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Level 6 Answer Key and Audioscript

Placement Test 2. 1. have, studied; 2. went; 3. talked;

1. 1. How about joining the school orchestra? 4. has, sent; 5. have, been
2. How about trying out for the athletics team? 3. 1. have, 2. done, 3. Have, 4. done, 5. have,
3. How about writing for the class newspaper? 6. completed, 7. hasn’t given, 8. has,
4. How about doing tae kwon do? 9. assigned, 10. was
2. 1. is, 2. got, 3. moved, 4. found, 5. bought 4. 1. Have, taken, I’ve/have taken a placement
3. 1. telling the time, tell the time; 2. cook, test; 2. Have, handed, I’ve/have never handed
cooking; 3. listen to music, listening to music in an essay late; 3. Have, written, I’ve/have
already written my book review; 4. Has,
4. Accept slight variations: 1. more popular than
spoken, he’s/has already spoken to his tutor;
the ice cream at Dreamy Freeze; the most
5. Has, done, she hasn’t/has not done her Maths
popular of all; 2. more expensive cars than
homework yet
Edgar’s Engines; the most expensive cars of all;
3. more interesting books than Barney’s 5. 1. Have you handed in your History homework
Bookshop; the most interesting books of all yet?, 2. Has she finished her painting yet?,
3. Has he done his book review yet?, 4. Have
6. 1. She’s/is going to make biscuits for the cake
they ever done a group project?, 5. Have you
sale. 2. They’re/are going to make posters for
ever gone on a school trip?
the school play. 3. We’re/are going to wash cars
for the school trip. Unit 2 Practice Test
7. 1. Coffee is exported from Colombia. 1. 1. Emma, 2. Carlos, 3. Sean
2. Diamonds are mined in Africa. 2. 1. F, 2. T, 3. T, 4. F, 5. T, 6. T
3. T-shirts are made in Guatemala. 3. 1. have been, for; 2. has played, for;
4. Corn is grown in Mexico. 3. has had, since; 4. has lived, since;
5. Cattle are raised in Argentina. 5. have studied, for
8. 1. Music World, 2. No, 3. Yes 4. 1. How long have you practised the piano today?
Last month, Music World got a popular 2. How long has he taught the violin?
new mp3 player. Last week, Music Beat got 3. How long have they performed as a band?
a new mp3 player that was more popular 4. How long has she played chess?
than the earlier one. Yesterday, Music City
5. 1. He’s been studying Chinese for seven years.
got the most popular new mp3 player!
OR He’s been studying Chinese since he was six.
9. 1. They’d/would rather see a film 2. She’s/has been painting since she was four years
2. I’d/would rather eat Indian food old. OR She’s/has been painting for nine years.
3. Would she rather play chess or (play) video 3. They’ve/have been playing chess for eight
games years. OR They’ve/have been playing chess since
4. Would he rather watch tennis or play tennis they were five years old.
Unit 1 Practice Test Unit 2 Unit Test
1. 1. been more careful, 2. paid attention to 1. 1. ’s been playing, 2. ’ve won, 3. ’s been
the time, 3. done it again climbing
2. 1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. a 5. b 4
1. Arun wants to become a famous pianist
3. 1. No, she hasn’t/has not written it yet. one day. He’s been playing the piano
2. No, he hasn’t/has not started it yet. since he was six years old. He’s already
3. Yes, she’s/has already handed it in. won two music awards at school! I know
4. Yes, she’s/has already revised for it. Arun is going to achieve his dream!
2. Anya wants to become a professional
Unit 1 Unit Test
football player one day. She’s the captain
1. a. 3, b. 1, c. 2 of the football team. They have won
1. Juan should have been more careful. two tournaments since she became the
2. Juan should have done it again. captain!
3. Juan should have done it earlier.
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Level 6 Answer Key and Audioscript
3. Kyle is very athletic. He loves running 4. 1. tell, 2. ’ll/will get, 3. find out,
and climbing. He’s been climbing 4. will not/won’t know, 5. lie, 6. ’ll/will feel,
mountains with his dad since he was 12 7. catch, 8. ’ll/will be, 9. tell,
years old. One day, he wants to climb 10. ’ll/will forgive; a
Mount Everest!
Units 1–3 Review Test
2. 1. d, 2. a, 3. e, 4. f, 5. b, 6. c
1. a. 2, b. 1, c. 3
3. 1. ’ve/have known, since; 2. ’s/has been, for; 6
1. Claire should have done it again.
3. ’s/has studied, for; 4. ’ve/have worked, since 2. Claire should have been more careful.
4. 1. How long have you been playing the guitar? 3. Claire should have done it earlier.
I’ve been playing the guitar for five years. 2. Accept reasonable variations:
2. How long has she been saving money for 1. I’ve already been on a school trip/I haven’t
university? She’s been saving money since she been on a school trip yet
was 10.   2. he’s already handed in his book review/he
3. How long have they been travelling in hasn’t handed in his book review yet.
Europe? They’ve been travelling in Europe since   3. I’ve already done a big Art project with a
September. group of classmates/I haven’t done a big Art
4. How long have you been running your own project with a group of classmates yet
company? I’ve been running my own company
3. 1. Have you read your Science book yet?
for six years.
  2. Has she finished her homework yet?
Unit 3 Practice Test   3. Has he written his book review yet?
1. 1. b, 2. d, 3. a, 4. c   4. Have they ever done a group project?
2. 1. tells, ’ll/will feel; 2. cheats, ’ll/will get; 4. 1. Has Ariel spoken to her mum about going on
3. apologise, ’ll/will be; 4. ’ll feel/will feel, lie the school trip yet?, 2. Have you ever handed in
3. 1. cheated, 2. feel guilty, 3. feel good, an essay before it was due?, 3. Has your family
4. tell, 5. the truth, 6. get into trouble, ever hosted an exchange student before?, 4. Has
7. be upset with Luis done his book review yet?, 5. Has she done
her homework again?
4. 1. catches, 2. ’ll/will be, 3. ’ll/will be, 4. are,
5. ’ll/will help, 6. don’t/do not help, 5. 1. No, he hasn’t/has not finished it yet.
7. ’ll/will fail, 8. ’ll/will feel, 9. fails   2. Yes, she’s/has already finished it.
  3. No, they haven’t/have not revised for it yet.
Unit 3 Unit Test   4. Yes, he’s/has already revised for it.
1. 1. a, 2. b, 3. a   5. No, she hasn’t/has not started it yet.
1. You accidentally tear an expensive shirt 7. 1. ’ve/have danced, since; 2. ’s/has studied,
in the changing room. for; 3. ’ve/have competed, since; 4. ’s/has
2. Your sister lied to your parents. played, for; 5. ’s/has taken, since
3. Your mum’s doing the dishes after 8. 1. They’ve/have been dancing together since
dinner. they met!, 2. He’s/has been studying Chinese
2. 1. win, ’ll/will get; 2. tell, ’ll/will feel; for three years., 3. I’ve/have been competing in
3. sees, ’ll/will tell; 4. ’ll/will lend, promise football since I was in Year 1., 4. She’s/has been
3. Good Advice: 1. Pick it up and give it back to playing chess for seven years., 5. He’s/has
him., 2. Ask her to let you tell your parents been taking piano lessons since he was four
yourself – and then tell them., 3. Admit what years old!
you did and pay to have the shirt cleaned., 9. 1. ’s/has been reading, 2. ’s/has been taking,
Bad Advice: 1. Quickly slip it into your pocket., 3. ’s/has been playing, 4. ’s/has been singing
2. Offer her £5 not to tell your parents., 3. Throw 10. 1. ’s/has been, 2. ’s/has studied,
away the shirt and pretend you never saw it. 3. ’ve/have worked, 4. ’ve/have known

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Level 6 Answer Key and Audioscript
12. 1. return, guilty; 2. the truth, good; 3. cheat, Unit 5 Practice Test
into trouble; 4. the truth, be upset with 1. 1. read people’s minds, 2. superhuman
13. 1. d, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c strength, 3. travel through time, 4. fly
14. 1. confesses, ’ll/will feel; 2. lies, ’ll/will get;
1. I would love to be able to read my
3. cheats, will not/won’t be; 4. ’ll/will feel, tell brother’s mind. Then, I’d always know
if he was telling me the truth or lying
Unit 4 Practice Test to me!
1. 1. ’ll/will be living, 2. ’ll/will be running, 2. I think it would be cool to be able to pick
3. ’ll/will be bringing up, 4. ’ll/will be working, up really, really heavy things, like a car! I
5. ’ll/will be earning, 6. ’ll/will be going bet it would come in handy, especially if
2. 1. ’ll/will be studying, 2. won’t be travelling, someone needed help!
3. will be making, 4. ’ll/will be enjoying, 3. I’m really interested in world history. I
5. will be dreaming, 6. won’t be working wish I could go back in time a hundred
3. 1. I’ll definitely be revising for my History years and see how people lived back
test., 2. He’ll/will probably be taking me to then!
the new shopping centre., 3. What will you be 4. I wish I could fly around the world. I’ve
working on this weekend?, 4. Where will Mum always wanted to visit different countries!
and Dad be going on Saturday? 2. 1. were, would; 2. could, could; 3. could have,
4. Accept slight variations: 1. Yes, I’ll definitely/ would; 4. didn’t have to study, could go
probably be living in another country in 3. 1. travel through time, 2. superhuman strength,
20 years. No, I definitely/probably won’t be 3. run at lightning speed, 4. read people’s minds
living in another country in 20 years., 2. Yes, I’ll 4. 1. could have, 2. were, 3. had, 4. could travel,
definitely/probably be going on adventurous 5. didn’t/did not have
holidays in 20 years. No, I definitely/probably
won’t be going on adventurous holidays in Unit 5 Unit Test
20 years., 3. Yes, I definitely/probably will be 1. Super Power Choice
famous in 20 years. No, I definitely/probably Nick: become invisible, Claudia: read people’s
won’t be famous in 20 years. minds, Ramon: travel through time
Reason for Choice
Unit 4 Unit Test Nick: wouldn’t lose privacy, Claudia: understand
1. 1. ’ll/will be living, 2. ’ll/will be bringing up, people, Ramon: learn about earlier cultures
3. ’ll/will be earning, 4. ’ll/will be working, 9
I interviewed three classmates about
5. ’ll/will be going which super power they would choose
 Future Self. It’s 2014. I’m in Year 7. In if they could have only one. Nick said
20 years, I’ll be living in another country he would become invisible. That way he
and I’ll be bringing up a family. I know could do good deeds but wouldn’t lose
I’ll be successful and that I’ll be earning a his privacy. Claudia said she’d like to
good salary. I’ll be working very hard in 20 read people’s minds. She wouldn’t want
years, just like I am now! But I’ll be going to be a superhero (too much pressure!),
on adventurous holidays with my family, but she would like to know what makes
too! people tick. She would like to understand
2. 1. ’ll/will be earning, 2. ’ll/will be living, people. Ramon, a new student at our
3. ’ll/will be living, 4. ’ll/will be bringing up, school, answered my questions by saying,
5. ’ll/will be working “Greetings, Friend. I come to you from
3. 1. I’ll/will definitely be doing my Maths the year 2523. I would like to learn about
homework., 2. She’ll/will probably be taking earlier cultures.” He was smiling, so I knew
me to the theatre., 3. What will you be doing he was joking. Or was he?
next weekend?, 4. Where will your sister and 2. 1. c, 2. a, 3. d, 4. b
brother be going on Friday? 3. 1. were, 2. could live, 3. could run,
4. could make
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Level 6 Answer Key and Audioscript
4. 1. have superhuman strength, 2. be invisible,
3. read people’s minds, 4. travel through time
 athy said, “I would like to travel through
time because I’d really like to know what
Unit 6 Practice Test the world will be like 100 years from now.”
1. 1. d, 2. f, 3. a, 4. b, 5. h, 6. e, 7. c, 8. g Viva said, “I would like to read people’s
2. 1. Literature, 2. Social Science, 3. Maths, minds. If I could read minds, I would
4. Science, 5. P.E., 6. English, 7. Art, 8. Music know what people were thinking and if
they were planning something bad, I could
3. 1. fewer, 2. more, 3. less, 4. more
stop them.”
4. Answers may vary slightly: 1. Claire has the most Owen said, “I’d like to fly. If I could fly,
books., 2. Ethan has the fewest coins., 3. I have I could go anywhere in the world to help
the most homework for my Literature lesson., people.”
4. Jessie has spent the least time on his project.
8. 1. d, 2. a, 3. c, 4. b
Unit 6 Unit Test 9. 1. were, would; 2. could live, would; 3. didn’t
1. 1. Literature, 2. Biology, 3. Social Science, have to, could go; 4. could have, would
4. Art, 5. English 10. 1. were, 2. could learn, 3. could disappear,
1. We read about different legends in class 4. could make, 5. were
today. 11. 1. read people’s minds, 2. fly, 3. run at
2. We’ve just finished a unit on plants. lightning speed, 4. travel through time,
3. My book review is about different 5. superhuman strength
democracies around the world. 14. 1. English, 2. Art, 3. Biology, 4. PE
4. We’re painting murals tomorrow!
15. 1. d, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c
5. I did really well in my vocabulary test
yesterday! 16. 1. less, 2. the most, 3. more, 4. the fewest,
5. fewer
2. 1. d, 2. a, 3. f, 4. b, 5. c, 6. e
17. 1. fewer, 2. more, 3. less, 4. most
3. 1. less, 2. more, 3. the most, 4. the least,
18. 1. T, 2. F, 3. T, 4. F
5. fewer, 6. the fewest
4. 1. F, 2. F, 3. T, 4. T Unit 7 Practice Test
1. 1. d, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c
Units 4–6 Review Test
2. 1. can they, 2. haven’t you, 3. weren’t they,
1. 1. bringing up, 2. going on, 3. living, 4. could they, 5. isn’t it
4. working, 5. running
3. 1. aren’t they, 2. do they, 3. don’t they,
2. 1. They’ll/will probably be going to the cinema., 4. do they, 5. can they
2. I’ll/will definitely be working at the new 4. 1. cross out ‘didn’t you’ and write ‘did you’;
computer shop., 3. I’ll/will definitely be doing 4. cross out ‘can’t they’ and write ‘can they’;
homework after dinner tonight., 4. What will 5. cross out ‘are they’ and write ‘aren’t they’
you be revising this weekend?, 5. Where will
your brother be living next year?, 6. Where will Unit 7 Unit Test
you be going on holiday next summer? 1. a. 3, b. 1, c. 2
3. 1. will be running, 2. will be bringing up, 12
1. Scientists haven’t got any scientific
3. will be earning, 4. will be running, explanations for these perfect
5. will be travelling geometrical patterns.
4. bring up a family, be famous, earn a good salary, 2. A scientific explanation does not take
run a business; Sentences will vary. away the beauty of this display.
3. I think that someday we’ll learn the
7. Cathy’s choice: to travel through time, Reason:
reasons for the disappearing ships and
curiosity about the future; Viva’s choice: to read
planes in this region.
people’s minds, Reason: to stop bad things from
happening; Owen’s choice: to fly, Reason: to go 2. 1. Sailing Stones, 2. Bermuda Triangle,
quickly where help is needed 3. aurora borealis, 4. Great Pyramids,
5. Atlantis, 6. Nazca Lines
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Level 6 Answer Key and Audioscript
3. 1. haven’t you, 2. isn’t it, 3. don’t they, millions of people., 2. Artefacts from King
4. does it, 5. have you, 6. isn’t it Tutankhamen’s tomb are kept in the Cairo
4. 1. don’t you/haven’t you, 2. can they, Museum., 3. The Great Wall of China was
3. is there, 4. do they, 5. aren’t they built by thousands of workers., 4. The Statue
of Liberty is visited by millions of tourists
Unit 8 Practice Test each year.
1. 1. a (St Basil’s Cathedral), 2. b (Big Ben), 5. 1. Shah Jahan created the Taj Mahal in memory
3. a (Machu Picchu) of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in
1. Although the outside of this building 1631., 2. The young King Tutankhamen was
looks lively and fun, it’s a house of buried with thousands of valuable artefacts
worship. that are now kept in the Cairo Museum., 3.
2. This famous bell was built in 1859. Some modern churches and temples have got
3. This is a city located high up in the beautiful coloured glass windows that were
Andes Mountains. designed by famous artists such as Chagall., 4.
2. 1. site, monument; 2. tomb, pyramid; Stonehenge is a monument in England consisting
3. Tower, landmark of huge stones that date back to prehistoric times.
3. 1. A pyramid under Mexico City was Unit 9 Practice Test
accidentally discovered by construction 1. 1. book signing, 2. concert, 3. premiere,
workers., 2. The Galapagos Islands are often 4. comic book exhibition
visited by scientists for research., 3. The
palace is studied by historians from various 2. 1. Patricia said (that) she was going to meet
countries., 4. The first performance at the me in front of the school at three o’clock on
Sydney Opera House was attended by Queen Friday., 2. Joe said (that) his parents were
Elizabeth., 5. Easter Island was discovered by feeling better., 3. Robert said (that) he was
Dutch explorers on Easter day in 1722. going to be late., 4. Becky said (that) she was
looking forward to reading his new book.
4. 1. d, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c
3. Answers may vary slightly: 1. He said it was
5. 1. In 2012, the tower housing Big Ben was terrific., 2. He said it was amazing. He said it
renamed after Queen Elizabeth who was was the best scene in the film., 3. The alien told
honoured for her 60 years as Queen., 2. The Tyler they were only on Earth because there
Great Sphinx of Giza is a monument that has was no more food on their planet and they were
remained a mystery to this day., 3. The Temple hungry.
of Borobudur is a Buddhist temple that is
located in Indonesia. Unit 9 Unit Test
Unit 8 Unit Test 1. 1. premiere, 2. festival, 3. book signing,
4. concert
1. a. 2, b. 3, c. 1
2. 1. (that) she was going to the Folk Music
1. Big Ben was built in 1859. This famous
Festival at Greenwood Park, 2. (that) he had to
landmark is located in London in
write a report about the comic book exhibition
for his school paper, 3. (that) he collected
2. This famous New York City landmark
comic books from different countries, 4. (that)
attracts tourists from all around the
he was going to finish at about five o’clock and
world. It was built in 1886.
that he could meet her at the festival a little later
3. This beautiful palace is located in Agra
in India. It was built between 1632 and 3. 1. He said (that) he was going to bed as soon as
1648. he got off the phone., 2. His sister said (that) he
was upset that he couldn’t go to the concert., 3.
2. 1. Great Sphinx of Giza, 2. statue, 3. Temple of
She said (that) she thought she was getting a
Borobudur, 4. Indonesia
3. 1. A, 2. P, 3. A, 4. P, 5. P, 6. A
4. 1. cross out ‘is’ and write ‘was’, 2. tick
4. 1. The fireworks display was watched by (correct), 3. cross out ‘say’ and write ‘said’
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Level 6 Answer Key and Audioscript
Units 7–9 Review Test Final Exam
1. 1. Great Pyramids, d; 2. Bermuda Triangle, c; 1. a. has been, b. has been studying, c. has been
3. Northern Lights, b; 4. Sailing Stones, a competing, d. won
2. 1. explanation, 2. theory, 3. proof, 2. 1. I’ve/have never spoken to the head teacher
4. phenomenon 5. unsolved at my school., 2. my school has never hosted
3. 1. can you, 2. isn’t she, 3. is there, 4. did it, exchange students., 3. Have you ever handed
5. aren’t they in an essay before it was due?, 4. Have you ever
4. 1. d, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c written a book review?
7. a. 3, b. 1, c. 2 3. 1. have been, since; 2. ’s/has played, for;
3. ’s/has studied, for; 4. ’ve/have worked, since
1. This famous bell recently had its name
changed to honour the country’s current 4. 1. finds, 2. lies, 3. ’ll/will feel, 4. ’ll/will get,
queen. 5. confesses, 6. borrows
2. This beautiful building is a popular 7. 1. could have, would; 2. could, could;
tourist attraction in India. 3. didn’t have, could go; 4. were, would
3. This statue was a gift from one 8. 1. could live, 2. could run, 3. could make
democracy to another.
9. 1. English, 2. Biology, 3. Literature, 4. Art,
8. 1. Portraits of wealthy people are often painted 5. Maths
by artists., 2. The opening of the Sydney Opera 16
1. I didn’t finish my grammar homework
House was attended by Queen Elizabeth.,
last night.
3. The solution to the mystery of the Bermuda
2. My report is about different kinds of
Triangle isn’t known., 4. Mausoleums were
built by people all over the world., 5. The Taj
3. We learnt about different myths in last
Mahal is visited by millions of people each
week’s lesson.
year., 6. The huge stones at Stonehenge were
4. Our teacher asked us to talk about our
moved by someone.
favourite artists.
9. 1. The Statue of Liberty was designed by 5. We’re going to learn about prime
Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, who also designed the numbers today.
Eiffel Tower in Paris., 2. The first European to
10. 1. isn’t it, 2. can they, 3. is there, 4. do they;
have come across this huge African waterfall was
David Livingstone, who named the falls ‘Victoria’ 11. 1. The pyramid at Chichen Itza was built by the
after his queen., 3. Tourists go to Easter Island Maya., 2. The Taj Mahal is visited by millions
to see giant rocks that are actually statues – with of people every year., 3. The Statue of Liberty
eyes!, 4. The Great Sphinx of Giza is an ancient was given to the United States by France as a
monument that dates back to 2,500 BC. gift.
11. Answers may vary slightly: 1. She said it was 12. 1. Westminster Tower was renamed in 2012 for
her new favourite book. She said it was Queen Elizabeth, who was honoured in this way
fantastic., 2. She said that people in the for her 60 years of service as Queen of England.,
neighbourhood thought the house was 2. Many people travel to Peru to see the city
haunted., 3. She said you had/have to read of Machu Picchu that was carved out of the
the book., 4. She said she thought the idea of mountainside., 3. The Statue of Liberty was
making a film of a book was really cool. designed by Gustave Eiffel, who also designed
12. 1. Mum said she wanted me to help her a little the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
more around the house., 2. Our teacher said 13. 1. James said he was going to see the new Ryan
that we could earn extra points by writing a Reynolds film on Friday., 2. Laya said she
short essay every week., 3. Dad said that if we thought Ryan Reynolds was the best actor in
both did our homework on time all week, he the world., 3. James said he was going with his
was going to take us to the cinema on Saturday. cousin., 4. Laya said she couldn’t go, (because)
13. 1. film premiere, 2. festivals, 3. comic book she was going out with Jessie on Friday.
exhibition, 4. book signing
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