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"EP TE | vente (SrNo.) 2enosriasta707 apis (Roll No.) 1616166 see eat and Titers 39 “tty TERRA TT - 2020 High School Examination - 2010 ‘wenftra fare oat & fa aie i This isto certify that according othe Board's record SHUBHENDRA PRATAP Trea SA (son/daughter of Mrs, ) wa afl (and Mr) REKHADEW AVIRAL PRATAP SiH A ReaA GAA (whose date of birth is), 29TH MAY NINETEEN HUNORED NINETY FOUR (0-08-04 t rote a soe oA ee ate Fy oth 8 = ‘es ased igh School Examination bela Mat ARI 200 arog he flowing det ‘waftia fa (Name of the opted subjects) : . ‘Hn. 2eNoLIsH ssuaTHeMamics ; SCIENCE 5S00IAL science SRAWING Fraraerté= (School /Cente) - DYSELL MORE BP (Cerificate No). ea sos Ragu $214 (Place) | FATT (Allahabad) lle BHE (Si. No.) 0796841. i ah and Ditterny, a yuewitisue Witet-2022 Intermediate Examination- 201 wanws-aE-: sre (Ce TIC ATE CUN z SEs | evar em | Rain. [Dex Gaarescod ve] Aeguat Ea] EO 5 o7s2ess | _2uesseai087 | REGULAR | FULL Exam 6 SCIENCE ‘fear aren BPR (This Is to certify thay Skis: ‘fen aererar(ccrcing oh Bots co} SHUBMENRA PRATAP singh SSTSTaV/SHTEREN ATTA (son/daughter of Mes.) REKHA DEVI ¥ lord AVIRAL PRATAP SINGH i mates 2012 reine er Pre fra pass trmadate Ex colCerro} DYSELL1€ SHAMJAHANPUR with ssiony SECOND tot rat be fara cate st i rr eels a eas cead ete To H | ceveraLHor= oe ao ee ) | encisn 104 ie os | (| prrsics 100 vie 207 pan ost_aa00 cemistRY ee as f| - sxocoay : sPonT & PHY EDU (aside Yisv) | rf ec) © * CHHATRAPATI SHAHU JI MAHARAJ UNIVERSITY, KANPUR * *SATEMENT OF MARKS" 01- 17473377 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Name SMUBNENDRA PRATAP Eno. CSIMAYANOIDES Fathers Name ARAL PRATAP SINGH fxm 1 REGULAR ] = eveveers as Ta vt tnd M_ Mh Sub. Toca _ Total Paar EARDTE olN anes VAN DEEP DEGREE COLLEGE NEWADATADVAWANHARDOI s.eoran ‘amo mso ome 2. chemist mono iene ee me 2.200.007 as ie ti Sree Tat saon Secon VEARaOT@ mr ho ee? OcGRe® COLLEGE NEWADRTADTAWANMARBOL 1. sorawr i ny: es = re aan 2 ouemsrmY amen nm rr we ane 3.zoo.00y sony sew ibe a et ease Tran YEAR? Tomo we YA DEEP DEGREE CLLEGENEWADATADYANANAROO! s-oraer Sie ti cas 8 Tae 2 zoo.06v furs ars 25s rans 3 Se 3S rand Total 197271000 EWIRONMENTAL STUDIES 6600 _ PASSED In 2015. RESULT : PASSED Tremor aD maveonton seataRsOs es aves ERSTE. www kaj YOR are: zy? cvconpey | ; ants pared Pape zal ‘CONTROLLER OF- ‘EXAIANATION aay == Direct: 05882-297276 (Principal Office) Reception : 05842297360, Ref, No:-VAMC&RH/#23) /2022 Date:-29/04/2022 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN { ‘This is to certify that Mr. Shubhendra Pratap S/o Mr. Aviral Pratap worked as Assistant Administrative Officer in the Department of ‘Admin in Varun Arjun Medical College & Rohilkhand Hospital Banthra, and Shahjabanpur (U-P.) ftom 01 February 2021 to 22 April 12022. He is hereby relieved from his duties on 22 April 2022, We wish his all the suecess in future. Prof. (Col) A K Shukla Dean & Principal ‘VARUN ARJUN MEDICAL COLLEGE &. ROHILKHAND HOSPITAL Banthra, RIV2A, Dist, Shahjananpur (U.P) Pin Website : www., Email 1 : (05882297260 242307 @® VARUN ARJUN MEDICAL COLLEGE & ROHILKHAND HOSPITAL Pe sete msm oe cae reece cr Oise nepal Oc) Rceon 08842207360, 0880220720 Ref, No. VAMC&RH/7#30/2022 Date: 29.04. 2022 HIP COMPLETION CERTIFICATE ERI ‘This is to certify that Mr. Shubhendra Pratap, MHA (Master of | | | t Hospital Administration) student of Bareilly International University, Bareilly Uttar Pradesh has completed Internship Training in Varun Axjun Medical College & Rohilkhand Hospital, NH-24, Banthra, and Shahjahanpur (U.P.) from 17 July, 2020 to 17 January, 2021. During the period of his intemship program with us he was found punctual, ‘hardworking and inquisitive. Prof. (Col) A K Shukla Dean & Principal = soe 204556 ‘She > BAREILLY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY 1A: sve neu cea ea telaie bal ao summer f rt Master of Hospital Administration 38 Semester Examination Feb-2020 + SHUBHENORA PRATAP { AVIRAL PRATAP SINGH. + REQHASINGH + IU COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT BARELY, UP. 26577108289 Subject “aot Subject Max aris Hospital Planing ad Engineering Management ntormation System Healh Care and insurance Operation Research i Manageran of Coil eves ‘Nursing Agranisraton Priel subject Max Maris + lesen ala |ele|ylalalala eseney in spa ‘Grand Total: 498/700 est: Pas 205257 BAREILLY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Pilibhit Bypass Road, Bareilly (V.P.) 249006 (INDIA) ee Statement of Marks aster of Hospital Administration 4° Semester Examination Sep-2020 ROLLNUMBER —; 11621005 ENROLLMENT NO, ‘adeseNarie 7 SHUBRENORA PRATAP Fathers Name: AVRALPRATAPSINGH | Mothers Name: REKHASINGH Colege Nome; BIU COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT, BARELY, UP. padhaic No exesz7i00n88| (cca sitet Theory Sues Mix Mrs Farge Managemene |coadvalty Managemencin Hosp Sences Ficoavanagement of Hespta support Unity Senices [icozhegal nd ca ess or Hosts fsa and Distr Manageret Fisondeepeneushp and Conlin & ates and infest Care & Hospi erie ‘Pract Subject: Max Maks [erodiesenyin Hopial-W Pret pare Max aris feorejec Report va voce Tol ais 6657500 Gee ers paeeene la[elelala|ialalelal ‘a ‘00 sonia, 203575 “0 () BAREILLY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Piliphit Bypass Road, Barelly (U.P) 249006 (INDIA) c& Soom suatemerof Mare Master of Hospital Administration 1 semester Examination March-2019 EROUMENTNO. : 18m2 Student Nome: SHUBHENORA PRATAP FathersNome AVAL PRATAPSINGH NotersName —: ROGASINGH Colege Name+ SIU COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENTARELY, UP pacer. ‘sxssrmo8ze9| | per code | Eo aevat [eeral] Toalmars] | Theory Soe Mae NaS | 30 | 100 | 701 | en Care ad spt Enicrmen ap | | ‘ot | Cermurieton aa ep WreiginHxpea => [7 | | steas— Hest cae Eris é: «| 2 |e | e0os— rnc of anaperest a so) | 105 — | Organaation Behr => | 1008 | Resebrch Method os s. Prac Sect a Was joo [=| 100 7701 —[ Redon n Hespit- =) 1 ROLLMENT Ho. stadentName Fathers Name Mowers Name Cobege Name pacar 203873 BAREILLY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Pilibhit Bypass Road, Bareilly (U.P,) 242006 INDIA) Statement of Marks Master of Hospital Administration 208 Semester Examination Aug -2019 + SHUBHENORA PRATAP + REGHASINGH + BIU COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT, BARELY, LP. + eagsz7i0«209| Paper Code | Sie Theory Subject Wax Marks — “eo07 umn Resources Manager spt ervees Markeong Supply Chan Management sco10 Sate Management 1 Fanci Management Bom Pratl Sbjec Max Wars soa esgene in Hosptal- Gren Tora: 41/700 ‘se Date: 18122019

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