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Name:Jasmine Faith V.

In reflecting upon Christian living, one is reminded of the teachings and values of Jesus Christ and the
importance of incorporating them into our daily lives. Christian living is not just attending church on
Sundays or participating in religious rituals; it is a way of life that encompasses our thoughts, words, and

One aspect of Christian living is love. Jesus emphasized the importance of loving God and loving others as
ourselves. This means being kind, compassionate, and forgiving towards others, even in challenging
situations. It means prioritizing the well-being of others and extending a helping hand whenever possible.

Another aspect of Christian living is humility. Jesus taught his disciples to serve others rather than seeking
power or recognition. In our daily lives, this may mean putting the needs of others before our own and
practicing humility in our relationships and interactions with others.

Christian living also involves living a life of integrity. Jesus emphasized the importance of honesty,
sincerity, and moral uprightness. As Christians, we should strive to live in a way that is

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