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Most Common 50 Irregular Verbs Regular Document 3 pages

Verbs Regullar Verb & Iregullar

Zahra Widiyanti
Uploaded by Javier Cercado No ratings yet

English Aprendice Full description

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Regular and Irregular Verb
Najmia Hermawati
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Document 2 pages
Most Common 50 Irregular Verbs
Base Form Past Tense Past Participle Meaning 50 Most Common Irregular
Form Verbs 3rd Bgu (1)
José Castro
1 say said Said Decir
2 make made Made hacer No ratings yet
3 go went Gone ir
take took Taken llevar/tomar
Related titles 4

5 come came Come venir
6 see saw Seen ver
7 know knew Known saber/conocer Document 12 pages
8 get got got/gotten (US) obtener/lograr VERBOS EN INGLES
9 give gave Given dar
10 find found Found encontrar 2023.xlsx
11 think thought Thought pensar Marcia Alejandra Pérez…
12 tell told Told decir
13 become became Become llegar a ser/convertirse en No ratings yet
14 show showed Shown mostrar
15 leave left Left abandonar/dejar
16 feel felt Felt sentir
17 put put Put poner
Document 4 pages
18 bring brought Brought traer
19 begin began Begun empezar/iniciar Tugas b.ingg Salinan
20 keep kept Kept conservar
Rama Printing Cawang
21 hold held Held sostener
22 write wrote Written esacribir No ratings yet
23 stand stood Stood ponerse de pie
24 hear heard Heard oir
25 let let Let permitir
26 mean meant Meant significar
27 set set Set establecer
28 meet met Met conocer/ reunirse Document 3 pages
29 run ran Run correr
30 pay paid Paid pagar Irregular Verbs
31 sit sat Sat tomar asiento Facelesson Livenelson
32 speak spoke Spoken hablar
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33 lie lay Lain mentir
34 lead led Led guiar
35 read read Read leer
36 grow grew Grown crecer
37 lose lost Lost perder
38 fall fell Fallen caer
39 send sent Sent enviar Document 11 pages

40 build built Built construir Untitled

41 understand understood Understood entendere
42 draw drew Drawn dibujar Ibnu mubarok
43 break broke Broken romper No ratings yet
44 spend spent Spent gastar
45 cut cut Cut cortar
46 rise rose Risen elevar/ alzar
47 drive drove Driven conducir
48 buy bought Bought comprar
49 wear wore Worn usar (ropas) Document 9 pages
50 choose chose Chosen escoger/seleccionar
Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Inang YusTika
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Document 3 pages
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List of Verbs in English
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19 Beg Begged Begged rogar Document 7 pages

20 Behave Behaved Behaved creer 50 REGULAR VERB DAN

21 Boil Boiled Boiled hervir
22 Borrow Borrowed Borrowed Pedir prestado
24 Brush Brushed Brushed cepillar Nurul Siregar
25 Bury Buried Buried enterrar 83% (6)
26 Call Called Called llamar
27 Challenge Challenged Challenged desafiar
28 Change Changed Changed cambiar
29 Chase Chased Chased perseguir Document 2 pages
30 Cheat Cheated Cheated copiar
6th 7th Irregular
31 Cheer Cheered Cheered celebrar
32 Chew Chewed Chewed masticar Edwin Loján
33 Clap Clapped Clapped aplaudir No ratings yet
34 Clean Cleaned Cleaned limpiar
35 Collect Collected Collected coleccionar
36 Compare Compared Compared comparar
37 Complain Complained Complained quejarse
38 Confess Confessed Confessed confesar
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39 Construct Constructed Constructed construir
40 Control Controlled Controlled controlar Bhs Inggris Irregular Verbs
41 Copy Copied Copied copiar Shinta Maulida
42 Count Counted Counted contar
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43 Create Created Created crear
44 Cry Cried Cried llorar
45 Cycle Cycled Cycled ciclar
46 Damage Damaged Damaged dañar

Document 3 pages

Verbs Most Used

Jose gregorio Guerra
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47 Dance Danced Danced bailar

48 Deliver Delivered Delivered entregar
49 Destroy Destroyed Destroyed destruir
50 Divide Divided Divided dividir Document 10 pages
51 Drag You're Dragged
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69 Identify Identified Identified identificat
70 Interrupt Interrupted Interrupted interrumpir Regular Verb
71 Introduce Introduced Introduced presentar Noor sofia Ramandhani
72 Irritate Irritated Irritated irritarse No ratings yet
73 Joke Joked Joked bromear
74 Jump Jumped Jumped saltar
75 Kick Kicked Kicked patear
76 Kill Killed Killed matar
77 Kiss Kissed Kissed besar
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78 Laugh Laughed Laughed Reir
79 Lie Lied Lied mentir IRREGULAR VERB
80 Like Liked Liked gustar
81 Listen Listened Listened escuchar
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82 Love Loved Loved amar
83 Marry Married Married casarse
84 Measure Measured Measured medir
85 Move Moved Moved Mover/mudarse
86 Murder Murdered Murdered asesinar
87 Need Needed Needed necesitar Document 5 pages
88 Obey Obeyed Obeyed obedecer
89 Offend Offended Offended ofender
90 Offer Offered Offered ofrecer
V martin
91 Open Opened Opened abrir No ratings yet
92 Paint Painted Painted pintar
93 Park Parked Parked parquear

Document 8 pages

VERB LIST 1920-1.xlsx

Gladis Rizky
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94 Phone Phoned Phoned telefonear
95 Pick Picked Picked recoger
96 Play Played Played Jugar/tocar
97 Pray Prayed Prayed Rezar/orar
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99 Pull Pulled Puled halar Document 6 pages
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118 Study Studied Studied estudiar
119 Talk Talked Talked conversar b. Inggris SUHADAK
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124 Use Used Used usar
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127 Walk Walked Walked caminar Document 7 pages
128 Want Wanted Wanted Querer/necesitar utuyp8y
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Annisa Hakim
130 Wink Winked Winked guiñar
131 Worry Worried Worried preocuparse No ratings yet
132 Yell Yelled Yelled gritar

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Regular Verbs
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Reward Your Curiosity Rachel Chalista
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