De Thi Thu Tot Nghiep Tieng Anh

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sd GIA.o D{JC VA I>Ao TAO LUY¥N T ~p THI TOT NGJplP THPT (NAM HQC: 2022 - 2023)
TRUONG THPT GIA BJNII .Thin gian lam bai: 60 phut, kh6ng ki thin gian phat a€

(Di co 04 trang, 50 cau hoi)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the co"ect answer to each of the following
Question 1: The palace is said ... by a foreigner two years ago.
A. to have been bought B. to have bought C. to be bought D. to buy
Question 2: I wish yqu'd tell me what I ... do in this difficult situation.
A. shall _ B. would C. ought D. should
Question 3: She didn't ... doing the ironing, as she hadn't wanted to go out anyway.
A. object B. matter C. refuse D. mind
Question 4: ... an hour since he left, so he should be at the office now.
A. It was B. It is C. There was D. There had
Questi~n 5: The ........ ... ..... . .of elephants for their ivory tusks has been prohibited recently.
A . roaming B. finding C. poaching D. chasing
Questio,1i-.6: The company was . ....... .. .... by Sony in 1989.
A. brought about · B. taken over C. come .up D. gone off
Question 7: Samuel trained every day ................ .improve his performance.
A. so that B. so as C. in order to D. as for
Question 8: No one helped him; he did it .. ........ .
A. himself all - B. all by himself C. by all himself D. by himself all
Question 9: _ _ _ from anything else, she is always late for work.
A. Not only B. As well C. Except D. Apart
Qnestion 10: My application for a trading license was .......... .
A. held down B. turned down C. put down D. let down
Question 11: Men have ........................... fatal accidents as women do for every mile they drive.
A. ~ice more B. twice as many C. as twice many D. twice
Question 12: I was in two .................... about whether to go with him.
A. minds B. decisions C. thoughts D. heads
Question 13: He was very pleased and happy- like a dog .. ; .... ..... .. .... . ..- when he received your letter.
A. with good food _ B. bathing in the sun C. in the kitchen D. with two tails
·_. ·-· - ·Question 14: I didn't realize .................. . get tickets for my favourite singer's live show.
A. how difficult it was B. how difficult was it C. it was how difficult D. how was difficult it
Question 15: I don't think your plan is practical. _ _ _ _, I'll help you this time.
A. However · B. Otherwise C. Although D. Because

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the--word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
un-derlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 16: Do you know of any actual cases of this happening?
A . untrue B. imitate C. false D. hypothetical
Question 17: We'd better speed up if we want to get there in time.
k :-·tum down - B. slow down C. put down D. lie down

Mark the·letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word in each of the following questions. . . _ .
Question 18: More work has been done to eradicate illiteracy m our country.
A. end B. eliminate C. decrease D. defeat

PAGE 11"
Question 19: The athlete's bitter defeat in the match dealt a blow to his hopes of defending his title at the
championship. ·
A. destroyed B. raised C. expressed D. weakened

Mark the letter A, 1J, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
Question 20: X- "Will you be in on Friday evening?"
y ... " ...... : ............... "
A.-"Well, it's up." B. "Well, it ~epends." C. "Oh. Ifs wonderful." _
X: '' ......................''
.,._ . '; - --
_D .." Why say that?"
.. . ·-
Question 21:
Y: "Yes, it's Priscilla."
A. Excuse me! B. Oh, Miss?
C. So~, .could you say your name again7' :·. · · rr.'Wliat is i~

Mark the tetter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differsfrom the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 22: A. colle~ · B. mana~ C. ca~ D. colla~
Question 23: A. invention B. suggestion C. nation D. situation

Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the word that diffe;s from the other three in the
position ofstress in each of the following questions.
Question 24: A. purify B. benefit C. serious
Question 25: A. instance B. polite C: Mtract D. between

Read the following passage alfd mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the co"ect word
or phrase ihat best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30. ·
In many Western societies, good eye contact is often ... (26) ... appreciated. In the United States, for example, a person
who tries to avoid eye contact is considered untrustworthy and unfriendly. In Europe, if you don't look ... (27) ... at
your teacher's eyes while he or she is explaining the lesson, you may be regarded as an inattentive student. On the ·
other hand, to show respect to a superior, a Japanese often lowers his or J:ler eyes. In some African cultures, people
often have a prolonged look, but .. .(28) ... prolonged eye contact from a person of a lower status is interpreted as a
... (29) ... of disrespect. In Britain, to express politeness, you should show that you pay close attention to·a speaker by
blinking your eyes. A person's widened eyes may be interpreted differently in different cultures. The Chinese widen
their eyes to politely express anger, ... (30) ... the Europeans regard this expression as a sign of astonishment.
Question 26: A. always B. highly C. very D. l~kely
Question 27: A. straight B. upright C. direct D. immediately
Question 28: A. one B. a C. the D. X (no word is.needed)
Question 29: A. means B. way C. sign D. mark
Question 30: A. notwithstanding B. whereas C. oppositely D. becaus·e

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions from 31 to 35. ·
What is meant by the term economic resources? In general, there are all the natural, man-made, and human resources
that go into the production of goods and services'. This obviously covers a lot_of ground: factories and farms, fools
and m·achines, transportation and communication facilities, all types of _natural resources and labor. Economic
resources can be broken down into two general categories: property resources - land and capital, and human resources
- labor and entrepreneurial skills.
What do economists mean by land? To them, it means much more than the non-economists. Land refers to all
natural resources that are useable in the production process: arable land, forests, mineral and oil deposits, wid so on.
What about capital? Capital goods are all the man-made aids t~ producing, storing, transporting, and distributing
goods and services. Capital goods differ from consumer goods m that the latter satisfy wants dir~ct?.', while the

fo::.esdonotso indirectly
refer to money. Money, as
by facilitating thesuch,
production of::.:,";er goods. It should be noted that capUal as defined
P• Tl>• of alabor
tionte!111 refers
certain set oftohuman
the physical
talents,and mental talents
entrepreneurial orb ~ans u_sed to produce goods or services (with the
,,ceP ignificance). Thus the services of a factory work • wtch will be considered separately because of their
specl8~e eneral heading of!abor. · . er or an° flee worker, a ballet dancer or ait astronaut all fall
,.,ier g Wh · th
Questio• 3 J:
th ' · · · . ·
at 1~ e au or s mam purpose m writing this.passage? .
p.. To d~fin~ economic resources . .. B. To explain the concept of labor
C T cnucize .certam uses of capital D. To contrast ca 't d d y covel"S a o o groun . . . o
·,,.oon 32: In the fIJSI paragraph;
. the author uses the expressio:.!;hribvs,.aonu s,consumer gloodstf d "t

~- that ·· · and farms discus~ed in the passage are very large.
the factories · ·
B- the topic of natural res_ources _is a broad one.
c. economic ~esources will be d~scussed i~ great depth.
p. Jand is an important concept m economics. . .
Question 33: Toe phrase "the Jatte_r" in the second paragraph refers to . . .. .
A consumer goods B. econon_nsts . C. non-economists n. capital goods
Question 34: Which of the followmg could be considered a capital good as defined in the passage?
A a rail road . B. mo~ey C. acoal mine · D. human skills ·
Question 35: Th• sk• lls of all the following cou Id be considered examples of labor, as defined in the yassage,

A. .... scientists
artists and B. workers who produce services, not goods
c. office workers D. entrepreneurs ·
ll£ad the f ol/ow;ng passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to ;,,d;iate the corred answer
to ,ach a/theisquestfons
a Japanese word
from 36which
to 42. means harbour wave and is used as the SCientific tenn foi seisnlic sea wave
generated by an undersea earthquake or possibly an undersea landslide or volcanic emption. When the ocean floor is
titled or ol&et during an earthquake, a set of waves is created similar to the concentric waves generated by an object
dropped into the water. Most tsunamis originate along the Ring ofFire, a zone of volcanoes and seismic activity,
32.500 kilometers long that encircles the Pacific ocean. Since !819, aboUt 40 tsunamis have struck the Hawaiian

/. isunami can have wave lengths, or widths, of 100 to 200 kilometers w,d may travel hundreds of kilomete.-s
across the deep ocean. reaching speeds of about 725 to 800 kilometers an how-. Upon entering shallow coastal water.;,
the wave, which may have been only about half a meter high out at sea, suddenly grows rapidly. When the wave
reaches the shore, ii may be I5 meters high or more. Tsunamis have tremendous energy because of the great volume
of water affected.
Tsw,amis They
should notare capable of obliterating coastal settlements. ·
be confused with storm surges, which are domes of water that rise underneath hurricanes or
cyclones w,d cause extensive coastal flooding when the storms reach land. Storms surges are particularly devastating
if they occur at high 1;de. A cyclone and accompanying storm surge killed an estimated 500.000 people in Bangladesh
in 1970, The tsunami which struck south and southeast P.sia in late 2004 killed over 200 thousand people.

A. seaScientifically,
seismic36: wave tsunami
B. is the
undersea term for _
earthquake . _C.
_ undersea landslide D. volcanic eruption
Question 37: Which of the following may be a reason for a tsunami?
A. An inactive volcilno B. /. landslide on the seashore
C. An undersea earthquake · D. A storm
Question 38: What will happen wnen an object is dropped into the water? . .
A. Volcanic eruption may be a consequence. . B. Some concentnc waves wdl be generated
C. There will be seismic activity. D. Earthquake may happen
Que,tion 39:. Whal is the zone of volcanoes and seismic activity in the world called?
A. The concentric wave. B. The tsunami - . C. The Pacific ocean . D. The Ring ofFire.
Question 40: What is the greatest speed of tsunamis traveling across tbe deep ocean?
A. 200 kilometers an hour B. 800 kilometers an hour . .
C. 700 kilometers an hour n. kilometers an hciur

Question 41: How are tsunamis capable of obliterating·coastal settlements?
A. They are a meter high or more.
B. They travel hundreds of kilometers.
C. They can strike the shore fifteen meters high.
D. They have tremendous energy due to the great volume of water affected.
Question 42: What killed an estimated 500.000 people in Bangladesh in 1970?
A. A tsunami B. _A cyclone and accompanying storm surge
C. flooding D. A high tide

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 43: Nick gave me some advice. I was saved from bankruptcy.
A. If it we_ren't for Nick's advice, I would go bankn.!pt.
B. It was Nick's advice that saved me from bankruptcy.
C. Had it not been for Nick's advice, I would have been bankruptcy.
D. I was saved from bankruptcy though Nick gave me some--advie.e~- .,;"'7-' ·
Question_44: I've bee,y too busy to answer my emaii. However, I'll do it soon.
A. I haven"t gol times fo answer my email but I'll do it soon. •.
B. I haven't got round to answering my email but I'll do it soon.
C. If I had been too busy to answer my email, I would do it soon.
D. I haven't taken up answering my email but I'll do it soon.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your 1tnswer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs corredion in each
of the following questions.
Question 45: When he realized (A) the police had spotted (B) him, the man made for (C) the exit
as quickly as possibly (D) . .
Question 46: A man stopped (A) me in the street (B) and asked me whether I knew (C) where was the city theatre
(ill_. .·
Question 47: The amount of(A) women earning Master's (B) Degrees has risen(C) sjiarply in recent years (D) .

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of
the following questions.
Question 48: The house seemed to have been unoccupied for several years.
A. It looked as if no one had lived in the house for several years.
B. No people have lived in the house for several years.
C. It seemed the house has been unoccupied for several years.
D. It looks as if the house has not been lived in for several years.
Question 49: Although I don't like her, I very much appreciate her contribution to our scheme.
A. Much as I like her, I_appreciate her contribution to our scheme.
B. I very much appreciate her contribution to our scheme but I don't like her.
C. Despite not liking her, I very much appreciate her contrib!-'tion to our scheme.
D. Much though I dislike her, I very.appreciate her contribution to our scheme.
Question 50: "You 're always making terrible mis,takes, "said the teacher.
A. The teacher asked his students why they always made terrible mistakes.
B. The teacher complained about his students making terrible mistakes.
· C. The teacher realized that his students always made terrible mistakes.
D. The teacher rii°ade his students not always make terrible mistakes.

------------------- HET -------------------

Thi sinh kh6ng su- di,mg tai li¢u. Can b(J coi ki€m tra kh6ng gicii thich gi them.


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