick test uses heat-sensitive
inks to ensure that the steam
sterilizer is functioning appropriately
(Fig. AppD.3)

SINGLE-USE ITEMS rather than the quantity or source MHRA, 2010. Sterilization, disinfection
of the chlorine entering the and cleaning of medical equipment:
The use of single-use items should incinerator. It must be emphasized guidance on decontamination
be encouraged when possible. This that any equipment that is from the Microbiology Advisory
practice ensures the sterility of the designated ‘single-use’ must be used Committee (the MAC manual).
equipment and prevents cross- for one patient only and for a single Online. Available at: http://www.
infection. The quality of such treatment episode, and not reused
devices must be the same as the even for the same patient during Safetyguidance/
reusable ones. As a large proportion subsequent visits. Otherdevicesafetyguidance/
of these devices are made from PVC CON007438
plastic materials, a balance should TSE Working Group, 2008. Transmissible
be struck between the reduction in spongiform encephalopathy agents:
infection risk and effect on the Association of Anaesthetists in Great safe working and the prevention
environment. Incinerating PVC has Britain and Ireland, 2008. Infection of infection. Guidance from the
no or very small effect on the levels control in anaesthesia. AAGBI, Advisory Committee on Dangerous
of dioxin produced. The operating London. Online. Available at: http:// Pathogens. Online. Available at:
conditions of an incineration plant
are the key factor in determining infection_control_08.pdf uk/acdp/tseguidance/Index.htm
dioxin production and emissions,
Latex allergy 269

non-allergic condition following 1. Healthcare workers such as

chronic exposure to latex gloves. theatre staff. It is estimated that
Appendix E Dry, crusty and itchy skin this allergy affects 5–15% of
predominantly affects the hands. healthcare workers.
The symptoms resolve when 2. Children and young adults with
contact with latex ceases. cerebral palsy and spina bifida.
2. Delayed type IV hypersensitivity This is due to the increased early
Latex allergy (allergic contact dermatitis) is exposure to latex with repeated
a chemical reaction resulting bladder catheterization and
Allergy to natural rubber latex has from exposure to substances multiple surgical procedures.
become a major source of concern incorporated in the harvesting, About 40% of spina bifida
for patient safety in clinical practice processing and manufacturing patients have IgE antibodies
and a potentially serious of latex. It is a cell-mediated specific for latex.
occupational hazard to operating allergic reaction. Rash, dryness 3. Atopic individuals.
theatre staff. It is estimated that 8% and itching occur within Approximately 50% of people
of the general population in the 24–48 h after exposure to latex. with latex allergy have a history
United States are allergic to This may progress to skin of another type of allergy.
products containing latex and thus blistering and spread to 4. Those with allergy to certain
subject to severe intraoperative surround areas of contact. foods such as avocado, banana,
allergic reactions. In France, 3. Immediate type I hypersensitivity chestnut, kiwi, potato, tomato
it is estimated that 16.6% of is the most serious reaction but and nectarines.
anaphylactoid reactions during the least common. It is an
Diagnosis can be made clinically,
anaesthesia are due to latex allergy, IgE-mediated response triggering
by skin prick testing, skin patch
second only to reactions due to the release of inflammatory
testing and radio-immunoassay test
muscle relaxants. mediators with a massive release
Latex is a milky liquid derived of histamine at a local or whole
from the Hevea brasiliensis rubber body level. This results from
tree. It contains a mixture of lipids, binding of the latex allergen to Management
sugars and proteins. In addition, sensitized receptors on mast
The American Academy of Allergy
several chemicals are added to this cells. The symptoms may begin
and Immunology and the American
liquid during its transportation, within minutes or a few hours
Society of Anesthesiologists
processing and manufacturing. following exposure to latex
Allergic reactions seem to be against equipment. They can vary from
proteins naturally present, which skin redness and itching (local 1. Patients in high-risk groups
constitute about 1% of liquid latex or generalized), rhinitis, should be identified with careful
sap. A protein of a molecular conjunctivitis, bronchospasm history.
weight of 14 000 Da seems to be the and laryngeal oedema, to 2. All patients, regardless of risk
major allergen.The use of latex in life-threatening anaphylactic status, should be questioned
medical equipment has increased shock. about history of latex allergy.
dramatically since the 1980s High-risk patients should be
following health legislation Exposure to latex can be via offered testing for latex allergy.
introduced recommending the use of cutaneous (gloves), inhalation of 3. Patients who have suggestive
latex gloves to prevent transmission air-borne particles, intravascular history and/or confirmatory
of blood-borne pathogens, such as (cannulae, giving sets, syringes), laboratory findings must be
HIV and hepatitis B, during medical internal tissue (surgical equipment), managed with complete latex
procedures. This resulted in a global mucous membrane (mouth, rectum, avoidance.
demand for latex medical gloves vagina, urethra, eyes and ears) and 4. Procedures on all patients with
resulting in changes in quality intrauterine routes. Anaesthetists spina bifida, regardless of
during manufacture. must have a high index of suspicion history, should be performed in
as allergy to latex is an important a latex-free environment.
cause of unexplained perioperative 5. When possible, patients should
Clinical manifestations
collapse. be scheduled for elective surgery
1. Irritant contact dermatitis is the High risk individuals are the as the first case of the day with
most common reaction. It is a following: induction done in theatre with
270 Appendices

minimal staff present. ‘Latex Contact dermatitis and type

Allergy’ signs should be posted IV reactions are treated by avoiding A special ‘latex allergy trolley’
on all operating theatre doors. irritating skin cleansers and the should be made with
6. Anaphylactic reactions can occur use of topical corticosteroids suggested items
20–60 min after exposure. application.Type I latex reactions ● Glass syringes unless latex-free
Patients should remain in the are managed according to their plastic syringes are available.
recovery area for a minimum of severity. This can include anti- ● Drugs in latex-free vials; stoppers
1 h. histamines, topical nasal and can be removed and drugs
7. Preview all equipment to be systemic steroids, H2 blockers, drawn up.
used. A cart containing latex- oxygen, bronchodilators, ● IV giving sets without latex
free equipment should tracheal intubation and adrenaline injection ports. Use three-way
accompany the patient (epinephrine). However, stopcocks or tape all injection
throughout their hospital stay. routine preoperative H1 and H2 ports and do not use them.
8. Patients identified as latex blockers and steroids are no ● Cotton wool or similar as a
allergic (by history or testing) longer recommended. Filters barrier between skin and
should be advised to obtain a used in anaesthesia have been latex-containing items.
Medic Alert bracelet and shown to prevent the spread of ● Silicone resuscitation bags.
self-injectable adrenaline air-borne latex particles thus ● Neoprene/latex-free sterile
(epinephrine) with medical protecting patients against gloves.
records appropriately labelled. inhalation exposure. ● Plastic face masks.
● Teflon cannulae.
Directory of manufacturers 271


Appendix F 2 Millstream Bank Unit 29 New Forest Enterprise

Worthen Centre
Shrewsbury SY5 9EY Chapel Lane
UK Totton
Tel: 01743 891140 Southampton Hants SO40 9LA
Directory of UK
Tel: 0238 066 9000
Unit 85C Centurion Court
Milton Park
Oxon OX14 4RY Thorncliffe Park
UK Sheffield S35 2PW
Tel: 01865 601270 UK Tel: 0114 225 9000
The Danby Building
Edmund Halley Road Unit 2
Oxford Science Park The Maxdata Centre
Oxford OX4 4DQ Downmill Rd
UK Bracknell,
Tel: 01865 74884 Berkshire RG12 1QS UK
Tel: 01344 403100

Unit 3
Chiltern Court
Asheridge Rd Industrial Estate O’Halloran Road
Asheridge Road National Technology Park
Chesham Limerick
Buckinghamshire HP5 2PX Ireland
UK Tel: 00353 61 334440
Tel: 01494 784422
272 Appendices


20 Lower Hatch Street Crane House Philips Centre

Dublin 2 Molly Millars Lane Guildford Business Park
Ireland Wokingham Guildford
Tel: +353 1 438 1700 Berkshire RG41 2RZ Surrey GU2 8XH UK Tel: 01483 792004
Tel: 0118 965 6300
The Willows
Mark Road Manor Court
Hemel Hempstead I-Flow Corporation Manor Royal
Hertfordshire HP2 7BW 20202 Windrow Drive Crawley
UK Lake Forest West Sussex RH10 9FY
Tel: 01442 213542 CA 92630 Tel: 01293 531597 USA
Lundia House 4–8 Kelvin Place
Unit 3 14–15 Burford Way Stephenson Way
The Forum Boldon Business Park Thetford
Minerva Business Park Sunderland Norfolk IP24 3RR
Peterborough PE2 6FT Tyne & Wear NE35 9PZ UK
UK UK Tel: 01842 766557
Tel: 01733 396100 Tel: 0191 519 6200
Newton House
Sir William Siemens Square
71 Great North Road, Keymed House Frimley
Hatfield Stock Road Camberley
Herts AL9 5EN Southend-on-Sea SS2 5QH Surrey GU16 8QD
Tel: 01707 263570 Tel: 01702 616333 Tel: 01276 696000


14 Cordwallis Park, Abingdon Science Park 1500 Eureka Park

Clivemont Road, Barton Lane Lower Pemberton
Maidenhead, Abingdon Ashford
Berkshire SL6 7BU Oxon OX14 3PH Kent TN25 4BF
Tel: 01628 560020 Tel: 01235 547000 Tel: 01233 722351
Directory of manufacturers 273


St Mary’s Court The Pierre Simonet Building 16 Seymour Court

The Broadway V Park Tudor Road
Old Amersham Gateway North Manor Park
Buckinghamshire HP7 0UT Latham Road Runcorn
UK Swindon Cheshire WA7 1SY
Tel: 01494 53 27 61 Wiltshire SN25 4DL Tel: 01928 595160 UK
Tel: 01793 748800
Stokenchurch House
First Foor OES Global
Oxford Road Unit 10
Stokenchurch Area D
High Wycombe Radley Road Industrial Estate
Buckinghamshire HP14 3SX Abingdon
UK Oxfordshire OX14 3RY
Tel: 01494 682650 UK Tel: 01235 539618

276 Glossary

Absolute pressure This is the total pressure exerted on a system; i.e. the FRC The functional residual
gauge pressure plus atmospheric pressure. capacity. It is the sum of the
expiratory reserve volume and the
Absolute pressure = gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure.
residual volume. In an adult male, it
is normally about 2.5–3 litres.
Absolute temperature This is the temperature measured in relation to the
absolute zero using the Kelvin temperature scale with the absolute zero, or
0K, that corresponds to −273.15°C. Gas laws
Dalton’s law of partial pressures:
Absolute zero The temperature at which molecular energy is minimum and in a mixture of gases, each gas
below which temperatures do not exist. exerts the same pressure which it
would if it alone occupied the
Cardiac index The cardiac output divided by the body surface area. container.
Normally, it is about 3.2 L/min/m2. Boyle’s law: at a constant
temperature, the volume of a given
Dead space That volume of inspired air that does not take part in gas mass of gas varies inversely with the
exchange. It is divided into: absolute pressure.
1. Anatomical dead space: that part of the patient’s respiratory tract into 1
Volume = constant ×
which fresh gases enter without undergoing gas exchange. Gases are pressure
warmed and humidified in the anatomical dead space.
2. Alveolar dead space: that part of the lungs where perfusion is impaired Charles’ law: at a constant pressure,
resulting in ventilation/perfusion mismatch. the volume of a given mass of gas
varies directly with the absolute
End-tidal gas concentration This is an estimation of the alveolar gas temperature.
composition. In cases of severe ventilation/perfusion mismatch, it is an Volume = constant × temperature
inaccurate estimation of the alveolar gas composition.
Gay-Lussac’s law: at a constant
FGF Fresh gas flow from the anaesthetic machine or other source supplied to volume, the absolute pressure of a
the patient. given mass of gas varies directly
with the absolute temperature.
Flow The amount of fluid (gas or liquid) moving per unit of time.
Pressure = constant × temperature
1. Laminar flow: flow (through a smooth tube with no sharp edges or
bends) is even with no eddies. Laminar flow can be described by the Humidity
Hagen–Poiseuille equation.
1. Absolute humidity: the mass of
πPr 4 water vapour present in a given
8 ηl volume of air. The unit is mg/L.
2. Relative humidity: the ratio of
the mass of water vapour in a
Q = flow
given volume of air to that
P = pressure across tube
required to saturate the same
r = radius of tube
volume at the same temperature.
η = viscosity
The unit is %.
l = length of tube
2. Turbulent flow: flow through a tube with a constriction (an orifice) is
I/E ratio The ratio of the length
uneven and eddies occur.
of inspiration to the length of
In this situation, flow (Q) is:
expiration, including the expiratory
proportional to the square of the radius of the tube ∝r2
pause. The commonly used ratio is
proportional to the square root of the pressure gradient (P) ∝ P 1 : 2.
inversely proportional to the length of the tube (l) 1

inversely proportional to the density of the fluid (ρ) 1 Implantation testing (IT) In order
∝ to ensure that tracheal tubes are
safe for use in the human body, tube
material is cut into strips and
Glossary 277

inserted usually into rabbit muscle. where compressed gases are driven under pressure over or through a liquid
After a period of time the effect anaesthetic.
of the implant on the tissue is
compared to controls. Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) The resistance against which the
right heart pumps. The unit is dyne/s/cm−5. Normally, PVR = 80–120 dyne/s/
IPPV Intermittent positive pressure cm−5.
ventilation includes both controlled
and assisted ventilation. The Pulse pressure The difference between the arterial systolic and diastolic
pressure within the lung increases pressures.
during inspiration (e.g. 15–
20 cm H2O) and decreases during SI units
expiration to atmospheric pressure.
Length Metre, m
This reverses the pressures found
Mass Kilogram, kg
during spontaneous ventilation. Time Second, s
Electric current Ampere, A
Latent heat of vaporization The Thermodynamic temperature Kelvin, K
energy needed to change a substance Luminous intensity Candela, cd
from liquid to gas, without Amount of substance Mole, mol
changing its temperature. Other units are derived, e.g.:
pressure (force + area) Pascal, P
Force Newton, N
Minute volume The sum of the Volume cubic metre, m3
tidal volumes in 1 min. It is the
tidal volume × respiratory rate.
SIMV Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation where the patient is
allowed to breathe spontaneously between the preset mechanical breaths
Oscilloscope A device capable
delivered by the ventilator. The ventilator synchronizes the patient’s
of displaying recorded electrical
spontaneous breaths if they coincide.
signals. It is particularly useful in
displaying high-frequency signals
Stroke volume The amount of blood expelled from a ventricle at each beat.
and allowing analysis of their
In an adult it is about 70–125 mL.
cardiac output
Stroke volume =
Partial pressure The pressure heart rate
exerted by each gas in a gas
mixture. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) The resistance against which the left
heart pumps. The unit is dyne/s/cm−5. Normally, SVR = 1000–1500 dyne/s/
PCWP Pulmonary capillary wedge cm−5.
pressure is a reflection of the
pressure in the left atrium. It is Tidal volume This is the volume of a single breath. It is about 10 mL/kg
obtained by using a balloon-tipped body weight.
flow-guided pulmonary artery
catheter. Transducer A device which changes one form of energy to another. An
example is the pressure transducer used to measure pressures in the body.
PEEP Positive end-expiratory Mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy.
pressure where the pressure during
expiration is prevented from Venturi principle A constriction in a tube causing an area of low pressure
reaching atmospheric pressure leading to the entrainment of a fluid (gas or liquid) via a side arm.
(zero). It prevents the closure of mean pulmonary artery pressure − left atrial pressure
airways during expiration thus PVR = × 80 (correction factor)
cardiac output
improving oxygenation.
mean arterial pressure − right atrial pressure
Plenum A chamber where the SVR = × 80 (correction factor)
cardiac output
pressure inside is greater than the
pressure outside. Most modern
vaporizers are plenum vaporizers

280 Index

Page numbers followed by ‘f’ indicate anaesthetic machine (Continued) balloon-tipped flow-guided pulmonary
figures, ‘t’ indicate tables, and ‘b’ indicate pressure gauges, 20–22, 21f, 39 artery catheter, 187–190, 188f,
boxes. pressure regulators, 22f–23f, 23, 23b, 190b, 196
39 barium hydroxide, 65
A in remote areas, 37, 37f barylime, 65
safety, 20b, 39 B Braun Contiplex S Ultra, 197
Abbott cardiac output computer, 189f second-stage regulators, 23 BD Flowswitch arterial cannula, 178f
Abbott Oximetrix pulmonary artery vaporizer filling devices, 30–31, 31f BD Nexiva IV closed and integrated
catheter, 190f vaporizers, 27–30, 39 cannula, 229f
ABL800FLEX blood gas analyzer, 223f anaesthetic-proof equipment, 246 Beer’s law, 152
active scavenging systems, 48–49, category G, 246 Bermann airway, 89, 89f
48f–50f anaesthetist’s presence during Bernoulli principle, 105–106
adenovirus, 140b anaesthesia, 259 bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP),
adjustable flange tracheostomy tube, 82f analgesia 220
adjustable pressure limiting (APL) valve, elastomeric pumps, 204–205, 204f bimetallic strip, plenum vaporizer,
56–57, 57b, 57f, 63, 65, patient controlled, 202, 202f 27–28, 29f, 30
69–70 anti-hypoxic safety features, 33b biphasic defibrillators, 232–233
inhalers, 100 antipollution cap, 31 bipolar diathermy, 248
ventilators, 123 antistatic materials, 26, 247b bispectral index (BIS) analysis, 168–169,
Aintree intubation catheter, 117, 117f aortic velocimetry, 187 168f–169f, 169b, 172
air APL (adjustable pressure limiting) valve bite guards, 115–117, 116f–117f
compressed see compressed air breathing systems, 56–57, 57b, 57f, bladder temperature, 194, 195f
cylinders, 4t 63, 65, 69–70 Blease Manley MP3 ventilator, 123–124,
cylinder valves, 5f inhalers, 100 123f, 124b, 133
air conditioning, 46 ventilators, 123 blood gases analyser, 223–224, 223f,
airway exchange catheters, 117, 117f Aquinox hot water bath humidifier, 237
airway laser surgery, 249 137f blood giving sets, 228–229, 228f
airways area valve service units (AVSUs), 7, 8f blood pressure monitoring
nasopharyngeal airway, 89–90, 90b, argon accumulation, 11 invasive, 178–181, 178f–181f, 181b,
90f Argon cannula, 184f 196–197
Nosworthy airway, 115–117, 116f Argon Careflow arterial cannula, 178f non-invasive, 149–151
oropharyngeal airway, 88–89, armoured tracheal tube, 79, 79f blood sampling, catheters for, 184
88f–89f, 89b Arndt endobronchial blocker, 88f blood warmers, 229–230, 230f
alarms arterial blood gases analyser, 223–224, Bodok seal, 6, 6f
monitoring, 260 223f, 237 body core temperature, 194
oxygen supply failure, 32, 32f–33f arterial blood oxygen saturation bougie bite guards, 115–117, 116f–117f
ventilator, 165, 165b, 165f measurement, 151 Bourdon pressure gauge, 21f
allergy, latex, 269–270 arterial blood pressure monitoring Bowie Dick test, 266f
alternating current, 242 invasive, 178–181, 178f–181f, 181b, Boyle’s gas law, 21–22
Ambu laryngeal mask, 92–93 196–197 breathing systems, 55–73, 106
Ambu PEEP valve, 131–132, 131f MCQs on, 171, 196 adjustable pressure limiting (APL)
Ambu valve, 131, 131f non-invasive, 149–151, 150f–151f, valve, 56–57, 57b, 57f
anaesthetic agents, inhaled, scavenging 150t, 151b Bain system, 56, 56f, 60–62, 61f,
systems see Scavenging arterial pressure waveform, 179–180, 62b, 69
anaesthetic equipment 180f checklist for, 256t
checking, 256, 256t arterial waveform analysis, 187 components of, 56–58
monitoring, 259–260 Association of Anaesthetists of Great fresh gas flow, 56
anaesthetic machine, 19–43, 20f–21f Britain and Ireland (AAGBI) Humphrey ADE system, 63, 63f–64f,
backflow check valves, 23 checking anaesthetic equipment, 256, 64b
common gas outlet, 33, 33f 256t ideal, properties of, 56
compressed oxygen outlet(s), 32, 32f safety statement, 261–262 Lack system, 59, 60b, 60f
emergency oxygen flush, 31–32, 31f standards of monitoring, 258 Magill system, 58–59, 59b, 59f
flow control (needle) valves, 23–24, AVSUs (area valve service units), 7, 8f Mapleson A system, 56, 56f, 58–59,
24f axillary block, 211 59b–60b, 59f–60f
flowmeters, 24–26, 39 axillary temperature, 194 Mapleson B system, 56, 56f, 60, 60b
flow restrictors, 23, 23f Mapleson classification, 56, 56f
laminar flow, 34–35, 39 B Mapleson C system, 56, 56f, 60, 60b
modifications and new designs, Mapleson D system, 56, 56f, 60–62,
33–36 backflow check valves, 23 61f, 62b
non-return pressure relief safety bacterial and viral filters, 140–141, Mapleson E system, 56, 56f, 62–63,
valve, 31, 31f, 40 140b, 142b, 143 62f, 63b
one-way valves, 23 bag in a bottle ventilator, 125, 125b, Mapleson F system, 62–63, 62f, 63b
oxygen emergency flush, 31–32, 31f, 125f, 133 MCQs on, 69
40 bag squeezers, 122 Monitoring, 259
oxygen supply failure alarm, 32, Bain breathing system, 56, 56f, 60–62, objectives, 56
32f–33f 61f, 62b, 69 reservoir bag, 57–58, 58b, 58f
Index 281

breathing systems (Continued) cerebral ischaemia, BIS and, 169 cylinder valves (Continued)
soda lime and circle system, 64–67, CE symbol, 246 problems in practice, 6
64f, 66f, 68b charcoal canisters, 49–50, 50b, 51f safety, 5–6
T-piece system, 62–63, 62f, 63b, 69 chemotherapy, catheters for, 184 types of, 5f–6f
tubings, 58 chest drains, 234–235, 234f, 235b, 237 cylinder yokes, 4f, 6f
Waters canister system, 68, 68f children see paediatric practice cytomegalovirus, 140b
Bronchocath double lumen tube, 88f circle breathing system, 46
bronchoscopy, ventilation during, 130 see also soda lime and circle D
breathing system
C Clark electrode oxygen analyzer, 159 damping, invasive arterial pressure
Classic LMA laryngeal mask, 92–93 monitoring, 180
CADD Legacy portable PCA, 202f class I/II/III electrical equipment, Datex-Ohmeda Aestiva S/5 anaesthetic
calcium hydroxide, 65 243–244 machine, 20f
capacitance, 243 cleaning of equipment, 265–268, 265t Datex-Ohmeda Capnomac Ultima, 160f
capacitors, 242–243 closed circle anaesthesia, 64–65 Datex-Ohmeda compact monitor, 146f
capnograms, 153, 261–262 coagulation diathermy, 248 Datex-Ohmeda Flexima anaesthetic
capnographs, 153–157, 154f–155f, 171 coaxial breathing systems, 59–60, 60f, machine, 22f
capnometers, 153 63 Datex-Ohmeda 7900 ventilator, 125f
carbon dioxide coaxial fluid/blood warmer devices, dead space
absorption by soda lime, 65–66 229–230 breathing systems, 59, 61–62, 67–68
analyzers, 153–157, 154f–156f, 158b Cobb suction tracheal tube connector, MCQs on, 69
cylinders, 2f, 4t 79f decontamination of equipment, 265–268,
infrared absorption spectrum, 157, COBRA-PLA, 92–94, 94f 265t, 266f
157f common gas outlet, 33, 33f defibrillators, 230–233, 231f–233f,
monitoring, variable performance common mode rejection ratio (CMRR), 234b, 237
masks, 103, 103f 148 dental anaesthesia, 36, 100–101
rebreathing in variable performance compound A, 67 dermatitis, latex allergy, 269–270
masks, 103 compressed air, 13, 13f desflurane
carbon dioxide electrode, 225–226, compressed oxygen outlet(s), 32, 32f concentration analysis, 160, 161f
226b, 226f, 237 contact dermatitis, latex allergy, description of, 33–34
carbon monoxide production, encircle 269–270 infrared absorption spectrum, 161f
breathing systems, 67 continuous low flow therapy, pollution by, 46
cardiac output monitoring, 187, haemofiltration, 221 vaporizer filling device colour code,
189–192, 189f continuous positive airway pressure 31, 31f
cardiac pacemakers, diathermy and, 248 (CPAP), 127, 220, 220f, 221b, vaporizers, 33–36, 34f, 40
Cardiff Aldasorber, 49–50, 50b, 51f 237 device for indirect non-invasive
CardioQ oesophageal Doppler machine, Cook retrograde intubation set, 117f automatic mean arterial
191f CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure (DINAMAP), 149
Carlens tubes, 87 pressure), 127, 220, 220f, dialysis catheters, 184–186
catheter mounts, 101, 101b, 101f, 108 221b, 237 diathermy, 248–249, 249b, 251
catheters Crawford spinal needle, 208 dicrotic notch, arterial pressure
central venous catheterization and cricoid cartilage, 77 waveform, 179, 188–189
pressure, 183–186, 184f–185f cricothyrotomy tube, 86, 86b, 86f diffusional interception, filtration, 140
pulmonary artery see pulmonary critical temperature, 2 DINAMAP (device for indirect non-
artery catheters current density, 202f, 247 invasive automatic mean
see also specific types current-operated earth leakage circuit arterial pressure), 149
catheter whip, 190 breakers (COELCB), 246 direct current (DC), 242
cauda equina syndrome, 210 cutting diathermy, 248 direct interception, filtration, 140
centralized vacuum suction system, 13–14 cylinder manifold, 8–9, 9f disinfection, 265–268, 265t
components, 13, 14f cylinders disposable circle breathing systems, 66
mechanism of action, 13–14 colour-coding, 3–4, 4t disposable laryngeal masks, 92–93
problems in practice, 14 components, 2–3, 2f disposable tracheal tubes, 76
safety, 14 engraved marks on, 3, 5f Doppler haemodynamic measurement,
central venous catheterization and filling ratio, 3 oesophageal, 190–192,
pressure (CVP), 181–186, labelling, 3b 191b–192b, 191f–192f, 197
182f–183f, 186b lightweight, 2 double burst stimulation, neuromuscular
catheters, 183–186, 184f–185f MCQs on, 15 monitoring, 167
fluid manometer, 182–183, 183f safety, 3–4, 4f, 4t double lumen endobronchial tubes,
long central catheters/peripherally sizes, 2, 8 86–87, 87f–88f, 88b
inserted central catheters, storage, 4 Dräger D Vapor desflurane vaporizer, 34f
183–184, 185f–186f testing, 3 Dräger Zeus IE anaesthetic workstation,
MCQs on, 196 cylinder valves, 5–6 34–35, 35f
pressure transducer, 182 Bodok seal, 6, 6f draw-over vaporizers, 37
problems in practice and safety, components, 5, 6f drip proof, 245
184–186 mechanism of action, 5–6, 6f dry heat sterilization, 267
sepsis/infection reduction, 185b pin-index system, 5, 5f dural headache, 208–210, 216
282 Index

E Entonox, 11–13, 12f flowmeters (Continued)

applications, 11–12 flow restrictors, 23, 23f
earth continuity, 246 composition, 11–12 fluid manometer, central venous
earth-free circuit diathermy, 248 cylinders, 4t, 12f catheterization and pressure,
earth leakage, 246 cylinder valves, 5, 5f 182–183, 183f
earth trip, 246 MCQs on, 15 forced-air warmers, 230, 231f
ECG see electrocardiogram (ECG) Poynting effect, 12 fractional inspired oxygen concentration
EEG (electroencephalogram), entropy of problems in practice, 13 (FiO2), 101–102, 102t,
the, 169–170, 170f safety, 13 104–106, 158
elastomeric pumps, 204–205, 204f entropy of the EEG, 169–170, 170f fresh gas flow (FGF), 56–58
electrical equipment epidural catheters, 206–207, 207b, fuel cell analyzer, 159, 162t
class I, 243 207f–208f, 216 fume cupboards, 46
class II, 243 epidural filters, 207, 207b, 207f, 216 functional earth, 245
class III, 244 epidural needles, 205–206, 205f–206f,
identification, 243–246 206b G
maintenance of, 246 epidural syringe, 207, 207b
type B, 244 equipotentiality, 245 galvanic oxygen concentration analyzers,
type BF, 244 ethylene oxide, 267 158–159
type CF, 244 European Standard for anaesthetic gas, definition of, 2
electrical resistance, 242 machines (EN 740), gas-driven nebulizers, 139, 139f
electrical safety, 241–253 flowmeters, 25 gas flow measurement, 163
electrical velocimetry (EV), 187 evoked potentials tracheal tube, 81, 81f gas volume measurement, 163
electric components symbols, 242f expiratory positive airway Gay–Lussac’s law, 16
electric current, 242–243, 251 pressure(EPAP), 220 giving sets, 228–229, 228f
electricity extraglottic airway devices, 90–91 Glidescope videolaryngoscope, 116f
principles of, 242–243 glottis, 77, 115
static, 249 F Goldman inhaler, 100, 101f
electric shock see electrocution graphical labelling symbols, 263
electrocardiogram (ECG), 146–149, face masks, 100, 100b, 100f Graseby Omnifus PCA pump, 202f
149b, 172 angle pieces for, 100 Graseby 2000 syringe pump, 203f
components, 146 MCQs on, 108 Graseby volumetric pump, 203f
electrical interference, 148, 149t see also specific types gravitational settling, filtration, 140
electrodes, 146, 148, 148f–149f fast flush test, 180, 180f Griggs forceps, 84, 84f
filters, 147, 148f femoral nerve block, 211 Guedel airway, 88–89, 88f
invasive, 187, 187f fenestrated tracheostomy tubes, 83
mechanism of action, 146–148 fibreoptic bronchoscope, 87, 88f, 90 H
modes, 147–148 fibreoptic intubating laryngoscopes,
safety and problems in practice, 114–115, 114f–115f, 115b haemodynamic measurements, 190–192,
148–149 filling ratio, 3 191b–192b, 191f–192f,
electrocution, 247–248, 251 filters 197
effects of, 247–248 bacterial and viral, 140–141, 140b, haemofiltration, 221–223, 221f–223f,
resistive coupling, 248 142b, 143 223b, 237
risk reduction, 247b electrocardiogram, 147, 148f HAFOE (high-air-flow oxygen
electroencephalogram (EEG), entropy of electrostatic, 141, 141f enrichment), 104–106,
the, 169–170, 170f heat and moisture exchanging, 137 105f–106f, 106b, 108
electrostatic attraction, filtration, 140 pleated hydrophobic, 141, 141f Hagen–Poiseuille equation, 42
electrostatic filters, 141, 141f Finapres (finger arterial pressure) device, hair hygrometer, 144
emergency oxygen flush, 31–32, 31f 150 halothane
endobronchial blocker, 88, 88f FiO2 (fractional inspired oxygen concentration analysis, 160, 161f
endobronchial tubes, double lumen, concentration), 101–102, 102t, infrared absorption spectrum,
86–87, 87f–88f, 88b 104–106, 158 161f
Endotrol tube, 115–117, 116f fixed performance oxygen delivery pollution by, 46
end-tidal carbon dioxide analyzers, devices, 104–106, 105f–106f, vaporizer filling device colour code,
153–157, 154f–156f, 158b 106b, 108 31
main-stream, 156–157, 157t Flexiblade, 113 headache, dural, 208–210, 216
MCQs on, 171 floating circuit, 246 heart, electrical activity, 146
safety and problems in practice, 157, flow control (needle) valves, 23–24, 24f heat and moisture exchanger (HME)
157f flow cycled ventilators, 122 humidifiers, 136–137, 136f,
side-stream, 155–156, 156f, 157t flow generator ventilators, 122, 123t 137b, 143
uses, 156, 157t flowmeters, 24–26, 27b heat and moisture exchanging filters
enflurane components, 24, 25f (HMEF), 137
concentration analysis, 160, 161f MCQs on, 39 helium/oxygen cylinders, 4t
infrared absorption spectrum, 161f mechanism of action, 24–25, 25f–26f heparin, 222
pollution by, 46 problems in practice, 25–26 hepatitis virus, 140b
vaporizer filling device colour code, safety, 25–26, 27f Hersch fuel cell analyzer, 159
31, 31f in series, 24–25, 26f Hickman catheters, 184, 186f
Index 283

high-air-flow oxygen enrichment inhalers, 100–101, 101f laminar flow, 34–35, 39

(HAFOE), 104–106, 105f– inspiratory positive airway Laplace’s law, 58
106f, 106b, 108 pressure(IPAP), 220 large-breasted patients, laryngoscopy in,
high altitudes, vaporizers at, 29 insulated nerve block needles, 212, 212f 113–114
high-frequency jet ventilator, 127–128, Intavent Classic LMA laryngeal mask, laryngeal masks, 91–93, 94b
127f, 128b, 133 91–93 Ambu, 92–93
high-pressure/low-volume cuffs, 77, 78f integrated monitoring, 146, 146f–147f Classic LMA, 92–93
HIV, 140b intermittent blower ventilator, 124 COBRA-PLA, 92–94, 94f
HMEF (heat and moisture exchanging intermittent high flow systems, components, 91–93, 91f
filters), 137 haemofiltration, 221 cuff inflation volumes, 92t
HME (heat and moisture exchanger) intermittent positive pressure ventilation disposable, 92–93
humidifiers, 136–137, 136f, (IPPV), 130–131 Intavent Classic LMA, 91–93
137b, 143 interscalene block, 211 Intersurgical Solus, 91–93
Hotline 2 Fluid Warmer, 230f Intersurgical Solus laryngeal mask, intubating, 93, 93f
hot water bath humidifiers, 137–138, 91–93 LMA-ProSeal, 91
137f–138f, 138b, 143 intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), LMA-Supreme, 91, 91f
Huber point, 205 226–228, 226f–227f, 228b, mechanism of action, 92–93
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 237 Portex Silicone LM, 92–93
140b contraindications, 227b Portex SoftSeal, 91–93, 91f
humidifiers indications, 227b reinforced, 92, 92f
heat and moisture exchanger (HME), problems in practice and safety, safety checks, 93b
136–137, 136f, 137b, 143 227–228 Silicone LM, 92–93
hot water bath, 137–138, 137f–138f, intracardiac ECG, 187 sizes, 92t
138b, 143 intravenous cannulae, 229, 229f laryngectomy (montandon) tube, 83, 83f
ideal, characteristics of, 136b intravenous giving sets, 228–229, 228f laryngoscopes, 112–114, 112f–113f,
humidity, 136, 143 introducers (intubation), 115–117, 116f 114b
Humphrey ADE breathing system, 63, intubating laryngeal mask airway fibreoptic intubating, 114–115,
63f–64f, 64b (ILMA), 93, 93f 114f–115f, 115b
hydrophobic filters, 141, 141f intubation aids, 115–117, 116f MCQs on, 119
hyperbaric chambers, vaporizers in, 29 invasive monitoring, 177–199 safety and problems in practice,
hypercarbia avoidance, 26 arterial pressure, 178–181 113–114
hypnosis, monitoring of, 168 balloon-tipped flow-guided use of, 112, 112f
hypothermia, BIS levels in, 169 pulmonary artery catheter, videolaryngoscopes, 115, 119
187–190 laser resistant tracheal tubes, 80–81, 80f
I cardiac output, 187 lasers, 249
central venous catheterization and airway laser surgery, 249
IABP see intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) pressure (CVP), 181–186 classification of, 250t
ice formation on cylinders, 3 electrocardiogram, 187, 187f safety and problems in practice, 249
i-gel airway, 94, 94f LiDCOrapid, 192–193 types of, 249b
ILMA (intubating laryngeal mask MCQs on, 196–197 latex allergy, 269–270
airway), 92f–93f, 93 oesophageal Doppler haemodynamic LiDCOrapid, 192–193, 192f
impedance, 242–243, 251 measurement, 190–192 lightweight cylinders, 2
implantable cardiac defibrillator, 233, temperature probes, 193–194 liquid oxygen, 9–10, 10f
233f ionizing radiation, 267 LMA-ProSeal laryngeal mask, 91
inductance, 243 isoflurane LMA-Supreme laryngeal mask, 91, 91f
induction of anaesthesia, 260 concentration analysis, 160, 161f local anaesthetics
inductors, 242–243 pollution by, 46 infusion pumps, 204–205
inertial impaction, filtration, 140 vaporizer filling device colour code, spinal needles, 208–210
infection reduction, central venous 31, 31f spray, for intubation, 115–117, 116f
catheterization and pressure, isolated circuit, 246 long central catheters, 183–184,
185b isothermic boundary point, 136 185f–186f
infrared absorption analyzers, 160, 160f, loss of resistance device, epidurals, 207
162t, 172 J low-flow anaesthesia, 65
infrared tympanic thermometers, 193, low-flow delivery devices, 102f–103f,
194f jet ventilators, 127–128, 127f, 128b 102t, 103b, 108
infusion devices, monitoring, 260 low-pressure/high-volume cuffs, 77–78,
inhalation agent concentration analyzers, K 78f
160–162, 160f–161f, 162b, Luer connection spinal needle, 210f
162t ketamine anaesthesia, 169 lung embolism diagnosis, 156
infrared absorption analyzers, 160,
160f L M
mass spectrometer, 162
piezoelectric quartz crystal oscillation, labelling symbols, 263 McCoy laryngoscope, 113, 113f
161 labour wards, ventilation, 46 Macintosh blade, 112, 112f
Raman spectroscopy, 161 Lack breathing system, 59, 60b, 60f Magill breathing system, 58–59, 59b,
ultraviolet absorption analyzer, 161 Lambert’s law, 152 59f
284 Index

Magill forceps, 115, 116f monitoring (Continued) non-invasive monitoring (Continued)

Magill nasal/oral tracheal tube the patient, 260–261 MCQs on, 171–172
connectors, 79f standards for, 258–262 nitrous oxide/inhalation agent
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), of sterilization, 267, 268t concentration analyzers,
interaction with anaesthetic monophasic defibrillators, 232–233 160–162
machines, 34, 35f Montandon laryngectomy tube, 83, 83f oxygen concentration analyzers,
main-stream gas analyzers, 156–157, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 158–159
157t interaction with anaesthetic peripheral nerve stimulators,
maintenance of anaesthesia, 260 machines, 34, 35f 165–168
malignant hyperpyrexia/hyperthermia, multilumen catheter, 183, 184f–185f pneumotachograph, 163
156, 194 Murphy eyes in tracheal tubes, 80 pulse oximetry, 151–153
Mallinckrodt Bronchocath double lumen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 140b ventilator alarms, 165
tube, 86 Wright respirometer, 162–163
Mallinckrodt Hi-Lo Jet cuffed tracheal N non-return pressure relief safety valve,
tube, 127, 128f 31, 31f, 40
Manley MP3 ventilator, 60, 123–124, nasal cannulae, 103–104, 104b, 104f, Nosworthy airway, 115–117, 116f
123f, 124b, 133 108 Nosworthy tracheal tube connector, 79f
Mapleson A breathing systems, 56, 56f nasal catheters, 104, 104f
Lack system, 59, 60b, 60f nasal masks, 100–101, 101f O
Magill system, 58–59, 59b, 59f nasopharyngeal airway, 89–90, 90b, 90f
Mapleson B breathing system, 56, 56f, natural frequency, invasive arterial oesophageal Doppler haemodynamic
60, 60b pressure monitoring, 180 measurement, 190–192,
Mapleson C breathing system, 56, 56f, nebulizers, 138–139, 140b 191b–192b, 191f–192f, 197
60, 60b gas-driven, 139, 139f oesophageal ECG, 187
Mapleson D breathing system, 56, 56f, MCQs on, 143 oesophageal temperature, 194, 194f
60–62, 61f, 62b spinning disc, 139 Ohm’s law, 243, 247
Mapleson E breathing system, 62–63, ultrasonic, 139 one-way valves, 23
62f, 63b needle valves, 23–24, 24f On-Q elastomeric pump, 204f
Mapleson F breathing system, 62–63, nerve block needles, 210–212, 210f– open oxygen delivery systems, 104, 104f
62f, 63b 211f, 212b ophthalmic surgery, breathing system for,
Masimo oximeter, 153 insulated, 212, 212f 60
mass spectrometer, 162, 162t non-insulated, 212 oropharyngeal airway, 88–89, 88f–89f,
maxillofacial surgery, tracheal tubes for, nerve blocks, nerve stimulator for, 89b
79–80 212–214, 212b, 213f, 214b, oscillometry, 149–151, 150f–151f, 150t,
medical gas supply, 1–17 216 151b, 171
centralized vacuum or suction system, nerves, percutaneous localization of, oscillotonometer, 150–151, 151f
13–14 212, 212f Oxford infant blade, 112f
compressed air, 13, 13f nerve stimulator for nerve blocks, Oxford Miniature Vaporizers (OMV),
cylinders, 2–4, 2f 212–214, 212b, 213f, 214b, 37
cylinder valves, 5–6, 5f–6f 216 Oxford tracheal tube, 79, 79f
Entonox, 11–13 Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist oxygen
MCQs on, 15 (NAVA), 126 cylinders, 2f, 3, 4t, 5
piped (piped medical gas and neuromuscular monitoring, 166–168, cylinder valves, 5f
vacuum), 6–8 167f emergency flush, 31–32, 31f, 40
sources of, 8–11, 9f Newton valve, 124–125 MCQs on, 15
medium concentration (MC) masks, NIST (non-interchangeable screw sources of, 9f–10f
101–103, 102f–103f, 102t, thread), 7, 8f supply failure alarm, 32, 32f–33f
103b, 108 nitrous oxide oxygen concentration analyzers,
M-entropy module, 170 concentration analyzers, 160–162 158–159, 158f, 160b
M100 Haemofilter set, 222f cylinders, 2f, 3, 4t, 5, 5f galvanic, 158–159
microlaryngeal tracheal tubes, 81, 81f cylinder valves, 5f MCQs on, 171–172
micro-organisms, size of common, 140b infrared absorption spectrum, 157, paramagnetic, 158–159, 159f, 172
microshock, 186, 247 157f polarographic, 158–159, 171
M&IE Vapamasta Vaporizers, 27–28 pollution by, 46 problems in practice and safety, 159
Miller blades, 112f non-insulated nerve block needles, 212 oxygen concentrators, 10–11, 11f–12f,
minimal flow anaesthesia, 65 non-interchangeable screw thread 15
minitracheostomy tube, 85–86, 85f, 86b (NIST), 7, 8f oxygen delivery devices, 101
minute volume dividers, 122–124, 123f non-invasive monitoring, 145–175, 147f fixed performance, 102t, 104–106,
minute volume measurement, 162–163 arterial blood pressure, 149–151 105f–106f, 106b, 108
monitoring bispectral index (BIS) analysis, MCQs on, 108
additional, 260–261 168–169 nasal cannulae, 103–104, 104f
of anaesthetic equipment, 259–260 electrocardiogram, 146–149 nasal catheters, 104f
devices, 260–261 end-tidal carbon dioxide analyzers, open, 104, 104f
invasive see invasive monitoring 153–157 variable performance, 101–103,
non-invasive see non-invasive entropy of the EEG, 169–170 102f–103f, 102t, 103b, 108
monitoring integrated, 146, 146f–147f oxygen electrode, 224, 224b, 224f
Index 285

oxygen emergency flush, 31–32, 31f PICC (peripherally inserted central post-tetanic facilitation/potentiation,
oxygen/nitrous oxide see Entonox catheters), 183–184, 185f–186f neuromuscular monitoring,
oxygen supply monitoring, 259–260 piezoelectric quartz crystal oscillation, 167
161, 162t potassium hydroxide, 65
P pin-index system, cylinder valves, 5, 5f potential difference, 242
piped gas supply (piped medical gas and Poynting effect, 12
paediatric practice vacuum (PMGV)), 6–8 pressure control ventilation, 126, 133
bispectral index analysis, 168 colour-coding, 7, 8f pressure cycled ventilators, 122
breathing systems, 58, 62–63, 62f, components, 7 pressure gauges, 20–22, 21f
63b gas probes, 7f components, 20–21
COBRA-PLA, 94 isolating valves, 7, 8f MCQs on, 39
epidural needles, 205 MCQs on, 15 mechanism of action, 21
face masks, 100f outlets, 7, 7f problems in practice, 21–22
intravenous giving sets, 228–229 problems in practice, 7–8 safety, 21–22
multilumen catheters, 183, 185f safety, 7–8, 8f ventilators, 123
oropharyngeal airway in, 89 Pitot tube, pneumotachograph combined pressure generator ventilators, 122, 123t
tracheal tubes, 77 with, 163–164, 164f pressure monitoring alarm, 165, 165f
variable performance face masks, pleated hydrophobic filters, 141, 141f pressure-regulated volume
102f plenum vaporizers, 27–30 control(PRVC), 126
ventilators, 124–125 components, 27–28, 28f–29f pressure regulators, 22–23, 22f–23f, 23b
Venturi masks, 106, 106f mechanism of action, 28–29 MCQs on, 39
Wright respirometer, 163 problems in practice, 29–30 second-stage, 23
pain relief see analgesia safety, 29–30, 30f pressure support ventilation, 127
PA (pulmonary artery) catheters see PMVG see piped gas supply (piped pressure swing adsorption systems,
pulmonary artery catheters medical gas and vacuum 10–11
paramagnetic oxygen concentration (PMGV)) pressure transducer, central venous
analyzers, 158–159, 159f, pneumotachograph, 163, 163f, 164b catheterization and pressure,
162t, 172 combined with Pitot tube, 163–164, 182
ParaPAC ventilator, 128 164f Prismaflex 1 haemofiltration system,
parenteral nutrition, catheters for, 184 MCQs on, 171 221f
partial rebreathing masks, 103 Pneupac VR1 emergency ventilator, protective earth, 245
passive scavenging systems, 47–48, 129–130, 129f, 130b additional, 245
47f–48f, 52 Poiseuille’s law, 24 psoas compartment block, 211
pasteurization, 267 polarographic (Clarke) oxygen electrode, pulmonary artery catheters, 187,
patient controlled analgesia (PCA), 202, 224, 224b, 224f 189f–190f
202f, 203b polarographic oxygen concentration balloon-tipped flow-guided, 187–190,
syringe pumps, 203, 203f analyzers, 158–159, 162t, 171 188f, 190b, 196
target controlled infusion pumps, 204 polar tracheal tubes, 79–80, 80f indications, 188b
volumetric pumps, 203, 203f polio laryngoscope blade, 112f, 113–114 information gained from, 190
patient monitoring, 260–261 pollution in theatre, 46–47, 47b, 52 MCQs on, 196
see also invasive monitoring; causes of, 46t pulse oximetry, 151–153, 151f–152f,
non-invasive monitoring MCQs on, 52 153b, 153t
PCA see patient controlled analgesia Portex Correct Inject spinal needles, MCQs on, 171
(PCA) 210f
peak inspiratory flow, 57–58 Portex cricothyrotomy set, 86f Q
PEEP valve, 131–132, 131f Portex CSE cure combined spinal-
Penlon Nuffield 200 ventilator, 124–125, epidural device, 206f Quantiflex anaesthetic machine, 35–36,
124f, 125b Portex epidural catheter and filter, 207f 35f
with Bain breathing system, 61 Portex epidural set, 207f quartz crystal oscillation, piezoelectric,
with T-piece breathing system, 62 Portex Griggs percutaneous 161, 162t
Penlon PM9000 Express, 155f tracheostomy set, 84f Quincke needles, 208, 209f
Penlon pressure monitoring ventilator Portex LockIt Plus epidural catheter
alarm, 165f fixing device, 207f R
percutaneous localization of nerves, 212, Portex Silicone LM laryngeal mask,
212f 92–93 radial artery, 179
percutaneous tracheostomy tubes, Portex single-use Soft-Seal laryngeal RAE tracheal tubes, 79–80, 80f
84–85, 84f–85f mask, 91f Raman spectroscopy, 161, 162t
peripherally inserted central catheters Portex SoftSeal laryngeal mask, 91–93, recovery from anaesthesia, 260
(PICC), 183–184, 185f–186f 91f rectal temperature, 194, 194f
peripheral nerve stimulators, 165–168, Portex spinal microcatheter set, 209f reducing valves, 22–23, 22f–23f, 23b
166f, 168b Portex Tracer III peripheral nerve regional anaesthesia, ultrasound
neuromuscular monitoring, 166–168, stimulator, 213f guidance in, 214, 214f
167f Portex tracheostomy tube, 82f relative humidity, 136, 143, 249
peripheral vascular resistance, 179 Portex Ultraperc single dilator remote areas, anaesthesia in, 37
pH electrode, 224–225, 225b, 225f percutaneous tracheostomy set, Rendell-Baker face mask, 100, 100f
photo-acoustic spectroscopy, 155 85f reservoir bag, 57–58, 58b, 58f
286 Index

residual circuit breakers, 246 safety (Continued) Severinghaus electrode, 225–226, 226b,
resistive coupling, 248 Mapleson A breathing system, 59 226f
resistors, 242–243 Mapleson D breathing system, sevoflurane
resonance, invasive arterial pressure 61–62 concentration analysis, 160, 161f
monitoring, 180 Mapleson E breathing system, 63 pollution by, 46
respirometers, 162–163, 162f–163f, Mapleson F breathing system, 63 vaporizer filling device colour code,
163b, 171 minitracheostomy, 86 31, 31f
response entropy, 170 nasal cannulae, 104 Seward blades, 112f
retrograde intubation set, 117, 117f, nasopharyngeal airway, 90 Shannon entropy, 170
118b, 119 nerve stimulators, 213–214 side-stream gas analyzer, 155–156, 156f,
Reynold’s number, 42 oesophageal Doppler haemodynamic 157t
Ring, Adair and Elwyn (RAE) tracheal measurement, 191–192 Silicone LM laryngeal mask, 92–93
tube, 79–80, 80f oropharyngeal airways, 89 single-fault condition, 243
Robertshaw (rubber) tubes, 87 oscillometry, 150–151 single hose test, 7
Robertshaw’s blades, 112f oxygen concentration analyzers, skin impedance, 146–147, 247
RS7 peripheral nerve stimulator, 166f 159 skin temperature, 194, 195f
oxygen electrode, 224 Smith’s gas-driven nebulizers, 139f
S patient controlled analgesia, 203 Smith’s Medex pressure transducer, 179f
peripheral nerve stimulators, Smith’s Medex silver impregnated triple
safety 167–168 lumen central venous catheter,
adjustable pressure limiting valve, 57 pH electrode, 225 184f
anaesthetic machine, 20b, 37, 39 piped gas supply (piped medical gas Smith’s Medical bladder catheter, 195f
anti-hypoxic safety features, 33b and vacuum (PMGV)), 7–8, 8f Smith’s Medical FingerPrint oximeter,
bispectral index analysis, 169 plenum vaporizers, 29–30, 30f 151f
breathing systems, 57–59, 61–63 pneumotachograph, 163–164 Smith’s Medical insulated peripheral
carbon dioxide electrode, 226 pressure gauges, 21–22 nerve block needles, 210f
catheter mounts, 101 pressure regulators, 23 Smith’s Medical Level 1 H 1200 fast
centralized vacuum suction system, pulmonary artery catheters, 190 fluid warmer, 230f
14 pulse oximetry, 153 Smith’s Medical Protective Acuvance
central venous catheterization and reservoir bags, 58 cannula, 229f
pressure, 184–186 retrograde intubation set, 117 Smith’s Portex cricothyrotomy set, 86f
chest drains, 234–235 scavenging systems, 47–49 Smith’s Portex Griggs percutaneous
continuous positive airway pressure, soda lime and circle breathing system, tracheostomy set, 84f
220 67 Smith’s Portex LockIt Plus epidural
cricothyrotomy tube, 86 spinal needles, 208 catheter fixing device, 207f
cylinders, 3–4, 4f, 4t temperature probes, 193 Smith’s Portex single-use Soft-Seal
cylinder valves, 5–6 tracheal tubes, 79 laryngeal mask, 91f
defibrillators, 233 tracheostomy tracheal tubes, 83 Smith’s Portex tracheostomy tube, 82f
diathermy, 248–249 ultrasound machine, 236 Smith’s Portex Ultraperc single dilator
elastomeric pumps, 204–205 variable performance masks, 103b percutaneous tracheostomy set,
electrical, 241–253 ventilator alarms, 165 85f
electrocardiogram, 148–149 ventilators, 124–125, 127–130 soda lime, 65, 67, 69
emergency oxygen flush, 32 Venturi masks, 106 humidifying properties, 136
end-tidal carbon dioxide analyzers, Wright respirometer, 163 soda lime and circle breathing system,
157 saturated vapour pressure (SVP), 29 64–67, 64f, 68b, 70
Entonox, 13 scavenging, 47–49, 49b components, 65–66
epidural catheters, 206–207 active systems, 48–49, 48f–50f diagrammatic representation of, 66f
epidural needles, 205–206 checklist for, 256t mechanism of action, 65–66, 66f
face masks, 100 ideal system, 47b safety and problems in practice, 67
fibreoptic intubating laryngoscopes, passive system, 47–48, 47f–48f, 52 use of vaporizers in, 66–67
115 sciatic nerve block, 211 sodium hydroxide, 65
flowmeters, 25–26, 27f sedation, monitoring of, 168–170, 261 Soper blades, 112f
haemofiltration, 223 Seldinger chest drainage kit, 234f Spaulding classification, 265t
humidifiers, 137–138 Seldinger technique spinal-epidural needle, 205, 206f
i-gel airway, 94 central venous catheterization and spinal microcatheters, 209f, 210
inhalational agent concentration pressure, 181–182, 182f–183f spinal needles, 208–210, 209f–210f,
analyzers, 161 tracheostomy tubes, 85 210b, 216
intra-aortic balloon pump, 227–228 Selectatec vaporizer mount system, spinning disc nebulizers, 139
intubating laryngeal mask airway, 93 28–29, 29f–30f splash proof, 245
invasive arterial pressure monitoring, self-inflating bag and mask, 130–131, Sprotte needles, 208–209
180–181 131b, 131f, 256t square wave test, 180, 180f
laryngeal masks, 93b sepsis reduction, central venous Staphylococcus aureus, 140b
laryngoscopes, 113–114 catheterization and pressure, state entropy, 170
lasers, 249 185b static electricity, 26, 249
LiDCOrapid, 193 Servo-i ventilator, 126–127, 126f, 127b steam sterilization, 267, 267t
Index 287

sterilization of equipment, 265–268, tracheostomy tracheal tubes (Continued) ventilators (Continued)

265t, 266f, 268t laryngectomy (montandon) tube, 83, bag squeezers, 122
Stimuplex remote control, 213f 83f checklist for, 256t
stroke volume, 179 percutaneous, 84–85, 84f–85f classification, 122, 122t, 133
stylets, 115–117, 116f safety and problems in practice, 83 connection of Bain breathing system
suction devices, 13–14, 14f, 256t speaking valves, 84, 84f to, 61
supraglottic airway devices, 90–91 tracheostomy button, 84, 84f connection of T-piece breathing
SVP (saturated vapour pressure), 29 tracheostomy variable performance system to, 62
synchronized intermittent mandatory mask, 103, 103f flow cycled, 122
ventilation(SIMV), 126 train-of-four, neuromuscular monitoring, flow generator, 122, 123t, 128
syringe PCA pumps, 203, 203f 167, 167f high-frequency jet, 127–128, 127f,
Triservice apparatus, 37, 37b, 37f 133
T MCQs on, 39 ideal, characteristics of, 123
tubings, breathing systems, 58 lightweight portable, 122, 128
tare weight of cylinders, 3 tug test, 7 Manley MP3, 123–124, 123f, 124b,
target controlled infusion PCA pumps, Tuohy needle, 205, 205f 133
204 twitch, neuromuscular monitoring, MCQs on, 133
Tec vaporizers, 28f, 29, 33–34, 34f 166–167, 167f minute volume dividers, 122–124,
temperature probes, 193–194, 194f– tympanic membrane temperature, 194, 123f
195f, 195b 194f Penlon Anaesthesia Nuffield
tetanic stimulation, neuromuscular type B/BF/CF electrical equipment, 244 Ventilator Series 200, 124–125,
monitoring, 167, 167f 124f, 125b
thermistors, 34–35, 193 U Pneupac VR1 emergency, 129–130,
thermocouples, 193–194, 193f 129f, 130b
thermodilution, 189 ulnar artery, 179 pressure cycled, 122
thermometers ultrafiltration, 221 pressure generator, 122, 123t
infrared tympanic, 193, 194f ultrasonic nebulizers, 139 Servo-i, 126–127, 126f, 127b
MCQs on, 196 ultrasound guidance in regional time cycled, 122, 125, 125b, 125f,
thymol, 30 anaesthesia, 214, 214f 128
tidal volume measurement, 162–163 ultrasound machine, 235–236, 235f– uses, 122
time cycled ventilators, 122, 125, 125b, 236f, 236b VentiPAC, 128, 129b, 129f
125f ultraviolet absorption analyzer, 161 volume cycled, 122
to-and-fro breathing system, 68, 68f unipolar diathermy, 248 VentiPAC, 128, 129b, 129f
T-piece breathing system, 62–63, 62f, Universal Anaesthesia Machine (UAM), Venturi injector, 127, 130, 130b,
63b, 69 36, 36f 130f
tracheal ECG, 187 Venturi masks, 104–106, 105f–106f,
tracheal tubes, 76–79, 79b V 106b, 108
armoured tracheal tube, 79, 79f VIC vaporizers, 67
bevel, 77, 77f vacuum-insulated evaporator (VIE), 9, videolaryngoscopes, 115, 116f, 119
connectors, 79f 10f viral and bacterial filters, 140–141,
cuffs, 77–78, 77f–78f vacuum systems, 13–14, 14f, 256t 140b, 142b, 143
depth markers, 76–77 valveless breathing system, 62 VOC vaporizers, 66–67
evoked potentials tracheal tube, 81, vaporizer filling devices, 30–31, 31f voltage, 242
81f vaporizers, 27–30, 28f, 30b volume control ventilation, 126,
features, 76–79, 76f classification, 27 133
internal diameter, 76 desflurane, 33–36, 34f, 40 volume cycled ventilators, 122
laser resistant, 80–81, 80f draw-over, 37 volume monitoring alarm, 165
Mallinckrodt Hi-Lo Jet MCQs on, 39 volume support ventilation, 126–127
cuffed, 127, 128f plenum vaporizers, 27–30 volumetric PCA pumps, 203, 203f
microlaryngeal, 81, 81f pollution from, 46 Von Recklinghausen oscillotonometer,
outside diameter, 76 in soda lime and circle breathing 150–151, 151f
Oxford tracheal tube, 79, 79f systems, 65
polar and RAE tracheal tubes, 79–80, use in circle breathing systems, 66–67 W
80f VIC, 67
route of insertion, 78, 78f VOC, 66–67 Waters canister breathing system, 68,
safety and problems in practice, 79 vapour, definition of, 2 68f
size and length, 76–77, 76t, 77f vapour analyzers, 259 water tight, 245
specially designed, 79–81 variable performance masks, 101–103, Wheatstone bridge circuit, 178–179,
tracheostomy see tracheostomy 102f–103f, 102t, 103b, 108 179f
tracheal tubes venous thrombosis, catheter-related, 186 whip artifacts, 190
tracheostomy tracheal tubes, 81–85, 83b ventilation of air in theatre, 46 Whitacer needles, 208–209, 209f
applications, 82 ventilators, 121–134 White tubes, 87
benefits of tracheostomy, 83b alarms, 165, 165b, 165f Wisconsin blades, 112f
components, 81–83, 81f–82f bag in a bottle, 125, 125b, 125f, Wright respirometer, 162–163, 162f–
fenestrated, 83 133 163f, 163b, 171
288 Index

XD11XE Philips ultrasound machine, Yale needles, 208 zeolites, 10
235f Zoll Pro AED, 231f
Zoll R manual defibrillator, 231f

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