RELP - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - Pages 49-57

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Stuck in the Gap: EAP Needs Assessment… / 49

An Evaluation of American English File Series

Hamid Reza Haghverdi

Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan branch, Isfahan, Iran

Behnam Ghasemi*
Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan branch, Isfahan, Iran

Textbooks play a pivotal role in language learning classrooms. The problem is that
among a wide range of textbooks in market which is appropriate for a specific
classroom and a group of learners. In order to evaluate ELT textbooks theorists
and writers have offered different kinds of evaluative frameworks based on a
number of principles and criteria. This study evaluates a series of ELT textbook,
namely, American English File by the use of Littlejohn’s (1998) evaluative
framework to see what explicit features of the book are, what pedagogic values it
has, whether it is in line with its claimed objectives, and what its merits and
demerits are. Littlejohn believes that we should evaluate a textbook based on its
own pedagogic values and we should see what is in it not what teacher and
evaluators think must exist in it. Consequently his framework is claimed to be
devoid of any impressionistic ideas and it is in-depth and objective rather than
being subjective. Nine ELT experts and ten ELT teachers helped the researcher
rate the evaluative checklists. The results of the study show that although a
number of shortcomings and drawbacks were found in American English File, it
stood up reasonably well to a detailed and in-depth analysis and that its pedagogic
values and positive attributes far out-weighed its shortcomings. The internal
consistency between ratings was computed via the statistical tool of Cronbach’s
alpha that indicated a desirable inter-rater reliability.
Keywords: ELT textbook, Littlejohn’s framework, American English File series.

1. Introduction according to Toms (2004), supporters of

Textbooks are really crucial in today’s text books argue that it is the most effective
language teaching and learning. Although way of presenting materials, it helps to
there might be some disagreements in using reach a format and skeleton through which
Vol 1. No. 2. 2013-14

textbooks in ELT classes, most of the learners will be able to achieve a sense of
people dealing with education, teaching, system, cohesion and progress, and teacher
and learning substantiate the importance of preparation. Moreover, the selection of a
textbooks in ELT classes. For instance, particular core textbook signals an

* Corresponding Author Submission date: Jan 25, 2013 Acceptance date: May 14, 2013

executive educational decision in which the important features of the book, this
there is considerable professional, financial, framework is claimed to be in-depth and
and even political investment (Sheldon, objective rather than subjective.
1988). This study tried to answer the following
Ansary and Babaii (2002) list the following questions with reference to American
arguments for the textbooks: English File series:
• a textbook is a framework which regulates 1. What are the explicit features of
and times the programs, American English File series?
• in the eyes of learners, no textbook means 2. What pedagogic values does American
no purpose, English File series have?
• without a textbook, learners think their 3. Is American English File series able
learning is not taken seriously, to fulfill the objectives claimed to be set
• in many situations, a textbook can serve for them?
as a syllabus, 4. What are the merits and demerits of
• a textbook provides ready-made teaching American English File series?
texts and learning tasks,
• a textbook is a cheap way of providing 2. METHOD
learning materials, 2.1. Selected Framework
• a learner without a textbook is out of This study was theoretically based on
focus and teacher-dependent, and perhaps Littlejohn’s (1998) framework. As he
of utmost importanceand, claims, the framework tries to be in-depth
• for novice teachers, a textbook means and objective rather than subjective by
security, guidance, and support. analyzing the individual activities in detail
In the literature of textbook evaluation and based on important features. Thus, he
many different schemes and checklists have has considered following questions as the
been offered by different writers and basis of his framework:
evaluators. In this vein, this paper is 1. What aspects of materials should we
concerned with carrying out an evaluation examine?
on a series of ELT materials, namely 2. How can we examine the materials?
American English File via Littlejohn’s 3. How can we relate our findings to our
framework (1998). I have chosen own teaching context?
Littlejohn’s framework in my paper In this part Littlejohn states that his
because he believes “what is required is a framework consists of two main sections
framework which separates assumptions namely publication and design to focus on
about what is suitable from an analysis of “methodology” of the material and their
the materials”. His framework seeks to “context”. As he puts it, publication
evaluate the selected textbook irrespective relates to the “tangible” or physical
of how it is used in the classroom. He aspects of the materials and how they
mentions it as analyzing the materials as it appear as a complete set or book. The
is, a set of materials can be used quite second section in the framework, design
differently in different contexts based on (following Richards and Rodgers proposal
the knowledge, abilities, and preferences of 1986) relates to the thinking underlying
Vol 1. No. 2. 2013-14

different teachers. This framework, thus, is the materials. Here we deal with such
claimed to be devoid of impressionistic issues as the aims, principles of selection,
criteria about what is desirable in a set of principle of sequencing, subject matter
materials. By analyzing the individual and focus of subject matter in which they
activities (tasks) in detail and by studying draw on the learner’s process competence
An Evaluation of American English … / 51

(knowledge, affect, abilities, skills), checklist examines the activities and tasks
participation (who does what with whom), in one typical unit of each textbook. The
learner roles, teacher roles and finally role Task Analysis Sheet includes three main
of materials as a whole. sections 1.What is the learner expected to
2.2. Participants do? 2. Who with? and 3. With
Participants of this study consisted of 19 what content? Each section has also several
persons including nine ELT experts and ten subsections.
EFL teachers. ELT experts were asked to The first section examines the materials
help in this study to complete TAS according to three aspects: A. Turn take
checklist. Teachers were asked to work on (initiate, response, and/or not required); B.
one of the checklists that was developed for Focus on (language system, meaning,
evaluating the design of selected textbook. and/or meaning-system relationship); and
Each of these teachers had at least one year C. Mental operation (retrieve form long-
(note that American English File series has term memory, select information, draw on
just introduced to Iranian EFL institutions) prior knowledge, relate sound to objects,
experience of teaching textbooks under compare, etc.)
analysis. In the second section three possible
2.3. Materials situations are checked: learner to class,
The materials of the study were American learner individually simultaneously,
English File series which is a five-level learners in pairs/groups.
English course for adults and young adults. The third section is also divided to
12% of the total materials was extracted as following parts: A. input to learner, B.
a sample these books. Littlejohn argues that expected output from learners, C. Source,
“I have found it is useful to analyze about and D. Nature.
10% to 15% of the total material”. (p. 196). There was also a third checklist
This sample included five units, the middle (appendix C) developed based on claims
unit of each book. Each unit of American declared by the authors of American
English File series is composed of four English File series and Richards and
sections plus two-page practical English Rodgers notion of design, as is mentioned
and writing, and a two-page review & in Littlejohn’s framework, to seek
check section. The sample contained 522 participants’ ideas about some number of
tasks. Each task was labeled by a number 30 statements. These statements were
that was applied in task analysis sheets. categorized according to following nine
2.4. Instruments sections of design part in Littlejohn’s
A checklist was developed in order to framework:
examine the explicit features of American 1. Aims and objectives
English File series. This checklist, 2. Principles of selection
(appendix A), was based on Littlejohn’s 3. Principles of sequencing
framework. As Littlejohn directed in his 4. Subject mater and focus of subject
framework according to the nature of the matter
materials under evaluation some minor 5. Types of teaching/learning activities
changes was applied, the general format 6. Participation: who does what with
Vol 1. No. 2. 2013-14

was in accordance with the framework whom?

though. 7. Classroom roles of teachers and learners
There was another checklist based on 8. Learner roles in learning
Littlejohn’s framework (appendix B) under 9. Role of materials as a whole
the title of Task Analysis Sheet (TAS). This

2.5. Data collection the whole material, not just the sample. In
The checklist developed to examine the this case if, possibly, there were any partial
explicit features of American English File differences between our sample and the
series was worked on by the researcher total materials it would not be hidden
himself because as Littlejohn puts it, this from these experienced teachers’ points of
checklist is dealt with tangible or physical view.
aspects of the materials and there will not 2.6. Data Analysis
be any disagreement among different For the first checklist a report on explicit
evaluators about the results provided by this features of American English File seriesis
checklist. provided in the results section. Regarding
The second checklist (TAS) was offered to TAS checklist after analyzing each expert’s
nine ELT experts as raters. It is worth ratings, using statistical procedures and
mentioning here that this checklist, SPSS software, frequency counts and
proposed by Littlejohn, is developed in a percentage indexes were reported for
way that can be worked on by even one individual features listed in task analysis
rater. Here in order to enhance the sheets. In addition, in order to examine the
reliability of evaluation these nine experts internal consistency between nine ELT
were asked to help to evaluate the materials. experts’ ratings the statistical tool of
Due to the wide range of tasks it was Cronbach’s alpha was utilized and indicated
impossible to expect each rater analyzes all the inter-rater reliability is desirable
522 tasks lonely. Therefore, the tasks were between ratings (0.89).
divided to three categories each category There was performed an analysis for
involved 174 tasks which was given to third checklist (Design) in order to find an
three ELT experts; altogether there were agreed view on each of sections mentioned
nine raters and 522 tasks. Each three raters in Littlejohn’s framework. By the use of
was provided with a sample of 174 tasks statistical procedure a general percentage
and checklists to work on. Before starting indexes was reported for subcategories of
the job, a brief description of total material this checklistthen percentage index of each
(number of units in each textbook, the question was reported as well. Also the
sequence and patterns of activities, the inter-rater reliability between tenEFL
number of textbooks in each level, teachers’ ratings was computed through the
components, etc.) was presented to the statistical tool of Cronbach’s alpha and
raters to have a general idea about the showed a desirable consistency (0.87).
American English File series. Of course the
organization, materials, and sequence of 3. Results
activities in American English File series As Table 1 shows, nearly half (53.65%) of
textbooks is in such a way that it repeat in the tasks in American English File expect
every unit. In this regard there seemed not the learners to “respond”. The rest of the
to be any critical differences considering tasks include 32.15% “initiation” and14.3%
the organization and sequence of activities “the tasks that do not require learners to
between total amount of materials and our initiate or respond”. These results show that
sample. the American English File tasks more often
Vol 1. No. 2. 2013-14

The third checklist then was handed to encourage students to use the language and
ten teachers with experience in teaching more importantly they often require them
American English. Teachers helped us at to express themselves rather than be a
this part because of their experience of listener.
teaching these books they had an idea about
An Evaluation of American English … / 53

Table 1. Frequency and percentage for Turn-Take repetition with expansion that reveals the
fact that it does not require students to learn
Turn take Frequency Percentage English through a lot of repetition.
Initiate 538 32.15%
Respond 896 53.55% Table 3. Frequency and percentage for Mental
Not required 239 14.3%
Total 1673 100% Mental Frequency Percentage
According to the Table 2 it can be Retrieve from LT 333 13.3%
concluded thattasks in American English
File mainly focus on meaningconsidering
that about half of the tasks just focus on Built text 215 8.6%
meaning and 27.36% of them focus on both Draw on prior 309 12.4%
form and meaning. This can be interpreted knowledge
as American English File tries to enhance
Relate sounds to 126 5.1%
comprehension by the use of the tasks that
draw students’ attention more to the objects
meaning of the language than its form. Compare 158 6.3%
Decode semantic 428 17.1%
Table 2. Frequency and percentage for Focus
Focus on Frequency Percentage Select 233 9.3%
Language System 436 25.44% information
(rules and form) Repeat with 118 4.7%
Meaning 809 47.2% expansion
Meaning/ System 469 27.36% Deduce language 210 8.4%
relationship rule
Total 1714 100% Apply language 372 14.8%
Different mental operation may be used Total 2502 100%
while the learners participate in language
learning tasks. As Table 3 shows the tasks This section of TAS seeks to find the
in American English File demand all the kind of interaction occurring between the
ten mental operation in order to be students and class or teacher while they are
accomplished. “Decode semantic meaning” accomplishing a task. As can be seen in the
is used slightly more than other operations Table 4and graph 4activities which require
(17.1%).It can be seen from the Table that students to accomplish a task individually
American English File provides learners simultaneously compose 52.4% of total
with activities that give them the tasks in the series. In conclusion we can see
Vol 1. No. 2. 2013-14

opportunity to infer the meaning of the texts that the authors of American English File in
that accompany applying language rule, spite of giving much importance to group
recalling previous learning, and using prior activities in the process of learning have
linguistic knowledge which can be related given importance to tasks that involves
and applied in new tasks and activities. learners into activities that should be done
American English File pays less attention to individually simultaneously.

Table 4. Frequency and percentage for Who with? has the least proportion of output in the
tasks (11.10%). In conclusion, we can
Who with Frequency Percentage understand from the table and graph that
Learner to class 420 25.47% American English File pays more attention
Learner individually 864 52.4% to oral form of output which is used in
simultaneously every day conversations and communications.
Learner in 365 22.13% For the written form of output it mostly
focuses on structures at words and phrases
level rather than extended form.
Total 1649 100%
Table 6. Frequency and percentage for
This section of TAS examines another
Expected output from learners
important aspect of a task in a textbook.
“Input to the learners”, “Expected output
Who with Frequency Percentage
from learners” and “Source” are
subsections of this part whose analysis Learner to class 420 25.47%
results are presented separately in tables Learner individually 864 52.4%
and graphs. simultaneously
As Table 5shows written words/phrases Learner in 365 22.13%
have dominant source of input (31.80%). pairs/groups
Although the seriespays great attention to Total 1649 100%
writing form of input, it does not have a
satisfactory amount of graphic source of
3.2. Source
input which is as important as writing in
TAS examines three possible sources of the
encouraging and motivating learners.
content for lessons and their activities. The
content of lessons is provided whether by
Table 5. Frequency and percentage for Input
the materials, by the learners, or by the
to learners
teachers. As Table 7 and graph 7 show the
textbook provides a great amount of
Input to Frequency Percentage
materials and contents for lessons itself
Learners (64.10%). It seems the series demands
Graphic 208 10.10% teachers to be abided by their guide book
Oral word/phrases 336 16.30% and other components.
Oral extended 259 12.50%
discourse Table 7. Frequency and percentage for Source
Written word/ 658 31.80% Source Frequency Percentage
phrases Materials 1081 64.10%
Written extended 315 15.20% Teacher 117 6.90%
discourse Learner 489 29.00%
Sound/music 290 14.10% Total 1687 100%
Vol 1. No. 2. 2013-14

Total 2066 100%

3.3. Nature
3.1. Expected Output from Learners In this section of analysis the type of
As the Table 6 shows, the most attention content which is the focus of the learning
has been paid to oral words and phrases activity is studied. As Table8 shows, Fact is
(40.70%) while written extended discourse more frequent in total tasks (40.20%),
An Evaluation of American English … / 55

butfction has the least frequency in nature proportion (80.8 out of 200). Learner role in
tasks (3.70%).In fact, in the series it is learning obtained 46% of optimum scores
endeavored to design tasks in a way that (92 out of 200) and finally the role of
expose students in authentic contexts materials as a whole received 41.6% of
through using their own information an optimum scores (124.8 out of 300). In
opinions. conclusion we can see that the scores of the
statements related to theauthors’ claims are
Table 8. Frequency and percentage for Nature high which can be a sign of success for the
authors of the series.
Nature Frequency Percentage
Personal opinion 317 16.40% Table 9. Total score and proportion percentage
Fact 776 40.20% for Design
Fiction 71 3.70% Design Total Percentage
Personal 393 20.40% 1.Aims & Objectives 90 60%
information 2.Principles of selection 87 58%
Metalinguistic 372 19.30% 3. Principle of sequence 83.2 41.6%
knowledge 4. Subject matter and 144 62%
Total 1929 100% focus of subject matter
5. Types of teaching/ 81 32.4%
The second section in Littlejohn’s learning activities
framework, Design, relates to the thinking 6. Participation 52.8 32.2%
underlying the materials. This part involves 7. Classroom roles of 80.8 40.4%
consideration of areas such as the apparent teachers and learners
aims of the materials, how the tasks, 8. Learner roles in 92 46%
language and content in the materials are learning
selected and sequenced etc. The results of 9. Role of the materials 124.8 41.6%
the study of the design can help evaluator to as a whole
see to what extent the materials developers
have been successful in achieving their 4. Conclusion
claimed goals. As mentioned before, there is no
As the Table 9 shows the selected disagreement among researchers and
textbook obtained 60% of the optimum evaluators about the explicit features of a
score (90 out of 150) for aims and textbook because, as Littlejohn stated, they
objectives part. Principles of selection are related to the tangible or physical
acquired 58% of the optimum score (87 out aspects of the materials and how they
of 200). Principle of sequencing received appear as a complete set or book. Thus the
41.6% of optimum score (83.2 out of 150). explicit features of American English File
The obtained score for subject matter and are those mentioned in result section based
focus of subject matter was 62% of the on the results of applying Littlejohn’s
optimum score (144 out of 200) which checklists.
seem to be rather high. Types of teaching/ American English File’s pedagogical values
Vol 1. No. 2. 2013-14

learning activities obtained 32.4% of are as follow:

optimum scores (81 out of 250). I. According to the results of the study
Participation received 35.2% of optimum (Table it was revealed that the
scores (52.8 out of 150). The next score tasks in American English File series more
was obtained by classroom roles of teachers often encourage the students to use the
and learners which was 40.4% of optimum language and focusesmore on involvement

of the learners in the classroom activities. tasks and activities the textbook itself
II. The results of this study (Table specifes its own texts as the source of revealed that American English content. American English File tasks
Fileseries mostly tries to draw on meaning provide a great variety of contents from
as the basis for the learning task which is different sources which contain systematic
adjusted with the authors’ claims. practice of practical language such as: how
III. Based on the results of the study (Table to ask for directions, how to request it is revealed that American services at a hotel, airport etc.
English File’s tasks demand all the ten Furthermore, American English File
examined mental operations in order to be provides content to help students develop a
accomplished. American English File cultural fuency by creating and awareness
provides students with tasks that give the of the varied rules across cultures for issues
opportunity toinfer the meaning of the texts like politeness, greetings and introductions,
that accompany applying language rule, etc.
recalling previous learning, and using prior VIII. According to the results of this study
linguistic knowledge which can be related (Table it was understood that fact
and applied in new tasks and activities. is more frequent in total tasks while fiction
These characteristics give the textbook has the least frequency in nature tasks. The
more consistency and continuity. American tasks in American English File are of
English File pays less attention to repetition various nature and almost every kinds of
with expansion that reveals the fact that it task nature is included in the series.
does not require students to learn English Metalinguistic knowledge helps learners
through a lot of repetition. arrive at knowledge of forms structure and
IV. According to (Table American other aspects of language through refecting
English File pays more attention to tasks and analyzing the language.
that involves learners into activities that As Design evaluation results shows the
should be done individually simultaneously evaluators believe American English File is
rather than group activities. appropriate and successful in its design. In
V. The study also shows that (Table addition, based on the all pedagogic values American English File has discussed above we can confirm the
provided different types of input to learners success of American English File series.
among which paying attention to written Based on the results of evaluations,
word/phrases form of input are following are the merits of American
considerable. Graphicreceived the least English File series:
proportion of the total source of input while I. The price of American English File
it could help students to learn and student’s book with workbook and CD-
memorize new materials more easily and ROM is reasonable comparing to other ELT
also makes the textbook lively and textbooks on market. It is also easily
motivates students to study it more available and learners can find it without
enthusiastically trouble.
VI. One of the pedagogic values of II. American English File tasks more often
American English File series according to encourage students to use the language and
Vol 1. No. 2. 2013-14

the results of this study (Table is require them to express themselves rather
its attention to the oral word/phrases form than be a listener.
of expected out put from the learners. III. American English File tasks enhance
VII. The results of the study also revealed comprehension by the use of the activities
that (Table for the majority of that draw Student’s attention more to
An Evaluation of American English … / 57

meaning of the language than its form. References

IV. American English File tasks demand a Ansary, H., &Babaii, E. (2002). Universal
variety of mental operation from the characteristics of EFL/ESL textbook: A step
learners. It facilitates the process of towards systematic textbook evaluation. The
learning. Internet TESL Journal, 2, 1-8.
V. Expected output from learners is mostly Azizfar, A., Kossha, M., & Lotf, A. R.
in the form of oral words/phrases and (2010).An analytical evaluation of Iranian
extended discourse that helps student attain high school ELT textbooks from 1970 to the
fuency and self confidence for everyday present. Procedia Social and Behavioral
oral communications. Sciences, 3, 36–44.
The demerits of American English File Brown, J. B. (1997). Textbook evaluation
series are as follow: forms. The Language Teacher 2(10), 15-21.
I. The majority of tasks in American Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your
English File require learners to respond and course book. Oxford: Heinemann.
a much smaller proportion requires them to Khafaji, A. (2004). An evaluation of the
initiate using the language. This is not materials used for teaching English to the
desirable if we want to have an active class. secondary level in male public high school
II. The tasks which require learners to in Saudi Arabia. Unpublished MA thesis,
repeat the learning points with expansion University of Exeter. Exeter: UK. Littlejohn,
have not been included as many as other A. (1998). The analysis of Language
kinds of tasks. III. The amount of teaching materials: Inside the Trojan horse.
In Tomlinson, B. (Ed.), Materials
pairs/groups work activities that help
development in Language teaching (pp. 190-
learners to practice language more naturally
216). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
are not satisfactory in American English
Sheldon, L. (1988). Evaluating ELT textbooks
File series.
and materials. ELT Journal, 42(4), 237-246.
IV. Written extended discourse form of
output is also not considered enough in Thein, N. (2006) Evaluating the suitability and
effectiveness of three English coursebooks at
American English File tasks that is a
Myanmar Institute of Technology.
drawback for an ELT textbook.
Unpublished MA thesis, University of
Although a number of shortcomings and Thailand. Thailand.
drawbacks were found in American
Tom, C. (2004). General English coursebooks
English File series, the results of the study
and their place in an ESAP program. ELT
seemed to reveal that this particular ELT journal 6(1), Article 9.
textbook stood up reasonably well to a
Tomlinson, B. (2001). Materials development.
detailed and in-depth analysis and that its
In Carter, R. & Nunan, D (2001). The
pedagogic values and positive attributes far Cambridge guide to teaching English to
outweighed the demerits. Both experts and speakers of other languages. (pp.66-71).
teachers evaluation results showed that Cambridge: Cambridge University press.
American English File series are in line Tucker, C. (1975). Evaluating beginning
with the goals set by its authors. Of course textbooks. English Teaching Forum, 13,
teachers of English language who teach the 335-361.
series are suggested to consider the
Vol 1. No. 2. 2013-14

shortcomings and try to alleviate or

compensate for these drawbacks by
supplementing, modifying and adapting
problematic aspects of the textbook.

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