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Faculty of Engineering

Zagazig University



The tension test is used to determine the mechanical properties of mild
steel under tensile stresses.

Low carbon steel (mild steel)

Special apparatus
Extensometer (dial or LVDT type)

1- Determine the average cross-sectional dimensions of the specimen
with a micrometer caliper (L=10d).
2- Firmly grip the upper end of the specimen in the fixed head of the
testing machine.
3- Measure the gage length and determine the multiplication ratio, if
any, of the extensometer. Determine the value of the divisions on
the dial indicator or readout. Firmly attach the extensometer to the
specimen so that its axis coincides with that of the specimen, and
remove the spacer bar. Adjust the testing machine and the
extensometer to read zero, setting the latter so that most of its range
will be available. Grip the lower end of the specimen, taking care
not to jar the extensometer.
4- Select suitable increments of strain to secure at least 15 readings
below the probable proportional limit. Apply load at a slow speed,
and make simultaneous observations of load and strain without

stopping the machine. Continuous loading until the yield point is
passed. Stop the machine to remove the extensometer.
5- Again apply the load continuously. When the strain has increased
to 0.015, as measured with dividers and scale, observe the load.
Therefore, for each 0.025 increase in strain, observe the load. For
this part of the test the speed of the machine may be increased to
about 5 mm/min. record the maximum and breaking loads.
6- Remove the broken specimen from the machine. If the specimen is
hammed in the grips, use a hammer to strike the sides of the
specimen. Do not strike the grips or grip handles.
7- Observe the location and character of the fracture, and measure the
dimensions of the smallest section. Fit the broken parts together
and measure the gage length.

Report (1)

Tension test of mild steel

Test name Date
Laboratory Temperature
Material Machine type
Source Capacity
Total length Loading rate
Original gage length Magnification factor
for load
Final gage length Magnification factor
for elongation
Original diameter Final diameter

Test readings
P, kN
ΔL, mm

Draw the load-extension diagram and determine the following

mechanical properties:

- Proportional limit stress - Yield strength

- 0.1% proof stress - Modulus of elasticity
- Modulus of resilience - Modulus of toughness
- Tensile strength - Ductility
- Type of failure


The compression test is used to determine the compressive strength of
brittle materials along with their mechanical properties in compression.

Cast iron, brass, and mild steel cylindrical specimens with L = 2d

Special apparatus

1- Determine the mean diameter of the cylinder at its midsection and
its average length, making measurements to 0.1 mm
2- Center the specimen in the testing machine. Centering operations
should be carried out by actual measurement.
3- Adjust the compressometer dial to read zero and make sure that
most of its range is available
4- Apply load continuously at a speed of, say, 0.1 mm/min, and read
the compressometer after each load increment of about one
twentieth of the estimated ultimate load. If the strain approaches
the range of the dial, hold the load and set the hand back a full
revolution by means of adjusting screw. At a load of three quarters
of the estimated ultimate load remove the compressometer.
Thereafter apply the load continuously, record the maximum load.
5- Draw a sketch to show the type of failure.

Report (2)

Compression test of cast iron

Test name Date
Laboratory Temperature
Material Machine type
Source Capacity
Total length Loading rate
Original gage length Magnification factor
for load
Final gage length Magnification factor
for contraction
Original diameter Final diameter

Test readings
P, kN
ΔL, mm

Draw the load-contraction diagram and determine the following

mechanical properties:

- Stress at proportional limit

- Yield strength at 0.01% offset
- Compressive strength
- Initial tangent modulus of elasticity
- Modulus of resilience
- Modulus of toughness
- Type of failure

Report (3)

Compression test of brass

Test name Date
Laboratory Temperature
Material Machine type
Source Capacity
Total length Loading rate
Original gage length Magnification factor
for load
Final gage length Magnification factor
for contraction
Original diameter Final diameter

Test readings
P, kN
ΔL, mm

Draw the load-contraction diagram and determine the following

mechanical properties:

- Stress at proportional limit

- Yield strength at 0.01% offset
- Compressive strength
- Initial tangent modulus of elasticity
- Modulus of resilience
- Modulus of toughness
- Type of failure


The bending test is used to determine the flexural properties of cast iron.

Cast iron rod

Special apparatus
Deflectometer to measure the central deflection of the beam subjected to
flexural stresses.

1- Measure the dimensions of the specimen.
2- Mark the center and end points for a suitable span.
3- Put the specimen on the beam support. Place the deflectometer to
attach the specimen to the center of span.
4- Adjust the deflectometer and the testing machine to read zero.
5- Load the specimen at the center of span and take simultaneous load
and deflectometer readings for increments of load and obtain
a reading at the ultimate load.

Report (4)

Bending test of cast iron

Test name Date
Laboratory Temperature
Material Machine type
Source Capacity
Total length Loading rate
Span Magnification factor
for load
Original diameter Magnification factor
for deflection

Test readings
P, kN
Δ, mm

Draw the load-deflection diagram and determine the following

mechanical properties:

- Stress at proportional limit

- Modulus of rupture
- Modulus of elasticity
- Modulus of resilience
- Modulus of toughness
- Type of failure


Cold bend test is used to check ductility of mild steel.

Mild steel rod

1- Measure the dimensions of specimen.
2- Bend the specimen into U shape

Report (5)

Cold Bend test of mild steel

Determine whether or not the rod can be bent sharply without cracking.


The torsion test is used to determine the mechanical properties of
a ductile (mild steel) and brittle (cast iron) materials when subjected to

Mild steel and cast iron rods

Special apparatus
A device to measure the angle of twist

1- With a micrometer caliper determine the mean diameter of the
specimen near its mid length.
2- Note the gage length.
3- Adjust the torsion machine to read zero and then insert the
specimen into the two heads. The specimen is located by a pair of
semi-cylindrical dogs fitted in the holders. These are self-
centralizing and will drive in either direction.
4- Set the device to measure the angle of twist to read zero.
5- Apply load at a slow speed. Take readings of torque and angle of
twist simultaneously without stopping the machine. After specimen
shows definite signs of yielding, apply the load of higher speed
until failure occurs.
6- Note the character of the fracture.
7- Plot the diagram showing the relation between torque kN.m as
ordinate against the angle of twist in radian as abscissa.
Report (6)

Torsion test of mild steel

Test name Date
Laboratory Temperature
Material Machine type
Source Capacity
Total length Loading rate
Original gage length Magnification factor
for applied torque
Final gage length Magnification factor
for angle of twist
Original diameter Final diameter

Test readings
T, N.m

Draw the torque-angle of twist diagram and determine the following

mechanical properties:

- Shear stress at proportional limit

- Yield strength at an offset of 0.04 rad per meter of gauge length
- Modulus of rupture or shearing strength
- Modulus of rigidity or shear modulus
- Average energy absorbed per unit volume at proportional limit
- Approximate percentage elongation in outer fiber at failure
- Type of failure

Report (7)

Torsion test of cast iron

Test name Date
Laboratory Temperature
Material Machine type
Source Capacity
Total length Loading rate
Original gage length Magnification factor
for applied torque
Final gage length Magnification factor
for angle of twist
Original diameter Final diameter

Test readings
T, N.m

Draw the torque-angle of twist diagram and determine the following

mechanical properties:

- Shear stress at proportional limit

- Yield strength at an offset of 0.04 rad per meter of gauge length
- Modulus of rupture or shearing strength
- Modulus of rigidity or shear modulus
- Average energy absorbed per unit volume at proportional limit
- Approximate percentage elongation in outer fiber at failure
- Type of failure


The hardness test is used to determine the hardness number of mild steel
and brass.

Steel and brass cylindrical specimens

Report (8)

Hardness test of mild steel

Determine Brinell, Vicker, and Rockwell hardness numbers of mild steel.

Hardness test of brass

Determine Brinell, Vicker, and Rockwell hardness numbers of mild steel.


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