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LISTENING PART 1 ® Exam Practice You willhearo phone conversation between the manager ofa community Q5 ‘entre anda woman wha Isenquiring about art classes Inthe centr. Lsten carefullyand answer questions Ito 6. ‘Manager: Bramley Community Centre. How can help? Woman: Oh i. 'm calling about the art classes thatthe centre offers. had a quick look at your website. think one ofthe classesis called something like Movement ane Light’? Manager: That’sright. The focusis on paintinginthestyle ofthe French Q6 Impressionists. Woman: Yes, saw thatin the description. ButI've gota few questions if you der't mind. ‘Manager: Sure, go ahead. omn: Well,do1 need toring the class? Oris everything supplied? ‘Manager: Not quite. What you'd need to dois n = Vd suggest a range ofthem, you know, in diferent sizes, omar: Allright. Yess! guess t would make sense to bring your own. ‘make a note ofthat. ‘Manager: And you know what the fee forthe classis? Women: For one term it's $170 srt? ‘Manager: That’ right. Butfyou sign up fortwo terms, it actually works Q7 ‘out cheaper. Woman: How much would that be? ‘Manager: $285. And we do find that a lot of people sign up for acouple terms~ i's such agreat class. Woman: OK, I'l give it some thought. And that's on Monday evenings, Ise ‘Manager Yes, from p.m. to p.m. In 90m 15. Woman: And who's the tutor? ‘Manager: The tutor? He's a local artist. You might have heard of him. Steve Ramdhanie. oman: Oh possibly. How doyou spl that surarse? Monager i's RAcNAD-HANE. Go tha? oman: es, thanks. Now, you've also gota clas called ‘lay Basis! ts pottery eles, nt Manager Ys, tha rght. oman: Oo we geo use sjpolery Whe? Manager: Yes you do Woman: Oh great. But we'd be making something simple, hope. Ican't imagine producing a vase or arything with a handle. Co 4 5 No, in the frst term, you'd just be producing two or three hat means leaming how to shape and glaze them. Woman: Sounds great. guess it would be a bitof a messy activity. You ‘wouldn't want to wear your smart clothes, would you? ‘Manager: Best not to. 'd recommend wearing somethingold - that you didn't mind getting dirty. Woman: Well, have a shirt ike that that | could use. just rll up the sleoves, | guess. ‘Manager: And the fee for that class is $180 per term. Woman: Allright. ‘Manager: And the class runs on Wednesdays, 6.30 to 8.30p.m. Oh hang ‘on, Ive got that wrong. Woman: t's on a Thursday, ist it? “Manager: Yes, my mistake. What else can | tell you? Oh yes, the tutor’s name is Theresa Clark, Her works on display in reception here, Woman: Oh great. r'l have a look. ‘Manager: Yesh, ifyou've got time. ‘Now lsten and answer questions 7to 10, Woman: Um, now the other class | thought looked interesting was “Sketching Architecture! ‘Manager: Oh, yes. For that one everyone goes down tothe local park, because it's surrounded by so many beautiful old buildings. Woman: Oh right. Like the old post office. ‘Manager Well |think you begin by drawing the library. There's a good view oft from the park, Ibelieve.. Woman: OK, nice. Actually, come to think oft | think Ive seen the sketching lass down in the park when I've driven past. Don't they all ‘ake a fold-up chair with them? Manager. \ believe so. Woman: s there anything else | ought to know? ‘Manager: Well, the people who do the class- they tend to make ‘sandwich for themselves, and bring that along. So, Pd recommend you do that too. Woman: Good idea. | get grumpy when I'm hungry. ‘Manager: Allright, that's $160 per term for that class, andits on Fridays, from Liam. til. Woman: So ifthe classes are in the park that’s quite abig rea. Where dowe actualy meet? ‘Manager: Good point. Everyone usually heads along ust before 1la.m., ‘and they meet each other atthe topof Victoria Street, at the Station. Road end. Woman: So, on the corner? Great. And thetutoris..? ‘Manager: Annie. oman: You knew what, haveto think about the other two, but

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