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New Year

A) Look at people’s resolutions for the New Year and match them with the picture.
1. I will lose weight.
2. I will look for a new job.

3. I will always do my homework.

4. I won’t be late for school again.

5. We will help our mother.

6. I will read a book more often.

7. I won’t eat junk food.

8. I will help old people more often.

9. I will tidy my room.

10. I won’t rob people again.


B) Look at the bad habits. Write the resolutions for them.


1. I smoke a lot. It’s not good for my health. 1. _______________________________

2. I spend a lot of time on computer. 2. _______________________________
3. I don’t study much math and I get low 3. _______________________________
marks so my parents get angry.
4. _______________________________
4. I put on weight a lot.
5. _______________________________
5. I drink a lot of coffee during the day.
6. _______________________________
6. I want to learn Spanish.
7. _______________________________
7. I hate my job.
8. _______________________________
8. I want to see other countries.
9. _______________________________
9. I fight with my brother a lot.
10. 10. _______________________________
10. I don’t visit my family very often.

Section A

A) Look at people’s resolutions for the New Year and match them with the picture.

7 2

1 3

10 6 8

Section B

1. I will stop smoking.

2. I will spend less time on computer.

3. I will work hard to get high marks in math.

4. I will go on a diet.

5. I will reduce drinking coffee daily.

6. I will go to Spanish course.

7. I will look for a new job.

8. I will plan a trip to other countries.

9. I will stop fighting with my brother./ I will be nice to my brother.

10. I will visit my family more often.

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