AMASONE - Rapport de Stage - Ambre RENEVOT

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Internship report

Master AMASONE - Operations and Naval Engineering

Responsible for analyzing charter fleet performance

Internship from March 2, 2020 to August 28, 2020
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80% of the world's merchandise trade is done by sea. CMACGM (Compagnie

Mari@med'Affrètement-Compagnie GénéraleMari@me) is the fourth world leader in this field. The
company burns around 8 million tonnes of fuel per year.
Also, 1 ton of fuel consumed is equivalent to 3 tons of CO2 emissions.

From an environmental point of view and also from a financial side, the analysis of the performance of
ships as well as the study of their fuel consumption are very important aspects of maritime transport.

Indeed, if a container ship overconsumes, it means that it needs more fuel than recommended by the
manufacturer and that it is also less efficient. This may be due on the one hand to the weather - the
state of the sea, the force of the wind, a contrary current, a significant swell - and also to the resistance
of the boat in the water. While the first reason - the weather effects - is not known controllable, the
second can be greatly reduced thanks to periodic trips of a ship: send the cargo to dry dock, do not dock
the hull to prevent fouling or polish the propellers.
Indeed, it is very important to sail a clean boat, because 3% of fouling can result in up to 9% of additional
fuel consumption.

This staged topic describes the different characteristics of a performance analysis and proposes a way
to enable you to carry out a more precise, rapid and complete study.

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First of all, I would like to sincerely thank my manager, Mathias DROST, for warmly welcoming
me into the Chartering department and for taking the time to supervise me throughout my internship at
CMACGM. Even though I only physically spent two weeks within the company due to the confinement
imposed by the coronavirus crisis, then teleworking, he was always present and caring. Thank you for
your encouragement and advice throughout the demonstration.

Then, I would like to thank my colleagues in the Opéra@ons department, who quickly integrated me into
the team and who, despite the distance, always remained available when it was necessary.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone in the Chartering department for the welcome I received upon my

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Definitions of terms page 6

Introduction page 7

Description of the company and mission page 8

CMA CGM page 8

Presentation and history page 8
Brands & subsidiaries page 9

Chartering, Sale & Purchase Service page 10

Assignment page 11

Made work page 12

Description and objectives of performance analyzes page 12

Existing tool page 14

Description page 14
Macros page 16
Calculation of the percentage of overconsumption page 16

Fuels and regulations page 18

Objectives for the new tool page 20

Integration of data from the new extractor page 20
Formatting data page 20
Calculations and search for inconsistencies page 21
Highlighting values page 22
Data filtering and analysis page 23

Final tool characteristics page 24

Graphics page 24
Data filtering page 25
Other information page 28
CP Terms and overconsumption calculation page 28
RAW_DATA and DATAs tabs page 29
File Optimization page 29

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Analysis of the chartered fleet page 31

Study of performance by designs page 31

Example: X-PRESS KHYBER vs LAILA page 32

Creating a results file page 34

Other mission: Vessel Card page 35

Conclusion page 37

Follow-up given to the project and scientific assessment page 37

Personal conclusion page 38

Bibliography page 39

Appendices page 40

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Definitions of terms


fouling=accumula@ondemicro-organisms on the hull of a ship, requiring maintenance


scantling draft =@maximum water allowance for which the ship can support its entire load




and usually the same main engine


MDO=marinediesel oil

TEU = twenty-foot equivalent. Unit of measurement defining a standardized length of twenty feet
for containers

retrofit=opera@onconsisting of replacing old or obsolete components

newer components, without modifying the function

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As part of the second year of the AMASONE master's degree

(Atlan@cMasterinShipOpera@onsandNavalEngineering), I had to find and complete a six-month end-of-study
internship to validate my diploma.

Before joining the École Centrale de Nantes, I obtained an engineering degree in embedded systems, allowing
me to be particularly comfortable in informatics. This is why I, initially, directed my research towards proposals
which linked informatics skills with the mari@me field. I therefore applied for several offers at NavalGroup, a
company that has interested me for several years, almost everywhere in France.

Secondly, by broadening my searches, I found other outstanding offers at CMACG and which also offered one
by really opera and therefore closer to the courses studied during my master's degree.

Following several meetings, I quickly accepted the offer from CMACGM. Indeed, in addition to offering me the
opportunity to develop my technical abilities by learning VBA, this company of significant size and with a great
reputation allows me to discover more concretely the field of mari@me transport.

I therefore joined the Direc@onChartering/Opéra@ons Department of the CMACGM, in Marseille, at the

beginning of March.

Following the coronavirus crisis and confinement, the company decided to adopt the teleworking mode for all
interns until September 1. My internship ended on August 28, so I returned to Nantes in mid-May where I carried
out the rest of the internship remotely.

In this report, I will first present the company and the service for which I worked
as well as the context of the mission and existing work.
Then, I will explain the detailed work I carried out and describe what I ultimately achieved.
Finally, I will end with a technical and personal assessment.

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Description of the company and mission


Presentation and history

The CMACGM group is a French container ship owner. It is one of the leaders
world and transport husband@me, behind MAERSK, MSC and COSCO. He is the first Frenchman.

Its offer brings together maritime transport: lamanuten@onport and land transport. The group is the result of the
merger between the Compagnie Générale Mari@me and the Compagnie Mari@me
Chartering in 1996.

The company is present in 160 countries through 750 agencies. It brings together 110 million employees and has
a fleet of more than 500 ships. CMACGM serves 420 commercial ports in the world out of the 521 existing and
operates 285 maritime routes.

The CMACGM Antoine de Saint Exupéry is one of the company's most important ships.
Its dimensions are 400 meters by 50 meters. Its water capacity is 16 meters. It can load more than 20,000

Fig1. Comparison of a 400m long ship with other types of transport

The CMA was created in 1978 by Jacques Saadé. That same year, it launched its first mari@me transport line
between Beirut and Marseille with a ship carrying 300 containers.

At that time, few people seemed convinced of the capacity of containers to make transport mari@me safer and
also more efficient. Except that pe@tàpe@t, the transport industry mari@me evolved to become the most
important mode of transport for the transfer of goods. The CMACGM group today transports more than 20 million
containers around the world.

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Fig2.Numbers of containers transported by the CMACGM since 2001

Thanks to their new adapted and sometimes even custom-made format, containers make it possible to
transport goods of all kinds: large soups, dry, sub-frozen liquids, fragile or bulky.

Brands and subsidiaries

Over the years and through growth, CMACGM has enriched itself with a diverse portfolio of
brands and subsidiaries. These enable the company to better respond to the needs of their customers
wherever they are in the world and from one end of the chain to the other.

- APLàSingapore
- ANLenOceania
- CNCpourlemarchéintra-asia@que
- ComanayenNorth Africa
- Mercosul in South America
- CMAShip manages owned ships (maintenance, supplies, naval construction) and
the crews
- CMATerminals&TerminalLinkforconstruction,acquisi@oneandopera@onsdeterminaux
- CEVALogic@cspourletransportlandstreetair

Fig3.Shipping chainCMACGM&CEVA

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Chartering, Sale & Purchase Department

As previously stated, the FloXeCMACGM brings together more than 500 ships. Of these, the company
owns around 200. The Chartering department takes care of ships during the charter period, that is to say on leasing,
i.e. more than 300 ships.

At the end of 2019, out of a fleet of 505 ships, 317 of them were chartered, or 63%.
These ships therefore represent 42% of the containers transported by the company's cargo ships.

This department brings together 31 people and is divided into 3 teams:

The fixing-chartering division takes care of the search for a ship corresponding to the needs and constraints of the
commercial line. It is based on an analysis of the charter market, availability, prices and technical comparisons of


The post-fixing-lages@onfinancière-department sets up financial monitoring of ship contracts, establishes the

monthly report of financial payments, verifies the invoices as part of the operational monitoring of ships and validates
the payments. It also recovers the outstanding amounts on the ships killed (whose contract has reached completion
and is not renewed) and settles them. financial management with shipowners, in collaboration with the legal team of
the Chartering department.

The operations department plans the follow-up of the ship from delivery to sares@tu@on.
The operational manager is in contact with all stakeholders in maritime transport (shipowners, commercial lines,
bunkers, captains, agents) in order to optimize naval operations in time and cost. He must in particular manage
damage, monitor and preserve the performance of a ship, coordinate repairs with the shipowners and the commercial
line, manage cargo bunkers and ensure follow-up on them. charter pensions (in the event of a ship being late on the
schedule for a reason not linked to the charterer's decisions).

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My mission within the Chartering service and the Opéra@ons department consists of carrying out opera@onnel
monitoring of certain ships during their charter period. I am therefore responsible for analyzing the performance of the
FloX ships in comparison with the information described
in contracts.

In addition, in order to make this operational analysis, in terms of execution time and precision of the results, I must
develop a more automated and complete system than the previous one.

At the start of the demonstration I had to take charge of the existing issues: the Excel analysis file and the various
company software packages, bringing together a lot of information on the FloXe.
It took me a few weeks to understand all this data, particularly that linked to consumption@containershipwaves, in
order to better understand the value of performance analyses.

Indeed, if a ship consumes too much, this generates many additional costs for the company, in addition to being harmful
to the environment. It is then necessary to understand why the cargo is not consuming close to that of the contract, in
order to schedule trips or repairs. This generates, among other things, a loss of time on the schedule programmed by
the line

ale, and therefore a loss of money.

First, I discovered how the Opéra@ons department carried out its performance studies, with the aim of adapting the
existing or@to the new data extraction format. This and/or@l is an Excel file reading macros. Not knowing VBA, I
learned this language through the analyzes as well as my needs. This allowed me to add to the work thread

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Made work

Description and objectives of performance analyzes

When a ship is in its charter period with CMACGM, a contract is signed between the company
and the owner of a ship. This contract includes numerous clauses, particularly on the problems that a
container ship may encounter during its navigation and which is responsible for paying for repairs. a ship
which includes consumption values @ondefuel in relation to speeds. This is sometimes shown in a
separate file, called TimeCharter Description . It is usually as shown in the picture below.

Fig4.Extract from the CMACGMCONGO contract-Description of a ship

These consumption values are given for a fairly precise location of water flow (designous cantling draw)
and good conditions. That is to say, a fairly weak wind force (Beaufort 3 or 4), a calm sea (Douglas 2 or
3), a stable ship (a flat keel and a very low seat wave variation). water temperature and depth in relation
to @rantd 'water of a ship.

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For certain contracts drawn up several years ago, the

informa@onsrela@vesàconsomma@ondunavireintheCPoulaTCDare not complete. However, these
elements can be found in an internal CMACGM form. In the absence, the container ship must be
compared to its sisterships, that is to say ships having the same design.
These cargo ships used for comparison may be other chartered ships, still under contract (whose charter
period has ended), or owned ships.

The purpose of the performance analysis is to compare the values written in the contract against
the actual data in avigaAonducargo.

All these conditions must be applied to the analyzed data so that the comparison is valid. Indeed, one
pe@tevaria@on of a criterion can generate a big difference in consumption.

For example, an Xeposi@ve seat results in more consumption@ondefuel than a Xenega@ve seat.
The same principle applies for too high a water supply.

So, when it is observed that a ship is overconsuming, the Operations department contacts the owners of
the container ship to encourage them to take action. In the case where the filters applied to the data are
not similar or very close to those stated in the CP, the analysis can be refuted. It is therefore preferable
to apply exact filters even if it remains very low value. eurs at the end of the analysis.

In addition, the term “ seamargin ” is included in the contract. This corresponds to an additional percentage
of consumption to be taken into account in cases where the resistance of a ship is greater: caused by
strong wind, rough seas, counter currents during navigation or a dirty hull. This explains why in the
analyzes the results of a ship are also compared to descrip@on data at +5% and +10%.

The information used in the performance analysis comes from “ Daily Noon reports ” sent by the captains
of the ships every day they sail. These reports bring together a very large number of characteristics about
the voyage carried out: the point of departure and the number of miles covered by the vessel. They also
include the consumption values of a ship (of the craft main, auxiliary motors, boiler) as well as elements
describing the weather (wind force, sea state, current). All this information is retrieved from one or @lfrom
the company to then be extracted into an Excel file. Each line of the file corresponds to a Dailyreport and
each column to information. These extracts are almost always very voluminous. For example, for a ship
which has been chartered since 2016 until today, the Excel file has more than 1300 lines and 120

These performance analyzes therefore allow us to consider the sailing of a ship early in the schedule
established at the base. They are also used to know whether a sailing already carried out was really
effective by comparing the data before and after the latter.

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Existing tool


There already exists one or @l in Excel which allows you to carry out this performance analysis. It is
presented as shown in the following screenshot:

Fig5. Extract from the ou1lini1al-Graph tab

It is made up of different tabs.

A “ Graph ” tab brings together the 3 results graphs where the remaining values after study are displayed as
well as the description resulting from the contract.
The first, which is the most widely read and shown in the photo above, represents the trend curves of fuel
consumption in relation to navigation speeds.
In this case, the red curve corresponds to data from a CMACGMCONGO ship, extracted from
Dailynoonreports. Only one DATA tab has been read, which is why we only see one data curve.


Thanks to a manipulation on Excel, the user can display the distribution of wave points which defines the
trend curve.

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Fig6. Extract from the final-graph 1, performance analysis (fuel consumption compared to
at navigation speeds)

Indeed, the straight line is a trend curve which is based on these points, it is an approximation which is not always very precise. It
allows us to have a first general idea of the consumption of a ship in relation to its descrip@on, but it is necessary to study the
details in detail before contacting the owners of the container ship and warning them of a possible


The second graph plots a straight line of consumption values in relation to the MCR% (therefore to the power of the main engine).
And finally the third presents a curve of power and speeds in relation to the MCR%. You can observe these two types of graphs in
Appendix 1.

It is not always safe to send the study to an owner or agent to inform them of a consumption problem, the graphs may be sufficient.
This is why they must be recorded by hand by screenshot.

For each of these graphs, the data used to draw the green descrip@on curves are filled in manually in the “ CPTerms ” tab.

The tabs DATA1 to DATA12 are the Excel sheets into which the data extracts are copied and are then filtered before being
displayed on the graphs.

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Several macros have been implemented in this file.

A first calculates the average water rate in relation to the front and rear water rates present in the data extract. It
then performs a first sorting on the values, based on the filters

- an average speed between 10 and 30 knots - a

daily consumption of the main engine between 10 and 250 tonnes - a daily distance
traveled greater than 200 miles to that - a percentage of MCR between 10 and

This correction applies to all DATA tabs whether they are filled or empty. Furthermore, the applied values are not
accessible outside the code. If the user is not familiar with VBA, it will be quite complicated for him to adapt it to
his study.
These filters are quite broad and allow you to remove all data that would bias the analysis, because it is not
considered reliable.

The second macro applies a filter to the average water flow column based on the values entered by the user in
the “Graph” tab.

In order to obtain a more precise study which corresponds to the criteria set out in the description of each ship,
the user must continue his analysis and reduce the sorting (for example for the state of the rollers, date changes).
This filtering must be carried out by hand, for all the tabs.

Calculation of the percentage of overconsumption

After studying and filtering the data, the user recovers the coefficients of the wave equation
the trend curve displayed on the graph.

In the CMACGMCONGO example presented previously, the equation is as follows: y = 8.5047e0.1358x

, withylaconsomma@onetxlavitesse.
We therefore have A = 8.5047 and B = 0.1358.

These coefficients are then read to calculate the percentage of consumption in the CPTerms tab. The latter is
presented as follows:

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Columns A to D must be completed at the end based on the wave information present in the charter contract of a
ship. The data used in the performance graph are therefore speed (column C) and consumption (column D).

The coefficients A and B are copied into boxes H1 and H2. These are then read to calculate the actual consumption
of a ship in column H for each speed described in the contract (12 to 20 knots). Then, the percentage of excess
consumption for each line is calculated using the following formula:

Consoship ÿ ConsoCP
%incr = *100

Finally, we obtain the average of the percentage of consumption @ which is 20.18% in this

However, this result is not necessarily representative of the actual consumption of a ship.
Indeed, this number gives an idea of excessive fuel consumption compared to the description, but at speeds of
12 to 20 knots. It happens that the container ship never sails at the maximum speed described in the CP, but for
example between 13 and 17 knots. It is therefore not possible to take into account the percentages of increase for
speed esses between 18 and 20 knots.

In order to obtain a more precise result, it is necessary to recover the actual percentages of each speed using a
dynamic cross-table and fold these into the percentages of overconsumption (in column I).

After all these manipulations, the average obtained will be much closer to reality.

All the steps detailed previously must be carried out by hand for each analysis.

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Fuels and regulations

Different types of fuel are burned by container ships: heavy fuel oils (HFO) and

Dis@llats are all those components of crude oil that evaporate in a dis@lla@onfrac@onstream and are
then condensed from the gas phase into a liquid. Marine gas oil generally consists of a mixture of various
dis@llats. It is similar to diesel fuel but at a higher density. Unlike heavy fuel oil, marine gas oil does not
need be heated during storage.

There are several types of heavy fuel, classified according to their sulfur content:
- HSFO-heavysulfurfueloil-3.5%
- LSFO-lowsulfurfueloil-1%
- VLSFO-verylowsulfurfueloil-0.5%
- ULSFO-ultralowsulfurfueloil-0.1%

Sulfur is a pollutant that is produced by the exhaust gas waves of ship engines. It is not possible to
prevent the wave from forming when the fuel is combusted.

The IMO (Organisa@onMari@meInterna@onale) has been putting in place regulations for several years
so that this percentage of sulfur is reduced in exhaust gases. In order to be in compliance with these
rules, shipbuilders and shipowners have two solutions: - use fuels with a reduced
sulfur content (LSFO, VLSFO, ULSFO) - equip it propulsion system (via a retrofit) of
a device called a scrubber which “does not drive” them
afterburner gas before they escape in order to reduce sulfur dioxide.

As of January 1, 2020, a new Low Sulfur regulation was put in place by the IMO.
All ships must comply by reducing their sulfur emissions by 85%. To comply with this new rule, the sulfur
content present in fuel must decrease from 3.5% to 0.5%. Emissions control zones (ECA zones) are
already limited to 0.1%.

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The objective of reducing sulfur oxide emissions is to provide major benefits for health and the environment,
including improving air quality and reducing risks.
from acidifica@ondesoceans.

In order to be in accordance with these measures, the CMACGM group combines 3 solutions: the u@lisa@ondeships
powered by liquefied natural gas, the implementation of crubber and the u@lisa@ondefuels respecting a low sulfur
percentage. The ships must therefore replace the HSFO with the VLSFO (or ULSFO).

To return to performance analyses, this implies taking into account additional characteristics in the study.

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Objectives for the new tool

The goal of this new development is to allow the user to filter the data more quickly. It is also about highlighting specific
values that could lead to overconsumption on a ship, so that the analysis is more precise and complete.

Throughout the cargo studies, I was able to understand the different problems that the user may encounter and think about how to
avoid them or correct them effectively. Pe@tàpe@t, with my manager, we listed the main functions of a new employee:

- Integrate data from a new extractor: go from 50 to 120 columns

- Arrange the data and hide some
- Carry out value calculations for analysis and look for inconsistencies which would result in a

- MeXreenévidenceenvertlesinforma@onscorrectesetenrougelesdouteuses
- Filter the data and analyze the result

Integration of data from the new extractor

The software that provides Dailynoon reports, recorded by the captains, changed in December 2019. The data extracts
are more complete, they take into account in particular the different types of fuel burned by the ship and include more information.
The extract goes from 50 columns to 120.

In addition, certain old values are no longer presented in the same way and sometimes require additional calculation. The macros
implemented in the previous location are no longer suitable and no longer work.

Formatting data

As these extracts are very complete and voluminous, they consist of many elements. However, many of them are not
included in all performance analyzes but can be used as additional information to better understand where the extracts come from


There are, for example, 7 types of speed (AvgSpeedSOG, AvgSpeedSTW, AvgCalmSeaSpeed, InstantSpeedSOG etc.) or 2 types
of water speeds (calculated perpendicularly or using boxes on board a ship).

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To prevent the user from constantly wandering through the file, going from left to right and vice versa, certain columns must be
hidden to facilitate ship studies. However, it is important not to delete them.

Calculations and search for inconsistencies

As we have decided not to modify the extracted data, we must add them
next columns to the right of the table.


This X value is obtained by calculating the difference between the HourmeterToday and HourmeterLast columns. However, on
reports dating back several years, these counter values are absent. Another data must therefore be added which replaces the
DailyME Hourmeter in these cases.


This data is calculated by dividing the daily distance traveled (DailyGPSDistanceDone) by the average speed (AVGSpeedSOG).
It allows you to check the accuracy of the DailyMEHourmeter. If the difference between the two values is greater than 1 hour, it
is highlighted in red.
This discrepancy can be explained by an engine shutdown which is supposed to be indicated in the “
TotalStoppedTime ” column.

DailyMEconso/24h = consumed by the main engine over 24 hours, that is to say how much fuel is burned over a day.

As explained in the Fuels and Regulations section, since 2020, ships have stopped using HFO and switched to fuel with a lower
sulfur content. In addition, in ECA zones, ships must use MDO.

The fuel consumption of the ME is therefore calculated by adding the sum of the amounts burned for the different types of fuel:

Then, as the cargo ship can cross time zones during its navigations, it is not uncommon for the counter values to be equal to
23 or 25 hours. It also happens that the container ship only sails for 15 hours and not for one day in an era. To compare all the
reports in the same way, it is therefore necessary to bring back this consumption information over 24 hours.

The final formula used to calculate consumption is as follows:


Daily ME Consumption / 24h = ×24
Daily ME Hour meter

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This X value is a percentage so the user has

Consoship ÿ ConsoCP
%incr = *100

Theconsumption@ondashipisequaltothevalueofthecaseDailyMEconso/24h.Theconsumption@onB *
result of the contract obtained via the following formula: ConsoCP = Ae speedship .
The coefficientsAandBareextractedfromthetrendcurveofthecrip@onthankstodifferentExcelformulas.

Initially, this percentage calculation allows the user to quickly visualize the general overconsumption of points.

Secondly, by filtering this Xth column, it is possible to quickly eliminate outlier values which have a negative
influence on the curve of the results. If the average of the overconsumption @wave points is 10% and a point
is at more than 60%, it is highlighted in red then hidden if the user wishes it.

This value is generally copied directly from the extract information. However, it may happen that it is
absent. In this case, it is calculated by making the difference between the rear and front water levels.

Highlighting values

Certain criteria can lead to overconsumption on a ship of only a few tonnes but also a lot more. This
is why they must be highlighted in red, so that the user can easily spot them and then decide to leave them or
exclude them from the final result.

These data are as follows:

- When the engine stops,

ÿ a value in the totalstopped1 column differs from 0

- Uneu@lisa@ondushawgeneratoravalueintheSha`GenHourmetercolumndifferent

- A very big difference in value between the Daily ME Hourmeter and the Check Hour meter
- Main engine RPM data too low ÿ a value less than 30% of the value
maximum possible
- A very high percentage of consumption compared to the average of other points

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Data filtering and analysis

In the or@lini@al, it is very complicated for a reader who does not know VBA to modify the basic
filters applied to the data.

The idea for the new file is to add a form in which the user can easily record the minimum and maximum
values that they want to read for their sorting. First, it is necessary to preserve the previous information
on which to apply filters: average speed, MCR%, distance, daily consumption and average water
consumption. Then, it is necessary to add new one sto make the or@l more complete and the analysis
closer to the criteria set out in the contract. These data are :the meter of a main engine, the seat of a
ship, the force of the wind (Beaufort) and the state of the sea (Douglas).

During the analyses, I realized the need to leave a tab in which the data would not be filtered. In some
cases, after having carried out a sorting, there were almost no more points.

This is why I added a RAW_DATA tab in which the correct data is highlighted in green and the critical
data is highlighted in red. Thanks to this, the user can identify more quickly where the difficulty comes
from and adapt their filters accordingly.

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Final tool characteristics

After 6 months of work, the final file is made up of a “ Graph ” tab, a “ CP” tab
Terms ”, a “ RAW_DATA ” tab and 10 data tabs.


On the first tab of where you find the main commands. A general capture
The latter is presented in Appendix 2.

First, we find the 3 graphs from the previous file. The first performance graph has been completed.

Fig9.Example of performance graph following the analysis of a ship, the KUMASI-display of curves

Onyretrouveles3courbesdedescript@on (cpterms0%,+5%and+10%)
(CCForm), Silecontratoula Timecharterd1on Santincomplet. Basedsurles

So that the person who receives the graph has more information on the analysis carried out, two inserts
have been added .

These must be completed by hand.

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Data filtering

To the right of the graph, there are many commands that allow the user to filter the data precisely.
Additionally, after each processing, information is displayed in the caption.

Fig10. Extract from the Graph tab of the final page

Here is the description of all the buttons you can see in the image above:

SELECTDATASHEET(S): allows you to select one or more DATA tabs on which you want to apply the

ALLDATASHEETS: applies filters to all non-empty DATA tabs

HIDECOLUMNS: hides a certain number of columns not available for analysis, in the DATA tabs


UPDATECOEFFS&NBOFDOTS: allows you to update, in the legend, the number of points remaining
after sorting and the right coefficients (AB and R) of each and data. This works when the user hides the
lines by hand in the DATA tabs and does not want to relaunch the filtering macros.


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The following image shows the display of points on the same results as the graph shown previously:

Fig11. Example of a performance graph following the analysis of a ship, the KUMASI-display of points

SHOWONLYCURVES :hidesallthepointsanddisplaysthetrendcurvesforeachanddataaswellasthethreeCPTermcurvesan

SAVEGRAPH : saves the selected graphics as a PNG image in the same folder as the Excel file

RESIZE PERFGRAPH : re-dimensional first performance graph based on minimum and maximum values
input by the user for the speed and consumption axes

In addition to the commands activated by the buttons, the user can read many

The “ Filters applied to datasheets ” section corresponds to the form that the user fills out to sort the data in
the DATA tabs. There are two types of filters.

Firstly, the elements entered on lines 3 to 13 are minimum and/or maximum values which will be applied to
the respective columns.

In a second step (lines 16 to 21), the listed operations allow us to make a more precise analysis of the
consumption of a ship by observing the inconsistent values.

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Indeed, as stated previously, it is necessary to highlight (in red) the outlier data which may lead to
overconsumption. However, this is not always the case so it is not necessary to automatically delete
these elements.
These Hide/Show operations require the user to show or hide the lines corresponding to the highlighted

Fig12. Extract from the Graph tab of the final-filters on DATA

If he decides to leave them hidden, they will therefore no longer be taken into account in the result curves
on the three performance graphs. If he chooses to leave them visible, because they do not particularly
influence the result and allow an analysis based on more points, they will still be highlighted in red. For
some of them, moreover, the user can also adjust the limit ( minimum and/or maximum) from which the
value is considered as

The next section (columns AA to AD) allows the user to enter information relating to the
description: the water supply and the state of the sea on which the consumption values written in the
contract are based. These filters allow the “correct” elements to be highlighted in green, only in the

Fig13. Extract from the Graph tab of the final-Filter on RAWDATA

This Xeop@on allowed me, during my various analyses, to more quickly evaluate the number of points
which are in conformity with the contract. I can then more precisely adjust the filters to be applied to the
data extracts.

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Other information


Once the filters are applied to a DATA tab, they are copied to the corresponding line so that the reader remembers
the steps of their analysis.

Fig14. Extract from the Graph tab of the final Legend

The number of points remaining following the data sorting is very large. Most of the time, if we hide all the reports
that do not comply with the description, there are only very few elements remaining.

For example, over a year, a captain can fill out almost 300 reports. After sorting, it is possible that only around ten
remain. This is why the user must really adapt the filters he applies to each ship.

The coefficients of the trend curve equations are also given in the legend. This prevents the user from displaying
each wave curve equation one by one and retrieving the coefficients by hand.

R is the coefficient of determination. This indicator makes it possible to judge the quality of the trend curve in relation
to the distribution of point waves. If its value is 0, the right equation of regression determines 0% of the distribution
of point waves.

CP Terms and overconsumption calculation

The second tab of the or@lfinal has the same func@onality as that of the inini@al file.
The user must enter the consumption/speed values described in the contract by hand. If the latter are very limited
or absent, he can enter these same values in the boxes provided for the CMACGM form (CCFORM).

Concerning the consumption margins@wave+5% and+10%, they are calculated automatically via Excel formulas
once the 0% values are entered. The 4 curves drawn on the graphs for the different descriptions are based on the
elements recorded in this tab.

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Fig15. Extract from the CPTerms tab

Once sorting has been applied, the user can retrieve the coefficients A and B from the trend curve
equation and copy them into boxes I3 and I4. Automatically, the calculation of the ship's consumption for
each speed of the script will be displayed.

Concerning the calculation of a percentage of aria@waveconsumption@closertoreality, it must always be

obtained manually. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to implement automa@sa@waves dynamic
crosstabs during my course.

RAW_DATA and DATAs tabs

It is in these 11 tabs that the user must add the data they wish to study.

File Optimization

Throughout the implementationa@ondel'or@letdelarédac@ondesmacrosenVBAI thought about

how to maximize the file.

In order to prevent the execution@onducode from taking too much time, it is necessary to remove the
visual display of each step carried out by Excel. It is also necessary to avoid modifying the formatting of
the tables as much as possible (such as fixing the first row or the first column on the DATA tabs).

The second step in the op@misa@ondufile was to reduce its size.

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The previous file was 3MB. After numerous studies on the 12 data tabs, my file was over 20MB which took up a lot
of space on the company's shared network.
This is because Excel keeps in memory the bags made on each cell of a table, even erasing the contents. In order
to obtain a clean template file, I have looked at all the data tabs.

Finally, to prevent the file from growing too large when adding extracts from reports and analyses, I adapted the
execution @wavesmacros to the exact size of the tables copied by the user in
the ou@l.

The final version of the performance analysis template file is 140 KB.

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Analysis of the chartered fleet

The second by @edemamission consists of analyzing the chartered floXe, i.e. approximately
300 ships. This number evolves according to the maritime transport market.

I began my studies with the largest ships, that is to say those which load the greatest number of containers
(15,000 TEU). These cargo ships are also the largest consumers of fuel due to their size and weight. I love
it, but unfortunately I don't like the time to study them all.

For each container ship, the goal is to study and compare its performance over the last 5 years. Each results
curve (hence each DATA tab) must correspond to a period of several months or a maximum of one year. In
addition, it is necessary to compare the consumption values before and after the voyage to check the
improvement in performance. has only been available for a few months. Their data extractions therefore
provide much less reporting than others.

Even if the work appears redundant, each analysis is different. First, even if two container ships are sister
ships, the description made in the contract may not be similar, because they belong to different owners.

Then, the reports recorded by the commanders, on which the analysis is based, are sometimes poorly
completed, including many missing or incorrect information.
We must therefore work on a case-by-case basis, trying to get as close as possible to the criteria set out in
the description, while obtaining a significant number of points after analysis.

Study of performance by designs

All ships are therefore characterized by a design. It is necessary to compare the sister ships between
them. Indeed, their characteristics are similar, same dimensions, same main engine, therefore their
consumption is supposed to be the same. However, as these ships are not necessarily managed by the
same owner, they do not have to sail at the same time and do not sail in the same regions of the world. So
consumption can vary.
On the 300 ships of the chartered fleet, we can observe around a hundred different designs.

These analyzes by designs also allow the chartering service's fixing team to make decisions for certain
container ships based on their consumption: lengthening or not a contract or a particular type of ship rather
than another.

Finally, when the script is not specified for several ships of the same design, we can always compare them
with each other (on the same analysis file) in order to clearly identify the possible overconsumption of one of

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To better illustrate my remarks, here is an example of an analysis that I carried out in July, out of two
ships of the same design (THYSSEN2500LENGHTENED): the X-PRESSKHYBER and the LAILA.

These two freighters were built in the years 2007 and 2008, are equipped with the same main engine and weigh 2702
TEU. The LAILA has been under charter contract since the end of 2019 and the X-PRESSKHYBER since April 2020.
They are not managed by the same owner and their descriptions are

I applied the following filters on the data:

- Average speed between 9 and 25 knots
- Distance traveled greater than or equal to 100 miles nau@ques
- Consumption of the main engine between 10 and 250 tonnes of fuel
- MCR% between 10 and 100%
- SitXedavessel less than 0.5 meters
- Average draft between 9.3 and 10.4 meters
- Beaufortmaximum4
- Douglasmaximum3

The consumption/speed data of the scripts are based on a maximum of 3, a Douglas fir of 2 and on their design draw
which is 10.1 meters. As explained previously in the report, the closer we approach the information described in the
contract, the less the analysis can be refuted. However, I was obliged to widen a few filters to have a minimum of

Here are the two results graphs showing the curves and consumption points in relation to navigation speeds:

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The greencurvespoin@lléesrepresentthecrip@onduX-PRESSKHYBERat 0,
The red curve traces the consumption values @onduX-PRESSKHYBER between April and July 2020.
The dark blue curve, those of LAILA, from October 2019 to April 2020.
Whereas before the data correction, there were 70 lines for the first and 75 for the second. After study,
there are only around ten points for each ship.

We observe quite clearly that the

I contacted the agents and owners of the container ship who, after checking, noticed an error in the
data recorded by the captain of a ship. Indeed, the consumption values of each vessel or the analysis
did not only include those of the main engine, but also those of the auxiliary engines. This is why we
observed such a difference in performance between these two ships. The captain must therefore be
aware Update old reports and avoid making the same mistakes on subsequent ones.

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Creating a results file

So that my colleagues can quickly follow my progress in the consumption analyses, and at the request
of my manager, I created an Excel file which summarizes my results.

This document brings together all ships on charter at a given time. Indeed, in a few weeks, the number of cargo
ships changes and therefore this Xel list requires regular updating.

In addition to the name of the ships, the table shows a lot of information about each of them: IMO number, date
of construction, name of the operator who follows the ship, owner, service and line. It also includes elements in
my analyzes such as the different levels of water (design and fishing) and the dates of the last trips carried out.

All this data is extracted from an existing database within the company. To the right of this table, I have added
several columns which group together my results: the date of the analysis (data extrac1ondate), a dark color
code@consumption wave@on of a ship, the coefficients of the curve of the most recent results and the coefficients
of the curve of description.
The color code is applied based on the position on the distribution of the wave points in comparison with the
descrip@on curve: - green if they
are under the descrip@on CP0% curve - yellow if they are
both above and below the CP0% curve - orange if they are between
CP0% and +10% - red if they are above

I also added a second tab to this Excel file which allows you to compare several ships with each other by simply
copying their results curve coefficients into a table.


Even if the filters used in each analysis may be slightly different, depending on the data waves retrieved, this
comparison allows you to have a first idea of the performance of the

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container ships in relation to each other. This latter is particularly in the case of sisterships.

However, it is always preferable to also check the analysis files, because the results obtained can only be valid
for certain speeds. Indeed, if we observe the previous graphs, the curve of the LAILA is traced between 11 and
16 knots, and that of the end of the values entered by the user in the Speed column, and are the same for both

Other mission: Vessel Card

In addition, the development of an or@lExcelop@misé and the analysis of the chartered floXe, I have
produced a Vesselcard for ships loading around 2800 containers.

A ship card is a table that is on one or two pages and summarizes a lot of information about different ship designs
that can load the same number of containers.

First, I determined the designs to analyze using a database that lists all ships between 2700 and 2900 TEU, still
under contract killed in recent years.
Next, I had to choose which container ships I was going to include in the VesselCard for each design
(maximum 5). Then, I searched the numerous documents that exist on the CMACGM network for information to
fill out the file. These characteristics bring together the dimensions of the ships, different information on the
number and type of containers that they can transport, as well as more technical parameters concerning the main
engine and the auxiliary engines.


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Finally, I analyzed the performance of each design thanks to monou@l. For this, I sorted the data of each ship after
neXoyage and I applied the same filters on each one. I recovered the coefficients of the trend curves of each design
which allowed me to complete the Vessel


This type of file is made up of many graphs which allow a simple comparison of each design between them. It is
therefore very useful for quickly visualizing which type of ship is the most efficient or best corresponds to the needs
of the customers.

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Follow-up given to the project and scientific assessment

The tool that I developed during my internship is definitely more complete than the previous
one. Through the analyses, I realized that many parameters were at stake in a ship performance
study. Indeed, the simple modification of a single characteristic that can generate a difference in fuel

Unfortunately, I was not able to implement all the parameters that I wanted in place due to lack of time.
For example, adding other filters on the average power of the main engine (which is more representative
than the % MCR), on the wave or the current. It could also have been interesting to analyze the
consumption of auxiliary gear or to study the results of the main engine based on the type of fuel it
burns .

The final tool already provides a good number of additional parameters and makes the analyzes
simpler for readers and more precise in terms of the results.

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Personal conclusion

It's been several years since I started in the husband@me field, which is why after obtaining my
engineering degree in embedded systems I chose to enroll in the AMASONE Master's degree. My wish at
the end of my studies was to mix the technical skills that I had learned during my first course with those that
I assimilated during these two years at the École Centrale de Nantes and at the Brest Naval Academy.

Throughout my schooling, I completed many internships which were all different and which did not exactly
correspond to my expectations. It was therefore very important for me to choose my end-of-studies internship
well in order to confirm my orientation and the professional choices I would make
in the future.

I found this internship at CMACGM very enriching. It allowed me to further develop my technical skills by
learning the VBA language. In addition, I was able to apply the theoretical notions learned in recent years in
a totally concrete context, particularly in naval propulsion.

This internship reassured me in the idea that I made the right choice by reorienting in the middle of a career
and opting for the Master AMASONE. Even though I only spent two weeks in the company due to the
coronavirus crisis, I really enjoyed discovering the CMA company

For this reason, I accepted their offer from CDD to the position of Husband Flow Officer.
I am now looking forward to starting this new adventure and discovering even more about them.

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Naval propulsion course-Laurent Mouillard-MasterAMASONE

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Internal presentations at CMACGM

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Appendix 1. Example of a JACKLONDON-3 ship performance graphs

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Appendix 2. Presentation of the Graph tab of the final page

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