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Republic of the Philippines


Antipolo Campus
Cyrylle D. Magloyuan

The relevance of the course ethics in the realization of the university’s VMGO’s!

I Introduction

A. Background of the study

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, Ethics are a set of moral

principles, a discipline dealing with what is good and bad with moral duty and
obligation. Now being a student, we need to do our duty and obligation especially
that we are now taking an Ethic subject. In that way we can apply it in
implementing the VMGO’s of the university.
VMGO’s are the Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives of one schools or
university. It indicates their purpose and it visualize their dream in every student
who will enroll there. The following are the VMGO’s of our University.

The leading university in human resource development, knowledge and
technology generation and environmental stewardship

The University of Rizal System is committed to nurture and produce upright
and competent graduates and empowered community through relevant and
sustainable higher professional and technical instruction, research, extension,
and production services.

To develop the full potential of an individual in academic and technological
discipline and for an empowered productive and morally up citizenry.
B. Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on the theory of awareness, acceptability,

and relevance of the vision, mission goals and objectives of the programs
of Naval State University Graduate School (Susan S Bentor, Paul Matthew
S Bentor, and Claire Theresa S Bentor). According to them the study
generally aimed to determine the level of awareness, acceptability, and
relevance of the vision, mission goals and objectives of the programs of
Naval State University Graduate School. They also believe that the results
revealed that the graduate school students and other respondents of the
study were fully aware, fully relevant and fully acceptable of the NSU
VMGO’s of the different courses. Especially among newly enrolled
graduate students of the University.

C. Statement of the problem

1. What is the relevance of the course Ethics in the realization of the

university’s VMGO’s?
2. How does student or learners help the university to achieve the
II Presentation and critical analysis of data

A. Reality

A fact that every school or Universities are have VMGO’s which is Vision,
Mission, Goal, and Objectives because it provides a directions and it reminds the
Universities about their purpose. VMGO’s help the school to define short and
long-term goals and every VMGO’s you can visualize the dream of every
University for their students and also the reality that many students are not
serious about their responsibility as a learners and the moral characters or
values are not good which is connected to ethics.

B. Reflection

Way back when I was a high school student, for me VMGO’s are just a
paragraph or a group of word that we need to memories and recited if our
teacher required. But now I realized that it is the heart of one university/school. It
is the dream that they aims to attain. I also realized that back then that I am a
irresponsible student, not doing my duties and obligation. That why now I will to
avoid that behavior and my mission and goals are be a responsible student doing
her best to help the school in attaining its VMGO’s.

C. Response

I found out that the relevance of the course ethics in realization of the
university’s VMGO’s are as a student, if you really count yourself as a one of a
member of the university. You need to not just memories the VMGO’s but
engrave it in our hearts. Do your best to help the university in attaining goals. I
also found out that the students or learners can help the university to achieve
VMGO’s by doing their obligation and duties. Attending online class and listening
in professor advice are a big help on it because listening are one of the best way
of learning.
III Summary, conclusion, recommendation

A. Summary

Every University’s have a VMGO’s but it will attains if the professors and
student will help each other specially if the students are responsible on their
duties ad obligation, Listening to the professors advice and not just memorizing
the VMGO’s but engrave it in their hearts, because vision, mission, goals, and
objectives are the heart and dream of the University.

B. Conclusion

Therefore I concluded that with the help of Ethics VMGO’s will be feasible
or properly perform because furthermore, without ethics the world has been
chaotic place. That’s why Ethics subject has a big role to help us, so we can
learn and gain more knowledge about moral characters/ethics etc.

C. Recommendation

 Be responsible students especially on duties and obligation.

 Listen in advice of every professor.
 Observed the discipline and other moral values we shown to others.
 Engraved in heart the VMGO’s and count you as one of the member of the
 URS and the newly enrolled students should sustain the core principles of UR


International journal of sciences: Basic and Applied Research 32 (1), 181-


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