Delphi VirtualTreeView and Tree Structure - Delphi-PRAXiS

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Google @ Translated to: English(¥] | Show original Options v | [x] ® @ Vv aG Tas El Delphi-PRAXIS => programming general > GUI design with VCL FireMorkey / Common Controls ‘Deiphi VirtualTreeView and tree structure > | VirtualTreeView and tree structure Theme options\7 view‘ _ Search topic 7 ‘Atopic by Alb started on Mar 22, 2004 «last post on Mar 25, 2004 [B answer VirtualTreeView and tree structure Albi EEiMar 22, 2004 9:17 pm Registered on: May 4tn, 2003 Good evening, Location: Beslin 458 Posts got the compo from Delphi Gems and am now faced with the blph 7 professional Problem that I can not get @ SubNode added. ‘That means, I know how to do this via Btn but I get the data from a ‘query, and put it into a record. Now there are other data in the query, ‘hich I would lke to enter in the SubNode. So that it looks something lke this. With this code I write the data in the ListView. Delphi source code: fold up * mark CustRec: = Sender.GetNodedata (Node); Initialize (custRec *); CustRec.AVornane: = Queryi.Fields [@] .AsString; CustRec.ANane: = Queryi.Fields [1] .AsString; CustRec.AVornaneGF1: = Queryi.Fields [2] .AsStrings CustRec.ANaneGF1: = Queryi.Fields [3] .AsString: if not Query1.EoF Then Queryt.Next end 5 procedure TFornl.VsTGetText (Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PvintualNode; Colunn: TColunnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var Celltext: Widestring); var CustRec: PCustRec; Sender.GetNodeData (Node); @ Then Albi Registered on: May 4th, 2003, Location: Berlin 458 Posts Delphi 7 Professional DelphiDeveloper Registered on: Apr 9, 2003 Location: Cologne 256 posts Delphi XE2 Enterprise TustRec.AVorname; 1 Then CustRec.ANane; TF Colunn celltext: ends Re: VirtualTreeView and tree structure 242004 12.23, Cave] Don't any of you know any advice? Or any other compo that makes it possible for me? GC) jG) Re: VirtualTreeView and tree structure Mar 24, 2004 2:04 pm T wrote a few snippets of code here how I managed it. 1) Definition of the data I need Delphi source code: fold up ~ mark ‘TireebataClass = class private Fleststri: strings FOoKTD: integer FKDID: integers FICON: integer; FOOKNR: strings FMASUCH: strings FookDatun: Toate; FUserinitial: strin FMandant: integers Fookart: TookTypen; FOokKuerzel: strings published Property Teststri: string read Freststri write Freststra; Property DokID: integer read FDOKIO write FOokID; property KOID: integer read FKDID write FKDID; Property ICON: integer read FICON write FICON; Property DokDatun: TDate read FDokOatum write FDokDatun; property Userinitial: string read FUserinitial write FuserInitial; property Mandant: integer read FMandant write Flandant; Property DOKNR: string read FDOKNR write FDOKNR; Property MASUCH: string read FMASUCH write FMASUCH; Property DokArt: TbokTypen read FOOKArt write FDokArt; Property DokKuerzel: string read FOokKuerzel write FookKuerzel; fend; //class PTreedata = “TTreepata; Trreebata = record Fooject: Tobject; end; 2, Method for adding nodes Delphi source code: to mark | function TForaChildarchiv.AddvSTObject (avst: TcustonVirtualstringTree; aNode: PVirtualNode; adbject: Tobject} var Data: PIreedata; begin Result := avst.AddChild(aNode) ; avst.ValidateNode(Result, False); data := avst.GetNodebata(Result); data*.Fobject := adbject; end; PvirtualNode; 3, Filling the data structures with values from the Qi Delphi source code: fold up * mark procedure TFornchildarchiv.BuildTree; Treeobject: TTreedataClass; Root: PVirtualNode; begin vst.Beginupdate; vst.NodebataSize: = sizeof (TTreebata} vst.Deletechildren (vst.RootNode, true); 4if marked (OFFER) then begin U/ enter root ‘Treeobject: = TrreebataClass.Create; try Treedbject.DokArt: = OFFER; Treedbject DokKuerzel: = "ANG"; Treedbject.TestStri: = GetOKBEZ (GetEnunNane (TypeInfo (TDoktypes), ord (Treedbject.Dokart))) + "(4 IntToste (1B_QryAngebote.Recondcount) + ')"; if 1B _QryAngebote.Recordcount > @ then TreeObject.Tcon := 3 else Treeobject.teon := 12} Wurzel i= addvstobject(vst, nil, Treedbject); // jetzt Detail eintragen with 18_QryAngebote do begin While not Eof do begin Treeobject try Treeobject.Teststra Fi.e]dByName('KU_SUCH")-AsStrings TreeObject-DokID + FieldByName('AK_1D") .AsIategers TreeObject .KDID i= FieldByName(*AK_KU_ID *) -asintegers Treeobject.DokDatum: = FieldByNane (" AK_DATE ') TrreebataClass.Create; casdate; Treeobject.Userinitial: = FieldByNane (* USER_INITIAL *) .asStrings TreeObject.Mandant: = FleléByNane (" AK_MANDANT ") sastntegers ‘TreeObject.DOKNR: = FieldByName (* AK_NR *) -asstrings I // Teedbject. Icon: = 17; L adductOhiart fuch Anant Taaadhtart\ except TT ea 7 Next end j // while end except end 5 // try TB_QryAngebote.Close; end ; // if enter offers if marked (REQUEST) then begin U/ enter root ‘Treeobject: = TtreebataClass.Create; try Treedbject.dokart Treedbject .DokKuerzel Treedbject.TestStri: = GetDkBEZ (GetEnumane (TypeInfo (TDokTypes) ford (Treedbject.Dokart))) + "(' # IntTostr (IB_QryAnfragen.Recondcount) +‘ ) REQUESTS = AME 5 if IB_QryAnfragen.Recordcount> @ then ‘Treeobject.Icon! = 2 else TreeObject.Icon: = 125 Root: = addvstobject (vst, nil , Treedbject); // enter this detail with TB_gryActivate do begin While not Eof do = TrreepataClass. Create; Treeobject. Teststr FieldByName (" KU_SUCH *) -Asstrings TreeObject.DokID: = FieldbyNane (* ANID *) -astnteger; TreeObject.KDID: = FieldByNane (‘ KU_ID ') -AsIntegers TreeObject .Dokbatun: = FieldByNane (* AN_SERVERDATE ") .asdate; TreeObject.Userinitial i= Fi.eLdByName('USER_INITIAL") .asStrings Treedbject .Mandant := Fi.eLdByName('MANDANT_Ib") AsInteger ‘Treeobject .DOKNR FileldByNane("AN_NR").asstring Vi Teeedbject.Leon += 173 addvstobject(vst, Wurzel, Treedbject); except, Treedbject. free; ends //try Next fend; // wile end; // with except Treeobject.Free ends //try 18_QryAnfragen.Close; ends // if, Under 3 there is still a lot of balast, The decisive factor for the tree structure is addvstObject (Gal[S/@s) Quote || # Report | Re: VirtualTreeView and tree structure Mer 24, 2004 8:38 pm sejsteres on: Hay st, 2009 THANK you for the code, T have already tried it but now I Yace the next Location: Bertin problem. What else has to be done that he shows me the data in the 458 Posts VST. The way I've tried it so far is no longer possible. Albi Delphi 7 Professional So far I've done that with CellText: = .. but it doesn't work here. ‘Slowly I no longer believe that this compo is as simple as I read it. | S/e) Re: VirtualTreeView and tree structure Mar 24, 2004 9:34 prm quote P Repo) DelphiDeveloper registered on: Apr9, 2003 The following events are interesting for the beginning, Location: Cologne The code belongs to the source code from above. I hope you can 256 posts handle it: Delphi XE2 Enterprise 1, Show text Delphi source code: fold up * mark procedure TFonnchildarchiv.vstGetText (Sender: TeaseVirtual Tree; Node: PVirtualNode; Column: Integer; TextType: TsTTextType; var Celltext: Widestring); var bata: Prreebata; begin Data := Sender.GetNodeData(Node) ; if data.FObject <> nil then begin case Column of @: begin if Node.Parent = Sender.RootNode then celltext TrreebataClass (Data. FObject).FTeststri else celltext TrreebataClass (Data.FObject).FTeststri fend; a: Uf Node.Parent = Sender.RootNode then celltext i=" else celltext i= DateTostr(TTreebataClass (Data. FObject).FDokDatun) ; 2: f Node.Parent = Sender.RootNode then celltext =" else celltext := TTreebataClass (bata. Fobject) .MASUCHs Uf Node.Parent = Sender.RootNode then celltext i=" else celltext TrreebataClass (Oata. Fobject).FUsertnitial; 4 Uf Node.Parent = Sender.RootNode then celltext i=" Li ease celltext := TrreedataClass(Data.Fobject) .FOOKNR; Tena end; end; 2, Show pictures Delphi source code: fold up * mark procedure TrornChildarchiv.vstGetInageIndex(Sender: TeaseVirtual Tree; Node: PVirtualNode; Kind: TVTImagekind; Column: Integer; var Ghosted: Boolean; var InageIndex: Integer); var ata: PTreeData; begin Data := Sender.GetNodeData(Node) ; case Kind of ikNiornal, ikSelectes Af (Colurn = @) and (Node.Parent = Sender.RootNode) ‘then Inagelndex := TrreedataClass (Data. Fobject).Lcon; akstate: ‘case Column of Af Node.Parent <> Sender.RootNode then Inagelndex 3, sort the columns Delphi source code: fold up» mark procedure Trornchildarchiv.vstHeaderClick(Sender: TVTHeader; Colunn: Integer; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: Tshiftstate; x, Ys Integer); begin if Buttor begin with Sender, Treeview do begin Uf Sortcolunn > Nocolumn then Columns[SortColunn] .options Colunns[Sortcolunn] options + [coParentcolor]; mbLeft then // bo not sort the Last column, it contains nothing to sort. if Column = @ then SortColunn := NoColumn else begin iF (SortColunn = NoColunn) or (SortColumn <> Colunn) then begin ‘Sortcolunn: Colunn SortDirection: = sdascending; end else Af SortDirection = sdtscending then SortDirection: = sddescending else SortDirection: = sdascending; Columns [SortColunn] .Color: = $ FIF7F75 Li Sort Tres. (SantCalunn. SantDinection.Falce): end end 5 Albi Registered on: May 4th, 2003, Location: Beslin 458 Posts Delphi 7 Professional Ted end procedure TFornChildarchiv.vstConpareNodes. (Transmitter: TeaseVirtualTree; Node, Node2: PVirtualNode; Column: Integer; var Result: Integer); Datei, Data: PTreebata; Sender.GetNodeData(Node1) ; Sender. GetNodeData(Node2) ; case Column of e Result := ConpareText (TtreeDataClass (Datal.FObect) .Teststr1, TtreedataClass (Data2.FObject).TestStr1); a Result := Trunc(TTreebataClass(Data1.FObject).DokDatun TrreebataClass (Data2.FObject).DokDatum) ; 2 Result := ConpareText (TTreebataClass(Datai .FObject) .MASUCH, ‘TrreedataClass (Data2.FObject) .MASUCH) ; 3: Result 2 ConpareText (TTreeDataClass (Datal.FObject) UserTnitial, ‘TireeataClass(Data2.FObject) .Userinitial) ; a: Result StrToInt(TTreeDataClass(Datat.FObject).DOKNR) - StrToInt(TTreebataClass (Data2.FObject) .DOKNR) ; 4, Release the nodes Delphi source code: to mark procedure TFornChildarchiv.vstFreeNode(Sender: TeaseVirtual tree; Node: PVirtualNode) ; Data: PTreeData; begin Data := VST.GetNodedata(Node) ; if not Assigned(Data) then exit; Data. FObject.Free; end; Hope you can handle it Sa) Save ere) Re: VirtualTreeView and tree structure (Mar 25, 2004 7:23 am ‘Thank you for the help, I have modified your code a little and now have a week and a lot of help from you the desired result, Here is the code for everyone who has the same problem. Delphi source code: f fold up * mark [Procedure TForwl.@ulldtres; var Treedbject: TrreebataClass; Root: PVirtualNode; begin VsT.BegirUpdate; VST.Nodebatasize: = sizer (TTreeData); vsT.peletechildren (VST.RootNode, true); nile Not Query1.foF Do Begin Treedbject: = TreebataClass.create; ‘TreeObject.Vornane: = Query1.FieldiyNane (‘ MVornane sAssteings // The root TreeObjject are entered here. Name : = Query1.fieldByNane (tMiane *) .Asstring; Root: = AddvsTObject (VST, Nil , Treedbject); IF Query1.FieldByNane("PNaneGF1").AsString > '* Then // the notes are read here Begin Treeobject: = TreedataClass.creates ty TF Query1.FieldByNane (* MNanesFa *) .AsString> "Then Query1. FieldByiane("NameGF1') AsStrings Treedb ject .VornaneGFt i ‘Query. FieldByiame("VornaneGra") AsStrings Addvstobject (VST, wurzel, Treedbject); end; except Treedbject.Free; end; ‘end; Query Next; ends vst. Endupdate; end; left the rest as above and I can only say many thanks. Re: VirtualTreeView and tree structure Mar 25, 2004 11:19 am Albi calstored on: May 4tn, 2003 $0 NOW T have everything and it runs without problems. I still have Location: Bertin ‘one question. What do I have to set that I can also sort by the first 458 Posts column, I have already looked through the example and compared the settings but found nothing I definitely just missed something but I just don't find it, eovere | ¥ never] [GaGa Re: VirtualTreeView and tree structure EMer 25, 2004 11:57 Delphi 7 Professional DelphiDeveloper Registered on: Apr 9, 2003 Location: Cologne Delphi source code: fold up“ mark 256 posts procedure TFornChildArchiv.vstHeaderClick(Sender: TVTHeader; Delphi xE2 Enterprise Colunn: Integer; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftstate; x “ys Integer); begin Oe oueton = nbLeft then begin ith Sender, Treeview do begin — SortColuen > WeCoTuen then Columns[SortColumn] .Options coluans[Sortcoiuan] options + [coParentColor]; 4f (SortColumn = NoColunn) or (SortColumn <> Column) begin SortColumn := Column; SortDirection := sdAscending; end else Af SortDirection = sdascending then SortDirection := sddescending else SortDirection := sdascending; Columns {SortColunn] .Color := $F7F7F73 SortTree(SortColumn, SortDirection, False); end; : ends it is not if you shit my special treatment of the Oth column. did it with me on the fast and it works. Qik) Re: VirtualTreeView and tree structure ‘Mar 25, 2004 1:16 pm Albi Resistered on: May 4th, 2003 1 alSo Saw it, Until then, however, was of the opinion that it was due Location: Bertin to the VST attitude. Until I looked at the source text of the examples 458 Pests and then the enlightenment came. Delphi 7 Professional ‘So now I have everything and it looks much nicer and more sorted ‘than just in a ListView, (GaJSa a) Pavere | Re: VirtualTreeView and tree structure EElMer 25, 2004 1:58 pm DelphiDeveloper Resstered on Ape9, 2003 YeS, the Virtual TreeView is a powerful component. At first Location: Cologne glance it is a little difficult to act, but once you understand it, 256 posts you can get by. Delphi XE2 Enterprise ‘Thanks to Mike Lischke! Virtual tree view ‘« Previous topic | Next topic » Edit keywords Forum rules You ate allowed to write new topics. You are allowed to reply to posts. You are allowed to upload attachments. ‘You are allowed to edt your posts. 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