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School of Business and Economics

MBA Program
Course Name:
Managerial Economics
Course Code
BUS-525 (Section 4 & 5)
& Section No:
Semester: Spring 2023


1. Instructor Name: Professor Dr. K.M. Zahidul Islam

2. Office Location NAC-985
3. Email Address:
4. Emergency: +8801915496534


Class Time & S 7.00 PM-10.10 PM (Section- 4 ), NAC- 620

Location M 7.00 PM-10.10 PM (Section- 5 ), NAC-618

Course This course is based on the foundations laid in the undergraduate-level economics
Prerequisite(s) units. Basic understanding of Mathematics (especially calculus) is preferred.
Course Credit 3:0
Course Description Managerial Economics is fundamentally a unique way of thinking about problems,
issues and decisions that managers face in each of the functional areas of the
organization as well as the strategic ones faced by general managers. Managerial
Economics is concerned with the application of economic principles and
methodologies to key management decisions within organizations. This course is
about the nature and scope of managerial economics as well as the application of
economic theory and the decision science tools to find the optimal solution to
managerial decision problems. Topics include the methodology of economics as a
social science, supply and demand, elasticity, basic estimation techniques,
demand estimation and forecasting, production and cost analysis.

Course Objectives Throughout this unit, a framework is developed from the standpoint of individual
decision-makers that allows the economic behavior of consumers, producers, markets
and society as a whole to be analyzed. Topics covered include consumer choice and
consumer welfare measurement; demand for goods and labor supply; choice in the
presence of risk; theory of the firm; production and cost theory; profit maximization;
perfect competition; monopoly; oligopoly; game theory.
Student Learning Upon the successful completion of this course, a student will achieve the following
Outcomes learning outcome:
1. The ability to make decision about production
2. The ability to analyze consumer decision making process
3. Understanding of the basics of market analysis
4. The ability to describe the role of government in the economy.


Text Book(s)

Edition &
Author Publisher ISBN
Title Year
Robert S. Pindyck & Microeconomics 8th Edition Pearson 0-13-304170-0
Daniel L. Rubinfeld;

Resource Type Description Type Comments

Managerial Economics by Academic The instructor will provide and/or

Dominic Salvatore and R. books direct to the sources.
Srivastava (7th Ed.);
Articles or case studies Case studies on different
topics These will help students to
Academic understand real world economic
articles problems.

The classes will be conducted through various activities including presentation of concepts and issues
relevant to managerial economics, discussion and exchanges of ideas related to real world economic issues,
student initiative and active involvement, cases on managerial economics, and written assignment. Students
are expected to actively involve and take initiative for their own learning experience.


Grading tool
Quizzes [3 Class Tests] 15%
Mid-term Exam [Two] 40%
Group report and presentation 10%
Class Participation & Attendance 05%
Final Exam [MCQ + Short- 30%
questions; Bonus]

Please Refer to NSU Student Handbook, Section: “Grading Policy”

Delivery and Teaching Methods: It is intended to use a combination of the following methods:
1. Lectures and discussions
2. Problem Solving
3. Quizzes and Exams
4. Exercises and Assignments

1. You may use your laptops in the class for class related work. Do not use your laptop for non-class related
work or in any manner that will be distracting to other students or the instructor.

2. Use of cell phones in class is not permitted.

3. Academic Integrity Policy:

This unit provides 3 hours face-to-face teaching per week. Lectures will start punctually. Students
should arrive on time. Students may ask questions any time during the lecture. It is disruptive and
discourteous to arrive late or talk during lectures.

Attendance is must for everyone. Class attendance is only one part of university study. In addition to class
attendance, students will need to spend around three hours per week in private study in order to perform
well in this unit. School of Business does not tolerate academic dishonesty by its students. At minimum,
students must not be involved in cheating, copyright infringement, submitting the same work in multiple
courses, significant collaboration with other individuals outside of sanctioned group activities, and
fabrications. Students are advised that violations of the Student Integrity Code will be treated seriously,
with special attention given to repeated offences. Dishonesty on examinations and quizzes or on other
written assignments, obtaining information during an exam from the examination papers of another
student, or otherwise from another student, assisting others to cheat are all considered instances of
cheating. Violation of any of these requirements will be dealt with in the strictest manner possible.

Please Refer to NSU Student Handbook, Sections: “Disciplinary Actions” and “Procedures and


There will be three problem sets assigned. These problems are designed to check your progress and to extend and
reinforce concepts covered in class. One or two questions similar to the ones on the problem sets may appear on
the exams. Moreover, each group (maximum of 5 students) will submit a final report consisting of: 2000-5000
words at the end of the semester followed by presentation. The report should include title page and title fly, font –
Times New Roman, font size – 12, and double spaced (hard copy and electronic copy). Each team will also present
the project for 10-15 minutes. More details about the structure, components, time and criteria for assessment of the
project will be announced during the semester.


In order to complete the course, students must submit all the required assignments and sit for the exams. Make-up
exams are not given unless there is a major circumstance preventing the student from sitting in the exam (official
material evidence is required). The timing of the make-up is to be fixed with the instructor of the course if granted.
Cell phones are prohibited in exam sessions.


Students are required and expected to attend all classes and participate in class discussions. North South
University mandates to fail students who are absent 25% or more from their classes, even if such absences are
excusable. The one who will attend all the classes will earn full credit for the attendance. Three consecutive
missing classes will automatically drop you from the course.


All communications should take place using the instructor’s email. In addition, students can communicate in the
class or during the instructor’s office hours.

All members of the North South University community must use electronic communications in a responsible
manner. The University may restrict the use of its computers and network systems for electronic communications
subject to violations of university policies/codes or local laws or national laws. Also, the university reserves the
right to limit access to its networks through university-owned or other computers, and to remove or limit access to
material posted on university-owned computers.


No ‫ا‬Chapter/Assignment
Topic Week
1. Discussion on Course outline, Demand, supply, and 1 Text Book Chapter 2
Market Equilibrium

2. Demand, supply, and Elasticity 2 Text Book Chapter 2

3. Demand, supply, and Elasticity + CT 1 3 Text Book Chapter 2
4. The analysis of competitive market 4 Text Book Chapter 9
5. The analysis of competitive market 5 Text Book Chapter 9
6. Midterm 1 [ Elasticity and Competitive market] 6
7. Theory of Consumer Behavior 7 Text Book Chapter 3 & 4
8. Theory of Consumer Behavior 8 Text Book Chapter 3 & 4
9. Class Test Two (Theory of Consumer Behavior)+ 9 Text Book Chapter 6
10. Production 10 Text Book Chapter 6
11. The cost of production 11 Text Book Chapter 7
12. The cost of production 12 Text Book Chapter 7
13. Midterm Exam 2 [ production and Costs of Production] 13
14. Managerial Decisions in competitive Markets 14 Text Book Chapter 8
15. Managerial Decisions in competitive Markets 15 Text Book Chapter 8
16. Market power- monopoly and monopsony 16 Text Book Chapter 10

17. Class Test Three + Monopolistic competition and 17 Text Book Chapter 10
Strategic Decision Making in Oligopoly Markets (Game

18. Presentation 18

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus if necessary.

Good Luck!

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