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Faculty of Engineering

Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Course: Workshop Technology

Course Code: EIE 1103

Assignment 1: 100 Points

Draw a micrometer showing 17.56mm
Explain how a micrometer reading is taken

Student Name and Number

Marvellous Thabo Mpofu N02123199W

Lecturer(s) Name

Due Date:
7 November 2021
Anvil Spindle Sleeve Thimble Ratchet

Rotating Scale
Main Scale


Micrometer Screw gauge

Micrometre reading 17.56mm

How a Micrometre Reading is Taken:
1) To open the micrometre, one should extend the gap between the anvil and spindle. This is
done by turning the thimble or rachet in an anticlockwise direction
2) The object to be measured is then placed between the spindle and the anvil.
3) Close the gap between the anvil and the spindle by turning the rachet in a clockwise
direction. The rachet’s mechanism allows for the closure of the anvil-spindle gap without
squashing the surface of the object, hence it helps maintain the accuracy of the results.
4) To take the reading from the scale:
a) Take the first reading from the main millimetre scale that is graduated onto the sleeve.
Consider the value that is to the immediate left of the rotating scale, in this instance it
is 17.5mm.
b) Take the reading from the rotating scale. To do this consider the rotating scale value
that directly aligns with the centre of the main scale. This scale is a hundredth of a
millimetre so the reading in this instance is 0.06mm.
c) Add the two readings together to get one final reading:
17.5mm + 0.06mm = 17.56mm

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