Lesson Plan SH Islamic Values 2

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A Detailed Lesson Plan


I. Objectives

at the end of the lesson, Students are expected to:

a. Identify the five pillars of Islam

b. Explain the different important of pillars of Islam.
c. Appreciate the importance of Pillars of Islam in the life of Muslim believers.
II. Subject Matter

Topic: Five Pillars of Islam

Reference: https://crestresearch.ac.uk/comment/islam-five-pillars/#:~:text=The%20five%20pillars
Materials: Cartolina, Pictures, Power point

Values Focus: Express Creative Ideas

Skill Focus: Speaking, Reading and Critical Thinking

III. Teaching Procedure/ Learning Activities

Teacher's Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

May I require everyone to stand. Lets start our day with Yes Maam, Let us pray
a prayer AbdulWarith can you please lead the prayer?
(All students will stand and pray)
2. Greeting

Good Morning Everyone

Good Morning Ma’am! Good Morning
3. Checking of Attendance Classmates!

Look at your seatmate, is everybody absent today? ok, None is absent Ma’am.
Good to hear Lets do the very Good Clap
(All students will do the said clap)
B. Motivation

Ok Class I want you give me any practices observe of

being Muslim. Prayer , Zakat, fasting, perform Hajj

Very good all your ideas or answers are correct; Let’s

give ourselves a "Dionisia Clap".

C. Presentation

So, class I asked those ideas because our lesson for

today is about 5 Pillars of Islam.

But before we proceed to our lesson, Allow me to read

with you our Objectives for today’s session, at the end
of the lesson, Students are expected to:

a. Identify the five pillars of Islam

b. Explain the different important of pillars of
c. Appreciate the importance of Pillars of Islam in
the life of Muslim believers.
In our activity in this lesson, lets group the class into 2.
Each group will be given a picture and identify if it is
mandatory or voluntary. explain and discuss to the
group members why it become a mandatory to Muslims
or voluntary.

Group 1

D. Discussion

Surah Lucman (31:17) O my son, establish prayer,

enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and be
patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that is of the
matters [requiring] determination.

Group 2

The Prophet said:

“Feed the hungry, visit the sick, and set free the
captives.” [Bukhari]

A while ago you give me the obligations or practices

observed being a Muslim

The Pillars

The Shahada is the fundamental statement of faith and

commitment made by Muslims: “There is no God but
God (Allah), and Muhammad is His Messenger.” It
distinguishes Muslims from those of other faiths.

Salah is the ritual prayer of Islam through which all

Muslims conform to the will of Allah. Prayer is
performed in the direction of Mecca five times a day.
The ready knowledge that large numbers of Muslims
will be gathered together for communal prayer.

The term zakat refers to the obligatory donation of a

portion of a Muslim’s surplus wealth. Islamic charities
encourage donors to use their services to relieve
suffering and to help refugees, victims of
environmental disasters, the urban poor and those in

Sawm – Muslims are expected to fast

during Ramadan – the ninth month in the Islamic
calendar. During daylight hours (which vary depending
on the time of year in which Ramadan falls), they
abstain from food and drink, sexual activity and
smoking, breaking the fast with a meal after sunset.
Those who are elderly, ill, pregnant or breast-feeding
are exempt, and children are not required to participate.

Hajj -Completing the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, is

a duty that every Muslim should perform during their
lifetime. All pilgrims should be in good physical and
spiritual health before they make the journey. Whilst in
Mecca, they complete a series of individual and
collective actions on the various days of their visit,
following a pattern set by Muhammad.



Sitting when drinking and eating


Dust bedding


Having pleasant smile


Direction: Read the statement below carefully Identify

what is being asked in the following sentences. Write 1. Zakat
your answer on the space provided. ( 2points each)
___________1. This refers to the obligatory donation of a 2. Salah
portion of a Muslim’s surplus wealth.

__________2. It is the ritual prayer of Islam through

which all Muslims conform to the will of Allah. 3. Shahada

__________3. It is the fundamental statement of faith 4. Hajj

and commitment made by Muslims.
5. Sawm
__________4. It is a duty that every Muslim should
perform during their lifetime.

___________5. Muslims abstain from food and drink,

sexual activity and smoking, breaking the fast with a
meal after sunset.


Watch the video on YouTube about entitled “How to

perform wudhu”.
Prepared by;


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