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Reading and Writing

Part 1
10 questions

Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.
There is one example.

an entrance an astronaut a university

This is a person who looks after your teeth. butter

Make sure you visit them every six months. a dentist
1 This is made of milk. It’s usually yellow and
you need a knife to put it on your bread.
2 These are rooms where people write on
computers, talk on telephones and have
business meetings. offices
3 Use this to eat soup or to add sugar to a
a waiter hot drink.
4 You must walk through this to get inside a
building like a theatre or museum.
5 This person carries food on plates
to people who have come to eat in a snacks
6 Some people like eating this in
sandwiches. It’s made by bees and it’s very
pop star
7 People work in these places and might use
machines to make things like cars.
8 Only a few people can do this job and
they might travel to the moon or to
another planet.
9 Older students study here after they finish
school and before they get their first job.

a spoon 10 People have these when they haven’t got salt

enough time to sit and eat a large meal.

a firefighter factories
a dentist

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2016 Practice test

Reading and Writing
Part 2
5 questions

Bill is talking to his doctor. What does Bill say?

Read the conversation and choose the best answer. Write a letter (A–H) for each
answer. You do not need to use all the letters. There is one example.

Doctor: Good morning. I’m sorry you had to wait, Bill.

Bill: D
1 Doctor: So, how can I help? What’s the matter with you today?


2 Doctor: Right! How long have you had this problem?


3 Doctor: Did you do any sport on the day that the problem started?


4 Doctor: Show me where it hurts the most.


5 Doctor: Well, keep warm and don’t do any more sport until next week!


Doctor: And if it’s not OK by next Wednesday, come back and see me again.

A I won’t play in the football match, tomorrow then!

B It’s my back. It’s really sore.

C Right in the middle, but it’s not as bad as it was.

D That’s all right, Doctor White. I was reading one of your magazines. Example

E Not with any of my classmates, actually.

F Since our morning break at school on Wednesday.

G But I’m getting much better at playing chess.

H No, but I played basketball with my friends the evening before.

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Reading and Writing
Part 3
6 questions

Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to
numbers 1–5. There is one example.

fetch arrived shower surprise terrible photographer
spend borrowed cereal excited

Yesterday, my mother came into my bedroom and said, ‘Wake up Robert. We’ve got to go
to the post office.’ ‘Why?’ I asked. ‘To post a letter?’

‘No,’ Mum answered. ‘We need to go and fetch something.

Uncle Richard has sent you a present.’

My uncle is a (1) and travels all around the world. He has

lots of adventures! I love seeing his pictures and hearing about the people and places
he’s visited, so I felt really (2) .

I got dressed and ran into the kitchen to have my bowl of

(3) . Mum was pleased that I got ready so quickly. We left
the house , cycled into town, and soon (4) at the post office
where there was a box with my name on it. I opened it and inside was an amazing new

What a fantastic (5) !’ I said. ‘I can take much better pictures

with this than I can with my phone. Brilliant!’

(6) What’s the best name for this story? Tick one box.
My uncle comes to visit us

My uncle’s pictures

A present from my uncle

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Reading and Writing
Part 4
10 questions

Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.


Example People have used flags for over 4,000 years. has have having

The first flags were not like the flags we know today because
1 they were made metal or wood. 1 to for of

2 country has a different flag and flies it on 2 Both Several Each

important days.

3 Some flags are only one colour , on most 3 but because so

flags, you see two, three or more colours. Some have stars,
crosses or stripes on them, too.

You often see flags on famous buildings or at popular sports

4 meetings. There’s a flag above the building 4 where which whose
the Queen lives in London.

5 When she’s home, the flag is up. 5 at in by

6 When she’s there, someone takes it down. 6 no no-one not

In car races, sometimes someone waves a flag to show the

7 racing car drivers they need to drive slowly. 7 more many much

8 And the driver finishes the race first will see 8 which whose who
the winner’s black and white flag.

9 People often take flags with to football 9 you us them


10 Each time a player a goal, some people will 10 scoring scores score
shout ‘Hurray’ and wave their flags above their heads!

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Reading and Writing
Part 5
7 questions

Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to complete
the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.
An exciting trip

Last September, George and his family went by taxi to the airport. They had tickets
to fly to another city to visit George’s aunt at her new flat. While they waited for
their plane, George’s parents had a cup of coffee, and his sister, Holly, went to buy a
magazine about pop stars to read on the journey. George just wanted to sit and watch
all the planes fly up and disappear into the clouds.
Soon, their plane was ready and after everyone found their seats, the man who
looked after the passengers came to speak to George and Holly. ‘My name’s Tom,’ he
said. ‘Here are some fun puzzles and quizzes for you to do.’ George was much more
interested in the video about travelling by air!
After a few minutes, Tom came back and said, ‘Your father told me you want to be
a pilot one day. Would you like to meet our two pilots before we leave?’ ‘Cool! Yes,
please!’ George answered, and followed Tom to the front of the plane.
The pilots let George see the different screens and maps and answered all his
questions. Then George had to go back to his seat. He loved his adventure so much
and now, he can’t wait to learn everything he can about being a pilot.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2016 Practice test

Reading and Writing
Part 5
7 questions

George’s family went to the airport last September .

They travelled to the airport in a taxi.

1 George’s family were going to fly to the city where lived.

2 Holly wanted to read about on the journey so she bought a


3 George just sat and watched that were going up into the sky.

4 After they found their seats, a man called Tom gave George and Holly some
to look at.

5 Tom took George to speak to .

6 George had to go back to his seat after asking lots of questions and looking at all the

7 George enjoyed a lot and wants to learn as much as he can

about being a pilot.

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Reading and Writing
Part 6
5 questions

Read the diary and write the missing words. Write one word on each line.

Example I visited my grandpa today. He’s great!

1 Grandpa can’t hear very well. Every time I see him I have
speak more loudly!

This afternoon, he told me about when he worked on a farm and learned

2 to a tractor around the fields. The farm had more
3 50 fields!

4 He has me lots of other stories about looking after all

the different kinds of animals and the work on the farm in spring, summer,
autumn and winter. His stories are always amazing and I love spending
5 time him.

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Reading and Writing
Part 7
Look at the three pictures. Write about this story. Write 20 or more words.

Practice test PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2016

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