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Reading Materials for Module 6

DM Strategies for Online Selling

Module Code: eCOMM

Article Title:

Three Ways ChatGPT is Changing Up

the eCommerce Game in 2023

Date of Publication: 2023/01

Reference Link:


Filename: Three Ways ChatGPT is Changing Up the eCommerce Game in 2023

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Title: Three Ways ChatGPT is Changing Up the
eCommerce Game in 2023

Competition is rising in the online marketplace. Many business owners and marketers alike
are feeling the pinch as traditional marketing efforts no longer yield the same results in the
eCommerce space.

Fortunately for business owners, ChatGPT is changing the game for eCommerce in 2023. Do
you know how this AI-powered tool can help you boost efficiency and even reduce
operating costs? If you are a business owner who has not heard of ChatGPT, this article will
teach you all you need to know to hop on the ChatGPT bandwagon, so read on!

(Image taken from

Let’s start by understanding the 3 main ways ChatGPT is changing eCommerce in 2023:

1. Advanced Personalisation that Builds Engagement & Loyalty

It’s no secret that the basis of a successful business is a good relationship with customers.
The first step to building a good relationship starts with understanding the customer and
providing them with what they need most. In other words, this means reaching customers
at opportune moments with the right messaging and product to cater to their needs.

With ChatGPT's advanced AI algorithms, vast amounts of data can be processed with the
help of machine learning - a feat that cannot be achieved with traditional marketing.
Information on the customer's unique preferences, interests, and behaviour are some
examples of valuable insights that can then be used to personalise the experiences, leading
to stronger relationships and a higher level of engagement & loyalty.

By analysing a customer's previous purchases, browsing history and social media activity,
businesses will be able to provide personalised recommendations that are tailored to their
unique tastes and preferences when the customer returns to the site. This not only makes
the customer feel valued and understood but also increases the chances that they will make
a purchase.

2. 24/7 Efficient Customer Support

Another revolutionary feature of ChatGPT is its ability to understand and mimic real
conversations in real time. Customers are now able to get 24/7 support without the need
for human intervention. As a shopper, wouldn’t your shopping experience be more pleasant
if you could get answers to your queries instantly instead of waiting for the customer
support team to come online during their working hours?

ChatGPT's high level of personalisation equates to the ability to respond to vast

permutations of customer queries. While a new user may have questions about shipping
and returns, a returning user may be curious about product customisation.

So what does this mean for businesses? Simply put, fewer man-hours are needed and
human resources can be focused on more high-value interactions, while still ensuring that
customers get attended to in a timely and efficient manner.

3. Highly Intelligent Marketing and Sales Plan

With the data gathered on customers’ preferences, interests and pain points, ChatGPT
artificial intelligence technology can identify trends in user behaviour in a matter of seconds.
This valuable data collected can then be reviewed and used to create more targeted and
effective marketing campaigns, and to optimise product offerings and pricing strategies that
will resonate better with their customers.

When a customer completes a purchase on-site, ChatGPT can be programmed to ask for
feedback on their overall shopping experience, which is then collated to improve the site
further. Nifty, isn’t it?

The next step is equally crucial, as businesses can then use this feedback to make changes to
their website, product offerings, or customer support processes to create a better overall
experience for their customers the next time they come back to the site.

In summary, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can create valuable data insights and drive
higher levels of engagement and sales if used correctly. Anticipating steeper competition in
the eCommerce space in 2023 and beyond, all business owners should take advantage of
this efficient tool and transform their eCommerce efforts to reap maximum rewards.

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