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Finding Nemo- Family Movie Night!

This year our 5th grade musical will be- Finding Nemo
Kids! In order to support the musical, we will be hosting a
movie night at Ellicott on Thursday, November 2nd, 2023.
Doors will open at 6:00 pm and the movie will begin at 6:15
pm. Your family pass can be purchased at the door for a
suggested donation of $10. We will have a limited amount of
space available, due to physical space constraints. If the event
is popular, we may consider another movie night. Feel free to
bring a reasonably sized folding/camping chair or blanket to sit
on. Regular chairs will also be available for use.

Snacks will be available for purchase at movie night. There

will also be a basket raffle! Proceeds will go towards new audio
visual equipment for performances and assemblies school

If you are interested in attending the Finding Nemo movie

night, please complete and return this paper and your payment
(cash or check- made out to Ellicott Musical Fund) to your
child’s teacher by Wednesday, October 25th.

We look forward to seeing you at movie night!


Student’s Name: ______________________

Student’s Teacher: ____________________

Number of Family Members: __________

Amount enclosed: $_________

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