P.E 11 Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name: _________________________________Grade & Section____________ Score:_________


1.What will happen if you are eating while watching your favorite TV show?
A. Poses threats to your health C. overweight
B. increases risk to diseases D. all of the above
2. How to cope up with emotional eating?
A. address the cause of stress
B. turn to food in response to emotions
C. . possess self-confidence
D. a and c
3. Why some people feel compelled to consume more calories than what is planned?

A. peer pressure C. sociable

B. social eating D. all of the above
4. All of the following best describes stress except one.
A. stress affects all
B. stress differ for each individual
C. stress is always helpful
D. . none of the above
5. How do you know if your classmate is suffering from mental stress?

A. low self-esteem
B. lack of focus
C. ache
D. a and b
6. Analyze the given statement if it is correct , incorrect or not related. The following are all
anaerobic activities: sprinting during running, swimming, cycling and playing tag.
A. . correct C. not related
B. incorrect D. all of the above
7. Why do we need to keep our body physically active?
A. . improve not all disposition
B. decrease release of endorphins
C. reduce the fight or flight response
D. all of the above
8. The goal of this self-testing activity is to raise one arm across back with bent elbow reaching
down fingers of the other hand.
A. zipper test C. 3- minute step test
B. hamstring test D. anthropometric measurements
9. The following are not examples of personal barriers except one.
A. insufficient time C. pollution
B. crime D. traffic
10. The training effect is lost if the training is discontinued. What kind of principle?
A. progression C. reversibility
B. specificity D. none of the above

11. Which among the three is considered light activity?

A. walking around C. 3 –minute jump jacks
B. . brisk walking D. all of the above
12. . How many ml of fluid should be taken every 15 minutes to offset fluid losses?
A. 120 to 130 ml C. 150 to 200 ml
B. 130 to 140 ml D. 150 to 250 ml
13. Application: You are exercising in hot environments and you suddenly suffers fast ,
shallow breathing and weak pulse what will you do if there is no other people surrounds you.
A. continue exercising
B. stop exercising and after 5 minutes proceed again
C. stop exercising and get out of the heat
D. none of the above
14 What will be the best way in posting emergency numbers?
A. post near the comfort room C. a and b
B. . post near the phones D. none of the above

15 Application: What are you going to do if there’s someone shouting for help in your
A. continue your chores C. bring first aid kit
B. get medical attention D. Survey the scene first
16. Analyze: Food is seen as comfort .
A. Aerobic C emotional eating
B. progression D. social eating
17. Analyze: Neurotransmitter hormones .
A sympathetic nervous system C. Exorphins
B. endorphins D. medulla oblangata
18. Analyze: Basketball
A. aerobic C. vigorous
B. anaerobic D. light activity
19. Analyze: Zipper test
A. test abdominal muscle strength C. anthropometric
B. Test shoulder flexibility D. all of the above
20. Analyze: Test abdominal muscles strength
A. curl up C a and b
B. push up D. . pull-up
21. Analyze: Crime .
A. personal barrier C. common issue
B. environmental barrier D. police man
22. Analyze: Doing more than normal
A. progression C overload
B specificity D. regression
23. Analyze: Walking around
A light activity C. vigorous activity
B. moderate activity D. no effort at all
24. Analyze: Cold environment
A. hypothermia C Heat exhaustion
B. Heat cramps D. hyperthermia
25. Analyze: Adhesive bandage
A. first aid kit C. . scissors
B. emergency number D betadine
26. Muscle cramps
A. heat cramps C heat exhaustion
B. heat stroke D. hyperthermia
27. noisy breathing
A. heat cramps C heat exhaustion
B. heat stroke D. hyperthermia
28. Fast breathing
A. heat cramps C heat exhaustion
B. heat stroke D. hyperthermia
29. Flushed skin
A. heat cramps C heat exhaustion
B. heat stroke D. hyperthermia

30. Cool skin

A. heat cramps C heat exhaustion
B. heat stroke D. hyperthermia
31. Scissors: triangular bandage; swab:_________________________
A betadine C. penlight
B. gloves D. tongue depressor
32. Gloves: tongue depressor; gauze:__________________________
A. tape C. forceps
B. penlight D. scissors

33. Scissors: triangular bandage; swab:_________________________

A betadine C. penlight
B. gloves D. tongue depressor
34. Forceps: wound dressings; triangular bandage:__________________
A. . pin C. forceps
B. penlight D scissors
35. Fracture: splint; neck fracture:________________________
A spine board C. blanket
B. wheelchair D. . poles
36. Police: crime ; fire officer:_________________________
A. fire safety C pollution
B. crime D. papers
37. Fire Officer: Rescue; Philippine Red Cross:_____________________
A. . fire safety C. crime
B. blood donation D. all of the above
38. Emergency personnel: nurses, teachers, doctors…………..
A. physicians C. wheelchair
B. Bystanders D. . clinic
39. Equipment: Spineboard ; Emergency communication:____________
A. . physicians C. two way radio
B. phones D. b and c
40. Venue information: entrance, exit, transportations………….
A. first aid kit C. . access routes
B. Physicians D. coaches

EVALUATION. Evaluate the following questions. Change the phrase that makes it wrong.
41. Social eating is eating alone just for the sake of being sociable.
A. emotional C. peer pressure
B. society D. no need to change it is correct
42. The physical symptoms of stress are lack of focus and nervousness.
A emotional C. mental
B. social D. no need to change it is correct
43. Curl up is to test the flexibility of shoulder.
A. pull up C. zipper test
B. push up D. no need to change it is correct
44. Dehydration is an alarming rise in body temperature.
A. hypothermia C. hyperthermia
B. heat exhaustion D. no need to change it is correct
45. First aid kit includes police department and ambulance.
A. personnel C. a and b
B. emergency contacts D. no need to change it is correct
46. Assemble your own first aid kit. The following are usual supplies found in a first aid kit
except one.
A. scissor C. adhesive bandage
B. . betadine D. spine board
47. Assemble your equipment needed in first aid except ONE.
A. spine board C. penlight
B. wheelchair D. Blanket
48. It is a set of supplies and equipment used to administer first aid.
A. emergency contacts C. . equipment
B. personnel D. first aid kit
49. How will you respond if you saw an injured classmate?
A. survey the scene C. perform first aid
B. dial 911 D. get your first aid kit
50. Why do we need to apply sun screen?
A. to prevent damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation
B. . to prevent heat disorders
C. to prevent melanin formation
D. all of the above
Prepared by:

SHS Teacher II

Checked and Reviewed by:

Head Teacher II


Assistant School Principal II



Public Schools District Supervisor

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