Understind Silf

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Laus, Jandrei Ezekiel V.


Mr. Ryan Coroa

“What makes me a Filipino?”

The positive characteristics of a Filipino that I possess are being faithful, politeness,

generosity and have respect to parents and elders. In these characteristics It give

strong advantage in building meaningful relationships and contributing positively to my


Faithfulness not only helps me maintain trust and loyalty in my personal relationships

but also extends to my commitment to responsibilities and tasks.

Politeness allows me to interact with others in a respectful and considerate manner,

fostering a harmonious atmosphere in both my personal and professional life.

Generosity enables me to share what I have with others, whether it's material

possessions, time, or kindness, promoting a sense of unity and support within my


Finally, having respect for parents and elders not only reflects my cultural values but

also helps me learn from their wisdom and experience, guiding me in making better

decisions and avoiding unnecessary mistakes.

Those positive characteristics provide more advantages than disadvantages because

they contribute to the development of positive and harmonious social interactions,

personal growth, and community well-being.

The negative characteristic of a Filipino I possess are Filipino time. Sometimes I have

the habit for being late at preferred scheduled time because most of my reason is traffic

or heavy rain as an excuse of being late. And I know that being late before the time is

disrespectfully for me so that’s why I called it a negative characteristic.

I also have the Mañana Habit sometimes I have the energy to do my school task or job

then later on I always say that “mamaya nalang or bukas ko nalang gawin malayo pa

naman deadline”. It because I’m to lazy to do it and make excuse I will do it later or

other day what makes this habit a negative characteristic.

And Last, I have the “Bahala na Mentality” I always say this when I gambling something

and wait for the result that something positive happen or negative instead of making a

solution or paraan and I keep saying “Bahala na” if feeling hopeless

These characteristics are not entirely without benefit, but they require a balanced

approach and understanding of when and how to apply them.

My recommendation to young people to have the characteristic which are respecting the

elders and being a generous person.





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