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Jake Andersen-Lum 2022W2 MATH 101A ALL 2022W2

Assignment WW04 due 02/16/2023 at 11:59pm PST

Problem 1. (1 point) Problem 3. (1 point)

Let c be a constant satisfying c > 16. Find the constants a, b, and For each of the indefinite integrals below, select which of the fol-
m for which Z √ lowing trig substitutions would be most helpful in evaluating the
c 2
8xex dx = aec + bem . integral. Do not evaluate the integrals.
A. x = 5 tan θ
a= B. x = 5 sin θ
C. x = 5 sec θ

m= Z p
? 1. x2 25 + x2 dx
Z p
? 2. x2 − 25 dx
? 3.
Z (25 + x2 )3
? 4. (x2 − 25)5/2 dx
x2 dx
? 5. √
Problem 2. (1 point) 25 − x2
Consider the integral I = cos4 (5x)dx.

a) Choose the most appropriate trigonometric identity that will

allow you to calculate the integral:

• sin2 (At) = 1 − cos2 (At)

• cos2 (At) = 21 [1 + cos(2At)]

• cos2 (At) = 1 − sin2 (At)

• sin(At) cos(At) = 12 sin(2At)

• sin2 (At) cos2 (At) = 14 sin2 (2At)

• sin2 (At) = 21 [1 − cos(2At)]

b) Now compute the integral.

I =

Problem 4. (1 point) Problem 5. (1 point)
Consider the following indefinite integral: This problem concerns the integral
11x2 dx,
I = √ dx x2 + 4x + 13
9 − x2 which can be solved using various methods. Show how to solve it
using a trigonometric substitution, by completing the steps below.
(a) One way to evaluate I is to use trigonometric substitution. Se-
lect the best choice from the list of options below. (a) This integral can be evaluated using a single trigonometric
substitution, which can be written in the form x = h(t), where
• ‘ x=asin(t)‘ h(t) = .
‘x = a tan(t)‘
(b) Applying the substitution in (a) and simplifying leads to
• ‘ x=asec(t)‘ Z
dx = g(t) dt,
x2 + 4x + 13
Where a =
where g(t) = .
(b) This substitution leads to an integral of the form R
Z Evaluate g(t) dt:
I = P sin2 (t) + Q dt g(t) dt = .

Z Finally, solve the original integral:
Where P = and Q = x
dx = .
x2 + 4x + 13
(c) Now, choose an appropriate trig identity from the list below
that will enable you to integrate the expression above. (e) [Optional] Solve the given integral by another method, and
check that the answer is equivalent to the one in part (d).
• ‘ sin2 (t) = 1 − cos2 (t)‘ Note: You can earn partial credit on this problem.
‘2 sin2 (t) = 1 − cos(2t)‘

• ‘ 2cos2 (t) = 1 + cos(2t)‘

‘ tan2 (t) = sec2 (t) − 1‘

(d) Evaluating the expression gives an antiderivative of the form

I = f (t) =

(e) Finally (via another trig identity?) we obtain an antiderivative

in the form
x p
I = S arcsin + T x 9 − x2 +C
where C is an arbitrary constant and

where S = and T =

Problem 6. (1 point) Problem 8. (1 point)
For each of the following integrals, indicate whether integration Consider the following integral.
by substitution or integration by parts is more appropriate, or if
Z 6
neither method is appropriate. Do not evaluate the integrals.
I= log(2x) dx
R 3
1. x sin x dx
• A. substitution The best way to find an antiderivative for log(2x) is to use the
• B. integration by parts integration by parts formula
• C. neither
uv0 dx = uv − u0 vdx
R x3
2. 1+x4
• A. substitution
• B. integration by parts u(x) =
• C. neither v0 (x) =
R 3 x4
3. x e dx Evaluating the integral we obtain
• A. neither I =
• B. substitution
• C. integration by parts

R 3
x cos(x4 ) dx Problem 9. (1 point)
• A. integration by parts
• B. neither Evaluate the integral
Z 1
• C. substitution 3x5x dx
√ 1
5. 2x+1
• A. substitution
• B. neither
• C. integration by parts
Recall dx [ax ] = ax log a for any positive constant a.
(Note that because this is multiple choice, you will not be able to
see which parts of the problem you got correct.)

Problem 10. (1 point)

Find the given indefinite integral.
x arctan(20x) dx =

Problem 7. (1 point)
Evaluate the given integral.
Z Problem 11. (1 point)
3x ln(4x) dx = Evaluate the given integral.
9 cos dx =

Hint: Start with a substitution.

Problem 12. (1 point) Problem 14. (1 point)

Select the best integration strategy to evaluate each of the follow- (a) Suppose h is a function with a continuous second derivative
ing integrals. You are not required to evaluate the integrals. that satisfies
h(3) = −9, h(6) = 2,
h0 (3) = 1, h0 (6) = 0,
7t + 17
(a) dt can be solved using h00 (3) = −5, h00 (6) = −4.
t 2 + 5t + 4
•? Evaluate the following definite integral, where a and b are real-
• integration by parts valued constants:
Z 6
• partial fractions (ax + b)h00 (x) dx = a+ b+
• trigonometric substitution
• trigonometric integral

Z (b) Suppose g is a function with a continuous second derivative

(b) xe4x dx can be solved using that satisfies
•? g(4) = −14, g(15) = 6,
• integration by parts g0 (4) = 1, g0 (15) = 7,
• partial fractions g (4) = −1, g00 (15) = −13.

• trigonometric integral Evaluate the following definite integral:

• trigonometric substitution Z 15
g0 (t)g00 (t) dt =
(c) sin4 (t) cos5 (t) dt can be solved using
•? Problem 15. (1 point)
• trigonometric substitution
• partial fractions Consider the following indefinite integral:
• trigonometric integral
f (x) dx,
• integration by parts

where f (x) = 6x + x cos(3x) .
Z p
(d) 17x2 + 9 dx can be solved using
•? (a) An application of integration by parts that makes this integral
• trigonometric substitution easier to solve will result in an expression of the form
• partial fractions
f (x) dx = g(x) − h(x) dx,
• integration by parts
• trigonometric integral with g(x) = ,
and h(x)
= ,
where h(x) dx is simpler than the original integral.
(b) Now solve this simpler integral h(x)dx through another
Problem 13. (1 point) application of integration by parts, resulting in an expression of
Z 5
the form
Given g(1) = −4, g(5) = 10, and g(x) dx = −8, find the indi-
1 h(x) dx = `(x) − m(x) dx,
cated integral:
with `(x) = ,
Z 5 and m(x) = ,
xg0 (x) dx = R
where m(x) dx is an even simpler integral.

Evaluate the remaining integral:
m(x) dx = +C.
Problem 16. (1 point) Problem 18. (1 point)
(a) Well-behaved functions u and v are defined on the interval Find the given indefinite integral.
[a, b], where they obey
x2 + 9x + 2
√ dx =
u(a) = −9, u(b) = 9; v(a) = −4, v(b) = −3. 49 − x2
Problem 19. (1 point)
Find the value indicated below.
Z b Z b Find the volume of the solid
√ obtained by rotating the region
0 0 bounded by the curves y = x − 1, y = 0, x = 2, and x = 6 about
u(x)v (x) dx + u (x)v(x) dx =
a a the x-axis.
(b) For the functions in part (a), suppose also that
Volume =
Problem 20. (1 point)
u0 (a) = 3, u0 (b) = 5; v0 (a) = −4, v0 (b) = −6.

Find the value indicated below.

Z b Z b
u(x)v00 (x) dx − u00 (x)v(x) dx =
a a

Note: Instead of calling u and v “well-behaved functions”, this

problem could have said, “Assume u and v are functions defined
on [a, b] for which both u00 and v00 are defined and continuous at all
points of (a, b) and have finite one-sided limits at the endpoints a
and b.” This level of precision is beyond the scope of our course.
Yes, researchers care deeply about exactly how badly a function
can be allowed to misbehave before some classic formulas break
down. But for us, here, now, loose assurances like “well-behaved”
or “regular” provide a pragmatic alternative: if the next step in a
derivation requires you to calculate a derivative or assume conti-
nuity, go ahead and do so.
Consider a ”pyramid” like the one pictured above. Horizontal
cross-sections of the pyramid are squares. The height of the pyra-
Problem 17. (1 point) mid is h, and its base has side length 6. With the origin at the
(a) Assuming n ≥ 2, find the indicated elements of the recurrence center of the square base, the y-axis running vertically, and the
relation below: x-axis running parallel to the sides of the base square, the curve
h(x − 3)2
Z x
Z x y= shown in red runs along one outside wall of the
cos (4t) dt = Fn (x) + Kn cosn−2 (4t) dt, x ∈ R. 9
0 0 pyramid.

Answers: Express the volume of the pyramid, V , as an integral of the form

Fn (x) = Z b
Kn = V= g(y) dy.

Hint: One approach uses Integration By Parts with u = cosn−1 (x) For grading, enter
and dv = cos(x) dx, together with a famous trigonometric identity.
(b) Evaluate the given integral:
Z π/8
cos6 (4t) dt =
0 g(y) =


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