Foreword Remington 23rd Edition - 2021 - Remington

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Foreword—Remington 23rd edition

There is arguably no textbook that has been more influen- introduced preparations of the age.” Even more so than
tial on the profession of pharmacy than Remington: The the late 19th century, the profession continues to rapidly
Science and Practice of Pharmacy. First Authored by evolve and Remington continues to serve us as both a
Joseph Remington in 1885, an eminent pharmacist and valuable reference text and a record of pharmacy’s prog-
long-serving faculty member and the second dean of ress over the last 135 years. Our profession is unique
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (PCP), the textbook among the sciences and health-care arenas in that it is
has been published continuously since then and as such, I truly a science and practice profession. The original sec-
am proud to introduce the 23rd edition of Remington. As tions of Remington detailing the pharmaceutical apparatus
an alumnus of PCP (now part of University of the and the listings of inorganic and organic chemical sub-
Sciences) and it’s 16th dean, I am particularly delighted stances of the day, which may seem irrelevant and foreign
that the newest edition of Remington is being edited once to the contemporary pharmacist, have been replaced with
again by a PCP faculty member, Dr. Adeboye Adejare chapters such as therapeutic antibodies and molecular pro-
who “moved mountains” to bring Remington to fruition. filing. In Remington’s time (and for many years thereaf-
Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy ter) the practice of pharmacy was much closer aligned to
will be forever tied to the legacy of PCP and the profes- a shopkeeper than a health-care provider. The ever-
sion of pharmacy. Joseph Remington was profoundly changing role of pharmacists in the direct care of patients
influenced by William Proctor Jr—another PCP faculty is elucidated in chapters such as point-of-care testing and
member—and considered by many to be the father of the role of the pharmacist in the COVID-19 pandemic.
American Pharmacy. Further, Remington is being pub- This truly is a marvelous and comprehensive textbook!
lished to coincide with the 2021 bicentennial of the For many seasoned pharmacists, Remington was the
founding of PCP, the first college of pharmacy in the pharmacy textbook. We no longer carry this massive
nation and often considered the birthplace of American tome under our arms, but the book (in particular the elec-
Pharmacy. There can be no better tribute to our tronic version!) will continue to inspire generations of stu-
profession. dents, pharmacists, and pharmaceutical scientists for years
I found it profound that Professor Remington, in the to come.
Preface to the first edition (a reproduction which is
Edward F. Foote
included in this edition!), wrote, “The rapid and substan-
Dean, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy,
tial progress made in Pharmacy within the last decade has
University of the Sciences,
created a necessity for a work treating of the improved
Philadelphia, PA, United States
apparatus, the revised processes, and the recently


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