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7 AD) )JOURNMENT MOTION 4 ADULT SUFFRAGE 4. AMENDMENT § APPROPRIATION BILL 6 ASSENT TO 7. BALLOT-PAPER & BEGAR 9. BICAMERAL LSGIS- LATURE 10, BILL I, BREACH OF PRIVILEGE 12. BUDGET 13. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. 14. CABINET 'S.CENSURE MOTION ABill duly passed by the legislature and assented toby the Presider ‘nt is called an Act. A Bill passed by the (peislatore ‘cannot be treated as law till it becomes an ct. A motion for suspending the normal business Of the day in order to discuss ‘a specific and important ‘Matter’ that should have urgent consideration of the House. The right to vote given toall adult citizens of a country. In India adult suffrage includes all those above the age of 18 years, Amendment of the Constitution means modification. alteration, addition to or deletion from the Constitution. The statement of expenditure part of the Budget is called. the Appropriation Bill. + Ratification; Head of the State's formal consent to a measure or Bill passed by the legislature, 2 Ticket or paper used in voting, : Forced labour: labour or service rendered under compulsion to the state or a person in power without remuneration for it A legislature having two Houses is called a bicameral legislature. A legislative proposal is called a Bill. Disregard of any of the privileges, rights and immunities either of the Members of Parliament or legislatures individually or of either House of Parliament in its or of its committees, Aplan or schedule adjusting expenses during a certain period tothe estimated or fixed income of that period: a financial statement and programme put before Parliament or State legislatures. The relative order ofall the items of business in the House ofa legislature to be taken up on a particular day. A group of the most important government ministers or advisers to a president, responsible for deciding on government administration and policy. ‘A motion moved against the government, expressing severe disapproval ofits policy in some direction or of ‘an individual Minister or Ministers of the government. Cases related to property, taxes or contracts etc..are called Civil cases. Cases which are not concerned with criminal offence. | ‘A government formed by {wo or more parties, + When every member of a Council of Ministers is is responsible for the actions ofall members. Be Scanned with CamScanner 19. CONCURRENT LIST 20, CONSOLIDATED FUND 21. CONSTITUENCY 22. CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY : 23, CONSTITUTION 24, CONTEMPT OF COURT 332 ‘A list of subjects appended to a federal constitution in respect of which both the federal legislature and state or regional legislatures have power to make lav. federal laws prevailing in case of conflict. All the income of the Union of India from taxes, loans, ‘and all other sources, with a few exceptions like pension dnd provident fund accounts, is deposited in a single fund known as the Consolidated Fund of India. All the ture of the Union is paid out ofthis fund. Similary. fll the income of a State, barring a few exceptions. is deposited in a single fund known as the Consolidated Fund of the concerned State. All the expenditure of the State is then paid out of its consolidated fund, The emoluments and allowances of the President and other expenditure relating to his office. the salariesand allowances of the presiding and deputy presiding officers of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, the salaries and allowances of the Judges of the Supreme Court. the salary, allowances and pension of the Comptroller and ‘Auditor-General of India, expenditure on repayment of debis and any expenses required to meet orders of courts. tribunals, etc., arc paid out of the Consolidated Fund of India and are not subject to the vote of the Parliament, That is to say that the Parliament does not have the right to make any cuts or modifications in respect of such payments. In the case of the States, the emoluments and ofthe Governors and other expenditure re! fing totheir offices, the salaries and allowances of the presiding and deputy presiding officers of the legislative ‘assemblies and councils of the States. debt charges. expenditure in respect of salaries and allowances ofthe Judges of High Courts and any expenditure required nee judicial verdicts are charged upon the Consolidated Funds of the States concerned and are not subject '0 vote by the state legistatures. ‘All otter expenditure from t requires the approval of the Par of the State concerned. ‘Anarea delimited for the purpose of constituency. The assemb! a constitution is called a Constituen A constitution is a document co! fundamental principles according to w governed. Showing, disrespe court. Wilful disregard of t he Consolidated Fund Jiament or the legislature flection is called hich isentrusted with the duty to.cnact (Assembly. niaining the hich a state iS ct for the authority or dignity of @ he authority of a coun: Scanned with CamScanner 4 < CONTEMPT OF THE % Ouse wh CONTINGENCY FUND. 37, COURT OF RECORD 38, CRIMINAL CASE +9, CROSSING THE FLOOR 30. CUT MOTION 31. DECREE 32. DEFECTION 33, DELEGATED LEGISLATION 3. DEMOCRATIC 38, ELECTION 36, ELECTORAL COLLEGE. 37, ELECTORAL ROLL, 38, EMERGENCY W. EX-OFFICIO 40, EXPUNCTION OF REMARKS, 4L FINANCE BILL, 42. FINANCE COMMISSION 48, FLOOR OF THE HOUSE ‘4. FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS 333 Disobedience to the authority bf the Houses of Parliament or other legislative body. Any statement or action which lowers the dignity of the House. The fund placed at the disposal ofthe Executive to meet unforeseen expenditure. Court of Record means that the decisions and the decrees of the court are kept as precedents for future reference in the dispensation of justice. Criminal cases are those cases in which a violation of the penal law is involved. Changing one's allegiance from one political party to another, A motion or a proposal formally made in a deliberative assembly for reduction of an expenditure proposed in the budget. A judicial decision pronounced by the Court upon the matter of right between the parties, The switching over of political affiliation by a legistator from one political party to another. Rules and regulations with the effect of law made by the Executive under statutory sanction by Parliament “Democratic” means that political power resides in the people and is exercised by them directly or through the representatives elected by them. Public choice of a person for office by the votes of a constituent body. ‘An inicrmediary body chosen by clectors to choose the representatives in an indirect election. Nominal rolls or lists of voters are called electoral rolls, ‘A situation in which the Head of the State assumes cextraosdinary powers for defending the State fromesternal threats and for maintaining internal law and order. By virtue of hoiding office Deletion of defamatory. indecent, unparliamentary or undignified words. phrases or expressions from the proceedings ofthe House by an order of the Chairperson or Speaker in a House of Parliament or State Legiskiture. Statement of the revenue part of the Budget forms the Finance Bill, ‘A commission constituted by the President of India very five years for making recommendations over the distribution of state money. ‘The part of the Legislative Chamber which is technically within the House ic. between the Bar ofthe House and In Sh are those rights of the citizen which arebnsie to the fullest development of an individual's and his well-being. personality Scanned with CamScanner 334 43, HUNG PARLIAMENT: ‘A Parliament in which no party has won a working majority ; ‘HMENT : ution of the Head of the State or a judge by rae Pasnent for vielation of the Consiton. INDEPENDI + Thesystem of justice in which the judges are not subject " ae toiniluence or interference of the Executive or the ea seedings by Members of Parliament + Interruption of proceedings ar ‘(8 INTERFELLATION to ask questions on the floor of the House is called “interpellation’ a 49. JOINT (GENERAL) : Thecountry is divided into: territorial constituencies. From ELECTORATE each constituency members of different communities jointly elect a common representative. 6. JUDICIAL REVIEW : Judicial review means the power of the Court to interpret the Constitution and determine the validity of a law passed by Legislature or an act of the Executive. 31. JURISDICTION “Jurisdiction” means the territorial limits within which Couns authority may be exercised. 52. JUSTICLIABLE : ‘Justiciable’ means liable tobe examined in the Court of law. 53. KANGAROO : The method of allowing the chairman to decide which clauses should be discussed and which passed or leaped over. S4 LAME DUCK SESSION : The sittings of an elected assembly which continues in office during the period between election and inauguration of a successor, 38, LOBBYING One of the halls in Parliament where members meet informally is knowns the /obby. Lobbying means talking 4 informally to members in the lobby and trying to persuade : them to support or oppose any given issue. 56. LOK ADALAT “Lok Adalat’ means ‘people's court’. It is a forum which the litigants may use if they choose to do so. 37. MONEY BILL + Abill having financial bearing is called a money ill 38, MOTION : A proposal made in the House ofa Legislature to get its decision on a subject. 59. NO CONFIDENCE ‘A motion expressing want of confidence in Government: it MOTION may bemoved by any member. (h), OFFICE OF PROFIT + Anoffice whose holder is entitled to material benefits in return for performing his duties 61, ORDINANCE An ordinance isa Presidential or Gubernatorial® decree having the authority of law. 62, PARLIAMENTARY FORM ; The form of government in which the Executiveis OF GOVERNMENT tesponsible to the legislature for its acts. 63. PETITION Formal written supplication from one or more persons toa person in authority. 64. PREAMBLE The Preamble is an introduction to a constitution oF 2 document which gives the aims and objects of the document, Gubernatorial -- adjective of governor, . = — Scanned with CamScanner 'S ADDRE: ore aa “ GROUPS A ppeSSURE 4 MEVENTIVEDETENTION a RVILEGE ¢g PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION 3. PROROGATION OF THEPARLIAMENT 1. QUESTION HOUR 2. QUORUM 1. RECESS OF PARLIAMENT 14 REPUBLIC 13 RESIDUARY POWERS, 1% RESOLUTION 7. SCHEDULED CASTES * SCHEDULED TRIBES SECULAR ® session 335, A format tothe peatalMent of pot © OF fo the legis} ‘F opinion by the President lative body. eon government for their own ‘ letention’ mea Without tial in order to erent Se eane “Omething against the late cae pre nas, hvour ot immunity granted tosome ‘snide eueee =o a vase give Parties in an elected body a represen= strength) °SPossible in proportion to their voting Discontinuation ofthe ‘meetings of Parliament etc., without The time fixed for asking questions and answering them Orally ina sitting legislature. Quorum is the minimun number ‘of Members required to be present in the House before it ene conduct its ‘Temporary cessation from work, vacation of Parliament, A Republics state of which the Head is elected for 4 fixed period and the office of the Headis not hereditar, |. The powers conferred on the Speaker to regulate matters not specifically provided for in the rules ag well aS questions relating to the detailed working of the rules, 2, Ina federal constitution, the powers not specifically mentioned in the federal, state or concurrent lists, A formal statement of opinion or determination adopted by an assembly or other group of persons, Castes whose names are included ina Schedule or List published and revised by the Government of India from time to time, The list contains those castes which were oppressed by the upper castes. Certain tribes or tribal communities or groups within them in any State oF Union Territory of India whose names are included in a List or Schedule issued in the name of the President of India and which is subject to revision. Such tribes are among the most backward ns of sociely. ‘Secula means that there is no state religion, there is freedom (0 profess, practise and preach any’ religion and no discrimination on the basis of religion, The time between meeting and prorogation of Parliament. Scanned with CamScanner SL 82, 83 85. 86, 87. 8&8. 89, 0, o1 2. SINGLE TRANS- FERABLE VOTE SITTING SPEAKER PRO TEM SPECIAL LEAVE TO APPEAL. SOCIALISM SOVEREIGN STARRED QUESTION STATUTE TABLE OF THE HOUSE TREASURY BENCH UNICAMERAL LEGISLATURE: UNITARY FORM OF GOVERNMENT UNPARLIAMENTARY EXPRESSIONS VOTE WALK OUT WELFARE STATE 7. WRIT RO HOUR 336 Ancclectoral system providing single ballotin which the voter has to indicate his choice of candidates in order of his preferences, ‘Time during which a Legislative House sits continuously, A Member of a Legislative House appointed to perform the duties of the office of the Speaker when the offices of both the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker are vacant, The Speaker pro tem continues in office till the new Speaker is clected. ‘The discretionary power of the highest court to grant appeal from any decision on any matter by any court or tribunal, ‘Means social control of the economy in the interest of all. The State is looked upon as the agency for exercising social control. Means that a state is internally supreme and externally inde-pendent A question required to be answered orally. A law passed by a legislative body and set forth in a formal document. ‘The central table in the pit of the House of Legislature, Front bench on the right hand of the Speaker in the House of Legislature which is occupied by members of the party forming the government. A legislature having one House is called a unicameral legislature, A government in which the authority is centralised in the central government is a unitary form of government. opposite of federal government Expressions contrary to the usages of Parliament containing accusations or imputations against a Member of either House which are abusive in nature and are not to be used in a Parliamentary debate. Decision by one or more persons on a proposal: resolution expressed by ticket, ballot or voice. Theaction of leaving a meeting of an organisation asan expression of disapproval Astate in which the government takes the responsibility to look after the material welfare of the citizens. A writ is an order from a judicial authority asking a Person to perform some act or refrain from performing am act ‘The usually noisy interval between the Question Hour and the beginning of the rest of the day's business ina legiskiture: Members raise, often without notice. various matters during this period Scanned with CamScanner

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