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1. Truth always prevails ------------the long run.

2. The worker asked ----------------his wages.

3. Shilpa gave me a rare gift------------my
4. Sujata stood ------------------the river and
watched the ship pass by.
5. Michael is longing ----------------- meet me.
6. The elder man prepared for a life
------------------ retirement.
7. Do you take his word ---------------- mine.
8. Altaf had many books and papers scattered
all-------------the room.
9. The old women looked ----------------cupboard,
searching for the photo graph.
10. The police pulled the briefcase
from-----------------the table.
11. The mob rushed on to the pavements, everyone
seemed angry-----------------everyone else.
12. I prevailed -------------him to join the gym.
13. I ran -----------------my teacher at the show last
14. The brothers fought ----------------their father’s
15. She is extremely anxious---------------an
interview next week.
16. He was bent----------------coming first in the
17. The poor man is affiliated ---------------
18. Ravi was accurate ----------------------his
19. She is blind -----------------------the faults of her
20. She is not aware ------------------the dangers.
21. He was touched ----------pity when he heard
the tale.
22. Shila insists ---------------wearing that dress.
23. The teacher complained ------------------him
when she met his mother.
24. She is the smarter --------------the two.
25. The baby crawled ----------------- the table and
hid there.
26. She takes a lot of trouble ----------------her
27. Our English friends have taken --------------
indian food quite quickly.
28. He got an a+ -----------------in maths.
29. The brothers quarrelled --------------themselves
for their father’s property.
30. The young man put the flute --------------the
lips and began playing.
31. You need not be afraid --------------being late.
32. I haven’t meet Rupali ---------------------------
31th December 2014.
33. But -------------my families support i could not
have succeeded.
34. The court proceeded ----------------the criminals
35. The town was plunged ------------grief after the
36. The founders went ------------well this year.
37. During the president’s visit the area was car
bounded --------------.
38. Many students go to school ---------------
39. She likes to work -------------school children.(
40. Co-operation between friends
stems---------------mutual consideration.(
41. He is beset--------------great financial problems.
42. He often interfiers ------------------ my matters.
43. The manager has just glanced-----------------the
44. He was able to put ----------------his ideas so
cleverly that he impressed everyone.(
45. The safari parks of south Africa are abound
------------------wild amimals.
46. ------------------over things ,they found an old
sword in the ruin of that building.
47. The manager gets -----------------well with his
48. Not all of were alive ------------the threat arising
from global warming.
49. Her request for transfer , was turned
50. The chair man assured the committee that he
would look-----------------the matter
Ravi was accurate ----------------------his
She is the smarter --------------the two.
The young man put the flute --------------the lips and
began playing.

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