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NAME: DATE: PER: Crash Course European History #6 - The Protestant Reformation 1, What else besides money was behind the competition between Spain and England as they fought it out on the seas across the globe after 1550? 2. Over the centuries, the Catholic Church had developed a powerful structure under the 3. Catholic ideas of the time backed up social and political . What is an example? 4, Whatis heresy? What is the consequence of heresy? 5. What is Purgatory? What are some ways one can get out of Purgatory? 6. What did the pope do in 1517? How did this affect ordinary people? 7. For Luther, wasn't something you bought, either by good works or by purchasing indulgences. 8. What are the Ninety-Five Theses? 9. This rejection of the Church as it operated in the early sixteenth century came to be called the 110. What did Luther argue was the only true authority? 11.Luther believed that the hierarchy of priests, bishops, and cardinals, and the Pope was inherently and that such corrupt individuals could hardly serve as intermediaries with the divine. only the Bible or scripture, was his motto alongside the keys to salvation: and , only grace and only faith. 12. What happened to Luther in 1521? 13. What is the Diet of Worms? 14, Who protected and hid Luther after the Diet of Worms? Why did they protect him? 15.The Reformation went from being local to being German to being a European-wide movement in large part thanks to the 16. What is the significance of Ulrich Zwingli? What group did his followers form? 17. What did Anabaptists argue? 18. Who is Katharina von Bora? 19. What is the Peace of Augsburg?

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