TM Lipholo

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Name: Thato

Surname: Lipholo
Lecturer: Matthys Urys
Module Code: ENGV 111
Student Number: 43841643
Major Assignment 4

Despite being a democratic state for 29 years, South Africa remains deeply divided in terms
of socio-economic welfare and racial dynamics. In response to this, Harper Lee’s To Kill a
Mockingbird can be used to create effect in the Further Education and Training (FET) phase
classroom to promote discussions around the immorality of racial discrimination and the
importance of inclusivity and equality. The aforementioned points will be proven by firstly
discussing South Africa’s racial dynamics and ow the novel offers valuable talking points
especially when considering the treatment, the character, Tom Robinson is subjected to.
Thereafter a discussion will ensue about how the treatment of certain characters such as
Boo Radley, the Ewells, the Cunningham, and the Scout offers talking points for the lessons
on the importance of social and economic inclusion and equality.
South Africa has been facing challenges about racism for too long which caused racial
segregation and discrimination. It continues to grapple with these issues, the apartheid era
left wounds on many South Africans. A black man named Tom Robinson from the novel To
Kill a Mockingbird was falsely accused of raping a white woman in the area they lived in. He
was killed out of revenge in prison despite the evidence in his favour. It takes us back to
racism and prejudice that African Americans encountered the same way as South Africans.
Back then majority of the people were wrongly accused and faced punishments over
somethings they didn’t do. The law was very much biased and against black people. Justice
was not served in Tom Robinson’s story, however his named was never forgotten. He is a
reminder that no matter the difficulties there is light at the end of the tunnel. The racial
dynamics in South Africa is deeply rooted and complex. Tom Robinson’s story offers the
knowledge of how black South Africans who lived under apartheid was like and resilience,
although it is a tragic one.
Tom Robinson is an example of social and economic exclusion and inequality faced by black
people during apartheid. South African has been struggling with social and economic
exclusion and inequality for years. Racial inequality caused separation amongst
communities and economy to fall apart. Boo Radley the neighbour is also an example
because he was different and often misunderstood by the society. As Scout and Jem got to
know him, they realise that they had wrong impressions about who he really is.
Misunderstanding caused division in a way that they disassociated themselves from Boo and
never gave him a chance to get to know him better.
Social class is still occurring in South Africa where those with high income under estimate
low class, income inequality is rated high. They get better treatment more than others. The
novel portrays the struggles of poor white people as well as poor black people living
together. The highlights regarding the social and economic exclusions and inequality is the
consequences of exclusions and inequality offers help to readers to understand how poverty
and inequality affects people’s lives. The treatment Tom and Boo got teaches us about the
importance of social and economic inclusion and equality. Lying played a big role in the
novel which affected not only Tom Robinson but the community. It depends who is lying
because of social status. White woman’s story was believed over Tom’s and because also
she is a woman.
To Kill a Mockingbird addresses themes of social injustice, racism, inequality and prejudice
but the key theme is the importance of empathy and understanding. The novel is promoting
empathy and understanding to ease the pain caused by apartheid. This theme is relevant in
South Africa where racism issues is still continuing. It also promotes the idea of equality on
how we should treat each other fairly and create inclusive society. The story is told from a
child’s point of view which is a positive thing because a child’s mentality is neutral.
‘Mockingbirds don’t do one thing to but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up

people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out to
us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird’, the title comes from this quote which simply
means innocent people must be treated fairly with respect implying that Tom is a
mockingbird in the story. We get to see the coexistence of the good and the bad.

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