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5, OCTOBER 1997

Fast Controller Design for Single-Phase

Power-Factor Correction Systems
Simon Wall, Associate Member, IEEE, and Robin Jackson

Abstract—A fast controller is presented for single-phase boost-

type power-factor correction circuits. The twice-line-frequency
ripple component is removed from the measured output volt-
age with an adaptive estimator. This enables the closed-loop
time constants and overshoots to be reduced by two orders of
magnitude compared to traditional designs. The controller copes
with considerable uncertainty in input voltage magnitude, line
frequency, and output capacitance. All sections of the control
system are shown to be asymptotically stable. Experimental
results are presented to verify the excellent dynamics and robust
behavior of the design.
Index Terms—Control, harmonic reduction, power-factor cor-
rection, single-phase. Fig. 1. Boost power-factor correction system.


I N AN EFFORT to reduce distortion in utility systems,

a number of standards have emerged which limit the
harmonic content of input current drawn from the utility by
off-line equipment. For example, from the start of 1996, com-
pliance with IEC 555-2 has been mandatory for all new “do-
mestic” equipment sold in the European Community. Single-
phase off-line dc power supplies are used in a large proportion
of domestic equipment. Diode and phase-controlled converters
have traditionally been used for this purpose. However, expen-
sive and bulky filters are necessary if these rectifiers are to pass
the harmonic regulations [1]. An economic alternative to filters
is the replacement of the rectifier by a power-factor correction Fig. 2. Boost PFCS with cascade control.
system (PFCS). These match continuously the instantaneous
input and output voltage levels and enable the shape of the
input current to be controlled. By forcing the input current to studies have used nonformal methods to identify a time-scale
be near sinusoidal, compliance with the harmonic standards separation in the boost PFCS dynamics.
is assured. The matching ability of PFCS’s enables them to The time-scale separation between the fast dynamics asso-
operate with universal input, i.e., from any utility supply in ciated with and the slow dynamics associated with is
the world. typically exploited by the use of a cascade control structure,
The boost PFCS shown in Fig. 1 is preferred in applications as depicted in Fig. 2. These control schemes have tradition-
which do not require isolated or low voltage outputs. Alter- ally used the utility waveform as a sinusoidal reference, as
native circuits have been proposed which do not have these indicated in Fig. 2 by the situation when . In this case,
restrictions, e.g., [2]–[4]. However, the boost PFCS operating any distortion of is reflected in a corresponding distortion
under pulse width modulation (PWM) with continuous input of .
current is optimal in terms of minimal cost and bulk [5]. The The voltage-loop controller design is complicated by the
modeling and control design problems for this popular type of presence of a twice mains frequency ripple on the output
PFCS have already attracted much work, e.g., [6]–[13]. These voltage. The function of the voltage loop is to regulate the
ripple averaged component of the output voltage. Therefore,
Manuscript received February 24, 1995; revised February 10, 1997. the ripple component must be removed from the feedback
S. Wall is with Wavedriver Ltd., Royston SG8 0WD, U.K. (e-mail: path. In most control schemes, a low-pass filter is used for this purpose, which results in slow voltage-loop dynamics. In
R. Jackson, deceased, was with the Engineering Department, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. traditional designs, the output voltage overshoots following
Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(97)06530-1. sudden load changes last for several supply frequency cycles
0278–0046/97$10.00  1997 IEEE

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and can be large. These poor output voltage dynamics can structure like that of Fig. 2 can then be employed. The time-
cause oscillations when a load with undervoltage lockout is scale separation can also be used to simplify the output voltage
connected to the PFCS. controller design.
This paper describes a simple control scheme that gives As the actual slow dynamics are well approximated
the boost PFCS near sinusoidal input current and excellent by the ideal slow dynamics found by taking the limiting case
output voltage dynamics. Formal methods are used to identify . The error involved in this approximation is small, i.e.,
the time-scale separation in the system dynamics and justify [14]. This powerful simplification process is a singular
the use of a cascade control structure. An adaptive estimator perturbation because it results in reduction of model order.
is used to eliminate the ripple component of from the When applying a singular perturbation to variable structure
voltage-loop feedback path. This enables the output voltage systems, the discontinuous control input is replaced with
transient times and overshoots to be reduced by two orders of the smooth equivalent control [15]. After the singular
magnitude. Nonlinear controllers are used in the current and perturbation is applied to the fast dynamics of (4),
voltage loops to render the current loop dynamics linear in the smooth equivalent control that characterizes the ideal slow
the large and simplify the voltage-loop dynamics. Sufficient dynamics is found to have the following form:
conditions are given for the asymptotic stability of all sections
of the PFCS. Sufficient conditions are also given for avoiding (6)
oscillation at subharmonics of the PWM switching frequency.
The performance and robustness of this novel controller are Substitution of the above equivalent control into the output
verified with experimental results. voltage dynamics described by (1) yields the ideal slow
dynamics given below. The voltage-loop controller design
II. BOOST CONVERTER MODEL process is simplified considerably by adopting this model. Note
that the fast variable acts as the control input to the ideal
A state-space model for the boost PFCS in continuous
slow dynamics:
current mode can be found by the circuit analysis of Fig. 1.
The output voltage and input current dynamics are governed
by the variable structure equations (1) and (2), respectively. (7)
The logical variable is used to represent the state of the
boost switch, i.e., when the switch is open and when III. CURRENT-LOOP CONTROLLER
it is closed:
The boost PFCS of Fig. 1 is nonreversible, so to avoid
(1) crossover distortion, it is essential that the phase difference be-
tween and is negligible. In a cascade control structure,
(2) this requirement is satisfied if the current loop has excellent
tracking. The full-wave rectified signal has no significant
Singular perturbation methods provide a formal means of harmonic content above 1 kHz. Therefore, adequate tracking
identifying time-scale separations in state-space models [14]. should be possible with a current loop crossover frequency,
In order to apply this method, the right-hand sides of dynamic kHz. However, due to the nonlinear nature of (2), a
equations must be of the same order of magnitude. This is linear controller cannot be used without becoming distorted
accomplished by introducing and , which are nominal [13]. The distortion can be avoided if, in the closed loop,
values for the output voltage and output current at some typical the state-space averaged input current dynamics are linear
load condition. The system equations can now be placed into in the large. This can be achieved through the use of a
standard singular perturbation form, where : suitable nonlinear controller designed using formal feedback
linearization methods [16]. In this case, the correct controller
(3) form for feedback linearization can be found by inspection:

(4) (8)

In typical systems, and the right-hand sides of (3) A block diagram of the new controller is depicted in Fig. 3.
and (4) are of the same order of magnitude. For example, a The state-space averaged open-loop transfer function of the
typical converter has V, A, and . current loop is , where the plant transfer function
As is small, is defined by

(5) (9)

Clearly, is able to change much more quickly than With a control scheme employing feedforward, it is essential
, so a time-scale separation exists in the boost PFCS that the dynamic performance is robust to small errors and
dynamics. This can be exploited to simplify controller design noise in the feedforward path. Therefore, must contain
by partitioning the system into fast dynamics associated with some integral action. The proposed form of is given
and slow dynamics associated with . A cascade control below. This has integral action and a high-frequency rolloff

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Fig. 3. Current loop controller.


rate of 40 dB/decade in the open loop. With the pole-zero

separation parameter equal to , the phase margin is 55 :
Fig. 4. Current loop Nyquist plot.

(10) as a voltage ripple over the output smoothing capacitor . So,

the output voltage is composed of a ripple component and
the instantaneous ripple-averaged mean , i.e.,
It was found that an error in the feedforward (11)
term of (8) resulted in some crossover distortion. This was
The output voltage reference is the desired value of .
alleviated with increasing . For kHz, the input current
Unfortunately, no direct way of measuring this mean exists.
remained near sinusoidal, even in the presence of 10% error
Several methods for estimating with low-pass, notch, and
in feedforward term.
sample filters acting on have been presented, e.g., [6].
The proposed controller gives excellent state-space averaged
These filter types have an inherent estimation lag of several
current loop dynamics. However, the effect of the switching
line periods which is reflected in the length of the voltage-
action on the current loop stability must also be investigated.
loop time constants. With such slow voltage-loop dynamics,
The PWM unit can be modeled with a describing function
the response to sudden changes in load is characterized by
which exists at each subharmonic of the switching frequency
large overshoots in which persist over a number of line
. The describing function for each subharmonic number is
contained in a circle on the Nyquist plane that is centered on
Suppose can be estimated with negligible delay and
unity and has radius , given in Table I [13]. These can
sufficient accuracy. Then, an alternative method of estimating
be combined with the Nyquist plot of to form
is given in (12). Using this method, the voltage-loop time
the complete current loop Nyquist plot. Each subharmonic
constants can be reduced until they approach those of the
frequency occurs on the plot at the conjugate points and
current loop, allowing overshoots in to be reduced:
, where . Therefore, a
circle of radius is drawn on the Nyquist locus of (12)
at each of the points and . The Nyquist
plot is completed by drawing an envelope around the circles In the closed loop, the time-scale separation property be-
to produce a band around the original locus. This process is tween the input current and output voltage dynamics still
illustrated in Fig. 4, which shows the case where . exists, provided that the voltage-loop crossover frequency is
To prevent significant reduction in the phase margin predicted well below , i.e., . In this case, the output voltage
using the state-space averaged analysis, it is necessary that dynamics are well approximated by (7), where acts as the
. So, provided kHz, it will be possible to use control input. In the time scale of the output voltage dynamics,
the proposed current loop control scheme without switching the input current loop can be assumed to give perfect tracking,
effects becoming significant. i.e., . So, the output voltage dynamics become

The single-phase ac utility provides an input power that The traditional controller depicted in Fig. 2, with , is
pulsates at twice the line frequency ( ), while the output such that . This scheme has the disadvantage
power remains constant. Therefore, the energy stored in the that any distortion in also appears in . The problem
boost PFCS must also pulsate at . Mostly, this is reflected can be removed at the expense of adding a phase-locked loop

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TABLE II The ripple-averaged system is, in effect, a simple negative-

CONTROLLER TYPES feedback loop with a linear forward path defined below
and a nonlinear, time-varying return path :


(PLL) to the controller so that . Both It is clear from definition (15) that the gain of
schemes will be considered in the following analysis, each is instantaneously bounded into the interval , where
being identified by the index parameter , as described in is the greatest allowable value of . The nonlinear
Table II. block is, therefore, contained inside the sector
Consider , where is the . Sufficient conditions for the absolute stability of
instantaneous input voltage magnitude. This can be used to a linear transfer function in negative feedback with a sector
find the input power to the boost PFCS. Note that, for the nonlinearity are given by the circle criterion [19]. In this case,
purpose of stability analysis, the nonreversible nature of the the “circle” is the half plane . For
circuit must be considered: , the Nyquist locus runs up the imaginary
axis and returns via the infinite semicircle enclosing the right
(14) half plane. Clearly, the locus neither intersects nor encircles
when the critical area. Therefore, the voltage loop is stable for any
when positive value of .
The state-space equation for the output voltage dynamics The steady-state output voltage tracking error can
can now be found by substitution of the input power expression be found by considering the equilibrium point of (19) with
(14) into (13): constant and :

Full feedback linearization of the voltage loop is possible,
provided suitable estimates are available for , and .
The resulting controller gives excellent tracking and transient The stability of the voltage loop has been established, so
response, even in the presence of sudden changes in load [11]. we need only consider the normal operating region, where
Unfortunately, the scheme is not practical for universal input . Under this restriction, is bounded
boost PFCS’s, because varies widely but cannot be into the sector [ ], with being the smallest
measured directly. In traditional controller designs, a second- allowable value of . It follows that, in normal operation,
order low-pass filter is used to estimate from , but the is bounded into a positive interval. Clearly, the tracking
resulting system has a very poor response to sudden changes in error increases with and is reduced by high open-loop gain
, e.g., brownouts. A large, long-lasting overshoot in . In order to minimize , it is tempting to
is observed at the start and end of brownout conditions. The use a large value of . However, there is a limit beyond
problems are caused by a long (many line periods) estimation which this cannot be increased. The maximum controller gain
lag inherent in this type of low-pass filter. Recently, a number which corresponds to the point at which is
of methods have been established to provide an estimate given below. If , the current loop can no longer be
of , in less than a line period, e.g., [17] and [18]. assumed to track without error. Therefore, the input power
Some of these rapid estimators can be realized using simple expression (14) becomes invalid, and the subsequent analysis
analog hardware, but these require tuning to the nominal is no longer applicable. The greatest steady-state tracking error
utility frequency and are not suitable for universal input boost which can be expected under the condition is given
PFCS’s. by (23), where is the maximum allowable output current:
We propose a partial feedback linearization, which simpli-
fies the output voltage dynamics of (16), but does not require (22)
a measurement of . By inspection, a suitable controller
form is given by (23)
The peak tracking error predicted above may be reduced by
where is a constant gain. increasing either or . If a PI controller is used in place
Under the action of this controller, the voltage-loop dynamic of , then will be eliminated. It is not possible to
(16) can be readily partitioned into ripple and ripple-averaged prove stability of the voltage loop under the action of a PI
components: controller without making further assumptions. By ignoring
the possibility of negative , a strictly positive lower bound
can be placed on . Under this condition, asymptotic stability
of the voltage loop can be proved for a PI controller with a
sufficiently small amount of integral action.

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Fig. 5. Voltage ripple estimator.

During normal operation, is held constant and
. Applying this condition to the output voltage
dynamic equations (18) and (19) gives the following estimate
for :

A block diagram implementation of this estimator is de-
picted in Fig. 5. The PLL required to produce the signal
can also be made to produce the signal needed
by the alternative voltage-loop controller design. The gain
is the nominal value of , the reactance of
at .
The required measurements of and can be obtained
using current transformers placed in the circuit of Fig. 2 at
points indicated by , and . The transformers all operate in
branches where the current is discontinuous or alternating at Fig. 6. Voltage-loop block diagram.
. This gives the core material time to reset in each switching
cycle. As , and operate at , they are low-cost small-size
units. Typically, a high turns ratio (for example, ) is latter is preferred, as it gives a signal which contains much less
used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio obtained for a given ripple. In practice, is a first-order filter with a 3-dB point
power loss. By summing the secondary currents of and , at Hz, this and the rectifier being realized with a single
the signal is obtained. A superior signal-to-noise ratio op-amp. is passed through an identical filter/rectifier
and substantially reduced losses make this scheme preferable combination before being subtracted from to form
to the use of a current-sensing resistor. In a similar fashion, the error signal .
the outputs of and are summed to obtain the measurement The mean value of is proportional to . To
of needed by the current loop. eliminate long-term estimation errors, is passed through an
The accuracy of is dependent on accuracy of . integrator with its output range limited to the possible range
With universal input systems, a substantial variation in line of error in . Finally, the integrator output is biased around
frequency must be tolerated ( Hz Hz). In unity, and the result is used as a multiplicative weight on .
addition to this, the output capacitor is of the electrolytic type It is necessary that the adaptive estimator feedback loop
and will have a wide tolerance giving a total variation in is stable and rejects the ripple component of . To satisfy
of around 30%. Simulations show that serious input-current the latter requirement, the estimator crossover frequency
distortion occurs if the error in exceeds 5%. So, the must be well below the ripple frequency . The feedback
output-voltage ripple estimator described here is only viable loop can be considered as a linear forward path , defined
if it contains an adaptive procedure to determine . Such a below, and the nonlinear return path , which is bounded
circuit is described in Section VI. in the sector . The limitations placed on the integrator
may be included in the nonlinear block without extending the
The proposed voltage-loop controller and adaptive estimator (25)
for are shown in the voltage-loop block diagram of Fig. 6.
The adaptive estimator is a simple control loop which, in The stability can again be determined from the circle
the steady-state, forces to have the same magnitude criterion. For , the Nyquist locus runs up
as . The fixed gain is preset to a central position in the the imaginary axis and returns via the infinite semicircle
range of possible values for . enclosing the right half plane. The “circle” is the half plane
A measurement , which approximates to a rectified Re . Clearly, the locus neither intersects
version of , is formed by the action on the output-voltage nor encircles the critical region, so the adaptive procedure is
error of a high-pass filter and a precision stable for any positive value of . The high frequency rolloff
rectifier. It is important that the filter has near unity gain at . rate is only 20 dB/decade, so must be at least an order of
Either half- or full-wave rectification can be employed, but the magnitude below to give adequate ripple rejection. An

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(a) (b) (a) (b)

Fig. 7. Iin for 110 V(rms), 50-Hz supply, (a) Vin , (b) Iin , timebase in ms.

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Iin for 67 V(rms), 500-Hz supply, (a) Vin , (b) Iin , timebase in ms.

expression for is given by


The peak value occurs at maximum output current. (e) (f)

As the estimator is asymptotically stable, it will eventually Fig. 9. PFCS response to a pulsed load, 110-V(rms) supply, (a) and (b) Vout ,
settle into the region where the integrator is not limited. (c) and (d) Iin , (e) and (f) Iout , timebase in ms.
Provided the system remains in the steady state, the estimator
behavior in the unlimited region will be first order. The esti- A second test was conducted where the unit was operated
mator error will then decay with a time constant . from a 500-Hz sinusoidal source at 67 V(rms) and used
Any output voltage transients will potentially produce errors to supply a resistive load of 240 . Throughout the test
in the ripple voltage estimator and cause input-current distor- V. The waveforms obtained for and are
tion. The estimator will always resettle to the correct value, shown in Fig. 8. In this case, the input current suffers from
given a sufficient period of steady operation. It can be expected some phase lead and distortion, which are caused by an input
that this settling time will be a small multiple of . filter designed to attenuate the switching noise.
B. Voltage-Loop Tests
The PFCS response to a step change in power was in-
A prototype system was constructed to verify the predicted vestigated using a pulsed load. The unit was operated from
controller performance. The system was specified to operate the utility at 110 V(rms) with V, while the
from a universal input, where V (rms) V and predominately resistive load was switched between 960 and
Hz Hz. The circuit values used were 480 . The waveforms for , and during each
H, F, and kHz. The current-loop load transient are shown in Fig. 9. Both and settle,
controller was realized in analog hardware, with a crossover without overshoot and within a millisecond, to the new steady
frequency of kHz. The voltage-loop controller, behavior.
PLL, and adaptive estimator were implemented on a To investigate the response to a brownout, the unit was
custom TMS320C30 digital control system with a sampling supplied from a sinusoidal source of controllable magnitude.
rate of 92 kHz. A control scheme type was used, i.e., Throughout the test, a 300- resistive load was used and
. V. The nominal supply voltage was 67 V(rms),
but this was reduced abruptly by 20% to simulate a brownout.
A. Current-Loop Tests The waveforms for , and during each supply
The unit was operated from the utility at 110 V(rms) and transient are shown in Fig. 10. Both and settle,
used to supply a resistive load of 480 . Throughout the test, without overshoot and within a millisecond, to the new steady
the reference output voltage was maintained at V. behavior.
The waveforms obtained for and are shown in Fig. 7. The output voltage transient responses to step changes in
It is evident that near sinusoidal input current is maintained in and are reduced in magnitude and duration by two
the presence of considerable distortion on the utility voltage orders of magnitude compared with traditional voltage-loop
waveform. controllers.

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[18] H.-Y. Chu, H.-J. Jou, and C.-L. Huang, “Transient response of a peak
A novel controller was presented for single-phase boost- voltage detector for sinusoidal signals,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol.
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give linear input-current dynamics and reduce the need for the pp. 465–476, July 1996.
high crossover frequencies found in traditional designs. An
adaptive estimator was employed to remove the twice-line-
frequency ripple component from the measured output voltage. Simon Wall (A’92) received the B.A. degree in
This enabled a partial feedback linearization of the output 1991 and the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in 1995 from
Trinity College, Cambridge University, Cambridge,
voltage dynamics, which gave time constants and overshoots U.K., all in engineering.
two orders of magnitude lower than those obtained with He is currently responsible for control system de-
traditional controllers. The design copes with considerable sign at Wavedriver Ltd., Royston, U.K., a producer
of vector control drives for electric vehicles and
uncertainty in the input voltage magnitude, line frequency, power management systems for utility applications.
and output capacitance. Sufficient conditions were given for His interests include dynamic system modeling and
the asymptotic stability of all sections of the control scheme. control, power electronics, utility power manage-
Experimental results were presented to verify the excellent ment, and motor drives.
dynamics and robust behavior of the design. All of the
controller sections can be made using standard analog signal Robin Jackson was with the Engineering Depart-
processing circuits. However, to be commercially viable, the ment, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.,
controller must be based around a custom integrated circuit. from 1965 until his death in May 1995. He had
long-standing research interests in power electronics
REFERENCES and motor control and, more recently, he had built
up a research group devoted to rehabilitation and
[1] T. S. Key and J.-S. Lai, “Comparison of standards and power design interactive robotics. Since 1991, this group has been
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[2] M. J. Kocher and R. L. Steigerwald, “An AC-to-DC converter with (TIDE) initiative. He was the author of more than
high quality input waveforms,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 19, pp. 30 papers published in refereed journals and a like
586–599, July/Aug. 1983. number of conference contributions.
[3] C. A. Canesin and I. Barbi, “A unity power factor multiple isolated Mr. Jackson was a fellow of Selwyn College, Cambridge, U.K., a Chartered
outputs switching mode power supply using a single switch,” in Conf. Engineer in the U.K., a Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers
Rec. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf., 1991, pp. 430–436. (IEE), U.K., and a member of the Biological Engineering Society. He also
[4] C.-T. Pan and T.-C. Chen, “Modeling and design of an AC to DC served with the IEE Professional Group on Management and Domestic
converter,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 8, pp. 501–508, Oct. 1993. Systems, as well as the Computing and Control Division Board.

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