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• Adaptive Linear Neuron
• A network with single linear unit(unit with linear
activation function)
ADALINE • Based on supervised learning
• ADALINE is a single layer neural network
• Uses bipolar(1,-1) activation function for its input signal
and target output
• Learning rate is between 0.1 to 1
• Bias and weight initial random values are not taken as 0
• Adaline Uses delta rule to update the weight between
the connection
• Has only one output unit
• To minimize the mean squared error between the
activation and target value
Delta Rule for changing weights

Change in ith
weight Input
Learning Rate Net input to Vector(Bipolar(1,
Target Output
output unit -1)
Adaline Model
Training Algorithm for ADALINE
Testing Algorithm for ADALINE
Flow Chart for ADALINE
Implement OR function with bipolar input and target
using Adaline network
Example 2:
MADALINE • Consist of many ADALINE in parallel with a single output
unit whose value is based on certain selection rule.
• Weight connected from Adaline layer to the Madaline
layer are fixed, positive and possess equal value.
• Weight between the input layer and Adaline layer are
adjusted during the training process
• Adaline and Madaline have bias of excitation “1”
connected to them
• These models can be applied in communication system
of adaptive equalizers and adaptive noise cancellation
and other cancellation circuits

• n unit of input layer

• m unit of Adaline Layer
• 1 unit of Madaline Layer
• Each unit in Adaline and
Madaline has bias excitation 1
Training Algorithm

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