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10-16 08:52:56.690 18738 18738 E _V_ANRManager: mPackageName =

Get anr service =$Stub$Proxy@8a30b69
10-16 08:52:56.735 18738 18781 E _V_SuperResolutionManager: getService: return
10-16 09:12:17.271 18738 18738 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
10-16 09:25:26.698 18738 18738 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
10-16 09:29:44.460 18738 18738 E _V_VG_VG_Fatal_: isLowTemperature, getcpu temp
failure| batteryTemp:37
10-16 09:31:25.901 18738 18738 E _V_VG_VG_Fatal_: isLowTemperature, getcpu temp
failure| batteryTemp:36
10-16 09:37:35.419 18738 18738 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
10-16 09:38:50.653 18738 18738 E _V_VG_VG_Fatal_: isLowTemperature, getcpu temp
failure| batteryTemp:37
10-16 09:41:11.513 18738 18738 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
10-16 09:43:47.514 18738 18992 E _V_VG_VG_Fatal_: isLowTemperature, getcpu temp
failure| batteryTemp:36
10-16 09:48:24.838 18738 18738 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
10-16 09:48:27.228 18738 18738 E _V_VG_VG_Fatal_: isLowTemperature, getcpu temp
failure| batteryTemp:36
10-16 09:48:34.655 18738 19406 E VCAP- : File:
jni/../core/runtime/cpu/cpu_runtime.cpp, Func: set_sched_affinity() --- syscall
error -1
10-16 09:48:34.655 18738 19405 E VCAP- : File:
jni/../core/runtime/cpu/cpu_runtime.cpp, Func: set_sched_affinity() --- syscall
error -1
10-16 09:48:34.655 18738 18992 E VCAP- : File:
jni/../core/runtime/cpu/cpu_runtime.cpp, Func: set_sched_affinity() --- syscall
error -1
10-16 09:48:34.657 18738 19404 E VCAP- : File:
jni/../core/runtime/cpu/cpu_runtime.cpp, Func: set_sched_affinity() --- syscall
error -1
10-16 09:48:35.754 18738 18992 E _V_image_preference: model error:
open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:36.776 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:37.771 18738 18992 I chatty : uid=10055(
VG_ThreadAIEngi identical 1226 lines
10-16 09:48:37.771 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:37.774 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:37.774 18738 18992 I chatty : uid=10055(
VG_ThreadAIEngi identical 2 lines
10-16 09:48:37.774 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:37.775 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:37.782 18738 18992 I chatty : uid=10055(
VG_ThreadAIEngi identical 20 lines
10-16 09:48:37.782 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:37.783 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:37.785 18738 18992 I chatty : uid=10055(
VG_ThreadAIEngi identical 6 lines
10-16 09:48:37.785 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:37.786 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:37.789 18738 18992 I chatty : uid=10055(
VG_ThreadAIEngi identical 6 lines
10-16 09:48:37.789 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:37.790 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:37.791 18738 18992 I chatty : uid=10055(
VG_ThreadAIEngi identical 2 lines
10-16 09:48:37.791 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:37.794 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:38.926 18738 18992 I chatty : uid=10055(
VG_ThreadAIEngi identical 2210 lines
10-16 09:48:38.926 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:38.957 18738 369 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:39.055 18738 369 I chatty : uid=10055(
VG_ThreadAIEngi identical 106 lines
10-16 09:48:39.055 18738 369 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:39.057 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:39.058 18738 18992 I chatty : uid=10055(
VG_ThreadAIEngi identical 2 lines
10-16 09:48:39.058 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:39.058 18738 369 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:39.059 18738 369 I chatty : uid=10055(
VG_ThreadAIEngi identical 2 lines
10-16 09:48:39.060 18738 369 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:39.067 18738 18992 E _V_image_preference: model error:
open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:47.204 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:49.302 18738 18992 I chatty : uid=10055(
VG_ThreadAIEngi identical 3476 lines
10-16 09:48:49.302 18738 18992 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to
open /proc/852/cmdline (No such file or directory)
10-16 09:48:49.306 18738 18992 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
10-16 09:48:49.377 18738 18992 E VideoClassify: 库加载成功
10-16 09:48:49.935 18738 18992 E VideoClassify: TensoFlow 模型文件加载成功
10-16 09:48:50.345 18738 18992 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
10-16 09:48:53.753 18738 18992 I chatty : uid=10055(
VG_ThreadAIEngi identical 7 lines
10-16 09:48:54.098 18738 18992 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
10-16 09:48:58.725 18738 18992 E _V_VG_VG_Fatal_: isLowTemperature, getcpu temp
failure| batteryTemp:36
10-16 09:48:58.940 18738 18992 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
10-16 09:48:59.283 18738 18992 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo ==
10-16 09:52:00.251 18738 18738 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
10-16 10:00:44.830 18738 18738 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
10-16 10:42:34.656 18738 18738 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
10-16 10:49:29.469 18738 18738 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
10-16 10:49:31.334 18738 18738 E _V_VG_VG_Fatal_: isLowTemperature, getcpu temp
failure| batteryTemp:36
10-16 10:49:47.726 18738 18738 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false

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