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Dear Ms. Bloodgood,

I am writing to inform you of my decision and subsequent request that you immediately withdraw
our proposal for a separation with CCSD as its superintendent.

As I know you are aware, I remain deeply conflicted and continue to struggle with this recent
decision, which came on the heels of conversations with my family and medical advisors who
expressed concern regarding how this process may affect my health moving forward.

The more I have reflected on this matter, the more I recognize the deep bond I share with our
community, and how this decision was made without fully considering the implications it may
have on the community, our schools, and most importantly our scholars.

Recently, while attending a community luncheon with my mother, the overwhelming expression
of love, support, hope and encouragement we received from the community, brought my mother
to tears. After reflecting on that very special moment, I have come to realize that the sacred
trust our community has placed in me, is something I cannot turn my back on. Simply put, the
Charleston County community has shown me how this is much bigger than myself, and how my
initial decision to enter into these negotiations may have been premature.

My request for you to withdraw our proposal, is to allow me the opportunity to further
contemplate this very important decision and engage in open and honest conversations with the
community who have invested so much faith in me.

I understand my request may cause some inconvenience and require your expertise in
navigating the necessary legal processes. However, I genuinely believe that this course of
action will be in the best interest of our school community.

Thank you for your time, understanding, and for the invaluable legal advice you have provided
me throughout this process.


Eric Gallien, Ph.D.


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