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Name: Yeraldin Acevedo Castro

Code: 201410370
English group: 59

1. Complete the following sentences using the verbs in brackets () in their

appropriate form. Check the sentences before and make sure they follow the rules
for the past simple tense. If necessary, check the verb list attached. Remember
that if a verb is not in the irregular verb list, it is automatically a regular verb.
( /5)

 When I AWOKE up this morning, it was snowing. (Wake)

 Last Christmas, we didn’t GOT together with all of our family members because of
covid 19. (Get)
 She was sleeping when you RANG her. (Call)
 Did you PAID the bill? Thank you very much!! The drinks are on me next time. (Pay)
 Camila SAID she wanted to quit her job because she was not happy with it. (Say)

2. The following sentences need a verb using the -ing form as they were all written in
the past continuous tense. Look at the verbs in brackets to complete the
sentences, and check the rules before noting them down in their appropriate form:
( /5)

 While I was WALKING home, I saw a giant bear escaping from the zoo. (Walk)
 I don’t think he was TELLING the truth because we saw him running after the
interview. (Tell)
 This time last year, I was also HAVING virtual classes. (Have)
 The waiters were RUNNING up and down with hamburgers and pizzas. That place if
really popular now! (Run)
 At 6 p.m. yesterday, it was already GETTING dark. (Get)

3. Can you identify which tense goes in the blank space? Remember that your answer
must be either in the past simple or past continuous tense. ( /5)

1. They _____ the shop when I got there, so I couldn't go in and buy anything.
a) Already closed
b) Were already closing
2. All the stress we _____ last year was terrible for our health. We learned stop and
take a moment to breathe.
a) Were facing
b) Faced

3. The teacher told us to stop what we _____.

a) Did
b) Were doing

4. _____ what you were looking for in the library yesterday?

a) Did you find
b) Were you finding

5. When I heard the phone ring, I _____ it straight away.

a) Answered
b) Was answering

4. Look at the following sentences and decide whether they should have a negative
past simple or past progressive tense form: ( /5)

 Last year, I DIDN'T TRY to go running every day because I had hurt my knee. So, I
went running only a few days a week because I missed doing exercise. (Try)

 Robert didn't get his injury when he was dancing, he got it when he played football
with his friends. (Get)

 Molly and her boyfriend didn't design a crazy wedding cake. It was her mother who
thought it would be cool. (Design)

 In January 2019, Sophia did not attend therapy every day. It wasn’t really good for
her recovery. (Attend)
 My sister was isolated when people discovered she might have had the covid-19
virus. (To be)

5. Look at the answers and write the best question for each one of them: ( /5)

Q: you liked the movie?

- Yes, it was a good movie.
Q: what happened? the joke was good
- I didn’t really like his joke. It was quite chauvinistic.

Q: what has been the most difficult of live in tunja.?

- The most difficult part of living in Tunja was getting used to its weather.

Q: did you find my cookies?

- No, we had to go to five different stores, and we couldn’t find the cookies.
Q: how was your grandfather?
- My grandfather was a really tall guy.

**If needed, check out these links for further explanations on how to use each of these
grammar topics**
- Past simple:
- Past continuous:
- Past simple vs past continuous:

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