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i) Essential Question { SY How do animal characters | , change familiar stories? Read about how an ant teaches a grasshopper an important lesson. SETTING | (It is raining heavily on the African grasslands. On the African \ i : 7 __ Termite turns and sees the audience.) grasslands. The present. TERMITE: (Happily) Yipes! I didn’t see you. CHARACTERS Welcome to the great plains of Africa! We're Termite (the narrator) soggy now because it’s the rainy season. Ant Sorry. (She shrugs and smiles.) Today, we'll Grasshopper visit two very different friends of mine— Ant and Grasshopper. Maybe you have ap) heard of them from other familiar stories. =~ Let's see what my buddies are up to! (An army of ants march in, carrying leaves filled with water. They approach Grasshopper, who lounges lazily under a plant.) ANT: (In a loud voice) Company, halt! (The ants stop.) GRASSHOPPER: (Stretching and yawning) Ant, old pal! Good to see you! I was just napping when I heard your feet pounding down the way. What's all the commotion? An army of ants. ANT: (Looking annoyed) Grasshopper, have you noticed what falls from the sky above you? (Ant stands at attention and points up at a cloud. Grasshopper sleepily rises and stands next to Ant. He looks at the sky.) ANT: Rain, Grasshopper! Rain falls from the sky! And when there is rain, there is work to be done. GRASSHOPPER: (Smiling then scratching his head) Huh? ANT: (Sighing) You should be collecting water for a time when it is unavailable. Instead, you lie here without a care for the future. GRASSHOPPER: (Laughing) Oh, don’t be so serious, ol’ buddy! There is plenty of water now, and that’s all that matters. You need to relax! You’re much too tense. Why don’t you make napping your new specialty instead of all this silly toil? Stop working so hard all the time! ANT: (Shaking his head as he grows frustrated) The rainy season will not last forever, Grasshopper. Your carefree attitude will disappear with the water, and soon you will regret being lazy and wish you had been more energetic. (The ants march off as Grasshopper continues to laugh.) Scene II (It is a few months later, and the plains are now dusty, dry, and brown. Grasshopper, appearing weak and sickly, knocks on Ant’s door. Ant, seeming strong and healthy, opens the door.) GRASSHOPPER: (Nervously) Hi there, pal... I was in the neighborhood. Boy, can you believe how hot it is? So... uh...1 was wondering if might have some water for your old friend. (Ant tries to close the door, but Grasshopper quickly grabs it.) GRASSHOPPER: (Begging wildly) PLEASE, Ant! Iam so thirsty! There isn’t a drop of water anywhere! ANT: (After a pause) We ants worked hard to collect this water, but we cannot let you suffer. (Giving Grasshopper a sip of water) Do not think us selfish, but we can only share a few drops with you. I warned you that this time would come. If you had prepared, you would not be in this situation. (Grasshopper walks slowly away. Termite watches him go.) TERMITE: Although Ant has done a good deed, tired, cranky Grasshopper must still search for water. Grasshopper learned an important lesson today. Next time, he will follow Ant’s advice! Make Connections Talk about how Ant and Grasshopper act like real people. ESSENTIAL QUESTION Explain why you are more like Ant or more like Grasshopper. TEXT TO SELF

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