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Acknowledge = reconocer
Today we have to acknowledge that gaming has been fully integrated into mainstream culture

Mature = madurar
He matured rapidly in the army.

Flock= acudir en masa

They are flocking to a spa.

Blackmail= chantajear

Douse= empapar

Assume= take for granted

This course assumes a basic knowledge of Spanish. =
Este curso da por sentado un conocimiento básico del español.

Daunt= intimidate
She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead.

Shrug= encoger los hombros

Melanie asked Ben if anything was wrong, but he just shrugged.

Reassure= asegurar que todo va bien

They tried to reassure her, but she still felt anxious.

Sweep= barrer
I’ll sweep the floor.
Gather= juntar/se, unir/se
We gathered the leaves in piles.
The whole family gathered together at Ray's home.

Plunge / plummet= caer en picado also noun

Resign= dimitir

Chirp= piar

Dismiss= desvalorar o rechazar

-Let's not just dismiss the idea before we've even thought about it.
-Just dismiss those thoughts from your mind - they're crazy and not worth thinking about.

- If you’re famous, you dismiss ordinary people as worthless.

Soar = dispararse
Temperatures will soar over the weekend.

Stick to= ceñirse a

You must stick to a routine.

Bear relation= have relation

The government brainwashes us into being dummies.

Bite= morder
I’d been biting my nails.

Rob= atracar
Rob a bank
My wallet's gone! I've been robbed!

Steer= guiar
It’s what steers us= Es lo que nos guía

Thoughts and speech

Imply= insinuar
The writer implies that…

Engage= atraer
You have to engage the readers.

I reckon= I think

They believe= assume, claim

This theory tells = states, claims, asserts, places more emphasis on, holds

Downplay (importance)= quitarle (importancia) Synonym
The coach is downplaying the team's poor performance. (phrasal verb):
play down

Undertake= realizar
Undertake journeys

Overlook= pasar por alto Adjective:

It’s easy to overlook a small detail like that.

Overcome= superar
Overcome difficulties

Outlast (sth)= sobrevivir (a algo)

This trend will outlast the craze for organic food.

Outlive = live longer than

He outlived his wife by three years.

Undergo= experimentar
Undergo a change
Disbelieve= no creer
We have no reason to disbelieve the information

Mislead= engañar
He has admitted misleading the police about his movements on the night of the murder.

Adj: misleading

Verb patterns

Resent (sb) (doing sth)= molestarse con alguien por

They resented us having better seats than they had.=

Se molestaron con nosotros por tener mejores asientos que ellos.

Resent (sth) = molestarse (por algo)

He resents anybody else being successful.=

Le molesta que cualquiera tenga éxito.

Mind -ing (sth)

Do you mind having a dog in the house?

Congratulate sb on sth

Attend sth
I attend the lectures every day.
Regard sb sth= considerar a alguien como…
He regards us as worthless.

Blame sb for sth = echar la culpa de algo a alguien

Graduate from

Cause sb to do sth= Hacer que alguien haga algo

I caused him to throw the rubbish away.

Infer sth from sth= deducir algo a partir de algo

Much of the meaning must be inferred from the context.

Let to (sth) = result in (sth)

The success led to him being offered a contract.

Arrive at
Approve of

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