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3 Human resources management

HR are people that work for the company.

Workforce - business and economy sector

Activities – employee selection, training and development, job structure, motivation

- Top management: people that creates HR strategy of company.

- HR department: people who perform HR activities.
- Managers at all levels: people who plan, monitor and evaluate the work of their team

The HR strategy contains long-term aims related to the need for employees, their development and methods how to achieve these aims.

3.1 HR planning

Employee – selection, positions, placement, dismissals and training plan

- Average registered numbers of employees contain permanent, temporary, active employees and employees on leave and sick leave.

3.2 Employee selection

Work analysis:

 Job description – job description, job characterisation, basic job responsibilities, special tasks and job conditions.
 Job requirements specification – professional (education, work expe.), physical (good health, manual skills), mental
(communication skills, stress management), special (willing to work during holidays, night): requirements

Internal and external sources:

 Internal sources – company occupy the job positions by some of its employees.
- Pros: lower costs, faster, already know the environment
- Cons: corporate blindness, new point of view, small selection
 External sources – company occupy the job positions by employees from external environment (graduates, employees of other
companies, unemployed people)
- Pros: wider selection, new ideas, work experience from other companies
- Cons: higher costs, slower, not familiar with the environment of the company.

Methods of employee acquisition:

- Posters, billboards/job fairs/own database/Outsourcing, HRleasing/Advertising in the media/co-operat. with schools,


Methods of employee selection

- Personal interview(pre-prepared, spontaneous)/Testing of candidates(knowledge test, IQ test, Psychological test)/Preliminary

interview with candidates(via phone, skype)/Expert assessment of documents(CV, cover letter, qualifications, references)

3.3 Employment relationship

- Employer – person/company who employs people.

- Employee – person who performs the work for the employer/company and gets wage
- Employment relationship – legal relationship between employee and employer
- Employment contract – written document in which both parties agree on conditions of their employment relationship.
o Work kind (activities performed by employee)/place of work (company, department)/ date of the first day of work(day of
establishment)/wage conditions(wage form)
- Employment agreement – work is not performed under the conditions of the employment contract.
o Work agreement (hours per year does not exceed 350)/Agreement on student work (student from 15-26, hours per week 20
max)/Agreement on work activity(when hours per week does not exceed 10hours)
- Employment relationship can last max 2years.
- Relationship can be terminated:
o An agreement between employer and employee (most favourable option)
o A notice by the employer or by the employee (2 months)
o An immediate termination by the employer (breach of employment contract) or by employee (non-payment of wages)
o Termination during the trial period (lasts 3-6 months)
o Expiration of the agreed period (employment for a definite period)
3.4 Employee training and development

Training methods

- Instruction: training to operate equipment

- Coaching: professional growth of an employee by coach
- Mentoring: transfer of experience by the experienced employee (mentor)
- Brainstorming: generating creative ideas and solutions
- Workshop: discussion and activity of a group of employees on subject
- E-learning: training with help of electronic resources

3.5 Employee evaluation, motivation and stimulation

- Evaluation is based on gaining the information about skills, performance and behaviour of employees
- Evaluation methods (scoring, questionnaires, reports) at the end an evaluation interview takes place.
- It is performed regularly or irregularly.
Based on selection criteria:
o Inputs (knowledge and skills)/ Activities(work activities, social behaviour)/ Outputs (quantity and quality of performed work)


- Internal stimuli aim to activate the employee and lead them to the desired behaviour.
- Stimulation is represented by external tangible (wage) and intangible stimuli (praise, working conditions)

3.5.1 Intangible stimuli


1. Working conditions
 Time conditions
- Working time: time during which employee is available to employer(max 40h/week)
- Rest time: Break at work (employee gets break after 6h min.30minutes)/Continuous daily rest (2 work shifts that lasts at least
12h)/continuous weekly rest (lasts at least two consecutive days)/ days off holidays.
 Working environment
- Physical working environment- lighting, colours, temperature…
- Social and psychological working environment- workplace relationships, style of leadership...
Types of the working time
o Flexible working time: employer determines number of hours for the employee to be in workplace, they can work remaining time
how they want
o Shorter time employment: employee works less than 40h/week due to personal reasons.
o Compressed working time: employee works less than 40h/week in less than 5 days.
o Job sharing: more employees perform the same work which they allocate among themselves.
o Homeworking: employee performs work from home
o Teleworking: employee performs work from home using internet or telephone
o Shift work: employee works from 6AM-2PM, 2PM-10PM, 10PM-6AM
o Operational readiness: employee is not in the workplace but is ready when employer needs them.
o Overtime work: employee performs work beyond working hours(max8H/week, max150H/4months)
2. Leave
 Annual leave (AL) – employee must work for at least 60 days for same employer to get at least 4 weeks of AL.
 Leave for days worked – employee who hasn´t worked for 60days yet gets 1/12 of AL for every 21 days worked for same employer.
 Additional leave – employee who worked in difficult work conditions the whole year gets additional leave.
3. Social programme
 The social fund (SF) – employer must create SF with contribution of 0,6-1% from gross wage.
 Safety and health at work – employer must provide protective working garments to employees.
 Trade union – organisation whose membership consist of workers and union leaders, united to protest and promote their common interests

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