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Long Examination
SCHOOL YEAR 2023 - 2024
Name: Subject: Date: Score

Empowerment Technologies
Grade 11
Teacher: Parent’s Signature:

T. Emman P. Gacuma

I Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B. Write only the letter of your answer
on the space provided before each number.
Column A
Column B
______1. The Supreme Student Government A. Folksonomy
of KNCHS organized a successful unity run for a B. Rich User Experience
C. User Participation
cost called KapatiRUN. Everyone especially the D. Mass Participation
E. Software as a Service
official page of KapatiRUN had included #KapatiRUN2020 F. Technological
on their social media posts. They categorize
G. Assistive Media
the information on their page by the use of tags. H. Social Networks
I. Bookmarking sites
______2. Celine used her smartphone J. Media Sharing
K. Microblogging
instead of using her laptop in doing
L. Blogs and Forums
her research.
______3. Angelo created a website intended
to help people with visual and reading impairments.
______4. Albert is fond of pinning things he
finds on the web using Pinterest.
______5. Ana likes to post short updates on
her Twitter account.
______6. Lucy uploads her pictures in Instagram to update her followers of her daily activities.
______7. Alice uses Facebook to connect with her friends.
______8. Most Internet users subscribe to Netflix for new movies.
______9. Justine posted an article on his blog and his followers commented on his post.
______10. Aside from news article websites, journalists post their news item on
platforms like Reddit.

II Identification. Write SO if the social media website is a social network, BS for bookmarking site, SN
for social news, MS for media sharing, MI for microblogging, and BF for blogs and forums.
11. Facebook
12. Blogger
13. Twitter
14. Reddit
15. WordPress
16. Google+
17. Instagram
18. Pinterest
19. YouTube

III True or False. Write T if the statement is correct, otherwise write F.

___ 21. Web pages that are the same regardless of the user are referred to static.
___ 22. Blogging sites are sites that focus on short updates.
___ 23. Android is a mobile operating system for Apple devices.
___ 24. Folksonomy deals with information tagging.
___ 25. ICT deals with the use of different technologies to work on a similar goal or task.

IV Identification: Identify the Internet threat described in each number.

__________________ 26. Jonathan is having a problem because his files were corrupted. He discovered that
most of his folders were replicated.

__________________ 27. Ken was asked to pay a certain amount of money for him to retrieve his files. Ken
might be a victim of ______.

__________________ 28. Mari found a good application and she installed it on her computer. But after the
installation some of her files were deleted.

__________________ 29. Jack is receiving several irrelevant messages every day and his e-mail account has
become almost unusable.
__________________ 30. The network servers of KNCHS stopped to respond and it was found out that much
of the systems' memory was consumed by the malicious software. What kind of malware is this?

__________________ 31. Jewel is using a technique that tries to take information from the user. She
commonly takes things like credit cards, usernames, passwords, and home addresses using a fake website.
What type of threat is depicted in the scenario?

__________________ 32. This program can record all you enter on your keyboard.

__________________ 33. Eli received an unwanted email that contains advertisements. What type of internet
threat is depicted in the scenario?

__________________ 34. A kind of internet threat where the attacker uses a fake website to get your sensitive

__________________ 35. A program that runs in the background without you knowing it. It has the ability to
monitor what you are currently doing.

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