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Additonal material (Flipped activity)

Reading: The cradle of the Inca Empire

Read “The Cradle of the Inca Empire” and answer to the questions.

What were the Inca walls made from

How did Hiram Bingham find Machu

Picchu in 1911?
He went to Cuzco, looking for ancient Inca
ruins. Then, with a man, they crossed the
river and they made an exhausted walk.

What were the Inca walls made

from? When did Hiram Bingham
return to Machu Picchu?
Who was “Arteaga”?
Hiram Bingham return to Machu
Inca walls made from enormous
A man that told them of some Picchu in 1912.
stone. Also, the stones are white.
ruins in the mountains.

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