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Fundamentals of Automation Technology 20EE43P

1) Video demonstration on Automation technology
Automation technology as a part of engineering sciences
Examples of engineering-related sciences include:
1. Mechanical engineering,
2. Electrical engineering,
3. Production engineering,
4. Structure engineering,
5. and so on.
● One point these sciences all have in common is the research, definition, and application of
engineering principles. What differentiates them is the subject matter and the orientation of the
respective discipline.
● Automation technology is a crossover discipline that uses knowledge and scientific methods from
numerous other technical sciences. According to DIN 19223, an automatic machine is an artificial
system that makes decisions based on the linking of inputs with the respective states of the system;
these decisions then produce very specific desired outputs.

Three components are needed to realize modern automatic processes:

1. Sensors to detect the system states,
2. Actuators to output the control commands,
3. Controllers for the program flow and to make decisions.

Automation Advantages

● Reduction in production time – having a machine that is automated definitely speeds up the
production time since no thinking is needed by the machine, there is better repeatability and
less human error.
● Increase in accuracy and repeatability – when an automated machine is programmed to
perform a task over and over again, the accuracy and repeatability compared to an employee
are far greater.
● Less human error – no one is perfect, and we are all prone to making mistakes. This is why a
machine that performs repeated tasks is less likely to make mistakes than an employee.
● Fewer employee costs – adding automated machines to an operation, means fewer
employees are needed to get the job done. It also indicates fewer safety issues, which leads
to financial savings. With having fewer employees, there are numerous costs that are
diminished or reduced such as payroll, benefits, sick days, etcetera.
● Increased safety – having automated machines means having less employees who perform
tasks that can be dangerous and prone to injury, which can make the work environment safer.
● Higher volume production – investing in automated equipment creates a valuable resource for
large production volumes, which in turn, will increase profitability.

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Fundamentals of Automation Technology 20EE43P
Week 2:
P1. Test a Linear Actuator Solenoid

Another type of electromagnetic actuator that

converts an electrical signal into a magnetic field
producing a linear motion is called the Linear

The linear solenoid works on the same basic principle as the

electromechanical relay seen in the previous tutorial and just like relays,
they can also be switched and controlled using bipolar transistors or
MOSFET. A “Linear Solenoid” is an electromagnetic device that converts
electrical energy into a mechanical pushing or pulling force or motion.

Linear Solenoid Construction

This type of solenoid is commonly called a Linear Solenoid due to the linear directional movement and
action of the plunger. Linear solenoids are available in two basic configurations called a “Pull-type” as it
pulls the connected load towards itself when energized, and the “Push-type” that acts in the opposite
direction pushing it away from itself when energized. Both push and pull types are generally constructed the
same with the difference being in the location of the return spring and design of the plunger.
When electrical current flows through a conductor it generates a magnetic field around itself. The direction
of this magnetic field with regards to its north and south poles is determined by the direction of the current
flow within the wire. Then with electric current flowing through the coil of wire, it becomes an
“Electromagnet” creating its own north and south poles exactly the same as that for a permanent type

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Fundamentals of Automation Technology 20EE43P
P2. Install, wire, and test digital time delay relay -
AIM: Install, wire, and test time delay relay

circuit diagram

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Fundamentals of Automation Technology 20EE43P
AIM: Install, wire, and test time delay relay

time delay relays are simply controlled relays with a time delay built-in. Their purpose is to control an event
based on time. The difference between relays and time delay relays is when the output contacts open & close:
on a control relay, it happens when voltage is applied and removed from the coil; on time delay relays, the
contacts can open or close before or after some time delay.

Typically, time delay relays are initiated or triggered by one of two methods:
● application of input voltage
● opening or closing of a trigger signal
These trigger signals can be one of two designs:
● a control switch (dry contact), i.e., limit switch, push-button, float switch, etc.
● voltage (commonly known as a power trigger)

1) Open FLUID SIM software
2) Click file open new project and save
3) Select 24V and 0V electrical connection
4) Select pushbutton (make) switch and relay with switch-on delay
5) Select NO switch and valve solenoid
6) Connect the all as for circuit diagram and label same
7) Run and check the output


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Week 3:
P1 1a. Identify and test different sensors.

Fig. 1. Sensors of human beings.


● A device that provides a usable output in response to a specified measurand.
● The sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from the physical
● The input could be light, heat, motion, moisture, force, pressure, displacement, etc.
● It produces a proportional output signal (electrical, mechanical, magnetic, etc.).
● Human beings are equipped with 5 different types of sensors.
● Eyes detect light energy, ears detect acoustic energy, a tongue, and a nose detect certain
chemicals, and skin detects pressures and temperatures. The eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and skin
receive these signals then send messages to the brain which outputs a response.
● For example, when you touch a hot plate, it is your brain that tells you it is hot, not your skin.

types of sensors
a) Active vs. Passive: Does the sensor draw energy from the signal?
b) Digital vs. Analog: Is the signal discrete or continuous?
c) Null and deflection methods
d) Input – Output configuration

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Active vs. Passive Sensors

1. Active sensors: Require an external source of power (excitation voltage) that provides the majority
of the output power of the signal
2. Passive sensors: The output power is almost entirely provided by the measured signal without an
excitation voltage
Digital vs. Analog Sensors
1. Digital sensors: The signal produced or reflected by the sensor is binary
2. Analog sensors: The signal produced by the sensor is continuous and proportional to the
Null and Deflection Methods
1. Deflection: The signal produces some physical (deflection) effect closely related to the measured
quantity and transduced to be observable.
2. Null: The signal produced by the sensor is counteracted to minimize the deflection. That opposing
effect necessary to maintain a zero deflection should be proportional to the signal of the measurand
Input-Output Configuration
1. Method of inherent insensitivity: Use whenever possible
2. Method of high gain feedback:
3. Method of calculated output corrections
4. Method of signal filtering
5. Method of opposing inputs
Sensors are used in many industrial and home appliances:
● Wireless Sensor Network
● Water level Indicator
● Laser Security Alarm
● Firing Alarm sensor
● Automatic braking & Speed Control Mechanism
● Smart Phone Touch Screen
● Railway Gate Control Mechanism
● Fully Automation Control System, etc.,

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P1 1b. Select a suitable proximity sensor for a given application and wire up the same.
Proximity sensors

Wiring Connection of NPN proximity sensor

Proximity sensors are non-contacting and therefore have no external mechanical actuating force. As a
result, they have a long service life and are very reliable. A distinction is made between the following types
of proximity sensors:
1. Sensors with mechanical switch contact
– Reed switches
2. Sensors with electronic switch output
– Inductive proximity sensors
– Capacitive proximity sensors
– Optical proximity sensors
Proximity Sensor Applications with Explanation
● Usage in Smartphones or mobile phones. Smartphones use proximity sensors to detect any
nearby object
● Usage in Parking
● Usage in Automatic faucet.
● Usage in Automation.
● Usage in Security.
● Usage in Counter System.
● Usage in Collision detection on robots.

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P2:Develop a relay-based motor control automation such that the motor reverses its direction
when the limit switches areactivated.

Circuit diagram using 2 limit switches

In electrical engineering, a limit switch is a switch operated by the motion of a machine part or
the presence of an object. A limit switch can be used for controlling machinery as part of a
control system, as a safety interlock, or as a counter enumerating objects passing a point.
How Do Limit Switches Work?
● now that we’ve looked at a couple of limit switch applications where you might see them in action at

home, let’s have a closer look at the device itself.

● Limit switches are electromechanical devices consisting of an actuator mechanically linked to an

electrical switch.

● When an object contacts the actuator, the switch will operate causing an electrical connection to

make or break.

1) Using EKTS software
2) Select library to connecting as for circuit diagram
3) Run program to the observation of the motor direction


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P2:Simple Hall effect sensor Latching ON/OFF Relay Switch Circuit


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AIM: Simple Hall effect sensor Latching ON/OFF Relay Switch Circuit
Hardware Components Component Value Quantity

1 Input Supply DC 5-12V 1

2 Sensor US1881 hall effect 1

3 Transistor 2N4403 1

4 Relay - 1

5 Diode 1N4007 1

6 Resistor 220Ω 1

The circuit is useful and has various magnetic field detection applications. Its main component is a hall
effect sensor. A hall effect sensor is a magnetic field sensor and it provides an output voltage directly
proportional to the detected magnetic field. The circuit is quite simple and uses only four components i.e.
US 1881 hall effect sensor switch, a relay switch, 220 ohms resistor & a 2N4403 transistor. They don’t cost
much and perform the task efficiently.
Working Explanation
It is working on the basis of the hall sensor used in this circuit. When it senses or detects a magnetic field
then the output of this magnet becomes proportional to the magnetic field and the PNP transistor 2N4403
will activate so will the relay switch. Any AC or DC appliance can be connected with the relay switch and
will operate with this circuit. This circuit is operated at 5 to 12V DC, make sure that the relay’s voltage and
supply voltage should be the same for this circuit to be working.

Applications and Uses

● Magnetic field detection
● Switching applications, etc.


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Week 5
P1: 1a. Controlling of the single-acting cylinder by 3/2 push button valve/ solenoid valve

Circuit diagram

Aim: Controlling of the single-acting cylinder by 3/2 pushbutton valve/ solenoid valve

Single-acting cylinders are supplied with compressed air at one end only, where they have a port for the
compressed air supply. This means they can only work in one direction. The cylinder chamber must be
exhausted before the return stroke, after which retraction of the piston rod can be initiated by a built-in
spring or through the application of external force (see Figure 5.4). Exhausting takes place through a hole
in the cylinder end cap.

1) Open FLUID SIM software
2) Click file open new project and save
3) Connect components as for circuit diagram
4) Run the program and press 3/2 way solenoid vale observe the output


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P1 b. Controlling of the double-acting cylinder by 5/2 pushbutton valve/Solenoid valve


Aim: Controlling of the double-acting cylinder by 5/2 push button valve/Solenoid valve
Double-acting cylinders are supplied with compressed air at both ends. This means these cylinders can
also work in both directions. The force transferred to the piston rod is slightly greater for the forward stroke
than for the return stroke since the area supplied with compressed air is greater on the piston side than on
the piston rod side
The double-acting cylinder has a port for each pressurized chamber. Before switching to the reverse
direction, the appropriate chamber (piston side or piston rod side) must first be exhausted.

1) Open FLUID SIM software
2) Click file open new project and save
3) Connect components as for circuit diagram
4) Run the program and press 3/2 way valve with pushbutton observe the output


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P1: 1c Identify industrial applications of Single acting and Double acting cylinder.

Cylinders that convert energy into linear motion can be powered by hydraulic fluid or compressed air.
Hydraulic cylinders are usually the go-to option for seriously heavy-duty lifting and moving because
hydraulics are very powerful and can provide tremendous holding strength. But for most industrial
applications, the more agile air cylinder is often a better choice.


The working principle of single-acting cylinders is to transfer hydraulic fluids or an output force in one
direction only. The piston rod housed within the cylinder can push outwards but cannot pull back, which is
why single-acting cylinders require a force in the opposite direction to return the rod back to its original
This is traditionally achieved by a second component, such as a pump, motor or internal springs. The two
main types of single-acting cylinders are push types and pull types, whereby applications of pressure
produce push or pull motions in a singular direction.


● Reliability
● Simplicity
● Compact
● Economical
● Clamping
● Positioning
● Punching
● Reciprocating engines
● Pumps
● Hydraulic rams
Double-acting cylinders are the polar opposite of their single-acting counterparts, as their working principle
is to transfer hydraulic fluids and output force in both extending and retracting directions. Ports at each end
of the cylinder allow the piston to move forwards and backward. This is achieved by alternating which port
receives the pressure. In operation, the pressure is applied alternately to the ends of the piston.
This application produces thrust in the positive and negative strokes to perform push and pull functions.
This means outward and retraction movements can be achieved under the cylinder’s own pressure without
any external sources of power. Whereas single-acting cylinders only have pressing power, double-acting
cylinders have both pressing and pulling power.

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● Most commonly used cylinder type
● Energy-saving
● Accuracy
● Precision

● Large scale engines

● Industrial furnaces
● Digging machines
● Lift shafts
● Steering mechanisms

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P 2a. Speed control of single-acting cylinders by flow control valve

Circuit diagram

Aim : P 2a. Speed control of single-acting cylinders by flow control valve

Speed regulation with single-acting cylinders
Flow control valve
The tubing cross-section is infinitely adjusted at a flow control valve. The effect of the reduced volumetric
flow is the same in both directions.

One-way flow control valve

The setting at the one-way flow control valve is only effective in one direction; the valve has no effect in the
opposite direction (the volumetric flow is routed through the non-return valve). The direction of flow control
is indicated on the components by an arrow.

In the forward stroke,

The air supply is reduced by means of a one-way flow control valve. The set speed is only effective in the
forward stroke. For the return stroke, the volumetric flow is routed through the non-return valve.

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Fundamentals of Automation Technology 20EE43P
In the forward and return strokes
The flow control valve is at the port that supplies and exhausts the compressed air. The set speed is
effective in the forward and returns strokes.

1) Open FLUID SIM software
2) Click file open new project and save
3) Connect components as for circuit diagram
4) Run the program and press 3/2 way valve with pushbutton observe the output


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Fundamentals of Automation Technology 20EE43P
P2: b Speed control of double-acting cylinders by flow control valve
Circuit diagram

Aim :P2: b Speed control of double-acting cylinders by flow control valve

In the forward stroke (exhaust airflow control)
The one-way flow control valve is at the port that exhausts the compressed air (exhaust airflow control).
The escaping air is routed through the flow control valve. Exhaust airflow control is the method used most
frequently with double-acting cylinders. The speed regulation is unaffected by the load.

1) Open FLUID SIM software
2) Click file open new project and save
3) Connect components as for circuit diagram
4) Run the program and press 3/2 way valve with pushbutton observe the output


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Fundamentals of Automation Technology 20EE43P
P1. Demonstrate the use of Pneumatic drives (used in small robots)

Pneumatic drives are the most visible part of a pneumatic system and a component that directly performs its
primary function of moving parts, opening, closing, and other movement types.

The most commonly used components are linear actuators

and rotary actuators. In the former ones, the working element,
usually the piston rod, performs a reciprocating motion.
Designers can choose from among numerous types of such
devices, including push or pull, piston or pistonless,
single-sided or double-sided actuators. All are based on the
same simple operating principle. Compressed air is supplied
to the actuator chamber through a connection port, which
moves the piston by a predetermined stroke. Typically, the
piston travel distance amounts to a few to tens of millimeters,
which is sufficient for most applications. Longer reach is
possible, but it requires larger dimensions of the device.

In single-acting actuators, the piston movement in the

opposite direction can be implemented by means of, e.g. a spring. This is an energy-efficient solution but limited
to a short distance, usually within a few dozen millimeters. For double-acting devices, the piston movement in
the opposite direction requires air to be transferred to the opposite chamber while venting the other chamber.

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Fundamentals of Automation Technology 20EE43P
P2. Demonstrate the use of Pneumatic grippers

Pneumatic grippers are used for handling workpieces. The following illustrations show various gripper

Figure 6.4: Pneumatic grippers

a) Parallel gripper
b) Angle gripper
c) Radial gripper
d) Three-point gripper

The following illustration (see Figure ) shows a sectional view of an angle gripper driven by a double-acting
cylinder. It shows how gripper fingers (for cylindrical workpieces in this case) and proximity sensors
are mounted on the gripper.
The choice of gripper type, size, and jaw depends on the shape and weight of the workpieces

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Fundamentals of Automation Technology 20EE43P
P1: Activate the DC motor using 2 relays to run the motor forward and backward direction.


AIM: P1: Activate the DC motor using 2 relays to run the motor forward and backward direction.
Reversal of the direction of rotation in a DC motor
● Since it is not possible or practical to keep changing the motor wiring, a so-called pole reversal
circuit is used in DC motors to reverse the direction of rotation
Pole reversal circuit
● Here the motor is activated using two relays; the relay K0 switches the motor current on or off while
the changeover relay K1 reverses the polarity of the motor current so that the motor runs forwards
and backwards

1) Open FLUID SIM software
2) Click file open new project and save
3) Connect components as for circuit diagram
4) Run the program and press S1 & S2 push button observe the output


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1 phase AC Motor Run forward and reverse using EKTS software

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P2: Install and control the speed of the 3-ph motor using VFD.

Working principle of Variable frequency drive.

● A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is a type of motor controller that drives an electric motor by
varying the frequency and voltage supplied to the electric motor. Other names for a VFD are
variable speed drive, adjustable speed drive, adjustable frequency drive, AC drive,
microdrive, and inverter.
● Frequency (or hertz) is directly related to the motor’s speed (RPMs). In other words, the faster the
frequency, the faster the RPMs go. If an application does not require an electric motor to run at full
speed, the VFD can be used to ramp down the frequency and voltage to meet the requirements of
the electric motor’s load. As the application’s motor speed requirements change, the VFD can
simply turn up or down the motor speed to meet the speed requirement.
VFD Working & Block Diagram

● A variable frequency drive controls the speed, torque, and direction of an AC induction motor. It
takes fixed voltage and frequency from AC input and converts it to a variable voltage and frequency
AC output.
● As the frequency of the voltage is reduced, the inductive reactance of the motor stator winding is
also reduced.
● Therefore, in VFD, the voltage applied to the motor is also reduced with frequency to prevent
the motor from being damaged by excessive current.
● Most VFDs operate by first changing the AC voltage into DC, and then DC is changed back to AC at
the desired frequency. In the figure, a VFD block diagram is shown.
The function of each block is as follows:
1. Converter: It is a bridge rectifier circuit that converts the applied AC to DC.
2. DC bus: Also referred to as a DC link, it filters the rectified output and connects it to the input of the
3. Inverter: The inverter takes the filtered DC from the DC bus and converts it into three-phase AC
4. Control logic: The control logic system generates the necessary pulses used to control the output
of the power semiconductor devices used in the inverter block in the proper sequence. An
embedded microprocessor is used for all internal logic and decision requirements.

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Fundamentals of Automation Technology 20EE43P
P1: Demonstrate open loop and closed systems observed in everyday life.
Open Control systems:
Control systems such as these are characterized by an open-loop process, i.e. the input variable (x) is not
influenced by the controlled output variable (y). The control system cannot react to possible disturbance
variables. In bullet-point three (above), this means that the open-loop time control system for the corridor
lighting switches the light off after the specified time whether or not the person who pressed the light switch
and thereby initiated the process has reached the apartment door. Figure 8.1 shows an open control loop.

Figure 8.1: Open control loop
closed-loop control system
A closed-loop control system, on the other hand, continuously records the output variables (y) of the
process, compares them with the input variables (x) and then automatically readjusts the process in the
sense of an alignment of the output and input variables. It has a closed control loop and can react to
disturbance variables. Closed-loop control processes are, for the most part, continuous processes where
the output variable is to be maintained at a specific value. Examples of these include:
● controlling the water temperature in an aquarium,
● controlling the speed in a vehicle (cruise control),
● controlling the rotational speed in an electric motor.

Figure 8.2: closed control loop

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P2: Demonstrate Industrial applications of PLC

What are the Applications of PLC in Daily Life and in Industry?

In this PLC basics, I will talk about some of the popular usages of PLC with the help of the examples.
1.Industrial Applications of PLC
● In industrial automation, PLC performs a wide variety of manufacturing production, monitoring
machine tool or equipment, building the system, and process control functions.
● Here are some of the examples where PLC has been used.
PLCs are used in,
1. Transportation System likes Conveyor Belt System.
2. Packing and Labeling System in Food & Beverage.
3. Automatic Bottle or Liquid Filling System.
4. Packaging and Labeling System in Pharma Industries.
5. Transportation System like Escalator and Elevator.
6. Industrial Crane Control System for Operation of Overhead Traveling Crane.
7. Glass Industries for glass production and recording data.
8. Paper Industries for the production of Pages, Books or Newspapers, etc.
9. Cement Industries for manufacturing or mixing the right quality and quantities of raw
materials, and accuracy of data regarding.
10. Automatic Drainage Water Pump Monitoring and Controlling System.
11. Time and Count-based Control System for an Industrial Machine.
12. Temperature Controller or Humidity by using the Sensors Input to the PLC system.
13. Fault Detection and Protection of Industrial Machines like an Induction Motor.
14. Wind Turbine System for Maximum Efficiency, Recording Data, and Safety Purposes.
15. Conveyor Belt System controls the Sequence of Conveyors and Interlocking procedure.
16. Energy Management System like Boiler, Ball Milling, Coal Kiln, Shaft Kiln, etc.
17. Oil and Gas Industries for controlling the Purging Procedure.
2. Power Station Applications of PLC
For the electrical power system analysis, PLC plays operation for maintenance and other main roles in the
power plants and the smart grid system.
18. PLC uses the Smart Grid System to Monitor and Detect fault conditions.
19. It is used in the Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution System.
20. In the Power Substation, PLC can use the Auto Assembly Line System.
21. Some Electrical Equipment (like Circuit Breaker Tripping, Capacitor Switching) can be
automatically operated with PLC.
22. A Single-Phase or Three-Phase Sequence Detected by using the PLC.
23. In Oil, and Gas an Automation Power Plant, PLC needs Valve Switching for Changeover of
Fuels, Pilot Light ON or OFF, Flame Safety Checking, Oil Filtering procedure, and more
24. Real-time PLC uses in Underground Coal Mine or Water Level Sensing and Data Survey.
3. Commercial Applications of PLC
We can see the growth of PLC in commercial control applications. With the use of PLC, applications can
easily operate without or with very minimal manpower or physical hard work.
Here are some basic commercial applications that use PLC.
25. Smart Traffic Control Signal System.
26. Smart Elevator Control System.
27. Fire Detection and Alarm System.
28. Automatic Machine Handling System.
29. Automatic Vehicle Washer System
30. Automated Guided Vehicle System.
31. In the Roller Coasters Machine.
32. Automation System for Well Drainage System.
33. Luggage Handling System. For example, at the Airport.
34. Pressure Controller in Multi-Motor Pump Applications.
35. Sequence or Numerical Counting and Packing System.
36. Mining Equipment Line Detection and Remote Control System.

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37. For Wind Turbine Operation, PLCs convert signals from the Wind Speed and Direction
Sensors to better control the Wind Turbines.
4. Domestic Applications of PLC
For the domestic purpose, PLC act as a remote operating device or automatic sensing device. We can
automate some day-to-day activities with PLC.
Here are some useful domestic applications we can automate with PLC.
38. Water Tank Level Control System
39. Car Washing and Parking System.
40. Flashing Light Controlling System.
41. Automatic Door Opening/Closing System.
42. Remote Monitoring Application like Air compressor (AC), Fan.
43. ON/OFF Switching Application like Light, Motor, and More daily life applications of PLC.
5. Education Applications of PLC
Engineering students mostly prefer the automation system for doing their academic or research projects. It
is a big trend.
As part of the automation projects, you can automate any commercial or domestic applications using PLC.
Your project should be designed to automate a specific task. It should work under real-time and with
superior reliability and best performance.
What are the major areas of Application of PLC?
PLC works in an industrial automation environment where PLC replaces the relay system. Now, we will see
the top automation companies list where PLC is needed.
Automation Industries:
● Steel Industry
● Glass Industry
● Paper industry
● Textile industry
● Cement Industry
● Chemical industry
● Automobile industry
● Food Processing System
● Oil and Gas Power Plant
● Wind Turbine System
● Robotic Automation System
● Underground Coal Mine and many more industries.
In the above automation industrial area, PLC helps to monitor input and output and makes the logic-based
decision, automatic sequential count, time-based control system for the automated process.

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P1 A.Identify Components of PLC
A typical PLC rack configuration is shown in the below figure.


(1) Power supply:

The power supply converts facility electrical distribution voltage, such as 230 VAC, 120 VAC, or 125 VDC to
signal level voltage used by the plc processor and other modules.
(2) Processor:
The processor module contains the microprocessor that performs control functions and computations, as
well as the memory required to store the program.

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(3) Input/Output (I/O) :
● These modules provide the means of connecting the processor to the field devices. Examples of
these modules are Analog Input Module, Analog output module, Digital input module, Digital output
module etc.
● These are used to connect devices between plc and field devices like flow transmitters, pressure
transmitters, control valves, analyzers, substation feeders for motor control etc.
(4) Communication:
● Communications modules are available for a wide range of industry-standard communication
network connections. These allow digital data transfer between PLCs and to other systems within
the facility.
● Most commonly used modules are Modbus communication cards or Serial communication.
● Some PLCs have communications capability built-in to the processor, rather than using separate
(5) Communication Media and Protocols:
● The most common communication media used are copper-wire, coaxial, fiber-optics, and wireless.
The most common “open” communication protocols are Ethernet, Ethernet/IP, and DeviceNet.
● “Open” systems generally provide “plug and play” features in which the system software
automatically recognizes and communicates to any compatible device that is connected to it.
● Other widely accepted open protocols are Modbus, Profibus, and ControlNet.
(6) Redundancy:
● Many PLCs are capable of being configured for redundant operation in which one processor backs
up another.
● This arrangement often requires the addition of a redundancy module, which provides status
confirmation and control assertion between the processors. In addition, signal wiring to redundant
racks is an option.

P1 B.Identify different types of PLC

The two major types of PLC
When it comes to the types of PLC, these two are the most common answer that you will find in any source
from the internet simply because they are the least subtle of all the classifications available.

Fixed/Integrated/Compact PLC

● This type of PLC is most commonly called the Fixed I/O PLC.
● “Fixed I/O” actually stands for Fixed “Input/Output”. When you buy Compact PLCs, you will notice
that the input section and the output sections of the PLC are integrated into the microcontroller itself.
● This means that every type of output or input is fixed and is determined by the manufacturer.
● Furthermore, the number of inputs and outputs may not be expanded in this type of PLC.

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Modular PLC

● The modular PLC is a type that allows multiple expansions of the PLC system through the use of
modules, hence the term “modular”.
● Modules give the programmable logic controller additional features like an increased number of I/O
units, and they are usually easier to use because each component is independent of each other.
● The power supply, communications module, Input/Output module are all separate from the actual
microcontroller so you have to manually connect them to each other to create your PLC control
● A type of modular PLC is the rack-mounted or rack mount PLC. In a rack mount PLC, the
communications module of the PLC resides in the rack itself, so all connections are centralized.

P1 C.Identify different input and output devices of PLC

Input Device
An input device is a piece of computer hardware equipment used to provide data, and control
signals to an information processing system (IPS).

Some examples of input devices include:

● Switches and push buttons
● Sensing devices
● Limit switches
● Proximity sensors
● Photoelectric Sensors
● Condition sensors
● Vacuum switches
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● Temperature switches
● Level switches
● Pressure switches

Output Devices
An output device is any piece of hardware used to communicate the results of data processing
carried out by an IPS, and translate the information into an understandable form.
● Valves
● Motor starters
● Horns and alarms
● Stack lights
● Control relays
● Pumps
● Printers
● Fans

What are the fundamentals of a PLC system?

CPU or processor
The Central Processing Unit, or main processor, is a microprocessor-based system. It executes the control
program after reading field input status, then sends out commands to field outputs.
I/O section
I/O modules act as the Real Data Interface between field and CPU. A PLC knows the real status of field
devices and controls them with relevant I/O cards.
Programming device
CPU cards can be connected with programming devices through a communication link via a programming
port on the CPU.
Operating station: An operating station is used to provide an “operating window” to the PLC process. It is
generally a separate device, like a PC, that is loaded with Human Machine Interface Software.

P1 D. Identify the wiring mode of PLC- sourcing and sinking modes

Sinking and Sourcing

● Sinking and Sourcing are terms used to define the control of direct current flow in a load. A sinking
digital I/O (input/output) provides a grounded connection to the load, whereas a sourcing digital I/O
provides a voltage source to the load.
● Consider a simple circuit that consists of one digital input connected to a digital output. The circuit
needs a voltage source, a ground, and a load. A sourcing digital I/O provides the voltage needed for
the circuit. A sinking digital I/O provides the ground needed in the circuit. The digital input provides
the load required for the circuit to work.
● Figure 1 shows a sinking digital output that is connected to a sourcing digital input. In this circuit, the
load is pulled to the ground because of the sinking digital input provided.

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● Figure 2 shows a sourcing digital output that is connected to a sinking digital input. In this circuit, the
load is pulled up to receive voltage because the sourcing digital input has been provided.

● Because both a voltage source and a ground reference are needed in order to create a complete
circuit, you must have a sourcing input or output connected to a sinking output or input. If you wish
to connect a sourcing input to a sourcing output or a sinking input to a sinking output, you will need
to add an additional resistor.
● When connecting various current inputs and outputs it is important to keep in mind what device is
powering the circuit. Inputs and outputs can either “sink” current or “source” current. A 2-wire
transmitter is a passive device and thus “sinks” current. A 4-wire transmitter operates on an external
power source and thus “sources” or provides power to the circuit.

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P1.Develop and test the ladder programs for the following motor controls:
a) Starting from two different locations (OR Function)

Theory :
Figure 1a shows an electrical circuit where an output is energized when switch A or B, both normally
open, are closed. This describes an OR logic gate (Figure 3b) in that input A or input B must be on
for there to be an output.

Figure 1b shows an OR logic gate system on a ladder diagram,

The ladder diagram starts with | |, normally open contacts labeled input A, to represent switch A and in
parallel with it | |, normally open contacts labeled input B, to represent switch B. Either input A or input B
have to be closed for the output to be energized

b) Stopping from one position (NOT Function)

Figure a shows an electrical circuit controlled by a switch that is normally closed. When there is an input to
the switch, it opens and there is then no current in the circuit. This illustrates a NOT gate in that there is an
output when there is no input and no output when there is an input The gate is sometimes referred to as an

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Figure 5b shows a NOT gate system on a ladder diagram. The input A contacts are shown as being
normally closed. This is in series with the output ( ). With no input to input A, the contacts are closed and
so there is an output. When there is an input to input A, it opens and there is then no output.

An example of a NOT gate control system is a light that comes on when it becomes dark, i.e., when there is
no light input to the light sensor there is an output.

c) Two hand operation (AND Function)

Figure 1a shows a situation where an output is not energized unless two, normally open, switches are both
closed. Switch A and switch B have both to be closed, which thus gives an AND logic situation. We can
think of this as representing a control system with two inputs A and B (Figure 1b). Only when A and B are
both on is there an output.

Figure c shows an AND gate system on a ladder diagram.
The ladder diagram starts with | |, a normally open set of contacts labeled input A, to represent switch A
and in series with it | |, another normally open set of contacts labeled input B, to represent switch B. The
line then terminates with O to represent the output. For there to be an output, both input A and input B have
to occur, i.e., input A and input B contacts have to be closed ( Figure b)

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d) Stopping from two different locations (NOT+OR or NOR Functions)

Suppose we follow an OR gate by a NOT gate (Figure 8a). The consequence of having the NOT gate is to
invert the outputs of the OR gate. An alternative, which gives exactly the same results, is to put a NOT gate
on each input and then an AND gate for the resulting inverted inputs (Figure a).

The combination of OR and NOT gates is termed a NOR gate. There is an output when neither input A or
input B is 1.
Figure c shows a ladder diagram of a NOR system. When input A and input B are both not activated, there
is a 1 output. When either X400 or X401 are 1 there is a 0 output.

e) Stopping if both signals are given (NOT+AND or NAND functions)
Suppose we follow an AND gate with a NOT gate (Figure 6a). The consequence of having the NOT gate
is to invert all the outputs from the AND gate. An alternative, which gives exactly the same results, is to put
a NOT gate on each input and then follow that with OR (Figure b).

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● Both the inputs A and B have to be 0 for there to be a 1 output. There is an output when input A and
input B are not 1. The combination of these gates is termed a NAND gate (Figure c ).
● An example of a NAND gate control system is a warning light that comes on if, with a machine
tool, the safety guard switch has not been activated and the limit switch signalling the presence of
the workpiece has not been activated.

g) Interlocking protection (XNOR/XOR)

● The OR gate gives an output when either or both of the inputs are 1. Sometimes there is, however,
a need for a gate that gives an output when either of the inputs is 1 but not when both are 1, i.e.,
has the truth table
● Such a gate is called an Exclusive OR or XOR gate. One way of obtaining such a gate is by using
NOT, AND and OR gates as shown in Figure b.

Figure 11 shows a ladder diagram for an XOR gate system.

● When input A and input B are not activated then there is 0 output. When just input A is activated,
then the upper branch results in the output being 1. When just input B is activated, then the lower
branch results in the output being 1. When both input A and input B are activated, there is no output.
● In this example of a logic gate, input A and input B have two sets of contacts in the circuits, one set
being normally open and the other normally closed. With PLC programming, each input may have
as many sets of contacts as necessary

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f) Memory function (Signal is maintained or holding)

● An example of a latch circuit is shown in Figure . When the input A contacts close, there is an
output. However, when there is an output, another set of contacts associated with the output closes.
● These contacts form an OR logic gate system with the input contacts. Thus, even if the input A
opens, the circuit will still maintain the output energized. The only way to release the output is by
operating the normally closed contact B.

P2.: Develop and test the ladder program for interlocking two motors, using PLC simulation software.

This was a simple example of how to build PLC programs in ladder logic by breaking down the
problem into actual logic. But these logic relationships can not only be used with normally open
and normally closed instructions. They can be used with many different PLC instructions – even
counters and timers.

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P1a. Develop and test ladder program for switching ON motor 1, motor 2 and motor 3 in sequence
with some time delay, using PLC simulation software.

Sequential Motor Control
Problem Description
● In many industries, there are lots of motors used. Sometimes we need to start more than one
motor in an application. When we have a low incoming power supply rating, then there is a
chance the incoming MCB will trip when one or more motors will START in parallel because
they will consume more power.
● Here we will consider one similar example where we START each motor one by one.
Problem Diagram

Problem Solution
● The problem can be solved by using PLC programming or relay logic.
● In this case, we have to operate motors sequentially. There are total 3 motors to be controlled
in a sequence. so that each motor will start sequentially, say Motor 1 will START then after
some delay then motor 2 will start and after some delay motor 3 will start.
● So that whole operation will take 10 seconds to start all motors in a sequence. By providing
this delay we can avoid the problem of taking large
current by motors during initial stat up.
● All motors will be operate in the sequence and 5 seconds time delay is to be provided
between operations of each motor.
● Here will write logic for sequential operation for motors using PLC.

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P1a. Develop and test ladder program for switching ON motor 1, motor 2 and motor 3 in sequence with
some time delay, using PLC simulation software.

3 Motor controls by different timings

1) Open cx-one programing PLC software
2) Connect motor 2. 3 and 4 using PLC instruction
3) Connect timer 2. 3 and 4 using PLC instruction
4) Run the program to check the control sequence of motors

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P2:Develop and test the ladder program of the Alarm system for the following conditions: If one input is
ON- nothing happens, if any two inputs are ON- a red light turns ON, If any three inputs are ON- a
Hooter/Alarm turns ON, using PLC simulation software.

1) Open cx-one programing PLC software

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P1.Develop and run simple Ladder programs to read sensor status and to control various output. LED is
turned ON when a (proximity sensor) sensor is activated.
i. Draw the ladder diagram
Ii. Draw PLC wiring diagram.
iii.Wire push buttons to input module and LED to output module.
Iv. Enter the ladder program into the PLC simulator and execute
v. If theprogram is error free, Upload the program into PLC and execute.
Vi observe the output

PLC Automatic Door Control System

This is PLC Program for automatic door control system.
Problem Description
Implement logic for the automatic door open & close system in PLC using ladder diagram programming

Problem Diagram

Problem Solution
● We will use PLC S7-300 for this application. Also we will use cx one program software for
● In this system when someone enters the infrared sensing field, the opening motor starts
working to open the door automatically till the door touches the door opening limit switch.
● If the door touches the opening limit switch for 8sec and nobody enters the sensing
field/area, then the closing motor starts to close the door automatically till the door touches
the closing limit switch.
● Stop the closing action immediately if someone enters the sensing field during the door
closing process.
List of inputs/outputs
List of inputs
● Infrared sensor :- I0.0
● Closing limit switch :- I0.1
● Opening limit switch :- I0.2
List of outputs
● Opening motor :- Q0.0
● Closing motor :- Q0.1
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PLC Ladder diagram for Automatic Door Control System

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Program Description
For this application we used S7-300 PLC and TIA portal software for programming.
Network 1 :-
When an infrared sensor is detected (I0.0), the door opening motor (Q0.0) will start. The door will be open.
When it touches the close limit switch (I0.1), the opening motor will stop.
Network 2 :-
When the door touches the opening limit switch (I0.2), the timer will be executed.
Network 3 :-
After 8sec time the closing motor (Q0.1) will start. When it touches the closing limit switch, the closing
motor (Q0.1) will turn OFF.

Note :- Above application may be different from the actual application. This example is only for explanation
purposes only. We can implement this logic in other PLC also. This is the simple concept of automatic door
open and close application, we can use this concept in other examples also.
All parameters considered in the example are for explanation purposes only, parameters may be different in
actual applications. Also all interlocks are not considered in the application.
Runtime Test Cases

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P2:Double acting cylinder is used to perform machinng operation. Pneumatic cylinder is advanced by
pressing two push buttons simultaneously. If any one of the push button is released, cylinder comes back to
start position. Draw the pneumatic circuit, PLC wiring diagram and ladder diagram to implement this task.

Solution :

As shown in the PLC wiring diaram, The push buttons PB1 and PB2 are connected at memory address I1
and I2.

● I1 and I2 are connected in series in a ladder diagram to realize this AND logic function.
● When the push buttons PB1 and PB2 are pressed simultaneously, the addresses I1 and I 2 turn to
state 1 from state 0 , as a result power flows through the coil and there will be output at coil 01.
Output at the coil 01 operated the solenoid coil and cylinder moves forward to do the required
● If any one of PB1 and PB2 is pressed, then corresponding bit addresses turns to 0, since I1 and I2
are in series , if any of them turns to 0 state , there will not be any output at 01 and thus solenoid is
de-energised and returns back.

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Example 2 :
Double acting cylinder is used to perform forward and return motion. Pneumatic cylinder is advanced by
pressing push buttons PB1. Cylinder is returned by pressing push button PB2. Draw the pneumatic circuit,
PLC wiring diagram and ladder diagram to implement this task.


PLC Wiring diagram and Ladder diagrams are shown in above Figure. when the push button PB1 is
pressed, the state of the address I1 turns to 1 and thus there will be output 01. The output of 01 operates
the solenoid Y1 and cylinder moves forward,

When the cylinder reaches the extreme forward position, and Push button PB2 is operated , the state of
address I2 turns to 1 and thus there will be output 02. The output of 02 operates the solenoid Y2 and
cylinder returns back to initial position.

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Example 3 :
Double acting cylinder is used to perform forward and return automatically after reaching the extreme
forward position. Pneumatic cylinder is advanced by pressing push buttons PB1. Draw the pneumatic
circuit, PLC wiring diagram and ladder diagram to implement this task.


PLC Wiring diagram and Ladder diagrams are shown in above Figure. When the pushbutton PB1 is
pressed, the state of the address I1 turns to 1 and thus there will be output 01. The output of 01 operates
the solenoid Y1 and the cylinder moves forward.

When the cylinder reaches the extreme forward position, and Limit switch S2 is operated , the state of
address I3 turns to 1 and thus there will be output 02. The output of 02 operates the solenoid Y2 and the
cylinder returns back to initial position.

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Example 4 :
Double acting cylinder is used to perform pressing operation. Cylinder has to move forward when the PB1
button is pressed and return for a set time of 20 seconds before it automatically returns to initial position.
Limit switch S2 is used for end sensing of the forward motion of the cylinder. Draw the pneumatic circuit,
PLC wiring diagram and ladder diagram to implement this task.


When PB1 is pressed, address I1 input state goes to 1 and there is an output at O1. Due to output at O1,
the solenoid coil Y1 is operated and the cylinder moves forward.

When cylinder reaches end position, limit switch S2 is operated and as a result address I3 changes to 1
and consequently starts the timer T1.

The signal state of timer T1 changes to 1 after 20 seconds is reached. At the end of 20 seconds there will
be output from Timer T1 set output O2. Coil Y2 is energized thus causing the return motion of the cylinder.

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SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition but it is a term often used for data
collection and presentation.
What is SCADA ?
● SCADA is normally a software package designed to display information, log data and show alarms.
● This can be graphical and tabular and can involve words and pictures (or mimics).
● The software would normally be installed on a computer and all the various signals would be wired
back to the central point (CPU), or marshalled and gathered using some form of bus system or
direct wired.

● SCADA can be used to monitor and control plant or equipment. The control may be automatic, or
initiated by operator commands. The data acquisition is accomplished firstly by the RTU’s (remote
Terminal Units).
● The central host will scan the RTU’s or the RTU’s will report in Data can be of three main types.
● Analogue data (i.e. real numbers) will be trended (i.e. placed in graphs). Digital data (on/off) may
have alarms attached to one state or the other. Pulse data (e.g. counting revolutions of a meter) is
normally accumulated or counted
● Supervisory control and data acquisition – SCADA refers to ICS (industrial control systems) used to
control infrastructure processes (Utilities, water treatment, wastewater treatment, gas pipelines,
wind farms, etc), facility-based processes (airports, space stations, ships, etc,) or industrial
processes (production, manufacturing, refining, power generation, etc).
The following subsystems are usually present in SCADA systems:
● The apparatus used by a human operator; all the processed data are presented to the
● A supervisory system that gathers all the required data about the process
● Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) connected to the sensors of the process, which helps to
convert the sensor signals to the digital data and send the data to supervisory stream.
● Programmable Logic Controller (PLCs) used as field devices
● Communication infrastructure connects the Remote Terminal Units to supervisory system.

Generally, a SCADA system does not control the processes in real time – it usually refers to the system that
coordinates the processes in real time.

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Human Machine Interface
The HMI, or Human Machine Interface, is an apparatus that gives the processed data to the human
operator. A human operator uses HMI to control processes.

● The HMI is linked to the SCADA system’s databases, to provide the diagnostic data, management
information and trending information such as logistic information, detailed schematics for a certain
machine or sensor, maintenance procedures and troubleshooting guides.
● The information provided by the HMI to the operating personnel is graphical, in the form of mimic
● This means the schematic representation of the plant that is being controlled is available to the
● For example, the picture of the pump that is connected to the pipe shows that this pump is running
and it also shows the amount of fluid pumping through the pipe at the particular moment.
● The pump can then be switched off by the operator. The software of the HMI shows the decrease in
the flow rate of fluid in the pipe in the real time.
● Mimic diagrams either consist of digital photographs of process equipment with animated symbols,
or schematic symbols and line graphics that represent various process elements.
● The HMI package of the SCADA systems consist of a drawing program used by the system
maintenance personnel or operators to change the representation of these points in the interface.
● These representations can be as simple as on-screen traffic lights that represent the state of the
actual traffic light in the area, or complex, like the multi-projector display that represents the position
of all the trains on the railway or elevators in skyscrapers.
● SCADA systems are commonly used in alarm systems. The alarm has only two digital status points
with values ALARM or NORMAL. When the requirements of the Alarm are met, the activation will
● For example, when the fuel tank of a car is empty, the alarm is activated and the light signal is on.
To alert the SCADA operators and managers, text messages and emails are sent along with alarm

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1)Application In Power Plants:
● A group of Hydro and Gas generation plants when the load demand exceeds the generating
capacity, These plants are considered as peak load plants because these plants can start in no time
and deliver power to the grid.
● These plants are located in remote locations. These plants are controlled by opening and closing
the valves of turbines so that they can deliver the power in peak conditions and can be kept on
standby during normal load conditions.
2)Application In Oil & Gas Plants:
● Many process control parameters, motors, pumps, valves are spread over the wide area in the field.
● Control and monitoring applications include turning on and off motors, pumps, valves and gathering
information of process parameters(like flow rate, pressure, temperature) continuously and taking
certain decisions through SCADA systems.
3)Applications In Pipelines:
● Pipelines carrying oil, gas, chemicals and water which are located at varying distances from the
plant need continuous monitoring and control.
● Control includes opening and closing the valves, starting and stopping the pumps. Monitoring the
flowrate and other parameters to avoid leakage in the pipelines by acquiring the data and carrying
out suitable controls is done through SCADA systems.
4)Applications In Power Transmission:
● Electrical power transmission which is spread over thousands of kilometers can be controlled by
opening and closing the circuit breakers and other functions. This is done in a master control
substation which can control the other substations through SCADA systems.
5)Applications In Irrigation Systems:
● Irrigation systems which are spread over a wide area can be controlled by closing and opening the
valves, gathering the meter values of the amount of water supplied and taking the control actions
can be done through SCADA systems. VIDEO

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