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5 Reasons Why Colour

Schemes Fail

5 Reasons Why Colour Schemes Fail

Hello and Welcome!

I’m so glad you’re ready to discover more about
colour and find out some of the reasons why colour
schemes fail - and some tips for creating even better

Before we dive in, allow me to introduce myself so

I’m not just a disembodied voice coming through your
computer :)

Hi there, I’m Karen Haller.

I’ve worked with colour for the past 20 years (although when you are blessed to follow your passion it doesn’t
feel like work at all!). Over that time I’ve honed my passion and my knowledge to such an extent that I am now
one of the leading global experts in the field of applied colour psychology.

I use my skills to help companies and organisations to choose colour schemes for their branding, interiors
and products that will create positive outcomes for customers and profitable results for their business. The
approach I use is all about using colour mindfully, and with the purpose to influence positive behaviour.

In other words, using colour for good.

As well as creating a better world through colour myself, I also want to share these skills with like-minded
designers around the globe, which I do though my colour courses and colour mentoring programme. So far
I’ve helped interior, graphic, textile, fashion and product designers, paint companies, architects and people
from the beauty industry.

You could definitely say that every business is in the colour business.

If you’re passionate about colour but find it all a bit daunting, overwhelming and like at times you’re trying to
navigate a minefield of myths and misconceptions, then this mini course is perfect for you.

It’s a great way to dip your colourful toes into the fascinating world of colour and begin to expand your
understanding of just how objective colour can really be (yes, I did mean to say objective, not subjective!).

karen haller
colour training courses
+44 (0)20 7727 4938 @KarenHaller

2 © karen haller 2016

5 Reasons Why Colour Schemes Fail

With that little spoiler, it’s almost time to dive in, but first…

Here’s how to get the most out of this mini course:

DO: come with an open mind to learn new ways of working with colour.

DO: print out your handouts and use whilst watching the videos and scribble your notes as you go. We retain
information, especially new knowledge, better and easier this way.

DON’T: rush, there’s no need. You’ll have access to the videos for the lifetime of the course so you can come
back and replay as many times as you wish. By the same token don’t put this off as what you’ll learn could and
probably will revolutionise the way you work with colour.

DO: experiment and start to implement what you’ve learnt as there’s no better way to embed new skills than
to take action!

So without any further ado, let’s get started with the 5 Reasons Why Colour Schemes Fail and what you
need to know to create successful colour schemes every time.

karen haller
colour training courses
+44 (0)20 7727 4938 @KarenHaller

3 © karen haller 2016

5 Reasons Why Colour Schemes Fail

Reason #1
There’s a colour elephant in the room

The resistance could be ____________________ , ____________________ or ____________________.

You can be resistant to an ____________________ or a particular ____________________ of that colour.

If we don’t uncover the ____________________ in the room, it will get in the way of the entire process.

Actionable Tips

Here are some tips for you to put this into practise in your daily design work.

Often our clients don’t know where their colour blocks lie. Facing the same challenge myself, I created my
own system called the Colour Detective™ which can help you uncover your clients blocks even if they’re not
aware of them.

What I’ve done is put the steps and examples into a PDF so that you can use it any time you want to find out
why your client is resistant to using colour. It’s also a great exercise to take yourself through if you find
yourself resisting certain colours like our friend with the colour red.
You can download the Colour Detective™ PDF here

karen haller
colour training courses
+44 (0)20 7727 4938 @KarenHaller

4 © karen haller 2016

5 Reasons Why Colour Schemes Fail

Reason #1
Your additional notes

Everyone has colour blocks

and a lot of the time we’re not
even aware we have them.

karen haller
colour training courses
+44 (0)20 7727 4938 @KarenHaller

5 © karen haller 2016

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