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John Deere Training

Course Workbook

Electrical/Electronic Systems 1
November 2020


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General Notes:

Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Basic Fundamentals ................................................................................................ 4
Activity 1 ............................................................................................................................. 5
Lesson 1 Review ................................................................................................................. 7
Lesson 2: Circuit Fundamentals .............................................................................................. 7
Ohms Law........................................................................................................................... 7
Parts of a circuit .................................................................................................................. 8
Types of circuits .................................................................................................................. 9
Laws of circuits ................................................................................................................. 10
Series circuit ..................................................................................................................... 10
Parallel circuit: .................................................................................................................. 12
Multiple Branch Exercise ................................................................................................... 15
Series/Parallel circuits ....................................................................................................... 15
Comparing Circuit Types ................................................................................................... 16
Lesson 2 Review ............................................................................................................... 16
Lesson 3: Tools .................................................................................................................... 17
Volt setting terminology ..................................................................................................... 18
Activity 2 ........................................................................................................................... 19
Activity 3 ........................................................................................................................... 20
Activity 4 ........................................................................................................................... 21
Lesson 3 Review ............................................................................................................... 22
Lesson 4: Connectors ........................................................................................................... 22
Lesson 4 Review ............................................................................................................... 26
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 26

Lesson 1: Basic Fundamentals
Below are some of the basic terms that you will encounter in this course.
What Is Electricity?
• Electricity is the flow of electrons from atom to atom in a conductor.

What are conductors, insulators, and semi-conductors?

• Conductors are elements or materials that allow the easy flow of electrons from atom to
o Conductors have fewer than four electrons in their outer ring (valence electrons)
• Insulators are materials that do not allow easy flow of electrons.
o Insulators have more than four electrons in their outer ring (valence electrons)
• Semiconductors are elements or materials that can be influenced to either allow or resist
the easy flow of electrons from atom to atom.
o Semiconductors have exactly four electrons in their outer ring (valence electro ns)

What is Current? (I)

• Current is the rate of flow of electrons through a conductor.
• It is measured in amperes (amps).
• It is the amount or volume of electricity.

What is Voltage? (V)

• Voltage is the force that causes current to flow through an electrical conductor.
• It is measured in volts.
• Voltage is produced between two points when a positive charge exists at one point and a
negative charge exists at the other point.

What is Resistance? (R)
• Resistance is the opposition to the free flow of current in a circuit
• It is measured in ohms.
• One Ohm (Ω) is the resistance that will allow one ampere (A) to flow when the potential
is one volt (V).

What Is Electromagnetism?
• The interaction of electric currents and magnetic fields. As current flows through a
conductor, it creates a magnetic field around the conductor. This is referred to as

What is Electromagnetic Induction?

• When a conductor is moved across a magnetic field, voltage is induced in the conductor.
This is called electromagnetic induction.

Activity 1
Hint: you can use the “show field lines” option at the top of the screen to see the magnetic field.
1. Click and hold the magnet to drag it near the
large coil. What happens as the magnet passed
near the coil of wire?
A. Current is induced into the coil by the
magnetic field cutting across the wires.
B. No current is induced because no magnetic
field is cutting across the wires.

2. Drag the magnet in an area of the screen that
is not close to the coil. What happens as the
magnet moves?
A. Current is induced into the coil by the
magnetic field cutting across the wires.
B. No current is induced because no magnetic
field is cutting across the wires.

3. Drag the magnet through the larger coil as

shown. What happens as the magnet is passed
through the coil?
A. A larger amount of current is induced
because the field is cutting across both
sides of the coil at one time.
B. A smaller amount of current is induced as
there are fewer windings being exposed to
the magnetic field.
4. Drag the magnet through the smaller coil. How
does this compare to what you observed in step
A. A larger amount of current is induced as
there are more windings being exposed to
the magnetic field.
B. A smaller amount of current is induced as
there are fewer windings being exposed to
the magnetic field.

Lesson 1 Review
1. Electricity can be defined as?
The magnetic field around a wire.
A continuous unbroken path along a conductor.
The control of neutrons and the study of their behavior.
The flow of electrons from atom to atom.

2. Good conductors have how many electrons in their outer rings?

Less than four
More than four
More than two
Exactly 16

3. This would be considered a good insulator.


Lesson 2: Circuit Fundamentals

Ohms Law
Ohms law can be used to calculate Volts, Amps, or Ohms
given the other two values.

To remember the equations, use the circle to the right and

cover the value you are trying to calculate.
If you want to calculate the voltage, cover up the E:
• E=IxR I R
• Multiply the amps by the ohms to determine the volts.

If you want to calculate the amperage, cover up the I:

• I=E/R
• Divide the volts by the ohms to determine the amps.

If you want to calculate the resistance, cover up the R:

• R=ExI
• Divide the volts by the amps to determine the ohms.
Calculate Ohms Law


I=____ R=___

Parts of a circuit

Protection Control
Power Load

Ground Ground
Path Path

Types of circuits
Series - one path for current to flow

Parallel - more than one path for current to flow

Series Parallel - some loads in series, some loads in parallel

Laws of circuits
Series circuit:
Following, are the three laws for a series circuit:
• Current: The amount of current is the same through any component in the circuit.
• Resistance: The total resistance of any circuit is equal to the sum of the individual
• Voltage: The supply voltage in a circuit is equal to the sum of the individual voltage

Burned Out No Current

Lamp Flow

• If the circuit is broken at any point, no current will flow.

Series Circuit Calculations

Total Resistance Calculation

REQ = R 1 + R 2 + R n

BT1 2Ω 4Ω

12 V R1 R2

Series Circuit Calculations Total Current Calculation

IT = I1 = I2 = In
I T = -------

BT1 2Ω 4Ω

12 V R1 R2

Series Circuit Calculations Voltage Drop Calculation


BT1 2Ω 4Ω

12 V R1 R2

Parallel circuit:
Following, are the three laws for a parallel (Two or more) circuits:
• Voltage: Voltage is equal across all components in the circuit.
• Current: The total circuit current is equal to the sum of the individual branch currents.
• Resistance: Individual resistances diminish to equal a smaller total resistance rather
than add to make the total.


12 V

R1 R2 R3
2Ω 4Ω 1.5 Ω

• If one of the parallel paths is broken, current will continue to flow in all the other paths.

• Adding parallel branches of resistors increases total current (IT) but decreases the
equivalent resistance (REQ).

BT2 R1 R2
BT1 R1 12 V 6Ω 6Ω
12 V 6Ω

R1 R2 R2
12 V 6Ω 6Ω 6Ω
12 V 6Ω

Same Circuit as
the Three
Branch Circuit.

Two Branch Resistors

Total Resistance Calculation

R1 X R2
REQ = -------------
R1 + R2


12 V

R1 R2
6Ω 3Ω

Multiple Branch Resistors

Total Resistance Calculation

REQ = 1 1 1 1
--- + --- + --- + ---
R1 R2 R3 Rn


12 V

R1 R2 R3
4Ω 4Ω 2Ω

Multiple Branch Resistors
Total Resistance Calculation
REQ = ---


12 V

R1 R2 R3
4Ω 4Ω 4Ω

Two Branch Current

Total Current Calculation

IT = I1 + I2 + In
I1 = VS ÷ R1
I2 = VS ÷ R2

12 V

R1 R2
6Ω 3Ω

Multiple Branch Exercise
Total Current Calculation
Voltage = ___ Volts ___ V ÷ ___ Ω = ___ amps IT = I1 + I2 + I3 + In
R1 = ___ Ω ___ V ÷ ___ Ω = ___ amps I1 = VS ÷ R1
R2 = ___ Ω I2 = VS ÷ R2
___ V ÷ ___ Ω = ___ amps I3 = VS ÷ R3
R3 = ___ Ω ___ A + ___ A + ___ A = ___ amps


12 V

R1 R2 R3
20Ω 8Ω 2Ω

Series/Parallel circuits: R1


12 V

R2 R3
4Ω 4Ω

Comparing Circuit Types


12 V 12 V 12 V

R3 R1 4Ω R1
4Ω 4Ω 4Ω

R2 4Ω

R2 R3 R3
4Ω 4Ω 4Ω

Lesson 2 Review
1. In identifying the 5 basic parts of a circuit, item “IV” would be called?
Protection (Ex: Fuse)
Power source (Ex: Battery)
Load (Ex: Lamp)
Control (Ex: Switch)

2. A circuit that has two resistors supplied power from a common source, but each resistor
has its own path to ground would be what type of circuit?

3. “The current flowing in the circuit is the same at any point” is a law for what type of

Lesson 3: Tools
Digital Multimeter
A Multimeter Measures:
• Volts -V

• Amps - A

• Ohms - Ω

• AC - ⎓
• DC - ~

John Deere does not have a set multimeter that is required to be used by technicians, but there
is a specification that must be met. The meter is required to meet a minimum voltage input
impedance specification of 10,000,000 ohms to properly conduct voltage tes ting of electronic
circuits. If using a meter with less than this minimum specification, you run the risk of obtaining
misleading readings or damaging components during testing.

Metric Prefixes
Multimeters use metric prefixes because they do not have space to display large values. The
most frequently used metric prefixes are:

M Decimal Point
K or k m micro
Kilo milli

1,000,000 1,000 0.0 0.001 0.000001

Million Thousand One One

Thousand Million
Base Units
(A, V, Ω)

Volt setting terminology

The voltmeter always measures the voltage differential which is the difference between the
voltage at two different points. Simply put, the voltmeter always displays the voltage at the red
lead minus the voltage at the black lead.

Voltage Differential
• Red lead on the positive terminal and the black lead on the negative terminal, the meter
displays 12 volts.
• Black lead on the positive terminal and the red lead is on negative terminal, the meter
displays -12 volts.

Voltage Available
• Voltage available is the voltage supplied to the circuit when in operation.
• One lead is placed in the operating circuit, and the other lead is placed on a good
• An available voltage test on a properly functioning circuit would result in a reading like
the power supply.

Voltage Drop
• Voltage drop measures voltage loss across a component or circuit during operation.
• To do this, the voltmeter must be connected parallel to the area where voltage is being
• Both leads are placed in the operating circuit to measure a voltage drop.

Voltage Potential
• Voltage potential is voltage that a power source can supply assuming the circuit has no
excess resistance in the wiring.
• Voltage potential is measured by disconnecting a connector and checking the voltage.
• Since the connector is disconnected, it may or may not be the same as the voltage
available at that point.

Activity 2
• Assemble a circuit based on a schematic drawing
• Use a voltmeter to make the following
o Voltage available
o Voltage drop
• Prove that the sum of the individual voltage drops
equals the applied voltage, or source voltage in this
series circuit.
1. Build the circuit shown on the simulator.
2. Turn the circuit ON so the light bulbs light up.
3. What is the voltage available at the power supply? ________
4. Fill out the chart:

Measurement Value
Voltage drop of fuse

Voltage drop of switch

Voltage drop of 4 ohm light bulb

Voltage drop of 6 ohm light bulb

Sum of all voltage drops in chart

The ammeter setting on a Multimeter measures current flow (amperage).
• The ammeter must be connected in series with the circuit. The key word here is “in”.
The ammeter becomes part of the circuit flow.
• All current in the circuit must flow through the ammeter. This is a “pass through” type
• Most ammeters have internal fuses. Consult you manual to learn how to check the fuses
before making a measurement.
• Many ammeters require you to move the leads on the meter before making a

Activity 3
• Assemble a circuit based on a
schematic drawing
• Use an ammeter
• Prove that the total current is equal to
the sum of the individual branch
currents in this parallel circuit.

1. Build the circuit shown on the simulator.
2. Turn the circuit ON so the light bulbs light up.
3. Measure the current between the 1.5 Ω bulb and the ground.

a. Record the measurement here:____________

4. Measure the current between the 4 Ω bulb and the ground.

a. Record the measurement here:____________

5. Add the current you measured in steps 3 & 4.

a. Total of both branches:_____________

6. Measure the current between the fuse and the switch.

a. Record the measurement here:____________

The ohmmeter setting on a multimeter measures resistance of anything placed between the
meter leads. (Both circuit and component resistance)

Cautions when using an ohmmeter:

• Always isolate the circuit or component being tested
• Always make sure that there is no circuit power present while testing
• Always keep at least one hand off the connection points, so your body resistance does
not get involved in the test.

Activity 4
• Assemble a circuit based on a schematic drawing
• Use an ohmmeter
• Prove that the total resistance is the sum of the
individual resistances in this series circuit.

1. Build the circuit shown on the simulator.
2. Turn the circuit ON so the motor operates.
3. Measure the resistance of the motor.
a. Record the measurement here:____________
4. Measure the resistance of the closed switch.
a. Record the measurement here:____________
5. Measure the resistance of the fuse.
a. Record the measurement here:____________
6. Add the resistances you measured in steps 3, 4, & 5.
a. Total of switch, fuse & motor:_____________
7. Measure the resistance of the entire circuit.
a. Record the measurement here:____________

Lesson 3 Review
1. The metric prefix of “M” displayed behind a multimeter value means?
One hundred
One thousand
Ten thousand
One million

2. When testing component resistance with an ohmmeter you should always do what?
Circuit power should be on.
Leave circuit connected to component.
Isolate component from circuit.
Connect component to battery, then test resistance.

3. When testing the current flow in a branch of a parallel circuit it is important to take the
Anywhere in the circuit.
After the current divides (I) off the main circuit to the desired branch.
Simultaneously on all parallel branches (II).
At the battery ground cable (III).

Lesson 4: Connectors
Types of Connectors

Deutsch ™


Push to seat Pull to seat






Inspect Wires and Connectors

Poor or Loose Corroded
Connections Damaged Wires

Wire Sizes
Metric Gauge English Gauge

0.22 MM Small Diameter 24 GA

0.35 MM 22 GA
0.5 MM 20 GA

0.8 MM 18 GA

1.0 MM 16 GA

2.0 MM Large Diameter 14 GA

5.0 MM 12 GA
Wiring Harness Repair Strategy
Closed Barrel splice with heat shrink and hot melt glue
Special Tools
• JDG11409 Ratcheting crimp tool
• JDG11072 Wire stripper
Common Tools Incorrect
• Heat gun
Crimping Wires
When crimping terminals to wires, there are two accepted methods:
•Open barrel
End of conductor is flush or
•Closed barrel extends beyond end of terminal

When Crimping:
1.Prepare the wire
2.Terminal Crimping
3. Crimp Analysis Wire Insulation does No nicked or missing
not enter barrel conductor strands

Kits available for Various Connectors

Soldering Wires
Soldering wires or connectors is NOT recommended.
Soldering will create a solid wire and may lead to future
Instead use:
• RWA’s
• Individual Terminals
• Heat-Shrinkable butt splices

Lesson 4 Review
4. While inspecting wires for problems, what would be one thing to look for?
Proper amount of resistance on the wire.
Damaged Wires
Ensure all wires are the same length from the source.
Number of connectors in harness.

5. When is it acceptable to solder on a John Deere Machine?

To repair a broken wire.
To secure a terminal onto a wire without the proper crimping tool.
It is never recommended to solder on a John Deere Machine.
When you are out of electrical tape.

• Identify working characteristics of electrical components
• Identify schematic symbols for commonly used electrical components
• Identify safety considerations when working around
o Batteries
o Low and high voltage
o Low and high current
• Identify the functions and components of a battery
• Identify the common types and ratings of automotive type batteries
• Identify higher voltage components used in hybrid electric systems

Action Plan or Next Steps for Participants:

– Electrical Systems I Module B - CSP-17-TW1QNP04

Final Notes:


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