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Debate on Economic Policies & Reforms

Syllabus: Module-3

CO Mapped: CO1, CO4, and CO5

Assess the present economic policies and reforms in

CO1 Evaluate (5)
Examine the role of India’s foreign policy in the era of
CO4 Analyse (4)
Interpret the impact of Monetary and Fiscal policy of
CO5 Apply (3)
Indian economy.

S.I. Topics Groups

Monetary Policy Review

1 Group-1:
(held on 10th February 2022)

Review of Union Budget 2022-23

2 Group 2

3 Atmanirbhar Bharat Package-Impact Group 3

4 Group 4

5 GST Group 5

6 Taxation on Digital Assets Group 6

The stimulus package by the Indian Government

7 Group-7
during COVID times

An Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Direct

8 Group-8
Investment on the Indian Economy

9 Union Budget 2023-Agriculture sector Group-9

10 Review of New Education Policy Group-10

11 Make in India
Rubrics to be followed for CIA-2

Assignmen Particulars Assessment marks distribution Total

t no. Marks

Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor
(100%) (80%) (60%) (40%) (20%) (conv

2. Group Learner Learner Learner Learner Learner 20

Presentatio could could could could not could not
n on Present Present Present Present Present
Economic well, put well, put well, put well and well
Policies its points its points its points put its
based on based on points and not
a. the fact the fact But not able to
Presentation and and from the But not bring the
figures, figures, fact and from the points
updated but less figures, fact and from the
on knowledg and less figures, fact and
knowledg e of knowledg and less figures,
e of current e of knowledg no
current policy current e of knowledg
policy. policy current e of
policy current

Learner Learner Learner Learner Learner 50

was was good was fair in was poor could not
excellent in analyzing in analyze
in analyzing and analyzing and
analyzing and interpretin and interpretin
and interpretin g the interpretin g the
interpretin g the policy or g the policy or
g the policy or reforms. policy or reforms.
policy or reforms. reforms.
b. Group Well Well Fairly well Fairly well Neither 30
Report written, written, written, written, written
structured structured structured but not properly,
, and , but not , but not structured nor
conclude conclude conclude properly structured
d d well d well and not , and
conclude well
d well

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