Bahasa Inggris II

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1. Hello, my name is Raissa. I am twenty four years old and I work as an employee.

My height
is 160 centimeters and my weight is 51 kilograms. My eyes are small and my nose is big. I
have short curly hair. I have a friend at work. Her name is Ayasha Putri. She is two years
younger than me. Moreover, she is 5 centimeters taller and 1 kg lighter than me. Her eyes
are bigger than me. But her nose is smaller than me. Ayasha’s hair is not curly and it is not
short like me.
1. What is the name of Raissa’s friend?
The name of Raissa’s friend is Ayasha Putri
2. How does Ayasha look like?
Ayasha is like, her eyes are bigger than me. But her nose is smaller than me. Ayasha’s
hair is not curly and it is not short like me.
3. How old is Ayasha?
Ayasha is twenty two years old
4. What is Ayasha’s job?
Ayasha works as an employee
5. What is Ayasha’s weight and height?
Ayasha’s height is 165 centimeters and her weight is 150 kilograms

2. Perhatikan gambar dan lengkapilah kalimat berikut dengan menggunakan preposition

berikut ini:
across, between, on, on the left side of, next to, atau near.

Sumber gambar :

This the map near my house. My school is located in Amelia Street. The toy store is be in
between music store and the restaurant. The flower shop is across the bank. The bookstore
is in front of the supermarket. The pet shop is right of side the hospital.
3. Bacalah percakapan berikut dan lengkapilah titik-titik berikut dengan menggunakan
present perfect tense yang tepat!
Doctor : Can you tell me your daily activities from one month ago?
Patient : Sure, Doctor.
Doctor : Please tell me, have you eaten vegetable?
Patient : Yes, I have eaten tomatoes and broccoli. (1)
Doctor : How about exercising?
Patient : I have eaaten it daily for one month. (2)
Doctor : How about smoking?
Patient : I have not smoked for one month (3)
Doctor : How about consuming vitamin?
Patient : I have drinking of vitamin C daily. (4)
Doctor : How about meditation?
Patient : I have doing meditation everyday. (5)

4. Bacalah paragraf berikut dan jawablah pertanyaan yang ada!

Among the best-known birds are the birds of prey, such as hawks, eagles, ospreys, falcons,
and owls. They have hooked beaks, strong talons or claws on their feet, and keen eyesight
and hearing. ----. Ospreys and many eagles eat fish, falcons eat mostly insects, and owls eat
everything from insects to fish and mammals. The larger hawks and eagles prey on small
mammals, such as rodents
Referensi teks :
1. What are the types of bird mention in the text? Mention them!
Answered : The types of bird mention in the text are five birds. They are hawk, eagles,
ospreys, falcons and owl.
2. What are the similarities from those birds?#
Answered : The similarities from those bird is the bird of prey.
3. What bird eat various animals?
The bird eat various animals such as insect to fish and mammals
4. What bird eat rodents?
Rodents is eaten by the larger hawks and eahles pray on small mammals.
5. Mention the types of bird who eat insects and fish!
The bird who eat insects and fish is many eagles, falcon, and owls.

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