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B2 Millennials and Their Financial Situation LC020

Listen to a recording about how the financial situation of millennials has changed. While
listening, choose the correct answer (A,B,C or D) and write it into the space in the answer

Millennials and Their Financial Situation

1. Even though Ana Hernandez Kent is referred to as a young millennial

A. she has a lot of older friends.
B. she hates people who wear skinny jeans
C. she doesn't like new trends.
D. she loves the fashion of the 90s.
2. Ana has recently been studying
A. how the wealth of millennials has changed.
B. the financial status of American families.
C. how wealthy former generations were.
D. how Black families are doing financially.
3. The millennials who didn't graduate from college
A. had better employment opportunities.
B. became wealthier because they entered the job market earlier.
C. couldn't pay back their debt.
D. found it difficult to get a good job.
4. Between 2016 and 2019
A. millennials were financially better off than earlier generations.
B. Black millennials caught up with Whites.
C. the income of the typical millennial family rose by 11%.
D. the wealth of the average millennial family almost doubled.
5. White millennials are better off than their Black counterparts because
A. they don't have as much debt to pay back.
B. their families are likely to provide them with financial support
C. they do not own as many homes as blacks do.
D. two thirds own stocks.

6. Even though Blacks have made progress in their lives

A. they don't seem to be wealthier.
B. they have only 52% of the wealth that earlier generations had.
C. the pandemic has made them poorer.
D. half of them aren't better off than before.

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