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DATE: 14-09-2022
1 What is the stanza that has only 2 lines called? couplet
Name the pioneering novel which was typed on a
2 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
What is a sound formed by combining two vowels in
3 A Diphthong
a single syllable?
4 Who is the author of the play ’The Alchemist’? Ben Jonson

5 What is the name of Shakespeare’s last play? The Tempest

A table with a value of about Rs. 750 was sold at 4%
6 Rs. 720
loss. What was its sale price?
How many multiples of 13 are between 100 and 16
8 What is the percentage of 0.01 and 0.1? 10%
What is next in the following number series:
9 400
256,289,324,361____ ?
An object is thrown into the air. It falls back to earth
10 A Parabola
.The flight path traces which shape?
11 Cytology is the study of what? Cells
Which metal is used to galvanize iron to protect it
12 Zinc
from rusting?
The scientists released world’s smallest stop motion
13 IBN
film called ‘A Boy and His Atom’ by which medium?
Which country launched first ever deep UV laser
14 China
NASA recently marked 10th anniversary of which
15 Columbia
space shuttle’s disaster?
16 When was the Battle of Buxar fought in India? 1764

17 Chebika Oasis is located in which country? Tunisia

Which metal can be melted in the palm of your
18 Gallium
19 Taphephobia is the fear of what? Fear of being buried alive
Which country conducted the first census in the
20 Denmark

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