Difference Between Cost Accounting

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Difference Between Cost Accounting,

Financial Accounting, and Managerial Accounting:

Accounting plays a critical role in the success of any organization. Three different types
of accounting - cost accounting, financial accounting and managerial accounting - are
used for different purposes, and understanding the differences between them is
essential to ensure businesses make informed decisions.

What is Cost Accounting?

Cost accounting is an internal accounting method that helps organizations identify,
measure, and control the costs associated with producing products or services. It
provides detailed information about the various costs and expenses incurred in
manufacturing or creating a product and helps organizations to take necessary actions to
lower the production cost.
“Costing is not an art; it’s a science” - Charles W. Horngren

What is Financial Accounting?

Financial accounting is a process in which businesses summarize, report and analyze
their financial transactions to provide information that is useful to parties outside of the
organization, such as investors, creditors and regulatory agencies. It provides financial
statements that show the financial performance and position of the company over a
certain period of time.

Uses of Financial Accounting

 Used by investors to determine whether to invest in the company or not.

 Regulatory bodies use the information for various financial regulations.

Key Features of Financial Accounting

 The reporting period is usually at least a year in length

 The focus is on external data users
 The financial statements have to follow certain standard formats, rules, and practices

Financial Statements

 Income statement
 Balance Sheet
 Cash flow statement
What is Managerial Accounting?
Managerial accounting is an internal accounting method that provides financial and non-
financial information to the management team to make informed decisions for the
business. It focuses on predicting, planning, and controlling future operational activities
of the organization.
Types of Information Provided by Managerial Accounting

Revenue forecasts, cost models, performance reports, and production schedules.

Benefits of Managerial Accounting

Helps in decision making, cost management, performance evaluation and control, and planning future
business operations.

Differences Between Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting,

and Managerial Accounting
Cost Accounting Financial Accounting Managerial Accounting
Focuses on internal data Focuses on both internal and
Focuses on external data users
users external data users
Emphasizes cost Emphasizes financial Emphasizes future operational
management and control performance and position performance and plans
Applies to specific products Applies to the entire Applies to specific areas of the
or services organization organization

Cost Accounting Methods

 Job costing
 Process costing
 Standard costing

Financial Accounting Standards

 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Managerial Accounting Techniques

 Cost-volume-profit analysis
 Capital budgeting
 Variance analysis
Real-World Examples
 Cost accounting is used in manufacturing to ensure companies minimize their production
costs while efficiently leveraging resources.
 Financial accounting provides external stakeholders with insights on the financial health
of the organization.

 Managerial accounting is used internally for company decision-making, performance

evaluation and control.

Understanding the differences between cost accounting, financial accounting, and
managerial accounting is essential for businesses to make informed decisions. Each type
of accounting has its own unique purpose, methodology and application. Utilizing them
effectively can help businesses better manage their resources, improve operations, and
increase profitability.
“Accounting is the language of business” - Warren Buffett

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