UGreport Format For Student

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Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

What internship report should include?

As we have told you earlier, since they are aware and given with some time to compile we have
to follow the correct writing format. We have to look at their paper setting the following points.

Their paper should include the following:

 Cover page: Not bulky, pleasant, and attractive

 Company approval page
 Advisor approval
 Acknowledgment
 Executive Summary: To the point, short and very clear
 Table of contents: short, not ranging to a higher heading etc.
 List of figures
 List of tables
 Abbreviations/ Acronyms
Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

Cover page
Logo of the university (3cm diameter in the middle top of the page)





[Student name, Section & Student ID]

Submitted to the

lty of _____________________ Engineering

Arba Minch Water Technology Institute

Arba Minch University

[Internship duration]

[Student’s Phone No & Email]

Date: Month, Year

Arba Minch, Ethiopia

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

Company Approval Letter

(Certificate from your employer)

To whom it may concern

This is to certify that [Student Name] with ID No [ID No] has successfully completed the work
that was assigned to him/her as part of the internship program. I, [company supervisor name],
on behalf of [company name] recommend this work as the fulfillment for the requirement
of industrial training.


[Name of Company Supervisor]

[Phone number and Email addresses of company Supervisor]

[Signature and seal of the company]

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

Advisor Approval Page

This is to certify that the internship report entitled ‘………………………..’ is prepared
by [Name] under my guidance based on the regular reports that he/she/they had
submitted. I recommend this report to be submitted to the faculty of (……….) for

Advisor’s name……………………sign………………….date………………………
Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

Examiners’ approval page

We, the undersigned examiners’ of this internship report entitled “………” have
evaluated and approved the corrected version of the final report as per the guideline of
Arba Minch Water Technology Institute.

1. Examiner Name………………… Sign………………..Date…………….

2. Examiner Name………………… Sign………………..Date…………….

3. Faculty IE Facilitator …………… Sign……………….Date………………

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

[The acknowledgement font will be Times New Roman, font size 12. Limit this to one
page. You may address all the people (parents, teachers, friends, others) who have
contributed to the success of this document.]

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute


An abbreviation/acronyms is a short form of a word or phrase

ECDSWC- Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

Contents page
Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................. i
Abbreviation/Acronyms .................................................................................................................. ii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ iv
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. v
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... vi
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. Materials and Methodology ..................................................................................................... 2
2.1. Materials ........................................................................................................................... 2
2.2. Methodology .................................................................................................................... 2
3. General overview of the activities /Technical Aspects of the Internship .................................. 3
4. Assessment of the Internship ................................................................................................... 4
5. Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................................................................ 5
5.1. Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 5
5.2. Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 5
References ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

List of Figures
Figure 1.1: [Name of the Figure]………………………………………… [Page Number]
Figure 2.1: [Name of the Figure]………………………………………… [Page Number]
Figure 3.1: [Name of the Figure]………………………………………… [Page Number]

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

List of Tables
Table 1.1: [Title of the Table]………………........................................... [Page Number]
Table 2.1: [Title of the Table]………........................................................ [Page Number]
Table 3.1: [Title of the Table]…................................................................ [Page Number]

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

Executive Summary
[The executive summary font will be Times New Roman, font size 12. The length of the
executive summary should be not more than a page. Several paragraphs are good about

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

1. Introduction
The introduction may include the following parts;

1.1 General introduction about the internship

1.2 General background
1.2.1 Background of hosting company (over view of the company, organizational structure,
staff profile, product and services)
1.2.2 Background of the project
1.3 Rationale of the internship
1.3.1 Importance and requirements of the internship
1.4 Major Activities conducted during the internship

[List down the major activities performed


 Site visit
 Data collection
 Design of water supply reservoir etc…]

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

2. Materials and Methodology

2.1. Materials
Here two cases can be considered. The student may be attached to a site work or office work.

In the office (Design), he/she may use materials like preliminary reports, detail design
documents, AutoCAD files of structures and/or buildings, monthly report of regional offices,
software and so on. These could be the materials he/she used to compile his/her report.

On site, such as construction and operation, the student may use different surveying instruments,
concrete strength and quality test machines, lab analysis using different materials, digital photo,
GPS and construction materials and equipment’s etc.

2.2. Methodology

As a methodology, the internee may follow certain methodologies, algorithms, flow charts, and
prepare their own work procedures.

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

3. General overview of the activities /Technical Aspects of the

[The main findings and technical reports will be presented here]

The Internee is expected to write what he/she has observed during his/her attachment in the
industry/project site. We also strongly advise all internees to write their testimony in their own

The internees can also elaborate their work by putting pictures, photo and some other drawings
to support their writing and their report should be similar with daily, weekly and monthly

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

4. Assessment of the Internship

[This part will reflect the overall evaluation of internee about the internship (particularly
about skill and knowledge gained and attachment)]

Students should also discuss and assess the overall status of their time during their internship
period. This part shall incorporate the following points (but not limited to):

 Knowledge and acquaintance gained (technically, managerial etc.)

 Contributions for the company (further elaborate on recommendation part). This could be
one or more additional contribution the internees raised and applied for the company.
 Problems encountered and solution taken to overcome
 Benefits the internees got from the internship

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

5. Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1. Conclusions
Conclusions must be based on the internship work of the project and link them to your internship
Activities/purposes of the projects. Use bullet to address your conclusions.

5.2. Recommendations
[In this part, try to forward your points on issue that need special attention (i.e. remedial
solution on a technical aspect that you have observed implemented inappropriately).]

Recommendations should not be vague, abstract, idealistic ambitious. Instead they should be
specific, concrete, to the point, practical, relevant to the organization and the project objectives.

Note: Write conclusions and recommendations in separate page

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

Use APA (American Psychologist Association) style.


Ahmad, S., Khan, I.H., Parida, B.P. (2001). Performance of stochastic approaches for forecasting
river water quality. Water Research. 35: 4119-4266.

Andualem, T. G., & Gebremariam, B. (2015). Impact of Land Use Land Cover Change On
Stream Flow and Sediment Yield: A Case Study of Gilgel Abay Watershed, Lake Tana
Sub-Basin, Ethiopia. Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering
Research, .

Bennett, H. H. (1994). Soil Conservation. Inc., New York. USA: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Bergström, S. (1995). The HBV model. Computer models of watershed hydrology. Water
Resources Publications, Colorado, 443-476.

Bronswijk, J. (1989). Prediction of actual cracking and subsidence in clay soils. Journal of Soil
Science 148:87-93.

Chow, V.T., Maidment, D.R., Mays, L.W. (1988). Applied Hydrology. McGraw-Hill: New
York, USA.

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute


Appendices are intended to present data and analysis that though important, may not be directly
relevant to the main body or any information that is necessary to justify your statements and
which are too lengthy to include in the main text. It may be large tables, drawings, figure etc.

Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute

Rules for Writing the Internship Report:

1. Format:

a. Times New Roman, Font Size 12, 1.5 line spacing throughout and print on only one side of the paper

b. Margin – Office 2003-2016 Default

i. Top and Bottom 1.00 Inch

ii. Left 1.25 and Right 1.00 Inch

2. Paragraphs and Sections: Extra blank line before and after every section and subsection ( 6pt).
Paragraphs must be separated by blank line. Paragraphs must be justified.

3. Headings & Subheadings: All headings and their subheadings should be properly formatted.

(Heading 1 font size 16, Heading 2 font size 14, heading 3 font size 12 and all headings are black not

4. Punctuations, Spelling and Grammar Check: Use correct punctuation marks. Spelling and grammar
should be accurate.

5. Page Numbering: Every page should be numbered. The page numbers should start with 1 from the first
page of your chapter 1. All the pages from acknowledgement up to the first chapter should be
given Roman numbers (i, ii, iii, etc.)

6. Recommended size of the Internship Report: not less than 15 pages without appendices.

Quality of the report is shown if you are able to write down circumstances in a short and place-saving

8. Binding in a Spiral Bound Copy and retain a soft copy.

9. If daily activities are routine; please provide a week-to-week diary.

10. The report must be fully typed except signatures.

11. Do not write theoretical excerpts from textbooks or the internet. Describe what you did and what
experiences you gained throughout your training.

12. Do not attach your Host Supervisor’s Evaluation Form. Hand it in separately in a sealed envelope.

13. You may include graphs, pictures, data, drawings, or design calculations in your report; however,
they should not cover more than 1/3 of the page. Larger graphs, pictures, data, drawings, or design
calculations should be given as an Appendix.

14. Ensure that you have used the proper tenses and that your language is flawless.

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